1 | ![Continuous Integration](https://github.com/mike-marcacci/fs-capacitor/workflows/Continuous%20Integration/badge.svg) [![Current Version](https://badgen.net/npm/v/fs-capacitor)](https://npm.im/fs-capacitor) ![Supported Node.js Versions](https://badgen.net/npm/node/fs-capacitor)
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3 | # FS Capacitor
4 |
5 | FS Capacitor is a filesystem buffer for finite node streams. It supports simultaneous read/write, and can be used to create multiple independent readable streams, each starting at the beginning of the buffer.
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7 | This is useful for file uploads and other situations where you want to avoid delays to the source stream, but have slow downstream transformations to apply:
8 |
9 | ```js
10 | import fs from "fs";
11 | import http from "http";
12 | import { WriteStream } from "fs-capacitor";
13 |
14 | http.createServer((req, res) => {
15 | const capacitor = new WriteStream();
16 | const destination = fs.createWriteStream("destination.txt");
17 |
18 | // pipe data to the capacitor
19 | req.pipe(capacitor);
20 |
21 | // read data from the capacitor
22 | capacitor
23 | .createReadStream()
24 | .pipe(/* some slow Transform streams here */)
25 | .pipe(destination);
26 |
27 | // read data from the very beginning
28 | setTimeout(() => {
29 | capacitor.createReadStream().pipe(/* elsewhere */);
30 |
31 | // you can destroy a capacitor as soon as no more read streams are needed
32 | // without worrying if existing streams are fully consumed
33 | capacitor.destroy();
34 | }, 100);
35 | });
36 | ```
37 |
38 | It is especially important to use cases like [`graphql-upload`](https://github.com/jaydenseric/graphql-upload) where server code may need to stash earler parts of a stream until later parts have been processed, and needs to attach multiple consumers at different times.
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40 | FS Capacitor creates its temporary files in the directory ideneified by `os.tmpdir()` and attempts to remove them:
41 |
42 | - after `writeStream.destroy()` has been called and all read streams are fully consumed or destroyed
43 | - before the process exits
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45 | Please do note that FS Capacitor does NOT release disk space _as data is consumed_, and therefore is not suitable for use with infinite streams or those larger than the filesystem.
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47 | ### Ensuring cleanup on termination by process signal
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49 | FS Capacitor cleans up all of its temporary files before the process exits, by listening to the [node process's `exit` event](https://nodejs.org/api/process.html#process_event_exit). This event, however, is only emitted when the process is about to exit as a result of either:
50 |
51 | - The process.exit() method being called explicitly;
52 | - The Node.js event loop no longer having any additional work to perform.
53 |
54 | When the node process receives a `SIGINT`, `SIGTERM`, or `SIGHUP` signal and there is no handler, it will exit without emitting the `exit` event.
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56 | Beginning in version 3, fs-capacitor will NOT listen for these signals. Instead, the application should handle these signals according to its own logic and call `process.exit()` when it is ready to exit. This allows the application to implement its own graceful shutdown procedures, such as waiting for a stream to finish.
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58 | The following can be added to the application to ensure resources are cleaned up before a signal-induced exit:
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60 | ```js
61 | function shutdown() {
62 | // Any sync or async graceful shutdown procedures can be run before exiting…
63 | process.exit(0);
64 | }
65 |
66 | process.on("SIGINT", shutdown);
67 | process.on("SIGTERM", shutdown);
68 | process.on("SIGHUP", shutdown);
69 | ```
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71 | ## API
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73 | ### WriteStream
74 |
75 | `WriteStream` extends [`stream.Writable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_implementing_a_writable_stream)
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77 | #### `new WriteStream(options: WriteStreamOptions)`
78 |
79 | Create a new `WriteStream` instance.
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81 | #### `.createReadStream(options?: ReadStreamOptions): ReadStream`
82 |
83 | Create a new `ReadStream` instance attached to the `WriteStream` instance.
84 |
85 | Calling `.createReadStream()` on a released `WriteStream` will throw a `ReadAfterReleasedError` error.
86 |
87 | Calling `.createReadStream()` on a destroyed `WriteStream` will throw a `ReadAfterDestroyedError` error.
88 |
89 | As soon as a `ReadStream` ends or is closed (such as by calling `readStream.destroy()`), it is detached from its `WriteStream`.
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91 | #### `.release(): void`
92 |
93 | Release the `WriteStream`'s claim on the underlying resources. Once called, destruction of underlying resources is performed as soon as all attached `ReadStream`s are removed.
94 |
95 | #### `.destroy(error?: ?Error): void`
96 |
97 | Destroy the `WriteStream` and all attached `ReadStream`s. If `error` is present, attached `ReadStream`s are destroyed with the same error.
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99 | ### WriteStreamOptions
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101 | #### `.highWaterMark?: number`
102 |
103 | Uses node's default of `16384` (16kb). Optional buffer size at which the writable stream will begin returning `false`. See [node's docs for `stream.Writable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_constructor_new_stream_writable_options). For the curious, node has [a guide on backpressure in streams](https://nodejs.org/es/docs/guides/backpressuring-in-streams/).
104 |
105 | #### `.defaultEncoding`
106 |
107 | Uses node's default of `utf8`. Optional default encoding to use when no encoding is specified as an argument to `stream.write()`. See [node's docs for `stream.Writable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_constructor_new_stream_writable_options). Possible values depend on the version of node, and are [defined in node's buffer implementation](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/buffer.js);
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109 | #### `.tmpdir`
110 |
111 | Used node's [`os.tmpdir`](https://nodejs.org/api/os.html#os_os_tmpdir) by default. This function returns the directory used by fs-capacitor to store file buffers, and is intended primarily for testing and debugging.
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113 | ### ReadStream
114 |
115 | `ReadStream` extends [`stream.Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_new_stream_readable_options);
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117 | ### ReadStreamOptions
118 |
119 | #### `.highWaterMark`
120 |
121 | Uses node's default of `16384` (16kb). Optional value to use as the readable stream's highWaterMark, specifying the number of bytes (for binary data) or characters (for strings) that will be bufferred into memory. See [node's docs for `stream.Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_new_stream_readable_options). For the curious, node has [a guide on backpressure in streams](https://nodejs.org/es/docs/guides/backpressuring-in-streams/).
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123 | #### `.encoding`
124 |
125 | Uses node's default of `utf8`. Optional encoding to use when the stream's output is desired as a string. See [node's docs for `stream.Readable`](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_new_stream_readable_options). Possible values depend on the version of node, and are [defined in node's buffer implementation](https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/master/lib/buffer.js).