274 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="react" />
2import * as CSS from 'csstype';
3import { CSSProperties } from 'react';
4import { DetailedHTMLFactory } from 'react';
5import { Easing as Easing_2 } from '@popmotion/easing';
6import { ForwardRefExoticComponent } from 'react';
7import { HTMLAttributes } from 'react';
8import { PropsWithoutRef } from 'react';
9import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types';
10import * as React from 'react';
11import { ReactHTML } from 'react';
12import { Ref } from 'react';
13import { RefAttributes } from 'react';
14import { RefObject } from 'react';
15import { SpringProps } from 'popmotion';
16import { SVGAttributes } from 'react';
19 * @internal
20 */
21export declare function addScaleCorrection(correctors: ScaleCorrectionDefinitionMap): void;
23declare type AlwaysPresent = [true, null];
26 * @public
27 */
28export declare const AnimateLayoutFeature: MotionFeature;
31 * `AnimatePresence` enables the animation of components that have been removed from the tree.
32 *
33 * When adding/removing more than a single child, every child **must** be given a unique `key` prop.
34 *
35 * @library
36 *
37 * Any `Frame` components that have an `exit` property defined will animate out when removed from
38 * the tree.
39 *
40 * ```jsx
41 * import { Frame, AnimatePresence } from 'framer'
42 *
43 * // As items are added and removed from `items`
44 * export function Items({ items }) {
45 * return (
46 * <AnimatePresence>
47 * {items.map(item => (
48 * <Frame
49 * key={item.id}
50 * initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
51 * animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
52 * exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
53 * />
54 * ))}
55 * </AnimatePresence>
56 * )
57 * }
58 * ```
59 *
60 * You can sequence exit animations throughout a tree using variants.
61 *
62 * @motion
63 *
64 * Any `motion` components that have an `exit` property defined will animate out when removed from
65 * the tree.
66 *
67 * ```jsx
68 * import { motion, AnimatePresence } from 'framer-motion'
69 *
70 * export const Items = ({ items }) => (
71 * <AnimatePresence>
72 * {items.map(item => (
73 * <motion.div
74 * key={item.id}
75 * initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
76 * animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
77 * exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
78 * />
79 * ))}
80 * </AnimatePresence>
81 * )
82 * ```
83 *
84 * You can sequence exit animations throughout a tree using variants.
85 *
86 * If a child contains multiple `motion` components with `exit` props, it will only unmount the child
87 * once all `motion` components have finished animating out. Likewise, any components using
88 * `usePresence` all need to call `safeToRemove`.
89 *
90 * @public
91 */
92export declare const AnimatePresence: React.FunctionComponent<AnimatePresenceProps>;
95 * @public
96 */
97export declare interface AnimatePresenceProps {
98 /**
99 * By passing `initial={false}`, `AnimatePresence` will disable any initial animations on children
100 * that are present when the component is first rendered.
101 *
102 * @library
103 *
104 * ```jsx
105 * <AnimatePresence initial={false}>
106 * {isVisible && (
107 * <Frame
108 * key="modal"
109 * initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
110 * animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
111 * exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
112 * />
113 * )}
114 * </AnimatePresence>
115 * ```
116 *
117 * @motion
118 *
119 * ```jsx
120 * <AnimatePresence initial={false}>
121 * {isVisible && (
122 * <motion.div
123 * key="modal"
124 * initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
125 * animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
126 * exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
127 * />
128 * )}
129 * </AnimatePresence>
130 * ```
131 *
132 * @public
133 */
134 initial?: boolean;
135 /**
136 * When a component is removed, there's no longer a chance to update its props. So if a component's `exit`
137 * prop is defined as a dynamic variant and you want to pass a new `custom` prop, you can do so via `AnimatePresence`.
138 * This will ensure all leaving components animate using the latest data.
139 *
140 * @public
141 */
142 custom?: any;
143 /**
144 * Fires when all exiting nodes have completed animating out.
145 *
146 * @public
147 */
148 onExitComplete?: () => void;
149 /**
150 * If set to `true`, `AnimatePresence` will only render one component at a time. The exiting component
151 * will finished its exit animation before the entering component is rendered.
152 *
153 * @library
154 *
155 * ```jsx
156 * function MyComponent({ currentItem }) {
157 * return (
158 * <AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>
159 * <Frame key={currentItem} exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />
160 * </AnimatePresence>
161 * )
162 * }
163 * ```
164 *
165 * @motion
166 *
167 * ```jsx
168 * const MyComponent = ({ currentItem }) => (
169 * <AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>
170 * <motion.div key={currentItem} exit={{ opacity: 0 }} />
171 * </AnimatePresence>
172 * )
173 * ```
174 *
175 * @beta
176 */
177 exitBeforeEnter?: boolean;
181 * @public
182 */
183export declare class AnimateSharedLayout extends React.Component<SharedLayoutProps> {
184 /**
185 * A list of all the children in the shared layout
186 */
187 private children;
188 /**
189 * As animate components with a defined `layoutId` are added/removed to the tree,
190 * we store them in order. When one is added, it will animate out from the
191 * previous one, and when it's removed, it'll animate to the previous one.
192 */
193 private stacks;
194 /**
195 * Track whether the component has mounted. If it hasn't, the presence of added children
196 * are set to Present, whereas if it has they're considered Entering
197 */
198 private hasMounted;
199 /**
200 * Track whether we already have an update scheduled. If we don't, we'll run snapshots
201 * and schedule one.
202 */
203 private updateScheduled;
204 /**
205 * Tracks whether we already have a render scheduled. If we don't, we'll force one with this.forceRender
206 */
207 private renderScheduled;
208 /**
209 * The methods provided to all children in the shared layout tree.
210 */
211 syncContext: SharedLayoutSyncMethods;
212 componentDidMount(): void;
213 componentDidUpdate(): void;
214 shouldComponentUpdate(): boolean;
215 startLayoutAnimation(): void;
216 updateStacks(): void;
217 scheduleUpdate(force?: boolean): void;
218 addChild(child: HTMLVisualElement): void;
219 removeChild(child: HTMLVisualElement): void;
220 addToStack(child: HTMLVisualElement): void;
221 removeFromStack(child: HTMLVisualElement): void;
222 /**
223 * Return a stack of animate children based on the provided layoutId.
224 * Will create a stack if none currently exists with that layoutId.
225 */
226 getStack(id?: string): LayoutStack | undefined;
227 render(): JSX.Element;
231 * Control animations on one or more components.
232 *
233 * @public
234 */
235export declare class AnimationControls {
236 /**
237 * Track whether the host component has mounted.
238 *
239 * @internal
240 */
241 private hasMounted;
242 /**
243 * A default `Transition` to set on linked components.
244 *
245 * @internal
246 */
247 private defaultTransition;
248 /**
249 * Pending animations that are started before a component is mounted.
250 *
251 * @internal
252 */
253 private pendingAnimations;
254 /**
255 * A collection of linked component animation controls.
256 *
257 * @internal
258 */
259 private componentControls;
260 /**
261 * A map of variants that can be later referenced via `start(variantLabel)`
262 *
263 * @internal
264 */
265 private variants;
266 /**
267 * Set variants on this and all child components.
268 *
269 * @param variants - The variants to set
270 *
271 * @internal
272 */
273 setVariants(variants: Variants): void;
274 /**
275 * Set a default transition on this and all child components
276 *
277 * @param transition - The default transition to set
278 *
279 * @internal
280 */
281 setDefaultTransition(transition: Transition): void;
282 /**
283 * Subscribes a component's animation controls to this.
284 *
285 * @param controls - The controls to subscribe
286 * @returns An unsubscribe function.
287 *
288 * @internal
289 */
290 subscribe(controls: VisualElementAnimationControls): () => boolean;
291 /**
292 * Starts an animation on all linked components.
293 *
294 * @remarks
295 *
296 * ```jsx
297 * controls.start("variantLabel")
298 * controls.start({
299 * x: 0,
300 * transition: { duration: 1 }
301 * })
302 * ```
303 *
304 * @param definition - Properties or variant label to animate to
305 * @param transition - Optional `transtion` to apply to a variant
306 * @returns - A `Promise` that resolves when all animations have completed.
307 *
308 * @public
309 */
310 start(definition: AnimationDefinition, transitionOverride?: Transition): Promise<any>;
311 /**
312 * Instantly set to a set of properties or a variant.
313 *
314 * ```jsx
315 * // With properties
316 * controls.set({ opacity: 0 })
317 *
318 * // With variants
319 * controls.set("hidden")
320 * ```
321 *
322 * @internalremarks
323 * We could perform a similar trick to `.start` where this can be called before mount
324 * and we maintain a list of of pending actions that get applied on mount. But the
325 * expectation of `set` is that it happens synchronously and this would be difficult
326 * to do before any children have even attached themselves. It's also poor practise
327 * and we should discourage render-synchronous `.start` calls rather than lean into this.
328 *
329 * @public
330 */
331 set(definition: AnimationDefinition): void;
332 /**
333 * Stops animations on all linked components.
334 *
335 * ```jsx
336 * controls.stop()
337 * ```
338 *
339 * @public
340 */
341 stop(): void;
342 /**
343 * Initialises the animation controls.
344 *
345 * @internal
346 */
347 mount(): void;
348 /**
349 * Stops all child animations when the host component unmounts.
350 *
351 * @internal
352 */
353 unmount(): void;
357 * @internal
358 */
359export declare const animationControls: () => AnimationControls;
361declare interface AnimationControlsConfig {
362 makeTargetAnimatable?: MakeTargetAnimatable;
365declare type AnimationDefinition = VariantLabels | TargetAndTransition | TargetResolver;
368 * @public
369 */
370export declare const AnimationFeature: MotionFeature;
372declare type AnimationOptions = {
373 delay?: number;
374 priority?: number;
375 transitionOverride?: Transition;
379 * @public
380 */
381export declare interface AnimationProps {
382 /**
383 * Values to animate to, variant label(s), or `AnimationControls`.
384 *
385 * @library
386 *
387 * ```jsx
388 * // As values
389 * <Frame animate={{ opacity: 1 }} />
390 *
391 * // As variant
392 * <Frame animate="visible" variants={variants} />
393 *
394 * // Multiple variants
395 * <Frame animate={["visible", "active"]} variants={variants} />
396 *
397 * // AnimationControls
398 * <Frame animate={animation} />
399 * ```
400 *
401 * @motion
402 *
403 * ```jsx
404 * // As values
405 * <motion.div animate={{ opacity: 1 }} />
406 *
407 * // As variant
408 * <motion.div animate="visible" variants={variants} />
409 *
410 * // Multiple variants
411 * <motion.div animate={["visible", "active"]} variants={variants} />
412 *
413 * // AnimationControls
414 * <motion.div animate={animation} />
415 * ```
416 */
417 animate?: AnimationControls | TargetAndTransition | VariantLabels | boolean;
418 /**
419 * A target to animate to when this component is removed from the tree.
420 *
421 * This component **must** be the first animatable child of an `AnimatePresence` to enable this exit animation.
422 *
423 * This limitation exists because React doesn't allow components to defer unmounting until after
424 * an animation is complete. Once this limitation is fixed, the `AnimatePresence` component will be unnecessary.
425 *
426 * @library
427 *
428 * ```jsx
429 * import { Frame, AnimatePresence } from 'framer'
430 *
431 * export function MyComponent(props) {
432 * return (
433 * <AnimatePresence>
434 * {props.isVisible && (
435 * <Frame
436 * initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
437 * animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
438 * exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
439 * />
440 * )}
441 * </AnimatePresence>
442 * )
443 * }
444 * ```
445 *
446 * @motion
447 *
448 * ```jsx
449 * import { AnimatePresence, motion } from 'framer-motion'
450 *
451 * export const MyComponent = ({ isVisible }) => {
452 * return (
453 * <AnimatePresence>
454 * {isVisible && (
455 * <motion.div
456 * initial={{ opacity: 0 }}
457 * animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
458 * exit={{ opacity: 0 }}
459 * />
460 * )}
461 * </AnimatePresence>
462 * )
463 * }
464 * ```
465 */
466 exit?: TargetAndTransition | VariantLabels | TargetResolver;
467 /**
468 * Variants allow you to define animation states and organise them by name. They allow
469 * you to control animations throughout a component tree by switching a single `animate` prop.
470 *
471 * Using `transition` options like `delayChildren` and `staggerChildren`, you can orchestrate
472 * when children animations play relative to their parent.
473 *
474 * @library
475 *
476 * After passing variants to one or more `Frame`'s `variants` prop, these variants
477 * can be used in place of values on the `animate`, `initial`, `whileTap` and `whileHover` props.
478 *
479 * ```jsx
480 * const variants = {
481 * active: {
482 * backgroundColor: "#f00"
483 * },
484 * inactive: {
485 * backgroundColor: "#fff",
486 * transition: { duration: 2 }
487 * }
488 * }
489 *
490 * <Frame variants={variants} animate="active" />
491 * ```
492 *
493 * @motion
494 *
495 * After passing variants to one or more `motion` component's `variants` prop, these variants
496 * can be used in place of values on the `animate`, `initial`, `whileTap` and `whileHover` props.
497 *
498 * ```jsx
499 * const variants = {
500 * active: {
501 * backgroundColor: "#f00"
502 * },
503 * inactive: {
504 * backgroundColor: "#fff",
505 * transition: { duration: 2 }
506 * }
507 * }
508 *
509 * <motion.div variants={variants} animate="active" />
510 * ```
511 */
512 variants?: Variants;
513 /**
514 * Default transition. If no `transition` is defined in `animate`, it will use the transition defined here.
515 *
516 * @library
517 *
518 * ```jsx
519 * const spring = {
520 * type: "spring",
521 * damping: 10,
522 * stiffness: 100
523 * }
524 *
525 * <Frame transition={spring} animate={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
526 * ```
527 *
528 * @motion
529 *
530 * ```jsx
531 * const spring = {
532 * type: "spring",
533 * damping: 10,
534 * stiffness: 100
535 * }
536 *
537 * <motion.div transition={spring} animate={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
538 * ```
539 */
540 transition?: Transition;
543declare type AnyPointerEvent = MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent;
546 * A description of a single axis using non-axis specific terms to denote the min and max
547 * value of any axis.
548 *
549 * @public
550 */
551export declare interface Axis {
552 min: number;
553 max: number;
557 * A description of a bounding box describing each axis individually. This allows us
558 * to treate each axis generically.
559 *
560 * @public
561 */
562export declare interface AxisBox2D {
563 x: Axis;
564 y: Axis;
568 * @public
569 */
570export declare interface AxisBox3D extends AxisBox2D {
571 z: Axis;
575 * The transform delta that, when applied to Axis a will visually transform it to Axis b
576 * @public
577 */
578export declare interface AxisDelta {
579 translate: number;
580 scale: number;
581 origin: number;
582 originPoint: number;
585declare type Booleanish = boolean | 'true' | 'false';
588 * A typically user-facing description of a bounding box using traditional t/l/r/b
589 *
590 * @public
591 */
592export declare interface BoundingBox2D {
593 top: number;
594 left: number;
595 bottom: number;
596 right: number;
600 * A 3D bounding box
601 *
602 * @public
603 */
604export declare interface BoundingBox3D extends BoundingBox2D {
605 front: number;
606 back: number;
610 * The transform delta that, when applied to Box a will visually transform it to Box b.
611 * @public
612 */
613export declare interface BoxDelta {
614 x: AxisDelta;
615 y: AxisDelta;
618declare interface ControlsProp {
619 controls?: VisualElementAnimationControls;
623 * Create a `motion` component.
624 *
625 * This function accepts a Component argument, which can be either a string (ie "div"
626 * for `motion.div`), or an actual React component.
627 *
628 * Alongside this is a config option which provides a way of rendering the provided
629 * component "offline", or outside the React render cycle.
630 *
631 * @internal
632 */
633export declare function createMotionComponent<P extends {}, E>(Component: string | React.ComponentType<P>, { defaultFeatures, useVisualElement, render, animationControlsConfig, }: MotionComponentConfig<E>): React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<P & MotionProps> & React.RefAttributes<E>>;
635declare type CSSPropertiesWithoutTransitionOrSingleTransforms = Omit<CSSProperties, "transition" | "rotate" | "scale" | "perspective">;
638 * I'd rather the return type of `custom` to be implicit but this throws
639 * incorrect relative paths in the exported types and API Extractor throws
640 * a wobbly.
641 */
642export declare type CustomDomComponent<Props> = React.ForwardRefExoticComponent<React.PropsWithoutRef<Props & MotionProps> & React.RefAttributes<SVGElement | HTMLElement>>;
644declare interface CustomStyles {
645 /**
646 * Framer Library custom prop types. These are not actually supported in Motion - preferably
647 * we'd have a way of external consumers injecting supported styles into this library.
648 */
649 size?: string | number;
650 radius?: string | number;
651 shadow?: string;
652 image?: string;
656 * @public
657 */
658export declare interface CustomValueType {
659 mix: (from: any, to: any) => (p: number) => number | string;
660 toValue: () => number | string;
663declare type Cycle = (i?: number) => void;
665declare type CycleState<T> = [T, Cycle];
668 * Configuration for the HTML and SVGVisualElement renderers.
669 */
670declare interface DOMVisualElementConfig extends VisualElementConfig {
671 /**
672 * Whether to permit `transform: none` if the calculated transform equals zero.
673 */
674 allowTransformNone?: boolean;
675 /**
676 * Whether to enable hardware acceleration. This will force the layer to the GPU
677 * by setting `translateZ(0)` to the transform style.
678 */
679 enableHardwareAcceleration?: boolean;
680 /**
681 * An optional function that can take a page point and return a new one.
682 * Used to enable drag and layout animations in the scaled canvases of Framer Desktop preview.
683 */
684 transformPagePoint?: TransformPoint2D;
685 /**
686 * A function that can accept the generated transform property and return a new one.
687 * Used for custom transform property orders. In the medium-term I'd like to ditch this
688 * and replace with a template function that can scoop up other animated values so
689 * we can do, for instance:
690 *
691 * ```jsx
692 * <motion.div
693 * animate={{ blur: 20 }}
694 * style={{ filter: combine`blur(${"blur"}px)` }}
695 * />
696 * ```
697 */
698 transformTemplate?: MotionProps["transformTemplate"];
699 onViewportBoxUpdate?: MotionProps["onViewportBoxUpdate"];
700 transition?: MotionProps["transition"];
701 layoutOrder?: number;
704declare interface DragControlConfig {
705 visualElement: HTMLVisualElement;
708declare interface DragControlOptions {
709 snapToCursor?: boolean;
710 cursorProgress?: Point2D;
714 * Can manually trigger a drag gesture on one or more `drag`-enabled `motion` components.
715 *
716 * @library
717 *
718 * ```jsx
719 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
720 *
721 * function startDrag(event) {
722 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
723 * }
724 *
725 * return (
726 * <>
727 * <Frame onTapStart={startDrag} />
728 * <Frame drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
729 * </>
730 * )
731 * ```
732 *
733 * @motion
734 *
735 * ```jsx
736 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
737 *
738 * function startDrag(event) {
739 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
740 * }
741 *
742 * return (
743 * <>
744 * <div onMouseDown={startDrag} />
745 * <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
746 * </>
747 * )
748 * ```
749 *
750 * @public
751 */
752export declare class DragControls {
753 private componentControls;
754 /**
755 * Subscribe a component's internal `VisualElementDragControls` to the user-facing API.
756 *
757 * @internal
758 */
759 subscribe(controls: VisualElementDragControls): () => void;
760 /**
761 * Start a drag gesture on every `motion` component that has this set of drag controls
762 * passed into it via the `dragControls` prop.
763 *
764 * ```jsx
765 * dragControls.start(e, {
766 * snapToCursor: true
767 * })
768 * ```
769 *
770 * @param event - A mouse/touch/pointer event.
771 * @param options - Options
772 *
773 * @public
774 */
775 start(event: React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent | React.PointerEvent | MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, options?: DragControlOptions): void;
778declare interface DragControlsProps extends DraggableProps {
779 transformPagePoint?: TransformPoint2D;
782declare type DragDirection = "x" | "y";
785 * @public
786 */
787export declare const DragFeature: MotionFeature;
790 * @public
791 */
792export declare interface DraggableProps extends DragHandlers {
793 /**
794 * Enable dragging for this element. Set to `false` by default.
795 * Set `true` to drag in both directions.
796 * Set `"x"` or `"y"` to only drag in a specific direction.
797 *
798 * @library
799 *
800 * ```jsx
801 * <Frame drag="x" />
802 * ```
803 *
804 * @motion
805 *
806 * ```jsx
807 * <motion.div drag="x" />
808 * ```
809 */
810 drag?: boolean | "x" | "y";
811 /**
812 * If `true`, this will lock dragging to the initially-detected direction. Defaults to `false`.
813 *
814 * @library
815 *
816 * ```jsx
817 * <Frame drag={true} dragDirectionLock={true} />
818 * ```
819 *
820 * @motion
821 *
822 * ```jsx
823 * <motion.div drag dragDirectionLock />
824 * ```
825 */
826 dragDirectionLock?: boolean;
827 /**
828 * Allows drag gesture propagation to child components. Set to `false` by
829 * default.
830 *
831 * @library
832 *
833 * ```jsx
834 * <Frame drag="x" dragPropagation={true} />
835 * ```
836 *
837 * @motion
838 *
839 * ```jsx
840 * <motion.div drag="x" dragPropagation />
841 * ```
842 */
843 dragPropagation?: boolean;
844 /**
845 * An object of optional `top`, `left`, `right`, `bottom` pixel values,
846 * beyond which dragging is constrained.
847 *
848 * Another component can be used as drag constraints by creating a `ref` with React's `useRef`.hook.
849 * This `ref` should be passed to that component's `ref` prop and to this component's `dragConstraints` prop.
850 *
851 * @library
852 *
853 * ```jsx
854 * // In pixels
855 * <Frame
856 * drag="x"
857 * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
858 * />
859 *
860 * // As a ref to another component
861 * function MyComponent() {
862 * const constraintsRef = useRef(null)
863 *
864 * return (
865 * <Frame ref={constraintsRef} width={400} height={400}>
866 * <Frame drag dragConstraints={constraintsRef} />
867 * </Frame>
868 * )
869 * }
870 * ```
871 *
872 * @motion
873 *
874 * ```jsx
875 * // In pixels
876 * <motion.div
877 * drag="x"
878 * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
879 * />
880 *
881 * // As a ref to another component
882 * const MyComponent = () => {
883 * const constraintsRef = useRef(null)
884 *
885 * return (
886 * <motion.div ref={constraintsRef}>
887 * <motion.div drag dragConstraints={constraintsRef} />
888 * </motion.div>
889 * )
890 * }
891 * ```
892 */
893 dragConstraints?: false | Partial<BoundingBox2D> | RefObject<Element>;
894 /**
895 * The degree of movement allowed outside constraints. 0 = no movement, 1 =
896 * full movement. Set to `0.5` by default.
897 *
898 * @library
899 *
900 * ```jsx
901 * <Frame
902 * drag={true}
903 * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
904 * dragElastic={0.2}
905 * />
906 * ```
907 *
908 * @motion
909 *
910 * ```jsx
911 * <motion.div
912 * drag
913 * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
914 * dragElastic={0.2}
915 * />
916 * ```
917 */
918 dragElastic?: boolean | number;
919 /**
920 * Apply momentum from the pan gesture to the component when dragging
921 * finishes. Set to `true` by default.
922 *
923 * @library
924 *
925 * ```jsx
926 * <Frame
927 * drag={true}
928 * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
929 * dragMomentum={false}
930 * />
931 * ```
932 *
933 * @motion
934 *
935 * ```jsx
936 * <motion.div
937 * drag
938 * dragConstraints={{ left: 0, right: 300 }}
939 * dragMomentum={false}
940 * />
941 * ```
942 */
943 dragMomentum?: boolean;
944 /**
945 * Allows you to change dragging inertia parameters.
946 * When releasing a draggable Frame, an animation with type `inertia` starts. The animation is based on your dragging velocity. This property allows you to customize it.
947 * See {@link https://framer.com/api/animation/#inertia | Inertia} for all properties you can use.
948 *
949 * @library
950 *
951 * ```jsx
952 * <Frame
953 * drag={true}
954 * dragTransition={{ bounceStiffness: 600, bounceDamping: 10 }}
955 * />
956 * ```
957 *
958 * @motion
959 *
960 * ```jsx
961 * <motion.div
962 * drag
963 * dragTransition={{ bounceStiffness: 600, bounceDamping: 10 }}
964 * />
965 * ```
966 */
967 dragTransition?: InertiaOptions;
968 /**
969 * Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a component and moving it. For some
970 * use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we
971 * might want to initiate dragging from a different component than the draggable one.
972 *
973 * By creating a `dragControls` using the `useDragControls` hook, we can pass this into
974 * the draggable component's `dragControls` prop. It exposes a `start` method
975 * that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.
976 *
977 * @library
978 *
979 * ```jsx
980 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
981 *
982 * function startDrag(event) {
983 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
984 * }
985 *
986 * return (
987 * <>
988 * <Frame onTapStart={startDrag} />
989 * <Frame drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
990 * </>
991 * )
992 * ```
993 *
994 * @motion
995 *
996 * ```jsx
997 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
998 *
999 * function startDrag(event) {
1000 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
1001 * }
1002 *
1003 * return (
1004 * <>
1005 * <div onMouseDown={startDrag} />
1006 * <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
1007 * </>
1008 * )
1009 * ```
1010 */
1011 dragControls?: DragControls;
1012 /**
1013 * By default, if `drag` is defined on a component then an event listener will be attached
1014 * to automatically initiate dragging when a user presses down on it.
1015 *
1016 * By setting `dragListener` to `false`, this event listener will not be created.
1017 *
1018 * @library
1019 *
1020 * ```jsx
1021 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
1022 *
1023 * function startDrag(event) {
1024 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
1025 * }
1026 *
1027 * return (
1028 * <>
1029 * <Frame onTapStart={startDrag} />
1030 * <Frame
1031 * drag="x"
1032 * dragControls={dragControls}
1033 * dragListener={false}
1034 * />
1035 * </>
1036 * )
1037 * ```
1038 *
1039 * @motion
1040 *
1041 * ```jsx
1042 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
1043 *
1044 * function startDrag(event) {
1045 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
1046 * }
1047 *
1048 * return (
1049 * <>
1050 * <div onMouseDown={startDrag} />
1051 * <motion.div
1052 * drag="x"
1053 * dragControls={dragControls}
1054 * dragListener={false}
1055 * />
1056 * </>
1057 * )
1058 * ```
1059 */
1060 dragListener?: boolean;
1061 /**
1062 * If `dragConstraints` is set to a React ref, this callback will call with the measured drag constraints.
1063 *
1064 * @public
1065 */
1066 onMeasureDragConstraints?: (constraints: BoundingBox2D) => BoundingBox2D | void;
1070 * @public
1071 */
1072export declare interface DragHandlers {
1073 /**
1074 * Callback function that fires when dragging starts.
1075 *
1076 * @library
1077 *
1078 * ```jsx
1079 * function onDragStart(event, info) {
1080 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
1081 * }
1082 *
1083 * <Frame drag onDragStart={onDragStart} />
1084 * ```
1085 *
1086 * @motion
1087 *
1088 * ```jsx
1089 * <motion.div
1090 * drag
1091 * onDragStart={
1092 * (event, info) => console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
1093 * }
1094 * />
1095 * ```
1096 *
1097 * @public
1098 */
1099 onDragStart?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
1100 /**
1101 * Callback function that fires when dragging ends.
1102 *
1103 * @library
1104 *
1105 * ```jsx
1106 * function onDragEnd(event, info) {
1107 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
1108 * }
1109 *
1110 * <Frame drag onDragEnd={onDragEnd} />
1111 * ```
1112 *
1113 * @motion
1114 *
1115 * ```jsx
1116 * <motion.div
1117 * drag
1118 * onDragEnd={
1119 * (event, info) => console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
1120 * }
1121 * />
1122 * ```
1123 *
1124 * @public
1125 */
1126 onDragEnd?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
1127 /**
1128 * Callback function that fires when the component is dragged.
1129 *
1130 * @library
1131 *
1132 * ```jsx
1133 * function onDrag(event, info) {
1134 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
1135 * }
1136 *
1137 * <Frame drag onDrag={onDrag} />
1138 * ```
1139 *
1140 * @motion
1141 *
1142 * ```jsx
1143 * <motion.div
1144 * drag
1145 * onDrag={
1146 * (event, info) => console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
1147 * }
1148 * />
1149 * ```
1150 *
1151 * @public
1152 */
1153 onDrag?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
1154 /**
1155 * Callback function that fires a drag direction is determined.
1156 *
1157 * @library
1158 *
1159 * ```jsx
1160 * function onDirectionLock(axis) {
1161 * console.log(axis)
1162 * }
1163 *
1164 * <Frame
1165 * drag
1166 * dragDirectionLock
1167 * onDirectionLock={onDirectionLock}
1168 * />
1169 * ```
1170 *
1171 * @motion
1172 *
1173 * ```jsx
1174 * <motion.div
1175 * drag
1176 * dragDirectionLock
1177 * onDirectionLock={axis => console.log(axis)}
1178 * />
1179 * ```
1180 *
1181 * @public
1182 */
1183 onDirectionLock?(axis: "x" | "y"): void;
1184 /**
1185 * Callback function that fires when drag momentum/bounce transition finishes.
1186 *
1187 * @library
1188 *
1189 * ```jsx
1190 * function onDragTransitionEnd() {
1191 * console.log('drag transition has ended')
1192 * }
1193 *
1194 * <Frame
1195 * drag
1196 * onDragTransitionEnd={onDragTransitionEnd}
1197 * />
1198 * ```
1199 *
1200 * @motion
1201 *
1202 * ```jsx
1203 * <motion.div
1204 * drag
1205 * onDragTransitionEnd={() => console.log('Drag transition complete')}
1206 * />
1207 * ```
1208 *
1209 * @public
1210 */
1211 onDragTransitionEnd?(): void;
1215 * The easing function to use. Set as one of:
1216 *
1217 * - The name of an in-built easing function.
1218 * - An array of four numbers to define a cubic bezier curve.
1219 * - An easing function, that accepts and returns a progress value between `0` and `1`.
1220 *
1221 * @public
1222 */
1223declare type Easing = [number, number, number, number] | "linear" | "easeIn" | "easeOut" | "easeInOut" | "circIn" | "circOut" | "circInOut" | "backIn" | "backOut" | "backInOut" | "anticipate" | EasingFunction;
1226 * A function that accepts a progress value between `0` and `1` and returns a
1227 * new one.
1228 *
1229 * @library
1230 *
1231 * ```jsx
1232 * const transition = {
1233 * ease: progress => progress * progress
1234 * }
1235 *
1236 * <Frame
1237 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
1238 * transition={transition}
1239 * />
1240 * ```
1241 *
1242 * @motion
1243 *
1244 * ```jsx
1245 * <motion.div
1246 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
1247 * transition={{
1248 * duration: 1,
1249 * ease: progress => progress * progress
1250 * }}
1251 * />
1252 * ```
1253 *
1254 * @public
1255 */
1256export declare type EasingFunction = (v: number) => number;
1258/** @public */
1259export declare interface EventInfo {
1260 point: Point;
1264 * @public
1265 */
1266export declare const ExitFeature: MotionFeature;
1269 * @public
1270 */
1271export declare interface FeatureProps extends MotionProps {
1272 visualElement: HTMLVisualElement;
1273 controls: VisualElementAnimationControls;
1274 localContext: MotionContextProps;
1275 parentContext: MotionContextProps;
1279 * @public
1280 */
1281export declare type ForwardRefComponent<T, P> = ForwardRefExoticComponent<PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<T>>;
1284 * @public
1285 */
1286export declare type GestureHandlers = PanHandlers & TapHandlers & HoverHandlers;
1289 * @public
1290 */
1291export declare const GesturesFeature: MotionFeature;
1294 * @public
1295 */
1296export declare interface HoverHandlers {
1297 /**
1298 * Properties or variant label to animate to while the hover gesture is recognised.
