1 | /// <reference types="react" />
2 | import * as react from 'react';
3 | import { SVGAttributes as SVGAttributes$1, CSSProperties, PropsWithoutRef, RefAttributes, ReactHTML, DetailedHTMLFactory, HTMLAttributes, useEffect, RefObject as RefObject$1 } from 'react';
4 | import * as react_jsx_runtime from 'react/jsx-runtime';
5 |
6 | type EasingFunction = (v: number) => number;
7 | type EasingModifier = (easing: EasingFunction) => EasingFunction;
8 | type BezierDefinition = [number, number, number, number];
9 | type EasingDefinition = BezierDefinition | "linear" | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate";
10 | /**
11 | * The easing function to use. Set as one of:
12 | *
13 | * - The name of an in-built easing function.
14 | * - An array of four numbers to define a cubic bezier curve.
15 | * - An easing function, that accepts and returns a progress value between `0` and `1`.
16 | *
17 | * @public
18 | */
19 | type Easing = EasingDefinition | EasingFunction;
20 |
21 | type GenericKeyframesTarget<V> = [null, ...V[]] | V[];
22 | /**
23 | * @public
24 | */
25 | type ResolvedKeyframesTarget = GenericKeyframesTarget<number> | GenericKeyframesTarget<string>;
26 | /**
27 | * @public
28 | */
29 | type KeyframesTarget = ResolvedKeyframesTarget | GenericKeyframesTarget<CustomValueType>;
30 | /**
31 | * @public
32 | */
33 | type ResolvedSingleTarget = string | number;
34 | /**
35 | * @public
36 | */
37 | type SingleTarget = ResolvedSingleTarget | CustomValueType;
38 | /**
39 | * @public
40 | */
41 | type ResolvedValueTarget = ResolvedSingleTarget | ResolvedKeyframesTarget;
42 | /**
43 | * @public
44 | */
45 | type ValueTarget = SingleTarget | KeyframesTarget;
46 | /**
47 | * Options for orchestrating the timing of animations.
48 | *
49 | * @public
50 | */
51 | interface Orchestration {
52 | /**
53 | * Delay the animation by this duration (in seconds). Defaults to `0`.
54 | *
55 | * @remarks
56 | * ```javascript
57 | * const transition = {
58 | * delay: 0.2
59 | * }
60 | * ```
61 | *
62 | * @public
63 | */
64 | delay?: number;
65 | /**
66 | * Describes the relationship between the transition and its children. Set
67 | * to `false` by default.
68 | *
69 | * @remarks
70 | * When using variants, the transition can be scheduled in relation to its
71 | * children with either `"beforeChildren"` to finish this transition before
72 | * starting children transitions, `"afterChildren"` to finish children
73 | * transitions before starting this transition.
74 | *
75 | * ```jsx
76 | * const list = {
77 | * hidden: {
78 | * opacity: 0,
79 | * transition: { when: "afterChildren" }
80 | * }
81 | * }
82 | *
83 | * const item = {
84 | * hidden: {
85 | * opacity: 0,
86 | * transition: { duration: 2 }
87 | * }
88 | * }
89 | *
90 | * return (
91 | * <motion.ul variants={list} animate="hidden">
92 | * <motion.li variants={item} />
93 | * <motion.li variants={item} />
94 | * </motion.ul>
95 | * )
96 | * ```
97 | *
98 | * @public
99 | */
100 | when?: false | "beforeChildren" | "afterChildren" | string;
101 | /**
102 | * When using variants, children animations will start after this duration
103 | * (in seconds). You can add the `transition` property to both the `Frame` and the `variant` directly. Adding it to the `variant` generally offers more flexibility, as it allows you to customize the delay per visual state.
104 | *
105 | * ```jsx
106 | * const container = {
107 | * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
108 | * show: {
109 | * opacity: 1,
110 | * transition: {
111 | * delayChildren: 0.5
112 | * }
113 | * }
114 | * }
115 | *
116 | * const item = {
117 | * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
118 | * show: { opacity: 1 }
119 | * }
120 | *
121 | * return (
122 | * <motion.ul
123 | * variants={container}
124 | * initial="hidden"
125 | * animate="show"
126 | * >
127 | * <motion.li variants={item} />
128 | * <motion.li variants={item} />
129 | * </motion.ul>
130 | * )
131 | * ```
132 | *
133 | * @public
134 | */
135 | delayChildren?: number;
136 | /**
137 | * When using variants, animations of child components can be staggered by this
138 | * duration (in seconds).
139 | *
140 | * For instance, if `staggerChildren` is `0.01`, the first child will be
141 | * delayed by `0` seconds, the second by `0.01`, the third by `0.02` and so
142 | * on.
143 | *
144 | * The calculated stagger delay will be added to `delayChildren`.
145 | *
146 | * ```jsx
147 | * const container = {
148 | * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
149 | * show: {
150 | * opacity: 1,
151 | * transition: {
152 | * staggerChildren: 0.5
153 | * }
154 | * }
155 | * }
156 | *
157 | * const item = {
158 | * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
159 | * show: { opacity: 1 }
160 | * }
161 | *
162 | * return (
163 | * <motion.ol
164 | * variants={container}
165 | * initial="hidden"
166 | * animate="show"
167 | * >
168 | * <motion.li variants={item} />
169 | * <motion.li variants={item} />
170 | * </motion.ol>
171 | * )
172 | * ```
173 | *
174 | * @public
175 | */
176 | staggerChildren?: number;
177 | /**
178 | * The direction in which to stagger children.
179 | *
180 | * A value of `1` staggers from the first to the last while `-1`
181 | * staggers from the last to the first.
182 | *
183 | * ```jsx
184 | * const container = {
185 | * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
186 | * show: {
187 | * opacity: 1,
188 | * transition: {
189 | * staggerChildren: 0.5,
190 | * staggerDirection: -1
191 | * }
192 | * }
193 | * }
194 | *
195 | * const item = {
196 | * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
197 | * show: { opacity: 1 }
198 | * }
199 | *
200 | * return (
201 | * <motion.ul
202 | * variants={container}
203 | * initial="hidden"
204 | * animate="show"
205 | * >
206 | * <motion.li variants={item} size={50} />
207 | * <motion.li variants={item} size={50} />
208 | * </motion.ul>
209 | * )
210 | * ```
211 | *
212 | * @public
213 | */
214 | staggerDirection?: number;
215 | }
216 | interface Repeat {
217 | /**
218 | * The number of times to repeat the transition. Set to `Infinity` for perpetual repeating.
219 | *
220 | * Without setting `repeatType`, this will loop the animation.
221 | *
222 | * ```jsx
223 | * <motion.div
224 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
225 | * transition={{ repeat: Infinity, duration: 2 }}
226 | * />
227 | * ```
228 | *
229 | * @public
230 | */
231 | repeat?: number;
232 | /**
233 | * How to repeat the animation. This can be either:
234 | *
235 | * "loop": Repeats the animation from the start
236 | *
237 | * "reverse": Alternates between forward and backwards playback
238 | *
239 | * "mirror": Switches `from` and `to` alternately
240 | *
241 | * ```jsx
242 | * <motion.div
243 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
244 | * transition={{
245 | * repeat: 1,
246 | * repeatType: "reverse",
247 | * duration: 2
248 | * }}
249 | * />
250 | * ```
251 | *
252 | * @public
253 | */
254 | repeatType?: "loop" | "reverse" | "mirror";
255 | /**
256 | * When repeating an animation, `repeatDelay` will set the
257 | * duration of the time to wait, in seconds, between each repetition.
258 | *
259 | * ```jsx
260 | * <motion.div
261 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
262 | * transition={{ repeat: Infinity, repeatDelay: 1 }}
263 | * />
264 | * ```
265 | *
266 | * @public
267 | */
268 | repeatDelay?: number;
269 | }
270 | /**
271 | * An animation that animates between two or more values over a specific duration of time.
272 | * This is the default animation for non-physical values like `color` and `opacity`.
273 | *
274 | * @public
275 | */
276 | interface Tween extends Repeat {
277 | /**
278 | * Set `type` to `"tween"` to use a duration-based tween animation.
279 | * If any non-orchestration `transition` values are set without a `type` property,
280 | * this is used as the default animation.
281 | *
282 | * ```jsx
283 | * <motion.path
284 | * animate={{ pathLength: 1 }}
285 | * transition={{ duration: 2, type: "tween" }}
286 | * />
287 | * ```
288 | *
289 | * @public
290 | */
291 | type?: "tween";
292 | /**
293 | * The duration of the tween animation. Set to `0.3` by default, 0r `0.8` if animating a series of keyframes.
294 | *
295 | * ```jsx
296 | * const variants = {
297 | * visible: {
298 | * opacity: 1,
299 | * transition: { duration: 2 }
300 | * }
301 | * }
302 | * ```
303 | *
304 | * @public
305 | */
306 | duration?: number;
307 | /**
308 | * The easing function to use. Set as one of the below.
309 | *
310 | * - The name of an existing easing function.
311 | *
312 | * - An array of four numbers to define a cubic bezier curve.
313 | *
314 | * - An easing function, that accepts and returns a value `0-1`.
315 | *
316 | * If the animating value is set as an array of multiple values for a keyframes
317 | * animation, `ease` can be set as an array of easing functions to set different easings between
318 | * each of those values.
319 | *
320 | *
321 | * ```jsx
322 | * <motion.div
323 | * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
324 | * transition={{ ease: [0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67] }}
325 | * />
326 | * ```
327 | *
328 | * @public
329 | */
330 | ease?: Easing | Easing[];
331 | /**
332 | * When animating keyframes, `times` can be used to determine where in the animation each keyframe is reached.
333 | * Each value in `times` is a value between `0` and `1`, representing `duration`.
334 | *
335 | * There must be the same number of `times` as there are keyframes.
336 | * Defaults to an array of evenly-spread durations.
337 | *
338 | * ```jsx
339 | * <motion.div
340 | * animate={{ scale: [0, 1, 0.5, 1] }}
341 | * transition={{ times: [0, 0.1, 0.9, 1] }}
342 | * />
343 | * ```
344 | *
345 | * @public
346 | */
347 | times?: number[];
348 | /**
349 | * When animating keyframes, `easings` can be used to define easing functions between each keyframe. This array should be one item fewer than the number of keyframes, as these easings apply to the transitions between the keyframes.
350 | *
351 | * ```jsx
352 | * <motion.div
353 | * animate={{ backgroundColor: ["#0f0", "#00f", "#f00"] }}
354 | * transition={{ easings: ["easeIn", "easeOut"] }}
355 | * />
356 | * ```
357 | *
358 | * @public
359 | */
360 | easings?: Easing[];
361 | /**
362 | * The value to animate from.
363 | * By default, this is the current state of the animating value.
364 | *
365 | * ```jsx
366 | * <motion.div
367 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
368 | * transition={{ from: 90, duration: 2 }}
369 | * />
370 | * ```
371 | *
372 | * @public
373 | */
374 | from?: number | string;
375 | }
376 | /**
377 | * An animation that simulates spring physics for realistic motion.
