64.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
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32 Candy Theme v0.6
33 FroalaCharts JavaScript Library
35 Copyright FroalaCharts, Inc.
36 License Information at <http://www.fusioncharts.com/license>
38/* jshint ignore:end */
39var themeObject = {
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152 column2d: {
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157 },
159 // 2. Column 3D Chart
160 column3d: {
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164 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
165 }
166 },
168 // 3. Line 2D Chart
169 line: {
170 chart: {
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183 }
184 },
186 // 4. Area 2D Chart
187 area2d: {
188 chart: {
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190 paletteColors: "#36B5D8",
191 drawCrossLine: "1",
192 plotFillAlpha: "85"
193 }
194 },
196 // 5. Bar 2D Chart
197 bar2d: {
198 chart: {
199 showValues: "1",
200 paletteColors: "#36B5D8"
201 }
202 },
204 // 6. Bar 3D Chart
205 bar3d: {
206 chart: {
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210 }
211 },
213 // 7. Pie 2D Chart
214 pie2d: {
215 chart: {
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219 showValues: "1",
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232 }
233 },
235 // 8. Pie 3D Chart
236 pie3d: {
237 chart: {
238 showZeroPies: "1",
239 showPercentValues: "1",
240 showValues: "1",
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242 use3DLighting: "0",
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252 labelFontBold: "0",
253 labelFont: "Fira Sans Light",
254 labelFontColor: "#999CA5"
255 }
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258 // 9. Doughnut 2D Chart
259 doughnut2d: {
260 chart: {
261 showZeroPies: "1",
262 showPercentValues: "1",
263 showValues: "1",
264 showPercentInToolTip: "0",
265 use3DLighting: "0",
266 enableMultiSlicing: "0",
267 isSmartLineSlanted: "0",
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273 labelFontBold: "0",
274 labelFont: "Fira Sans Light",
275 labelFontColor: "#999CA5",
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277 centerLabelBold: "0"
278 }
279 },
281 // 10. Doughnut 3D Chart
282 doughnut3d: {
283 chart: {
284 showZeroPies: "1",
285 showValues: "1",
286 showPercentValues: "1",
287 showPercentInToolTip: "0",
288 use3DLighting: "0",
289 enableMultiSlicing: "0",
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291 pieSliceDepth: "10",
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298 labelFontBold: "0",
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300 labelFontColor: "#999CA5"
301 }
302 },
304 // 11. Pareto 2D Chart
305 pareto2d: {
306 chart: {
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308 lineColor: "#F0DC46",
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310 drawAnchors: "1",
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312 anchorRadius: "4",
313 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
314 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
315 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
316 anchorBgHoverColor: "#262A33",
317 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
318 }
319 },
321 // 12. Pareto 3D Chart
322 pareto3d: {
323 chart: {
324 paletteColors: "#36B5D8",
325 lineColor: "#F0DC46",
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327 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058",
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336 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
337 }
338 },
340 // 13. Multi-Series Column2D Chart
341 mscolumn2d: {
342 chart: {
343 drawCrossLine: "1",
344 showLegend: "1",
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346 }
347 },
349 // 14. Multi-Series Column3D Chart
350 mscolumn3d: {
351 chart: {
352 showLegend: "1",
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356 }
357 },
359 // 15. Multi-series Line2D Chart
360 msline: {
361 chart: {
362 showLegend: "1",
363 legendIconSides: "2",
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378 // 16. Multi-series Bar2D Chart
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380 chart: {
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384 }
385 },
387 // 17. Multi-series Bar3D Chart
388 msbar3d: {
389 chart: {
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393 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
394 }
395 },
397 // 18. Multi-series Area2D Chart
398 msarea: {
399 chart: {
400 showLegend: "1",
401 legendIconSides: "4",
402 plotFillAlpha: "70",
403 drawCrossLine: "1"
404 }
405 },
407 // 19. Marimekko Chart
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409 chart: {
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414 valueBgAlpha: "70",
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417 plotBorderColor: "#262A33",
418 plotBorderThickness: "0.75",
419 plotBorderAlpha: "100"
420 }
421 },
423 // 20. Zoom Line Chart
424 zoomline: {
425 chart: {
426 paletteColors:
427 "#36B5D8, #6EC85A, #6E80CA, #E09653, #E1D7AD, #61C8C8, #EBE4F4, #E64141, #F0DC46, #F066AC",
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446 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
447 }
448 },
450 // 21. Zoom Line Dual Y-Axis Chart
451 zoomlinedy: {
452 chart: {
453 paletteColors:
454 "#36B5D8, #6EC85A, #6E80CA, #E09653, #E1D7AD, #61C8C8, #EBE4F4, #E64141, #F0DC46, #F066AC",
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471 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
472 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
473 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
474 }
475 },
477 // 22. Stacked Column2D Chart
478 stackedcolumn2d: {
479 chart: {
480 showLegend: "1",
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482 drawCrossLine: "1"
483 }
484 },
486 // 23. Stacked Column3D Chart
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488 chart: {
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493 }
494 },
496 // 24. Stacked Bar2D Chart
497 stackedbar2d: {
498 chart: {
499 showLegend: "1",
500 legendIconSides: "4",
501 drawCrossLine: "1"
502 }
503 },
505 // 25. Stacked Bar3D Chart