1299 *
1300 * @library
1301 *
1302 * ```jsx
1303 * <Frame whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
1304 * ```
1305 *
1306 * @motion
1307 *
1308 * ```jsx
1309 * <motion.div whileHover={{ scale: 1.2 }} />
1310 * ```
1311 */
1312 whileHover?: string | TargetAndTransition;
1313 /**
1314 * Callback function that fires when pointer starts hovering over the component.
1315 *
1316 * @library
1317 *
1318 * ```jsx
1319 * function onHoverStart(event) {
1320 * console.log("Hover starts")
1321 * }
1322 *
1323 * <Frame onHoverStart={onHoverStart} />
1324 * ```
1325 *
1326 * @motion
1327 *
1328 * ```jsx
1329 * <motion.div onHoverStart={() => console.log('Hover starts')} />
1330 * ```
1331 */
1332 onHoverStart?(event: MouseEvent, info: EventInfo): void;
1333 /**
1334 * Callback function that fires when pointer stops hovering over the component.
1335 *
1336 * @library
1337 *
1338 * ```jsx
1339 * function onHoverEnd(event) {
1340 * console.log("Hover ends")
1341 * }
1342 *
1343 * <Frame onHoverEnd={onHoverEnd} />
1344 * ```
1345 *
1346 * @motion
1347 *
1348 * ```jsx
1349 * <motion.div onHoverEnd={() => console.log("Hover ends")} />
1350 * ```
1351 */
1352 onHoverEnd?(event: MouseEvent, info: EventInfo): void;
1355declare type HTMLAttributesWithoutMotionProps<Attributes extends HTMLAttributes<Element>, Element extends HTMLElement> = {
1356 [K in Exclude<keyof Attributes, keyof MotionProps>]?: Attributes[K];
1359declare type HTMLElements = UnionStringArray<typeof htmlElements>;
1362 * @internal
1363 */
1364declare const htmlElements: readonly ["a", "abbr", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "base", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "data", "datalist", "dd", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "div", "dl", "dt", "em", "embed", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "main", "map", "mark", "menu", "menuitem", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", "section", "select", "small", "source", "span", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr", "webview"];
1367 * Motion-optimised versions of React's HTML components.
1368 *
1369 * @public
1370 */
1371declare type HTMLMotionComponents = {
1372 [K in HTMLElements]: ForwardRefComponent<UnwrapFactoryElement<ReactHTML[K]>, HTMLMotionProps<K>>;
1376 * @public
1377 */
1378export declare type HTMLMotionProps<TagName extends keyof ReactHTML> = HTMLAttributesWithoutMotionProps<UnwrapFactoryAttributes<ReactHTML[TagName]>, UnwrapFactoryElement<ReactHTML[TagName]>> & MotionProps;
1381 * A VisualElement for HTMLElements
1382 */
1383declare class HTMLVisualElement<E extends HTMLElement | SVGElement = HTMLElement> extends VisualElement<E> {
1384 /**
1385 *
1386 */
1387 protected defaultConfig: DOMVisualElementConfig;
1388 /**
1389 * A mutable record of styles we want to apply directly to the rendered Element
1390 * every frame. We use a mutable data structure to reduce GC during animations.
1391 */
1392 style: ResolvedValues;
1393 /**
1394 * A record of styles we only want to apply via React. This gets set in useMotionValues
1395 * and applied in the render function. I'd prefer this to live somewhere else to decouple
1396 * VisualElement from React but works for now.
1397 */
1398 reactStyle: ResolvedValues;
1399 /**
1400 * A mutable record of CSS variables we want to apply directly to the rendered Element
1401 * every frame. We use a mutable data structure to reduce GC during animations.
1402 */
1403 vars: ResolvedValues;
1404 /**
1405 * Presence data. This is hydrated by useDomVisualElement and used by AnimateSharedLayout
1406 * to decide how to animate entering/exiting layoutId
1407 */
1408 presence?: Presence;
1409 isPresent?: boolean;
1410 /**
1411 * A mutable record of transforms we want to apply directly to the rendered Element
1412 * every frame. We use a mutable data structure to reduce GC during animations.
1413 */
1414 protected transform: ResolvedValues;
1415 /**
1416 * A mutable record of transform origins we want to apply directly to the rendered Element
1417 * every frame. We use a mutable data structure to reduce GC during animations.
1418 */
1419 protected transformOrigin: TransformOrigin;
1420 /**
1421 * A mutable record of transform keys we want to apply to the rendered Element. We order
1422 * this to order transforms in the desired order. We use a mutable data structure to reduce GC during animations.
1423 */
1424 protected transformKeys: string[];
1425 config: DOMVisualElementConfig;
1426 /**
1427 * When a value is removed, we want to make sure it's removed from all rendered data structures.
1428 */
1429 removeValue(key: string): void;
1430 /**
1431 * Empty the mutable data structures by re-creating them. We can do this every React render
1432 * as the comparative workload to the rest of the render is very low and this is also when
1433 * we want to reflect values that might have been removed by the render.
1434 */
1435 clean(): void;
1436 updateConfig(config?: DOMVisualElementConfig): void;
1437 /**
1438 * Read a value directly from the HTMLElement style.
1439 */
1440 read(key: string): number | string | null;
1441 /**
1442 * Read a value directly from the HTMLElement in case it's not defined by a Motion
1443 * prop. If it's a transform, we just return a pre-defined default value as reading these
1444 * out of a matrix is either error-prone or can incur a big payload for little benefit.
1445 */
1446 readNativeValue(key: string): any;
1447 /**
1448 * ========================================
1449 * Layout
1450 * ========================================
1451 */
1452 isLayoutProjectionEnabled: boolean;
1453 enableLayoutProjection(): void;
1454 /**
1455 * A set of layout update event handlers. These are only called once all layouts have been read,
1456 * making it safe to perform DOM write operations.
1457 */
1458 private layoutUpdateListeners;
1459 /**
1460 * Keep track of whether the viewport box has been updated since the last render.
1461 * If it has, we want to fire the onViewportBoxUpdate listener.
1462 */
1463 private hasViewportBoxUpdated;
1464 /**
1465 * Optional id. If set, and this is the child of an AnimateSharedLayout component,
1466 * the targetBox can be transerred to a new component with the same ID.
1467 */
1468 layoutId?: string;
1469 /**
1470 * The measured bounding box as it exists on the page with no transforms applied.
1471 *
1472 * To calculate the visual output of a component in any given frame, we:
1473 *
1474 * 1. box -> boxCorrected
1475 * Apply the delta between the tree transform when the box was measured and
1476 * the tree transform in this frame to the box
1477 * 2. targetBox -> targetBoxFinal
1478 * Apply the VisualElement's `transform` properties to the targetBox
1479 * 3. Calculate the delta between boxCorrected and targetBoxFinal and apply
1480 * it as a transform style.
1481 */
1482 box: AxisBox2D;
1483 /**
1484 * The `box` layout with transforms applied from up the
1485 * tree. We use this as the final bounding box from which we calculate a transform
1486 * delta to our desired visual position on any given frame.
1487 *
1488 * This is considered mutable to avoid object creation on each frame.
1489 */
1490 private boxCorrected;
1491 /**
1492 * The visual target we want to project our component into on a given frame
1493 * before applying transforms defined in `animate` or `style`.
1494 *
1495 * This is considered mutable to avoid object creation on each frame.
1496 */
1497 targetBox: AxisBox2D;
1498 /**
1499 * The visual target we want to project our component into on a given frame
1500 * before applying transforms defined in `animate` or `style`.
1501 *
1502 * This is considered mutable to avoid object creation on each frame.
1503 */
1504 protected targetBoxFinal: AxisBox2D;
1505 /**
1506 * Can be used to store a snapshot of the measured viewport bounding box before
1507 * a re-render.
1508 */
1509 prevViewportBox?: AxisBox2D;
1510 /**
1511 * The overall scale of the local coordinate system as transformed by all parents
1512 * of this component. We use this for scale correction on our calculated layouts
1513 * and scale-affected values like `boxShadow`.
1514 *
1515 * This is considered mutable to avoid object creation on each frame.
1516 */
1517 treeScale: Point2D;
1518 /**
1519 * The delta between the boxCorrected and the desired
1520 * targetBox (before user-set transforms are applied). The calculated output will be
1521 * handed to the renderer and used as part of the style correction calculations, for
1522 * instance calculating how to display the desired border-radius correctly.
1523 *
1524 * This is considered mutable to avoid object creation on each frame.
1525 */
1526 delta: BoxDelta;
1527 /**
1528 * The delta between the boxCorrected and the desired targetBoxFinal. The calculated
1529 * output will be handed to the renderer and used to project the boxCorrected into
1530 * the targetBoxFinal.
1531 *
1532 * This is considered mutable to avoid object creation on each frame.
1533 */
1534 deltaFinal: BoxDelta;
1535 /**
1536 * The computed transform string to apply deltaFinal to the element. Currently this is only
1537 * being used to diff and decide whether to render on the current frame, but a minor optmisation
1538 * could be to provide this to the buildHTMLStyle function.
1539 */
1540 deltaTransform: string;
1541 /**
1542 *
1543 */
1544 stopLayoutAxisAnimation: {
1545 x: () => void;
1546 y: () => void;
1547 };
1548 isVisible?: boolean;
1549 hide(): void;
1550 show(): void;
1551 /**
1552 * Register an event listener to fire when the layout is updated. We might want to expose support
1553 * for this via a `motion` prop.
1554 */
1555 onLayoutUpdate(callback: LayoutUpdateHandler): () => boolean;
1556 /**
1557 * To be called when all layouts are successfully updated. In turn we can notify layoutUpdate
1558 * subscribers.
1559 */
1560 layoutReady(config?: SharedLayoutAnimationConfig): void;
1561 /**
1562 * Measure and return the Element's bounding box. We convert it to a AxisBox2D
1563 * structure to make it easier to work on each individual axis generically.
1564 */
1565 getBoundingBox(): AxisBox2D;
1566 getBoundingBoxWithoutTransforms(): AxisBox2D;
1567 /**
1568 * Return the computed style after a render.
1569 */
1570 getComputedStyle(): CSSStyleDeclaration;
1571 /**
1572 *
1573 */
1574 snapshotBoundingBox(): void;
1575 /**
1576 * The viewport scroll at the time of the previous layout measurement.
1577 */
1578 viewportScroll: Point2D;
1579 measureLayout(): void;
1580 /**
1581 * Ensure the targetBox reflects the latest visual box on screen
1582 */
1583 refreshTargetBox(): void;
1584 isTargetBoxLocked: boolean;
1585 lockTargetBox(): void;
1586 unlockTargetBox(): void;
1587 /**
1588 * Reset the transform on the current Element. This is called as part
1589 * of a batched process across the entire layout tree. To remove this write
1590 * cycle it'd be interesting to see if it's possible to "undo" all the current
1591 * layout transforms up the tree in the same way this.getBoundingBoxWithoutTransforms
1592 * works
1593 */
1594 resetTransform(): void;
1595 /**
1596 * Set new min/max boundaries to project an axis into
1597 */
1598 setAxisTarget(axis: "x" | "y", min: number, max: number): void;
1599 /**
1600 *
1601 */
1602 axisProgress: MotionPoint;
1603 /**
1604 *
1605 */
1606 startLayoutAxisAnimation(axis: "x" | "y", transition: Transition): Promise<void>;
1607 stopLayoutAnimation(): void;
1608 updateLayoutDelta: () => void;
1609 /**
1610 * Update the layout deltas to reflect the relative positions of the layout
1611 * and the desired target box
1612 */
1613 updateLayoutDeltas(): void;
1614 updateTransformDeltas(): void;
1615 /**
1616 * ========================================
1617 * Build & render
1618 * ========================================
1619 */
1620 /**
1621 * Build a style prop using the latest resolved MotionValues
1622 */
1623 build(): void;
1624 /**
1625 * Render the Element by rebuilding and applying the latest styles and vars.
1626 */
1627 render(): void;
1631 * An animation that decelerates a value based on its initial velocity,
1632 * usually used to implement inertial scrolling.
1633 *
1634 * Optionally, `min` and `max` boundaries can be defined, and inertia
1635 * will snap to these with a spring animation.
1636 *
1637 * This animation will automatically precalculate a target value,
1638 * which can be modified with the `modifyTarget` property.
1639 *
1640 * This allows you to add snap-to-grid or similar functionality.
1641 *
1642 * Inertia is also the animation used for `dragTransition`, and can be configured via that prop.
1643 *
1644 * @public
1645 */
1646export declare interface Inertia {
1647 /**
1648 * Set `type` to animate using the inertia animation. Set to `"tween"` by
1649 * default. This can be used for natural deceleration, like momentum scrolling.
1650 *
1651 * @library
1652 *
1653 * ```jsx
1654 * const transition = {
1655 * type: "inertia",
1656 * velocity: 50
1657 * }
1658 *
1659 * <Frame
1660 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
1661 * transition={transition}
1662 * />
1663 * ```
1664 *
1665 * @motion
1666 *
1667 * ```jsx
1668 * <motion.div
1669 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
1670 * transition={{ type: "inertia", velocity: 50 }}
1671 * />
1672 * ```
1673 *
1674 * @public
1675 */
1676 type: "inertia";
1677 /**
1678 * A function that receives the automatically-calculated target and returns a new one. Useful for snapping the target to a grid.
1679 *
1680 * @library
1681 *
1682 * ```jsx
1683 * const transition = {
1684 * power: 0,
1685 * // Snap calculated target to nearest 50 pixels
1686 * modifyTarget: target => Math.round(target / 50) * 50
1687 * }
1688 *
1689 * <Frame
1690 * drag
1691 * dragTransition={transition}
1692 * />
1693 * ```
1694 *
1695 * @motion
1696 *
1697 * ```jsx
1698 * <motion.div
1699 * drag
1700 * dragTransition={{
1701 * power: 0,
1702 * // Snap calculated target to nearest 50 pixels
1703 * modifyTarget: target => Math.round(target / 50) * 50
1704 * }}
1705 * />
1706 * ```
1707 *
1708 * @public
1709 */
1710 modifyTarget?(v: number): number;
1711 /**
1712 * If `min` or `max` is set, this affects the stiffness of the bounce
1713 * spring. Higher values will create more sudden movement. Set to `500` by
1714 * default.
1715 *
1716 * @library
1717 *
1718 * ```jsx
1719 * const transition = {
1720 * min: 0,
1721 * max: 100,
1722 * bounceStiffness: 100
1723 * }
1724 *
1725 * <Frame
1726 * drag
1727 * dragTransition={transition}
1728 * />
1729 * ```
1730 *
1731 * @motion
1732 *
1733 * ```jsx
1734 * <motion.div
1735 * drag
1736 * dragTransition={{
1737 * min: 0,
1738 * max: 100,
1739 * bounceStiffness: 100
1740 * }}
1741 * />
1742 * ```
1743 *
1744 * @public
1745 */
1746 bounceStiffness?: number;
1747 /**
1748 * If `min` or `max` is set, this affects the damping of the bounce spring.
1749 * If set to `0`, spring will oscillate indefinitely. Set to `10` by
1750 * default.
1751 *
1752 * @library
1753 *
1754 * ```jsx
1755 * const transition = {
1756 * min: 0,
1757 * max: 100,
1758 * bounceDamping: 8
1759 * }
1760 *
1761 * <Frame
1762 * drag
1763 * dragTransition={transition}
1764 * />
1765 * ```
1766 *
1767 * @motion
1768 *
1769 * ```jsx
1770 * <motion.div
1771 * drag
1772 * dragTransition={{
1773 * min: 0,
1774 * max: 100,
1775 * bounceDamping: 8
1776 * }}
1777 * />
1778 * ```
1779 *
1780 * @public
1781 */
1782 bounceDamping?: number;
1783 /**
1784 * A higher power value equals a further target. Set to `0.8` by default.
1785 *
1786 * @library
1787 *
1788 * ```jsx
1789 * const transition = {
1790 * min: 0,
1791 * max: 100,
1792 * power: 0.2
1793 * }
1794 *
1795 * <Frame
1796 * drag
1797 * dragTransition={transition}
1798 * />
1799 * ```
1800 *
1801 * @motion
1802 *
1803 * ```jsx
1804 * <motion.div
1805 * drag
1806 * dragTransition={{ power: 0.2 }}
1807 * />
1808 * ```
1809 *
1810 * @public
1811 */
1812 power?: number;
1813 /**
1814 * Adjusting the time constant will change the duration of the
1815 * deceleration, thereby affecting its feel. Set to `700` by default.
1816 *
1817 * @library
1818 *
1819 * ```jsx
1820 * const transition = {
1821 * min: 0,
1822 * max: 100,
1823 * timeConstant: 200
1824 * }
1825 *
1826 * <Frame
1827 * drag
1828 * dragTransition={transition}
1829 * />
1830 * ```
1831 *
1832 * @motion
1833 *
1834 * ```jsx
1835 * <motion.div
1836 * drag
1837 * dragTransition={{ timeConstant: 200 }}
1838 * />
1839 * ```
1840 *
1841 * @public
1842 */
1843 timeConstant?: number;
1844 /**
1845 * End the animation if the distance to the animation target is below this value, and the absolute speed is below `restSpeed`.
1846 * When the animation ends, the value gets snapped to the animation target. Set to `0.01` by default.
1847 * Generally the default values provide smooth animation endings, only in rare cases should you need to customize these.
1848 *
1849 * @library
1850 *
1851 * ```jsx
1852 * const transition = {
1853 * min: 0,
1854 * max: 100,
1855 * restDelta: 10
1856 * }
1857 *
1858 * <Frame
1859 * drag
1860 * dragTransition={transition}
1861 * />
1862 * ```
1863 *
1864 * @motion
1865 *
1866 * ```jsx
1867 * <motion.div
1868 * drag
1869 * dragTransition={{ restDelta: 10 }}
1870 * />
1871 * ```
1872 *
1873 * @public
1874 */
1875 restDelta?: number;
1876 /**
1877 * Minimum constraint. If set, the value will "bump" against this value (or immediately spring to it if the animation starts as less than this value).
1878 *
1879 * @library
1880 *
1881 * ```jsx
1882 * <Frame
1883 * drag
1884 * dragTransition={{ min: 0, max: 100 }}
1885 * />
1886 * ```
1887 *
1888 * @motion
1889 *
1890 * ```jsx
1891 * <motion.div
1892 * drag
1893 * dragTransition={{ min: 0, max: 100 }}
1894 * />
1895 * ```
1896 *
1897 * @public
1898 */
1899 min?: number;
1900 /**
1901 * Maximum constraint. If set, the value will "bump" against this value (or immediately snap to it, if the initial animation value exceeds this value).
1902 *
1903 * @library
1904 *
1905 * ```jsx
1906 * <Frame
1907 * drag
1908 * dragTransition={{ min: 0, max: 100 }}
1909 * />
1910 * ```
1911 *
1912 * @motion
1913 *
1914 * ```jsx
1915 * <motion.div
1916 * drag
1917 * dragTransition={{ min: 0, max: 100 }}
1918 * />
1919 * ```
1920 *
1921 * @public
1922 */
1923 max?: number;
1924 /**
1925 * The value to animate from. By default, this is the current state of the animating value.
1926 *
1927 * @library
1928 *
1929 * ```jsx
1930 * const transition = {
1931 * min: 0,
1932 * max: 100,
1933 * from: 50
1934 * }
1935 *
1936 * <Frame
1937 * drag
1938 * dragTransition={transition}
1939 * />
1940 * ```
1941 *
1942 * @motion
1943 *
1944 * ```jsx
1945 * <Frame
1946 * drag
1947 * dragTransition={{ from: 50 }}
1948 * />
1949 * ```
1950 *
1951 * @public
1952 */
1953 from?: number | string;
1954 /**
1955 * The initial velocity of the animation.
1956 * By default this is the current velocity of the component.
1957 *
1958 * @library
1959 *
1960 * ```jsx
1961 * const transition = {
1962 * type: "inertia",
1963 * velocity: 200
1964 * }
1965 *
1966 * <Frame
1967 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
1968 * transition={transition}
1969 * />
1970 * ```
1971 *
1972 * @motion
1973 *
1974 * ```jsx
1975 * <motion.div
1976 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
1977 * transition={{ type: 'inertia', velocity: 200 }}
1978 * />
1979 * ```
1980 *
1981 * @public
1982 */
1983 velocity?: number;
1984 /**
1985 * @internal
1986 */
1987 delay?: number;
1991 * @public
1992 */
1993declare type InertiaOptions = Partial<Omit<Inertia, "velocity" | "type">>;
1996 * Check whether a prop name is a valid `MotionProp` key.
1997 *
1998 * @param key - Name of the property to check
1999 * @returns `true` is key is a valid `MotionProp`.
2000 *
2001 * @public
2002 */
2003export declare function isValidMotionProp(key: string): boolean;
2006 * @internal
2007 */
2008declare interface Just {
2009 type: "just";
2010 to?: number | string | ValueTarget;
2011 from?: number | string;
2012 delay?: number;
2013 velocity?: number;
2017 * Keyframes tweens between multiple `values`.
2018 *
2019 * These tweens can be arranged using the `duration`, `easings`, and `times` properties.
2020 *
2021 * @internalremarks
2022 * We could possibly make the `type` property redundant, if not for all animations
2023 * then for this one quite easily.
2024 *
2025 * @internal
2026 */
2027export declare interface Keyframes {
2028 /**
2029 * Set `type` to `"keyframes"` to animate using the keyframes animation.
2030 * Set to `"tween"` by default. This can be used to animate between a series of values.
2031 *
2032 * @public
2033 */
2034 type: "keyframes";
2035 /**
2036 * An array of values to animate between.
2037 *
2038 * @internal
2039 */
2040 values: KeyframesTarget;
2041 /**
2042 * An array of numbers between 0 and 1, where `1` represents the `total` duration.
2043 *
2044 * Each value represents at which point during the animation each item in the animation target should be hit, so the array should be the same length as `values`.
2045 *
2046 * Defaults to an array of evenly-spread durations.
2047 *
2048 * @public
2049 */
2050 times?: number[];
2051 /**
2052 * An array of easing functions for each generated tween, or a single easing function applied to all tweens.
2053 *
2054 * This array should be one item less than `values`, as these easings apply to the transitions *between* the `values`.
2055 *
2056 * ```jsx
2057 * const transition = {
2058 * backgroundColor: {
2059 * type: 'keyframes',
2060 * easings: ['circIn', 'circOut']
2061 * }
2062 * }
2063 * ```
2064 *
2065 * @public
2066 */
2067 ease?: Easing | Easing[];
2068 /**
2069 * Popmotion's easing prop to define individual easings. `ease` will be mapped to this prop in keyframes animations.
2070 *
2071 * @internal
2072 */
2073 easings?: Easing | Easing[];
2074 /**
2075 * @internal
2076 */
2077 elapsed?: number;
2078 /**
2079 * The total duration of the animation. Set to `0.3` by default.
2080 *
2081 * ```jsx
2082 * const transition = {
2083 * type: "keyframes",
2084 * duration: 2
2085 * }
2086 *
2087 * <Frame
2088 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
2089 * transition={transition}
2090 * />
2091 * ```
2092 *
2093 * @public
2094 */
2095 duration?: number;
2096 /**
2097 * The number of times to loop the animation.
2098 *
2099 * Set to `Infinity` for perpetual looping.
2100 *
2101 * @public
2102 */
2103 loop?: number;
2104 /**
2105 * The number of times to flip the animation by swapping the `to` and `from` values.
2106 * Set to `Infinity` for perpetual flipping.
2107 *
2108 * ```jsx
2109 * const transition = {
2110 * flip: Infinity,
2111 * duration: 2
2112 * }
2113 *
2114 * <Frame
2115 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
2116 * transition={transition}
2117 * />
2118 * ```
2119 *
2120 * @public
2121 */
2122 flip?: number;
2123 /**
2124 * The number of times to reverse the animation.
2125 * Set to `Infinity` for perpetual reversing.
2126 *
2127 * ```jsx
2128 * const transition = {
2129 * yoyo: Infinity,
2130 * duration: 2
2131 * }
2132 *
2133 * <Frame
2134 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
2135 * transition={transition}
2136 * />
2137 *
2138 * ```
2139 * @public
2140 */
2141 yoyo?: number;
2142 /**
2143 * @public
2144 */
2145 repeatDelay?: number;
2146 /**
2147 * @internal
2148 */
2149 from?: number | string;
2150 /**
2151 * @internal
2152 */
2153 to?: number | string | ValueTarget;
2154 /**
2155 * @internal
2156 */
2157 velocity?: number;
2158 /**
2159 * @internal
2160 */
2161 delay?: number;
2165 * @public
2166 */
2167export declare type KeyframesTarget = ResolvedKeyframesTarget | [null, ...CustomValueType[]] | CustomValueType[];
2170 * @public
2171 */
2172export declare interface LayoutProps {
2173 /**
2174 * If `true`, this component will automatically animate to its new position when
2175 * its layout changes.
2176 *
2177 * ```jsx
2178 * <motion.div layout />
2179 * ```
2180 *
2181 * This will perform a layout animation using performant transforms. Part of this technique
2182 * involved animating an element's scale. This can introduce visual distortions on children,
2183 * `boxShadow` and `borderRadius`.
2184 *
2185 * To correct distortion on immediate children, add `layout` to those too.
2186 *
2187 * `boxShadow` and `borderRadius` will automatically be corrected if they are already being
2188 * animated on this component. Otherwise, set them directly via the `initial` prop.
2189 *
2190 * If `layout` is set to `"position"`, the size of the component will change instantly and
2191 * only its position will animate.
2192 *
2193 * @public
2194 */
2195 layout?: boolean | "position";
2196 /**
2197 * Enable shared layout transitions between components for children of `AnimateSharedLayout`.
2198 *
2199 * When a component with a layoutId is removed from the React tree, and then
2200 * added elsewhere, it will visually animate from the previous component's bounding box
2201 * and its latest animated values.
2202 *
2203 * ```jsx
2204 * <AnimateSharedLayout>
2205 * {items.map(item => (
2206 * <motion.li layout>
2207 * {item.name}
2208 * {item.isSelected && <motion.div layoutId="underline" />}
2209 * </motion.li>
2210 * ))}
2211 * </AnimateSharedLayout>
2212 * ```
2213 *
2214 * If the previous component remains in the tree it will either get hidden immediately or,
2215 * if `type="crossfade"` is set on `AnimateSharedLayout`, it will crossfade to the new component.
2216 *
2217 * @public
2218 */
2219 layoutId?: string;
2220 /**
2221 * A callback that will fire when a layout animation on this component completes.
2222 *
2223 * @public
2224 */
2225 onLayoutAnimationComplete?(): void;
2226 /**
2227 * A callback that fires whenever the viewport-relative bounding box updates.
2228 *
2229 * @public
2230 */
2231 onViewportBoxUpdate?(box: AxisBox2D, delta: BoxDelta): void;
2234declare class LayoutStack {
2235 order: HTMLVisualElement[];
2236 lead?: HTMLVisualElement | undefined;
2237 follow?: HTMLVisualElement | undefined;
2238 prevLead?: HTMLVisualElement | undefined;
2239 prevFollow?: HTMLVisualElement | undefined;
2240 snapshot?: Snapshot;
2241 hasChildren: boolean;
2242 add(child: HTMLVisualElement): void;
2243 remove(child: HTMLVisualElement): void;
2244 updateLeadAndFollow(): void;
2245 updateSnapshot(): void;
2246 isLeadPresent(): boolean | undefined;
2247 shouldStackAnimate(): boolean;
2248 getFollowOrigin(): AxisBox2D | undefined;
2249 getFollowTarget(): AxisBox2D | undefined;
2250 getLeadOrigin(): AxisBox2D | undefined;
2251 getLeadTarget(): AxisBox2D | undefined;
2252 getLeadTransition(): Transition | undefined;
2255declare type LayoutUpdateHandler = (layout: AxisBox2D, prev: AxisBox2D, config?: SharedLayoutAnimationConfig) => void;
2258 * @public
2259 */
2260export declare const m: HTMLMotionComponents & SVGMotionComponents & {
2261 custom: <Props>(Component: string | React.ComponentClass<Props, any> | React.FunctionComponent<Props>) => CustomDomComponent<Props>;
2264declare type MakeCustomValueType<T> = {
2265 [K in keyof T]: T[K] | CustomValueType;
2268declare type MakeKeyframes<T> = {
2269 [K in keyof T]: T[K] | T[K][] | [null, ...T[K][]];
2272declare type MakeMotion<T> = MakeCustomValueType<{
2273 [K in keyof T]: T[K] | MotionValue<number> | MotionValue<string> | MotionValue<any>;
2276declare type MakeTargetAnimatable = (visualElement: VisualElement, target: TargetWithKeyframes, origin?: Target, transitionEnd?: Target) => {
2277 target: TargetWithKeyframes;
2278 origin?: Target;
2279 transitionEnd?: Target;
2283 * HTML & SVG components, optimised for use with gestures and animation. These can be used as
2284 * drop-in replacements for any HTML & SVG component, all CSS & SVG properties are supported.
2285 *
2286 * @public
2287 */
2288export declare const motion: HTMLMotionComponents & SVGMotionComponents & {
2289 custom: <Props>(Component: string | React.ComponentClass<Props, any> | React.FunctionComponent<Props>) => CustomDomComponent<Props>;
2293 * @public
2294 */
2295export declare interface MotionAdvancedProps {
2296 /**
2297 * Custom data to use to resolve dynamic variants differently for each animating component.
2298 *
2299 * @library
2300 *
2301 * ```jsx
2302 * const variants = {
2303 * visible: (custom) => ({
2304 * opacity: 1,
2305 * transition: { delay: custom * 0.2 }
2306 * })
2307 * }
2308 *
2309 * <Frame custom={0} animate="visible" variants={variants} />
2310 * <Frame custom={1} animate="visible" variants={variants} />
2311 * <Frame custom={2} animate="visible" variants={variants} />
2312 * ```
2313 *
2314 * @motion
2315 *
2316 * ```jsx
2317 * const variants = {
2318 * visible: (custom) => ({
2319 * opacity: 1,
2320 * transition: { delay: custom * 0.2 }
2321 * })
2322 * }
2323 *
2324 * <motion.div custom={0} animate="visible" variants={variants} />
2325 * <motion.div custom={1} animate="visible" variants={variants} />
2326 * <motion.div custom={2} animate="visible" variants={variants} />
2327 * ```
2328 *
2329 * @public
2330 */
2331 custom?: any;
2332 /**
2333 * @public
2334 * Set to `false` to prevent inheriting variant changes from its parent.
2335 */
2336 inherit?: boolean;
2337 /**
2338 * @internal
2339 * Set to `true` to block rendering motion values (`animate`, gestures, etcetera)
2340 * on the component. This can be used to temporarily disable animations for performance reasons.
2341 */
2342 static?: boolean;
2346 * @public
2347 */
2348export declare interface MotionCallbacks {
2349 /**
2350 * Callback with latest motion values, fired max once per frame.
2351 *
2352 * @library
2353 *
2354 * ```jsx
2355 * function onUpdate(latest) {
2356 * console.log(latest.x, latest.opacity)
2357 * }
2358 *
2359 * <Frame animate={{ x: 100, opacity: 0 }} onUpdate={onUpdate} />
2360 * ```
2361 *
2362 * @motion
2363 *
2364 * ```jsx
2365 * function onUpdate(latest) {
2366 * console.log(latest.x, latest.opacity)
2367 * }
2368 *
2369 * <motion.div animate={{ x: 100, opacity: 0 }} onUpdate={onUpdate} />
2370 * ```
2371 */
2372 onUpdate?(latest: {
2373 [key: string]: string | number;
2374 }): void;
2375 /**
2376 * Callback when animation defined in `animate` begins.
