1.38 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import webpack from 'webpack';
2import { ForkTsCheckerWebpackPluginOptions } from './ForkTsCheckerWebpackPluginOptions';
3import { Pool } from './utils/async/pool';
4declare class ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin implements webpack.Plugin {
5 /**
6 * Current version of the plugin
7 */
8 static readonly version: string;
9 /**
10 * Default pools for the plugin concurrency limit
11 */
12 static readonly issuesPool: Pool;
13 static readonly dependenciesPool: Pool;
14 /**
15 * @deprecated Use ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin.issuesPool instead
16 */
17 static get pool(): Pool;
18 private readonly options;
19 constructor(options?: ForkTsCheckerWebpackPluginOptions);
20 static getCompilerHooks(compiler: webpack.Compiler): {
21 start: import("tapable").AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<import("./reporter/FilesChange").FilesChange, webpack.compilation.Compilation, any>;
22 waiting: import("tapable").SyncHook<webpack.compilation.Compilation, any, any>;
23 canceled: import("tapable").SyncHook<webpack.compilation.Compilation, any, any>;
24 error: import("tapable").SyncHook<Error, webpack.compilation.Compilation, any>;
25 issues: import("tapable").SyncWaterfallHook<import("./issue/Issue").Issue[], webpack.compilation.Compilation | undefined, void>;
26 };
27 apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler): void;
29export { ForkTsCheckerWebpackPlugin };