506 stackedbar3d: {
507 chart: {
508 showLegend: "1",
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512 }
513 },
515 // 26. Stacked Area 2D Chart
516 stackedarea2d: {
517 chart: {
518 showLegend: "1",
519 legendIconSides: "4",
520 plotFillAlpha: "85",
521 drawCrossLine: "1"
522 }
523 },
525 // 27. Multi-series Stacked Column2D Chart
526 msstackedcolumn2d: {
527 chart: {
528 showLegend: "1",
529 legendIconSides: "4"
530 }
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533 // 28. Multi-series 2D Single Y Combination Chart
534 mscombi2d: {
535 chart: {
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544 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
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546 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
547 }
548 },
550 // 29. Multi-series 3D Single Y Combination Chart
551 mscombi3d: {
552 chart: {
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562 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
563 canvasBaseDepth: "2",
564 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
565 }
566 },
568 // 30. Multi-series Column 3D + Line - Single Y Axis Chart
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578 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
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580 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
581 canvasBaseDepth: "2",
582 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
583 }
584 },
586 // 31. Stacked Column 2D + Line Single Y Axis Chart
587 stackedcolumn2dline: {
588 chart: {
589 lineThickness: "3",
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592 drawAnchors: "1",
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595 anchorRadius: "4",
596 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
597 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
598 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
599 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
600 }
601 },
603 // 32. Stacked Column 3D + Line Single Y Axis Chart
604 stackedcolumn3dline: {
605 chart: {
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612 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
613 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
614 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
615 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
616 canvasBaseDepth: "2",
617 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
618 }
619 },
621 // 33. Multi-series 2D Dual Y Combination Chart
622 mscombidy2d: {
623 chart: {
624 lineThickness: "3",
625 showLegend: "1",
626 drawCrossLine: "1",
627 drawAnchors: "1",
628 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
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630 anchorRadius: "4",
631 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
632 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
633 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
634 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
635 }
636 },
638 // 34. Multi-series Column 3D + Line - Dual Y Axis Chart
639 mscolumn3dlinedy: {
640 chart: {
641 lineThickness: "3",
642 showLegend: "1",
643 drawAnchors: "1",
644 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
645 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
646 anchorRadius: "4",
647 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
648 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
649 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
650 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
651 canvasBaseDepth: "2",
652 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
653 }
654 },
656 // 35. Stacked Column 3D + Line Dual Y Axis Chart
657 stackedcolumn3dlinedy: {
658 chart: {
659 lineThickness: "3",
660 showLegend: "1",
661 drawAnchors: "1",
662 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
663 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
664 anchorRadius: "4",
665 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
666 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
667 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
668 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
669 canvasBaseDepth: "2",
670 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
671 }
672 },
674 // 36. Multi-series Stacked Column 2D + Line Dual Y Axis Chart
675 msstackedcolumn2dlinedy: {
676 chart: {
677 lineThickness: "3",
678 showLegend: "1",
679 drawCrossLine: "1",
680 drawAnchors: "1",
681 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
682 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
683 anchorRadius: "4",
684 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
685 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
686 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
687 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
688 }
689 },
691 // 37. Scatter Chart
692 scatter: {
693 chart: {
694 showLegend: "1",
695 drawCustomLegendIcon: "0",
696 drawAnchors: "1",
697 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
698 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
699 anchorRadius: "4",
700 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
701 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
702 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
703 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
704 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
705 divLineAlpha: "100",
706 vDivLineAlpha: "100"
707 },
708 dataset: [
709 {
710 regressionLineColor: "#F6F6F6",
711 regressionLineThickness: "1"
712 }
713 ]
714 },
716 // 38. Bubble Chart
717 bubble: {
718 chart: {
719 use3DLighting: "0",
720 showLegend: "1",
721 legendIconSides: "2",
722 plotFillAlpha: "50",
723 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
724 divLineAlpha: "100",
725 vDivLineAlpha: "100",
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727 quadrantLineColor: "#4B4B4B",
728 quadrantLineAlpha: "100",
729 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
730 setAdaptiveXMin: "1"
731 }
732 },
734 // 39. Zoom Scatter Chart
735 zoomscatter: {
736 chart: {
737 showLegend: "1",
738 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