378 | * This is the default animation for physical values like `x`, `y`, `scale` and `rotate`.
379 | *
380 | * @public
381 | */
382 | interface Spring extends Repeat {
383 | /**
384 | * Set `type` to `"spring"` to animate using spring physics for natural
385 | * movement. Type is set to `"spring"` by default.
386 | *
387 | * ```jsx
388 | * <motion.div
389 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
390 | * transition={{ type: 'spring' }}
391 | * />
392 | * ```
393 | *
394 | * @public
395 | */
396 | type: "spring";
397 | /**
398 | * Stiffness of the spring. Higher values will create more sudden movement.
399 | * Set to `100` by default.
400 | *
401 | * ```jsx
402 | * <motion.section
403 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
404 | * transition={{ type: 'spring', stiffness: 50 }}
405 | * />
406 | * ```
407 | *
408 | * @public
409 | */
410 | stiffness?: number;
411 | /**
412 | * Strength of opposing force. If set to 0, spring will oscillate
413 | * indefinitely. Set to `10` by default.
414 | *
415 | * ```jsx
416 | * <motion.a
417 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
418 | * transition={{ type: 'spring', damping: 300 }}
419 | * />
420 | * ```
421 | *
422 | * @public
423 | */
424 | damping?: number;
425 | /**
426 | * Mass of the moving object. Higher values will result in more lethargic
427 | * movement. Set to `1` by default.
428 | *
429 | * ```jsx
430 | * <motion.feTurbulence
431 | * animate={{ baseFrequency: 0.5 } as any}
432 | * transition={{ type: "spring", mass: 0.5 }}
433 | * />
434 | * ```
435 | *
436 | * @public
437 | */
438 | mass?: number;
439 | /**
440 | * The duration of the animation, defined in seconds. Spring animations can be a maximum of 10 seconds.
441 | *
442 | * If `bounce` is set, this defaults to `0.8`.
443 | *
444 | * Note: `duration` and `bounce` will be overridden if `stiffness`, `damping` or `mass` are set.
445 | *
446 | * ```jsx
447 | * <motion.div
448 | * animate={{ x: 100 }}
449 | * transition={{ type: "spring", duration: 0.8 }}
450 | * />
451 | * ```
452 | *
453 | * @public
454 | */
455 | duration?: number;
456 | /**
457 | * `bounce` determines the "bounciness" of a spring animation.
458 | *
459 | * `0` is no bounce, and `1` is extremely bouncy.
460 | *
461 | * If `duration` is set, this defaults to `0.25`.
462 | *
463 | * Note: `bounce` and `duration` will be overridden if `stiffness`, `damping` or `mass` are set.
464 | *
465 | * ```jsx
466 | * <motion.div
467 | * animate={{ x: 100 }}
468 | * transition={{ type: "spring", bounce: 0.25 }}
469 | * />
470 | * ```
471 | *
472 | * @public
473 | */
474 | bounce?: number;
475 | /**
476 | * End animation if absolute speed (in units per second) drops below this
477 | * value and delta is smaller than `restDelta`. Set to `0.01` by default.
478 | *
479 | * ```jsx
480 | * <motion.div
481 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
482 | * transition={{ type: 'spring', restSpeed: 0.5 }}
483 | * />
484 | * ```
485 | *
486 | * @public
487 | */
488 | restSpeed?: number;
489 | /**
490 | * End animation if distance is below this value and speed is below
491 | * `restSpeed`. When animation ends, spring gets “snapped” to. Set to
492 | * `0.01` by default.
493 | *
494 | * ```jsx
495 | * <motion.div
496 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
497 | * transition={{ type: 'spring', restDelta: 0.5 }}
498 | * />
499 | * ```
500 | *
501 | * @public
502 | */
503 | restDelta?: number;
504 | /**
505 | * The value to animate from.
506 | * By default, this is the initial state of the animating value.
507 | *
508 | * ```jsx
509 | * <motion.div
510 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
511 | * transition={{ type: 'spring', from: 90 }}
512 | * />
513 | * ```
514 | *
515 | * @public
516 | */
517 | from?: number | string;
518 | /**
519 | * The initial velocity of the spring. By default this is the current velocity of the component.
520 | *
521 | * ```jsx
522 | * <motion.div
523 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
524 | * transition={{ type: 'spring', velocity: 2 }}
525 | * />
526 | * ```
527 | *
528 | * @public
529 | */
530 | velocity?: number;
531 | }
532 | /**
533 | * An animation that decelerates a value based on its initial velocity,
534 | * usually used to implement inertial scrolling.
535 | *
536 | * Optionally, `min` and `max` boundaries can be defined, and inertia
537 | * will snap to these with a spring animation.
538 | *
539 | * This animation will automatically precalculate a target value,
540 | * which can be modified with the `modifyTarget` property.
541 | *
542 | * This allows you to add snap-to-grid or similar functionality.
543 | *
544 | * Inertia is also the animation used for `dragTransition`, and can be configured via that prop.
545 | *
546 | * @public
547 | */
548 | interface Inertia {
549 | /**
550 | * Set `type` to animate using the inertia animation. Set to `"tween"` by
551 | * default. This can be used for natural deceleration, like momentum scrolling.
552 | *
553 | * ```jsx
554 | * <motion.div
555 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
556 | * transition={{ type: "inertia", velocity: 50 }}
557 | * />
558 | * ```
559 | *
560 | * @public
561 | */
562 | type: "inertia";
563 | /**
564 | * A function that receives the automatically-calculated target and returns a new one. Useful for snapping the target to a grid.
565 | *
566 | * ```jsx
567 | * <motion.div
568 | * drag
569 | * dragTransition={{
570 | * power: 0,
571 | * // Snap calculated target to nearest 50 pixels
572 | * modifyTarget: target => Math.round(target / 50) * 50
573 | * }}
574 | * />
575 | * ```
576 | *
577 | * @public
578 | */
579 | modifyTarget?(v: number): number;
580 | /**
581 | * If `min` or `max` is set, this affects the stiffness of the bounce
582 | * spring. Higher values will create more sudden movement. Set to `500` by
583 | * default.
584 | *
585 | * ```jsx
586 | * <motion.div
587 | * drag
588 | * dragTransition={{
589 | * min: 0,
590 | * max: 100,
591 | * bounceStiffness: 100
592 | * }}
593 | * />
594 | * ```
595 | *
596 | * @public
597 | */
598 | bounceStiffness?: number;
599 | /**
600 | * If `min` or `max` is set, this affects the damping of the bounce spring.
601 | * If set to `0`, spring will oscillate indefinitely. Set to `10` by
602 | * default.
603 | *
604 | * ```jsx
605 | * <motion.div
606 | * drag
607 | * dragTransition={{
608 | * min: 0,
609 | * max: 100,
610 | * bounceDamping: 8
611 | * }}
612 | * />
613 | * ```
614 | *
615 | * @public
616 | */
617 | bounceDamping?: number;
618 | /**
619 | * A higher power value equals a further target. Set to `0.8` by default.
620 | *
621 | * ```jsx
622 | * <motion.div
623 | * drag
624 | * dragTransition={{ power: 0.2 }}
625 | * />
626 | * ```
627 | *
628 | * @public
629 | */
630 | power?: number;
631 | /**
632 | * Adjusting the time constant will change the duration of the
633 | * deceleration, thereby affecting its feel. Set to `700` by default.
634 | *
635 | * ```jsx
636 | * <motion.div
637 | * drag
638 | * dragTransition={{ timeConstant: 200 }}
639 | * />
640 | * ```
641 | *
642 | * @public
643 | */
644 | timeConstant?: number;
645 | /**
646 | * End the animation if the distance to the animation target is below this value, and the absolute speed is below `restSpeed`.
647 | * When the animation ends, the value gets snapped to the animation target. Set to `0.01` by default.
648 | * Generally the default values provide smooth animation endings, only in rare cases should you need to customize these.
649 | *
650 | * ```jsx
651 | * <motion.div
652 | * drag
653 | * dragTransition={{ restDelta: 10 }}
654 | * />
655 | * ```
656 | *
657 | * @public
658 | */
659 | restDelta?: number;
660 | /**
661 | * Minimum constraint. If set, the value will "bump" against this value (or immediately spring to it if the animation starts as less than this value).
662 | *
663 | * ```jsx
664 | * <motion.div
665 | * drag
666 | * dragTransition={{ min: 0, max: 100 }}
667 | * />
668 | * ```
669 | *
670 | * @public
671 | */
672 | min?: number;
673 | /**
674 | * Maximum constraint. If set, the value will "bump" against this value (or immediately snap to it, if the initial animation value exceeds this value).
675 | *
676 | * ```jsx
677 | * <motion.div
678 | * drag
679 | * dragTransition={{ min: 0, max: 100 }}
680 | * />
681 | * ```
682 | *
683 | * @public
684 | */
685 | max?: number;
686 | /**
687 | * The value to animate from. By default, this is the current state of the animating value.
688 | *
689 | * ```jsx
690 | * <Frame
691 | * drag
692 | * dragTransition={{ from: 50 }}
693 | * />
694 | * ```
695 | *
696 | * @public
697 | */
698 | from?: number | string;
699 | /**
700 | * The initial velocity of the animation.
701 | * By default this is the current velocity of the component.
702 | *
703 | * ```jsx
704 | * <motion.div
705 | * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
706 | * transition={{ type: 'inertia', velocity: 200 }}
707 | * />
708 | * ```
709 | *
710 | * @public
711 | */
712 | velocity?: number;
713 | }
714 | /**
715 | * Keyframes tweens between multiple `values`.
716 | *
717 | * These tweens can be arranged using the `duration`, `easings`, and `times` properties.
718 | */
719 | interface Keyframes {
720 | /**
721 | * Set `type` to `"keyframes"` to animate using the keyframes animation.
722 | * Set to `"tween"` by default. This can be used to animate between a series of values.
723 | *
724 | * @public
725 | */
726 | type: "keyframes";
727 | /**
728 | * An array of numbers between 0 and 1, where `1` represents the `total` duration.
729 | *
730 | * Each value represents at which point during the animation each item in the animation target should be hit, so the array should be the same length as `values`.
731 | *
732 | * Defaults to an array of evenly-spread durations.
733 | *
734 | * @public
735 | */
736 | times?: number[];
737 | /**
738 | * An array of easing functions for each generated tween, or a single easing function applied to all tweens.
739 | *
740 | * This array should be one item less than `values`, as these easings apply to the transitions *between* the `values`.
741 | *
742 | * ```jsx
743 | * const transition = {
744 | * backgroundColor: {
745 | * type: 'keyframes',
746 | * easings: ['circIn', 'circOut']
747 | * }
748 | * }
749 | * ```
750 | *
751 | * @public
752 | */
753 | ease?: Easing | Easing[];
754 | /**
755 | * The total duration of the animation. Set to `0.3` by default.