2377 *
2378 * @library
2379 *
2380 * ```jsx
2381 * function onStart() {
2382 * console.log("Animation completed")
2383 * }
2384 *
2385 * <Frame animate={{ x: 100 }} onAnimationStart={onStart} />
2386 * ```
2387 *
2388 * @motion
2389 *
2390 * ```jsx
2391 * function onStart() {
2392 * console.log("Animation completed")
2393 * }
2394 *
2395 * <motion.div animate={{ x: 100 }} onAnimationStart={onStart} />
2396 * ```
2397 */
2398 onAnimationStart?(): void;
2399 /**
2400 * Callback when animation defined in `animate` is complete.
2401 *
2402 * @library
2403 *
2404 * ```jsx
2405 * function onComplete() {
2406 * console.log("Animation completed")
2407 * }
2408 *
2409 * <Frame animate={{ x: 100 }} onAnimationComplete={onComplete} />
2410 * ```
2411 *
2412 * @motion
2413 *
2414 * ```jsx
2415 * function onComplete() {
2416 * console.log("Animation completed")
2417 * }
2418 *
2419 * <motion.div animate={{ x: 100 }} onAnimationComplete={onComplete} />
2420 * ```
2421 */
2422 onAnimationComplete?(): void;
2425declare interface MotionComponentConfig<E> {
2426 defaultFeatures: MotionFeature[];
2427 useVisualElement: UseVisualElement<E>;
2428 render: RenderComponent;
2429 animationControlsConfig: AnimationControlsConfig;
2433 * MotionConfig can be used in combination with the `m` component to cut bundle size
2434 * and dynamically load only the features you use.
2435 *
2436 * ```jsx
2437 * import {
2438 * m as motion,
2439 * AnimationFeature,
2440 * MotionConfig
2441 * } from "framer-motion"
2442 *
2443 * export function App() {
2444 * return (
2445 * <MotionConfig features={[AnimationFeature]}>
2446 * <motion.div animate={{ x: 100 }} />
2447 * </MotionConfig>
2448 * )
2449 * }
2450 * ```
2451 *
2452 * @public
2453 */
2454export declare function MotionConfig({ children, features, ...props }: MotionConfigProps): JSX.Element;
2457 * @public
2458 */
2459export declare interface MotionConfigContext {
2460 /**
2461 * @internal
2462 */
2463 transformPagePoint: TransformPoint2D;
2464 /**
2465 * An array of features to provide to children.
2466 *
2467 * @public
2468 */
2469 features: MotionFeature[];
2473 * @public
2474 */
2475export declare const MotionConfigContext: React.Context<MotionConfigContext>;
2477declare interface MotionConfigProps extends Partial<MotionConfigContext> {
2478 children?: React.ReactNode;
2482 * @internal
2483 */
2484export declare const MotionContext: React.Context<MotionContextProps>;
2486declare interface MotionContextProps {
2487 visualElement?: VisualElement<any>;
2488 controls?: VisualElementAnimationControls;
2489 initial?: false | VariantLabels;
2490 animate?: VariantLabels;
2491 static?: boolean;
2492 hasMounted?: RefObject<boolean>;
2493 presenceId?: number;
2494 isReducedMotion?: boolean | undefined;
2497declare type MotionCSS = MakeMotion<Omit<CSSProperties, "rotate" | "scale" | "perspective">>;
2500 * @public
2501 */
2502export declare interface MotionFeature {
2503 key: string;
2504 shouldRender: (props: MotionProps, parentContext: MotionContextProps) => boolean;
2505 getComponent: (props: MotionProps) => React.ComponentType<FeatureProps> | undefined;
2508declare interface MotionPoint {
2509 x: MotionValue<number>;
2510 y: MotionValue<number>;
2514 * Props for `motion` components.
2515 *
2516 * @public
2517 */
2518export declare interface MotionProps extends AnimationProps, MotionCallbacks, GestureHandlers, DraggableProps, LayoutProps, MotionAdvancedProps {
2519 /**
2520 * Properties, variant label or array of variant labels to start in.
2521 *
2522 * Set to `false` to initialise with the values in `animate` (disabling the mount animation)
2523 *
2524 * @library
2525 *
2526 * ```jsx
2527 * // As values
2528 * <Frame initial={{ opacity: 1 }} />
2529 *
2530 * // As variant
2531 * <Frame initial="visible" variants={variants} />
2532 *
2533 * // Multiple variants
2534 * <Frame initial={["visible", "active"]} variants={variants} />
2535 *
2536 * // As false (disable mount animation)
2537 * <Frame initial={false} animate={{ opacity: 0 }} />
2538 * ```
2539 *
2540 * @motion
2541 *
2542 * ```jsx
2543 * // As values
2544 * <motion.div initial={{ opacity: 1 }} />
2545 *
2546 * // As variant
2547 * <motion.div initial="visible" variants={variants} />
2548 *
2549 * // Multiple variants
2550 * <motion.div initial={["visible", "active"]} variants={variants} />
2551 *
2552 * // As false (disable mount animation)
2553 * <motion.div initial={false} animate={{ opacity: 0 }} />
2554 * ```
2555 */
2556 initial?: boolean | Target | VariantLabels;
2557 /**
2558 * @library
2559 *
2560 * The React DOM `style` prop, useful for setting CSS properties that aren't explicitly exposed by `Frame` props.
2561 *
2562 * ```jsx
2563 * <Frame style={{ mixBlendMode: "difference" }} />
2564 * ```
2565 *
2566 * @motion
2567 *
2568 * The React DOM `style` prop, enhanced with support for `MotionValue`s and separate `transform` values.
2569 *
2570 * ```jsx
2571 * export const MyComponent = () => {
2572 * const x = useMotionValue(0)
2573 *
2574 * return <motion.div style={{ x, opacity: 1, scale: 0.5 }} />
2575 * }
2576 * ```
2577 */
2578 style?: MotionStyle;
2579 /**
2580 * By default, Framer Motion generates a `transform` property with a sensible transform order. `transformTemplate`
2581 * can be used to create a different order, or to append/preprend the automatically generated `transform` property.
2582 *
2583 * @library
2584 *
2585 * ```jsx
2586 * function transformTemplate({ x, rotate }) {
2587 * return `rotate(${rotate}deg) translateX(${x}px)`
2588 * }
2589 *
2590 * <Frame x={0} rotate={180} transformTemplate={transformTemplate} />
2591 * ```
2592 *
2593 * @motion
2594 *
2595 * ```jsx
2596 * <motion.div
2597 * style={{ x: 0, rotate: 180 }}
2598 * transformTemplate={
2599 * ({ x, rotate }) => `rotate(${rotate}deg) translateX(${x}px)`
2600 * }
2601 * />
2602 * ```
2603 *
2604 * @param transform - The latest animated transform props.
2605 * @param generatedTransform - The transform string as automatically generated by Framer Motion
2606 *
2607 * @public
2608 */
2609 transformTemplate?(transform: TransformProperties, generatedTransform: string): string;
2610 /**
2611 * This allows values to be transformed before being animated or set as styles.
2612 *
2613 * For instance, this allows custom values in Framer Library like `size` to be converted into `width` and `height`.
2614 * It also allows us a chance to take a value like `Color` and convert it to an animatable color string.
2615 *
2616 * A few structural typing changes need making before this can be a public property:
2617 * - Allow `Target` values to be appended by user-defined types (delete `CustomStyles` - does `size` throw a type error?)
2618 * - Extract `CustomValueType` as a separate user-defined type (delete `CustomValueType` and animate a `Color` - does this throw a type error?).
2619 *
2620 * @param values -
2621 *
2622 * @internal
2623 */
2624 transformValues?<V extends ResolvedValues>(values: V): V;
2628 * @public
2629 */
2630export declare type MotionStyle = MotionCSS & MotionTransform & MakeMotion<SVGPathProperties> & MakeCustomValueType<CustomStyles>;
2633 * @public
2634 */
2635export declare type MotionTransform = MakeMotion<TransformProperties>;
2638 * `MotionValue` is used to track the state and velocity of motion values.
2639 *
2640 * @public
2641 */
2642export declare class MotionValue<V = any> {
2643 /**
2644 * The current state of the `MotionValue`.
2645 *
2646 * @internal
2647 */
2648 private current;
2649 /**
2650 * The previous state of the `MotionValue`.
2651 *
2652 * @internal
2653 */
2654 private prev;
2655 /**
2656 * Duration, in milliseconds, since last updating frame.
2657 *
2658 * @internal
2659 */
2660 private timeDelta;
2661 /**
2662 * Timestamp of the last time this `MotionValue` was updated.
2663 *
2664 * @internal
2665 */
2666 private lastUpdated;
2667 /**
2668 * Functions to notify when the `MotionValue` updates.
2669 *
2670 * @internal
2671 */
2672 updateSubscribers?: Set<Subscriber<V>>;
2673 /**
2674 * Functions to notify when the `MotionValue` updates and `render` is set to `true`.
2675 *
2676 * @internal
2677 */
2678 private renderSubscribers?;
2679 /**
2680 * Add a passive effect to this `MotionValue`.
2681 *
2682 * A passive effect intercepts calls to `set`. For instance, `useSpring` adds
2683 * a passive effect that attaches a `spring` to the latest
2684 * set value. Hypothetically there could be a `useSmooth` that attaches an input smoothing effect.
2685 *
2686 * @internal
2687 */
2688 private passiveEffect?;
2689 /**
2690 * A reference to the currently-controlling Popmotion animation
2691 *
2692 * @internal
2693 */
2694 private stopAnimation?;
2695 /**
2696 * Tracks whether this value can output a velocity. Currently this is only true
2697 * if the value is numerical, but we might be able to widen the scope here and support
2698 * other value types.
2699 *
2700 * @internal
2701 */
2702 private canTrackVelocity;
2703 /**
2704 * @param init - The initiating value
2705 * @param config - Optional configuration options
2706 *
2707 * - `transformer`: A function to transform incoming values with.
2708 *
2709 * @internal
2710 */
2711 constructor(init: V);
2712 /**
2713 * Subscribes a subscriber function to a subscription list.
2714 *
2715 * @param subscriptions - A `Set` of subscribers.
2716 * @param subscription - A subscriber function.
2717 */
2718 private subscribeTo;
2719 /**
2720 * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` is updated.
2721 *
2722 * It returns a function that, when called, will cancel the subscription.
2723 *
2724 * When calling `onChange` inside a React component, it should be wrapped with the
2725 * `useEffect` hook. As it returns an unsubscribe function, this should be returned
2726 * from the `useEffect` function to ensure you don't add duplicate subscribers..
2727 *
2728 * @library
2729 *
2730 * ```jsx
2731 * function MyComponent() {
2732 * const x = useMotionValue(0)
2733 * const y = useMotionValue(0)
2734 * const opacity = useMotionValue(1)
2735 *
2736 * useEffect(() => {
2737 * function updateOpacity() {
2738 * const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get())
2739 * const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0])
2740 * opacity.set(newOpacity)
2741 * }
2742 *
2743 * const unsubscribeX = x.onChange(updateOpacity)
2744 * const unsubscribeY = y.onChange(updateOpacity)
2745 *
2746 * return () => {
2747 * unsubscribeX()
2748 * unsubscribeY()
2749 * }
2750 * }, [])
2751 *
2752 * return <Frame x={x} />
2753 * }
2754 * ```
2755 *
2756 * @motion
2757 *
2758 * ```jsx
2759 * export const MyComponent = () => {
2760 * const x = useMotionValue(0)
2761 * const y = useMotionValue(0)
2762 * const opacity = useMotionValue(1)
2763 *
2764 * useEffect(() => {
2765 * function updateOpacity() {
2766 * const maxXY = Math.max(x.get(), y.get())
2767 * const newOpacity = transform(maxXY, [0, 100], [1, 0])
2768 * opacity.set(newOpacity)
2769 * }
2770 *
2771 * const unsubscribeX = x.onChange(updateOpacity)
2772 * const unsubscribeY = y.onChange(updateOpacity)
2773 *
2774 * return () => {
2775 * unsubscribeX()
2776 * unsubscribeY()
2777 * }
2778 * }, [])
2779 *
2780 * return <motion.div style={{ x }} />
2781 * }
2782 * ```
2783 *
2784 * @internalremarks
2785 *
2786 * We could look into a `useOnChange` hook if the above lifecycle management proves confusing.
2787 *
2788 * ```jsx
2789 * useOnChange(x, () => {})
2790 * ```
2791 *
2792 * @param subscriber - A function that receives the latest value.
2793 * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription.
2794 *
2795 * @public
2796 */
2797 onChange(subscription: Subscriber<V>): () => void;
2798 clearListeners(): void;
2799 /**
2800 * Adds a function that will be notified when the `MotionValue` requests a render.
2801 *
2802 * @param subscriber - A function that's provided the latest value.
2803 * @returns A function that, when called, will cancel this subscription.
2804 *
2805 * @internal
2806 */
2807 onRenderRequest(subscription: Subscriber<V>): () => boolean;
2808 /**
2809 * Attaches a passive effect to the `MotionValue`.
2810 *
2811 * @internal
2812 */
2813 attach(passiveEffect: PassiveEffect<V>): void;
2814 /**
2815 * Sets the state of the `MotionValue`.
2816 *
2817 * @remarks
2818 *
2819 * ```jsx
2820 * const x = useMotionValue(0)
2821 * x.set(10)
2822 * ```
2823 *
2824 * @param latest - Latest value to set.
2825 * @param render - Whether to notify render subscribers. Defaults to `true`
2826 *
2827 * @public
2828 */
2829 set(v: V, render?: boolean): void;
2830 updateAndNotify: (v: V, render?: boolean) => void;
2831 /**
2832 * Returns the latest state of `MotionValue`
2833 *
2834 * @returns - The latest state of `MotionValue`
2835 *
2836 * @public
2837 */
2838 get(): V;
2839 /**
2840 * @public
2841 */
2842 getPrevious(): V;
2843 /**
2844 * Returns the latest velocity of `MotionValue`
2845 *
2846 * @returns - The latest velocity of `MotionValue`. Returns `0` if the state is non-numerical.
2847 *
2848 * @public
2849 */
2850 getVelocity(): number;
2851 /**
2852 * Notify a subscriber with the latest value.
2853 *
2854 * This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new
2855 * function once per frame.
2856 *
2857 * @param subscriber - The subscriber to notify.
2858 *
2859 * @internal
2860 */
2861 private notifySubscriber;
2862 /**
2863 * Schedule a velocity check for the next frame.
2864 *
2865 * This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new
2866 * function once per frame.
2867 *
2868 * @internal
2869 */
2870 private scheduleVelocityCheck;
2871 /**
2872 * Updates `prev` with `current` if the value hasn't been updated this frame.
2873 * This ensures velocity calculations return `0`.
2874 *
2875 * This is an instanced and bound function to prevent generating a new
2876 * function once per frame.
2877 *
2878 * @internal
2879 */
2880 private velocityCheck;
2881 /**
2882 * Registers a new animation to control this `MotionValue`. Only one
2883 * animation can drive a `MotionValue` at one time.
2884 *
2885 * ```jsx
2886 * value.start()
2887 * ```
2888 *
2889 * @param animation - A function that starts the provided animation
2890 *
2891 * @internal
2892 */
2893 start(animation: StartAnimation): Promise<void>;
2894 /**
2895 * Stop the currently active animation.
2896 *
2897 * @public
2898 */
2899 stop(): void;
2900 /**
2901 * Returns `true` if this value is currently animating.
2902 *
2903 * @public
2904 */
2905 isAnimating(): boolean;
2906 private clearAnimation;
2907 /**
2908 * Destroy and clean up subscribers to this `MotionValue`.
2909 *
2910 * The `MotionValue` hooks like `useMotionValue` and `useTransform` automatically
2911 * handle the lifecycle of the returned `MotionValue`, so this method is only necessary if you've manually
2912 * created a `MotionValue` via the `motionValue` function.
2913 *
2914 * @public
2915 */
2916 destroy(): void;
2920 * @internal
2921 */
2922export declare function motionValue<V>(init: V): MotionValue<V>;
2924declare type NativeAnimationEvent = AnimationEvent;
2926declare type NativeClipboardEvent = ClipboardEvent;
2928declare type NativeCompositionEvent = CompositionEvent;
2930declare type NativeDragEvent = DragEvent;
2932declare type NativeFocusEvent = FocusEvent;
2934declare type NativeKeyboardEvent = KeyboardEvent;
2936declare type NativeMouseEvent = MouseEvent;
2938declare type NativePointerEvent = PointerEvent;
2940declare type NativeTouchEvent = TouchEvent;
2942declare type NativeTransitionEvent = TransitionEvent;
2944declare type NativeUIEvent = UIEvent;
2946declare type NativeWheelEvent = WheelEvent;
2949 * @public
2950 */
2951export declare interface None {
2952 /**
2953 * Set `type` to `false` for an instant transition.
2954 *
2955 * @public
2956 */
2957 type: false;
2958 /**
2959 * @internal
2960 */
2961 from?: number | string;
2962 /**
2963 * @internal
2964 */
2965 delay?: number;
2966 /**
2967 * @internal
2968 */
2969 velocity?: number;
2972declare type NotPresent = [false, SafeToRemove];
2974declare type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
2977 * Options for orchestrating the timing of animations.
2978 *
2979 * @public
2980 */
2981export declare interface Orchestration {
2982 /**
2983 * Delay the animation by this duration (in seconds). Defaults to `0`.
2984 *
2985 * @remarks
2986 * ```javascript
2987 * const transition = {
2988 * delay: 0.2
2989 * }
2990 * ```
2991 *
2992 * @public
2993 */
2994 delay?: number;
2995 /**
2996 * Describes the relationship between the transition and its children. Set
2997 * to `false` by default.
2998 *
2999 * @remarks
3000 * When using variants, the transition can be scheduled in relation to its
3001 * children with either `"beforeChildren"` to finish this transition before
3002 * starting children transitions, `"afterChildren"` to finish children
3003 * transitions before starting this transition.
3004 *
3005 * @library
3006 *
3007 * ```jsx
3008 * const container = {
3009 * hidden: {
3010 * opacity: 0,
3011 * transition: { when: "afterChildren" }
3012 * }
3013 * }
3014 *
3015 * const item = {
3016 * hidden: {
3017 * opacity: 0,
3018 * transition: { duration: 2 }
3019 * }
3020 * }
3021 *
3022 * return (
3023 * <Frame variants={container} animate="hidden">
3024 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3025 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3026 * </Frame>
3027 * )
3028 * ```
3029 *
3030 * @motion
3031 *
3032 * ```jsx
3033 * const list = {
3034 * hidden: {
3035 * opacity: 0,
3036 * transition: { when: "afterChildren" }
3037 * }
3038 * }
3039 *
3040 * const item = {
3041 * hidden: {
3042 * opacity: 0,
3043 * transition: { duration: 2 }
3044 * }
3045 * }
3046 *
3047 * return (
3048 * <motion.ul variants={list} animate="hidden">
3049 * <motion.li variants={item} />
3050 * <motion.li variants={item} />
3051 * </motion.ul>
3052 * )
3053 * ```
3054 *
3055 * @public
3056 */
3057 when?: false | "beforeChildren" | "afterChildren" | string;
3058 /**
3059 * When using variants, children animations will start after this duration
3060 * (in seconds). You can add the `transition` property to both the `Frame` and the `variant` directly. Adding it to the `variant` generally offers more flexibility, as it allows you to customize the delay per visual state.
3061 *
3062 * @library
3063 *
3064 * ```jsx
3065 * const container = {
3066 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3067 * show: {
3068 * opacity: 1,
3069 * transition: {
3070 * delayChildren: 0.5
3071 * }
3072 * }
3073 * }
3074 *
3075 * const item = {
3076 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3077 * show: { opacity: 1 }
3078 * }
3079 *
3080 * return (
3081 * <Frame
3082 * variants={container}
3083 * initial="hidden"
3084 * animate="show"
3085 * >
3086 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3087 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3088 * </Frame>
3089 * )
3090 * ```
3091 *
3092 * @motion
3093 *
3094 * ```jsx
3095 * const container = {
3096 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3097 * show: {
3098 * opacity: 1,
3099 * transition: {
3100 * delayChildren: 0.5
3101 * }
3102 * }
3103 * }
3104 *
3105 * const item = {
3106 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3107 * show: { opacity: 1 }
3108 * }
3109 *
3110 * return (
3111 * <motion.ul
3112 * variants={container}
3113 * initial="hidden"
3114 * animate="show"
3115 * >
3116 * <motion.li variants={item} />
3117 * <motion.li variants={item} />
3118 * </motion.ul>
3119 * )
3120 * ```
3121 *
3122 * @public
3123 */
3124 delayChildren?: number;
3125 /**
3126 * When using variants, animations of child components can be staggered by this
3127 * duration (in seconds).
3128 *
3129 * For instance, if `staggerChildren` is `0.01`, the first child will be
3130 * delayed by `0` seconds, the second by `0.01`, the third by `0.02` and so
3131 * on.
3132 *
3133 * The calculated stagger delay will be added to `delayChildren`.
3134 *
3135 * @library
3136 *
3137 * ```jsx
3138 * const container = {
3139 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3140 * show: {
3141 * opacity: 1,
3142 * transition: {
3143 * staggerChildren: 0.5
3144 * }
3145 * }
3146 * }
3147 *
3148 * const item = {
3149 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3150 * show: { opacity: 1 }
3151 * }
3152 *
3153 * return (
3154 * <Frame
3155 * variants={container}
3156 * initial="hidden"
3157 * animate="show"
3158 * >
3159 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3160 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3161 * </Frame>
3162 * )
3163 * ```
3164 *
3165 * @motion
3166 *
3167 * ```jsx
3168 * const container = {
3169 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3170 * show: {
3171 * opacity: 1,
3172 * transition: {
3173 * staggerChildren: 0.5
3174 * }
3175 * }
3176 * }
3177 *
3178 * const item = {
3179 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3180 * show: { opacity: 1 }
3181 * }
3182 *
3183 * return (
3184 * <motion.ol
3185 * variants={container}
3186 * initial="hidden"
3187 * animate="show"
3188 * >
3189 * <motion.li variants={item} />
3190 * <motion.li variants={item} />
3191 * </motion.ol>
3192 * )
3193 * ```
3194 *
3195 * @public
3196 */
3197 staggerChildren?: number;
3198 /**
3199 * The direction in which to stagger children.
3200 *
3201 * A value of `1` staggers from the first to the last while `-1`
3202 * staggers from the last to the first.
3203 *
3204 * @library
3205 *
3206 * ```jsx
3207 * const container = {
3208 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3209 * show: {
3210 * opacity: 1,
3211 * transition: {
3212 * delayChildren: 0.5,
3213 * staggerDirection: -1
3214 * }
3215 * }
3216 * }
3217 *
3218 * const item = {
3219 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3220 * show: { opacity: 1 }
3221 * }
3222 *
3223 * return (
3224 * <Frame
3225 * variants={container}
3226 * initial="hidden"
3227 * animate="show"
3228 * >
3229 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3230 * <Frame variants={item} size={50} />
3231 * </Frame>
3232 * )
3233 * ```
3234 *
3235 * @motion
3236 *
3237 * ```jsx
3238 * const container = {
3239 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3240 * show: {
3241 * opacity: 1,
3242 * transition: {
3243 * delayChildren: 0.5,
3244 * staggerDirection: -1
3245 * }
3246 * }
3247 * }
3248 *
3249 * const item = {
3250 * hidden: { opacity: 0 },
3251 * show: { opacity: 1 }
3252 * }
3253 *
3254 * return (
3255 * <motion.ul
3256 * variants={container}
3257 * initial="hidden"
3258 * animate="show"
3259 * >
3260 * <motion.li variants={item} size={50} />
3261 * <motion.li variants={item} size={50} />
3262 * </motion.ul>
3263 * )
3264 * ```
3265 *
3266 * @public
3267 */
3268 staggerDirection?: number;
3272 * @public
3273 */
3274export declare interface PanHandlers {
3275 /**
3276 * Callback function that fires when the pan gesture is recognised on this element.
3277 *
3278 * @library
3279 *
3280 * ```jsx
3281 * function onPan(event, info) {
3282 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3283 * }
3284 *
3285 * <Frame onPan={onPan} />
3286 * ```
3287 *
3288 * @motion
3289 *
3290 * ```jsx
3291 * function onPan(event, info) {
3292 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3293 * }
3294 *
3295 * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
3296 * ```
3297 *
3298 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
3299 * @param info - A {@link PanInfo} object containing `x` and `y` values for:
3300 *
3301 * - `point`: Relative to the device or page.
3302 * - `delta`: Distance moved since the last event.
3303 * - `offset`: Offset from the original pan event.
3304 * - `velocity`: Current velocity of the pointer.
3305 */
3306 onPan?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
3307 /**
3308 * Callback function that fires when the pan gesture begins on this element.
3309 *
3310 * @library
3311 *
3312 * ```jsx
3313 * function onPanStart(event, info) {
3314 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3315 * }
3316 *
3317 * <Frame onPanStart={onPanStart} />
3318 * ```
3319 *
3320 * @motion
3321 *
3322 * ```jsx
3323 * function onPanStart(event, info) {
3324 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3325 * }
3326 *
3327 * <motion.div onPanStart={onPanStart} />
3328 * ```
3329 *
3330 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
3331 * @param info - A {@link PanInfo} object containing `x`/`y` values for:
3332 *
3333 * - `point`: Relative to the device or page.
3334 * - `delta`: Distance moved since the last event.
3335 * - `offset`: Offset from the original pan event.
3336 * - `velocity`: Current velocity of the pointer.
3337 */
3338 onPanStart?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
3339 /**
3340 * Callback function that fires when we begin detecting a pan gesture. This
3341 * is analogous to `onMouseStart` or `onTouchStart`.
3342 *
3343 * @library
3344 *
3345 * ```jsx
3346 * function onPanSessionStart(event, info) {
3347 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3348 * }
3349 *
3350 * <Frame onPanSessionStart={onPanSessionStart} />
3351 * ```
3352 *
3353 * @motion
3354 *
3355 * ```jsx
3356 * function onPanSessionStart(event, info) {
3357 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3358 * }
3359 *
3360 * <motion.div onPanSessionStart={onPanSessionStart} />
3361 * ```
3362 *
3363 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
3364 * @param info - An {@link EventInfo} object containing `x`/`y` values for:
3365 *
3366 * - `point`: Relative to the device or page.
3367 */
3368 onPanSessionStart?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: EventInfo): void;
3369 /**
3370 * Callback function that fires when the pan gesture ends on this element.
3371 *
3372 * @library
3373 *
3374 * ```jsx
3375 * function onPanEnd(event, info) {
3376 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3377 * }
3378 *
3379 * <Frame onPanEnd={onPanEnd} />
3380 * ```
3381 *
3382 * @motion
3383 *
3384 * ```jsx
3385 * function onPanEnd(event, info) {
3386 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3387 * }
3388 *
3389 * <motion.div onPanEnd={onPanEnd} />
3390 * ```
3391 *
3392 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
3393 * @param info - A {@link PanInfo} object containing `x`/`y` values for:
3394 *
3395 * - `point`: Relative to the device or page.
3396 * - `delta`: Distance moved since the last event.
3397 * - `offset`: Offset from the original pan event.
3398 * - `velocity`: Current velocity of the pointer.
3399 */
3400 onPanEnd?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
3404 * Passed in to pan event handlers like `onPan` the `PanInfo` object contains
3405 * information about the current state of the tap gesture such as its
3406 * `point`, `delta`, `offset` and `velocity`.
3407 *
3408 * @library
3409 *
3410 * ```jsx
3411 * function onPan(event, info) {
3412 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3413 * }
3414 *
3415 * <Frame onPan={onPan} />
3416 * ```
3417 *
3418 * @motion
3419 *
3420 * ```jsx
3421 * <motion.div onPan={(event, info) => {
3422 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3423 * }} />
3424 * ```
3425 *
3426 * @public
3427 */
3428export declare interface PanInfo {
3429 /**
3430 * Contains `x` and `y` values for the current pan position relative
3431 * to the device or page.
3432 *
3433 * @library
3434 *
3435 * ```jsx
3436 * function onPan(event, info) {
3437 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3438 * }
3439 *
3440 * <Frame onPan={onPan} />
3441 * ```
3442 *
3443 * @motion
3444 *
3445 * ```jsx
3446 * function onPan(event, info) {
3447 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
3448 * }
3449 *
3450 * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
3451 * ```
3452 *
3453 * @public
3454 */
3455 point: Point;
3456 /**
3457 * Contains `x` and `y` values for the distance moved since
3458 * the last event.
3459 *
3460 * @library
3461 *
3462 * ```jsx
3463 * function onPan(event, info) {
3464 * console.log(info.delta.x, info.delta.y)
3465 * }
3466 *
3467 * <Frame onPan={onPan} />
3468 * ```
3469 *
3470 * @motion
3471 *
3472 * ```jsx
3473 * function onPan(event, info) {
3474 * console.log(info.delta.x, info.delta.y)
3475 * }
3476 *
3477 * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
3478 * ```
3479 *
3480 * @public
3481 */
3482 delta: Point;
3483 /**
3484 * Contains `x` and `y` values for the distance moved from
3485 * the first pan event.
3486 *
3487 * @library
3488 *
3489 * ```jsx
3490 * function onPan(event, info) {
3491 * console.log(info.offset.x, info.offset.y)
3492 * }
3493 *
3494 * <Frame onPan={onPan} />
3495 * ```
3496 *
3497 * @motion
3498 *
3499 * ```jsx
3500 * function onPan(event, info) {
3501 * console.log(info.offset.x, info.offset.y)
3502 * }
3503 *
3504 * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
3505 * ```
3506 *
3507 * @public
3508 */
3509 offset: Point;
3510 /**
3511 * Contains `x` and `y` values for the current velocity of the pointer.
3512 *
3513 * @library
3514 *
3515 * ```jsx
3516 * function onPan(event, info) {
3517 * console.log(info.velocity.x, info.velocity.y)
3518 * }
3519 *
3520 * <Frame onPan={onPan} />
3521 * ```
3522 *
3523 * @motion
3524 *
3525 * ```jsx
3526 * function onPan(event, info) {
3527 * console.log(info.velocity.x, info.velocity.y)
3528 * }
3529 *
3530 * <motion.div onPan={onPan} />
3531 * ```
3532 *
3533 * @public
3534 */
3535 velocity: Point;
3539 * @public
3540 */
3541export declare type PassiveEffect<T> = (v: T, safeSetter: (v: T) => void) => void;
3543declare type PermissiveTransitionDefinition = {
3544 [key: string]: any;
3547/** @public */
3548declare interface Point {
3549 x: number;
3550 y: number;
3553/** @public */
3554declare namespace Point {
3555 /** @beta */
3556 const subtract: (a: Point, b: Point) => Point;
3557 /** @beta */
3558 const relativeTo: (idOrElem: string | HTMLElement) => ({ x, y }: Point) => Point | undefined;
3562 * A description of a two-dimensional point
3563 *
3564 * @public
3565 */
3566export declare interface Point2D {
3567 x: number;
3568 y: number;
3572 * A description of a three-dimensional point
3573 *
3574 * @public
3575 */
3576export declare interface Point3D extends Point2D {
3577 z: number;
3580declare enum Presence {
3581 Entering = 0,
3582 Present = 1,
3583 Exiting = 2
3587 * @public
3588 */
3589export declare const PresenceContext: import("react").Context<PresenceContextProps | null>;
3592 * @public
3593 */
3594declare interface PresenceContextProps {
3595 id: number;
3596 isPresent: boolean;
3597 register: (id: number) => () => void;
3598 onExitComplete?: (id: number) => void;
3599 initial?: false | VariantLabels;
3600 custom?: any;
3603declare type Present = [true];
3605declare interface Props {
3606 children?: any;
3607 /**
3608 * Can be used to explicitly set whether we're in reduced motion mode. Set
3609 * as undefined to resume device detection.