739 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
740 divLineAlpha: "100",
741 vDivLineAlpha: "100"
742 },
743 dataset: [
744 {
745 drawLine: "0",
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747 anchorBorderThickness: "0.1",
748 anchorAlpha: "50",
749 hoverColor: "#999CA5",
750 regressionLineColor: "#F6F6F6",
751 regressionLineAlpha: "100",
752 regressionLineThickness: "1"
753 }
754 ]
755 },
757 // 40. Scroll Column 2D
758 scrollcolumn2d: {
759 chart: {
760 showLegend: "1",
761 legendIconSides: "4",
762 flatScrollBars: "1",
763 scrollShowButtons: "0",
764 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
765 scrollheight: "10"
766 }
767 },
769 // 41. Scroll Line 2D
770 scrollline2d: {
771 chart: {
772 showLegend: "1",
773 legendIconSides: "2",
774 flatScrollBars: "1",
775 scrollShowButtons: "0",
776 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
777 scrollheight: "10",
778 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
779 lineThickness: "2",
780 drawAnchors: "1",
781 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
782 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
783 anchorRadius: "4",
784 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
785 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
786 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
787 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
788 }
789 },
791 // 42. Scroll Area 2D
792 scrollarea2d: {
793 chart: {
794 showLegend: "1",
795 legendIconSides: "4",
796 flatScrollBars: "1",
797 scrollShowButtons: "0",
798 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
799 scrollheight: "10",
800 plotFillAlpha: "70"
801 }
802 },
804 // 43. Scroll Stacked Column 2D Chart
805 scrollstackedcolumn2d: {
806 chart: {
807 showLegend: "1",
808 legendIconSides: "4",
809 flatScrollBars: "1",
810 scrollShowButtons: "0",
811 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
812 scrollheight: "10"
813 }
814 },
816 // 44. Scroll Combination 2D (Single Y)
817 scrollcombi2d: {
818 chart: {
819 lineThickness: "3",
820 showLegend: "1",
821 drawAnchors: "1",
822 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
823 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
824 anchorRadius: "4",
825 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
826 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
827 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
828 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
829 flatScrollBars: "1",
830 scrollShowButtons: "0",
831 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
832 scrollheight: "10"
833 }
834 },
836 // 45. Scroll Combination 2D (Dual Y)
837 scrollcombidy2d: {
838 chart: {
839 lineThickness: "3",
840 showLegend: "1",
841 drawCrossLine: "1",
842 drawAnchors: "1",
843 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
844 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
845 anchorRadius: "4",
846 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
847 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
848 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
849 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
850 flatScrollBars: "1",
851 scrollShowButtons: "0",
852 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
853 scrollheight: "10"
854 }
855 },
857 // 46. Real-time Angular
858 angulargauge: {
859 chart: {
860 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
861 adjustTM: "1",
862 tickvaluedistance: "10",
863 placeTicksInside: "0",
864 autoAlignTickValues: "1",
865 showGaugeBorder: "0",
866 minortmnumber: "1",
867 minortmHeight: "5",
868 majorTMHeight: "10",
869 majortmthickness: "1.5",
870 minortmthickness: "1.5",
871 minorTMAlpha: "50",
872 gaugeFillMix: "{light-0}",
873 pivotbgcolor: "#000000",
874 pivotfillmix: "0",
875 showpivotborder: "1",
876 pivotBorderColor: "#F6F6F6",
877 showValue: "0",
878 valueBelowPivot: "1"
879 },
880 dials: {
881 dial: [
882 {
883 bgColor: "#F6F6F6",
884 borderColor: "#262A33",
885 borderThickness: "0.5"
886 }
887 ]
888 }
889 },
891 // 47. Real-time bulb
892 bulb: {
893 chart: {
894 is3D: "0",
895 placeValuesInside: "1",
896 valueFontColor: "#262A33",
897 valueFontBold: "1",
898 valueFontSize: "14",
899 valueFont: "Fira Sans Regular"
900 }
901 },
903 // 48. Real-time Cylinder
904 cylinder: {
905 chart: {
906 cylRadius: "50",
907 cylYScale: "13",
908 cylFillColor: "#36B5D8",
909 adjustTM: "1",
910 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
911 minortmnumber: "1",
912 minortmHeight: "5",
913 majorTMHeight: "10",
914 minorTMAlpha: "50",
915 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
916 tickValueDistance: "5"
917 }
918 },
920 // 49. Real-time Horizontal LED
921 hled: {
922 chart: {
923 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
924 minortmnumber: "1",
925 minortmHeight: "5",
926 majorTMHeight: "10",
927 minorTMAlpha: "50",
928 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
929 tickValueDistance: "5",
930 adjustTM: "1",
931 showValue: "0"
932 }
933 },
935 // 50. Real-time Horizontal Linear Gauge
936 hlineargauge: {
937 chart: {
938 showGaugeBorder: "0",
939 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
940 adjustTM: "1",
941 placeTicksInside: "0",
942 autoAlignTickValues: "1",
943 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
944 minortmnumber: "1",
945 minortmHeight: "5",
946 minorTMAlpha: "50",
947 majorTMHeight: "10",
948 tickValueDistance: "5",
949 gaugeFillMix: "{light-0}",
950 baseFontColor: "#262A33",
951 pointerOnTop: "0",
952 valueAbovePointer: "1",
953 pointerRadius: "10",
954 pointerBgAlpha: "100",
955 pointerBgColor: "#F6F6F6",
956 pointerBorderColor: "#262A33",
957 valueBgColor: "#262A33",
958 valueBgAlpha: "70",
959 showPointerShadow: "1"
960 }
961 },
963 // 51. Real-time Thermometer
964 thermometer: {
965 chart: {
966 use3DLighting: "0",
967 manageResize: "1",
968 autoScale: "1",
969 showGaugeBorder: "1",
970 placeTicksInside: "0",
971 autoAlignTickValues: "1",
972 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
973 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
974 minortmnumber: "1",
975 minortmHeight: "5",
976 minorTMAlpha: "50",
977 majorTMHeight: "10",
