8.14 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1/*! fs-chunk-store. MIT License. Feross Aboukhadijeh <https://feross.org/opensource> */
2import fs from 'fs'
3import os from 'os'
4import parallel from 'run-parallel'
5import path from 'path'
6import queueMicrotask from 'queue-microtask'
7import RAF from 'random-access-file'
8import randombytes from 'randombytes'
9import thunky from 'thunky'
10import getFileRegex from 'filename-reserved-regex'
12const RESERVED_FILENAME_REGEX = getFileRegex()
14let TMP
15try {
16 TMP = fs.statSync('/tmp') && '/tmp'
17} catch (err) {
18 TMP = os.tmpdir()
21export default class Storage {
22 constructor (chunkLength, opts = {}) {
23 this.chunkLength = Number(chunkLength)
24 if (!this.chunkLength) throw new Error('First argument must be a chunk length')
25 this.name = opts.name || path.join('fs-chunk-store', randombytes(20).toString('hex'))
26 this.addUID = opts.addUID
28 if (opts.files) {
29 this.path = opts.path
30 if (!Array.isArray(opts.files)) {
31 throw new Error('`files` option must be an array')
32 }
33 this.files = opts.files.map((file, i, files) => {
34 if (file.path == null) throw new Error('File is missing `path` property')
35 if (file.length == null) throw new Error('File is missing `length` property')
36 if (file.offset == null) {
37 if (i === 0) {
38 file.offset = 0
39 } else {
40 const prevFile = files[i - 1]
41 file.offset = prevFile.offset + prevFile.length
42 }
43 }
44 let newPath = path.dirname(file.path)
45 const filename = path.basename(file.path)
46 if (this.path) {
47 newPath = this.addUID ? path.resolve(path.join(this.path, this.name, newPath)) : path.resolve(path.join(this.path, newPath))
48 }
49 newPath = path.join(newPath, filename.replace(RESERVED_FILENAME_REGEX, ''))
50 return { path: newPath, length: file.length, offset: file.offset }
51 })
52 this.length = this.files.reduce((sum, file) => { return sum + file.length }, 0)
53 if (opts.length != null && opts.length !== this.length) {
54 throw new Error('total `files` length is not equal to explicit `length` option')
55 }
56 } else {
57 const len = Number(opts.length) || Infinity
58 this.files = [{
59 offset: 0,
60 path: path.resolve(opts.path || path.join(TMP, this.name)),
61 length: len
62 }]
63 this.length = len
64 }
66 this.chunkMap = []
67 this.closed = false
69 this.files.forEach(file => {
70 file.open = thunky(cb => {
71 if (this.closed) return cb(new Error('Storage is closed'))
72 fs.mkdir(path.dirname(file.path), { recursive: true }, err => {
73 if (err) return cb(err)
74 if (this.closed) return cb(new Error('Storage is closed'))
75 cb(null, new RAF(file.path))
76 })
77 })
78 })
80 // If the length is Infinity (i.e. a length was not specified) then the store will
81 // automatically grow.
