4.82 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#!/usr/bin/env node
3const chalk = require("chalk");
4const generateFScripts = require("./lib/generateFScripts.js");
5const parseScriptFile = require("./lib/parseScriptsMd.js");
6// const parseScriptPackage = require("./lib/parseScriptsPackage");
7const generateToc = require("./lib/generateToc");
8const runSequence = require("./lib/runSequence");
9const runParallel = require("./lib/runParallel");
10const runCLICommand = require("./lib/runCLICommand");
11const { startPackageScripts, startScripts, clearRecent } = require("./lib/startScripts.js");
12const taskName = chalk.rgb(39, 173, 96).bold.underline;
13const textDescription = chalk.rgb(159, 161, 181);
14const optionList = require("./lib/optionList");
16const argv = require("yargs")
17 .usage("Usage: $0 <command> [options]")
18 .command("", "Choose a script runner command", yargs => {}, async function() {})
19 .example(`${taskName("$0")}`, `${textDescription("Choose a script runner command")}`)
20 .command("start", "Choose category then task to run", yargs => {}, async function() {
21 if ((await startScripts()) === false) {
22 await startPackageScripts();
23 }
24 })
25 .example(`${taskName("$0 start")}`, `${textDescription("Open a task selection selector")}`)
26 .command("scripts", "Choose a script from package.json", yargs => {}, async function() {
27 await startPackageScripts();
28 })
29 .example(`${taskName("$0 scripts")}`, `${textDescription("Choose a script from package.json")}`)
30 .command("list", "Select any task with text autocompletion", () => {}, async function(argv) {
31 await startScripts(false);
32 // const tasks = await scriptsParsed().allTasks;
33 })
34 .example(`${taskName("$0 list")}`, `${textDescription("Show you all tasks you can run")}`)
35 .command("run", "Run a specific task", () => {}, async function(argv) {
36 let task = argv._[1];
37 const FcScripts = await parseScriptFile();
38 let taskIndex = FcScripts.allTasks.findIndex(t => t.name === task);
39 let taskData = FcScripts.allTasks[taskIndex];
40 let runCommand = taskData["script"].split(" ");
41 let type = runCommand.shift();
42 let params = runCommand.join(" ");
43 let args = Object.keys(argv)
44 .filter(e => e !== "_" && e !== "$0")
45 .map(e => ` --${e}=${argv[e]}`);
46 params += " " + args.join(" ");
47 await runCLICommand({
48 task: { name: task },
49 script: {
50 type: type,
51 rest: params.split(" ")
52 }
53 });
54 })
55 .example(`${taskName("$0 run start:web")}`, `${textDescription("Run task 'start:web'")}`)
56 .command("run-s", "Run a set of tasks one after another", () => {}, async function(argv) {
57 let tasks = argv._.slice();
58 tasks.shift();
59 const FcScripts = await parseScriptFile();
60 await runSequence(tasks, FcScripts);
61 })
62 .example(
63 `${taskName("$0 run-s start:web start:desktop")}`,
64 `${textDescription("Run task 'start:web' and afterwards 'start:desktop'")}`
65 )
66 .command("run-p", "Run tasks in parallel", () => {}, async function(argv) {
67 let tasks = argv._.slice();
68 tasks.shift();
69 const FcScripts = await parseScriptFile();
70 await runParallel(tasks, FcScripts);
71 })
72 .example(
73 `${taskName("$0 run-p start:web start:desktop")}`,
74 `${textDescription("Run task 'start:web' and at the same time 'start:desktop'")}`
75 )
76 .command("clear", "Clear recent task history", () => {}, async function(argv) {
77 await clearRecent();
78 })
79 .example(`${taskName("$0 clear")}`, `${textDescription("Clear your recently run tasks")}`)
80 .command(
81 "generate",
82 "Generate a sample fscripts.md file from the package.json",
83 () => {},
84 async function(argv) {
85 await generateFScripts();
86 }
87 )
88 .example(
89 `${taskName("$0 generate")}`,
90 `${textDescription(
91 "Generates a sample.fscripts.md you can use as template for your fscripts file"
92 )}`
93 )
94 .command(
95 "toc",
96 "Generate updated Table of Contents on top of the fscripts.md file",
97 () => {},
98 async function(argv) {
99 await generateToc();
100 }
101 )
102 .example(
103 `${taskName("$0 toc")}`,
104 `${textDescription("Generate updated Table of Contents on top of the fscripts.md file")}`
105 ).argv;
107if (argv._.length === 0) {
108 (async function() {
109 const choice = await optionList();
110 if (choice) {
111 await runCLICommand(
112 { task: { name: choice }, script: { type: "fsr", rest: [choice] } },
113 true
114 );
115 } else {
116 console.log(chalk.green.bold("See you soon!"));
117 }
118 })();