978 tickValueDistance: "5",
979 thmFillColor: "#36B5D8",
980 adjustTM: "1",
981 gaugeBorderColor: "#999CA5",
982 gaugeBorderAlpha: "80",
983 gaugeBorderThickness: "1"
984 }
985 },
987 // 52. Real-time Vertical LED Gauge
988 vled: {
989 chart: {
990 adjustTM: "1",
991 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
992 minortmnumber: "1",
993 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
994 minortmHeight: "5",
995 majorTMHeight: "10",
996 minorTMAlpha: "50",
997 tickValueDistance: "5",
998 showValue: "0"
999 }
1000 },
1002 // 53. Real-time Area
1003 realtimearea: {
1004 chart: {
1005 showLegend: "1",
1006 legendIconSides: "4",
1007 plotFillAlpha: "70",
1008 showRealTimeValue: "0"
1009 }
1010 },
1012 // 54. Real-time Column
1013 realtimecolumn: {
1014 chart: {
1015 showLegend: "1",
1016 legendIconSides: "4",
1017 showRealTimeValue: "0"
1018 }
1019 },
1021 // 55. Real-time Line
1022 realtimeline: {
1023 chart: {
1024 showLegend: "1",
1025 legendIconSides: "2",
1026 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1027 lineThickness: "2.5",
1028 drawAnchors: "1",
1029 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1030 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1031 anchorRadius: "4",
1032 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1033 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1034 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1035 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1036 showRealTimeValue: "0"
1037 }
1038 },
1040 // 56. Real-time Stacked Area
1041 realtimestackedarea: {
1042 chart: {
1043 showLegend: "1",
1044 legendIconSides: "4",
1045 plotFillAlpha: "85",
1046 showRealTimeValue: "0"
1047 }
1048 },
1050 // 57. Real-time Stacked Column
1051 realtimestackedcolumn: {
1052 chart: {
1053 showLegend: "1",
1054 legendIconSides: "4",
1055 showRealTimeValue: "0"
1056 }
1057 },
1059 // 58. Real-time Line (Dual Y)
1060 realtimelinedy: {
1061 chart: {
1062 showLegend: "1",
1063 legendIconSides: "2",
1064 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1065 lineThickness: "2.5",
1066 drawAnchors: "1",
1067 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1068 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1069 anchorRadius: "4",
1070 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1071 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1072 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1073 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1074 showRealTimeValue: "0"
1075 }
1076 },
1078 // 59. Spark Line
1079 sparkline: {
1080 chart: {
1081 plotFillColor: "#36B5D8",
1082 anchorRadius: "4",
1083 highColor: "#6EC85A",
1084 lowColor: "#E64141",
1085 showOpenAnchor: "0",
1086 showCloseAnchor: "0",
1087 showOpenValue: "0",
1088 showCloseValue: "0",
1089 showHighLowValue: "0",
1090 periodColor: "#4B4B4B",
1091 periodAlpha: "50",
1092 chartLeftMargin: "15",
1093 chartRightMargin: "10"
1094 }
1095 },
1097 // 60. Spark Column
1098 sparkcolumn: {
1099 chart: {
1100 plotFillColor: "#36B5D8",
1101 highColor: "#6EC85A",
1102 lowColor: "#E64141",
1103 periodColor: "#4B4B4B",
1104 periodAlpha: "50",
1105 chartLeftMargin: "15",
1106 chartRightMargin: "10"
1107 }
1108 },
1110 // 61. Spark Win/Loss
1111 sparkwinloss: {
1112 chart: {
1113 winColor: "#6EC85A",
1114 lossColor: "#E64141",
1115 drawColor: "F0DC46",
1116 scoreLessColor: "#36B5D8",
1117 periodColor: "#4B4B4B",
1118 periodAlpha: "50",
1119 chartLeftMargin: "15",
1120 chartRightMargin: "10"
1121 }
1122 },
1124 // 62. Horizontal bullet graph
1125 hbullet: {
1126 chart: {
1127 adjustTM: "1",
1128 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
1129 minortmnumber: "1",
1130 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
1131 minortmHeight: "5",
1132 majorTMHeight: "10",
1133 minorTMAlpha: "50",
1134 tickValueDistance: "5",
1135 showValue: "0",
1136 colorRangeFillMix: "{light+0}",
1137 targetCapStyle: "round",
1138 plotFillColor: "#3A3A3A",
1139 targetColor: "#3A3A3A"
1140 }
1141 },
1143 // 63. Vertical bullet graph
1144 vbullet: {
1145 chart: {
1146 adjustTM: "1",
1147 majorTMColor: "#F6F6F6",
1148 minortmnumber: "1",
1149 setAdaptiveMin: "1",
1150 minortmHeight: "5",
1151 majorTMHeight: "10",
1152 minorTMAlpha: "50",
1153 tickValueDistance: "5",
1154 showValue: "0",
1155 colorRangeFillMix: "{light+0}",
1156 targetCapStyle: "round",
1157 plotFillColor: "#3A3A3A",
1158 targetColor: "#3A3A3A"
1159 }
1160 },
1162 // 64. Funnel Chart
1163 funnel: {
1164 chart: {
1165 is2D: "1",
1166 isSmartLineSlanted: "0",
1167 smartLineColor: "#999CA5",
1168 smartLineThickness: "1",
1169 smartLabelClearance: "0",
1170 streamlinedData: "1",
1171 useSameSlantAngle: "1",
1172 alignCaptionWithCanvas: "1",
1173 showPlotBorder: "1",
1174 plotBorderColor: "#262A33",
1175 plotBorderThickness: "1",
1176 plotBorderAlpha: "100",
1177 labelFontColor: "#999CA5"
1178 }
1179 },
1181 // 65. Pyramid Chart
1182 pyramid: {
1183 chart: {
1184 is2D: "1",
1185 isSmartLineSlanted: "0",
1186 smartLineColor: "#999CA5",
1187 smartLineThickness: "1",
1188 smartLabelClearance: "0",
1189 streamlinedData: "1",
1190 useSameSlantAngle: "1",
1191 alignCaptionWithCanvas: "1",
1192 use3dlighting: "0",
1193 showPlotBorder: "1",
1194 plotBorderColor: "#262A33",
1195 plotBorderThickness: "1",
1196 plotBorderAlpha: "100",
1197 labelFontColor: "#999CA5"
1198 }
1199 },
1201 // 66. Gantt Chart
1202 gantt: {
1203 chart: {
1204 taskBarFillMix: "{light+0}",
1205 flatScrollBars: "1",
1206 gridBorderAlpha: "100",
1207 gridBorderColor: "#4B4B4B",
1208 ganttLineColor: "#4B4B4B",
1209 ganttLineAlpha: "100",
1210 taskBarRoundRadius: "3",
1211 showHoverEffect: "1",
1212 plotHoverEffect: "1",
1213 plotFillHoverAlpha: "50",
1214 showCategoryHoverBand: "1",
1215 categoryHoverBandAlpha: "50",
1216 showGanttPaneVerticalHoverBand: "1",
1217 showProcessHoverBand: "1",
1218 processHoverBandAlpha: "50",
1219 showGanttPaneHorizontalHoverBand: "1",
1220 showConnectorHoverEffect: "1",
1221 connectorHoverAlpha: "50",
1222 showTaskHoverEffect: "1",
1223 taskHoverFillAlpha: "50",
1224 slackHoverFillAlpha: "50",
1225 scrollShowButtons: "0",
1226 drawCustomLegendIcon: "0",
1227 legendShadow: "0",
1228 legendBorderAlpha: "0",
