5.72 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
2const chalk = require("chalk");
3var inquirer = require("inquirer");
5const {
6 appendToFile,
7 ensureFile,
8 writeFile,
9 boxInform,
10 readJson,
11 readFile
12} = require("../helpers.js");
13const path = require("path");
14const scriptsDir = process.cwd();
15const rootDir = path.join(scriptsDir, "./");
16const packagePath = path.join(rootDir, "package.json");
17const igPath = path.join(rootDir, ".gitignore");
18const prettier = require("prettier");
19const encrypt = { encryptedFiles: [] };
21// prettier-ignore
22encrypt.encrypt = async (pass, encryptedFile, decryptedFile) => {
23 let willEncrypt = true;
24 let sureSure = await ensureFile(encryptedFile);
25 if (sureSure) {
26 console.log(`${chalk.bold.red("FILE ALREADY EXISTS ARE YOU SURE?")}`);
27 willEncrypt = await new Promise(resolve => {
28 inquirer
29 .prompt([
30 {
31 type: "confirm",
32 message: chalk.bold.hex("#38be18")(`Sure? (y/n): `),
33 name: "sure"
34 }
35 ])
36 .then(({ sure }) => {
37 resolve(sure);
38 });
39 });
40 }
41 if (willEncrypt) {
42 let toEncrypt = await readFile(decryptedFile);
43 const ciphertext = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(toEncrypt, pass);
44 await writeFile(encryptedFile, ciphertext.toString());
45 }
48// prettier-ignore
49encrypt.decrypt = async (pass, encryptedFileLocation, decryptedFileLocation) => {
50 // let encryptedFileLocation = path.join(rootDir,"."+encryptedFile);
51 // let decryptedFileLocation = path.join(rootDir,encryptedFile);
52 let willEncrypt = true;
53 let sureSure = await ensureFile(decryptedFileLocation);
54 if (sureSure) {
55 console.log(`${chalk.bold.red("FILE ALREADY EXISTS ARE YOU SURE?")}`);
56 willEncrypt = await new Promise(resolve => {
57 inquirer
58 .prompt([
59 {
60 type: "confirm",
61 message: chalk.bold.hex("#38be18")(`Sure wanna override file ${decryptedFileLocation}? (y/n): `),
62 name: "sure"
63 }
64 ])
65 .then(({ sure }) => {
66 resolve(sure);
67 });
68 });
69 }
70 if (willEncrypt) {
71 let toDecrypt = await readFile(encryptedFileLocation);
72 const bytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(toDecrypt, pass);
73 let decryptedData;
74 try {
75 decryptedData = bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);
76 } catch (e) {
77 console.error("-- Console Problem ", e);
78 }
79 await writeFile(decryptedFileLocation, decryptedData);
80 console.warn(`${chalk.bold.green.underline("DECRYPTED FILE:")} ${chalk.bold.dim(path.join(scriptsDir, decryptedFileLocation))}`);
81 }
85encrypt.init = async () => {
86 try {
87 let pass = await encrypt.getPass();
88 let toEncrypt = await encrypt.toEncrypt();
89 encrypt.packageJson = await readJson(packagePath);
90 encrypt.ignore = await readFile(igPath);
91 encrypt.ignoredFiles = encrypt.ignore.split("\n");
92 if (encrypt.packageJson.fscripts) {
93 if (encrypt.packageJson.fscripts.encryptedFiles) {
94 encrypt.encryptedFiles = encrypt.packageJson.fscripts.encryptedFiles;
95 let filesToAdd = "\n";
96 for (const e of encrypt.encryptedFiles) {
97 if (encrypt.ignoredFiles.indexOf(e) === -1) {
98 filesToAdd += e + "\n";
99 }
100 let file = e + "";
101 let fileSplit = file.split("/");
102 let name = fileSplit.pop();
103 let encryptedFile = fileSplit.slice();
104 let decryptedFile = fileSplit.slice();
105 encryptedFile.push("." + name);
106 encryptedFile = path.join(rootDir, encryptedFile.join("/"));
107 decryptedFile.push(name);
108 decryptedFile = path.join(rootDir, decryptedFile.join("/"));
110 if (toEncrypt) {
111 await encrypt.encrypt(pass, encryptedFile, decryptedFile);
112 } else {
113 await encrypt.decrypt(pass, encryptedFile, decryptedFile);
114 }
115 }
117 if (filesToAdd.trim().length > 0) {
118 await appendToFile(igPath, filesToAdd + "\n");
119 boxInform(" Added files to .gitignore: ", filesToAdd);
120 }
121 }
122 }
123 } catch (err) {
124 console.error(err);
125 }
128encrypt.getPass = async () => {
129 return await new Promise(resolve => {
130 inquirer
131 .prompt([
132 {
133 type: "password",
134 mask: chalk.underline(" ●"),
135 message: chalk.bold.hex("#38be18")(`Enter a SECRET key (same as pass app) : `),
136 name: "pass"
137 }
138 ])
139 .then(({ pass }) => {
140 resolve(pass);
141 });
142 });
144encrypt.toEncrypt = async () => {
145 return await new Promise(resolve => {
146 inquirer
147 .prompt([
148 {
149 type: "list",
150 message: chalk.bold.hex("#38be18")("Which direction?"),
151 choices: ["encrypt", "decrypt"],
152 name: "encryptDecrypt"
153 }
154 ])
155 .then(async ({ encryptDecrypt }) => {
156 resolve(encryptDecrypt === "encrypt");
157 });
158 });
161module.exports = { ...encrypt };