756 | *
757 | * ```jsx
758 | * const transition = {
759 | * type: "keyframes",
760 | * duration: 2
761 | * }
762 | *
763 | * <Frame
764 | * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
765 | * transition={transition}
766 | * />
767 | * ```
768 | *
769 | * @public
770 | */
771 | duration?: number;
772 | /**
773 | * @public
774 | */
775 | repeatDelay?: number;
776 | }
777 | /**
778 | * @public
779 | */
780 | interface Just {
781 | /**
782 | * @public
783 | */
784 | type: "just";
785 | }
786 | /**
787 | * @public
788 | */
789 | interface None {
790 | /**
791 | * Set `type` to `false` for an instant transition.
792 | *
793 | * @public
794 | */
795 | type: false;
796 | }
797 | /**
798 | * @public
799 | */
800 | type PermissiveTransitionDefinition = {
801 | [key: string]: any;
802 | };
803 | /**
804 | * @public
805 | */
806 | type TransitionDefinition = Tween | Spring | Keyframes | Inertia | Just | None | PermissiveTransitionDefinition;
807 | type TransitionMap = Orchestration & TransitionDefinition & {
808 | [key: string]: TransitionDefinition;
809 | };
810 | /**
811 | * Transition props
812 | *
813 | * @public
814 | */
815 | type Transition$1 = (Orchestration & Repeat & TransitionDefinition) | (Orchestration & Repeat & TransitionMap);
816 | type Omit$1<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
817 | type CSSPropertiesWithoutTransitionOrSingleTransforms = Omit$1<CSSProperties, "transition" | "rotate" | "scale" | "perspective">;
818 | type SVGTransformAttributes = {
819 | attrX?: number;
820 | attrY?: number;
821 | attrScale?: number;
822 | };
823 | type TargetProperties = CSSPropertiesWithoutTransitionOrSingleTransforms & SVGAttributes$1<SVGElement> & SVGTransformAttributes & TransformProperties & CustomStyles & SVGPathProperties;
824 | /**
825 | * @public
826 | */
827 | type MakeCustomValueType<T> = {
828 | [K in keyof T]: T[K] | CustomValueType;
829 | };
830 | /**
831 | * @public
832 | */
833 | type Target = MakeCustomValueType<TargetProperties>;
834 | /**
835 | * @public
836 | */
837 | type MakeKeyframes<T> = {
838 | [K in keyof T]: T[K] | T[K][] | [null, ...T[K][]];
839 | };
840 | /**
841 | * @public
842 | */
843 | type TargetWithKeyframes = MakeKeyframes<Target>;
844 | /**
845 | * An object that specifies values to animate to. Each value may be set either as
846 | * a single value, or an array of values.
847 | *
848 | * It may also option contain these properties:
849 | *
850 | * - `transition`: Specifies transitions for all or individual values.
851 | * - `transitionEnd`: Specifies values to set when the animation finishes.
852 | *
853 | * ```jsx
854 | * const target = {
855 | * x: "0%",
856 | * opacity: 0,
857 | * transition: { duration: 1 },
858 | * transitionEnd: { display: "none" }
859 | * }
860 | * ```
861 | *
862 | * @public
863 | */
864 | type TargetAndTransition = TargetWithKeyframes & {
865 | transition?: Transition$1;
866 | transitionEnd?: Target;
867 | };
868 | type TargetResolver = (custom: any, current: Target, velocity: Target) => TargetAndTransition | string;
869 | /**
870 | * @public
871 | */
872 | type Variant = TargetAndTransition | TargetResolver;
873 | /**
874 | * @public
875 | */
876 | type Variants = {
877 | [key: string]: Variant;
878 | };
879 | /**
880 | * @public
881 | */
882 | interface CustomValueType {
883 | mix: (from: any, to: any) => (p: number) => number | string;
884 | toValue: () => number | string;
885 | }
886 |
887 | /**
888 | * An update function. It accepts a timestamp used to advance the animation.
889 | */
890 | type Update = (timestamp: number) => void;
891 | /**
892 | * Drivers accept a update function and call it at an interval. This interval
893 | * could be a synchronous loop, a setInterval, or tied to the device's framerate.
894 | */
895 | interface DriverControls {
896 | start: () => void;
897 | stop: () => void;
898 | now: () => number;
899 | }
900 | type Driver = (update: Update) => DriverControls;
901 |
902 | interface SVGAttributes {
903 | accentHeight?: number | string | undefined;
904 | accumulate?: "none" | "sum" | undefined;
905 | additive?: "replace" | "sum" | undefined;
906 | alignmentBaseline?: "auto" | "baseline" | "before-edge" | "text-before-edge" | "middle" | "central" | "after-edge" | "text-after-edge" | "ideographic" | "alphabetic" | "hanging" | "mathematical" | "inherit" | undefined;
907 | allowReorder?: "no" | "yes" | undefined;
908 | alphabetic?: number | string | undefined;
909 | amplitude?: number | string | undefined;
910 | arabicForm?: "initial" | "medial" | "terminal" | "isolated" | undefined;
911 | ascent?: number | string | undefined;
912 | attributeName?: string | undefined;
913 | attributeType?: string | undefined;
914 | autoReverse?: boolean | undefined;
915 | azimuth?: number | string | undefined;
916 | baseFrequency?: number | string | undefined;
917 | baselineShift?: number | string | undefined;
918 | baseProfile?: number | string | undefined;
919 | bbox?: number | string | undefined;
920 | begin?: number | string | undefined;
921 | bias?: number | string | undefined;
922 | by?: number | string | undefined;
923 | calcMode?: number | string | undefined;
924 | capHeight?: number | string | undefined;
925 | clip?: number | string | undefined;
926 | clipPath?: string | undefined;
927 | clipPathUnits?: number | string | undefined;
928 | clipRule?: number | string | undefined;
929 | colorInterpolation?: number | string | undefined;
930 | colorInterpolationFilters?: "auto" | "sRGB" | "linearRGB" | "inherit" | undefined;
931 | colorProfile?: number | string | undefined;
932 | colorRendering?: number | string | undefined;
933 | contentScriptType?: number | string | undefined;
934 | contentStyleType?: number | string | undefined;
935 | cursor?: number | string | undefined;
936 | cx?: number | string | undefined;
937 | cy?: number | string | undefined;
938 | d?: string | undefined;
939 | decelerate?: number | string | undefined;
940 | descent?: number | string | undefined;
941 | diffuseConstant?: number | string | undefined;
942 | direction?: number | string | undefined;
943 | display?: number | string | undefined;
944 | divisor?: number | string | undefined;
945 | dominantBaseline?: number | string | undefined;
946 | dur?: number | string | undefined;
947 | dx?: number | string | undefined;
948 | dy?: number | string | undefined;
949 | edgeMode?: number | string | undefined;
950 | elevation?: number | string | undefined;
951 | enableBackground?: number | string | undefined;
952 | end?: number | string | undefined;
953 | exponent?: number | string | undefined;
954 | externalResourcesRequired?: boolean | undefined;
955 | fill?: string | undefined;
956 | fillOpacity?: number | string | undefined;
957 | fillRule?: "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit" | undefined;
958 | filter?: string | undefined;
959 | filterRes?: number | string | undefined;
960 | filterUnits?: number | string | undefined;
961 | floodColor?: number | string | undefined;
962 | floodOpacity?: number | string | undefined;
963 | focusable?: boolean | "auto" | undefined;
964 | fontFamily?: string | undefined;
965 | fontSize?: number | string | undefined;
966 | fontSizeAdjust?: number | string | undefined;
967 | fontStretch?: number | string | undefined;
968 | fontStyle?: number | string | undefined;
969 | fontVariant?: number | string | undefined;
970 | fontWeight?: number | string | undefined;
971 | format?: number | string | undefined;
972 | fr?: number | string | undefined;
973 | from?: number | string | undefined;
974 | fx?: number | string | undefined;
975 | fy?: number | string | undefined;
976 | g1?: number | string | undefined;
977 | g2?: number | string | undefined;
978 | glyphName?: number | string | undefined;
979 | glyphOrientationHorizontal?: number | string | undefined;
980 | glyphOrientationVertical?: number | string | undefined;
981 | glyphRef?: number | string | undefined;
982 | gradientTransform?: string | undefined;
983 | gradientUnits?: string | undefined;
984 | hanging?: number | string | undefined;
985 | horizAdvX?: number | string | undefined;
986 | horizOriginX?: number | string | undefined;
987 | href?: string | undefined;
988 | ideographic?: number | string | undefined;
989 | imageRendering?: number | string | undefined;
990 | in2?: number | string | undefined;
991 | in?: string | undefined;
992 | intercept?: number | string | undefined;
993 | k1?: number | string | undefined;
994 | k2?: number | string | undefined;
995 | k3?: number | string | undefined;
996 | k4?: number | string | undefined;
997 | k?: number | string | undefined;
998 | kernelMatrix?: number | string | undefined;
999 | kernelUnitLength?: number | string | undefined;
1000 | kerning?: number | string | undefined;
1001 | keyPoints?: number | string | undefined;
1002 | keySplines?: number | string | undefined;
1003 | keyTimes?: number | string | undefined;
1004 | lengthAdjust?: number | string | undefined;
1005 | letterSpacing?: number | string | undefined;
1006 | lightingColor?: number | string | undefined;
1007 | limitingConeAngle?: number | string | undefined;
1008 | local?: number | string | undefined;
1009 | markerEnd?: string | undefined;
1010 | markerHeight?: number | string | undefined;
1011 | markerMid?: string | undefined;
1012 | markerStart?: string | undefined;
1013 | markerUnits?: number | string | undefined;
1014 | markerWidth?: number | string | undefined;
1015 | mask?: string | undefined;
1016 | maskContentUnits?: number | string | undefined;
1017 | maskUnits?: number | string | undefined;
1018 | mathematical?: number | string | undefined;
1019 | mode?: number | string | undefined;
1020 | numOctaves?: number | string | undefined;
1021 | offset?: number | string | undefined;