1229 legendBorderThickness: "0",
1230 legendIconBorderThickness: "0",
1231 legendBgAlpha: "0"
1232 },
1233 categories: [
1234 {
1235 fontcolor: "#F6F6F6",
1236 fontsize: "14",
1237 bgcolor: "#888A8F",
1238 hoverBandAlpha: "45",
1239 showGanttPaneHoverBand: "1",
1240 bgAlpha: "50",
1241 headerbgAlpha: "50",
1242 showHoverBand: "1",
1243 category: [
1244 {
1245 fontcolor: "#F6F6F6",
1246 fontsize: "14",
1247 bgAlpha: "50",
1248 bgcolor: "#888A8F"
1249 }
1250 ]
1251 }
1252 ],
1254 tasks: {
1255 showBorder: "0",
1256 showHoverEffect: "0",
1257 task: [
1258 {
1259 color: "#36B5D8"
1260 }
1261 ]
1262 },
1263 processes: {
1264 fontcolor: "#F6F6F6",
1265 isanimated: "0",
1266 bgcolor: "#888A8F",
1267 headerbgAlpha: "50",
1268 bgAlpha: "50",
1269 headerbgcolor: "#888A8F",
1270 headerfontcolor: "#F6F6F6",
1271 showGanttPaneHoverBand: "1",
1272 showHoverBand: "1"
1273 },
1275 text: {
1276 fontcolor: "#F6F6F6",
1277 bgcolor: "#888A8F",
1278 bgAlpha: "50"
1279 },
1281 datatable: {
1282 fontcolor: "#F6F6F6",
1283 bgcolor: "#888A8F",
1284 bgAlpha: "50",
1285 datacolumn: [
1286 {
1287 bgcolor: "#888A8F",
1288 bgAlpha: "50"
1289 }
1290 ]
1291 },
1293 connectors: [
1294 {
1295 hoverThickness: "2",
1296 connector: [
1297 {
1298 color: "#E09653"
1299 }
1300 ]
1301 }
1302 ],
1304 milestones: {
1305 milestone: [
1306 {
1307 color: "#6EC85A"
1308 }
1309 ]
1310 }
1311 },
1313 // 67. Logarithmic Column 2D Chart
1314 logmscolumn2d: {
1315 chart: {
1316 drawCrossLine: "1",
1317 showLegend: "1",
1318 legendIconSides: "4"
1319 }
1320 },
1322 // 68. Logarithmic Line 2D Chart
1323 logmsline: {
1324 chart: {
1325 showLegend: "1",
1326 legendIconSides: "2",
1327 drawCrossLine: "1",
1328 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1329 lineThickness: "2",
1330 drawAnchors: "1",
1331 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1332 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1333 anchorRadius: "4",
1334 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1335 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1336 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1337 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
1338 }
1339 },
1341 // 69. Single-Series Spline 2D
1342 spline: {
1343 chart: {
1344 paletteColors: "#36B5D8",
1345 anchorBgColor: "#36B5D8",
1346 // drawCrossLine: "1",
1347 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1348 lineThickness: "2",
1349 drawAnchors: "1",
1350 anchorRadius: "4",
1351 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1352 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1353 anchorBgHoverColor: "#262A33",
1354 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1355 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
1356 }
1357 },
1359 // 70. Single-Series Spline Area 2D
1360 splinearea: {
1361 chart: {
1362 drawAnchors: "0",
1363 paletteColors: "#36B5D8",
1364 // drawCrossLine: "1",
1365 plotFillAlpha: "85"
1366 }
1367 },
1369 // 71. Multi-Series Spline 2D
1370 msspline: {
1371 chart: {
1372 showLegend: "1",
1373 legendIconSides: "2",
1374 // drawCrossLine: "1",
1375 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1376 lineThickness: "2",
1377 drawAnchors: "1",
1378 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1379 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1380 anchorRadius: "4",
1381 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1382 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1383 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1384 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
1385 }
1386 },
1388 // 72. Multi-Series Spline Area 2D
1389 mssplinearea: {
1390 chart: {
1391 showLegend: "1",
1392 legendIconSides: "4",
1393 plotFillAlpha: "70"
1394 // drawCrossLine: "1"
1395 }
1396 },
1398 // 73. Error Bar Chart
1399 errorbar2d: {
1400 chart: {
1401 showLegend: "1",
1402 legendIconSides: "4",
1403 errorBarColor: "#999CA5",
1404 errorBarThickness: "1"
1405 }
1406 },
1408 // 74. Error Line 2D Chart
1409 errorline: {
1410 chart: {
1411 showLegend: "1",
1412 legendIconSides: "2",
1413 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1414 lineThickness: "2",
1415 drawAnchors: "1",
1416 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1417 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1418 anchorRadius: "4",
1419 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1420 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1421 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1422 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1423 errorBarColor: "#999CA5",
1424 errorBarThickness: "1"
1425 }
1426 },
1428 // 75. Error Scatter Chart
1429 errorscatter: {
1430 chart: {
1431 showLegend: "1",
1432 drawCustomLegendIcon: "0",
1433 drawAnchors: "1",
1434 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1435 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1436 anchorRadius: "4",
1437 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1438 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1439 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1440 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1441 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1442 divLineAlpha: "100",
1443 vDivLineAlpha: "100",
1444 errorBarColor: "#999CA5",
1445 errorBarThickness: "1"
1446 },
1447 dataset: [
1448 {
1449 regressionLineColor: "#F6F6F6",
1450 regressionLineThickness: "1"
1451 }
1452 ]
1453 },
1455 // 76. Inverse Y-Axis Area 2D Chart
1456 inversemsarea: {
1457 chart: {
1458 showLegend: "1",
1459 legendIconSides: "2",
1460 plotFillAlpha: "70",
1461 drawCrossLine: "1"
1462 }
1463 },
1465 // 77. Inverse Y-Axis Column 2D Chart
1466 inversemscolumn2d: {
1467 chart: {
1468 drawCrossLine: "1",
1469 showLegend: "1",
1470 legendIconSides: "4"
1471 }
1472 },
1474 // 78. Inverse Y-Axis Line 2D Chart
1475 inversemsline: {
1476 chart: {
1477 showLegend: "1",
1478 legendIconSides: "2",
1479 drawCrossLine: "1",
1480 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1481 lineThickness: "2",
1482 drawAnchors: "1",
1483 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1484 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1485 anchorRadius: "4",