3610 */
3611 enabled?: boolean | undefined;
3614declare namespace React_2 {
3615 //
3616 // React Elements
3617 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3619 type ElementType<P = any> =
3620 {
3621 [K in keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements]: P extends JSX.IntrinsicElements[K] ? K : never
3622 }[keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements] |
3623 ComponentType<P>;
3624 /**
3625 * @deprecated Please use `ElementType`
3626 */
3627 type ReactType<P = any> = ElementType<P>;
3628 type ComponentType<P = {}> = ComponentClass<P> | FunctionComponent<P>;
3630 type JSXElementConstructor<P> =
3631 | ((props: P) => ReactElement | null)
3632 | (new (props: P) => Component<P, any>);
3634 interface RefObject<T> {
3635 readonly current: T | null;
3636 }
3637 type RefCallback<T> = { bivarianceHack(instance: T | null): void }["bivarianceHack"];
3638 type Ref<T> = RefCallback<T> | RefObject<T> | null;
3639 type LegacyRef<T> = string | Ref<T>;
3640 /**
3641 * Gets the instance type for a React element. The instance will be different for various component types:
3642 *
3643 * - React class components will be the class instance. So if you had `class Foo extends React.Component<{}> {}`
3644 * and used `React.ElementRef<typeof Foo>` then the type would be the instance of `Foo`.
3645 * - React stateless functional components do not have a backing instance and so `React.ElementRef<typeof Bar>`
3646 * (when `Bar` is `function Bar() {}`) will give you the `undefined` type.
3647 * - JSX intrinsics like `div` will give you their DOM instance. For `React.ElementRef<'div'>` that would be
3648 * `HTMLDivElement`. For `React.ElementRef<'input'>` that would be `HTMLInputElement`.
3649 * - React stateless functional components that forward a `ref` will give you the `ElementRef` of the forwarded
3650 * to component.
3651 *
3652 * `C` must be the type _of_ a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.ElementRef<typeof MyComponent>.
3653 *
3654 * @todo In Flow, this works a little different with forwarded refs and the `AbstractComponent` that
3655 * `React.forwardRef()` returns.
3656 */
3657 type ElementRef<
3658 C extends
3659 | ForwardRefExoticComponent<any>
3660 | { new (props: any): Component<any> }
3661 | ((props: any, context?: any) => ReactElement | null)
3662 | keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
3663 > =
3664 // need to check first if `ref` is a valid prop for ts@3.0
3665 // otherwise it will infer `{}` instead of `never`
3666 "ref" extends keyof ComponentPropsWithRef<C>
3667 ? NonNullable<ComponentPropsWithRef<C>["ref"]> extends Ref<
3668 infer Instance
3669 >
3670 ? Instance
3671 : never
3672 : never;
3674 type ComponentState = any;
3676 type Key = string | number;
3678 /**
3679 * @internal You shouldn't need to use this type since you never see these attributes
3680 * inside your component or have to validate them.
3681 */
3682 interface Attributes {
3683 key?: Key;
3684 }
3685 interface RefAttributes<T> extends Attributes {
3686 ref?: Ref<T>;
3687 }
3688 interface ClassAttributes<T> extends Attributes {
3689 ref?: LegacyRef<T>;
3690 }
3692 interface ReactElement<P = any, T extends string | JSXElementConstructor<any> = string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> {
3693 type: T;
3694 props: P;
3695 key: Key | null;
3696 }
3698 interface ReactComponentElement<
3699 T extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | JSXElementConstructor<any>,
3700 P = Pick<ComponentProps<T>, Exclude<keyof ComponentProps<T>, 'key' | 'ref'>>
3701 > extends ReactElement<P, Exclude<T, number>> { }
3703 /**
3704 * @deprecated Please use `FunctionComponentElement`
3705 */
3706 type SFCElement<P> = FunctionComponentElement<P>;
3708 interface FunctionComponentElement<P> extends ReactElement<P, FunctionComponent<P>> {
3709 ref?: 'ref' extends keyof P ? P extends { ref?: infer R } ? R : never : never;
3710 }
3712 type CElement<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> = ComponentElement<P, T>;
3713 interface ComponentElement<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> extends ReactElement<P, ComponentClass<P>> {
3714 ref?: LegacyRef<T>;
3715 }
3717 type ClassicElement<P> = CElement<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
3719 // string fallback for custom web-components
3720 interface DOMElement<P extends HTMLAttributes<T> | SVGAttributes<T>, T extends Element> extends ReactElement<P, string> {
3721 ref: LegacyRef<T>;
3722 }
3724 // ReactHTML for ReactHTMLElement
3725 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
3726 interface ReactHTMLElement<T extends HTMLElement> extends DetailedReactHTMLElement<AllHTMLAttributes<T>, T> { }
3728 interface DetailedReactHTMLElement<P extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T extends HTMLElement> extends DOMElement<P, T> {
3729 type: keyof ReactHTML;
3730 }
3732 // ReactSVG for ReactSVGElement
3733 interface ReactSVGElement extends DOMElement<SVGAttributes<SVGElement>, SVGElement> {
3734 type: keyof ReactSVG;
3735 }
3737 interface ReactPortal extends ReactElement {
3738 key: Key | null;
3739 children: ReactNode;
3740 }
3742 //
3743 // Factories
3744 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3746 type Factory<P> = (props?: Attributes & P, ...children: ReactNode[]) => ReactElement<P>;
3748 /**
3749 * @deprecated Please use `FunctionComponentFactory`
3750 */
3751 type SFCFactory<P> = FunctionComponentFactory<P>;
3753 type FunctionComponentFactory<P> = (props?: Attributes & P, ...children: ReactNode[]) => FunctionComponentElement<P>;
3755 type ComponentFactory<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> =
3756 (props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P, ...children: ReactNode[]) => CElement<P, T>;
3758 type CFactory<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>> = ComponentFactory<P, T>;
3759 type ClassicFactory<P> = CFactory<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
3761 type DOMFactory<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element> =
3762 (props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P | null, ...children: ReactNode[]) => DOMElement<P, T>;
3764 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
3765 interface HTMLFactory<T extends HTMLElement> extends DetailedHTMLFactory<AllHTMLAttributes<T>, T> {}
3767 interface DetailedHTMLFactory<P extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T extends HTMLElement> extends DOMFactory<P, T> {
3768 (props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P | null, ...children: ReactNode[]): DetailedReactHTMLElement<P, T>;
3769 }
3771 interface SVGFactory extends DOMFactory<SVGAttributes<SVGElement>, SVGElement> {
3772 (props?: ClassAttributes<SVGElement> & SVGAttributes<SVGElement> | null, ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactSVGElement;
3773 }
3775 //
3776 // React Nodes
3777 // http://facebook.github.io/react/docs/glossary.html
3778 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3780 type ReactText = string | number;
3781 type ReactChild = ReactElement | ReactText;
3783 interface ReactNodeArray extends Array<ReactNode> {}
3784 type ReactFragment = {} | ReactNodeArray;
3785 type ReactNode = ReactChild | ReactFragment | ReactPortal | boolean | null | undefined;
3787 //
3788 // Top Level API
3789 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3791 // DOM Elements
3792 function createFactory<T extends HTMLElement>(
3793 type: keyof ReactHTML): HTMLFactory<T>;
3794 function createFactory(
3795 type: keyof ReactSVG): SVGFactory;
3796 function createFactory<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element>(
3797 type: string): DOMFactory<P, T>;
3799 // Custom components
3800 function createFactory<P>(type: FunctionComponent<P>): FunctionComponentFactory<P>;
3801 function createFactory<P>(
3802 type: ClassType<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>, ClassicComponentClass<P>>): CFactory<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
3803 function createFactory<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>, C extends ComponentClass<P>>(
3804 type: ClassType<P, T, C>): CFactory<P, T>;
3805 function createFactory<P>(type: ComponentClass<P>): Factory<P>;
3807 // DOM Elements
3808 // TODO: generalize this to everything in `keyof ReactHTML`, not just "input"
3809 function createElement(
3810 type: "input",
3811 props?: InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement> & ClassAttributes<HTMLInputElement> | null,
3812 ...children: ReactNode[]): DetailedReactHTMLElement<InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, HTMLInputElement>;
3813 function createElement<P extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T extends HTMLElement>(
3814 type: keyof ReactHTML,
3815 props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P | null,
3816 ...children: ReactNode[]): DetailedReactHTMLElement<P, T>;
3817 function createElement<P extends SVGAttributes<T>, T extends SVGElement>(
3818 type: keyof ReactSVG,
3819 props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P | null,
3820 ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactSVGElement;
3821 function createElement<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element>(
3822 type: string,
3823 props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P | null,
3824 ...children: ReactNode[]): DOMElement<P, T>;
3826 // Custom components
3828 function createElement<P extends {}>(
3829 type: FunctionComponent<P>,
3830 props?: Attributes & P | null,
3831 ...children: ReactNode[]): FunctionComponentElement<P>;
3832 function createElement<P extends {}>(
3833 type: ClassType<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>, ClassicComponentClass<P>>,
3834 props?: ClassAttributes<ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>> & P | null,
3835 ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>>;
3836 function createElement<P extends {}, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>, C extends ComponentClass<P>>(
3837 type: ClassType<P, T, C>,
3838 props?: ClassAttributes<T> & P | null,
3839 ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, T>;
3840 function createElement<P extends {}>(
3841 type: FunctionComponent<P> | ComponentClass<P> | string,
3842 props?: Attributes & P | null,
3843 ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
3845 // DOM Elements
3846 // ReactHTMLElement
3847 function cloneElement<P extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T extends HTMLElement>(
3848 element: DetailedReactHTMLElement<P, T>,
3849 props?: P,
3850 ...children: ReactNode[]): DetailedReactHTMLElement<P, T>;
3851 // ReactHTMLElement, less specific
3852 function cloneElement<P extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T extends HTMLElement>(
3853 element: ReactHTMLElement<T>,
3854 props?: P,
3855 ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactHTMLElement<T>;
3856 // SVGElement
3857 function cloneElement<P extends SVGAttributes<T>, T extends SVGElement>(
3858 element: ReactSVGElement,
3859 props?: P,
3860 ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactSVGElement;
3861 // DOM Element (has to be the last, because type checking stops at first overload that fits)
3862 function cloneElement<P extends DOMAttributes<T>, T extends Element>(
3863 element: DOMElement<P, T>,
3864 props?: DOMAttributes<T> & P,
3865 ...children: ReactNode[]): DOMElement<P, T>;
3867 // Custom components
3868 function cloneElement<P>(
3869 element: FunctionComponentElement<P>,
3870 props?: Partial<P> & Attributes,
3871 ...children: ReactNode[]): FunctionComponentElement<P>;
3872 function cloneElement<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>>(
3873 element: CElement<P, T>,
3874 props?: Partial<P> & ClassAttributes<T>,
3875 ...children: ReactNode[]): CElement<P, T>;
3876 function cloneElement<P>(
3877 element: ReactElement<P>,
3878 props?: Partial<P> & Attributes,
3879 ...children: ReactNode[]): ReactElement<P>;
3881 // Context via RenderProps
3882 interface ProviderProps<T> {
3883 value: T;
3884 children?: ReactNode;
3885 }
3887 interface ConsumerProps<T> {
3888 children: (value: T) => ReactNode;
3889 }
3891 // TODO: similar to how Fragment is actually a symbol, the values returned from createContext,
3892 // forwardRef and memo are actually objects that are treated specially by the renderer; see:
3893 // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v16.6.0/packages/react/src/ReactContext.js#L35-L48
3894 // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v16.6.0/packages/react/src/forwardRef.js#L42-L45
3895 // https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/v16.6.0/packages/react/src/memo.js#L27-L31
3896 // However, we have no way of telling the JSX parser that it's a JSX element type or its props other than
3897 // by pretending to be a normal component.
3898 //
3899 // We don't just use ComponentType or SFC types because you are not supposed to attach statics to this
3900 // object, but rather to the original function.
3901 interface ExoticComponent<P = {}> {
3902 /**
3903 * **NOTE**: Exotic components are not callable.
3904 */
3905 (props: P): (ReactElement|null);
3906 readonly $$typeof: symbol;
3907 }
3909 interface NamedExoticComponent<P = {}> extends ExoticComponent<P> {
3910 displayName?: string;
3911 }
3913 interface ProviderExoticComponent<P> extends ExoticComponent<P> {
3914 propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<P>;
3915 }
3917 type ContextType<C extends Context<any>> = C extends Context<infer T> ? T : never;
3919 // NOTE: only the Context object itself can get a displayName
3920 // https://github.com/facebook/react-devtools/blob/e0b854e4c/backend/attachRendererFiber.js#L310-L325
3921 type Provider<T> = ProviderExoticComponent<ProviderProps<T>>;
3922 type Consumer<T> = ExoticComponent<ConsumerProps<T>>;
3923 interface Context<T> {
3924 Provider: Provider<T>;
3925 Consumer: Consumer<T>;
3926 displayName?: string;
3927 }
3928 function createContext<T>(
3929 // If you thought this should be optional, see
3930 // https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/pull/24509#issuecomment-382213106
3931 defaultValue: T,
3932 ): Context<T>;
3934 function isValidElement<P>(object: {} | null | undefined): object is ReactElement<P>;
3936 const Children: ReactChildren;
3937 const Fragment: ExoticComponent<{ children?: ReactNode }>;
3938 const StrictMode: ExoticComponent<{ children?: ReactNode }>;
3940 interface SuspenseProps {
3941 children?: ReactNode;
3943 /** A fallback react tree to show when a Suspense child (like React.lazy) suspends */
3944 fallback: NonNullable<ReactNode>|null;
3945 }
3946 /**
3947 * This feature is not yet available for server-side rendering.
3948 * Suspense support will be added in a later release.
3949 */
3950 const Suspense: ExoticComponent<SuspenseProps>;
3951 const version: string;
3953 /**
3954 * {@link https://github.com/bvaughn/rfcs/blob/profiler/text/0000-profiler.md#detailed-design | API}
3955 */
3956 type ProfilerOnRenderCallback = (
3957 id: string,
3958 phase: "mount" | "update",
3959 actualDuration: number,
3960 baseDuration: number,
3961 startTime: number,
3962 commitTime: number,
3963 interactions: Set<SchedulerInteraction>,
3964 ) => void;
3965 interface ProfilerProps {
3966 children?: ReactNode;
3967 id: string;
3968 onRender: ProfilerOnRenderCallback;
3969 }
3971 const Profiler: ExoticComponent<ProfilerProps>;
3973 //
3974 // Component API
3975 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3977 type ReactInstance = Component<any> | Element;
3979 // Base component for plain JS classes
3980 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
3981 interface Component<P = {}, S = {}, SS = any> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S, SS> { }
3982 class Component<P, S> {
3983 // tslint won't let me format the sample code in a way that vscode likes it :(
3984 /**
3985 * If set, `this.context` will be set at runtime to the current value of the given Context.
3986 *
3987 * Usage:
3988 *
3989 * ```ts
3990 * type MyContext = number
3991 * const Ctx = React.createContext<MyContext>(0)
3992 *
3993 * class Foo extends React.Component {
3994 * static contextType = Ctx
3995 * context!: React.ContextType<typeof Ctx>
3996 * render () {
3997 * return <>My context's value: {this.context}</>;
3998 * }
3999 * }
4000 * ```
4001 *
4002 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html#classcontexttype
4003 */
4004 static contextType?: Context<any>;
4006 /**
4007 * If using the new style context, re-declare this in your class to be the
4008 * `React.ContextType` of your `static contextType`.
4009 * Should be used with type annotation or static contextType.
4010 *
4011 * ```ts
4012 * static contextType = MyContext
4013 * // For TS pre-3.7:
4014 * context!: React.ContextType<typeof MyContext>
4015 * // For TS 3.7 and above:
4016 * declare context: React.ContextType<typeof MyContext>
4017 * ```
4018 *
4019 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/context.html
4020 */
4021 // TODO (TypeScript 3.0): unknown
4022 context: any;
4024 constructor(props: Readonly<P>);
4025 /**
4026 * @deprecated
4027 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/legacy-context.html
4028 */
4029 constructor(props: P, context?: any);
4031 // We MUST keep setState() as a unified signature because it allows proper checking of the method return type.
4032 // See: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/18365#issuecomment-351013257
4033 // Also, the ` | S` allows intellisense to not be dumbisense
4034 setState<K extends keyof S>(
4035 state: ((prevState: Readonly<S>, props: Readonly<P>) => (Pick<S, K> | S | null)) | (Pick<S, K> | S | null),
4036 callback?: () => void
4037 ): void;
4039 forceUpdate(callback?: () => void): void;
4040 render(): ReactNode;
4042 // React.Props<T> is now deprecated, which means that the `children`
4043 // property is not available on `P` by default, even though you can
4044 // always pass children as variadic arguments to `createElement`.
4045 // In the future, if we can define its call signature conditionally
4046 // on the existence of `children` in `P`, then we should remove this.
4047 readonly props: Readonly<P> & Readonly<{ children?: ReactNode }>;
4048 state: Readonly<S>;
4049 /**
4050 * @deprecated
4051 * https://reactjs.org/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html#legacy-api-string-refs
4052 */
4053 refs: {
4054 [key: string]: ReactInstance
4055 };
4056 }
4058 class PureComponent<P = {}, S = {}, SS = any> extends Component<P, S, SS> { }
4060 interface ClassicComponent<P = {}, S = {}> extends Component<P, S> {
4061 replaceState(nextState: S, callback?: () => void): void;
4062 isMounted(): boolean;
4063 getInitialState?(): S;
4064 }
4066 interface ChildContextProvider<CC> {
4067 getChildContext(): CC;
4068 }
4070 //
4071 // Class Interfaces
4072 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4074 /**
4075 * @deprecated as of recent React versions, function components can no
4076 * longer be considered 'stateless'. Please use `FunctionComponent` instead.
4077 *
4078 * @see [React Hooks](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html)
4079 */
4080 type SFC<P = {}> = FunctionComponent<P>;
4082 /**
4083 * @deprecated as of recent React versions, function components can no
4084 * longer be considered 'stateless'. Please use `FunctionComponent` instead.
4085 *
4086 * @see [React Hooks](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html)
4087 */
4088 type StatelessComponent<P = {}> = FunctionComponent<P>;
4090 type FC<P = {}> = FunctionComponent<P>;
4092 interface FunctionComponent<P = {}> {
4093 (props: PropsWithChildren<P>, context?: any): ReactElement<any, any> | null;
4094 propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<P>;
4095 contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
4096 defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
4097 displayName?: string;
4098 }
4100 interface ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P = {}> {
4101 (props: PropsWithChildren<P>, ref: ((instance: T | null) => void) | MutableRefObject<T | null> | null): ReactElement | null;
4102 displayName?: string;
4103 // explicit rejected with `never` required due to
4104 // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/36826
4105 /**
4106 * defaultProps are not supported on render functions
4107 */
4108 defaultProps?: never;
4109 /**
4110 * propTypes are not supported on render functions
4111 */
4112 propTypes?: never;
4113 }
4115 /**
4116 * @deprecated Use ForwardRefRenderFunction. forwardRef doesn't accept a
4117 * "real" component.
4118 */
4119 interface RefForwardingComponent <T, P = {}> extends ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P> {}
4121 interface ComponentClass<P = {}, S = ComponentState> extends StaticLifecycle<P, S> {
4122 new (props: P, context?: any): Component<P, S>;
4123 propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<P>;
4124 contextType?: Context<any>;
4125 contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
4126 childContextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
4127 defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
4128 displayName?: string;
4129 }
4131 interface ClassicComponentClass<P = {}> extends ComponentClass<P> {
4132 new (props: P, context?: any): ClassicComponent<P, ComponentState>;
4133 getDefaultProps?(): P;
4134 }
4136 /**
4137 * We use an intersection type to infer multiple type parameters from
4138 * a single argument, which is useful for many top-level API defs.
4139 * See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/7234 for more info.
4140 */
4141 type ClassType<P, T extends Component<P, ComponentState>, C extends ComponentClass<P>> =
4142 C &
4143 (new (props: P, context?: any) => T);
4145 //
4146 // Component Specs and Lifecycle
4147 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4149 // This should actually be something like `Lifecycle<P, S> | DeprecatedLifecycle<P, S>`,
4150 // as React will _not_ call the deprecated lifecycle methods if any of the new lifecycle
4151 // methods are present.
4152 interface ComponentLifecycle<P, S, SS = any> extends NewLifecycle<P, S, SS>, DeprecatedLifecycle<P, S> {
4153 /**
4154 * Called immediately after a component is mounted. Setting state here will trigger re-rendering.
4155 */
4156 componentDidMount?(): void;
4157 /**
4158 * Called to determine whether the change in props and state should trigger a re-render.
4159 *
4160 * `Component` always returns true.
4161 * `PureComponent` implements a shallow comparison on props and state and returns true if any
4162 * props or states have changed.
4163 *
4164 * If false is returned, `Component#render`, `componentWillUpdate`
4165 * and `componentDidUpdate` will not be called.
4166 */
4167 shouldComponentUpdate?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextState: Readonly<S>, nextContext: any): boolean;
4168 /**
4169 * Called immediately before a component is destroyed. Perform any necessary cleanup in this method, such as
4170 * cancelled network requests, or cleaning up any DOM elements created in `componentDidMount`.
4171 */
4172 componentWillUnmount?(): void;
4173 /**
4174 * Catches exceptions generated in descendant components. Unhandled exceptions will cause
4175 * the entire component tree to unmount.
4176 */
4177 componentDidCatch?(error: Error, errorInfo: ErrorInfo): void;
4178 }
4180 // Unfortunately, we have no way of declaring that the component constructor must implement this
4181 interface StaticLifecycle<P, S> {
4182 getDerivedStateFromProps?: GetDerivedStateFromProps<P, S>;
4183 getDerivedStateFromError?: GetDerivedStateFromError<P, S>;
4184 }
4186 type GetDerivedStateFromProps<P, S> =
4187 /**
4188 * Returns an update to a component's state based on its new props and old state.
4189 *
4190 * Note: its presence prevents any of the deprecated lifecycle methods from being invoked
4191 */
4192 (nextProps: Readonly<P>, prevState: S) => Partial<S> | null;
4194 type GetDerivedStateFromError<P, S> =
4195 /**
4196 * This lifecycle is invoked after an error has been thrown by a descendant component.
4197 * It receives the error that was thrown as a parameter and should return a value to update state.
4198 *
4199 * Note: its presence prevents any of the deprecated lifecycle methods from being invoked
4200 */
4201 (error: any) => Partial<S> | null;
4203 // This should be "infer SS" but can't use it yet
4204 interface NewLifecycle<P, S, SS> {
4205 /**
4206 * Runs before React applies the result of `render` to the document, and
4207 * returns an object to be given to componentDidUpdate. Useful for saving
4208 * things such as scroll position before `render` causes changes to it.
4209 *
4210 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate prevents any of the deprecated
4211 * lifecycle events from running.
4212 */
4213 getSnapshotBeforeUpdate?(prevProps: Readonly<P>, prevState: Readonly<S>): SS | null;
4214 /**
4215 * Called immediately after updating occurs. Not called for the initial render.
4216 *
4217 * The snapshot is only present if getSnapshotBeforeUpdate is present and returns non-null.
4218 */
4219 componentDidUpdate?(prevProps: Readonly<P>, prevState: Readonly<S>, snapshot?: SS): void;
4220 }
4222 interface DeprecatedLifecycle<P, S> {
4223 /**
4224 * Called immediately before mounting occurs, and before `Component#render`.
4225 * Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in this method.
4226 *
4227 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps
4228 * prevents this from being invoked.
4229 *
4230 * @deprecated 16.3, use componentDidMount or the constructor instead; will stop working in React 17
4231 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#initializing-state
4232 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#gradual-migration-path
4233 */
4234 componentWillMount?(): void;
4235 /**
4236 * Called immediately before mounting occurs, and before `Component#render`.
4237 * Avoid introducing any side-effects or subscriptions in this method.
4238 *
4239 * This method will not stop working in React 17.
4240 *
4241 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps
4242 * prevents this from being invoked.
4243 *
4244 * @deprecated 16.3, use componentDidMount or the constructor instead
4245 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#initializing-state
4246 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#gradual-migration-path
4247 */
4248 UNSAFE_componentWillMount?(): void;
4249 /**
4250 * Called when the component may be receiving new props.
4251 * React may call this even if props have not changed, so be sure to compare new and existing
4252 * props if you only want to handle changes.
4253 *
4254 * Calling `Component#setState` generally does not trigger this method.
4255 *
4256 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps
4257 * prevents this from being invoked.
4258 *
4259 * @deprecated 16.3, use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead; will stop working in React 17
4260 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#updating-state-based-on-props
4261 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#gradual-migration-path
4262 */
4263 componentWillReceiveProps?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextContext: any): void;
4264 /**
4265 * Called when the component may be receiving new props.
4266 * React may call this even if props have not changed, so be sure to compare new and existing
4267 * props if you only want to handle changes.
4268 *
4269 * Calling `Component#setState` generally does not trigger this method.
4270 *
4271 * This method will not stop working in React 17.
4272 *
4273 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps
4274 * prevents this from being invoked.
4275 *
4276 * @deprecated 16.3, use static getDerivedStateFromProps instead
4277 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#updating-state-based-on-props
4278 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#gradual-migration-path
4279 */
4280 UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextContext: any): void;
4281 /**
4282 * Called immediately before rendering when new props or state is received. Not called for the initial render.
4283 *
4284 * Note: You cannot call `Component#setState` here.
4285 *
4286 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps
4287 * prevents this from being invoked.
4288 *
4289 * @deprecated 16.3, use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead; will stop working in React 17
4290 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#reading-dom-properties-before-an-update
4291 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#gradual-migration-path
4292 */
4293 componentWillUpdate?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextState: Readonly<S>, nextContext: any): void;
4294 /**
4295 * Called immediately before rendering when new props or state is received. Not called for the initial render.
4296 *
4297 * Note: You cannot call `Component#setState` here.
4298 *
4299 * This method will not stop working in React 17.
4300 *
4301 * Note: the presence of getSnapshotBeforeUpdate or getDerivedStateFromProps
4302 * prevents this from being invoked.
4303 *
4304 * @deprecated 16.3, use getSnapshotBeforeUpdate instead
4305 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#reading-dom-properties-before-an-update
4306 * @see https://reactjs.org/blog/2018/03/27/update-on-async-rendering.html#gradual-migration-path
4307 */
4308 UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate?(nextProps: Readonly<P>, nextState: Readonly<S>, nextContext: any): void;
4309 }
4311 interface Mixin<P, S> extends ComponentLifecycle<P, S> {
4312 mixins?: Array<Mixin<P, S>>;
4313 statics?: {
4314 [key: string]: any;
4315 };
4317 displayName?: string;
4318 propTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
4319 contextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
4320 childContextTypes?: ValidationMap<any>;
4322 getDefaultProps?(): P;
4323 getInitialState?(): S;
4324 }
4326 interface ComponentSpec<P, S> extends Mixin<P, S> {
4327 render(): ReactNode;
4329 [propertyName: string]: any;
4330 }
4332 function createRef<T>(): RefObject<T>;
4334 // will show `ForwardRef(${Component.displayName || Component.name})` in devtools by default,
4335 // but can be given its own specific name
4336 interface ForwardRefExoticComponent<P> extends NamedExoticComponent<P> {
4337 defaultProps?: Partial<P>;
4338 propTypes?: WeakValidationMap<P>;
4339 }
4341 function forwardRef<T, P = {}>(render: ForwardRefRenderFunction<T, P>): ForwardRefExoticComponent<PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<T>>;
4343 /** Ensures that the props do not include ref at all */
4344 type PropsWithoutRef<P> =
4345 // Just Pick would be sufficient for this, but I'm trying to avoid unnecessary mapping over union types
4346 // https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28339
4347 'ref' extends keyof P
4348 ? Pick<P, Exclude<keyof P, 'ref'>>
4349 : P;
4350 /** Ensures that the props do not include string ref, which cannot be forwarded */
4351 type PropsWithRef<P> =
4352 // Just "P extends { ref?: infer R }" looks sufficient, but R will infer as {} if P is {}.
4353 'ref' extends keyof P
4354 ? P extends { ref?: infer R }
4355 ? string extends R
4356 ? PropsWithoutRef<P> & { ref?: Exclude<R, string> }
4357 : P
4358 : P
4359 : P;
4361 type PropsWithChildren<P> = P & { children?: ReactNode };
4363 /**
4364 * NOTE: prefer ComponentPropsWithRef, if the ref is forwarded,
4365 * or ComponentPropsWithoutRef when refs are not supported.
4366 */
4367 type ComponentProps<T extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | JSXElementConstructor<any>> =
4368 T extends JSXElementConstructor<infer P>
4369 ? P
4370 : T extends keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements
4371 ? JSX.IntrinsicElements[T]
4372 : {};
4373 type ComponentPropsWithRef<T extends ElementType> =
4374 T extends ComponentClass<infer P>
4375 ? PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<InstanceType<T>>
4376 : PropsWithRef<ComponentProps<T>>;
4377 type ComponentPropsWithoutRef<T extends ElementType> =
4378 PropsWithoutRef<ComponentProps<T>>;
4380 // will show `Memo(${Component.displayName || Component.name})` in devtools by default,
4381 // but can be given its own specific name
4382 type MemoExoticComponent<T extends ComponentType<any>> = NamedExoticComponent<ComponentPropsWithRef<T>> & {
4383 readonly type: T;
4384 };
4386 function memo<P extends object>(
4387 Component: SFC<P>,
4388 propsAreEqual?: (prevProps: Readonly<PropsWithChildren<P>>, nextProps: Readonly<PropsWithChildren<P>>) => boolean
4389 ): NamedExoticComponent<P>;
4390 function memo<T extends ComponentType<any>>(
4391 Component: T,
4392 propsAreEqual?: (prevProps: Readonly<ComponentProps<T>>, nextProps: Readonly<ComponentProps<T>>) => boolean
4393 ): MemoExoticComponent<T>;
4395 type LazyExoticComponent<T extends ComponentType<any>> = ExoticComponent<ComponentPropsWithRef<T>> & {
4396 readonly _result: T;
4397 };
4399 function lazy<T extends ComponentType<any>>(
4400 factory: () => Promise<{ default: T }>
4401 ): LazyExoticComponent<T>;
4403 //
4404 // React Hooks
4405 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4407 // based on the code in https://github.com/facebook/react/pull/13968
4409 // Unlike the class component setState, the updates are not allowed to be partial
4410 type SetStateAction<S> = S | ((prevState: S) => S);
4411 // this technically does accept a second argument, but it's already under a deprecation warning
4412 // and it's not even released so probably better to not define it.
4413 type Dispatch<A> = (value: A) => void;
4414 // Since action _can_ be undefined, dispatch may be called without any parameters.
4415 type DispatchWithoutAction = () => void;
4416 // Unlike redux, the actions _can_ be anything
4417 type Reducer<S, A> = (prevState: S, action: A) => S;
4418 // If useReducer accepts a reducer without action, dispatch may be called without any parameters.
4419 type ReducerWithoutAction<S> = (prevState: S) => S;
4420 // types used to try and prevent the compiler from reducing S
4421 // to a supertype common with the second argument to useReducer()
4422 type ReducerState<R extends Reducer<any, any>> = R extends Reducer<infer S, any> ? S : never;
4423 type ReducerAction<R extends Reducer<any, any>> = R extends Reducer<any, infer A> ? A : never;
4424 // The identity check is done with the SameValue algorithm (Object.is), which is stricter than ===
4425 type ReducerStateWithoutAction<R extends ReducerWithoutAction<any>> =
4426 R extends ReducerWithoutAction<infer S> ? S : never;
4427 // TODO (TypeScript 3.0): ReadonlyArray<unknown>
4428 type DependencyList = ReadonlyArray<any>;
4430 // NOTE: callbacks are _only_ allowed to return either void, or a destructor.
4431 // The destructor is itself only allowed to return void.
4432 type EffectCallback = () => (void | (() => void | undefined));
4434 interface MutableRefObject<T> {
4435 current: T;
4436 }
4438 // This will technically work if you give a Consumer<T> or Provider<T> but it's deprecated and warns
4439 /**
4440 * Accepts a context object (the value returned from `React.createContext`) and returns the current
4441 * context value, as given by the nearest context provider for the given context.
4442 *
4443 * @version 16.8.0
4444 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecontext
4445 */
4446 function useContext<T>(context: Context<T>/*, (not public API) observedBits?: number|boolean */): T;
4447 /**
4448 * Returns a stateful value, and a function to update it.
