4.42 kBPlain TextView Raw
1# This file inherits default targets for Node addons, see https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/blob/master/addon.gypi
3 'includes': [ 'common.gypi' ], # brings in a default set of options that are inherited from gyp
4 'variables': { # custom variables we use specific to this file
5 'error_on_warnings%':'true', # can be overriden by a command line variable because of the % sign using "WERROR" (defined in Makefile)
6 # Use this variable to silence warnings from mason dependencies and from NAN
7 # It's a variable to make easy to pass to
8 # cflags (linux) and xcode (mac)
9 'system_includes': [
10 "-isystem <(module_root_dir)/<!(node -e \"require('nan')\")",
11 "-isystem <(module_root_dir)/mason_packages/.link/include/",
12 "-isystem <(module_root_dir)/mason_packages/.link/include/freetype2"
13 ],
14 # Flags we pass to the compiler to ensure the compiler
15 # warns us about potentially buggy or dangerous code
16 'compiler_checks': [
17 '-Wall',
18 '-Wextra',
19 '-Weffc++',
20 '-Wconversion',
21 '-pedantic-errors',
22 '-Wconversion',
23 '-Wshadow',
24 '-Wfloat-equal',
25 '-Wuninitialized',
26 '-Wunreachable-code',
27 '-Wold-style-cast',
28 '-Wno-error=unused-variable',
29 '-Wno-deprecated-declarations'
30 ]
31 },
32 # `targets` is a list of targets for gyp to run.
33 # Different types of targets:
34 # - [executable](https://github.com/mapbox/cpp/blob/master/glossary.md#executable)
35 # - [loadable_module](https://github.com/mapbox/cpp/blob/master/glossary.md#loadable-module)
36 # - [static library](https://github.com/mapbox/cpp/blob/master/glossary.md#static-library)
37 # - [shared library](https://github.com/mapbox/cpp/blob/master/glossary.md#shared-library)
38 # - none: a trick to tell gyp not to run the compiler for a given target.
39 'targets': [
40 {
41 # This target:
42 # - doesnt build any code (why it's type "none", to tell gyp not to run the compiler)
43 # - runs a script to install mason packages
44 'target_name': 'action_before_build',
45 'type': 'none',
46 'hard_dependency': 1,
47 'actions': [
48 {
49 'action_name': 'install_deps',
50 'inputs': ['./scripts/install_deps.sh'],
51 'outputs': ['./mason_packages'],
52 'action': ['./scripts/install_deps.sh']
53 }
54 ]
55 },
56 {
57 # module_name and module_path are both variables passed by node-pre-gyp from package.json
58 'target_name': '<(module_name)', # sets the name of the binary file
59 'product_dir': '<(module_path)', # controls where the node binary file gets copied to (./lib/binding/module.node)
60 'type': 'loadable_module',
61 'dependencies': [ 'action_before_build' ],
62 # "make" only watches files specified here, and will sometimes cache these files after the first compile.
63 # This cache can sometimes cause confusing errors when removing/renaming/adding new files.
64 # Running "make clean" helps to prevent this "mysterious error by cache" scenario
65 # This also is where the benefits of using a "glob" come into play...
66 # See: https://github.com/mapbox/node-cpp-skel/pull/44#discussion_r122050205
67 'sources': [
68 'src/node_fontnik.cpp',
69 'src/glyphs.cpp'
70 ],
71 "link_settings": {
72 "libraries": [
73 "-lfreetype"
74 ],
75 "library_dirs": [
76 "<(module_root_dir)/mason_packages/.link/lib"
77 ]
78 },
79 'ldflags': [
80 '-Wl,-z,now',
81 ],
82 'conditions': [
83 ['error_on_warnings == "true"', {
84 'cflags_cc' : [ '-Werror' ],
85 'xcode_settings': {
86 'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': [ '-Werror' ]
87 }
88 }]
89 ],
90 'cflags_cc': [
91 '<@(system_includes)',
92 '<@(compiler_checks)'
93 ],
94 'include_dirs': [
95 './vendor/agg/include',
96 ],
97 'xcode_settings': {
99 '-Wl,-bind_at_load'
100 ],
102 '<@(system_includes)',
103 '<@(compiler_checks)'
104 ],
108 'CLANG_CXX_LIBRARY': 'libc++',
110 'GCC_VERSION': 'com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0'
111 }
112 }
113 ]