1486 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1487 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1488 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1489 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
1490 }
1491 },
1493 // 79. Drag-able Column 2D Chart
1494 dragcolumn2d: {
1495 chart: {
1496 showLegend: "1",
1497 legendIconSides: "4"
1498 },
1499 categories: [
1500 {
1501 category: [
1502 {
1503 fontItalic: "1"
1504 }
1505 ]
1506 }
1507 ],
1508 dataset: [
1509 {
1510 allowDrag: "1",
1511 data: [
1512 {
1513 alpha: "70"
1514 }
1515 ]
1516 }
1517 ]
1518 },
1520 // 80. Drag-able Line 2D Chart
1521 dragline: {
1522 chart: {
1523 showLegend: "1",
1524 legendIconSides: "2",
1525 drawCrossLine: "1",
1526 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1527 lineThickness: "2",
1528 drawAnchors: "1",
1529 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1530 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1531 anchorRadius: "4",
1532 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1533 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1534 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1535 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
1536 },
1537 categories: [
1538 {
1539 category: [
1540 {
1541 fontItalic: "1"
1542 }
1543 ]
1544 }
1545 ],
1546 dataset: [
1547 {
1548 allowDrag: "1",
1549 data: [
1550 {
1551 alpha: "70",
1552 dashed: "1"
1553 }
1554 ]
1555 }
1556 ]
1557 },
1559 // 81. Drag-able Area 2D Chart
1560 dragarea: {
1561 chart: {
1562 showLegend: "1",
1563 legendIconSides: "2",
1564 plotFillAlpha: "70",
1565 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1566 anchorRadius: "4",
1567 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1568 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1569 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1570 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
1571 },
1572 categories: [
1573 {
1574 category: [
1575 {
1576 fontItalic: "1"
1577 }
1578 ]
1579 }
1580 ],
1581 dataset: [
1582 {
1583 allowDrag: "1"
1584 }
1585 ]
1586 },
1588 // 82. Treemap Chart
1589 treemap: {
1590 chart: {
1591 parentLabelLineHeight: "13",
1592 baseFontSize: "11",
1593 labelFontSize: "11",
1594 showParent: "1",
1595 showNavigationBar: "0",
1596 plotBorderThickness: "0.75",
1597 plotBorderColor: "#4B4B4B",
1598 labelGlow: "0",
1599 btnBackChartTooltext: "Back",
1600 btnResetChartTooltext: "Home",
1601 legendScaleLineThickness: "0",
1602 legendaxisborderalpha: "0",
1603 legendShadow: "0",
1604 toolbarButtonScale: "1.55",
1605 legendPointerColor: "#262A33",
1606 legendpointerbordercolor: "#F6F6F6",
1607 legendPointerAlpha: "80",
1608 defaultParentBgColor: "#36B5D8",
1609 fontcolor: "#F6F6F6"
1610 },
1611 data: [
1612 {
1613 fillColor: "#4A5264"
1614 }
1615 ]
1616 },
1618 // 83. Radar Chart
1619 radar: {
1620 chart: {
1621 showLegend: "1",
1622 legendIconSides: "2",
1623 lineThickness: "2",
1624 drawAnchors: "0",
1625 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1626 plotFillAlpha: "45",
1627 anchorBgAlpha: "45",
1628 radarBorderColor: "#4B4B4B",
1629 radarBorderThickness: "1.5",
1630 radarSpikeColor: "#4B4B4B",
1631 radarSpikeThickness: "1",
1632 radarSpikeAlpha: "50",
1633 radarFillColor: "#262A33",
1634 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6"
1635 }
1636 },
1638 // 84. Heat Map Chart
1639 heatmap: {
1640 chart: {
1641 labelFontSize: "13",
1642 showPlotBorder: "1",
1643 plotBorderAlpha: "100",
1644 plotBorderThickness: "0.75",
1645 plotBorderColor: "#979797",
1646 tlFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1647 tlFont: "Fira Sans Light",
1648 tlFontSize: "11",
1649 trFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1650 trFont: "Fira Sans Light",
1651 trFontSize: "11",
1652 blFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1653 blFont: "Fira Sans Light",
1654 blFontSize: "11",
1655 brFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1656 brFont: "Fira Sans Light",
1657 brFontSize: "11",
1658 captionPadding: "20",
1659 legendScaleLineThickness: "0",
1660 legendaxisborderalpha: "0",
1661 legendShadow: "0",
1662 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1663 legendPointerColor: "#262A33",
1664 legendpointerbordercolor: "#F6F6F6",
1665 legendPointerAlpha: "80"
1666 },
1667 colorrange: {
1668 gradient: "1",
1669 code: "#36B5D8"
1670 }
1671 },
1673 // 85. Box and Whisker Chart
1674 boxandwhisker2d: {
1675 chart: {
1676 paletteColors: "#36B5D8, #8BD4E9, #F0DC46, #F9F1B4, #F066AC, #F8B3D6",
1677 drawCustomLegendIcon: "0",
1678 showLegend: "1",
1679 showDetailedLegend: "1",
1680 showAllOutliers: "1",
1681 outlierIconShape: "polygon",
1682 outlierIconRadius: "6",
1683 outlierIconSides: "2",
1684 outlierIconColor: "#F6F6F6",
1685 outlierIconAlpha: "70",
1686 upperWhiskerColor: "#999CA5",
1687 upperWhiskerAlpha: "100",
1688 upperWhiskerThickness: "1",
1689 lowerWhiskerColor: "#999CA5",
1690 lowerWhiskerAlpha: "100",
1691 lowerWhiskerThickness: "1",
1692 medianColor: "#262A33",
1693 medianThickness: "1.3",
1694 medianAlpha: "100",
1695 meanIconShape: "polygon",
1696 meanIconSides: "2",
1697 meanIconColor: "#F6F6F6",
1698 meanIconAlpha: "70",
1699 meanIconRadius: "3",
1700 SDIconColor: "#F6F6F6",
1701 SDIconAlpha: "80",
1702 MDIconColor: "#F6F6F6",
1703 MDIconAlpha: "80",
1704 QDIconColor: "#F6F6F6",
1705 QSDIconAlpha: "80",
1706 connectNullData: "1"
1707 }
1708 },
1710 // 86. Candle-Stick Chart
1711 candlestick: {
1712 chart: {
1713 showShadow: "0",
1714 showVPlotBorder: "0",
1715 bearFillColor: "#E64141",
1716 bullFillColor: "#6EC85A",
1717 plotLineThickness: "0.5",
1718 plotLineAlpha: "100",
1719 divLineDashed: "0",
1720 showDetailedLegend: "1",
1721 legendIconSides: "2",
1722 showHoverEffect: "1",
1723 plotHoverEffect: "1",
1724 showVolumeChart: "0",
1725 trendLineColor: "#F6F6F6",
1726 trendLineThickness: "1",
1727 trendValueAlpha: "100",
1728 rollOverBandAlpha: "60",
1729 rollOverBandColor: "#4B4B4B",
1730 trendlineAlpha: "100",
1731 showTrendlinesOnTop: "1"
1732 },
1734 categories: [
1735 {
1736 verticalLineColor: "#4B4B4B",
1737 verticalLineThickness: "1",
1738 verticalLineAlpha: "50"
1739 }
1740 ],
1742 trendlines: [
1743 {
1744 line: [
1745 {
