1 | # fs-tree-diff [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/stefanpenner/fs-tree-diff.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/stefanpenner/fs-tree-diff) [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/qmhx48hrquq08fam/branch/master?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/embercli/fs-tree-diff/branch/master)
2 |
3 |
4 | FSTree provides the means to calculate a patch (set of operations) between one file system tree and another.
5 |
6 | The possible operations are:
7 |
8 | * `unlink` – remove the specified file
9 | * `rmdir` – remove the specified folder
10 | * `mkdir` – create the specified folder
11 | * `create` – create the specified file
12 | * `change` – update the specified file to reflect changes
13 |
14 | The operations chosen aim to minimize the amount of IO required to apply a given patch.
15 | For example, a naive `rm -rf` of a directory tree is actually quite costly, as child directories
16 | must be recursively traversed, entries stated.. etc, all to figure out what first must be deleted.
17 | Since we patch from tree to tree, discovering new files is both wasteful and un-needed.
18 |
19 | The operations will also be provided in a correct order, allowing us to safely
20 | replay operations without having to first confirm the FS is as we expect. For
21 | example, `unlink`s for files will occur before a `rmdir` of those files' parent
22 | dir. Although the ordering will be safe, a specific order is not guaranteed.
23 |
24 | A simple example:
25 |
26 | ```js
27 | const FSTree = require('fs-tree-diff');
28 | const current = FSTree.fromPaths([
29 | 'a.js'
30 | ]);
31 |
32 | const next = FSTree.fromPaths([
33 | 'b.js'
34 | ]);
35 |
36 | current.calculatePatch(next) === [
37 | ['unlink', 'a.js', entryA],
38 | ['create', 'b.js', entryB]
39 | ];
40 | ```
41 |
42 | A slightly more complicated example:
43 |
44 | ```js
45 | const FSTree = require('fs-tree-diff');
46 | const current = FSTree.fromPaths([
47 | 'a.js',
48 | 'b/',
49 | 'b/f.js'
50 | ]);
51 |
52 | const next = FSTree.fromPaths([
53 | 'b.js',
54 | 'b/',
55 | 'b/c/',
56 | 'b/c/d.js',
57 | 'b/e.js'
58 | ]);
59 |
60 | current.calculatePatch(next) === [
61 | ['unlink', 'a.js', entryA],
62 | ['create', 'b.js', entryB],
63 | ['mkdir', 'b/c', entryBC],
64 | ['create', 'b/c/d.js', entryBCD],
65 | ['create', 'b/e.js', entryBE]
66 | ['unlink', 'b/f.js', entryBF],
67 | ]
68 | ```
69 |
70 | Now, the above examples do not demonstrate `change` operations. This is because
71 | when providing only paths, we do not have sufficient information to check if
72 | one entry is merely different from another with the same relativePath.
73 |
74 | For this, FSTree supports more complex input structure. To demonstrate, we
75 | will use the [walk-sync](https://github.com/joliss/node-walk-sync) module,
76 | which provides higher fidelity input, allowing FSTree to also detect changes.
77 | (See also the documentation for
78 | [walkSync.entries](https://github.com/joliss/node-walk-sync#entries).)
79 |
80 | ```js
81 | const walkSync = require('walk-sync');
82 |
83 | // path/to/root/foo.js
84 | // path/to/root/bar.js
85 | const current = new FSTree({
86 | entries: walkSync.entries('path/to/root')
87 | });
88 |
89 | writeFileSync('path/to/root/foo.js', 'new content');
90 | writeFileSync('path/to/root/baz.js', 'new file');
91 |
92 | const next = new FSTree({
93 | entries: walkSync.entries('path/to/root')
94 | });
95 |
96 | current.calculatePatch(next) === [
97 | ['change', 'foo.js', entryFoo], // mtime + size changed, so this input is stale and needs updating.
98 | ['create', 'baz.js', entryBaz] // new file, so we should create it
99 | /* bar stays the same and is left inert*/
100 | ];
101 | ```
102 |
103 | The entry objects provided depend on the operation. For `rmdir` and `unlink`
104 | operations, the current entry is provided. For `mkdir`, `change` and `create`
105 | operations the new entry is provided.
106 |
107 | ## API
108 |
109 | The public API is:
110 |
111 | - `FSTree.fromPaths` initialize a tree from an array of string paths.
112 | - `FSTree.fromEntries` initialize a tree from an array of `Entry` objects.
113 | Each entry must have the following properties (but may have more):
114 |
115 | - `relativePath`
116 | - `mode`
117 | - `size`
118 | - `mtime`
119 | - `FSTree.applyPatch(inputDir, outputDir, patch, delegate)` applies the given
120 | patch from the input directory to the output directory. You can optionally
121 | provide a delegate object to handle individual types of patch operations.
122 | - `FSTree.prototype.calculatePatch(newTree, isEqual)` calculate a patch against
123 | `newTree`. Optionally specify a custom `isEqual` (see Change Calculation).
124 | - `FSTree.prototype.calculateAndApplyPatch(newTree, inputDir, outputDir, delegate)`
125 | does a `calculatePatch` followed by `applyPatch`.
126 | - `FSTree.prototype.addEntries(entries, options)` adds entries to an
127 | existing tree. Options are the same as for `FSTree.fromEntries`.
128 | Entries added with the same path will overwrite any existing entries.