4449 *
4450 * @version 16.8.0
4451 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usestate
4452 */
4453 function useState<S>(initialState: S | (() => S)): [S, Dispatch<SetStateAction<S>>];
4454 // convenience overload when first argument is ommitted
4455 /**
4456 * Returns a stateful value, and a function to update it.
4457 *
4458 * @version 16.8.0
4459 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usestate
4460 */
4461 function useState<S = undefined>(): [S | undefined, Dispatch<SetStateAction<S | undefined>>];
4462 /**
4463 * An alternative to `useState`.
4464 *
4465 * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
4466 * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
4467 * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
4468 *
4469 * @version 16.8.0
4470 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usereducer
4471 */
4472 // overload where dispatch could accept 0 arguments.
4473 function useReducer<R extends ReducerWithoutAction<any>, I>(
4474 reducer: R,
4475 initializerArg: I,
4476 initializer: (arg: I) => ReducerStateWithoutAction<R>
4477 ): [ReducerStateWithoutAction<R>, DispatchWithoutAction];
4478 /**
4479 * An alternative to `useState`.
4480 *
4481 * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
4482 * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
4483 * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
4484 *
4485 * @version 16.8.0
4486 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usereducer
4487 */
4488 // overload where dispatch could accept 0 arguments.
4489 function useReducer<R extends ReducerWithoutAction<any>>(
4490 reducer: R,
4491 initializerArg: ReducerStateWithoutAction<R>,
4492 initializer?: undefined
4493 ): [ReducerStateWithoutAction<R>, DispatchWithoutAction];
4494 /**
4495 * An alternative to `useState`.
4496 *
4497 * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
4498 * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
4499 * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
4500 *
4501 * @version 16.8.0
4502 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usereducer
4503 */
4504 // overload where "I" may be a subset of ReducerState<R>; used to provide autocompletion.
4505 // If "I" matches ReducerState<R> exactly then the last overload will allow initializer to be ommitted.
4506 // the last overload effectively behaves as if the identity function (x => x) is the initializer.
4507 function useReducer<R extends Reducer<any, any>, I>(
4508 reducer: R,
4509 initializerArg: I & ReducerState<R>,
4510 initializer: (arg: I & ReducerState<R>) => ReducerState<R>
4511 ): [ReducerState<R>, Dispatch<ReducerAction<R>>];
4512 /**
4513 * An alternative to `useState`.
4514 *
4515 * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
4516 * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
4517 * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
4518 *
4519 * @version 16.8.0
4520 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usereducer
4521 */
4522 // overload for free "I"; all goes as long as initializer converts it into "ReducerState<R>".
4523 function useReducer<R extends Reducer<any, any>, I>(
4524 reducer: R,
4525 initializerArg: I,
4526 initializer: (arg: I) => ReducerState<R>
4527 ): [ReducerState<R>, Dispatch<ReducerAction<R>>];
4528 /**
4529 * An alternative to `useState`.
4530 *
4531 * `useReducer` is usually preferable to `useState` when you have complex state logic that involves
4532 * multiple sub-values. It also lets you optimize performance for components that trigger deep
4533 * updates because you can pass `dispatch` down instead of callbacks.
4534 *
4535 * @version 16.8.0
4536 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usereducer
4537 */
4539 // I'm not sure if I keep this 2-ary or if I make it (2,3)-ary; it's currently (2,3)-ary.
4540 // The Flow types do have an overload for 3-ary invocation with undefined initializer.
4542 // NOTE: without the ReducerState indirection, TypeScript would reduce S to be the most common
4543 // supertype between the reducer's return type and the initialState (or the initializer's return type),
4544 // which would prevent autocompletion from ever working.
4546 // TODO: double-check if this weird overload logic is necessary. It is possible it's either a bug
4547 // in older versions, or a regression in newer versions of the typescript completion service.
4548 function useReducer<R extends Reducer<any, any>>(
4549 reducer: R,
4550 initialState: ReducerState<R>,
4551 initializer?: undefined
4552 ): [ReducerState<R>, Dispatch<ReducerAction<R>>];
4553 /**
4554 * `useRef` returns a mutable ref object whose `.current` property is initialized to the passed argument
4555 * (`initialValue`). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component.
4556 *
4557 * Note that `useRef()` is useful for more than the `ref` attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable
4558 * value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes.
4559 *
4560 * @version 16.8.0
4561 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#useref
4562 */
4563 // TODO (TypeScript 3.0): <T extends unknown>
4564 function useRef<T>(initialValue: T): MutableRefObject<T>;
4565 // convenience overload for refs given as a ref prop as they typically start with a null value
4566 /**
4567 * `useRef` returns a mutable ref object whose `.current` property is initialized to the passed argument
4568 * (`initialValue`). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component.
4569 *
4570 * Note that `useRef()` is useful for more than the `ref` attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable
4571 * value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes.
4572 *
4573 * Usage note: if you need the result of useRef to be directly mutable, include `| null` in the type
4574 * of the generic argument.
4575 *
4576 * @version 16.8.0
4577 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#useref
4578 */
4579 // TODO (TypeScript 3.0): <T extends unknown>
4580 function useRef<T>(initialValue: T|null): RefObject<T>;
4581 // convenience overload for potentially undefined initialValue / call with 0 arguments
4582 // has a default to stop it from defaulting to {} instead
4583 /**
4584 * `useRef` returns a mutable ref object whose `.current` property is initialized to the passed argument
4585 * (`initialValue`). The returned object will persist for the full lifetime of the component.
4586 *
4587 * Note that `useRef()` is useful for more than the `ref` attribute. It’s handy for keeping any mutable
4588 * value around similar to how you’d use instance fields in classes.
4589 *
4590 * @version 16.8.0
4591 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#useref
4592 */
4593 // TODO (TypeScript 3.0): <T extends unknown>
4594 function useRef<T = undefined>(): MutableRefObject<T | undefined>;
4595 /**
4596 * The signature is identical to `useEffect`, but it fires synchronously after all DOM mutations.
4597 * Use this to read layout from the DOM and synchronously re-render. Updates scheduled inside
4598 * `useLayoutEffect` will be flushed synchronously, before the browser has a chance to paint.
4599 *
4600 * Prefer the standard `useEffect` when possible to avoid blocking visual updates.
4601 *
4602 * If you’re migrating code from a class component, `useLayoutEffect` fires in the same phase as
4603 * `componentDidMount` and `componentDidUpdate`.
4604 *
4605 * @version 16.8.0
4606 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#uselayouteffect
4607 */
4608 function useLayoutEffect(effect: EffectCallback, deps?: DependencyList): void;
4609 /**
4610 * Accepts a function that contains imperative, possibly effectful code.
4611 *
4612 * @param effect Imperative function that can return a cleanup function
4613 * @param deps If present, effect will only activate if the values in the list change.
4614 *
4615 * @version 16.8.0
4616 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#useeffect
4617 */
4618 function useEffect(effect: EffectCallback, deps?: DependencyList): void;
4619 // NOTE: this does not accept strings, but this will have to be fixed by removing strings from type Ref<T>
4620 /**
4621 * `useImperativeHandle` customizes the instance value that is exposed to parent components when using
4622 * `ref`. As always, imperative code using refs should be avoided in most cases.
4623 *
4624 * `useImperativeHandle` should be used with `React.forwardRef`.
4625 *
4626 * @version 16.8.0
4627 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#useimperativehandle
4628 */
4629 function useImperativeHandle<T, R extends T>(ref: Ref<T>|undefined, init: () => R, deps?: DependencyList): void;
4630 // I made 'inputs' required here and in useMemo as there's no point to memoizing without the memoization key
4631 // useCallback(X) is identical to just using X, useMemo(() => Y) is identical to just using Y.
4632 /**
4633 * `useCallback` will return a memoized version of the callback that only changes if one of the `inputs`
4634 * has changed.
4635 *
4636 * @version 16.8.0
4637 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usecallback
4638 */
4639 // TODO (TypeScript 3.0): <T extends (...args: never[]) => unknown>
4640 function useCallback<T extends (...args: any[]) => any>(callback: T, deps: DependencyList): T;
4641 /**
4642 * `useMemo` will only recompute the memoized value when one of the `deps` has changed.
4643 *
4644 * Usage note: if calling `useMemo` with a referentially stable function, also give it as the input in
4645 * the second argument.
4646 *
4647 * ```ts
4648 * function expensive () { ... }
4649 *
4650 * function Component () {
4651 * const expensiveResult = useMemo(expensive, [expensive])
4652 * return ...
4653 * }
4654 * ```
4655 *
4656 * @version 16.8.0
4657 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usememo
4658 */
4659 // allow undefined, but don't make it optional as that is very likely a mistake
4660 function useMemo<T>(factory: () => T, deps: DependencyList | undefined): T;
4661 /**
4662 * `useDebugValue` can be used to display a label for custom hooks in React DevTools.
4663 *
4664 * NOTE: We don’t recommend adding debug values to every custom hook.
4665 * It’s most valuable for custom hooks that are part of shared libraries.
4666 *
4667 * @version 16.8.0
4668 * @see https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-reference.html#usedebugvalue
4669 */
4670 // the name of the custom hook is itself derived from the function name at runtime:
4671 // it's just the function name without the "use" prefix.
4672 function useDebugValue<T>(value: T, format?: (value: T) => any): void;
4674 //
4675 // Event System
4676 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4677 // TODO: change any to unknown when moving to TS v3
4678 interface BaseSyntheticEvent<E = object, C = any, T = any> {
4679 nativeEvent: E;
4680 currentTarget: C;
4681 target: T;
4682 bubbles: boolean;
4683 cancelable: boolean;
4684 defaultPrevented: boolean;
4685 eventPhase: number;
4686 isTrusted: boolean;
4687 preventDefault(): void;
4688 isDefaultPrevented(): boolean;
4689 stopPropagation(): void;
4690 isPropagationStopped(): boolean;
4691 persist(): void;
4692 timeStamp: number;
4693 type: string;
4694 }
4696 /**
4697 * currentTarget - a reference to the element on which the event listener is registered.
4698 *
4699 * target - a reference to the element from which the event was originally dispatched.
4700 * This might be a child element to the element on which the event listener is registered.
4701 * If you thought this should be `EventTarget & T`, see https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/11508#issuecomment-256045682
4702 */
4703 interface SyntheticEvent<T = Element, E = Event> extends BaseSyntheticEvent<E, EventTarget & T, EventTarget> {}
4705 interface ClipboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeClipboardEvent> {
4706 clipboardData: DataTransfer;
4707 }
4709 interface CompositionEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeCompositionEvent> {
4710 data: string;
4711 }
4713 interface DragEvent<T = Element> extends MouseEvent<T, NativeDragEvent> {
4714 dataTransfer: DataTransfer;
4715 }
4717 interface PointerEvent<T = Element> extends MouseEvent<T, NativePointerEvent> {
4718 pointerId: number;
4719 pressure: number;
4720 tangentialPressure: number;
4721 tiltX: number;
4722 tiltY: number;
4723 twist: number;
4724 width: number;
4725 height: number;
4726 pointerType: 'mouse' | 'pen' | 'touch';
4727 isPrimary: boolean;
4728 }
4730 interface FocusEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeFocusEvent> {
4731 relatedTarget: EventTarget | null;
4732 target: EventTarget & T;
4733 }
4735 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
4736 interface FormEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
4737 }
4739 interface InvalidEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
4740 target: EventTarget & T;
4741 }
4743 interface ChangeEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T> {
4744 target: EventTarget & T;
4745 }
4747 interface KeyboardEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeKeyboardEvent> {
4748 altKey: boolean;
4749 charCode: number;
4750 ctrlKey: boolean;
4751 /**
4752 * See [DOM Level 3 Events spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents-key/#keys-modifier). for a list of valid (case-sensitive) arguments to this method.
4753 */
4754 getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
4755 /**
4756 * See the [DOM Level 3 Events spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents-key/#named-key-attribute-values). for possible values
4757 */
4758 key: string;
4759 keyCode: number;
4760 locale: string;
4761 location: number;
4762 metaKey: boolean;
4763 repeat: boolean;
4764 shiftKey: boolean;
4765 /** @deprecated */
4766 which: number;
4767 }
4769 interface MouseEvent<T = Element, E = NativeMouseEvent> extends UIEvent<T, E> {
4770 altKey: boolean;
4771 button: number;
4772 buttons: number;
4773 clientX: number;
4774 clientY: number;
4775 ctrlKey: boolean;
4776 /**
4777 * See [DOM Level 3 Events spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents-key/#keys-modifier). for a list of valid (case-sensitive) arguments to this method.
4778 */
4779 getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
4780 metaKey: boolean;
4781 movementX: number;
4782 movementY: number;
4783 pageX: number;
4784 pageY: number;
4785 relatedTarget: EventTarget | null;
4786 screenX: number;
4787 screenY: number;
4788 shiftKey: boolean;
4789 }
4791 interface TouchEvent<T = Element> extends UIEvent<T, NativeTouchEvent> {
4792 altKey: boolean;
4793 changedTouches: TouchList;
4794 ctrlKey: boolean;
4795 /**
4796 * See [DOM Level 3 Events spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/uievents-key/#keys-modifier). for a list of valid (case-sensitive) arguments to this method.
4797 */
4798 getModifierState(key: string): boolean;
4799 metaKey: boolean;
4800 shiftKey: boolean;
4801 targetTouches: TouchList;
4802 touches: TouchList;
4803 }
4805 interface UIEvent<T = Element, E = NativeUIEvent> extends SyntheticEvent<T, E> {
4806 detail: number;
4807 view: AbstractView;
4808 }
4810 interface WheelEvent<T = Element> extends MouseEvent<T, NativeWheelEvent> {
4811 deltaMode: number;
4812 deltaX: number;
4813 deltaY: number;
4814 deltaZ: number;
4815 }
4817 interface AnimationEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeAnimationEvent> {
4818 animationName: string;
4819 elapsedTime: number;
4820 pseudoElement: string;
4821 }
4823 interface TransitionEvent<T = Element> extends SyntheticEvent<T, NativeTransitionEvent> {
4824 elapsedTime: number;
4825 propertyName: string;
4826 pseudoElement: string;
4827 }
4829 //
4830 // Event Handler Types
4831 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4833 type EventHandler<E extends SyntheticEvent<any>> = { bivarianceHack(event: E): void }["bivarianceHack"];
4835 type ReactEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<SyntheticEvent<T>>;
4837 type ClipboardEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<ClipboardEvent<T>>;
4838 type CompositionEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<CompositionEvent<T>>;
4839 type DragEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<DragEvent<T>>;
4840 type FocusEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<FocusEvent<T>>;
4841 type FormEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<FormEvent<T>>;
4842 type ChangeEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<ChangeEvent<T>>;
4843 type KeyboardEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<KeyboardEvent<T>>;
4844 type MouseEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<MouseEvent<T>>;
4845 type TouchEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<TouchEvent<T>>;
4846 type PointerEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<PointerEvent<T>>;
4847 type UIEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<UIEvent<T>>;
4848 type WheelEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<WheelEvent<T>>;
4849 type AnimationEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<AnimationEvent<T>>;
4850 type TransitionEventHandler<T = Element> = EventHandler<TransitionEvent<T>>;
4852 //
4853 // Props / DOM Attributes
4854 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4856 /**
4857 * @deprecated. This was used to allow clients to pass `ref` and `key`
4858 * to `createElement`, which is no longer necessary due to intersection
4859 * types. If you need to declare a props object before passing it to
4860 * `createElement` or a factory, use `ClassAttributes<T>`:
4861 *
4862 * ```ts
4863 * var b: Button | null;
4864 * var props: ButtonProps & ClassAttributes<Button> = {
4865 * ref: b => button = b, // ok!
4866 * label: "I'm a Button"
4867 * };
4868 * ```
4869 */
4870 interface Props<T> {
4871 children?: ReactNode;
4872 key?: Key;
4873 ref?: LegacyRef<T>;
4874 }
4876 interface HTMLProps<T> extends AllHTMLAttributes<T>, ClassAttributes<T> {
4877 }
4879 type DetailedHTMLProps<E extends HTMLAttributes<T>, T> = ClassAttributes<T> & E;
4881 interface SVGProps<T> extends SVGAttributes<T>, ClassAttributes<T> {
4882 }
4884 interface DOMAttributes<T> {
4885 children?: ReactNode;
4886 dangerouslySetInnerHTML?: {
4887 __html: string;
4888 };
4890 // Clipboard Events
4891 onCopy?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
4892 onCopyCapture?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
4893 onCut?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
4894 onCutCapture?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
4895 onPaste?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
4896 onPasteCapture?: ClipboardEventHandler<T>;
4898 // Composition Events
4899 onCompositionEnd?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
4900 onCompositionEndCapture?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
4901 onCompositionStart?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
4902 onCompositionStartCapture?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
4903 onCompositionUpdate?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
4904 onCompositionUpdateCapture?: CompositionEventHandler<T>;
4906 // Focus Events
4907 onFocus?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
4908 onFocusCapture?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
4909 onBlur?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
4910 onBlurCapture?: FocusEventHandler<T>;
4912 // Form Events
4913 onChange?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4914 onChangeCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4915 onBeforeInput?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4916 onBeforeInputCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4917 onInput?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4918 onInputCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4919 onReset?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4920 onResetCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4921 onSubmit?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4922 onSubmitCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4923 onInvalid?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4924 onInvalidCapture?: FormEventHandler<T>;
4926 // Image Events
4927 onLoad?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4928 onLoadCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4929 onError?: ReactEventHandler<T>; // also a Media Event
4930 onErrorCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>; // also a Media Event
4932 // Keyboard Events
4933 onKeyDown?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
4934 onKeyDownCapture?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
4935 onKeyPress?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
4936 onKeyPressCapture?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
4937 onKeyUp?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
4938 onKeyUpCapture?: KeyboardEventHandler<T>;
4940 // Media Events
4941 onAbort?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4942 onAbortCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4943 onCanPlay?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4944 onCanPlayCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4945 onCanPlayThrough?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4946 onCanPlayThroughCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4947 onDurationChange?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4948 onDurationChangeCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4949 onEmptied?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4950 onEmptiedCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4951 onEncrypted?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4952 onEncryptedCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4953 onEnded?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4954 onEndedCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4955 onLoadedData?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4956 onLoadedDataCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4957 onLoadedMetadata?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4958 onLoadedMetadataCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4959 onLoadStart?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4960 onLoadStartCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4961 onPause?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4962 onPauseCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4963 onPlay?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4964 onPlayCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4965 onPlaying?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4966 onPlayingCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4967 onProgress?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4968 onProgressCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4969 onRateChange?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4970 onRateChangeCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4971 onSeeked?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4972 onSeekedCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4973 onSeeking?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4974 onSeekingCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4975 onStalled?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4976 onStalledCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4977 onSuspend?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4978 onSuspendCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4979 onTimeUpdate?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4980 onTimeUpdateCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4981 onVolumeChange?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4982 onVolumeChangeCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4983 onWaiting?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4984 onWaitingCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
4986 // MouseEvents
4987 onAuxClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4988 onAuxClickCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4989 onClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4990 onClickCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4991 onContextMenu?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4992 onContextMenuCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4993 onDoubleClick?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4994 onDoubleClickCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
4995 onDrag?: DragEventHandler<T>;
4996 onDragCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
4997 onDragEnd?: DragEventHandler<T>;
4998 onDragEndCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
4999 onDragEnter?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5000 onDragEnterCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5001 onDragExit?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5002 onDragExitCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5003 onDragLeave?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5004 onDragLeaveCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5005 onDragOver?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5006 onDragOverCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5007 onDragStart?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5008 onDragStartCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5009 onDrop?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5010 onDropCapture?: DragEventHandler<T>;
5011 onMouseDown?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5012 onMouseDownCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5013 onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5014 onMouseLeave?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5015 onMouseMove?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5016 onMouseMoveCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5017 onMouseOut?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5018 onMouseOutCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5019 onMouseOver?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5020 onMouseOverCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5021 onMouseUp?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5022 onMouseUpCapture?: MouseEventHandler<T>;
5024 // Selection Events
5025 onSelect?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
5026 onSelectCapture?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
5028 // Touch Events
5029 onTouchCancel?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5030 onTouchCancelCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5031 onTouchEnd?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5032 onTouchEndCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5033 onTouchMove?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5034 onTouchMoveCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5035 onTouchStart?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5036 onTouchStartCapture?: TouchEventHandler<T>;
5038 // Pointer Events
5039 onPointerDown?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5040 onPointerDownCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5041 onPointerMove?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5042 onPointerMoveCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5043 onPointerUp?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5044 onPointerUpCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5045 onPointerCancel?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5046 onPointerCancelCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5047 onPointerEnter?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5048 onPointerEnterCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5049 onPointerLeave?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5050 onPointerLeaveCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5051 onPointerOver?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5052 onPointerOverCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5053 onPointerOut?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5054 onPointerOutCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5055 onGotPointerCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5056 onGotPointerCaptureCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5057 onLostPointerCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5058 onLostPointerCaptureCapture?: PointerEventHandler<T>;
5060 // UI Events
5061 onScroll?: UIEventHandler<T>;
5062 onScrollCapture?: UIEventHandler<T>;
5064 // Wheel Events
5065 onWheel?: WheelEventHandler<T>;
5066 onWheelCapture?: WheelEventHandler<T>;
5068 // Animation Events
5069 onAnimationStart?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
5070 onAnimationStartCapture?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
5071 onAnimationEnd?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
5072 onAnimationEndCapture?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
5073 onAnimationIteration?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
5074 onAnimationIterationCapture?: AnimationEventHandler<T>;
5076 // Transition Events
5077 onTransitionEnd?: TransitionEventHandler<T>;
5078 onTransitionEndCapture?: TransitionEventHandler<T>;
5079 }
5081 interface CSSProperties extends CSS.Properties<string | number> {
5082 /**
5083 * The index signature was removed to enable closed typing for style
5084 * using CSSType. You're able to use type assertion or module augmentation
5085 * to add properties or an index signature of your own.
5086 *
5087 * For examples and more information, visit:
5088 * https://github.com/frenic/csstype#what-should-i-do-when-i-get-type-errors
5089 */
5090 }
5092 // All the WAI-ARIA 1.1 attributes from https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/
5093 interface AriaAttributes {
5094 /** Identifies the currently active element when DOM focus is on a composite widget, textbox, group, or application. */
5095 'aria-activedescendant'?: string;
5096 /** Indicates whether assistive technologies will present all, or only parts of, the changed region based on the change notifications defined by the aria-relevant attribute. */
5097 'aria-atomic'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5098 /**
5099 * Indicates whether inputting text could trigger display of one or more predictions of the user's intended value for an input and specifies how predictions would be
5100 * presented if they are made.
5101 */
5102 'aria-autocomplete'?: 'none' | 'inline' | 'list' | 'both';
5103 /** Indicates an element is being modified and that assistive technologies MAY want to wait until the modifications are complete before exposing them to the user. */
5104 'aria-busy'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5105 /**
5106 * Indicates the current "checked" state of checkboxes, radio buttons, and other widgets.
5107 * @see aria-pressed @see aria-selected.
5108 */
5109 'aria-checked'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true';
5110 /**
5111 * Defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
5112 * @see aria-colindex.
5113 */
5114 'aria-colcount'?: number;
5115 /**
5116 * Defines an element's column index or position with respect to the total number of columns within a table, grid, or treegrid.
5117 * @see aria-colcount @see aria-colspan.
5118 */
5119 'aria-colindex'?: number;
5120 /**
5121 * Defines the number of columns spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
5122 * @see aria-colindex @see aria-rowspan.
5123 */
5124 'aria-colspan'?: number;
5125 /**
5126 * Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element.
5127 * @see aria-owns.
5128 */
5129 'aria-controls'?: string;
5130 /** Indicates the element that represents the current item within a container or set of related elements. */
5131 'aria-current'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'page' | 'step' | 'location' | 'date' | 'time';
5132 /**
5133 * Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object.
5134 * @see aria-labelledby
5135 */
5136 'aria-describedby'?: string;
5137 /**
5138 * Identifies the element that provides a detailed, extended description for the object.
5139 * @see aria-describedby.
5140 */
5141 'aria-details'?: string;
5142 /**
5143 * Indicates that the element is perceivable but disabled, so it is not editable or otherwise operable.
5144 * @see aria-hidden @see aria-readonly.
5145 */
5146 'aria-disabled'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5147 /**
5148 * Indicates what functions can be performed when a dragged object is released on the drop target.
5149 * @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
5150 */
5151 'aria-dropeffect'?: 'none' | 'copy' | 'execute' | 'link' | 'move' | 'popup';
5152 /**
5153 * Identifies the element that provides an error message for the object.
5154 * @see aria-invalid @see aria-describedby.
5155 */
5156 'aria-errormessage'?: string;
5157 /** Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. */
5158 'aria-expanded'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5159 /**
5160 * Identifies the next element (or elements) in an alternate reading order of content which, at the user's discretion,
5161 * allows assistive technology to override the general default of reading in document source order.
5162 */
5163 'aria-flowto'?: string;
5164 /**
5165 * Indicates an element's "grabbed" state in a drag-and-drop operation.
5166 * @deprecated in ARIA 1.1
5167 */
5168 'aria-grabbed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5169 /** Indicates the availability and type of interactive popup element, such as menu or dialog, that can be triggered by an element. */
5170 'aria-haspopup'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'menu' | 'listbox' | 'tree' | 'grid' | 'dialog';
5171 /**
5172 * Indicates whether the element is exposed to an accessibility API.
5173 * @see aria-disabled.
5174 */
5175 'aria-hidden'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5176 /**
5177 * Indicates the entered value does not conform to the format expected by the application.
5178 * @see aria-errormessage.
5179 */
5180 'aria-invalid'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true' | 'grammar' | 'spelling';
5181 /** Indicates keyboard shortcuts that an author has implemented to activate or give focus to an element. */
5182 'aria-keyshortcuts'?: string;
5183 /**
5184 * Defines a string value that labels the current element.
5185 * @see aria-labelledby.
5186 */
5187 'aria-label'?: string;
5188 /**
5189 * Identifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element.
5190 * @see aria-describedby.
5191 */
5192 'aria-labelledby'?: string;
5193 /** Defines the hierarchical level of an element within a structure. */
5194 'aria-level'?: number;
5195 /** Indicates that an element will be updated, and describes the types of updates the user agents, assistive technologies, and user can expect from the live region. */
5196 'aria-live'?: 'off' | 'assertive' | 'polite';
5197 /** Indicates whether an element is modal when displayed. */
5198 'aria-modal'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5199 /** Indicates whether a text box accepts multiple lines of input or only a single line. */
5200 'aria-multiline'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5201 /** Indicates that the user may select more than one item from the current selectable descendants. */
5202 'aria-multiselectable'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5203 /** Indicates whether the element's orientation is horizontal, vertical, or unknown/ambiguous. */
5204 'aria-orientation'?: 'horizontal' | 'vertical';
5205 /**
5206 * Identifies an element (or elements) in order to define a visual, functional, or contextual parent/child relationship
5207 * between DOM elements where the DOM hierarchy cannot be used to represent the relationship.
5208 * @see aria-controls.
5209 */
5210 'aria-owns'?: string;
5211 /**
5212 * Defines a short hint (a word or short phrase) intended to aid the user with data entry when the control has no value.
5213 * A hint could be a sample value or a brief description of the expected format.
5214 */
5215 'aria-placeholder'?: string;
5216 /**
5217 * Defines an element's number or position in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
5218 * @see aria-setsize.
5219 */
5220 'aria-posinset'?: number;
5221 /**
5222 * Indicates the current "pressed" state of toggle buttons.
5223 * @see aria-checked @see aria-selected.
5224 */
5225 'aria-pressed'?: boolean | 'false' | 'mixed' | 'true';
5226 /**
5227 * Indicates that the element is not editable, but is otherwise operable.
5228 * @see aria-disabled.
5229 */
5230 'aria-readonly'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5231 /**
5232 * Indicates what notifications the user agent will trigger when the accessibility tree within a live region is modified.
5233 * @see aria-atomic.
5234 */
5235 'aria-relevant'?: 'additions' | 'additions text' | 'all' | 'removals' | 'text';
5236 /** Indicates that user input is required on the element before a form may be submitted. */
5237 'aria-required'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5238 /** Defines a human-readable, author-localized description for the role of an element. */
5239 'aria-roledescription'?: string;
5240 /**
5241 * Defines the total number of rows in a table, grid, or treegrid.
5242 * @see aria-rowindex.
5243 */
5244 'aria-rowcount'?: number;
5245 /**
5246 * Defines an element's row index or position with respect to the total number of rows within a table, grid, or treegrid.
5247 * @see aria-rowcount @see aria-rowspan.
5248 */
5249 'aria-rowindex'?: number;
5250 /**
5251 * Defines the number of rows spanned by a cell or gridcell within a table, grid, or treegrid.
5252 * @see aria-rowindex @see aria-colspan.
5253 */
5254 'aria-rowspan'?: number;
5255 /**
5256 * Indicates the current "selected" state of various widgets.
5257 * @see aria-checked @see aria-pressed.
5258 */
5259 'aria-selected'?: boolean | 'false' | 'true';
5260 /**
5261 * Defines the number of items in the current set of listitems or treeitems. Not required if all elements in the set are present in the DOM.
5262 * @see aria-posinset.
5263 */
5264 'aria-setsize'?: number;
5265 /** Indicates if items in a table or grid are sorted in ascending or descending order. */
5266 'aria-sort'?: 'none' | 'ascending' | 'descending' | 'other';
5267 /** Defines the maximum allowed value for a range widget. */
5268 'aria-valuemax'?: number;
5269 /** Defines the minimum allowed value for a range widget. */
5270 'aria-valuemin'?: number;
5271 /**
5272 * Defines the current value for a range widget.
5273 * @see aria-valuetext.