83 if (this.length !== Infinity) {
84 this.lastChunkLength = (this.length % this.chunkLength) || this.chunkLength
85 this.lastChunkIndex = Math.ceil(this.length / this.chunkLength) - 1
87 this.files.forEach(file => {
88 const fileStart = file.offset
89 const fileEnd = file.offset + file.length
91 const firstChunk = Math.floor(fileStart / this.chunkLength)
92 const lastChunk = Math.floor((fileEnd - 1) / this.chunkLength)
94 for (let p = firstChunk; p <= lastChunk; ++p) {
95 const chunkStart = p * this.chunkLength
96 const chunkEnd = chunkStart + this.chunkLength
98 const from = (fileStart < chunkStart) ? 0 : fileStart - chunkStart
99 const to = (fileEnd > chunkEnd) ? this.chunkLength : fileEnd - chunkStart
100 const offset = (fileStart > chunkStart) ? 0 : chunkStart - fileStart
102 if (!this.chunkMap[p]) this.chunkMap[p] = []
104 this.chunkMap[p].push({
105 from,
106 to,
107 offset,
108 file
109 })
110 }
111 })
112 }
113 }
115 put (index, buf, cb) {
116 if (typeof cb !== 'function') cb = noop
117 if (this.closed) return nextTick(cb, new Error('Storage is closed'))
119 const isLastChunk = (index === this.lastChunkIndex)
120 if (isLastChunk && buf.length !== this.lastChunkLength) {
121 return nextTick(cb, new Error('Last chunk length must be ' + this.lastChunkLength))
122 }
123 if (!isLastChunk && buf.length !== this.chunkLength) {
124 return nextTick(cb, new Error('Chunk length must be ' + this.chunkLength))
125 }
127 if (this.length === Infinity) {
128 this.files[0].open((err, file) => {
129 if (err) return cb(err)
130 file.write(index * this.chunkLength, buf, cb)
131 })
132 } else {
133 const targets = this.chunkMap[index]
134 if (!targets) return nextTick(cb, new Error('no files matching the request range'))
135 const tasks = targets.map((target) => {
136 return (cb) => {
137 target.file.open((err, file) => {
138 if (err) return cb(err)
139 file.write(target.offset, buf.slice(target.from, target.to), cb)
140 })
141 }
142 })
143 parallel(tasks, cb)
144 }
145 }
147 get (index, opts, cb) {
148 if (typeof opts === 'function') return this.get(index, null, opts)
149 if (this.closed) return nextTick(cb, new Error('Storage is closed'))
151 const chunkLength = (index === this.lastChunkIndex)
152 ? this.lastChunkLength
153 : this.chunkLength
155 const rangeFrom = (opts && opts.offset) || 0
156 const rangeTo = (opts && opts.length) ? rangeFrom + opts.length : chunkLength
158 if (rangeFrom < 0 || rangeFrom < 0 || rangeTo > chunkLength) {
159 return nextTick(cb, new Error('Invalid offset and/or length'))
160 }
162 if (this.length === Infinity) {
163 if (rangeFrom === rangeTo) return nextTick(cb, null, Buffer.from(0))
164 this.files[0].open((err, file) => {
165 if (err) return cb(err)
166 const offset = (index * this.chunkLength) + rangeFrom
167 file.read(offset, rangeTo - rangeFrom, cb)
168 })
169 } else {
170 let targets = this.chunkMap[index]
171 if (!targets) return nextTick(cb, new Error('no files matching the request range'))
172 if (opts) {
173 targets = targets.filter((target) => {
174 return target.to > rangeFrom && target.from < rangeTo
175 })
176 if (targets.length === 0) {
177 return nextTick(cb, new Error('no files matching the requested range'))
178 }
179 }
180 if (rangeFrom === rangeTo) return nextTick(cb, null, Buffer.from(0))
182 const tasks = targets.map((target) => {
183 return (cb) => {
184 let from = target.from
185 let to = target.to
186 let offset = target.offset
188 if (opts) {
189 if (to > rangeTo) to = rangeTo
190 if (from < rangeFrom) {
191 offset += (rangeFrom - from)
192 from = rangeFrom
193 }
194 }
196 target.file.open((err, file) => {
197 if (err) return cb(err)
198 file.read(offset, to - from, cb)
199 })
200 }
201 })
203 parallel(tasks, (err, buffers) => {
204 if (err) return cb(err)
205 cb(null, Buffer.concat(buffers))
206 })
207 }
208 }
210 close (cb) {
211 if (this.closed) return nextTick(cb, new Error('Storage is closed'))
212 this.closed = true
214 const tasks = this.files.map((file) => {
215 return (cb) => {
216 file.open((err, file) => {
217 // an open error is okay because that means the file is not open
218 if (err) return cb(null)
219 file.close(cb)
220 })
221 }
222 })
223 parallel(tasks, cb)
224 }
226 destroy (cb) {
227 this.close(() => {
228 if (this.addUID && this.path) {
229 fs.rm(path.resolve(path.join(this.path, this.name)), { recursive: true, maxBusyTries: 10 }, cb)
230 } else {
231 const tasks = this.files.map((file) => {
232 return (cb) => {
233 fs.rm(file.path, { recursive: true, maxRetries: 10 }, err => {
234 err && err.code === 'ENOENT' ? cb() : cb(err)
235 })
236 }
237 })
238 parallel(tasks, cb)
239 }
240 })
241 }
244function nextTick (cb, err, val) {
245 queueMicrotask(() => {
246 if (cb) cb(err, val)
247 })
250function noop () {}