129 | - `FSTree.prototype.addPaths(paths, options)` adds paths to an
130 | existing tree. Options are the same as for `FSTree.fromPaths`.
131 | If entries already exist for any of the paths added, those entries will
132 | be updated.
133 | - `Entry.fromStat(relativePath, stat)` creates an `Entry` from a given path and
134 | [`fs.Stats`](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#fs_class_fs_stats) object. It can
135 | then be used with `fromEntries` or `addEntries`.
136 |
137 |
138 | The trees returned from `fromPaths` and `fromEntries` are relative to some base
139 | directory. `calculatePatch`, `applyPatch` and `calculateAndApplyPatch` all
140 | assume that the base directory has not changed.
141 |
142 | ## Input
143 |
144 | `FSTree.fromPaths`, `FSTree.fromEntries`, `FSTree.prototype.addPaths`,
145 | and `FSTree.prototype.addEntries` all validate their inputs. Inputs
146 | must be sorted, path-unique (i.e. two entries with the same `relativePath` but
147 | different `size`s would still be illegal input) and include intermediate
148 | directories.
149 |
150 | For example, the following input is **invalid**
151 |
152 | ```js
153 | FSTree.fromPaths([
154 | // => missing a/ and a/b/
155 | 'a/b/c.js'
156 | ]);
157 | ```
158 |
159 | To have FSTree sort and expand (include intermediate directories) for you, add
160 | the option `sortAndExpand`).
161 |
162 | ```js
163 | FStree.fromPaths([
164 | 'a/b/q/r/bar.js',
165 | 'a/b/c/d/foo.js',
166 | ], { sortAndExpand: true });
167 |
168 | // The above is equivalent to
169 |
170 | FSTree.fromPaths([
171 | 'a/',
172 | 'a/b/',
173 | 'a/b/c/',
174 | 'a/b/c/d/',
175 | 'a/b/c/d/foo.js',
176 | 'a/b/q/',
177 | 'a/b/q/r/',
178 | 'a/b/q/r/bar.js',
179 | ]);
180 | ```
181 |
182 | ## Entry
183 |
184 | `FSTree.fromEntries` requires you to supply your own `Entry` objects. Your
185 | entry objects **must** contain the following properties:
186 |
187 | - `relativePath`
188 | - `mode`
189 | - `size`
190 | - `mtime`
191 |
192 | They must also implement the following API:
193 |
194 | - `isDirectory()` `true` *iff* this entry is a directory
195 |
196 | `FSTree.fromEntries` composes well with the output of `walkSync.entries`:
197 |
198 | ```js
199 | const walkSync = require('walk-sync');
200 |
201 | // path/to/root/foo.js
202 | // path/to/root/bar.js
203 | const current = FSTree.fromEntries(walkSync.entries('path/to/root'));
204 | ```
205 |
206 | ## Change Calculation
207 |
208 | When a prior entry has a `relativePath` that matches that of a current entry, a
209 | change operation is included if the new entry is different from the previous
210 | entry. This is determined by calling `isEqual`, the optional second argument
211 | to `calculatePatch`. If no `isEqual` is provided, a default `isEqual` is used.
212 |
213 | The default `isEqual` treats directories as always equal and files as different
214 | if any of the following properties have changed.
215 |
216 | - `mode`
217 | - `size`
218 | - `mtime`
219 |
220 | User specified `isEqual` will often want to use the default `isEqual`, so it is exported on `FSTree`.
221 |
222 | Example
223 |
224 | ```js
225 | const defaultIsEqual = FSTree.defaultIsEqual;
226 |
227 | function isEqualCheckingMeta(a, b) {
228 | return defaultIsEqual(a, b) && isMetaEqual(a, b);
229 | }
230 |
231 | function isMetaEqual(a, b) {
232 | // ...
233 | }
234 | ```
235 |
236 | ## Patch Application
237 |
238 | When you want to apply changes from one tree to another easily, you can use the
239 | `FSTree.applyPatch` method. For example, given:
240 |
241 | ```js
242 | const patch = oldInputTree.calculatePatch(newInputTree);
243 | const inputDir = 'src';
244 | const outputDir = 'dist';
245 | FSTree.applyPatch(inputDir, outputDir, patch);
246 | ```
247 |
248 | It will apply the patch changes to `dist` while using `src` as a reference for
249 | non-destructive operations (`mkdir`, `create`, `change`). If you want to calculate
250 | and apply a patch without any intermediate operations, you can do:
251 |
252 | ```js
253 | const inputDir = 'src';
254 | const outputDir = 'dist';
255 | oldInputTree.calculateAndApplyPatch(newInputTree, inputDir, outputDir);
256 | ```
257 |
258 | You can optionally provide a delegate object to handle applying specific types
259 | of operations:
260 |
261 | ```js
262 | let createCount = 0;
263 | FSTree.applyPatch(inputDir, outputDir, patch, {
264 | create: function(inputPath, outputPath, relativePath) {
265 | createCount++;
266 | copy(inputPath, outputPath);
267 | }
268 | });
269 | ```
270 |
271 | The available delegate functions are the same as the supported operations:
272 | `unlink`, `rmdir`, `mkdir`, `create`, and `change`. Each delegate function
273 | receives the reference `inputPath`, the `outputPath`, and `relativePath` of the file
274 | or directory for which to apply the operation.
275 |