1 | "use strict";
2 |
3 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 | value: true
5 | });
6 | exports.createStub = createStub;
7 | exports.glob = glob;
8 | exports.pkgHasFlowFiles = pkgHasFlowFiles;
9 |
10 | var _safe = _interopRequireDefault(require("colors/safe"));
11 |
12 | var _got = _interopRequireDefault(require("got"));
13 |
14 | var _flowgen = _interopRequireDefault(require("flowgen"));
15 |
16 | var _prettier = _interopRequireDefault(require("prettier"));
17 |
18 | var _npmProjectUtils = require("./npm/npmProjectUtils");
19 |
20 | var _util = require("util");
21 |
22 | var _node = require("./node");
23 |
24 | var _glob = _interopRequireDefault(require("glob"));
25 |
26 | var _fileUtils = require("./fileUtils");
27 |
28 | var _codeSign = require("./codeSign");
29 |
30 | var _semver = require("./semver");
31 |
32 | var _logger = require("./logger");
33 |
34 | function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
35 |
36 | function glob(pattern, options) {
37 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => (0, _glob.default)(pattern, options, (err, files) => {
38 | if (err) {
39 | reject(err);
40 | } else {
41 | resolve(files);
42 | }
43 | }));
44 | }
45 |
46 | async function resolvePkgDirPath(pkgName, pkgJsonDirPath, pnpjs) {
47 | if (pnpjs != null) {
48 | const pnpResolvedDirPath = pnpjs.resolveToUnqualified(pkgName, pkgJsonDirPath);
49 |
50 | if (pnpResolvedDirPath != null) {
51 | return pnpResolvedDirPath;
52 | }
53 | }
54 |
55 | let prevNodeModulesDirPath;
56 |
57 | let nodeModulesDirPath = _node.path.resolve(pkgJsonDirPath, 'node_modules');
58 |
59 | while (true) {
60 | const pkgDirPath = _node.path.resolve(nodeModulesDirPath, pkgName);
61 |
62 | if (await _node.fs.exists(pkgDirPath)) {
63 | return pkgDirPath;
64 | }
65 |
66 | prevNodeModulesDirPath = nodeModulesDirPath;
67 | nodeModulesDirPath = _node.path.resolve(nodeModulesDirPath, '..', '..', 'node_modules');
68 |
69 | if (prevNodeModulesDirPath === nodeModulesDirPath) {
70 | break;
71 | }
72 | }
73 |
74 | throw new Error('Unable to find `' + pkgName + '/` install directory! ' + 'Did you forget to run `npm install` before running `flow-typed install`?');
75 | }
76 |
77 | const moduleStubTemplate = `
78 | declare module '%s' {
79 | declare module.exports: any;
80 | }`.trim();
81 | const aliasTemplate = `
82 | declare module '%s%s' {
83 | declare module.exports: $Exports<'%s'>;
84 | }`.trim();
85 | const guessedModuleStubTemplate = `
86 | declare module '%s' {
87 | declare module.exports: %s;
88 | }`.trim();
89 |
90 | function stubFor(moduleName, fileExt) {
91 | const moduleStub = (0, _util.format)(moduleStubTemplate, moduleName);
92 |
93 | if (fileExt !== undefined) {
94 | const aliasStub = (0, _util.format)(aliasTemplate, moduleName, fileExt, moduleName);
95 | return `${moduleStub}\n${aliasStub}`;
96 | }
97 |
98 | return moduleStub;
99 | }
100 |
101 | const functionTemplate = '(%s) => any';
102 |
103 | const spaceByI = i => ' '.repeat(i);
104 |
105 | const keyTypeTemplate = ` %s: %s,\n`;
106 |
107 | function objectToTypedTemplate(obj, currentDepth, maxDepth, functionHeader) {
108 | const thisDepth = currentDepth + 1;
109 | let formatedEntries = [];
110 |
111 | if (functionHeader) {
112 | formatedEntries.push(spaceByI(thisDepth + 1) + functionHeader);
113 | }
114 |
115 | for (let entrie of Object.entries(obj)) {
116 | const toTypeResult = objectToType(entrie[1], maxDepth, thisDepth, thisDepth <= maxDepth);
117 | formatedEntries.push((0, _util.format)(`${spaceByI(thisDepth)}${keyTypeTemplate}`, entrie[0], toTypeResult));
118 | }
119 |
120 | if (formatedEntries.length > 0) {
121 | return `{\n${formatedEntries.join('')}${spaceByI(thisDepth)}}`;
122 | } else {
123 | return '{}';
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | function guessFunctionArguments(fun) {
128 | let raw = fun.toString();
129 | let args = raw.slice(raw.indexOf('(') + 1, raw.indexOf(')'));
130 | args = args.replace(/ /g, '');
131 |