1022 | opacity?: number | string | undefined;
1023 | operator?: number | string | undefined;
1024 | order?: number | string | undefined;
1025 | orient?: number | string | undefined;
1026 | orientation?: number | string | undefined;
1027 | origin?: number | string | undefined;
1028 | overflow?: number | string | undefined;
1029 | overlinePosition?: number | string | undefined;
1030 | overlineThickness?: number | string | undefined;
1031 | paintOrder?: number | string | undefined;
1032 | panose1?: number | string | undefined;
1033 | path?: string | undefined;
1034 | pathLength?: number | string | undefined;
1035 | patternContentUnits?: string | undefined;
1036 | patternTransform?: number | string | undefined;
1037 | patternUnits?: string | undefined;
1038 | pointerEvents?: number | string | undefined;
1039 | points?: string | undefined;
1040 | pointsAtX?: number | string | undefined;
1041 | pointsAtY?: number | string | undefined;
1042 | pointsAtZ?: number | string | undefined;
1043 | preserveAlpha?: boolean | undefined;
1044 | preserveAspectRatio?: string | undefined;
1045 | primitiveUnits?: number | string | undefined;
1046 | r?: number | string | undefined;
1047 | radius?: number | string | undefined;
1048 | refX?: number | string | undefined;
1049 | refY?: number | string | undefined;
1050 | renderingIntent?: number | string | undefined;
1051 | repeatCount?: number | string | undefined;
1052 | repeatDur?: number | string | undefined;
1053 | requiredExtensions?: number | string | undefined;
1054 | requiredFeatures?: number | string | undefined;
1055 | restart?: number | string | undefined;
1056 | result?: string | undefined;
1057 | rotate?: number | string | undefined;
1058 | rx?: number | string | undefined;
1059 | ry?: number | string | undefined;
1060 | scale?: number | string | undefined;
1061 | seed?: number | string | undefined;
1062 | shapeRendering?: number | string | undefined;
1063 | slope?: number | string | undefined;
1064 | spacing?: number | string | undefined;
1065 | specularConstant?: number | string | undefined;
1066 | specularExponent?: number | string | undefined;
1067 | speed?: number | string | undefined;
1068 | spreadMethod?: string | undefined;
1069 | startOffset?: number | string | undefined;
1070 | stdDeviation?: number | string | undefined;
1071 | stemh?: number | string | undefined;
1072 | stemv?: number | string | undefined;
1073 | stitchTiles?: number | string | undefined;
1074 | stopColor?: string | undefined;
1075 | stopOpacity?: number | string | undefined;
1076 | strikethroughPosition?: number | string | undefined;
1077 | strikethroughThickness?: number | string | undefined;
1078 | string?: number | string | undefined;
1079 | stroke?: string | undefined;
1080 | strokeDasharray?: string | number | undefined;
1081 | strokeDashoffset?: string | number | undefined;
1082 | strokeLinecap?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit" | undefined;
1083 | strokeLinejoin?: "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit" | undefined;
1084 | strokeMiterlimit?: number | string | undefined;
1085 | strokeOpacity?: number | string | undefined;
1086 | strokeWidth?: number | string | undefined;
1087 | surfaceScale?: number | string | undefined;
1088 | systemLanguage?: number | string | undefined;
1089 | tableValues?: number | string | undefined;
1090 | targetX?: number | string | undefined;
1091 | targetY?: number | string | undefined;
1092 | textAnchor?: string | undefined;
1093 | textDecoration?: number | string | undefined;
1094 | textLength?: number | string | undefined;
1095 | textRendering?: number | string | undefined;
1096 | to?: number | string | undefined;
1097 | transform?: string | undefined;
1098 | u1?: number | string | undefined;
1099 | u2?: number | string | undefined;
1100 | underlinePosition?: number | string | undefined;
1101 | underlineThickness?: number | string | undefined;
1102 | unicode?: number | string | undefined;
1103 | unicodeBidi?: number | string | undefined;
1104 | unicodeRange?: number | string | undefined;
1105 | unitsPerEm?: number | string | undefined;
1106 | vAlphabetic?: number | string | undefined;
1107 | values?: string | undefined;
1108 | vectorEffect?: number | string | undefined;
1109 | version?: string | undefined;
1110 | vertAdvY?: number | string | undefined;
1111 | vertOriginX?: number | string | undefined;
1112 | vertOriginY?: number | string | undefined;
1113 | vHanging?: number | string | undefined;
1114 | vIdeographic?: number | string | undefined;
1115 | viewBox?: string | undefined;
1116 | viewTarget?: number | string | undefined;
1117 | visibility?: number | string | undefined;
1118 | vMathematical?: number | string | undefined;
1119 | widths?: number | string | undefined;
1120 | wordSpacing?: number | string | undefined;
1121 | writingMode?: number | string | undefined;
1122 | x1?: number | string | undefined;
1123 | x2?: number | string | undefined;
1124 | x?: number | string | undefined;
1125 | xChannelSelector?: string | undefined;
1126 | xHeight?: number | string | undefined;
1127 | xlinkActuate?: string | undefined;
1128 | xlinkArcrole?: string | undefined;
1129 | xlinkHref?: string | undefined;
1130 | xlinkRole?: string | undefined;
1131 | xlinkShow?: string | undefined;
1132 | xlinkTitle?: string | undefined;
1133 | xlinkType?: string | undefined;
1134 | xmlBase?: string | undefined;
1135 | xmlLang?: string | undefined;
1136 | xmlns?: string | undefined;
1137 | xmlnsXlink?: string | undefined;
1138 | xmlSpace?: string | undefined;
1139 | y1?: number | string | undefined;
1140 | y2?: number | string | undefined;
1141 | y?: number | string | undefined;
1142 | yChannelSelector?: string | undefined;
1143 | z?: number | string | undefined;
1144 | zoomAndPan?: string | undefined;
1145 | }
1146 |
1147 | interface ProgressTimeline {
1148 | currentTime: null | {
1149 | value: number;
1150 | };
1151 | cancel?: VoidFunction;
1152 | }
1153 |
1154 | type Process = (data: FrameData) => void;
1155 | type Schedule = (process: Process, keepAlive?: boolean, immediate?: boolean) => Process;
1156 | interface Step {
1157 | schedule: Schedule;
1158 | cancel: (process: Process) => void;
1159 | process: (data: FrameData) => void;
1160 | }
1161 | type StepId = "read" | "resolveKeyframes" | "update" | "preRender" | "render" | "postRender";
1162 | type Batcher = {
1163 | [key in StepId]: Schedule;
1164 | };
1165 | type Steps = {
1166 | [key in StepId]: Step;
1167 | };
1168 | interface FrameData {
1169 | delta: number;
1170 | timestamp: number;
1171 | isProcessing: boolean;
1172 | }
1173 |
1174 | interface Point {
1175 | x: number;
1176 | y: number;
1177 | }
1178 | interface Axis {
1179 | min: number;
1180 | max: number;
1181 | }
1182 | interface Box {
1183 | x: Axis;
1184 | y: Axis;
1185 | }
1186 | interface BoundingBox {
1187 | top: number;
1188 | right: number;
1189 | bottom: number;
1190 | left: number;
1191 | }
1192 | interface AxisDelta {
1193 | translate: number;
1194 | scale: number;
1195 | origin: number;
1196 | originPoint: number;
1197 | }
1198 | interface Delta {
1199 | x: AxisDelta;
1200 | y: AxisDelta;
1201 | }
1202 | type TransformPoint = (point: Point) => Point;
1203 |
1204 | type ReducedMotionConfig = "always" | "never" | "user";
1205 | /**
1206 | * @public
1207 | */
1208 | interface MotionConfigContext {
1209 | /**
1210 | * Internal, exported only for usage in Framer
1211 | */
1212 | transformPagePoint: TransformPoint;
1213 | /**
1214 | * Internal. Determines whether this is a static context ie the Framer canvas. If so,
1215 | * it'll disable all dynamic functionality.
1216 | */
1217 | isStatic: boolean;
1218 | /**
1219 | * Defines a new default transition for the entire tree.
1220 | *
1221 | * @public
1222 | */
1223 | transition?: Transition$1;
1224 | /**
1225 | * If true, will respect the device prefersReducedMotion setting by switching
1226 | * transform animations off.
1227 | *
1228 | * @public
1229 | */
1230 | reducedMotion?: ReducedMotionConfig;
1231 | /**
1232 | * A custom `nonce` attribute used when wanting to enforce a Content Security Policy (CSP).
1233 | * For more details see:
1234 | * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/style-src#unsafe_inline_styles
1235 | *
1236 | * @public
1237 | */
1238 | nonce?: string;
1239 | }
1240 | /**
1241 | * @public
1242 | */
1243 | declare const MotionConfigContext: react.Context<MotionConfigContext>;
1244 |
1245 | declare class NodeStack {
1246 | lead?: IProjectionNode;
1247 | prevLead?: IProjectionNode;
1248 | members: IProjectionNode[];
1249 | add(node: IProjectionNode): void;
1250 | remove(node: IProjectionNode): void;
1251 | relegate(node: IProjectionNode): boolean;
1252 | promote(node: IProjectionNode, preserveFollowOpacity?: boolean): void;
1253 | exitAnimationComplete(): void;
1254 | scheduleRender(): void;
1255 | /**
1256 | * Clear any leads that have been removed this render to prevent them from being
1257 | * used in future animations and to prevent memory leaks
1258 | */
1259 | removeLeadSnapshot(): void;
1260 | }
1261 |
1262 | interface WithDepth {
1263 | depth: number;
1264 | }
1265 |
1266 | declare class FlatTree {
1267 | private children;
1268 | private isDirty;
1269 | add(child: WithDepth): void;
1270 | remove(child: WithDepth): void;
1271 | forEach(callback: (child: WithDepth) => void): void;
1272 | }
1273 |
1274 | interface SwitchLayoutGroup {
1275 | register?: (member: IProjectionNode) => void;
1276 | deregister?: (member: IProjectionNode) => void;
1277 | }
1278 | type InitialPromotionConfig = {
1279 | /**
1280 | * The initial transition to use when the elements in this group mount (and automatically promoted).
1281 | * Subsequent updates should provide a transition in the promote method.