1746 color: "#F6F6F6"
1747 }
1748 ]
1749 }
1750 ],
1752 vTRendlines: [
1753 {
1754 line: [
1755 {
1756 color: "#F6F6F6"
1757 }
1758 ]
1759 }
1760 ]
1761 },
1763 // 87. Drag Node Chart
1764 dragnode: {
1765 chart: {
1766 use3DLighting: "0",
1767 plotBorderThickness: "0",
1768 plotBorderAlpha: "0",
1769 showDetailedLegend: "1",
1770 divLineAlpha: "0"
1771 },
1772 dataset: [
1773 {
1774 color: "#36B5D8"
1775 }
1776 ],
1777 connectors: [
1778 {
1779 connector: [
1780 {
1781 color: "#F0DC46",
1782 strength: "1"
1783 }
1784 ]
1785 }
1786 ]
1787 },
1789 // 88. Step Line Chart
1790 msstepline: {
1791 chart: {
1792 drawAnchors: "0",
1793 lineThickness: "2",
1794 showValues: "0",
1795 legendIconSides: "2",
1796 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1797 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1798 anchorRadius: "4",
1799 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1800 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1801 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1802 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1803 setAdaptiveYMin: "1"
1804 }
1805 },
1807 // 89. Multi-axis Line Chart
1808 multiaxisline: {
1809 chart: {
1810 showValues: "0",
1811 showLegend: "1",
1812 legendIconSides: "2",
1813 lineThickness: "2",
1814 connectNullData: "1",
1815 divLineDashed: "0",
1816 divLineColor: "#4B4B4B",
1817 divLineAlpha: "50",
1818 vDivLineColor: "#4B4B4B",
1819 vdivLineAlpha: "50",
1820 vDivLineDashed: "0",
1821 yAxisNameFontSize: "12",
1822 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1823 drawAnchors: "1",
1824 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1825 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1826 anchorRadius: "4",
1827 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1828 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1829 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1830 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1831 checkBoxColor: "#262A33"
1832 },
1834 axis: [
1835 {
1836 divLineColor: "#4B4B4B",
1837 divLineAlpha: "50",
1838 setAdaptiveYMin: "1",
1839 divLineDashed: "0"
1840 }
1841 ]
1842 },
1844 // 90. Multi-level Pie Chart
1845 multilevelpie: {
1846 chart: {
1847 valueFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1848 valueFontBold: "1",
1849 valueFontSize: "12.5",
1850 valueFont: "Fira Sans Light",
1851 useHoverColor: "1",
1852 hoverFillColor: "#4B4B4B",
1853 showHoverEffect: "1",
1854 plotHoverEffect: "1",
1855 showPlotBorder: "1",
1856 plotBorderColor: "#262A33",
1857 plotBorderThickness: "0.75",
1858 plotBorderAlpha: "100"
1859 },
1861 category: [
1862 {
1863 color: "#262A33",
1864 category: [
1865 {
1866 color: "#36B5D8",
1867 category: [
1868 {
1869 color: "#36B5D8"
1870 }
1871 ]
1872 }
1873 ]
1874 }
1875 ]
1876 },
1878 // 91. Select-Scatter Chart
1879 selectscatter: {
1880 chart: {
1881 showLegend: "1",
1882 drawCustomLegendIcon: "0",
1883 drawAnchors: "1",
1884 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
1885 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
1886 anchorRadius: "4",
1887 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
1888 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
1889 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
1890 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
1891 outCnvBaseFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
1892 divLineAlpha: "100",
1893 vDivLineAlpha: "100"
1894 }
1895 },
1897 // 92. Waterfall / Cascade Chart
1898 waterfall2d: {
1899 chart: {
1900 showValues: "0",
1901 positiveColor: "#6EC85A",
1902 negativeColor: "#E64141",
1903 showConnectors: "1",
1904 connectorDashed: "1",
1905 connectorThickness: "1",
1906 connectorColor: "#F6F6F6",
1907 connectorAlpha: "40"
1908 }
1909 },
1911 // 93. Kagi Chart
1912 kagi: {
1913 chart: {
1914 rallyThickness: "2",
1915 declineThickness: "2",
1916 drawAnchors: "0",
1917 rallyColor: "#6EC85A",
1918 declineColor: "#E64141",
1919 showValues: "0"
1920 }
1921 },
1923 // 94 Geo Maps
1924 geo: {
1925 chart: {
1926 showLabels: "0",
1927 legendScaleLineThickness: "0",
1928 legendaxisborderalpha: "0",
1929 legendShadow: "0",
1930 fillColor: "#36B5D8",
1931 showEntityHoverEffect: "1",
1932 entityFillHoverAlpha: "100",
1933 connectorHoverAlpha: "70",
1934 markerBorderHoverAlpha: "70",
1935 showBorder: "1",
1936 borderColor: "#979797",
1937 borderThickness: "0.5",
1938 nullEntityColor: "#B9B9B9",
1939 nullEntityAlpha: "30",
1940 entityFillHoverColor: "#36B5D8",
1941 legendPointerColor: "#262A33",
1942 legendpointerbordercolor: "#F6F6F6",
1943 legendPointerAlpha: "80"
1944 },
1945 colorrange: {
1946 gradient: "1",
1947 code: "#36B5D8"
1948 }
1949 },
1951 // 95. Overlapped Column 2D Chart
1952 overlappedcolumn2d: {
1953 chart: {
1954 drawCrossLine: "1",
1955 showLegend: "1",
1956 legendIconSides: "4"
1957 }
1958 },
1960 // 96. Overlapped Bar 2D Chart
1961 overlappedbar2d: {
1962 chart: {
1963 drawCrossLine: "1",
1964 showLegend: "1",
1965 legendIconSides: "4"
1966 }
1967 },
1969 // 97. Scroll Bar2D Chart
1970 scrollbar2d: {
1971 chart: {
1972 drawCrossLine: "1",
1973 showLegend: "1",
1974 legendIconSides: "4",
1975 flatScrollBars: "1",
1976 scrollShowButtons: "0",
1977 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
1978 scrollWidth: "10"
1979 }
1980 },
1982 // 98. Scroll Stacked Bar2D Chart
1983 scrollstackedbar2d: {
1984 chart: {
1985 showLegend: "1",
1986 legendIconSides: "4",
1987 drawCrossLine: "1",
1988 flatScrollBars: "1",
1989 scrollShowButtons: "0",
1990 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
1991 scrollWidth: "10"
1992 }
1993 },
1995 // 99. Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column2D Chart
1996 scrollmsstackedcolumn2d: {
1997 chart: {
1998 showLegend: "1",
1999 legendIconSides: "4",
2000 flatScrollBars: "1",
2001 scrollShowButtons: "0",
2002 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
2003 scrollheight: "10"
2004 }
2005 },
2007 // 100. Scroll Multi-series Stacked Column2D + Line Dual Y-Axis
2008 scrollmsstackedcolumn2dlinedy: {
2009 chart: {
2010 lineThickness: "3",
2011 showLegend: "1",
2012 drawCrossLine: "1",
2013 drawAnchors: "1",
2014 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