132 | if (args.length > 0) {
133 | args = args.split(',').map(el => `${el}: any`).join(', ');
134 | }
135 |
136 | return (0, _util.format)(functionTemplate, args);
137 | }
138 |
139 | function functionToType(fun, currentDepth, maxDepth) {
140 | let output = guessFunctionArguments(fun);
141 | let functionEntries = Object.entries(fun);
142 |
143 | if (functionEntries.length > 0) {
144 | return objectToTypedTemplate(fun, currentDepth, maxDepth, output.length > 0 ? output + ',\n' : undefined);
145 | }
146 |
147 | return output;
148 | }
149 |
150 | function objectToType(obj, maxDepth, currentDepth = 0, deep = true) {
151 | if (obj === null) return 'null';
152 |
153 | if (deep) {
154 | if (typeof obj === 'object') return objectToTypedTemplate(obj, currentDepth, maxDepth);
155 | if (typeof obj === 'function') return functionToType(obj, currentDepth, maxDepth);
156 | }
157 |
158 | if (typeof obj === 'object') return 'any';
159 | if (typeof obj === 'function') return guessFunctionArguments(obj);
160 | return typeof obj;
161 | }
162 |
163 | function guessedStubFor(moduleName, packagePath, maxDepth = 1) {
164 | const module = require(packagePath);
165 |
166 | const formattedTemplate = (0, _util.format)(guessedModuleStubTemplate, moduleName, objectToType(module, maxDepth));
167 | return formattedTemplate;
168 | }
169 |
170 | async function writeStub(projectRoot, packageName, packageVersion, packageFolder, overwrite, files, libdefDir, maxDepth, typescriptTypingsPath, typescriptTypingsContent) {
171 | let flowgenOutput = null;
172 | const flowgenTemplate = `
173 | declare module '%s' {
174 | %s
175 | }
176 | `.trim();
177 |
178 | if (typescriptTypingsPath) {
179 | const code = _flowgen.default.compiler.compileDefinitionFile(typescriptTypingsPath);
180 |
181 | try {
182 | flowgenOutput = _prettier.default.format((0, _util.format)(flowgenTemplate, packageName, code), {
183 | parser: 'babel-flow',
184 | singleQuote: true,
185 | semi: true
186 | });
187 | } catch (e) {
188 | if (e.message.includes('`declare module` cannot be used inside another `declare module`')) {
189 | flowgenOutput = _prettier.default.format(code, {
190 | parser: 'babel-flow',
191 | singleQuote: true,
192 | semi: true
193 | });
194 | } else {
195 | flowgenOutput = (0, _util.format)(flowgenTemplate, packageName, code);
196 | }
197 | }
198 | } else if (typescriptTypingsContent) {
199 | const code = _flowgen.default.compiler.compileDefinitionString(typescriptTypingsContent);
200 |
201 | try {
202 | flowgenOutput = _prettier.default.format((0, _util.format)(flowgenTemplate, packageName, code), {
203 | parser: 'babel-flow',
204 | singleQuote: true,
205 | semi: true
206 | });
207 | } catch (e) {
208 | if (e.message.includes('`declare module` cannot be used inside another `declare module`')) {
209 | flowgenOutput = _prettier.default.format(code, {
210 | parser: 'babel-flow',
211 | singleQuote: true,
212 | semi: true
213 | });
214 | } else {
215 | flowgenOutput = (0, _util.format)(flowgenTemplate, packageName, code);
216 | }
217 | }
218 | }
219 |
220 | let output = ['/**', ' * This is an autogenerated libdef stub for:', ' *', ` * '${packageName}'`, ' *', ' * Fill this stub out by replacing all the `any` types.', ' *', ' * Once filled out, we encourage you to share your work with the', ' * community by sending a pull request to:', ' * https://github.com/flowtype/flow-typed', ' */\n\n'].join('\n');
221 |
222 | if (packageFolder !== null && false) {
223 | try {
224 | output += guessedStubFor(packageName, packageFolder, maxDepth);
225 | } catch (e) {
226 | output += stubFor(packageName);
227 | }
228 | } else if (flowgenOutput) {
229 | output += flowgenOutput;
230 | } else {
231 | output += stubFor(packageName);
232 | }
233 |
234 | if (files.length > 0) {
235 | output += `
236 |
237 | /**
238 | * We include stubs for each file inside this npm package in case you need to
239 | * require those files directly. Feel free to delete any files that aren't
240 | * needed.
