5.39 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// @flow
2/* eslint-env node */
4const {allowedJestOptions} = require('../build/jest/cli-options');
6const jestOptionsDescriptions = {};
7allowedJestOptions.forEach(arg => {
8 jestOptionsDescriptions[arg] = {
9 type: 'boolean',
10 describe:
11 'Jest CLI argument. See: https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#' +
12 arg.toLowerCase(),
13 };
16module.exports = {
17 build: {
18 descr: 'Build your app',
19 options: {
20 experimentalServerless: {
21 type: 'boolean',
22 default: false,
23 describe: 'Build a serverless entry',
24 },
25 dir: {
26 type: 'string',
27 default: '.',
28 describe: 'Root path for the application relative to CLI CWD',
29 },
30 production: {
31 type: 'boolean',
32 default: false,
33 describe: 'Build production assets',
34 },
35 'log-level': {
36 type: 'string',
37 default: 'info',
38 describe: 'Log level to show',
39 },
40 preserveNames: {
41 type: 'boolean',
42 default: false,
43 describe: 'Disable name mangling during script minification',
44 },
45 modernBuildOnly: {
46 type: 'boolean',
47 default: false,
48 describe:
49 'Build the application only for modern browsers. Will serve the modern bundles on legacy browsers.',
50 },
51 skipSourceMaps: {
52 type: 'boolean',
53 default: false,
54 describe: 'Build without source maps.',
55 },
56 },
57 },
58 dev: {
59 descr: 'Run your app in development',
60 options: {
61 dir: {
62 type: 'string',
63 default: '.',
64 describe: 'Root path for the application relative to CLI CWD',
65 },
66 debug: {
67 type: 'boolean',
68 default: false,
69 describe: 'Debug application',
70 },
71 exitOnError: {
72 type: 'boolean',
73 default: false,
74 describe: 'Exits the development server if an error occurs.',
75 },
76 port: {
77 type: 'number',
78 default: 3000,
79 describe: 'The port at which the app runs',
80 },
81 open: {
82 type: 'boolean',
83 default: true,
84 describe: 'Run without opening the url in your browser',
85 },
86 hmr: {
87 type: 'boolean',
88 default: true,
89 describe: 'Run without hot module replacement',
90 },
91 forceLegacyBuild: {
92 type: 'boolean',
93 default: false,
94 describe: 'Force enable legacy build. By default not compiled in dev.',
95 },
96 'log-level': {
97 type: 'string',
98 default: 'info',
99 describe: 'Log level to show',
100 },
101 },
102 },
103 profile: {
104 descr: 'Profile your application',
105 options: {
106 dir: {
107 type: 'string',
108 default: '.',
109 describe: 'Root path for the application relative to CLI CWD',
110 },
111 environment: {
112 type: 'string',
113 default: 'production',
114 describe: 'Either `production` or `development`',
115 },
116 port: {
117 type: 'number',
118 default: '4000',
119 describe: 'Port for the bundle analyzer server',
120 },
121 },
122 },
123 start: {
124 descr: 'Run your app',
125 options: {
126 debug: {
127 type: 'boolean',
128 default: false,
129 describe: 'Debug application',
130 },
131 port: {
132 type: 'number',
133 describe:
134 'Port to start the server on. Defaults to process.env.PORT_HTTP || 3000',
135 },
136 dir: {
137 type: 'string',
138 default: '.',
139 describe: 'Root path for the application relative to CLI CWD',
140 },
141 environment: {
142 type: 'string',
143 describe:
144 "Which environment/assets to run - defaults to first available assets among ['development', 'production']",
145 },
146 },
147 },
148 'test-app': {},
149 test: {
150 descr: 'Run browser tests, using Jest',
151 options: {
152 collectCoverageFrom: {
153 type: 'string',
154 default: null,
155 describe:
156 'Comma-separated list of coverage globs added to the Fusion.js default list. You can ignore a path via: !**/path/to/file.js',
157 },
158 dir: {
159 type: 'string',
160 default: '.',
161 describe: 'Root path for the application relative to CLI CWD.',
162 },
163 debug: {
164 type: 'boolean',
165 default: false,
166 describe: 'Debug tests using --inspect-brk and --runInBand.',
167 },
168 match: {
169 type: 'string',
170 default: null,
171 describe: 'Runs test files that match a given string',
172 },
173 env: {
174 type: 'string',
175 default: 'jsdom,node',
176 describe:
177 'Comma-separated list of environments to run tests in. Defaults to running both node and browser tests.',
178 },
179 testFolder: {
180 type: 'string',
181 default: '',
182 describe:
183 'Which folder to look for tests in. Deprecated, use testMatch or testRegex instead.',
184 },
185 testMatch: {
186 type: 'string',
187 default: '',
188 describe:
189 'Which folder to look for tests in. A JSON array of glob patterns.',
190 },
191 testRegex: {
192 type: 'string',
193 default: '',
194 describe:
195 'Which folder to look for tests in. A JSON array of regexp strings.',
196 },
197 configPath: {
198 type: 'string',
199 describe: 'Path to the jest configuration, used for testing.',
200 },
201 ...jestOptionsDescriptions,
202 },
203 },