2015 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
2016 anchorRadius: "4",
2017 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
2018 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
2019 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
2020 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
2021 flatScrollBars: "1",
2022 scrollShowButtons: "0",
2023 scrollColor: "#ABABAB",
2024 scrollheight: "10"
2025 }
2026 },
2028 // 101. Stacked Column2D + Line Dual Y-Axis Chart
2029 stackedcolumn2dlinedy: {
2030 chart: {
2031 lineThickness: "3",
2032 showLegend: "1",
2033 drawCrossLine: "1",
2034 drawAnchors: "1",
2035 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
2036 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
2037 anchorRadius: "4",
2038 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
2039 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
2040 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
2041 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
2042 }
2043 },
2045 // 102. Stacked Area2D + Line Dual Y-Axis Chart
2046 stackedarea2dlinedy: {
2047 chart: {
2048 showLegend: "1",
2049 legendIconSides: "4",
2050 plotFillAlpha: "85",
2051 drawCrossLine: "1",
2052 lineThickness: "3",
2053 drawAnchors: "1",
2054 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
2055 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
2056 anchorRadius: "4",
2057 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
2058 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
2059 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
2060 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100"
2061 }
2062 },
2064 // 103. Multi-series 3D Single Y Combination Chart
2065 mscombidy3d: {
2066 chart: {
2067 lineThickness: "3",
2068 showLegend: "1",
2069 drawAnchors: "1",
2070 legendIconBorderThickness: "2",
2071 anchorBgColor: "#262A33",
2072 anchorRadius: "4",
2073 anchorHoverRadius: "7",
2074 anchorBorderHoverThickness: "1",
2075 anchorBorderHoverColor: "#ECEBE4",
2076 anchorBgHoverAlpha: "100",
2077 canvasBaseDepth: "2",
2078 canvasBaseColor: "#4D5058"
2079 }
2080 },
2082 // 104. Sankey Diagram
2083 sankey: {
2084 chart: {
2085 nodeLabelFontSize: 13,
2086 nodeLabelFontColor: "#999CA5",
2087 nodeLabelPosition: "end",
2088 nodeAlpha: 100,
2089 linkAlpha: 50,
2090 nodeHoverAlpha: 100,
2091 linkHoverAlpha: 100,
2092 enableDrag: 0,
2093 plothighlighteffect: "fadeout",
2094 linkColor: "blend"
2095 }
2096 },
2098 // 105. Sunburst Chart
2099 sunburst: {
2100 chart: {
2101 valueFontColor: "#F6F6F6",
2102 valueFontBold: 1,
2103 valueFontSize: "12.5",
2104 valueFont: "Fira Sans Light",
2105 showPlotBorder: 1,
2106 plotBorderColor: "#262A33",
2107 plotBorderThickness: 0.75,
2108 plotBorderAlpha: 100,
2109 unfocussedAlpha: 50,
2110 hoverFillAlpha: 100
2111 }
2112 },
2114 // 106. Chord Diagram
2115 chord: {
2116 chart: {
2117 drawCustomLegendIcon: 0,
2118 legendPosition: "right",
2119 nodeThickness: 15,
2120 nodeLabelColor: "#999CA5",
2121 nodeLabelFontSize: 13,
2122 nodeLabelPosition: "outside",
2123 nodeHoverAlpha: 100,
2124 nodeLinkPadding: 5,
2125 nodeBorderColor: "#262A33",
2126 nodeBorderThickness: 0.75,
2127 nodeAlpha: 100,
2128 linkAlpha: 50,
2129 linkBorderAlpha: 50,
2130 linkHoverAlpha: 100
2131 }
2132 },
2134 // timeseries
2135 timeseries: {
2136 // caption styling
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2156 chart: {
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2158 "#36B5D8, #F066AC, #6EC85A, #6E80CA, #E09653, #F0DC46, #E1D7AD, #61C8C8, #EBE4F4, #E64141",
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2211 }
2212 }
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2214 window: {
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2216 handle: {
2217 fill: "#ABABAB"
2218 },
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2220 opacity: 0.15,
2221 stroke: "#4B4B4B",
2222 "stroke-width": 0.55
2223 }
2224 }
2225 }
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2229 line: {
2230 stroke: "#4B4B4B",
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2232 opacity: 0.6
2233 }
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2351 xaxis: {
2352 timemarker: [
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2374 stroke: "#e64141"
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2377 stroke: "#d81c1c"
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2399 stroke: "#4B4B4B",
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2418 plotconfig: {
2419 column: {
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2421 "plot:hover": {
2422 opacity: 0.5
2423 },
2424 "plot:highlight": {
2425 opacity: 0.75
2426 }
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2431 plot: {
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2444 }
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2446 candlestick: {
2447 style: {
2448 bear: {
2449 stroke: "#E64141",
2450 fill: "#E64141"
2451 },
2452 bull: {
2453 stroke: "#6EC85A",
2454 fill: "#6EC85A"
2455 },
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2457 opacity: 0.5
2458 },
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2460 opacity: 0.75
2461 },
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2463 opacity: 0.5
2464 },
2465 "bull:highlight": {
2466 opacity: 0.75
2467 }
2468 }
2469 },
2470 ohlc: {
2471 style: {
2472 bear: {
2473 stroke: "#E64141",
2474 fill: "#E64141"
2475 },
2476 bull: {
2477 stroke: "#6EC85A",
2478 fill: "#6EC85A"
2479 },
2480 "bear:hover": {
2481 opacity: 0.5
2482 },
2483 "bear:highlight": {
2484 opacity: 0.75
2485 },
2486 "bull:hover": {
2487 opacity: 0.5
2488 },
2489 "bull:highlight": {
2490 opacity: 0.75
2491 }
2492 }
2493 }
2494 },
2495 yaxis: [
2496 {
2497 style: {
2498 title: {
2499 "font-size": 14,
2500 "font-family": "Fira Sans Regular",
2501 fill: "#999CA5"
2502 },
2503 "tick-mark": {
2504 stroke: "#4B4B4B",
2505 "stroke-width": 0.5
2506 },
2507 "grid-line": {
2508 stroke: "#4B4B4B",
2509 "stroke-width": 0.5
2510 },
2511 label: {
2512 color: "#999CA5"
2513 }
2514 }
2515 }
2516 ]
2517 }
2518 }
2521var index = {
2522 extension: themeObject,
2523 name: "candyTheme",
2524 type: "theme"
2527export default index;