241 | */
242 | `;
243 | const [fileDecls, aliases] = files.reduce(([fileDecls, aliases], file) => {
244 | const ext = _node.path.extname(file);
245 |
246 | const name = file.substr(0, file.length - ext.length);
247 | const moduleName = `${packageName}/${name}`;
248 |
249 | if (name === 'index') {
250 | aliases.push((0, _util.format)(aliasTemplate, moduleName, '', packageName));
251 | aliases.push((0, _util.format)(aliasTemplate, moduleName, ext, packageName));
252 | } else if (_node.path.basename(name) === 'index') {
253 | const dirModuleName = packageName + '/' + _node.path.dirname(file);
254 |
255 | fileDecls.push((0, _util.format)(moduleStubTemplate, dirModuleName));
256 | aliases.push((0, _util.format)(aliasTemplate, moduleName, '', dirModuleName));
257 | aliases.push((0, _util.format)(aliasTemplate, moduleName, ext, dirModuleName));
258 | } else {
259 | fileDecls.push((0, _util.format)(moduleStubTemplate, moduleName));
260 | aliases.push((0, _util.format)(aliasTemplate, moduleName, ext, moduleName));
261 | }
262 |
263 | return [fileDecls, aliases];
264 | }, [[], []]);
265 | output += fileDecls.join('\n\n');
266 | output += '\n\n// Filename aliases\n';
267 | output += aliases.join('\n');
268 | }
269 |
270 | output += '\n';
271 |
272 | const filename = _node.path.join(projectRoot, libdefDir, 'npm', (0, _util.format)('%s_vx.x.x.js', packageName));
273 |
274 | await (0, _fileUtils.mkdirp)(_node.path.dirname(filename));
275 |
276 | if (!overwrite) {
277 | const exists = await _node.fs.exists(filename);
278 |
279 | if (exists) {
280 | const existingStub = await _node.fs.readFile(filename, 'utf8');
281 |
282 | if (!(0, _codeSign.verifySignedCode)(existingStub)) {
283 | throw new Error('Stub already exists and has been modified. ' + 'Use --overwrite to overwrite');
284 | }
285 | }
286 | }
287 |
288 | const flowVersionRaw = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.determineFlowVersion)(projectRoot);
289 | const flowVersion = flowVersionRaw ? `/flow_${(0, _semver.versionToString)(flowVersionRaw)}` : '';
290 | const stubVersion = `<<STUB>>/${packageName}_v${packageVersion}${flowVersion}`;
291 | await _node.fs.writeFile(filename, (0, _codeSign.signCode)(output, stubVersion));
292 | return filename;
293 | }
294 |
295 |
296 |
297 |
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 | async function pkgHasFlowFiles(projectRoot, packageName, pnpjs, workspacesPkgJsonData) {
302 | const findTypedFiles = async path => {
303 | try {
304 | let pathToPackage = await resolvePkgDirPath(packageName, path, pnpjs);
305 | const typedFiles = await glob('**/*.flow', {
306 | cwd: pathToPackage,
307 | ignore: 'node_modules/**'
308 | });
309 |
310 | if (typedFiles.length > 0) {
311 | return pathToPackage;
312 | }
313 | } catch (e) {
314 | return undefined;
315 | }
316 | };
317 |
318 | const rootTypedPath = await findTypedFiles(projectRoot);
319 |
320 | if (rootTypedPath) {
321 | return {
322 | isFlowTyped: true,
323 | pkgPath: rootTypedPath
324 | };
325 | }
326 |
327 | const typedWorkspacePaths = await Promise.all(workspacesPkgJsonData.map(async pkgJson => findTypedFiles(_node.path.dirname(pkgJson.pathStr))));
328 | const workspacePath = typedWorkspacePaths.find(o => !!o);
329 |
330 | if (workspacePath) {
331 | return {
332 | isFlowTyped: true,
333 | pkgPath: workspacePath
334 | };
335 | }
336 |
337 | return {
338 | isFlowTyped: false
339 | };
340 | }
341 |
342 | async function getDefinitelyTypedPackage(packageName, explicitVersion) {
343 | const parts = packageName.split('/');
344 | const typesPackageName = packageName.startsWith('@') ? parts[0].slice(1) + '__' + parts[1] : packageName;