5274 */
5275 'aria-valuenow'?: number;
5276 /** Defines the human readable text alternative of aria-valuenow for a range widget. */
5277 'aria-valuetext'?: string;
5278 }
5280 interface HTMLAttributes<T> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {
5281 // React-specific Attributes
5282 defaultChecked?: boolean;
5283 defaultValue?: string | number | ReadonlyArray<string>;
5284 suppressContentEditableWarning?: boolean;
5285 suppressHydrationWarning?: boolean;
5287 // Standard HTML Attributes
5288 accessKey?: string;
5289 className?: string;
5290 contentEditable?: Booleanish | "inherit";
5291 contextMenu?: string;
5292 dir?: string;
5293 draggable?: Booleanish;
5294 hidden?: boolean;
5295 id?: string;
5296 lang?: string;
5297 placeholder?: string;
5298 slot?: string;
5299 spellCheck?: Booleanish;
5300 style?: CSSProperties;
5301 tabIndex?: number;
5302 title?: string;
5303 translate?: 'yes' | 'no';
5305 // Unknown
5306 radioGroup?: string; // <command>, <menuitem>
5308 // WAI-ARIA
5309 role?: string;
5311 // RDFa Attributes
5312 about?: string;
5313 datatype?: string;
5314 inlist?: any;
5315 prefix?: string;
5316 property?: string;
5317 resource?: string;
5318 typeof?: string;
5319 vocab?: string;
5321 // Non-standard Attributes
5322 autoCapitalize?: string;
5323 autoCorrect?: string;
5324 autoSave?: string;
5325 color?: string;
5326 itemProp?: string;
5327 itemScope?: boolean;
5328 itemType?: string;
5329 itemID?: string;
5330 itemRef?: string;
5331 results?: number;
5332 security?: string;
5333 unselectable?: 'on' | 'off';
5335 // Living Standard
5336 /**
5337 * Hints at the type of data that might be entered by the user while editing the element or its contents
5338 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#input-modalities:-the-inputmode-attribute
5339 */
5340 inputMode?: 'none' | 'text' | 'tel' | 'url' | 'email' | 'numeric' | 'decimal' | 'search';
5341 /**
5342 * Specify that a standard HTML element should behave like a defined custom built-in element
5343 * @see https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/custom-elements.html#attr-is
5344 */
5345 is?: string;
5346 }
5348 interface AllHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5349 // Standard HTML Attributes
5350 accept?: string;
5351 acceptCharset?: string;
5352 action?: string;
5353 allowFullScreen?: boolean;
5354 allowTransparency?: boolean;
5355 alt?: string;
5356 as?: string;
5357 async?: boolean;
5358 autoComplete?: string;
5359 autoFocus?: boolean;
5360 autoPlay?: boolean;
5361 capture?: boolean | string;
5362 cellPadding?: number | string;
5363 cellSpacing?: number | string;
5364 charSet?: string;
5365 challenge?: string;
5366 checked?: boolean;
5367 cite?: string;
5368 classID?: string;
5369 cols?: number;
5370 colSpan?: number;
5371 content?: string;
5372 controls?: boolean;
5373 coords?: string;
5374 crossOrigin?: string;
5375 data?: string;
5376 dateTime?: string;
5377 default?: boolean;
5378 defer?: boolean;
5379 disabled?: boolean;
5380 download?: any;
5381 encType?: string;
5382 form?: string;
5383 formAction?: string;
5384 formEncType?: string;
5385 formMethod?: string;
5386 formNoValidate?: boolean;
5387 formTarget?: string;
5388 frameBorder?: number | string;
5389 headers?: string;
5390 height?: number | string;
5391 high?: number;
5392 href?: string;
5393 hrefLang?: string;
5394 htmlFor?: string;
5395 httpEquiv?: string;
5396 integrity?: string;
5397 keyParams?: string;
5398 keyType?: string;
5399 kind?: string;
5400 label?: string;
5401 list?: string;
5402 loop?: boolean;
5403 low?: number;
5404 manifest?: string;
5405 marginHeight?: number;
5406 marginWidth?: number;
5407 max?: number | string;
5408 maxLength?: number;
5409 media?: string;
5410 mediaGroup?: string;
5411 method?: string;
5412 min?: number | string;
5413 minLength?: number;
5414 multiple?: boolean;
5415 muted?: boolean;
5416 name?: string;
5417 nonce?: string;
5418 noValidate?: boolean;
5419 open?: boolean;
5420 optimum?: number;
5421 pattern?: string;
5422 placeholder?: string;
5423 playsInline?: boolean;
5424 poster?: string;
5425 preload?: string;
5426 readOnly?: boolean;
5427 rel?: string;
5428 required?: boolean;
5429 reversed?: boolean;
5430 rows?: number;
5431 rowSpan?: number;
5432 sandbox?: string;
5433 scope?: string;
5434 scoped?: boolean;
5435 scrolling?: string;
5436 seamless?: boolean;
5437 selected?: boolean;
5438 shape?: string;
5439 size?: number;
5440 sizes?: string;
5441 span?: number;
5442 src?: string;
5443 srcDoc?: string;
5444 srcLang?: string;
5445 srcSet?: string;
5446 start?: number;
5447 step?: number | string;
5448 summary?: string;
5449 target?: string;
5450 type?: string;
5451 useMap?: string;
5452 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5453 width?: number | string;
5454 wmode?: string;
5455 wrap?: string;
5456 }
5458 interface AnchorHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5459 download?: any;
5460 href?: string;
5461 hrefLang?: string;
5462 media?: string;
5463 ping?: string;
5464 rel?: string;
5465 target?: string;
5466 type?: string;
5467 referrerPolicy?: string;
5468 }
5470 // tslint:disable-next-line:no-empty-interface
5471 interface AudioHTMLAttributes<T> extends MediaHTMLAttributes<T> {}
5473 interface AreaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5474 alt?: string;
5475 coords?: string;
5476 download?: any;
5477 href?: string;
5478 hrefLang?: string;
5479 media?: string;
5480 rel?: string;
5481 shape?: string;
5482 target?: string;
5483 }
5485 interface BaseHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5486 href?: string;
5487 target?: string;
5488 }
5490 interface BlockquoteHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5491 cite?: string;
5492 }
5494 interface ButtonHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5495 autoFocus?: boolean;
5496 disabled?: boolean;
5497 form?: string;
5498 formAction?: string;
5499 formEncType?: string;
5500 formMethod?: string;
5501 formNoValidate?: boolean;
5502 formTarget?: string;
5503 name?: string;
5504 type?: 'submit' | 'reset' | 'button';
5505 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5506 }
5508 interface CanvasHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5509 height?: number | string;
5510 width?: number | string;
5511 }
5513 interface ColHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5514 span?: number;
5515 width?: number | string;
5516 }
5518 interface ColgroupHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5519 span?: number;
5520 }
5522 interface DataHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5523 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5524 }
5526 interface DetailsHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5527 open?: boolean;
5528 onToggle?: ReactEventHandler<T>;
5529 }
5531 interface DelHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5532 cite?: string;
5533 dateTime?: string;
5534 }
5536 interface DialogHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5537 open?: boolean;
5538 }
5540 interface EmbedHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5541 height?: number | string;
5542 src?: string;
5543 type?: string;
5544 width?: number | string;
5545 }
5547 interface FieldsetHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5548 disabled?: boolean;
5549 form?: string;
5550 name?: string;
5551 }
5553 interface FormHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5554 acceptCharset?: string;
5555 action?: string;
5556 autoComplete?: string;
5557 encType?: string;
5558 method?: string;
5559 name?: string;
5560 noValidate?: boolean;
5561 target?: string;
5562 }
5564 interface HtmlHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5565 manifest?: string;
5566 }
5568 interface IframeHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5569 allow?: string;
5570 allowFullScreen?: boolean;
5571 allowTransparency?: boolean;
5572 frameBorder?: number | string;
5573 height?: number | string;
5574 marginHeight?: number;
5575 marginWidth?: number;
5576 name?: string;
5577 referrerPolicy?: string;
5578 sandbox?: string;
5579 scrolling?: string;
5580 seamless?: boolean;
5581 src?: string;
5582 srcDoc?: string;
5583 width?: number | string;
5584 }
5586 interface ImgHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5587 alt?: string;
5588 crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "";
5589 decoding?: "async" | "auto" | "sync";
5590 height?: number | string;
5591 loading?: "eager" | "lazy";
5592 referrerPolicy?: "no-referrer" | "origin" | "unsafe-url";
5593 sizes?: string;
5594 src?: string;
5595 srcSet?: string;
5596 useMap?: string;
5597 width?: number | string;
5598 }
5600 interface InsHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5601 cite?: string;
5602 dateTime?: string;
5603 }
5605 interface InputHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5606 accept?: string;
5607 alt?: string;
5608 autoComplete?: string;
5609 autoFocus?: boolean;
5610 capture?: boolean | string; // https://www.w3.org/TR/html-media-capture/#the-capture-attribute
5611 checked?: boolean;
5612 crossOrigin?: string;
5613 disabled?: boolean;
5614 form?: string;
5615 formAction?: string;
5616 formEncType?: string;
5617 formMethod?: string;
5618 formNoValidate?: boolean;
5619 formTarget?: string;
5620 height?: number | string;
5621 list?: string;
5622 max?: number | string;
5623 maxLength?: number;
5624 min?: number | string;
5625 minLength?: number;
5626 multiple?: boolean;
5627 name?: string;
5628 pattern?: string;
5629 placeholder?: string;
5630 readOnly?: boolean;
5631 required?: boolean;
5632 size?: number;
5633 src?: string;
5634 step?: number | string;
5635 type?: string;
5636 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5637 width?: number | string;
5639 onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<T>;
5640 }
5642 interface KeygenHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5643 autoFocus?: boolean;
5644 challenge?: string;
5645 disabled?: boolean;
5646 form?: string;
5647 keyType?: string;
5648 keyParams?: string;
5649 name?: string;
5650 }
5652 interface LabelHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5653 form?: string;
5654 htmlFor?: string;
5655 }
5657 interface LiHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5658 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5659 }
5661 interface LinkHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5662 as?: string;
5663 crossOrigin?: string;
5664 href?: string;
5665 hrefLang?: string;
5666 integrity?: string;
5667 media?: string;
5668 rel?: string;
5669 sizes?: string;
5670 type?: string;
5671 charSet?: string;
5672 }
5674 interface MapHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5675 name?: string;
5676 }
5678 interface MenuHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5679 type?: string;
5680 }
5682 interface MediaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5683 autoPlay?: boolean;
5684 controls?: boolean;
5685 controlsList?: string;
5686 crossOrigin?: string;
5687 loop?: boolean;
5688 mediaGroup?: string;
5689 muted?: boolean;
5690 playsInline?: boolean;
5691 preload?: string;
5692 src?: string;
5693 }
5695 interface MetaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5696 charSet?: string;
5697 content?: string;
5698 httpEquiv?: string;
5699 name?: string;
5700 }
5702 interface MeterHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5703 form?: string;
5704 high?: number;
5705 low?: number;
5706 max?: number | string;
5707 min?: number | string;
5708 optimum?: number;
5709 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5710 }
5712 interface QuoteHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5713 cite?: string;
5714 }
5716 interface ObjectHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5717 classID?: string;
5718 data?: string;
5719 form?: string;
5720 height?: number | string;
5721 name?: string;
5722 type?: string;
5723 useMap?: string;
5724 width?: number | string;
5725 wmode?: string;
5726 }
5728 interface OlHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5729 reversed?: boolean;
5730 start?: number;
5731 type?: '1' | 'a' | 'A' | 'i' | 'I';
5732 }
5734 interface OptgroupHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5735 disabled?: boolean;
5736 label?: string;
5737 }
5739 interface OptionHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5740 disabled?: boolean;
5741 label?: string;
5742 selected?: boolean;
5743 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5744 }
5746 interface OutputHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5747 form?: string;
5748 htmlFor?: string;
5749 name?: string;
5750 }
5752 interface ParamHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5753 name?: string;
5754 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5755 }
5757 interface ProgressHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5758 max?: number | string;
5759 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5760 }
5762 interface SlotHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5763 name?: string;
5764 }
5766 interface ScriptHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5767 async?: boolean;
5768 charSet?: string;
5769 crossOrigin?: string;
5770 defer?: boolean;
5771 integrity?: string;
5772 noModule?: boolean;
5773 nonce?: string;
5774 src?: string;
5775 type?: string;
5776 }
5778 interface SelectHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5779 autoComplete?: string;
5780 autoFocus?: boolean;
5781 disabled?: boolean;
5782 form?: string;
5783 multiple?: boolean;
5784 name?: string;
5785 required?: boolean;
5786 size?: number;
5787 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5788 onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<T>;
5789 }
5791 interface SourceHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5792 media?: string;
5793 sizes?: string;
5794 src?: string;
5795 srcSet?: string;
5796 type?: string;
5797 }
5799 interface StyleHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5800 media?: string;
5801 nonce?: string;
5802 scoped?: boolean;
5803 type?: string;
5804 }
5806 interface TableHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5807 cellPadding?: number | string;
5808 cellSpacing?: number | string;
5809 summary?: string;
5810 width?: number | string;
5811 }
5813 interface TextareaHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5814 autoComplete?: string;
5815 autoFocus?: boolean;
5816 cols?: number;
5817 dirName?: string;
5818 disabled?: boolean;
5819 form?: string;
5820 maxLength?: number;
5821 minLength?: number;
5822 name?: string;
5823 placeholder?: string;
5824 readOnly?: boolean;
5825 required?: boolean;
5826 rows?: number;
5827 value?: string | ReadonlyArray<string> | number;
5828 wrap?: string;
5830 onChange?: ChangeEventHandler<T>;
5831 }
5833 interface TdHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5834 align?: "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify" | "char";
5835 colSpan?: number;
5836 headers?: string;
5837 rowSpan?: number;
5838 scope?: string;
5839 abbr?: string;
5840 height?: number | string;
5841 width?: number | string;
5842 valign?: "top" | "middle" | "bottom" | "baseline";
5843 }
5845 interface ThHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5846 align?: "left" | "center" | "right" | "justify" | "char";
5847 colSpan?: number;
5848 headers?: string;
5849 rowSpan?: number;
5850 scope?: string;
5851 abbr?: string;
5852 }
5854 interface TimeHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5855 dateTime?: string;
5856 }
5858 interface TrackHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
5859 default?: boolean;
5860 kind?: string;
5861 label?: string;
5862 src?: string;
5863 srcLang?: string;
5864 }
5866 interface VideoHTMLAttributes<T> extends MediaHTMLAttributes<T> {
5867 height?: number | string;
5868 playsInline?: boolean;
5869 poster?: string;
5870 width?: number | string;
5871 disablePictureInPicture?: boolean;
5872 }
5874 // this list is "complete" in that it contains every SVG attribute
5875 // that React supports, but the types can be improved.
5876 // Full list here: https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/dom-elements.html
5877 //
5878 // The three broad type categories are (in order of restrictiveness):
5879 // - "number | string"
5880 // - "string"
5881 // - union of string literals
5882 interface SVGAttributes<T> extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes<T> {
5883 // Attributes which also defined in HTMLAttributes
5884 // See comment in SVGDOMPropertyConfig.js
5885 className?: string;
5886 color?: string;
5887 height?: number | string;
5888 id?: string;
5889 lang?: string;
5890 max?: number | string;
5891 media?: string;
5892 method?: string;
5893 min?: number | string;
5894 name?: string;
5895 style?: CSSProperties;
5896 target?: string;
5897 type?: string;
5898 width?: number | string;
5900 // Other HTML properties supported by SVG elements in browsers
5901 role?: string;
5902 tabIndex?: number;
5903 crossOrigin?: "anonymous" | "use-credentials" | "";
5905 // SVG Specific attributes
5906 accentHeight?: number | string;
5907 accumulate?: "none" | "sum";
5908 additive?: "replace" | "sum";
5909 alignmentBaseline?: "auto" | "baseline" | "before-edge" | "text-before-edge" | "middle" | "central" | "after-edge" |
5910 "text-after-edge" | "ideographic" | "alphabetic" | "hanging" | "mathematical" | "inherit";
5911 allowReorder?: "no" | "yes";
5912 alphabetic?: number | string;
5913 amplitude?: number | string;
5914 arabicForm?: "initial" | "medial" | "terminal" | "isolated";
5915 ascent?: number | string;
5916 attributeName?: string;
5917 attributeType?: string;
5918 autoReverse?: Booleanish;
5919 azimuth?: number | string;
5920 baseFrequency?: number | string;
5921 baselineShift?: number | string;
5922 baseProfile?: number | string;
5923 bbox?: number | string;
5924 begin?: number | string;
5925 bias?: number | string;
5926 by?: number | string;
5927 calcMode?: number | string;
5928 capHeight?: number | string;
5929 clip?: number | string;
5930 clipPath?: string;
5931 clipPathUnits?: number | string;
5932 clipRule?: number | string;
5933 colorInterpolation?: number | string;
5934 colorInterpolationFilters?: "auto" | "sRGB" | "linearRGB" | "inherit";
5935 colorProfile?: number | string;
5936 colorRendering?: number | string;
5937 contentScriptType?: number | string;
5938 contentStyleType?: number | string;
5939 cursor?: number | string;
5940 cx?: number | string;
5941 cy?: number | string;
5942 d?: string;
5943 decelerate?: number | string;
5944 descent?: number | string;
5945 diffuseConstant?: number | string;
5946 direction?: number | string;
5947 display?: number | string;
5948 divisor?: number | string;
5949 dominantBaseline?: number | string;
5950 dur?: number | string;
5951 dx?: number | string;
5952 dy?: number | string;
5953 edgeMode?: number | string;
5954 elevation?: number | string;
5955 enableBackground?: number | string;
5956 end?: number | string;
5957 exponent?: number | string;
5958 externalResourcesRequired?: Booleanish;
5959 fill?: string;
5960 fillOpacity?: number | string;
5961 fillRule?: "nonzero" | "evenodd" | "inherit";
5962 filter?: string;
5963 filterRes?: number | string;
5964 filterUnits?: number | string;
5965 floodColor?: number | string;
5966 floodOpacity?: number | string;
5967 focusable?: Booleanish | "auto";
5968 fontFamily?: string;
5969 fontSize?: number | string;
5970 fontSizeAdjust?: number | string;
5971 fontStretch?: number | string;
5972 fontStyle?: number | string;
5973 fontVariant?: number | string;
5974 fontWeight?: number | string;
5975 format?: number | string;
5976 from?: number | string;
5977 fx?: number | string;
5978 fy?: number | string;
5979 g1?: number | string;
5980 g2?: number | string;
5981 glyphName?: number | string;
5982 glyphOrientationHorizontal?: number | string;
5983 glyphOrientationVertical?: number | string;
5984 glyphRef?: number | string;
5985 gradientTransform?: string;
5986 gradientUnits?: string;
5987 hanging?: number | string;
5988 horizAdvX?: number | string;
5989 horizOriginX?: number | string;
5990 href?: string;
5991 ideographic?: number | string;
5992 imageRendering?: number | string;
5993 in2?: number | string;
5994 in?: string;
5995 intercept?: number | string;
5996 k1?: number | string;
5997 k2?: number | string;
5998 k3?: number | string;
5999 k4?: number | string;
6000 k?: number | string;
6001 kernelMatrix?: number | string;
6002 kernelUnitLength?: number | string;
6003 kerning?: number | string;
6004 keyPoints?: number | string;
6005 keySplines?: number | string;
6006 keyTimes?: number | string;
6007 lengthAdjust?: number | string;
6008 letterSpacing?: number | string;
6009 lightingColor?: number | string;
6010 limitingConeAngle?: number | string;
6011 local?: number | string;
6012 markerEnd?: string;
6013 markerHeight?: number | string;
6014 markerMid?: string;
6015 markerStart?: string;
6016 markerUnits?: number | string;
6017 markerWidth?: number | string;
6018 mask?: string;
6019 maskContentUnits?: number | string;
6020 maskUnits?: number | string;
6021 mathematical?: number | string;
6022 mode?: number | string;
6023 numOctaves?: number | string;
6024 offset?: number | string;
6025 opacity?: number | string;
6026 operator?: number | string;
6027 order?: number | string;
6028 orient?: number | string;
6029 orientation?: number | string;
6030 origin?: number | string;
6031 overflow?: number | string;
6032 overlinePosition?: number | string;
6033 overlineThickness?: number | string;
6034 paintOrder?: number | string;
6035 panose1?: number | string;
6036 path?: string;
6037 pathLength?: number | string;
6038 patternContentUnits?: string;
6039 patternTransform?: number | string;
6040 patternUnits?: string;
6041 pointerEvents?: number | string;
6042 points?: string;
6043 pointsAtX?: number | string;
6044 pointsAtY?: number | string;
6045 pointsAtZ?: number | string;
6046 preserveAlpha?: Booleanish;
6047 preserveAspectRatio?: string;
6048 primitiveUnits?: number | string;
6049 r?: number | string;
6050 radius?: number | string;
6051 refX?: number | string;
6052 refY?: number | string;
6053 renderingIntent?: number | string;
6054 repeatCount?: number | string;
6055 repeatDur?: number | string;
6056 requiredExtensions?: number | string;
6057 requiredFeatures?: number | string;
6058 restart?: number | string;
6059 result?: string;
6060 rotate?: number | string;
6061 rx?: number | string;
6062 ry?: number | string;
6063 scale?: number | string;
6064 seed?: number | string;
6065 shapeRendering?: number | string;
6066 slope?: number | string;
6067 spacing?: number | string;
6068 specularConstant?: number | string;
6069 specularExponent?: number | string;
6070 speed?: number | string;
6071 spreadMethod?: string;
6072 startOffset?: number | string;
6073 stdDeviation?: number | string;
6074 stemh?: number | string;
6075 stemv?: number | string;
6076 stitchTiles?: number | string;
6077 stopColor?: string;
6078 stopOpacity?: number | string;
6079 strikethroughPosition?: number | string;
6080 strikethroughThickness?: number | string;
6081 string?: number | string;
6082 stroke?: string;
6083 strokeDasharray?: string | number;
6084 strokeDashoffset?: string | number;
6085 strokeLinecap?: "butt" | "round" | "square" | "inherit";
6086 strokeLinejoin?: "miter" | "round" | "bevel" | "inherit";
6087 strokeMiterlimit?: number | string;
6088 strokeOpacity?: number | string;
6089 strokeWidth?: number | string;
6090 surfaceScale?: number | string;
6091 systemLanguage?: number | string;
6092 tableValues?: number | string;
6093 targetX?: number | string;
6094 targetY?: number | string;
6095 textAnchor?: string;
6096 textDecoration?: number | string;
6097 textLength?: number | string;
6098 textRendering?: number | string;
6099 to?: number | string;
6100 transform?: string;
6101 u1?: number | string;
6102 u2?: number | string;
6103 underlinePosition?: number | string;
6104 underlineThickness?: number | string;
6105 unicode?: number | string;
6106 unicodeBidi?: number | string;
6107 unicodeRange?: number | string;
6108 unitsPerEm?: number | string;
6109 vAlphabetic?: number | string;
6110 values?: string;
6111 vectorEffect?: number | string;
6112 version?: string;
6113 vertAdvY?: number | string;
6114 vertOriginX?: number | string;
6115 vertOriginY?: number | string;
6116 vHanging?: number | string;
6117 vIdeographic?: number | string;
6118 viewBox?: string;
6119 viewTarget?: number | string;
6120 visibility?: number | string;
6121 vMathematical?: number | string;
6122 widths?: number | string;
6123 wordSpacing?: number | string;
6124 writingMode?: number | string;
6125 x1?: number | string;
6126 x2?: number | string;
6127 x?: number | string;
6128 xChannelSelector?: string;
6129 xHeight?: number | string;
6130 xlinkActuate?: string;
6131 xlinkArcrole?: string;
6132 xlinkHref?: string;
6133 xlinkRole?: string;
6134 xlinkShow?: string;
6135 xlinkTitle?: string;
6136 xlinkType?: string;
6137 xmlBase?: string;
6138 xmlLang?: string;
6139 xmlns?: string;
6140 xmlnsXlink?: string;
6141 xmlSpace?: string;
6142 y1?: number | string;
6143 y2?: number | string;
6144 y?: number | string;
6145 yChannelSelector?: string;
6146 z?: number | string;
6147 zoomAndPan?: string;
6148 }
6150 interface WebViewHTMLAttributes<T> extends HTMLAttributes<T> {
6151 allowFullScreen?: boolean;
6152 allowpopups?: boolean;
6153 autoFocus?: boolean;
6154 autosize?: boolean;
6155 blinkfeatures?: string;
6156 disableblinkfeatures?: string;
6157 disableguestresize?: boolean;
6158 disablewebsecurity?: boolean;
6159 guestinstance?: string;
6160 httpreferrer?: string;
6161 nodeintegration?: boolean;
6162 partition?: string;
6163 plugins?: boolean;
6164 preload?: string;
6165 src?: string;
6166 useragent?: string;
6167 webpreferences?: string;
6168 }
6170 //
6171 // React.DOM
6172 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6174 interface ReactHTML {
6175 a: DetailedHTMLFactory<AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>, HTMLAnchorElement>;
6176 abbr: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6177 address: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6178 area: DetailedHTMLFactory<AreaHTMLAttributes<HTMLAreaElement>, HTMLAreaElement>;
6179 article: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6180 aside: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6181 audio: DetailedHTMLFactory<AudioHTMLAttributes<HTMLAudioElement>, HTMLAudioElement>;
6182 b: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6183 base: DetailedHTMLFactory<BaseHTMLAttributes<HTMLBaseElement>, HTMLBaseElement>;
6184 bdi: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6185 bdo: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6186 big: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6187 blockquote: DetailedHTMLFactory<BlockquoteHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6188 body: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLBodyElement>, HTMLBodyElement>;
6189 br: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLBRElement>, HTMLBRElement>;
6190 button: DetailedHTMLFactory<ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, HTMLButtonElement>;
6191 canvas: DetailedHTMLFactory<CanvasHTMLAttributes<HTMLCanvasElement>, HTMLCanvasElement>;
6192 caption: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6193 cite: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6194 code: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6195 col: DetailedHTMLFactory<ColHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement>, HTMLTableColElement>;
6196 colgroup: DetailedHTMLFactory<ColgroupHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableColElement>, HTMLTableColElement>;
6197 data: DetailedHTMLFactory<DataHTMLAttributes<HTMLDataElement>, HTMLDataElement>;
6198 datalist: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDataListElement>, HTMLDataListElement>;
6199 dd: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6200 del: DetailedHTMLFactory<DelHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6201 details: DetailedHTMLFactory<DetailsHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6202 dfn: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6203 dialog: DetailedHTMLFactory<DialogHTMLAttributes<HTMLDialogElement>, HTMLDialogElement>;
6204 div: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>, HTMLDivElement>;
6205 dl: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLDListElement>, HTMLDListElement>;
6206 dt: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6207 em: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6208 embed: DetailedHTMLFactory<EmbedHTMLAttributes<HTMLEmbedElement>, HTMLEmbedElement>;
6209 fieldset: DetailedHTMLFactory<FieldsetHTMLAttributes<HTMLFieldSetElement>, HTMLFieldSetElement>;
6210 figcaption: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6211 figure: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6212 footer: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6213 form: DetailedHTMLFactory<FormHTMLAttributes<HTMLFormElement>, HTMLFormElement>;
6214 h1: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;
6215 h2: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;
6216 h3: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;
6217 h4: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;
6218 h5: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;
6219 h6: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHeadingElement>, HTMLHeadingElement>;
6220 head: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLHeadElement>;
6221 header: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6222 hgroup: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6223 hr: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLHRElement>, HTMLHRElement>;
6224 html: DetailedHTMLFactory<HtmlHTMLAttributes<HTMLHtmlElement>, HTMLHtmlElement>;
6225 i: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6226 iframe: DetailedHTMLFactory<IframeHTMLAttributes<HTMLIFrameElement>, HTMLIFrameElement>;
6227 img: DetailedHTMLFactory<ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>, HTMLImageElement>;
6228 input: DetailedHTMLFactory<InputHTMLAttributes<HTMLInputElement>, HTMLInputElement>;
6229 ins: DetailedHTMLFactory<InsHTMLAttributes<HTMLModElement>, HTMLModElement>;
6230 kbd: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6231 keygen: DetailedHTMLFactory<KeygenHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6232 label: DetailedHTMLFactory<LabelHTMLAttributes<HTMLLabelElement>, HTMLLabelElement>;
6233 legend: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLLegendElement>, HTMLLegendElement>;
6234 li: DetailedHTMLFactory<LiHTMLAttributes<HTMLLIElement>, HTMLLIElement>;
6235 link: DetailedHTMLFactory<LinkHTMLAttributes<HTMLLinkElement>, HTMLLinkElement>;
6236 main: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6237 map: DetailedHTMLFactory<MapHTMLAttributes<HTMLMapElement>, HTMLMapElement>;
6238 mark: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6239 menu: DetailedHTMLFactory<MenuHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6240 menuitem: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6241 meta: DetailedHTMLFactory<MetaHTMLAttributes<HTMLMetaElement>, HTMLMetaElement>;
6242 meter: DetailedHTMLFactory<MeterHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6243 nav: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6244 noscript: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6245 object: DetailedHTMLFactory<ObjectHTMLAttributes<HTMLObjectElement>, HTMLObjectElement>;
6246 ol: DetailedHTMLFactory<OlHTMLAttributes<HTMLOListElement>, HTMLOListElement>;
6247 optgroup: DetailedHTMLFactory<OptgroupHTMLAttributes<HTMLOptGroupElement>, HTMLOptGroupElement>;
6248 option: DetailedHTMLFactory<OptionHTMLAttributes<HTMLOptionElement>, HTMLOptionElement>;
6249 output: DetailedHTMLFactory<OutputHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6250 p: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLParagraphElement>, HTMLParagraphElement>;
6251 param: DetailedHTMLFactory<ParamHTMLAttributes<HTMLParamElement>, HTMLParamElement>;
6252 picture: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6253 pre: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLPreElement>, HTMLPreElement>;
6254 progress: DetailedHTMLFactory<ProgressHTMLAttributes<HTMLProgressElement>, HTMLProgressElement>;
6255 q: DetailedHTMLFactory<QuoteHTMLAttributes<HTMLQuoteElement>, HTMLQuoteElement>;
6256 rp: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6257 rt: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6258 ruby: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6259 s: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6260 samp: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6261 slot: DetailedHTMLFactory<SlotHTMLAttributes<HTMLSlotElement>, HTMLSlotElement>;
6262 script: DetailedHTMLFactory<ScriptHTMLAttributes<HTMLScriptElement>, HTMLScriptElement>;
6263 section: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6264 select: DetailedHTMLFactory<SelectHTMLAttributes<HTMLSelectElement>, HTMLSelectElement>;
6265 small: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6266 source: DetailedHTMLFactory<SourceHTMLAttributes<HTMLSourceElement>, HTMLSourceElement>;
6267 span: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>, HTMLSpanElement>;
6268 strong: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6269 style: DetailedHTMLFactory<StyleHTMLAttributes<HTMLStyleElement>, HTMLStyleElement>;
6270 sub: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6271 summary: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6272 sup: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6273 table: DetailedHTMLFactory<TableHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableElement>, HTMLTableElement>;
6274 template: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLTemplateElement>, HTMLTemplateElement>;
6275 tbody: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>, HTMLTableSectionElement>;
6276 td: DetailedHTMLFactory<TdHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableDataCellElement>, HTMLTableDataCellElement>;
6277 textarea: DetailedHTMLFactory<TextareaHTMLAttributes<HTMLTextAreaElement>, HTMLTextAreaElement>;
6278 tfoot: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>, HTMLTableSectionElement>;
6279 th: DetailedHTMLFactory<ThHTMLAttributes<HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>, HTMLTableHeaderCellElement>;
6280 thead: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableSectionElement>, HTMLTableSectionElement>;
6281 time: DetailedHTMLFactory<TimeHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6282 title: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLTitleElement>, HTMLTitleElement>;
6283 tr: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLTableRowElement>, HTMLTableRowElement>;
6284 track: DetailedHTMLFactory<TrackHTMLAttributes<HTMLTrackElement>, HTMLTrackElement>;
6285 u: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6286 ul: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>, HTMLUListElement>;
6287 "var": DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6288 video: DetailedHTMLFactory<VideoHTMLAttributes<HTMLVideoElement>, HTMLVideoElement>;
6289 wbr: DetailedHTMLFactory<HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>, HTMLElement>;
6290 webview: DetailedHTMLFactory<WebViewHTMLAttributes<HTMLWebViewElement>, HTMLWebViewElement>;
6291 }
6293 interface ReactSVG {
6294 animate: SVGFactory;
6295 circle: SVGFactory;
6296 clipPath: SVGFactory;
6297 defs: SVGFactory;
6298 desc: SVGFactory;
6299 ellipse: SVGFactory;
6300 feBlend: SVGFactory;
6301 feColorMatrix: SVGFactory;
6302 feComponentTransfer: SVGFactory;
6303 feComposite: SVGFactory;
6304 feConvolveMatrix: SVGFactory;
6305 feDiffuseLighting: SVGFactory;
6306 feDisplacementMap: SVGFactory;
6307 feDistantLight: SVGFactory;
6308 feDropShadow: SVGFactory;
6309 feFlood: SVGFactory;
6310 feFuncA: SVGFactory;
6311 feFuncB: SVGFactory;
6312 feFuncG: SVGFactory;
6313 feFuncR: SVGFactory;
6314 feGaussianBlur: SVGFactory;
6315 feImage: SVGFactory;
6316 feMerge: SVGFactory;
6317 feMergeNode: SVGFactory;
6318 feMorphology: SVGFactory;
6319 feOffset: SVGFactory;
6320 fePointLight: SVGFactory;
6321 feSpecularLighting: SVGFactory;
6322 feSpotLight: SVGFactory;
6323 feTile: SVGFactory;
6324 feTurbulence: SVGFactory;
6325 filter: SVGFactory;
6326 foreignObject: SVGFactory;
6327 g: SVGFactory;
6328 image: SVGFactory;
6329 line: SVGFactory;
6330 linearGradient: SVGFactory;
6331 marker: SVGFactory;
6332 mask: SVGFactory;
6333 metadata: SVGFactory;
6334 path: SVGFactory;
6335 pattern: SVGFactory;
6336 polygon: SVGFactory;
6337 polyline: SVGFactory;
6338 radialGradient: SVGFactory;
6339 rect: SVGFactory;
6340 stop: SVGFactory;
6341 svg: SVGFactory;
6342 switch: SVGFactory;
6343 symbol: SVGFactory;
6344 text: SVGFactory;
6345 textPath: SVGFactory;
6346 tspan: SVGFactory;
6347 use: SVGFactory;
6348 view: SVGFactory;
6349 }
6351 interface ReactDOM extends ReactHTML, ReactSVG { }
6353 //
6354 // React.PropTypes
6355 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6357 type Validator<T> = PropTypes.Validator<T>;
6359 type Requireable<T> = PropTypes.Requireable<T>;
6361 type ValidationMap<T> = PropTypes.ValidationMap<T>;
6363 type WeakValidationMap<T> = {
6364 [K in keyof T]?: null extends T[K]
6365 ? Validator<T[K] | null | undefined>
6366 : undefined extends T[K]
6367 ? Validator<T[K] | null | undefined>
6368 : Validator<T[K]>
6369 };
6371 interface ReactPropTypes {
6372 any: typeof PropTypes.any;
6373 array: typeof PropTypes.array;
6374 bool: typeof PropTypes.bool;
6375 func: typeof PropTypes.func;
6376 number: typeof PropTypes.number;
6377 object: typeof PropTypes.object;
6378 string: typeof PropTypes.string;
6379 node: typeof PropTypes.node;
6380 element: typeof PropTypes.element;
6381 instanceOf: typeof PropTypes.instanceOf;
6382 oneOf: typeof PropTypes.oneOf;
6383 oneOfType: typeof PropTypes.oneOfType;
6384 arrayOf: typeof PropTypes.arrayOf;
6385 objectOf: typeof PropTypes.objectOf;
6386 shape: typeof PropTypes.shape;
6387 exact: typeof PropTypes.exact;
6388 }
6390 //
6391 // React.Children
6392 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6394 interface ReactChildren {
6395 map<T, C>(children: C | C[], fn: (child: C, index: number) => T):
6396 C extends null | undefined ? C : Array<Exclude<T, boolean | null | undefined>>;
6397 forEach<C>(children: C | C[], fn: (child: C, index: number) => void): void;
6398 count(children: any): number;
6399 only<C>(children: C): C extends any[] ? never : C;
6400 toArray(children: ReactNode | ReactNode[]): Array<Exclude<ReactNode, boolean | null | undefined>>;
6401 }
6403 //
6404 // Browser Interfaces
6405 // https://github.com/nikeee/2048-typescript/blob/master/2048/js/touch.d.ts
6406 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6408 interface AbstractView {
6409 styleMedia: StyleMedia;
6410 document: Document;
6411 }
6413 interface Touch {
6414 identifier: number;
6415 target: EventTarget;
6416 screenX: number;
6417 screenY: number;
6418 clientX: number;
6419 clientY: number;
6420 pageX: number;
6421 pageY: number;
6422 }
6424 interface TouchList {
6425 [index: number]: Touch;
6426 length: number;
6427 item(index: number): Touch;
6428 identifiedTouch(identifier: number): Touch;
6429 }
6431 //
6432 // Error Interfaces
6433 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
6434 interface ErrorInfo {
6435 /**
6436 * Captures which component contained the exception, and its ancestors.