1282 | */
1283 | transition?: Transition$1;
1284 | /**
1285 | * If the follow tree should preserve its opacity when the lead is promoted on mount
1286 | */
1287 | shouldPreserveFollowOpacity?: (member: IProjectionNode) => boolean;
1288 | };
1289 | type SwitchLayoutGroupContext = SwitchLayoutGroup & InitialPromotionConfig;
1290 | /**
1291 | * Internal, exported only for usage in Framer
1292 | */
1293 | declare const SwitchLayoutGroupContext: react.Context<SwitchLayoutGroupContext>;
1294 |
1295 | interface Measurements {
1296 | animationId: number;
1297 | measuredBox: Box;
1298 | layoutBox: Box;
1299 | latestValues: ResolvedValues;
1300 | source: number;
1301 | }
1302 | type Phase = "snapshot" | "measure";
1303 | interface ScrollMeasurements {
1304 | animationId: number;
1305 | phase: Phase;
1306 | isRoot: boolean;
1307 | offset: Point;
1308 | }
1309 | type LayoutEvents = "willUpdate" | "didUpdate" | "beforeMeasure" | "measure" | "projectionUpdate" | "animationStart" | "animationComplete";
1310 | interface IProjectionNode<I = unknown> {
1311 | id: number;
1312 | animationId: number;
1313 | parent?: IProjectionNode;
1314 | relativeParent?: IProjectionNode;
1315 | root?: IProjectionNode;
1316 | children: Set<IProjectionNode>;
1317 | path: IProjectionNode[];
1318 | nodes?: FlatTree;
1319 | depth: number;
1320 | instance: I;
1321 | mount: (node: I, isLayoutDirty?: boolean) => void;
1322 | unmount: () => void;
1323 | options: ProjectionNodeOptions;
1324 | setOptions(options: ProjectionNodeOptions): void;
1325 | layout?: Measurements;
1326 | snapshot?: Measurements;
1327 | target?: Box;
1328 | relativeTarget?: Box;
1329 | relativeTargetOrigin?: Box;
1330 | targetDelta?: Delta;
1331 | targetWithTransforms?: Box;
1332 | scroll?: ScrollMeasurements;
1333 | treeScale?: Point;
1334 | projectionDelta?: Delta;
1335 | projectionDeltaWithTransform?: Delta;
1336 | latestValues: ResolvedValues;
1337 | isLayoutDirty: boolean;
1338 | isProjectionDirty: boolean;
1339 | isSharedProjectionDirty: boolean;
1340 | isTransformDirty: boolean;
1341 | resolvedRelativeTargetAt?: number;
1342 | shouldResetTransform: boolean;
1343 | prevTransformTemplateValue: string | undefined;
1344 | isUpdateBlocked(): boolean;
1345 | updateManuallyBlocked: boolean;
1346 | updateBlockedByResize: boolean;
1347 | blockUpdate(): void;
1348 | unblockUpdate(): void;
1349 | isUpdating: boolean;
1350 | needsReset: boolean;
1351 | startUpdate(): void;
1352 | willUpdate(notifyListeners?: boolean): void;
1353 | didUpdate(): void;
1354 | measure(removeTransform?: boolean): Measurements;
1355 | measurePageBox(): Box;
1356 | updateLayout(): void;
1357 | updateSnapshot(): void;
1358 | clearSnapshot(): void;
1359 | updateScroll(phase?: Phase): void;
1360 | scheduleUpdateProjection(): void;
1361 | scheduleCheckAfterUnmount(): void;
1362 | checkUpdateFailed(): void;
1363 | sharedNodes: Map<string, NodeStack>;
1364 | registerSharedNode(id: string, node: IProjectionNode): void;
1365 | getStack(): NodeStack | undefined;
1366 | isVisible: boolean;
1367 | hide(): void;
1368 | show(): void;
1369 | scheduleRender(notifyAll?: boolean): void;
1370 | getClosestProjectingParent(): IProjectionNode | undefined;
1371 | setTargetDelta(delta: Delta): void;
1372 | resetTransform(): void;
1373 | resetSkewAndRotation(): void;
1374 | applyTransform(box: Box, transformOnly?: boolean): Box;
1375 | resolveTargetDelta(force?: boolean): void;
1376 | calcProjection(): void;
1377 | getProjectionStyles(styleProp?: MotionStyle): MotionStyle | undefined;
1378 | clearMeasurements(): void;
1379 | resetTree(): void;
1380 | isProjecting(): boolean;
1381 | animationValues?: ResolvedValues;
1382 | currentAnimation?: AnimationPlaybackControls;
1383 | isTreeAnimating?: boolean;
1384 | isAnimationBlocked?: boolean;
1385 | isTreeAnimationBlocked: () => boolean;
1386 | setAnimationOrigin(delta: Delta): void;
1387 | startAnimation(transition: Transition$1): void;
1388 | finishAnimation(): void;
1389 | hasCheckedOptimisedAppear: boolean;
1390 | isLead(): boolean;
1391 | promote(options?: {
1392 | needsReset?: boolean;
1393 | transition?: Transition$1;
1394 | preserveFollowOpacity?: boolean;
1395 | }): void;
1396 | relegate(): boolean;
1397 | resumeFrom?: IProjectionNode;
1398 | resumingFrom?: IProjectionNode;
1399 | isPresent?: boolean;
1400 | addEventListener(name: LayoutEvents, handler: any): VoidFunction;
1401 | notifyListeners(name: LayoutEvents, ...args: any): void;
1402 | hasListeners(name: LayoutEvents): boolean;
1403 | hasTreeAnimated: boolean;
1404 | preserveOpacity?: boolean;
1405 | }
1406 | interface ProjectionNodeOptions {
1407 | animate?: boolean;
1408 | layoutScroll?: boolean;
1409 | layoutRoot?: boolean;
1410 | alwaysMeasureLayout?: boolean;
1411 | scheduleRender?: VoidFunction;
1412 | onExitComplete?: VoidFunction;
1413 | animationType?: "size" | "position" | "both" | "preserve-aspect";
1414 | layoutId?: string;
1415 | layout?: boolean | string;
1416 | visualElement?: VisualElement;
1417 | crossfade?: boolean;
1418 | transition?: Transition$1;
1419 | initialPromotionConfig?: InitialPromotionConfig;
1420 | }
1421 |
1422 | type AnimationType = "animate" | "whileHover" | "whileTap" | "whileDrag" | "whileFocus" | "whileInView" | "exit";
1423 |
1424 | type VisualElementAnimationOptions = {
1425 | delay?: number;
1426 | transitionOverride?: Transition$1;
1427 | custom?: any;
1428 | type?: AnimationType;
1429 | };
1430 |
1431 | interface AnimationState$1 {
1432 | animateChanges: (type?: AnimationType) => Promise<any>;
1433 | setActive: (type: AnimationType, isActive: boolean, options?: VisualElementAnimationOptions) => Promise<any>;
1434 | setAnimateFunction: (fn: any) => void;
1435 | getState: () => {
1436 | [key: string]: AnimationTypeState;
1437 | };
1438 | reset: () => void;
1439 | }
1440 | interface AnimationTypeState {
1441 | isActive: boolean;
1442 | protectedKeys: {
1443 | [key: string]: true;
1444 | };
1445 | needsAnimating: {
1446 | [key: string]: boolean;
1447 | };
1448 | prevResolvedValues: {
1449 | [key: string]: any;
1450 | };
1451 | prevProp?: VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition;
1452 | }
1453 |
1454 | /**
1455 | * @public
1456 | */
1457 | interface PresenceContextProps {
1458 | id: string;
1459 | isPresent: boolean;
1460 | register: (id: string | number) => () => void;
1461 | onExitComplete?: (id: string | number) => void;
1462 | initial?: false | VariantLabels;
1463 | custom?: any;
1464 | }
1465 | /**
1466 | * @public
1467 | */
1468 | declare const PresenceContext: react.Context<PresenceContextProps | null>;
1469 |
1470 | /**
1471 | * A VisualElement is an imperative abstraction around UI elements such as
1472 | * HTMLElement, SVGElement, Three.Object3D etc.
1473 | */
1474 | declare abstract class VisualElement<Instance = unknown, RenderState = unknown, Options extends {} = {}> {
1475 | /**
1476 | * VisualElements are arranged in trees mirroring that of the React tree.
1477 | * Each type of VisualElement has a unique name, to detect when we're crossing
1478 | * type boundaries within that tree.
1479 | */
1480 | abstract type: string;
1481 | /**
1482 | * An `Array.sort` compatible function that will compare two Instances and
1483 | * compare their respective positions within the tree.
1484 | */
1485 | abstract sortInstanceNodePosition(a: Instance, b: Instance): number;
1486 | /**
1487 | * Measure the viewport-relative bounding box of the Instance.
1488 | */
1489 | abstract measureInstanceViewportBox(instance: Instance, props: MotionProps & Partial<MotionConfigContext>): Box;
1490 | /**
1491 | * When a value has been removed from all animation props we need to
1492 | * pick a target to animate back to. For instance, for HTMLElements
1493 | * we can look in the style prop.
1494 | */
1495 | abstract getBaseTargetFromProps(props: MotionProps, key: string): string | number | undefined | MotionValue;
1496 | /**
1497 | * When we first animate to a value we need to animate it *from* a value.
1498 | * Often this have been specified via the initial prop but it might be
1499 | * that the value needs to be read from the Instance.
1500 | */
1501 | abstract readValueFromInstance(instance: Instance, key: string, options: Options): string | number | null | undefined;
1502 | /**
1503 | * When a value has been removed from the VisualElement we use this to remove
1504 | * it from the inherting class' unique render state.
1505 | */
1506 | abstract removeValueFromRenderState(key: string, renderState: RenderState): void;
1507 | /**
1508 | * Run before a React or VisualElement render, builds the latest motion
1509 | * values into an Instance-specific format. For example, HTMLVisualElement
1510 | * will use this step to build `style` and `var` values.
1511 | */
1512 | abstract build(renderState: RenderState, latestValues: ResolvedValues, options: Options, props: MotionProps): void;
1513 | /**
1514 | * Apply the built values to the Instance. For example, HTMLElements will have
1515 | * styles applied via `setProperty` and the style attribute, whereas SVGElements
1516 | * will have values applied to attributes.
1517 | */
1518 | abstract renderInstance(instance: Instance, renderState: RenderState, styleProp?: MotionStyle, projection?: IProjectionNode): void;
1519 | resolveKeyframes: <T extends string | number>(keyframes: UnresolvedKeyframes<T>, onComplete: (resolvedKeyframes: ResolvedKeyframes<T>) => void, name: string, value: MotionValue<T>) => KeyframeResolver<T>;
1520 | /**
1521 | * If the component child is provided as a motion value, handle subscriptions
1522 | * with the renderer-specific VisualElement.
1523 | */
1524 | handleChildMotionValue?(): void;
1525 | /**
1526 | * This method takes React props and returns found MotionValues. For example, HTML
1527 | * MotionValues will be found within the style prop, whereas for Three.js within attribute arrays.
1528 | *
1529 | * This isn't an abstract method as it needs calling in the constructor, but it is
1530 | * intended to be one.
1531 | */
1532 | scrapeMotionValuesFromProps(_props: MotionProps, _prevProps: MotionProps, _visualElement: VisualElement): {
1533 | [key: string]: MotionValue | string | number;
1534 | };
1535 | /**
1536 | * A reference to the current underlying Instance, e.g. a HTMLElement
1537 | * or Three.Mesh etc.
1538 | */
1539 | current: Instance | null;
1540 | /**
1541 | * A reference to the parent VisualElement (if exists).
1542 | */
1543 | parent: VisualElement | undefined;
1544 | /**
1545 | * A set containing references to this VisualElement's children.
1546 | */
1547 | children: Set<VisualElement<unknown, unknown, {}>>;
1548 | /**
1549 | * The depth of this VisualElement within the overall VisualElement tree.
1550 | */
1551 | depth: number;
1552 | /**
1553 | * The current render state of this VisualElement. Defined by inherting VisualElements.
1554 | */
1555 | renderState: RenderState;
1556 | /**
1557 | * An object containing the latest static values for each of this VisualElement's
1558 | * MotionValues.
1559 | */
1560 | latestValues: ResolvedValues;
1561 | /**
1562 | * Determine what role this visual element should take in the variant tree.
1563 | */
1564 | isVariantNode: boolean;
1565 | isControllingVariants: boolean;
1566 | /**
1567 | * If this component is part of the variant tree, it should track
1568 | * any children that are also part of the tree. This is essentially
1569 | * a shadow tree to simplify logic around how to stagger over children.
1570 | */
1571 | variantChildren?: Set<VisualElement>;
1572 | /**
1573 | * Decides whether this VisualElement should animate in reduced motion
1574 | * mode.
1575 | *
1576 | * TODO: This is currently set on every individual VisualElement but feels
1577 | * like it could be set globally.
1578 | */
1579 | shouldReduceMotion: boolean | null;
1580 | /**
1581 | * Normally, if a component is controlled by a parent's variants, it can
1582 | * rely on that ancestor to trigger animations further down the tree.
1583 | * However, if a component is created after its parent is mounted, the parent
1584 | * won't trigger that mount animation so the child needs to.
