1.76 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "functional-pipeline",
3 "description": "Quickly chain method calls, property access and functions in natural left to right expression",
4 "version": "0.4.1",
5 "author": "Gleb Bahmutov <gleb.bahmutov@gmail.com>",
6 "bugs": {
7 "url": "https://github.com/bahmutov/functional-pipeline/issues"
8 },
9 "contributors": [],
10 "dependencies": {},
11 "devDependencies": {
12 "coveralls": "2.11.2",
13 "es5-shim": "4.0.5",
14 "expect.js": "0.3.1",
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31 "karma-mocha": "0.1.10",
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36 "time-grunt": "1.0.0"
37 },
38 "engines": {
39 "node": "> 0.8"
40 },
41 "homepage": "https://github.com/bahmutov/functional-pipeline",
42 "keywords": [
43 "pipeline",
44 "helpers",
45 "utility",
46 "functional",
47 "callbacks",
48 "node",
49 "browser"
50 ],
51 "license": "MIT",
52 "main": "dist/fp.js",
53 "pre-commit": [
54 "npm test",
55 "npm version"
56 ],
57 "repository": {
58 "type": "git",
59 "url": "git@github.com:bahmutov/functional-pipeline.git"
60 },
61 "scripts": {
62 "test": "grunt test",
63 "watch": "grunt watch",
64 "coveralls": "cat coverage/PhantomJS*/lcov.info | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js"
65 }