6437 */
6438 componentStack: string;
6439 }
6443 * Define accessibility options for a tree. Can be used to force the tree into Reduced Motion mode,
6444 * or disable device detection.
6445 *
6446 * @internal
6447 */
6448export declare function ReducedMotion({ children, enabled }: Props): JSX.Element;
6451 * @public
6452 */
6453export declare interface RelayoutInfo {
6454 delta: {
6455 x: number;
6456 y: number;
6457 width: number;
6458 height: number;
6459 };
6462declare type RenderComponent<P = {}> = (Component: string | React.ComponentType<P>, props: MotionProps, visualElement: VisualElement) => any;
6465 * @public
6466 */
6467export declare type ResolvedKeyframesTarget = [null, ...number[]] | number[] | [null, ...string[]] | string[];
6470 * @public
6471 */
6472export declare type ResolvedSingleTarget = string | number;
6475 * A generic set of string/number values
6476 */
6477declare interface ResolvedValues {
6478 [key: string]: string | number;
6482 * @public
6483 */
6484export declare type ResolvedValueTarget = ResolvedSingleTarget | ResolvedKeyframesTarget;
6487 * @public
6488 */
6489export declare type ResolveLayoutTransition = (info: RelayoutInfo) => Transition | boolean;
6492 * If the provided value is a MotionValue, this returns the actual value, otherwise just the value itself
6493 *
6494 * TODO: Remove and move to library
6495 *
6496 * @internal
6497 */
6498export declare function resolveMotionValue(value?: string | number | CustomValueType | MotionValue): string | number;
6500declare type SafeToRemove = () => void;
6502declare type ScaleCorrection = (latest: string | number, viewportBox: AxisBox2D, delta: BoxDelta, treeScale: Point2D) => string | number;
6504declare interface ScaleCorrectionDefinition {
6505 process: ScaleCorrection;
6506 applyTo?: string[];
6509declare type ScaleCorrectionDefinitionMap = {
6510 [key: string]: ScaleCorrectionDefinition;
6513declare interface ScaleMotionValues {
6514 scaleX: MotionValue<number>;
6515 scaleY: MotionValue<number>;
6519 * defined in scheduler/tracing
6520 */
6521declare interface SchedulerInteraction {
6522 id: number;
6523 name: string;
6524 timestamp: number;
6528 * @public
6529 */
6530export declare interface ScrollMotionValues {
6531 scrollX: MotionValue<number>;
6532 scrollY: MotionValue<number>;
6533 scrollXProgress: MotionValue<number>;
6534 scrollYProgress: MotionValue<number>;
6537declare interface SharedLayoutAnimationConfig {
6538 visibilityAction?: VisibilityAction;
6539 originBox?: AxisBox2D;
6540 targetBox?: AxisBox2D;
6541 transition?: Transition;
6542 crossfadeOpacity?: MotionValue<number>;
6545export declare interface SharedLayoutProps {
6546 /**
6547 * @public
6548 */
6549 children: React_2.ReactNode;
6550 /**
6551 * When combined with `AnimatePresence`, `SharedLayoutProps` can customise how to visually switch
6552 * between `layoutId` components as new ones enter and leave the tree.
6553 *
6554 * - "switch" (default): The old `layoutId` component will be hidden instantly when a new one enters, and
6555 * the new one will perform the full transition. When the newest one is removed, it will perform
6556 * the full exit transition and then the old component will be shown instantly.
6557 * - "crossfade": The root shared components will crossfade as `layoutId` children of both perform
6558 * the same transition.
6559 *
6560 * @public
6561 */
6562 type?: "switch" | "crossfade";
6563 /**
6564 * `transition` settings to use for the animate animation. Currently, only one transition
6565 * can be defined for every animating value and every animating component.
6566 *
6567 * @internal
6568 */
6569 _transition?: Transition;
6570 /**
6571 * By default, `SharedLayoutProps` will run a animate animation on all children every time
6572 * it renders.
6573 *
6574 * To improve performance we can pass a variable to `dependency`, like a piece of state or a URL.
6575 * `SharedLayoutProps` will only run animate animations when this dependency changes.
6576 *
6577 * TODO: Potentially replace this with a shouldAnimate
6578 *
6579 * @internal
6580 */
6581 _dependency?: any;
6582 /**
6583 * Currently, transforms intefere with Magic Motion measurements. There may be a future
6584 * iteration where `translate` and `scale` are measured and incorporated as these
6585 * can be reverse-applied to a measured bounding box.
6586 *
6587 * `rotate` is different in that it can't easily be reverse engineered from a measured bounding box.
6588 * Setting `supportRotate` to `true` adds another write cycle to Magic Motion before the origin
6589 * snapshot that resets rotate to `0`. It's then read from `style={{ rotate }}` and animated seperately.
6590 *
6591 * This isn't for general consumption and is only intended for use within Framer where the
6592 * rotate control is prominent.
6593 *
6594 * @internal
6595 */
6596 _supportRotate?: boolean;
6600 * Extra API methods available to children if they're a descendant of AnimateSharedLayout
6601 */
6602declare interface SharedLayoutSyncMethods extends SyncLayoutBatcher {
6603 syncUpdate: (force?: boolean) => void;
6604 forceUpdate: () => void;
6605 register: (child: HTMLVisualElement) => void;
6606 remove: (child: HTMLVisualElement) => void;
6610 * @public
6611 */
6612export declare type SingleTarget = ResolvedSingleTarget | CustomValueType;
6614declare interface Snapshot {
6615 isDragging?: boolean;
6616 cursorProgress?: Point2D;
6617 latestMotionValues: ResolvedValues;
6618 boundingBox?: AxisBox2D;
6622 * An animation that simulates spring physics for realistic motion.
6623 * This is the default animation for physical values like `x`, `y`, `scale` and `rotate`.
6624 *
6625 * @public
6626 */
6627export declare interface Spring {
6628 /**
6629 * Set `type` to `"spring"` to animate using spring physics for natural
6630 * movement. Type is set to `"spring"` by default.
6631 *
6632 * @library
6633 *
6634 * ```jsx
6635 * const transition = {
6636 * type: "spring"
6637 * }
6638 *
6639 * <Frame
6640 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6641 * transition={transition}
6642 * />
6643 * ```
6644 *
6645 * @motion
6646 *
6647 * ```jsx
6648 * <motion.div
6649 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6650 * transition={{ type: 'spring' }}
6651 * />
6652 * ```
6653 *
6654 * @public
6655 */
6656 type: "spring";
6657 /**
6658 * Stiffness of the spring. Higher values will create more sudden movement.
6659 * Set to `100` by default.
6660 *
6661 * @library
6662 *
6663 * ```jsx
6664 * const transition = {
6665 * type: "spring",
6666 * stiffness: 50
6667 * }
6668 *
6669 * <Frame
6670 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6671 * transition={transition}
6672 * />
6673 * ```
6674 *
6675 * @motion
6676 *
6677 * ```jsx
6678 * <motion.section
6679 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6680 * transition={{ type: 'spring', stiffness: 50 }}
6681 * />
6682 * ```
6683 *
6684 * @public
6685 */
6686 stiffness?: number;
6687 /**
6688 * Strength of opposing force. If set to 0, spring will oscillate
6689 * indefinitely. Set to `10` by default.
6690 *
6691 * @library
6692 *
6693 * ```jsx
6694 * const transition = {
6695 * type: "spring",
6696 * damping: 300
6697 * }
6698 *
6699 * <Frame
6700 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6701 * transition={transition}
6702 * />
6703 * ```
6704 *
6705 * @motion
6706 *
6707 * ```jsx
6708 * <motion.a
6709 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6710 * transition={{ type: 'spring', damping: 300 }}
6711 * />
6712 * ```
6713 *
6714 * @public
6715 */
6716 damping?: number;
6717 /**
6718 * Mass of the moving object. Higher values will result in more lethargic
6719 * movement. Set to `1` by default.
6720 *
6721 * @library
6722 *
6723 * ```jsx
6724 * const transition = {
6725 * type: "spring",
6726 * mass: 0.5
6727 * }
6728 *
6729 * <Frame
6730 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6731 * transition={transition}
6732 * />
6733 * ```
6734 *
6735 * @motion
6736 *
6737 * ```jsx
6738 * <motion.feTurbulence
6739 * animate={{ baseFrequency: 0.5 } as any}
6740 * transition={{ type: "spring", mass: 0.5 }}
6741 * />
6742 * ```
6743 *
6744 * @public
6745 */
6746 mass?: number;
6747 /**
6748 * End animation if absolute speed (in units per second) drops below this
6749 * value and delta is smaller than `restDelta`. Set to `0.01` by default.
6750 *
6751 * @library
6752 *
6753 * ```jsx
6754 * const transition = {
6755 * type: "spring",
6756 * restSpeed: 0.5
6757 * }
6758 *
6759 * <Frame
6760 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6761 * transition={transition}
6762 * />
6763 * ```
6764 *
6765 * @motion
6766 *
6767 * ```jsx
6768 * <motion.div
6769 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6770 * transition={{ type: 'spring', restSpeed: 0.5 }}
6771 * />
6772 * ```
6773 *
6774 * @public
6775 */
6776 restSpeed?: number;
6777 /**
6778 * End animation if distance is below this value and speed is below
6779 * `restSpeed`. When animation ends, spring gets “snapped” to. Set to
6780 * `0.01` by default.
6781 *
6782 * @library
6783 *
6784 * ```jsx
6785 * const transition = {
6786 * type: "spring",
6787 * restDelta: 0.5
6788 * }
6789 *
6790 * <Frame
6791 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6792 * transition={transition}
6793 * />
6794 * ```
6795 *
6796 * @motion
6797 *
6798 * ```jsx
6799 * <motion.div
6800 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6801 * transition={{ type: 'spring', restDelta: 0.5 }}
6802 * />
6803 * ```
6804 *
6805 * @public
6806 */
6807 restDelta?: number;
6808 /**
6809 * The value to animate from.
6810 * By default, this is the initial state of the animating value.
6811 *
6812 * @library
6813 *
6814 * ```jsx
6815 * const transition = {
6816 * type: "spring",
6817 * from: 90
6818 * }
6819 *
6820 * <Frame
6821 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6822 * transition={transition}
6823 * />
6824 * ```
6825 *
6826 * @motion
6827 *
6828 * ```jsx
6829 * <motion.div
6830 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6831 * transition={{ type: 'spring', from: 90 }}
6832 * />
6833 * ```
6834 *
6835 * @public
6836 */
6837 from?: number | string;
6838 /**
6839 * @internal
6840 */
6841 to?: number | string | ValueTarget;
6842 /**
6843 * The initial velocity of the spring. By default this is the current velocity of the component.
6844 *
6845 * @library
6846 *
6847 * ```jsx
6848 * const transition = {
6849 * type: "spring",
6850 * velocity: 2
6851 * }
6852 *
6853 * <Frame
6854 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6855 * transition={transition}
6856 * />
6857 * ```
6858 *
6859 * @motion
6860 *
6861 * ```jsx
6862 * <motion.div
6863 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
6864 * transition={{ type: 'spring', velocity: 2 }}
6865 * />
6866 * ```
6867 *
6868 * @public
6869 */
6870 velocity?: number;
6871 /**
6872 * @internal
6873 */
6874 delay?: number;
6877declare type StartAnimation = (complete: () => void) => () => void;
6880 * @public
6881 */
6882export declare type Subscriber<T> = (v: T) => void;
6885 * Blanket-accept any SVG attribute as a `MotionValue`
6886 * @public
6887 */
6888export declare type SVGAttributesAsMotionValues<T> = MakeMotion<SVGAttributesWithoutMotionProps<T>>;
6890declare interface SVGAttributesWithoutMotionProps<T> extends Pick<SVGAttributes<T>, Exclude<keyof SVGAttributes<T>, keyof MotionProps>> {
6893declare type SVGElements = UnionStringArray<typeof svgElements>;
6896 * @internal
6897 */
6898declare const svgElements: readonly ["animate", "circle", "clipPath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence", "filter", "foreignObject", "g", "image", "line", "linearGradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialGradient", "rect", "stop", "svg", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textPath", "tspan", "use", "view"];
6901 * Motion-optimised versions of React's SVG components.
6902 *
6903 * @public
6904 */
6905declare type SVGMotionComponents = {
6906 [K in SVGElements]: ForwardRefComponent<UnwrapSVGFactoryElement<JSX.IntrinsicElements[K]>, SVGMotionProps<UnwrapSVGFactoryElement<JSX.IntrinsicElements[K]>>>;
6910 * @public
6911 */
6912export declare interface SVGMotionProps<T> extends SVGAttributesAsMotionValues<T>, MotionProps {
6916 * @public
6917 */
6918declare interface SVGPathProperties {
6919 pathLength?: number;
6920 pathOffset?: number;
6921 pathSpacing?: number;
6925 * The exposed API for children to add themselves to the batcher and to flush it.
6926 */
6927declare interface SyncLayoutBatcher {
6928 add: (child: HTMLVisualElement) => void;
6929 flush: (handler?: SyncLayoutLifecycles) => void;
6933 * Handlers for batching sync layout lifecycles. We batches these processes to cut
6934 * down on layout thrashing
6935 */
6936declare interface SyncLayoutLifecycles {
6937 measureLayout: (child: HTMLVisualElement) => void;
6938 layoutReady: (child: HTMLVisualElement) => void;
6942 * @public
6943 */
6944export declare interface TapHandlers {
6945 /**
6946 * Callback when the tap gesture successfully ends on this element.
6947 *
6948 * @library
6949 *
6950 * ```jsx
6951 * function onTap(event, info) {
6952 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
6953 * }
6954 *
6955 * <Frame onTap={onTap} />
6956 * ```
6957 *
6958 * @motion
6959 *
6960 * ```jsx
6961 * function onTap(event, info) {
6962 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
6963 * }
6964 *
6965 * <motion.div onTap={onTap} />
6966 * ```
6967 *
6968 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
6969 * @param info - An {@link TapInfo} object containing `x` and `y` values for the `point` relative to the device or page.
6970 */
6971 onTap?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: TapInfo): void;
6972 /**
6973 * Callback when the tap gesture starts on this element.
6974 *
6975 * @library
6976 *
6977 * ```jsx
6978 * function onTapStart(event, info) {
6979 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
6980 * }
6981 *
6982 * <Frame onTapStart={onTapStart} />
6983 * ```
6984 *
6985 * @motion
6986 *
6987 * ```jsx
6988 * function onTapStart(event, info) {
6989 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
6990 * }
6991 *
6992 * <motion.div onTapStart={onTapStart} />
6993 * ```
6994 *
6995 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
6996 * @param info - An {@link TapInfo} object containing `x` and `y` values for the `point` relative to the device or page.
6997 */
6998 onTapStart?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: TapInfo): void;
6999 /**
7000 * Callback when the tap gesture ends outside this element.
7001 *
7002 * @library
7003 *
7004 * ```jsx
7005 * function onTapCancel(event, info) {
7006 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
7007 * }
7008 *
7009 * <Frame onTapCancel={onTapCancel} />
7010 * ```
7011 *
7012 * @motion
7013 *
7014 * ```jsx
7015 * function onTapCancel(event, info) {
7016 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
7017 * }
7018 *
7019 * <motion.div onTapCancel={onTapCancel} />
7020 * ```
7021 *
7022 * @param event - The originating pointer event.
7023 * @param info - An {@link TapInfo} object containing `x` and `y` values for the `point` relative to the device or page.
7024 */
7025 onTapCancel?(event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent | PointerEvent, info: TapInfo): void;
7026 /**
7027 * Properties or variant label to animate to while the component is pressed.
7028 *
7029 * @library
7030 *
7031 * ```jsx
7032 * <Frame whileTap={{ scale: 0.8 }} />
7033 * ```
7034 *
7035 * @motion
7036 *
7037 * ```jsx
7038 * <motion.div whileTap={{ scale: 0.8 }} />
7039 * ```
7040 */
7041 whileTap?: string | TargetAndTransition;
7045 * Passed in to tap event handlers like `onTap` the `TapInfo` object contains
7046 * information about the tap gesture such as it‘s location.
7047 *
7048 * @library
7049 *
7050 * ```jsx
7051 * function onTap(event, info) {
7052 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
7053 * }
7054 *
7055 * <Frame onTap={onTap} />
7056 * ```
7057 *
7058 * @motion
7059 *
7060 * ```jsx
7061 * function onTap(event, info) {
7062 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
7063 * }
7064 *
7065 * <motion.div onTap={onTap} />
7066 * ```
7067 *
7068 * @public
7069 */
7070export declare interface TapInfo {
7071 /**
7072 * Contains `x` and `y` values for the tap gesture relative to the
7073 * device or page.
7074 *
7075 * @library
7076 *
7077 * ```jsx
7078 * function onTapStart(event, info) {
7079 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
7080 * }
7081 *
7082 * <Frame onTapStart={onTapStart} />
7083 * ```
7084 *
7085 * @motion
7086 *
7087 * ```jsx
7088 * function onTapStart(event, info) {
7089 * console.log(info.point.x, info.point.y)
7090 * }
7091 *
7092 * <motion.div onTapStart={onTapStart} />
7093 * ```
7094 *
7095 * @public
7096 */
7097 point: Point;
7100declare type Target = MakeCustomValueType<TargetProperties>;
7103 * An object that specifies values to animate to. Each value may be set either as
7104 * a single value, or an array of values.
7105 *
7106 * It may also option contain these properties:
7107 *
7108 * - `transition`: Specifies transitions for all or individual values.
7109 * - `transitionEnd`: Specifies values to set when the animation finishes.
7110 *
7111 * ```jsx
7112 * const target = {
7113 * x: "0%",
7114 * opacity: 0,
7115 * transition: { duration: 1 },
7116 * transitionEnd: { display: "none" }
7117 * }
7118 * ```
7119 *
7120 * @public
7121 */
7122export declare type TargetAndTransition = TargetWithKeyframes & {
7123 transition?: Transition;
7124 transitionEnd?: Target;
7127declare type TargetProperties = CSSPropertiesWithoutTransitionOrSingleTransforms & SVGAttributes<SVGElement> & TransformProperties & CustomStyles;
7129declare type TargetResolver = (custom: any, current: Target, velocity: Target) => TargetAndTransition;
7131declare type TargetWithKeyframes = MakeKeyframes<Target>;
7134 * Transforms numbers into other values by mapping them from an input range to an output range.
7135 * Returns the type of the input provided.
7136 *
7137 * @remarks
7138 *
7139 * Given an input range of `[0, 200]` and an output range of
7140 * `[0, 1]`, this function will return a value between `0` and `1`.
7141 * The input range must be a linear series of numbers. The output range
7142 * can be any supported value type, such as numbers, colors, shadows, arrays, objects and more.
7143 * Every value in the output range must be of the same type and in the same format.
7144 *
7145 * @library
7146 *
7147 * ```jsx
7148 * import * as React from "react"
7149 * import { Frame, transform } from "framer"
7150 *
7151 * export function MyComponent() {
7152 * const inputRange = [0, 200]
7153 * const outputRange = [0, 1]
7154 * const output = transform(100, inputRange, outputRange)
7155 *
7156 * // Returns 0.5
7157 * return <Frame>{output}</Frame>
7158 * }
7159 * ```
7160 *
7161 * @motion
7162 *
7163 * ```jsx
7164 * import * as React from "react"
7165 * import { transform } from "framer-motion"
7166 *
7167 * export function MyComponent() {
7168 * const inputRange = [0, 200]
7169 * const outputRange = [0, 1]
7170 * const output = transform(100, inputRange, outputRange)
7171 *
7172 * // Returns 0.5
7173 * return <div>{output}</div>
7174 * }
7175 * ```
7176 *
7177 * @param inputValue - A number to transform between the input and output ranges.
7178 * @param inputRange - A linear series of numbers (either all increasing or decreasing).
7179 * @param outputRange - A series of numbers, colors, strings, or arrays/objects of those. Must be the same length as `inputRange`.
7180 * @param options - Clamp: Clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true`.
7181 *
7182 * @public
7183 */
7184export declare function transform<T>(inputValue: number, inputRange: number[], outputRange: T[], options?: TransformOptions<T>): T;
7187 * @library
7188 *
7189 * For improved performance, `transform` can pre-calculate the function that will transform a value between two ranges.
7190 * Returns a function.
7191 *
7192 * ```jsx
7193 * import * as React from "react"
7194 * import { Frame, transform } from "framer"
7195 *
7196 * export function MyComponent() {
7197 * const inputRange = [-200, -100, 100, 200]
7198 * const outputRange = [0, 1, 1, 0]
7199 * const convertRange = transform(inputRange, outputRange)
7200 * const output = convertRange(-150)
7201 *
7202 * // Returns 0.5
7203 * return <Frame>{output}</Frame>
7204 * }
7205 *
7206 * ```
7207 *
7208 * @motion
7209 *
7210 * Transforms numbers into other values by mapping them from an input range to an output range.
7211 *
7212 * Given an input range of `[0, 200]` and an output range of
7213 * `[0, 1]`, this function will return a value between `0` and `1`.
7214 * The input range must be a linear series of numbers. The output range
7215 * can be any supported value type, such as numbers, colors, shadows, arrays, objects and more.
7216 * Every value in the output range must be of the same type and in the same format.
7217 *
7218 * ```jsx
7219 * import * as React from "react"
7220 * import { Frame, transform } from "framer"
7221 *
7222 * export function MyComponent() {
7223 * const inputRange = [-200, -100, 100, 200]
7224 * const outputRange = [0, 1, 1, 0]
7225 * const convertRange = transform(inputRange, outputRange)
7226 * const output = convertRange(-150)
7227 *
7228 * // Returns 0.5
7229 * return <div>{output}</div>
7230 * }
7231 *
7232 * ```
7233 *
7234 * @param inputRange - A linear series of numbers (either all increasing or decreasing).
7235 * @param outputRange - A series of numbers, colors or strings. Must be the same length as `inputRange`.
7236 * @param options - Clamp: clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true`.
7237 *
7238 * @public
7239 */
7240export declare function transform<T>(inputRange: number[], outputRange: T[], options?: TransformOptions<T>): (inputValue: number) => T;
7242declare type Transformer<T> = (v: any) => T;
7245 * @public
7246 */
7247declare interface TransformOptions<T> {
7248 /**
7249 * Clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true`
7250 *
7251 * @public
7252 */
7253 clamp?: boolean;
7254 /**
7255 * Easing functions to use on the interpolations between each value in the input and output ranges.
7256 *
7257 * If provided as an array, the array must be one item shorter than the input and output ranges, as the easings apply to the transition **between** each.
7258 *
7259 * @public
7260 */
7261 ease?: Easing_2 | Easing_2[];
7262 /**
7263 * @internal
7264 */
7265 mixer?: (from: T, to: T) => (v: number) => any;
7268declare interface TransformOrigin {
7269 originX?: number;
7270 originY?: number;
7271 originZ?: number;
7275 * A function that accepts a two-dimensional point and returns a new one.
7276 *
7277 * @public
7278 */
7279export declare type TransformPoint2D = (point: Point2D) => Point2D;
7281declare interface TransformProperties {
7282 x?: string | number;
7283 y?: string | number;
7284 z?: string | number;
7285 translateX?: string | number;
7286 translateY?: string | number;
7287 translateZ?: string | number;
7288 rotate?: string | number;
7289 rotateX?: string | number;
7290 rotateY?: string | number;
7291 rotateZ?: string | number;
7292 scale?: string | number;
7293 scaleX?: string | number;
7294 scaleY?: string | number;
7295 scaleZ?: string | number;
7296 skew?: string | number;
7297 skewX?: string | number;
7298 skewY?: string | number;
7299 originX?: string | number;
7300 originY?: string | number;
7301 originZ?: string | number;
7302 perspective?: string | number;
7306 * Transition props
7307 *
7308 * @public
7309 */
7310export declare type Transition = (Orchestration & TransitionDefinition) | (Orchestration & TransitionMap);
7313 * @public
7314 */
7315declare type TransitionDefinition = Tween | Spring | Keyframes | Inertia | Just | None | PermissiveTransitionDefinition;
7317declare type TransitionMap = Orchestration & {
7318 [key: string]: TransitionDefinition;
7322 * An animation that animates between two or more values over a specific duration of time.
7323 * This is the default animation for non-physical values like `color` and `opacity`.
7324 *
7325 * @public
7326 */
7327export declare interface Tween {
7328 /**
7329 * Set `type` to `"tween"` to use a duration-based tween animation.
7330 * If any non-orchestration `transition` values are set without a `type` property,
7331 * this is used as the default animation.
7332 *
7333 * @library
7334 *
7335 * ```jsx
7336 * <Frame
7337 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
7338 * transition={{ duration: 2, type: "tween" }}
7339 * />
7340 * ```
7341 *
7342 * @motion
7343 *
7344 * ```jsx
7345 * <motion.path
7346 * animate={{ pathLength: 1 }}
7347 * transition={{ duration: 2, type: "tween" }}
7348 * />
7349 * ```
7350 *
7351 * @public
7352 */
7353 type?: "tween";
7354 /**
7355 * The duration of the tween animation. Set to `0.3` by default, 0r `0.8` if animating a series of keyframes.
7356 *
7357 * @library
7358 *
7359 * ```jsx
7360 * <Frame
7361 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
7362 * transition={{ duration: 2 }}
7363 * />
7364 * ```
7365 *
7366 * @motion
7367 *
7368 * ```jsx
7369 * const variants = {
7370 * visible: {
7371 * opacity: 1,
7372 * transition: { duration: 2 }
7373 * }
7374 * }
7375 * ```
7376 *
7377 * @public
7378 */
7379 duration?: number;
7380 /**
7381 * The easing function to use. Set as one of the below.
7382 *
7383 * - The name of an existing easing function.
7384 * - An array of four numbers to define a cubic bezier curve.
7385 * - An easing function, that accepts and returns a value `0-1`.
7386 *
7387 * If the animating value is set as an array of multiple values for a keyframes
7388 * animation, `ease` can be set as an array of easing functions to set different easings between
7389 * each of those values.
7390 *
7391 * @library
7392 *
7393 * ```jsx
7394 * const transition = {
7395 * ease: [0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67]
7396 * }
7397 *
7398 * <Frame
7399 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
7400 * transition={transition}
7401 * />
7402 * ```
7403 *
7404 * @motion
7405 *
7406 * ```jsx
7407 * <motion.div
7408 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
7409 * transition={{ ease: [0.17, 0.67, 0.83, 0.67] }}
7410 * />
7411 * ```
7412 *
7413 * @public
7414 */
7415 ease?: Easing | Easing[];
7416 /**
7417 * The duration of time already elapsed in the animation. Set to `0` by
7418 * default.
7419 *
7420 * @internal
7421 */
7422 elapsed?: number;
7423 /**
7424 * When animating keyframes, `times` can be used to determine where in the animation each keyframe is reached.
7425 * Each value in `times` is a value between `0` and `1`, representing `duration`.
7426 *
7427 * There must be the same number of `times` as there are keyframes.
7428 * Defaults to an array of evenly-spread durations.
7429 *
7430 * @library
7431 *
7432 * ```jsx
7433 * const transition = {
7434 * times: [0, 0.1, 0.9, 1]
7435 * }
7436 *
7437 * <Frame
7438 * animate={{ scale: [0, 1, 0.5, 1] }}
7439 * transition={transition}
7440 * />
7441 * ```
7442 *
7443 * @motion
7444 *
7445 * ```jsx
7446 * <motion.div
7447 * animate={{ scale: [0, 1, 0.5, 1] }}
7448 * transition={{ times: [0, 0.1, 0.9, 1] }}
7449 * />
7450 * ```
7451 *
7452 * @public
7453 */
7454 times?: number[];
7455 /**
7456 * When animating keyframes, `easings` can be used to define easing functions between each keyframe. This array should be one item fewer than the number of keyframes, as these easings apply to the transitions between the keyframes.
7457 *
7458 * @library
7459 *
7460 * ```jsx
7461 * const transition = {
7462 * easings: ["easeIn", "easeOut"]
7463 * }
7464 *
7465 * <Frame
7466 * animate={{ backgroundColor: ["#0f0", "#00f", "#f00"] }}
7467 * transition={transition}
7468 * />
7469 * ```
7470 *
7471 * @motion
7472 *
7473 * ```jsx
7474 * <motion.div
7475 * animate={{ backgroundColor: ["#0f0", "#00f", "#f00"] }}
7476 * transition={{ easings: ["easeIn", "easeOut"] }}
7477 * />
7478 * ```
7479 *
7480 * @public
7481 */
7482 easings?: Easing[];
7483 /**
7484 * The number of times to loop the animation.
7485 * Set to `Infinity` for perpetual looping.
7486 *
7487 * @library
7488 *
7489 * ```jsx
7490 * const transition = {
7491 * loop: Infinity,
7492 * ease: "linear",
7493 * duration: 2
7494 * }
7495 *
7496 * <Frame
7497 * animate={{ rotate: 360 }}
7498 * transition={transition}
7499 * />
7500 * ```
7501 *
7502 * @motion
7503 *
7504 * ```jsx
7505 * <motion.div
7506 * animate={{ rotate: 360 }}
7507 * transition={{
7508 * loop: Infinity,
7509 * ease: "linear",
7510 * duration: 2
7511 * }}
7512 * />
7513 * ```
7514 *
7515 * @public
7516 */
7517 loop?: number;
7518 /**
7519 * The number of times to flip the animation by swapping the `to` and `from` values.
7520 * Set to `Infinity` for perpetual flipping.
7521 *
7522 * @library
7523 *
7524 * ```jsx
7525 * const transition = {
7526 * flip: Infinity,
7527 * duration: 2
7528 * }
7529 *
7530 * <Frame
7531 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
7532 * transition={transition}
7533 * />
7534 * ```
7535 *
7536 * @motion
7537 *
7538 * ```jsx
7539 * <motion.div
7540 * animate={{ opacity: 0 }}
7541 * transition={{ flip: Infinity, duration: 2 }}
7542 * />
7543 * ```
7544 *
7545 * @public
7546 */
7547 flip?: number;
7548 /**
7549 * The number of times to reverse the animation.
7550 * Set to `Infinity` for perpetual reversing.
7551 *
7552 * @library
7553 *
7554 * ```jsx
7555 * const transition = {
7556 * yoyo: Infinity,
7557 * duration: 2
7558 * }
7559 *
7560 * <Frame
7561 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
7562 * transition={transition}
7563 * />
7564 * ```
7565 *
7566 * @motion
7567 *
7568 * ```jsx
7569 * <motion.div
7570 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
7571 * transition={{ yoyo: Infinity, duration: 2 }}
7572 * />
7573 * ```
7574 *
7575 * @public
7576 */
7577 yoyo?: number;
7578 /**
7579 * When repeating an animation using `loop`, `flip`, or `yoyo`, `repeatDelay` can set the
7580 * duration of the time to wait, in seconds, between each repetition.
7581 *
7582 * @library
7583 *
7584 * ```jsx
7585 * const transition = {
7586 * yoyo: Infinity,
7587 * repeatDelay: 1
7588 * }
7589 *
7590 * <Frame
7591 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
7592 * transition={transition}
7593 * />
7594 * ```
7595 *
7596 * @motion
7597 *
7598 * ```jsx
7599 * <motion.div
7600 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
7601 * transition={{ yoyo: Infinity, repeatDelay: 1 }}
7602 * />
7603 * ```
7604 *
7605 *
7606 * @public
7607 */
7608 repeatDelay?: number;
7609 /**
7610 * The value to animate from.
7611 * By default, this is the current state of the animating value.
7612 *
7613 * @library
7614 *
7615 * ```jsx
7616 * const transition = {
7617 * from: 90,
7618 * duration: 2
7619 * }
7620 *
7621 * <Frame
7622 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
7623 * transition={transition}
7624 * />
7625 * ```
7626 *
7627 * @motion
7628 *
7629 * ```jsx
7630 * <motion.div
7631 * animate={{ rotate: 180 }}
7632 * transition={{ from: 90, duration: 2 }}
7633 * />
7634 * ```
7635 *
7636 * @public
7637 */
7638 from?: number | string;
7639 /**
7640 * @internal
7641 */
7642 to?: number | string | ValueTarget;
7643 /**
7644 * @internal
7645 */
7646 velocity?: number;
7647 /**
7648 * @internal
7649 */
7650 delay?: number;
7653declare type UnionStringArray<T extends Readonly<string[]>> = T[number];
7656 * Support for React component props
7657 */
7658declare type UnwrapFactoryAttributes<F> = F extends DetailedHTMLFactory<infer P, any> ? P : never;
7660declare type UnwrapFactoryElement<F> = F extends DetailedHTMLFactory<any, infer P> ? P : never;
7662declare type UnwrapSVGFactoryElement<F> = F extends React_2.SVGProps<infer P> ? P : never;
7665 * This is not an officially supported API and may be removed
7666 * on any version.
7667 * @internal
7668 */
7669export declare function useAnimatedState(initialState: any): any[];
7672 * Creates `AnimationControls`, which can be used to manually start, stop
7673 * and sequence animations on one or more components.
7674 *
7675 * The returned `AnimationControls` should be passed to the `animate` property
7676 * of the components you want to animate.
7677 *
7678 * These components can then be animated with the `start` method.
7679 *
7680 * @library
7681 *
7682 * ```jsx
7683 * import * as React from 'react'
7684 * import { Frame, useAnimation } from 'framer'
7685 *
7686 * export function MyComponent(props) {
7687 * const controls = useAnimation()
7688 *
7689 * controls.start({
7690 * x: 100,
7691 * transition: { duration: 0.5 },
7692 * })
7693 *
7694 * return <Frame animate={controls} />
7695 * }
7696 * ```
7697 *
7698 * @motion
7699 *
7700 * ```jsx
7701 * import * as React from 'react'
7702 * import { motion, useAnimation } from 'framer-motion'
7703 *
7704 * export function MyComponent(props) {
7705 * const controls = useAnimation()
7706 *
7707 * controls.start({
7708 * x: 100,
7709 * transition: { duration: 0.5 },
7710 * })
7711 *
7712 * return <motion.div animate={controls} />
7713 * }
7714 * ```
7715 *
7716 * @returns Animation controller with `start` and `stop` methods
7717 *
7718 * @public
7719 */
7720export declare function useAnimation(): AnimationControls;
7723 * Cycles through a series of visual properties. Can be used to toggle between or cycle through animations. It works similar to `useState` in React. It is provided an initial array of possible states, and returns an array of two arguments.
7724 *
7725 * @library
7726 *
7727 * ```jsx
7728 * import * as React from "react"
7729 * import { Frame, useCycle } from "framer"
7730 *
7731 * export function MyComponent() {
7732 * const [x, cycleX] = useCycle(0, 50, 100)
7733 *
7734 * return (
7735 * <Frame
7736 * animate={{ x: x }}
7737 * onTap={() => cycleX()}
7738 * />
7739 * )
7740 * }
7741 * ```
7742 *
7743 * @motion
7744 *
7745 * An index value can be passed to the returned `cycle` function to cycle to a specific index.
7746 *
7747 * ```jsx
7748 * import * as React from "react"
7749 * import { motion, useCycle } from "framer-motion"
7750 *
7751 * export const MyComponent = () => {
7752 * const [x, cycleX] = useCycle(0, 50, 100)
7753 *
7754 * return (
7755 * <motion.div
7756 * animate={{ x: x }}
7757 * onTap={() => cycleX()}
7758 * />
7759 * )
7760 * }
7761 * ```
7762 *
7763 * @param items - items to cycle through
7764 * @returns [currentState, cycleState]
7765 *
7766 * @public
7767 */
7768export declare function useCycle<T>(...items: T[]): CycleState<T>;
7771 * Attaches an event listener directly to the provided DOM element.
7772 *
7773 * Bypassing React's event system can be desirable, for instance when attaching non-passive
7774 * event handlers.
7775 *
7776 * ```jsx
7777 * const ref = useRef(null)
7778 *
7779 * useDomEvent(ref, 'wheel', onWheel, { passive: false })
7780 *
7781 * return <div ref={ref} />
7782 * ```
7783 *
7784 * @param ref - React.RefObject that's been provided to the element you want to bind the listener to.
7785 * @param eventName - Name of the event you want listen for.
7786 * @param handler - Function to fire when receiving the event.
7787 * @param options - Options to pass to `Event.addEventListener`.
7788 *
7789 * @public
7790 */
7791export declare function useDomEvent(ref: RefObject<Element>, eventName: string, handler?: EventListener | undefined, options?: AddEventListenerOptions): void;
7794 * Usually, dragging is initiated by pressing down on a `motion` component with a `drag` prop
7795 * and moving it. For some use-cases, for instance clicking at an arbitrary point on a video scrubber, we
7796 * might want to initiate that dragging from a different component than the draggable one.
7797 *
7798 * By creating a `dragControls` using the `useDragControls` hook, we can pass this into
7799 * the draggable component's `dragControls` prop. It exposes a `start` method
7800 * that can start dragging from pointer events on other components.
7801 *
7802 * @library
7803 *
7804 * ```jsx
7805 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
7806 *
7807 * function startDrag(event) {
7808 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
7809 * }
7810 *
7811 * return (
7812 * <>
7813 * <Frame onTapStart={startDrag} />
7814 * <Frame drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
7815 * </>
7816 * )
7817 * ```
7818 *
7819 * @motion
7820 *
7821 * ```jsx
7822 * const dragControls = useDragControls()
7823 *
7824 * function startDrag(event) {
7825 * dragControls.start(event, { snapToCursor: true })
7826 * }
7827 *
7828 * return (
7829 * <>
7830 * <div onMouseDown={startDrag} />
7831 * <motion.div drag="x" dragControls={dragControls} />
7832 * </>
7833 * )
7834 * ```
7835 *
7836 * @public
7837 */
7838export declare function useDragControls(): DragControls;
7841 * Returns MotionValues that update when the provided element scrolls:
7842 *
7843 * - `scrollX` — Horizontal scroll distance in pixels.
7844 * - `scrollY` — Vertical scroll distance in pixels.
7845 * - `scrollXProgress` — Horizontal scroll progress between `0` and `1`.
7846 * - `scrollYProgress` — Vertical scroll progress between `0` and `1`.
7847 *
7848 * This element must be set to `overflow: scroll` on either or both axes to report scroll offset.
7849 *
7850 * @library
7851 *
7852 * ```jsx
7853 * import * as React from "react"
7854 * import {
7855 * Frame,
7856 * useElementScroll,
7857 * useTransform
7858 * } from "framer"
7859 *
7860 * export function MyComponent() {
7861 * const ref = React.useRef()
7862 * const { scrollYProgress } = useElementScroll(ref)
7863 *
7864 * return (
7865 * <Frame ref={ref}>
7866 * <Frame scaleX={scrollYProgress} />
7867 * </Frame>
7868 * )
7869 * }
7870 * ```
7871 *
7872 * @motion
7873 *
7874 * ```jsx
7875 * export const MyComponent = () => {
7876 * const ref = useRef()
7877 * const { scrollYProgress } = useElementScroll(ref)
7878 *
7879 * return (
7880 * <div ref={ref}>
7881 * <motion.div style={{ scaleX: scrollYProgress }} />
7882 * </div>
7883 * )
7884 * }
7885 * ```
7886 *
7887 * @public
7888 */
7889export declare function useElementScroll(ref: RefObject<HTMLElement>): ScrollMotionValues;
7892 * Uses the ref that is passed in, or creates a new one
7893 * @param external - External ref
7894 * @internal
7895 */
7896export declare function useExternalRef<E = Element>(externalRef?: Ref<E>): RefObject<E>;
7899 * Add pan and tap gesture recognition to an element.
7900 *
7901 * @param props - Gesture event handlers
7902 * @param ref - React `ref` containing a DOM `Element`
7903 * @public
7904 */
7905export declare function useGestures<GestureHandlers>(props: GestureHandlers, ref: VisualElement): void;
7908 * Returns a `MotionValue` each for `scaleX` and `scaleY` that update with the inverse
7909 * of their respective parent scales.
7910 *
7911 * This is useful for undoing the distortion of content when scaling a parent component.
7912 *
7913 * By default, `useInvertedScale` will automatically fetch `scaleX` and `scaleY` from the nearest parent.
7914 * By passing other `MotionValue`s in as `useInvertedScale({ scaleX, scaleY })`, it will invert the output
7915 * of those instead.
7916 *
7917 * @motion
7918 *
7919 * ```jsx
7920 * const MyComponent = () => {
7921 * const { scaleX, scaleY } = useInvertedScale()
7922 * return <motion.div style={{ scaleX, scaleY }} />
7923 * }
7924 * ```
7925 *
7926 * @library
7927 *
7928 * ```jsx
7929 * function MyComponent() {
7930 * const { scaleX, scaleY } = useInvertedScale()
7931 * return <Frame scaleX={scaleX} scaleY={scaleY} />
7932 * }
7933 * ```
7934 *
7935 * @public
7936 */
7937export declare function useInvertedScale(scale?: Partial<ScaleMotionValues>): ScaleMotionValues;
7940 * @public
7941 */
7942export declare function useIsPresent(): boolean;
7945 * Creates a `MotionValue` to track the state and velocity of a value.
7946 *
7947 * Usually, these are created automatically. For advanced use-cases, like use with `useTransform`, you can create `MotionValue`s externally and pass them into the animated component via the `style` prop.
7948 *
7949 * @library
7950 *
7951 * ```jsx
7952 * export function MyComponent() {
7953 * const scale = useMotionValue(1)
7954 *
7955 * return <Frame scale={scale} />
7956 * }
7957 * ```
7958 *
7959 * @motion
7960 *
7961 * ```jsx
7962 * export const MyComponent = () => {
7963 * const scale = useMotionValue(1)
7964 *
7965 * return <motion.div style={{ scale }} />
7966 * }
7967 * ```
7968 *
7969 * @param initial - The initial state.
7970 *
7971 * @public
7972 */
7973export declare function useMotionValue<T>(initial: T): MotionValue<T>;
7976 *
7977 * @param handlers -
7978 * @param ref -
7979 *
7980 * @internalremarks
7981 * Currently this sets new pan gesture functions every render. The memo route has been explored
7982 * in the past but ultimately we're still creating new functions every render. An optimisation
7983 * to explore is creating the pan gestures and loading them into a `ref`.
7984 *
7985 * @internal
7986 */
7987export declare function usePanGesture({ onPan, onPanStart, onPanEnd, onPanSessionStart }: PanHandlers, ref: RefObject<Element> | VisualElement): void;
7990 * When a component is the child of `AnimatePresence`, it can use `usePresence`
7991 * to access information about whether it's still present in the React tree.
7992 *
7993 * ```jsx
7994 * import { usePresence } from "framer-motion"
7995 *
7996 * export const Component = () => {
7997 * const [isPresent, safeToRemove] = usePresence()
7998 *
7999 * useEffect(() => {
8000 * !isPresent setTimeout(safeToRemove, 1000)
8001 * }, [isPresent])
8002 *
8003 * return <div />
8004 * }
8005 * ```
8006 *
8007 * If `isPresent` is `false`, it means that a component has been removed the tree, but
8008 * `AnimatePresence` won't really remove it until `safeToRemove` has been called.
8009 *
8010 * @public
8011 */
8012export declare function usePresence(): AlwaysPresent | Present | NotPresent;
8015 * A hook that returns `true` if we should be using reduced motion based on the current device's Reduced Motion setting.
8016 *
8017 * This can be used to implement changes to your UI based on Reduced Motion. For instance, replacing motion-sickness inducing
8018 * `x`/`y` animations with `opacity`, disabling the autoplay of background videos, or turning off parallax motion.
8019 *
8020 * It will actively respond to changes and re-render your components with the latest setting.
8021 *
8022 * ```jsx
8023 * export function Sidebar({ isOpen }) {
8024 * const shouldReduceMotion = useReducedMotion()
8025 * const closedX = shouldReduceMotion ? 0 : "-100%"
8026 *
8027 * return (
8028 * <motion.div animate={{
8029 * opacity: isOpen ? 1 : 0,
8030 * x: isOpen ? 0 : closedX
8031 * }} />
8032 * )
8033 * }
8034 * ```
8035 *
8036 * @return boolean
8037 *
8038 * @public
8039 */
8040export declare function useReducedMotion(): boolean;
8043 * Creates a `MotionValue` that, when `set`, will use a spring animation to animate to its new state.
8044 *
8045 * It can either work as a stand-alone `MotionValue` by initialising it with a value, or as a subscriber
8046 * to another `MotionValue`.
8047 *
8048 * @remarks
8049 *
8050 * ```jsx
8051 * const x = useSpring(0, { stiffness: 300 })
8052 * const y = useSpring(x, { damping: 10 })
8053 * ```
8054 *
8055 * @param inputValue - `MotionValue` or number. If provided a `MotionValue`, when the input `MotionValue` changes, the created `MotionValue` will spring towards that value.
8056 * @param springConfig - Configuration options for the spring.
8057 * @returns `MotionValue`
8058 *
8059 * @public
8060 */
8061export declare function useSpring(source: MotionValue | number, config?: SpringProps): MotionValue<any>;
8064 * @param handlers -
8065 * @internal
8066 */
8067export declare function useTapGesture({ onTap, onTapStart, onTapCancel, whileTap, controls, }: TapHandlers & ControlsProp, ref: RefObject<Element>): void;
8070 * Create a `MotionValue` that transforms the output of another `MotionValue` through a function.
8071 * In this example, `y` will always be double `x`.
8072 *
8073 * @library
8074 *
8075 * ```jsx
8076 * import * as React from "react"
8077 * import { Frame, useMotionValue, useTransform } from "framer"
8078 *
8079 * export function MyComponent() {
8080 * const x = useMotionValue(10)
8081 * const y = useTransform(x, value => value * 2)
8082 *
8083 * return <Frame x={x} y={y} />
8084 * }
8085 * ```
8086 *
8087 * @motion
8088 *
8089 * ```jsx
8090 * export const MyComponent = () => {
8091 * const x = useMotionValue(10)
8092 * const y = useTransform(x, value => value * 2)
8093 *
8094 * return <motion.div style={{ x, y }} />
8095 * }
8096 * ```
8097 *
8098 * @param value - The `MotionValue` to transform the output of.
8099 * @param transform - Function that accepts the output of `value` and returns a new value.
8100 * @returns `MotionValue`
8101 *
8102 * @public
8103 */
8104export declare function useTransform<T>(parent: MotionValue, transform: Transformer<T>): MotionValue;
8107 * Create a `MotionValue` that transforms the output of another `MotionValue` by mapping it from one range of values into another.
8108 *
8109 * @remarks
8110 *
8111 * Given an input range of `[-200, -100, 100, 200]` and an output range of
8112 * `[0, 1, 1, 0]`, the returned `MotionValue` will:
8113 *
8114 * - When provided a value between `-200` and `-100`, will return a value between `0` and `1`.
8115 * - When provided a value between `-100` and `100`, will return `1`.
8116 * - When provided a value between `100` and `200`, will return a value between `1` and `0`
8117 *
8118 *
8119 * The input range must be a linear series of numbers. The output range
8120 * can be any value type supported by Framer Motion: numbers, colors, shadows, etc.
8121 *
8122 * Every value in the output range must be of the same type and in the same format.
8123 *
8124 * @library
8125 *
8126 * ```jsx
8127 * export function MyComponent() {
8128 * const x = useMotionValue(0)
8129 * const xRange = [-200, -100, 100, 200]
8130 * const opacityRange = [0, 1, 1, 0]
8131 * const opacity = useTransform(x, xRange, opacityRange)
8132 *
8133 * return <Frame drag="x" x={x} opacity={opacity} />
8134 * }
8135 * ```
8136 *
8137 * @motion
8138 *
8139 * ```jsx
8140 * export const MyComponent = () => {
8141 * const x = useMotionValue(0)
8142 * const xRange = [-200, -100, 100, 200]
8143 * const opacityRange = [0, 1, 1, 0]
8144 * const opacity = useTransform(x, xRange, opacityRange)
8145 *
8146 * return <motion.div drag="x" style={{ opacity, x }} />
8147 * }
8148 * ```
8149 *
8150 * @param inputValue - `MotionValue`
8151 * @param inputRange - A linear series of numbers (either all increasing or decreasing)
8152 * @param outputRange - A series of numbers, colors or strings. Must be the same length as `inputRange`.
8153 * @param options -
8154 *
8155 * - clamp: boolean - Clamp values to within the given range. Defaults to `true`
8156 * - ease: EasingFunction[] - Easing functions to use on the interpolations between each value in the input and output ranges. If provided as an array, the array must be one item shorter than the input and output ranges, as the easings apply to the transition **between** each.
8157 *
8158 * @returns `MotionValue`
8159 *
8160 * @public
8161 */
8162export declare function useTransform<T>(parent: MotionValue<number>, from: number[], to: T[], options?: TransformOptions<T>): MotionValue<T>;
8165 * Returns MotionValues that update when the viewport scrolls:
8166 *
8167 * - `scrollX` — Horizontal scroll distance in pixels.
8168 * - `scrollY` — Vertical scroll distance in pixels.
8169 * - `scrollXProgress` — Horizontal scroll progress between `0` and `1`.
8170 * - `scrollYProgress` — Vertical scroll progress between `0` and `1`.
8171 *
8172 * @library
8173 *
8174 * ```jsx
8175 * import * as React from "react"
8176 * import {
8177 * Frame,
8178 * useViewportScroll,
8179 * useTransform
8180 * } from "framer"
8181 *
8182 * export function MyComponent() {
8183 * const { scrollYProgress } = useViewportScroll()
8184 * return <Frame scaleX={scrollYProgress} />
8185 * }
8186 * ```
8187 *
8188 * @motion
8189 *
8190 * ```jsx
8191 * export const MyComponent = () => {
8192 * const { scrollYProgress } = useViewportScroll()
8193 * return <motion.div style={{ scaleX: scrollYProgress }} />
8194 * }
8195 * ```
8196 *
8197 * @public
8198 */
8199export declare function useViewportScroll(): ScrollMotionValues;
8202 * A generic function type that will return a specific VisualElement,
8203 * for instance useDomVisualElement will return either an SVGVisualElement
8204 * or a HTMLVisualElement.
8205 */
8206declare type UseVisualElement<E, P = MotionProps> = (Component: string | React_2.ComponentType<P>, props: MotionProps & P, parent?: VisualElement, isStatic?: boolean, ref?: Ref<E>) => VisualElement;
8209 * @public
8210 */
8211export declare type ValueTarget = SingleTarget | KeyframesTarget;
8214 * @public
8215 */
8216export declare type Variant = TargetAndTransition | TargetResolver;
8219 * Either a string, or array of strings, that reference variants defined via the `variants` prop.
8220 * @public
8221 */
8222export declare type VariantLabels = string | string[];
8225 * @public
8226 */
8227export declare type Variants = {
8228 [key: string]: Variant;
8231declare enum VisibilityAction {
8232 Hide = 0,
8233 Show = 1
8237 * VisualElement is an abstract class that provides a generic animation-optimised interface to the
8238 * underlying renderer.
8239 *
8240 * Currently many features interact directly with HTMLVisualElement/SVGVisualElement
8241 * but the idea is we can create, for instance, a ThreeVisualElement that extends
8242 * VisualElement and we can quickly offer all the same features.
8243 */
8244declare abstract class VisualElement<E = any> {
8245 parent?: VisualElement<E>;
8246 rootParent: VisualElement<E>;
8247 children: Set<VisualElement<E>>;
8248 prevSnapshot?: Snapshot;
8249 private removeFromParent?;
8250 protected element: E;
8251 protected latest: ResolvedValues;
8252 private values;
8253 private valueSubscriptions;
8254 private externalRef?;
8255 protected treePath: VisualElement[];
8256 protected config: VisualElementConfig;
8257 isPresenceRoot?: boolean;
8258 current: E;
8259 readonly depth: number;
8260 constructor(parent?: VisualElement<E>, ref?: Ref<E>);
8261 subscribe(child: VisualElement<E>): () => boolean;
8262 hasValue(key: string): boolean;
8263 addValue(key: string, value: MotionValue): void;
8264 removeValue(key: string): void;
8265 getValue<Value>(key: string): MotionValue<Value> | undefined;
8266 getValue<Value>(key: string, defaultValue: Value): MotionValue<Value>;
8267 forEachValue(callback: (value: MotionValue, key: string) => void): void;
8268 getInstance(): E;
8269 updateConfig(config?: VisualElementConfig): void;
8270 private update;
8271 abstract render(): void;
8272 abstract build(isReactRender: boolean): void;
8273 abstract clean(): void;
8274 abstract readNativeValue(key: string): string | number;
8275 abstract getBoundingBox(): AxisBox2D;
8276 abstract updateLayoutDelta(): void;
8277 private setSingleStaticValue;
8278 setStaticValues(values: string | ResolvedValues, value?: string | number): void;
8279 triggerRender: () => void;
8280 scheduleRender: () => import("framesync").Process;
8281 scheduleUpdateLayoutDelta(): void;
8282 private subscribeToValue;
8283 protected mount(element: E): void;
8284 private unmount;
8285 ref: (element: E | null) => void;
8289 * Control animations for a single component
8290 *
8291 * @internal
8292 */
8293export declare class VisualElementAnimationControls<P extends {} = {}, V extends {} = {}> {
8294 private visualElement;
8295 /**
8296 * A reference to the component's latest props. We could probably ditch this in
8297 * favour to a reference to the `custom` prop now we don't send all props through
8298 * to target resolvers.
8299 */
8300 private props;
8301 /**
8302 * The default transition to use for `Target`s without any `transition` prop.
8303 */
8304 private defaultTransition?;
8305 /**
8306 * The component's variants, as provided by `variants`
8307 */
8308 private variants;
8309 /**
8310 * A set of values that we animate back to when a value is cleared of all overrides.
8311 */
8312 private baseTarget;
8313 /**
8314 * A series of target overrides that we can animate to/from when overrides are set/cleared.
8315 */
8316 private overrides;
8317 /**
8318 * A series of target overrides as they were originally resolved.
8319 */
8320 private resolvedOverrides;
8321 /**
8322 * A Set of currently active override indexes
8323 */
8324 private activeOverrides;
8325 /**
8326 * A Set of children component controls for variant propagation.
8327 */
8328 private children?;
8329 /**
8330 * A Set of value keys that are currently animating.
8331 */
8332 private isAnimating;
8333 /**
8334 * A chance
8335 */
8336 private makeTargetAnimatable;
8337 constructor(visualElement: VisualElement, { makeTargetAnimatable }: AnimationControlsConfig);
8338 /**
8339 * Set the reference to the component's props.
8340 * @param props -
8341 */
8342 setProps(props: P & MotionProps): void;
8343 /**
8344 * Set the reference to the component's variants
8345 * @param variants -
8346 */
8347 setVariants(variants?: Variants): void;
8348 /**
8349 * Set the component's default transition
8350 * @param transition -
8351 */
8352 setDefaultTransition(transition?: Transition): void;
8353 /**
8354 * Set motion values without animation.
8355 *
8356 * @param definition -
8357 * @param isActive -
8358 */
8359 private setValues;
8360 /**
8361 * Allows `transformValues` to be set by a component that allows us to
8362 * transform the values in a given `Target`. This allows Framer Library
8363 * to extend Framer Motion to animate `Color` variables etc. Currently we have
8364 * to manually support these extended types here in Framer Motion.
8365 *
8366 * @param values -
8367 */
8368 private transformValues;
8369 /**
8370 * Check a `Target` for new values we haven't animated yet, and add them
8371 * to the `MotionValueMap`.
8372 *
8373 * Currently there's functionality here that is DOM-specific, we should allow
8374 * this functionality to be injected by the factory that creates DOM-specific
8375 * components.
8376 *
8377 * @param target -
8378 */
8379 private checkForNewValues;
8380 /**
8381 * Check if the associated `VisualElement` has a key with the provided string.
8382 * Pre-bound to the class so we can provide directly to the `filter` in `checkForNewValues`.
8383 */
8384 private hasValue;
8385 /**
8386 * Resolve a variant from its label or resolver into an actual `Target` we can animate to.
8387 * @param variant -
8388 */
8389 private resolveVariant;
8390 /**
8391 * Get the highest active override priority index
8392 */
8393 private getHighestPriority;
8394 /**
8395 * Set an override. We add this layer of indirection so if, for instance, a tap gesture
8396 * starts and overrides a hover gesture, when we clear the tap gesture and fallback to the
8397 * hover gesture, if that hover gesture has changed in the meantime we can go to that rather
8398 * than the one that was resolved when the hover gesture animation started.
8399 *
8400 * @param definition -
8401 * @param overrideIndex -
8402 */
8403 setOverride(definition: AnimationDefinition, overrideIndex: number): void;
8404 /**
8405 * Start an override animation.
8406 * @param overrideIndex -
8407 */
8408 startOverride(overrideIndex: number): Promise<void> | undefined;
8409 /**
8410 * Clear an override. We check every value we animated to in this override to see if
8411 * its present on any lower-priority overrides. If not, we animate it back to its base target.
8412 * @param overrideIndex -
8413 */
8414 clearOverride(overrideIndex: number): void;
8415 /**
8416 * Apply a target/variant without any animation
8417 */
8418 apply(definition: AnimationDefinition): void;
8419 /**
8420 * Apply variant labels without animation
8421 */
8422 private applyVariantLabels;
8423 start(definition: AnimationDefinition, opts?: AnimationOptions): Promise<void>;
8424 private animate;
8425 private animateVariantLabels;
8426 private animateVariant;
8427 private animateChildren;
8428 private onStart;
8429 private onComplete;
8430 private checkOverrideIsAnimating;
8431 private resetIsAnimating;
8432 stop(): void;
8433 /**
8434 * Add the controls of a child component.
8435 * @param controls -
8436 */
8437 addChild(controls: VisualElementAnimationControls): void;
8438 removeChild(controls: VisualElementAnimationControls): void;
8439 resetChildren(): void;
8443 * Base config for all VisualElements
8444 */
8445declare interface VisualElementConfig {
8446 /**
8447 * Optional, will be called once per frame on update if provided via props.
8448 */
8449 onUpdate?: MotionProps["onUpdate"];
8452declare class VisualElementDragControls {
8453 /**
8454 * Track whether we're currently dragging.
8455 *
8456 * @internal
8457 */
8458 isDragging: boolean;
8459 /**
8460 * The current direction of drag, or `null` if both.
8461 *
8462 * @internal
8463 */
8464 private currentDirection;
8465 /**
8466 * The permitted boundaries of travel, in pixels.
8467 *
8468 * @internal
8469 */
8470 private constraints;
8471 /**
8472 * A reference to the host component's latest props.
8473 *
8474 * @internal
8475 */
8476 private props;
8477 /**
8478 * @internal
8479 */
8480 private visualElement;
8481 /**
8482 * Track the initial position of the cursor relative to the dragging element
8483 * when dragging starts as a value of 0-1 on each axis. We then use this to calculate
8484 * an ideal bounding box for the VisualElement renderer to project into every frame.
8485 *
8486 * @internal
8487 */
8488 cursorProgress: Point2D;
8489 private openGlobalLock;
8490 /**
8491 * @internal
8492 */
8493 private panSession;
8494 /**
8495 * A reference to the measured constraints bounding box
8496 */
8497 private constraintsBox?;
8498 constructor({ visualElement }: DragControlConfig);
8499 /**
8500 * Instantiate a PanSession for the drag gesture
8501 *
8502 * @public
8503 */
8504 start(originEvent: AnyPointerEvent, { snapToCursor, cursorProgress }?: DragControlOptions): void;
8505 /**
8506 * Ensure the component's layout and target bounding boxes are up-to-date.
8507 */
8508 prepareBoundingBox(): void;
8509 resolveDragConstraints(): void;
8510 resolveRefConstraints(layoutBox: AxisBox2D, constraints: RefObject<Element>): {
8511 x: {
8512 min: number;
8513 max: number;
8514 };
8515 y: {
8516 min: number;
8517 max: number;
8518 };
8519 };
8520 cancelDrag(): void;
8521 stop(event: AnyPointerEvent, info: PanInfo): void;
8522 snapToCursor(event: AnyPointerEvent): void;
8523 /**
8524 * Update the specified axis with the latest pointer information.
8525 */
8526 updateAxis(axis: DragDirection, event: AnyPointerEvent): void;
8527 updateProps({ drag, dragDirectionLock, dragPropagation, dragConstraints, dragElastic, dragMomentum, ...remainingProps }: DragControlsProps): void;
8528 private animateDragEnd;
8529 stopMotion(): void;
8530 scalePoint(): void;
8531 mount(visualElement: HTMLVisualElement): () => void;
8534export { }
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