1585 | *
1586 | * TODO: This might be better replaced with a method isParentMounted
1587 | */
1588 | manuallyAnimateOnMount: boolean;
1589 | /**
1590 | * This can be set by AnimatePresence to force components that mount
1591 | * at the same time as it to mount as if they have initial={false} set.
1592 | */
1593 | blockInitialAnimation: boolean;
1594 | /**
1595 | * A reference to this VisualElement's projection node, used in layout animations.
1596 | */
1597 | projection?: IProjectionNode;
1598 | /**
1599 | * A map of all motion values attached to this visual element. Motion
1600 | * values are source of truth for any given animated value. A motion
1601 | * value might be provided externally by the component via props.
1602 | */
1603 | values: Map<string, MotionValue<any>>;
1604 | /**
1605 | * The AnimationState, this is hydrated by the animation Feature.
1606 | */
1607 | animationState?: AnimationState$1;
1608 | KeyframeResolver: typeof KeyframeResolver;
1609 | /**
1610 | * The options used to create this VisualElement. The Options type is defined
1611 | * by the inheriting VisualElement and is passed straight through to the render functions.
1612 | */
1613 | readonly options: Options;
1614 | /**
1615 | * A reference to the latest props provided to the VisualElement's host React component.
1616 | */
1617 | props: MotionProps;
1618 | prevProps?: MotionProps;
1619 | presenceContext: PresenceContextProps | null;
1620 | prevPresenceContext?: PresenceContextProps | null;
1621 | /**
1622 | * Cleanup functions for active features (hover/tap/exit etc)
1623 | */
1624 | private features;
1625 | /**
1626 | * A map of every subscription that binds the provided or generated
1627 | * motion values onChange listeners to this visual element.
1628 | */
1629 | private valueSubscriptions;
1630 | /**
1631 | * A reference to the ReducedMotionConfig passed to the VisualElement's host React component.
1632 | */
1633 | private reducedMotionConfig;
1634 | /**
1635 | * On mount, this will be hydrated with a callback to disconnect
1636 | * this visual element from its parent on unmount.
1637 | */
1638 | private removeFromVariantTree;
1639 | /**
1640 | * A reference to the previously-provided motion values as returned
1641 | * from scrapeMotionValuesFromProps. We use the keys in here to determine
1642 | * if any motion values need to be removed after props are updated.
1643 | */
1644 | private prevMotionValues;
1645 | /**
1646 | * When values are removed from all animation props we need to search
1647 | * for a fallback value to animate to. These values are tracked in baseTarget.
1648 | */
1649 | private baseTarget;
1650 | /**
1651 | * Create an object of the values we initially animated from (if initial prop present).
1652 | */
1653 | private initialValues;
1654 | /**
1655 | * An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event.
1656 | */
1657 | private events;
1658 | /**
1659 | * An object containing an unsubscribe function for each prop event subscription.
1660 | * For example, every "Update" event can have multiple subscribers via
1661 | * VisualElement.on(), but only one of those can be defined via the onUpdate prop.
1662 | */
1663 | private propEventSubscriptions;
1664 | constructor({ parent, props, presenceContext, reducedMotionConfig, blockInitialAnimation, visualState, }: VisualElementOptions<Instance, RenderState>, options?: Options);
1665 | mount(instance: Instance): void;
1666 | unmount(): void;
1667 | private bindToMotionValue;
1668 | sortNodePosition(other: VisualElement<Instance>): number;
1669 | updateFeatures(): void;
1670 | notifyUpdate: () => void;
1671 | triggerBuild(): void;
1672 | render: () => void;
1673 | scheduleRender: () => Process;
1674 | /**
1675 | * Measure the current viewport box with or without transforms.
1676 | * Only measures axis-aligned boxes, rotate and skew must be manually
1677 | * removed with a re-render to work.
1678 | */
1679 | measureViewportBox(): Box;
1680 | getStaticValue(key: string): string | number;
1681 | setStaticValue(key: string, value: string | number): void;
1682 | /**
1683 | * Update the provided props. Ensure any newly-added motion values are
1684 | * added to our map, old ones removed, and listeners updated.
1685 | */
1686 | update(props: MotionProps, presenceContext: PresenceContextProps | null): void;
1687 | getProps(): MotionProps;
1688 | /**
1689 | * Returns the variant definition with a given name.
1690 | */
1691 | getVariant(name: string): Variant | undefined;
1692 | /**
1693 | * Returns the defined default transition on this component.
1694 | */
1695 | getDefaultTransition(): Transition$1 | undefined;
1696 | getTransformPagePoint(): any;
1697 | getClosestVariantNode(): VisualElement | undefined;
1698 | getVariantContext(startAtParent?: boolean): undefined | VariantStateContext;
1699 | /**
1700 | * Add a child visual element to our set of children.
1701 | */
1702 | addVariantChild(child: VisualElement): (() => boolean) | undefined;
1703 | /**
1704 | * Add a motion value and bind it to this visual element.
1705 | */
1706 | addValue(key: string, value: MotionValue): void;
1707 | /**
1708 | * Remove a motion value and unbind any active subscriptions.
1709 | */
1710 | removeValue(key: string): void;
1711 | /**
1712 | * Check whether we have a motion value for this key
1713 | */
1714 | hasValue(key: string): boolean;
1715 | /**
1716 | * Get a motion value for this key. If called with a default
1717 | * value, we'll create one if none exists.
1718 | */
1719 | getValue(key: string): MotionValue | undefined;
1720 | getValue(key: string, defaultValue: string | number | null): MotionValue;
1721 | /**
1722 | * If we're trying to animate to a previously unencountered value,
1723 | * we need to check for it in our state and as a last resort read it
1724 | * directly from the instance (which might have performance implications).
1725 | */
1726 | readValue(key: string, target?: string | number | null): any;
1727 | /**
1728 | * Set the base target to later animate back to. This is currently
1729 | * only hydrated on creation and when we first read a value.
1730 | */
1731 | setBaseTarget(key: string, value: string | number): void;
1732 | /**
1733 | * Find the base target for a value thats been removed from all animation
1734 | * props.
1735 | */
1736 | getBaseTarget(key: string): ResolvedValues[string] | undefined | null;
1737 | on<EventName extends keyof VisualElementEventCallbacks>(eventName: EventName, callback: VisualElementEventCallbacks[EventName]): VoidFunction;
1738 | notify<EventName extends keyof VisualElementEventCallbacks>(eventName: EventName, ...args: any): void;
1739 | }
1740 |
1741 | type UnresolvedKeyframes<T extends string | number> = Array<T | null>;
1742 | type ResolvedKeyframes<T extends string | number> = Array<T>;
1743 | type OnKeyframesResolved<T extends string | number> = (resolvedKeyframes: ResolvedKeyframes<T>, finalKeyframe: T) => void;
1744 | declare class KeyframeResolver<T extends string | number = any> {
1745 | name?: string;
1746 | element?: VisualElement<any>;
1747 | finalKeyframe?: T;
1748 | suspendedScrollY?: number;
1749 | protected unresolvedKeyframes: UnresolvedKeyframes<string | number>;
1750 | private motionValue?;
1751 | private onComplete;
1752 | /**
1753 | * Track whether this resolver has completed. Once complete, it never
1754 | * needs to attempt keyframe resolution again.
1755 | */
1756 | private isComplete;
1757 | /**
1758 | * Track whether this resolver is async. If it is, it'll be added to the
1759 | * resolver queue and flushed in the next frame. Resolvers that aren't going
1760 | * to trigger read/write thrashing don't need to be async.
1761 | */
1762 | private isAsync;
1763 | /**
1764 | * Track whether this resolver needs to perform a measurement
1765 | * to resolve its keyframes.
1766 | */
1767 | needsMeasurement: boolean;
1768 | /**
1769 | * Track whether this resolver is currently scheduled to resolve
1770 | * to allow it to be cancelled and resumed externally.
1771 | */
1772 | isScheduled: boolean;
1773 | constructor(unresolvedKeyframes: UnresolvedKeyframes<string | number>, onComplete: OnKeyframesResolved<T>, name?: string, motionValue?: MotionValue<T>, element?: VisualElement<any>, isAsync?: boolean);
1774 | scheduleResolve(): void;
1775 | readKeyframes(): void;
1776 | setFinalKeyframe(): void;
1777 | measureInitialState(): void;
1778 | renderEndStyles(): void;
1779 | measureEndState(): void;
1780 | complete(): void;
1781 | cancel(): void;
1782 | resume(): void;
1783 | }
1784 |
1785 | interface AnimationPlaybackLifecycles<V> {
1786 | onUpdate?: (latest: V) => void;
1787 | onPlay?: () => void;
1788 | onComplete?: () => void;
1789 | onRepeat?: () => void;
1790 | onStop?: () => void;
1791 | }
1792 | interface Transition extends AnimationPlaybackOptions, Omit<SpringOptions, "keyframes">, Omit<InertiaOptions$1, "keyframes">, KeyframeOptions {
1793 | delay?: number;
1794 | elapsed?: number;
1795 | driver?: Driver;
1796 | type?: "decay" | "spring" | "keyframes" | "tween" | "inertia";
1797 | duration?: number;
1798 | autoplay?: boolean;
1799 | }
1800 | interface ValueAnimationTransition<V = any> extends Transition, AnimationPlaybackLifecycles<V> {
1801 | }
1802 | type ResolveKeyframes<V extends string | number> = (keyframes: V[], onComplete: OnKeyframesResolved<V>, name?: string, motionValue?: any) => KeyframeResolver<V>;
1803 | interface ValueAnimationOptions<V extends string | number = number> extends ValueAnimationTransition {
1804 | keyframes: V[];
1805 | KeyframeResolver?: typeof KeyframeResolver;
1806 | name?: string;
1807 | motionValue?: MotionValue<V>;
1808 | from?: V;
1809 | isGenerator?: boolean;
1810 | }
1811 | interface AnimationScope<T = any> {
1812 | readonly current: T;
1813 | animations: AnimationPlaybackControls[];
1814 | }
1815 | type StyleTransitions = {
1816 | [K in keyof CSSStyleDeclarationWithTransform]?: Transition;
1817 | };
1818 | type SVGPathTransitions = {
1819 | [K in keyof SVGPathProperties]: Transition;
1820 | };
1821 | type SVGTransitions = {
1822 | [K in keyof SVGAttributes]: Transition;
1823 | };
1824 | type VariableTransitions = {
1825 | [key: `--${string}`]: Transition;
1826 | };
1827 | type AnimationOptionsWithValueOverrides<V = any> = StyleTransitions & SVGPathTransitions & SVGTransitions & VariableTransitions & ValueAnimationTransition<V>;
1828 | interface DynamicAnimationOptions extends Omit<AnimationOptionsWithValueOverrides, "delay"> {
1829 | delay?: number | DynamicOption<number>;
1830 | }
1831 | type ElementOrSelector = Element | Element[] | NodeListOf<Element> | string;
1832 | /**
1833 | * @public
1834 | */
1835 | interface AnimationPlaybackControls {
1836 | time: number;
1837 | speed: number;
1838 | state?: AnimationPlayState;
1839 | duration: number;
1840 | stop: () => void;
1841 | play: () => void;
1842 | pause: () => void;
1843 | complete: () => void;
1844 | cancel: () => void;
1845 | then: (onResolve: VoidFunction, onReject?: VoidFunction) => Promise<void>;
1846 | attachTimeline?: (timeline: ProgressTimeline) => VoidFunction;
1847 | }
1848 | type DynamicOption<T> = (i: number, total: number) => T;
1849 | interface CSSStyleDeclarationWithTransform extends Omit<CSSStyleDeclaration, "direction" | "transition" | "x" | "y" | "z"> {
1850 | x: number | string;
1851 | y: number | string;
1852 | z: number | string;
1853 | rotateX: number | string;
1854 | rotateY: number | string;
1855 | rotateZ: number | string;
1856 | scaleX: number;
1857 | scaleY: number;
1858 | scaleZ: number;
1859 | skewX: number | string;
1860 | skewY: number | string;
1861 | }
1862 | type ValueKeyframe = string | number;
1863 | type UnresolvedValueKeyframe = ValueKeyframe | null;
1864 | type ValueKeyframesDefinition = ValueKeyframe | ValueKeyframe[] | UnresolvedValueKeyframe[];
1865 | type StyleKeyframesDefinition = {
1866 | [K in keyof CSSStyleDeclarationWithTransform]?: ValueKeyframesDefinition;
1867 | };
1868 | type SVGKeyframesDefinition = {
1869 | [K in keyof SVGAttributes]?: ValueKeyframesDefinition;
1870 | };
1871 | type VariableKeyframesDefinition = {
1872 | [key: `--${string}`]: ValueKeyframesDefinition;
1873 | };
1874 | type SVGPathKeyframesDefinition = {
1875 | [K in keyof SVGPathProperties]?: ValueKeyframesDefinition;
1876 | };
1877 | type DOMKeyframesDefinition = StyleKeyframesDefinition & SVGKeyframesDefinition & SVGPathKeyframesDefinition & VariableKeyframesDefinition;
1878 | interface VelocityOptions {
1879 | velocity?: number;
1880 | restSpeed?: number;
1881 | restDelta?: number;
1882 | }
1883 | type RepeatType = "loop" | "reverse" | "mirror";
1884 | interface AnimationPlaybackOptions {
1885 | repeat?: number;
1886 | repeatType?: RepeatType;
1887 | repeatDelay?: number;
1888 | }
1889 | interface DurationSpringOptions {
1890 | duration?: number;
1891 | bounce?: number;
1892 | }
1893 | interface SpringOptions extends DurationSpringOptions, VelocityOptions {
1894 | stiffness?: number;
1895 | damping?: number;
1896 | mass?: number;
1897 | }
1898 | interface DecayOptions extends VelocityOptions {
1899 | keyframes?: number[];
1900 | power?: number;
1901 | timeConstant?: number;
1902 | modifyTarget?: (v: number) => number;
1903 | }
1904 | interface InertiaOptions$1 extends DecayOptions {
1905 | bounceStiffness?: number;
1906 | bounceDamping?: number;
1907 | min?: number;
1908 | max?: number;
1909 | }
1910 | interface KeyframeOptions {
1911 | ease?: Easing | Easing[];
1912 | times?: number[];
1913 | }
1914 | type AnimationDefinition = VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition | TargetResolver;
1915 | /**
1916 | * @public
1917 | */
1918 | interface AnimationControls {
1919 | /**
1920 | * Starts an animation on all linked components.
1921 | *
1922 | * @remarks
1923 | *
1924 | * ```jsx
1925 | * controls.start("variantLabel")
1926 | * controls.start({
1927 | * x: 0,
1928 | * transition: { duration: 1 }
1929 | * })
1930 | * ```
1931 | *
1932 | * @param definition - Properties or variant label to animate to
1933 | * @param transition - Optional `transtion` to apply to a variant
1934 | * @returns - A `Promise` that resolves when all animations have completed.
1935 | *
1936 | * @public
1937 | */
1938 | start(definition: AnimationDefinition, transitionOverride?: Transition): Promise<any>;
1939 | /**
1940 | * Instantly set to a set of properties or a variant.
1941 | *
1942 | * ```jsx
1943 | * // With properties
1944 | * controls.set({ opacity: 0 })
1945 | *
1946 | * // With variants
1947 | * controls.set("hidden")
1948 | * ```
1949 | *
1950 | * @privateRemarks
1951 | * We could perform a similar trick to `.start` where this can be called before mount
1952 | * and we maintain a list of of pending actions that get applied on mount. But the
1953 | * expectation of `set` is that it happens synchronously and this would be difficult
1954 | * to do before any children have even attached themselves. It's also poor practise
1955 | * and we should discourage render-synchronous `.start` calls rather than lean into this.
1956 | *
1957 | * @public
1958 | */
1959 | set(definition: AnimationDefinition): void;
1960 | /**
1961 | * Stops animations on all linked components.
1962 | *
1963 | * ```jsx
1964 | * controls.stop()
1965 | * ```
1966 | *
1967 | * @public
1968 | */
1969 | stop(): void;
1970 | mount(): () => void;
1971 | }
1972 |
1973 | /**
1974 | * @public
1975 | */
1976 | type Subscriber<T> = (v: T) => void;
1977 | /**
1978 | * @public
1979 | */
1980 | type PassiveEffect<T> = (v: T, safeSetter: (v: T) => void) => void;
1981 | interface MotionValueEventCallbacks<V> {
1982 | animationStart: () => void;
1983 | animationComplete: () => void;
1984 | animationCancel: () => void;
1985 | change: (latestValue: V) => void;
1986 | renderRequest: () => void;
1987 | }
1988 | interface ResolvedValues$1 {
1989 | [key: string]: string | number;
1990 | }
1991 | interface Owner {
1992 | current: HTMLElement | unknown;
1993 | getProps: () => {
1994 | onUpdate?: (latest: ResolvedValues$1) => void;
1995 | };
1996 | }
1997 | interface MotionValueOptions {
1998 | owner?: Owner;
1999 | }
2000 | /**
2001 | * `MotionValue` is used to track the state and velocity of motion values.
2002 | *
2003 | * @public
2004 | */
2005 | declare class MotionValue<V = any> {
2006 | /**
2007 | * This will be replaced by the build step with the latest version number.
2008 | * When MotionValues are provided to motion components, warn if versions are mixed.
2009 | */
2010 | version: string;
2011 | /**
2012 | * If a MotionValue has an owner, it was created internally within Framer Motion
2013 | * and therefore has no external listeners. It is therefore safe to animate via WAAPI.
2014 | */
2015 | owner?: Owner;
2016 | /**
2017 | * The current state of the `MotionValue`.
2018 | */
2019 | private current;
2020 | /**
2021 | * The previous state of the `MotionValue`.
2022 | */
2023 | private prev;
2024 | /**
2025 | * The previous state of the `MotionValue` at the end of the previous frame.
2026 | */
2027 | private prevFrameValue;
2028 | /**
2029 | * The last time the `MotionValue` was updated.
2030 | */
2031 | private updatedAt;
2032 | /**
2033 | * The time `prevFrameValue` was updated.
2034 | */
2035 | private prevUpdatedAt;
2036 | private stopPassiveEffect?;
2037 | /**
2038 | * A reference to the currently-controlling animation.
2039 | */
2040 | animation?: AnimationPlaybackControls;
2041 | setCurrent(current: V): void;
2042 | setPrevFrameValue(prevFrameValue?: V | undefined): void;
2043 | /**
2044 | * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` is updated.
2045 | *
2046 | * It returns a function that, when called, will cancel the subscription.
2047 | *
2048 | * When calling `onChange` inside a React component, it should be wrapped with the
2049 | * `useEffect` hook. As it returns an unsubscribe function, this should be returned
2050 | * from the `useEffect` function to ensure you don't add duplicate subscribers..
2051 | *
2052 | * ```jsx
2053 | * export const MyComponent = () => {
2054 | * const x = useMotionValue(0)
2055 | * const y = useMotionValue(0)
2056 | * const opacity = useMotionValue(1)
2057 | *
2058 | * useEffect(() => {
2059 | * function updateOpacity() {
2060 | * const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get())
2061 | * const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0])
2062 | * opacity.set(newOpacity)
2063 | * }
2064 | *
2065 | * const unsubscribeX = x.on("change", updateOpacity)
2066 | * const unsubscribeY = y.on("change", updateOpacity)
2067 | *
2068 | * return () => {
2069 | * unsubscribeX()
2070 | * unsubscribeY()
2071 | * }
2072 | * }, [])
2073 | *
2074 | * return <motion.div style={{ x }} />
2075 | * }
2076 | * ```
2077 | *
2078 | * @param subscriber - A function that receives the latest value.
2079 | * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription.
2080 | *
2081 | * @deprecated
2082 | */
2083 | onChange(subscription: Subscriber<V>): () => void;
2084 | /**
2085 | * An object containing a SubscriptionManager for each active event.
2086 | */
2087 | private events;
2088 | on<EventName extends keyof MotionValueEventCallbacks<V>>(eventName: EventName, callback: MotionValueEventCallbacks<V>[EventName]): VoidFunction;
2089 | clearListeners(): void;
2090 | /**
2091 | * Sets the state of the `MotionValue`.
2092 | *
2093 | * @remarks
2094 | *
2095 | * ```jsx
2096 | * const x = useMotionValue(0)
2097 | * x.set(10)
2098 | * ```
2099 | *
2100 | * @param latest - Latest value to set.
2101 | * @param render - Whether to notify render subscribers. Defaults to `true`
2102 | *
2103 | * @public
2104 | */
2105 | set(v: V, render?: boolean): void;
2106 | setWithVelocity(prev: V, current: V, delta: number): void;
2107 | /**
2108 | * Set the state of the `MotionValue`, stopping any active animations,
2109 | * effects, and resets velocity to `0`.
2110 | */
2111 | jump(v: V, endAnimation?: boolean): void;
2112 | updateAndNotify: (v: V, render?: boolean) => void;
2113 | /**
2114 | * Returns the latest state of `MotionValue`
2115 | *
2116 | * @returns - The latest state of `MotionValue`
2117 | *
2118 | * @public
2119 | */
2120 | get(): NonNullable<V>;
2121 | /**
2122 | * @public
2123 | */
2124 | getPrevious(): V | undefined;
2125 | /**
2126 | * Returns the latest velocity of `MotionValue`
2127 | *
2128 | * @returns - The latest velocity of `MotionValue`. Returns `0` if the state is non-numerical.
2129 | *
2130 | * @public
2131 | */
2132 | getVelocity(): number;
2133 | hasAnimated: boolean;
2134 | /**
2135 | * Stop the currently active animation.
2136 | *
2137 | * @public
2138 | */
2139 | stop(): void;
2140 | /**
2141 | * Returns `true` if this value is currently animating.
2142 | *
2143 | * @public
2144 | */
2145 | isAnimating(): boolean;
2146 | private clearAnimation;
2147 | /**
2148 | * Destroy and clean up subscribers to this `MotionValue`.
2149 | *
2150 | * The `MotionValue` hooks like `useMotionValue` and `useTransform` automatically
2151 | * handle the lifecycle of the returned `MotionValue`, so this method is only necessary if you've manually
2152 | * created a `MotionValue` via the `motionValue` function.
2153 | *
2154 | * @public
2155 | */
2156 | destroy(): void;
2157 | }
2158 | declare function motionValue<V>(init: V, options?: MotionValueOptions): MotionValue<V>;
2159 |
2160 | type RefObject<T> = {
2161 | current: T | null;
2162 | };
2163 |
2164 | /**
2165 | * Passed in to pan event handlers like `onPan` the `PanInfo` object contains
2166 | * information about the current state of the tap gesture such as its
2167 | * `point`, `delta`, `offset` and `velocity`.
2168 | *
2169 | * ```jsx
2170 | * <motion.div onPan={(event, info) => {
2171 | * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
2172 | * }} />
2173 | * ```
2174 | *
2175 | * @public
2176 | */
2177 | interface PanInfo {
2178 | /**
2179 | * Contains `x` and `y` values for the current pan position relative
2180 | * to the device or page.
2181 | *
2182 | * ```jsx
2183 | * function onPan(event, info) {
2184 | * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
2185 | * }
2186 | *
2187 | * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
2188 | * ```
2189 | *
2190 | * @public
2191 | */
2192 | point: Point;
2193 | /**
2194 | * Contains `x` and `y` values for the distance moved since
2195 | * the last event.
2196 | *
2197 | * ```jsx
2198 | * function onPan(event, info) {
2199 | * console.log(info.delta.x, info.delta.y)
2200 | * }
2201 | *
2202 | * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
2203 | * ```
2204 | *
2205 | * @public
2206 | */
2207 | delta: Point;
2208 | /**
2209 | * Contains `x` and `y` values for the distance moved from
2210 | * the first pan event.
2211 | *
2212 | * ```jsx
2213 | * function onPan(event, info) {
2214 | * console.log(info.offset.x, info.offset.y)
2215 | * }
2216 | *
2217 | * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
2218 | * ```
2219 | *
2220 | * @public
2221 | */
2222 | offset: Point;
2223 | /**
2224 | * Contains `x` and `y` values for the current velocity of the pointer, in px/ms.
2225 | *
2226 | * ```jsx
2227 | * function onPan(event, info) {
2228 | * console.log(info.velocity.x, info.velocity.y)
2229 | * }
2230 | *
2231 | * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
2232 | * ```
2233 | *
2234 | * @public
2235 | */
2236 | velocity: Point;
2237 | }
2238 |
2239 | interface DragControlOptions {
2240 | snapToCursor?: boolean;
2241 | cursorProgress?: Point;
2242 | }
2243 |
2244 | /**
2245 | * Can manually trigger a drag gesture on one or more `drag`-enabled `motion` components.
2246 | *
2247 | * ```jsx
2248 | * const dragControls = useDragControls()
2249 | *
2250 | * function startDrag(event) {
2251 | * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
2252 | * }
2253 | *
2254 | * return (
2255 | * <>
2256 | * <div onPointerDown={startDrag} />
2257 | * <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
2258 | * </>
2259 | * )
2260 | * ```
2261 | *
2262 | * @public
2263 | */
2264 | declare class DragControls {
2265 | private componentControls;
2266 | /**
2267 | * Start a drag gesture on every `motion` component that has this set of drag controls
2268 | * passed into it via the `dragControls` prop.
2269 | *
2270 | * ```jsx
2271 | * dragControls.start(e, {
2272 | * snapToCursor: true
2273 | * })
2274 | * ```
2275 | *
2276 | * @param event - PointerEvent
2277 | * @param options - Options
2278 | *
2279 | * @public
2280 | */
2281 | start(event: react.PointerEvent | PointerEvent, options?: DragControlOptions): void;
2282 | }
2283 | /**
2284 | * Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a `motion` component with a `drag` prop
2285 | * and moving it. For some use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we
2286 | * might want to initiate that dragging from a different component than the draggable one.
2287 | *
2288 | * By creating a `dragControls` using the `useDragControls` hook, we can pass this into
2289 | * the draggable component's `dragControls` prop. It exposes a `start` method
2290 | * that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.
2291 | *
2292 | * ```jsx
2293 | * const dragControls = useDragControls()
2294 | *
2295 | * function startDrag(event) {
2296 | * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
2297 | * }
2298 | *
2299 | * return (
2300 | * <>
2301 | * <div onPointerDown={startDrag} />
2302 | * <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
2303 | * </>
2304 | * )
2305 | * ```
2306 | *
2307 | * @public
2308 | */
2309 | declare function useDragControls(): DragControls;
2310 |
2311 | type DragElastic = boolean | number | Partial<BoundingBox>;
2312 | /**
2313 | * @public
2314 | */
2315 | interface DragHandlers {
2316 | /**
2317 | * Callback function that fires when dragging starts.
2318 | *
2319 | * ```jsx
2320 | * <motion.div
2321 | * drag
2322 | * onDragStart={
2323 | * (event, info) => console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
2324 | * }
2325 | * />
2326 | * ```
2327 | *
2328 | * @public
2329 | */
2330 | onDragStart?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
2331 | /**
2332 | * Callback function that fires when dragging ends.
2333 | *
2334 | * ```jsx
2335 | * <motion.div
2336 | * drag
2337 | * onDragEnd={
2338 | * (event, info) => console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
2339 | * }
2340 | * />
2341 | * ```
2342 | *
2343 | * @public
2344 | */
2345 | onDragEnd?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
2346 | /**
2347 | * Callback function that fires when the component is dragged.
2348 | *
2349 | * ```jsx
2350 | * <motion.div
2351 | * drag
2352 | * onDrag={
2353 | * (event, info) => console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
2354 | * }
2355 | * />
2356 | * ```
2357 | *
2358 | * @public
2359 | */
2360 | onDrag?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
2361 | /**
2362 | * Callback function that fires a drag direction is determined.
2363 | *
2364 | * ```jsx
2365 | * <motion.div
2366 | * drag
2367 | * dragDirectionLock
2368 | * onDirectionLock={axis => console.log(axis)}
2369 | * />
2370 | * ```
2371 | *
2372 | * @public
2373 | */
2374 | onDirectionLock?(axis: "x" | "y"): void;
2375 | /**
2376 | * Callback function that fires when drag momentum/bounce transition finishes.
2377 | *
2378 | * ```jsx
2379 | * <motion.div
2380 | * drag
2381 | * onDragTransitionEnd={() => console.log('Drag transition complete')}
2382 | * />
2383 | * ```
2384 | *
2385 | * @public
2386 | */
2387 | onDragTransitionEnd?(): void;
2388 | }
2389 | /**
2390 | * @public
2391 | */
2392 | type InertiaOptions = Partial<Omit<Inertia, "velocity" | "type">>;
2393 | /**
2394 | * @public
2395 | */
2396 | interface DraggableProps extends DragHandlers {
2397 | /**
2398 | * Enable dragging for this element. Set to `false` by default.
2399 | * Set `true` to drag in both directions.
2400 | * Set `"x"` or `"y"` to only drag in a specific direction.
2401 | *
2402 | * ```jsx
2403 | * <motion.div drag="x" />
2404 | * ```
2405 | */
2406 | drag?: boolean | "x" | "y";
2407 | /**
2408 | * Properties or variant label to animate to while the drag gesture is recognised.
2409 | *
2410 | * ```jsx
2411 | * <motion.div whileDrag={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
2412 | * ```
2413 | */
2414 | whileDrag?: VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition;
2415 | /**
2416 | * If `true`, this will lock dragging to the initially-detected direction. Defaults to `false`.
2417 | *
2418 | * ```jsx
2419 | * <motion.div drag dragDirectionLock />
2420 | * ```
2421 | */
2422 | dragDirectionLock?: boolean;
2423 | /**
2424 | * Allows drag gesture propagation to child components. Set to `false` by
2425 | * default.
2426 | *
2427 | * ```jsx
2428 | * <motion.div drag="x" dragPropagation />
2429 | * ```
2430 | */
2431 | dragPropagation?: boolean;
2432 | /**
2433 | * Applies constraints on the permitted draggable area.
2434 | *
2435 | * It can accept an object of optional `top`, `left`, `right`, and `bottom` values, measured in pixels.
2436 | * This will define a distance the named edge of the draggable component.
2437 | *
2438 | * Alternatively, it can accept a `ref` to another component created with React's `useRef` hook.
2439 | * This `ref` should be passed both to the draggable component's `dragConstraints` prop, and the `ref`
2440 | * of the component you want to use as constraints.
2441 | *
2442 | * ```jsx
2443 | * // In pixels
2444 | * <motion.div
2445 | * drag="x"
2446 | * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
2447 | * />
2448 | *
2449 | * // As a ref to another component
2450 | * const MyComponent = () => {
2451 | * const constraintsRef = useRef(null)
2452 | *
2453 | * return (
2454 | * <motion.div ref={constraintsRef}>
2455 | * <motion.div drag dragConstraints={constraintsRef} />
2456 | * </motion.div>
2457 | * )
2458 | * }
2459 | * ```
2460 | */
2461 | dragConstraints?: false | Partial<BoundingBox> | RefObject<Element>;
2462 | /**
2463 | * The degree of movement allowed outside constraints. 0 = no movement, 1 =
2464 | * full movement.
2465 | *
2466 | * Set to `0.5` by default. Can also be set as `false` to disable movement.
2467 | *
2468 | * By passing an object of `top`/`right`/`bottom`/`left`, individual values can be set
2469 | * per constraint. Any missing values will be set to `0`.
2470 | *
2471 | * ```jsx
2472 | * <motion.div
2473 | * drag
2474 | * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
2475 | * dragElastic={0.2}
2476 | * />
2477 | * ```
2478 | */
2479 | dragElastic?: DragElastic;
2480 | /**
2481 | * Apply momentum from the pan gesture to the component when dragging
2482 | * finishes. Set to `true` by default.
2483 | *
2484 | * ```jsx
2485 | * <motion.div
2486 | * drag
2487 | * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
2488 | * dragMomentum={false}
2489 | * />
2490 | * ```
2491 | */
2492 | dragMomentum?: boolean;
2493 | /**
2494 | * Allows you to change dragging inertia parameters.
2495 | * When releasing a draggable Frame, an animation with type `inertia` starts. The animation is based on your dragging velocity. This property allows you to customize it.
2496 | * See {@link https://framer.com/api/animation/#inertia | Inertia} for all properties you can use.
2497 | *
2498 | * ```jsx
2499 | * <motion.div
2500 | * drag
2501 | * dragTransition={{ bounceStiffness: 600, bounceDamping: 10 }}
2502 | * />
2503 | * ```
2504 | */
2505 | dragTransition?: InertiaOptions;
2506 | /**
2507 | * Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a component and moving it. For some
2508 | * use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we
2509 | * might want to initiate dragging from a different component than the draggable one.
2510 | *
2511 | * By creating a `dragControls` using the `useDragControls` hook, we can pass this into
2512 | * the draggable component |