345 | const version = explicitVersion ? `@${explicitVersion}` : '';
346 | const typing = `https://unpkg.com/@types/${typesPackageName}${version}/index.d.ts`;
347 | return (0, _got.default)(typing, {
348 | method: 'GET'
349 | });
350 | }
351 |
352 |
353 |
354 |
355 |
356 |
357 |
358 |
359 |
360 | async function createStub(projectRoot, packageName, explicitVersion, overwrite, pnpjs, typescript, libdefDir, maxDepth) {
361 | let files = [];
362 | let resolutionError = null;
363 | let pathToPackage = null;
364 | let version = explicitVersion || null;
365 | let typescriptTypingsPath = null;
366 | let typescriptTypingsContent = null;
367 | const typedefDir = libdefDir || 'flow-typed';
368 |
369 | try {
370 | pathToPackage = await resolvePkgDirPath(packageName, projectRoot, pnpjs);
371 | files = await glob('**/*.{js,jsx}', {
372 | cwd: pathToPackage,
373 | ignore: 'node_modules/**'
374 | });
375 | } catch (e) {
376 | resolutionError = e;
377 | }
378 |
379 |
380 | if (version == null) {
381 |
382 | if (pathToPackage != null) {
383 | try {
384 | version = require(_node.path.join(pathToPackage, 'package.json')).version;
385 | } catch (e) {}
386 | }
387 | }
388 |
389 | if (typescript) {
390 | if (typescriptTypingsPath == null) {
391 |
392 | if (pathToPackage != null) {
393 | try {
394 | const pkg = require(_node.path.join(pathToPackage, 'package.json'));
395 |
396 | const typing = pkg.typings || pkg.types;
397 | if (typing) typescriptTypingsPath = _node.path.join(pathToPackage, typing);
398 | } catch (e) {}
399 | }
400 | }
401 |
402 |
403 | if (typescriptTypingsPath == null) {
404 |
405 | if (pathToPackage != null) {
406 | const typing = _node.path.join(pathToPackage, 'index.d.ts');
407 |
408 | if (await _node.fs.exists(typing)) {
409 | typescriptTypingsPath = typing;
410 | }
411 | }
412 | }
413 |
414 | if (typescriptTypingsPath == null) {
415 | try {
416 | const response = await getDefinitelyTypedPackage(packageName, explicitVersion);
417 | typescriptTypingsContent = response.body;
418 | } catch (e) {
419 | console.log(_safe.default.red("❌\t%s%s': %s"), packageName, version ? '@' + version : '', e.message);
420 | return false;
421 | }
422 | }
423 | }
424 |
425 |
426 | if (version == null) {
427 | try {
428 | const pkgJsonPathStr = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.findPackageJsonPath)(projectRoot);
429 | const pkgJsonData = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonData)(pkgJsonPathStr);
430 | const rootDependencies = await (0, _npmProjectUtils.getPackageJsonDependencies)(pkgJsonData, [], []);
431 | version = rootDependencies[packageName] || null;
432 | } catch (e) {}
433 | }
434 |
435 | try {
436 | if (version === null) {
437 | throw new Error('Could not deduce version from node_modules or package.json. ' + 'Please provide an explicit version');
438 | }
439 |
440 | const filename = await writeStub(projectRoot, packageName, version, pathToPackage, overwrite, files, typedefDir, maxDepth, typescriptTypingsPath, typescriptTypingsContent);
441 |
442 | const terseFilename = _node.path.relative(projectRoot, filename);
443 |
444 | (0, _logger.listItem)(`${packageName}@${version}`, _safe.default.red(terseFilename), resolutionError ? _safe.default.yellow(`Unable to stub all files in ${packageName}, so only created a stub for the main module (${resolutionError.message})`) : undefined);
445 | return true;
446 | } catch (e) {
447 | console.log(_safe.default.red("❌\t%s%s': %s"), packageName, version ? '@' + version : '', e.message);
448 | return false;
449 | }
450 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |