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47 <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
48 <li><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></li>
49 <li><a href="#basic">Basic</a></li>
50 <li><a href="#react">React</a></li>
51 <li><a href="#redux">Redux</a></li>
52 <li><a href="#router">Router</a></li>
53 <li><a href="#serverside">Server Side render</a></li>
55 <!-- <li class="dropdown"><a class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#">Section 4 <span class="caret"></span></a>
56 <ul class="dropdown-menu">
57 <li><a href="#section41">Section 4-1</a></li>
58 <li><a href="#section42">Section 4-2</a></li>
59 </ul>
60 </li> -->
61 </ul>
62 </div>
63 </div>
64 </div>
67<div id="introduction" class="container-fluid">
68 <h1>Introduction</h1>
69 <p>fz-react-cli is a node cli tool to create and build our react project and also JS library.
70 Before installation kindly check your node version is v6.10.0 or above (node -v)
71and also check git installed your machine (git --version).<br />
72Node - <a href="https://nodejs.org/en/download/" target="_blank">Download</a></p>
73 <h3>Installation</h3>
74 <pre>
75 &gt; node -v
76 &gt; git --version
77 &gt; npm install fz-react-cli -g</pre>
79 <h3>How to create react application and how to start the application?</h3>
80 <p>You can create and start the application using the following command. It starts running in the default port 9090.
81 You may change your running port by passing argument --server:port=8080.<br />
82 <pre>
83 &gt; fz-react-cli app &lt;appname&gt;
84 &gt; cd &lt;appname&gt;
85 &gt; npm run start</pre>
87 Some useful arguments
88 <ul>
89 <li>--server:port=9090 <br />(for changing port)</li>
90 <li>--server:context=support || portal <br />(for changing context)</li>
91 <li>--dev:hot=true <br />(for hot reloading while development)</li>
92 <li>--server:prod=true <br />(for checking like production build )</li>
93 </ul>
94 </p>
96 <h3>React application folder structure look like below.</h3>
98 <pre>
99 -&lt;appname&gt;
100 -src
101 -components
102 -&lt;componentnameasfoldername&gt;
103 -__tests__
104 * &lt;componentname&gt;.spec.js
105 -docs
106 * &lt;componentname&gt;__&lt;state1&gt;.docs.js
107 * &lt;componentname&gt;__&lt;state2&gt;.docs.js
108 * &lt;componentname&gt;.js
109 * &lt;componentname&gt;.css
111 * index.js ( component export )
112 * docs.js ( docs export )
113 -containers
114 -&lt;containercomponent&gt;
115 *&lt;containercomponent&gt;.js
116 *&lt;containercomponent&gt;.css
117 * index.js
118 -mockapi
119 * index.js
120 -app
121 * index.html
122 -docs (optional)
123 * all.html (optional)
124 * package.json
125 * .gitignore
126 * README.md
130 - folder
131 * file
132 -&lt;&gt; userfolder
133 *&lt;&gt; userfile
134 </pre>
135 <p>
136 <b>Information:</b> You may create some folder under "components" folder. We can call it as group.
137 Under group folder, we create component then it is specific to that group not generic component.
138 It is under "components" then more generic component. Similarly rule for containers also.
140 </p>
141 <h3>What is Component?</h3>
142 <p>Components are small and reusable building blocks in your application. Example Button is a component.
143 We can use same button throught our application. These components are created under components folder.</p>
145 <h3>How to create component?</h3>
146 <p>Inside components folder create new folder and rename into component name.
147 Create Component name dot css and js file. Create "docs" folder for documentation. create "__tests__" folder for testing purpose. we will discuss docs and testing later. Simple Contact component below.
148 <pre>
149function Contact(props){
150 var { name, onClick } = props;
151 return (
152 &lt;div className="contact--default" onClick={onClick}&gt;
153 &lt;span&gt;{name}&lt;/span&gt;
154 &lt;/div&gt;;
155 )
156} </pre>
157<p class="noIntend">Don't worry if you not understanding this example. I will explain later</p>
159 <h3>What is Container?</h3>
160 <p>Container is also component. But It's main responsibility to fetch data using api and maintaining state and pass the state to it's children. Creating container component is similar like component. It also has react lifecycle method</p>
161 <pre>
162 class ContactListContainer extends React.Component{
163 constructor(props){
164 super(props);
165 this.state={
166 contacts:[]
167 }
168 }
169 render(){
170 return &lt;div&gt;
171 {
172 this.state.contacts.map((contact)=>{
173 return &lt;Contact name={contact.name} onClick={()=>{console.log(contact.id)} /&gt;
174 })
175 }
176 &lt;/div&gt;
177 }
178 }
179 componentDidMount(){
180 fetch('/api/v1/contacts').then(res=>res.json()).then(res)=>{
181 this.setState({contacts:res})
182 })
183 }
184 }
186 </pre>
187<p class="noIntend">Don't worry if you not understanding this example. I will explain later</p>
189 <h3>What is component documentation?</h3>
190 <p> Once components grow, It is hard to find out available component and it is possible UI state of the component.
191 So You need a documentation for your components. Each component has docs folder and you can define different UI state of your component.
192 This will display your component documentation</p>
194 <h3>How can i view my components as documentation?</h3>
195 <p>You can run the below command to start your document server. It runs in the default port 9292.
196 You may change your running port using --server:port={port} </p>
197 <pre>npm run docs --server:componentPath=./src/components/</pre>
199 <h3>What is it means --server:componentPath?</h3>
200 <p>
201 It means, You can mention your components library location in your application folder.
202 Default location under src/components
203 </p>
205 <h3>Should i maintain component library inside application repository?</h3>
206 <p> No. Not necessary. You may create separate repository for your component library.
207 You can publish your component library and use inside your application</p>
209 <h3>How to create separate component library?</h3>
210 <p>You can create library using below component</p>
211 <pre>fz-react-cli library &lt;libraryname&gt;</pre>
212 <div>open package.json file and add below code into scripts </div>
213 <pre>"scripts":{
214 "docs":"fz-react-cli docs",
215 ...
216 }</pre>
219 <h3>What about folder structure of component library?</h3>
220 <p>It is similar to app folder structure. You can create your component directly under src folder.
221 No need to create under components folder. Remove some unwanted folder like container, app folder,etc.
222 see below for sample
224 <pre>
225 -&lt;componentLibrary&gt;
226 -src
227 -&lt;componentnameasfoldername&gt;
228 -__tests__
229 * &lt;componentname&gt;.spec.js
230 -docs
231 * &lt;componentname&gt;__&lt;state1&gt;.docs.js
232 * &lt;componentname&gt;__&lt;state2&gt;.docs.js
233 * &lt;componentname&gt;.js
234 * &lt;componentname&gt;.css
236 * index.js ( component export )
237 * docs.js ( docs export )
238 -docs (optional)
239 * all.html (optional)
240 * package.json
241 * .gitignore
242 * README.md
245 - folder
246 * file
247 -&lt;&gt; userfolder
248 *&lt;&gt; userfile
249 </pre>
251 <h3>How to build my component library?</h3>
252 <p>You can build your component library using below command. It builds your component library into different module system common js and
253 es6. Understand different module system (AMD,Commonjs,umd) (<a href="https://www.davidbcalhoun.com/2014/what-is-amd-commonjs-and-umd/">link</a>) </p>
254 <pre>npm run build:component
255npm run build:es
256 </pre>
258 <h3>Can I get single js for my component library?(UMD)</h3>
259 <p>You may build as single js. but I am not prefer becuase component library has images and fonts and css and other resources.
260 Build support bundle css inside js. there is no problem it is plain Css. If it use images fonts then we need to provide
261 proper domain to download images and fonts. My opinion is to install as a dependencies and require you app and use it.
262 </p>
264 <h3>How to publish my component library?</h3>
265 <p>It is out of the scope of this library. It is based on your registry configuration.
266 If you configure npm registry using below component to use publish.
267 you can get more information from this video tutorial (<a href="https://egghead.io/lessons/javascript-publishing-to-npm" target="_blank">Link</a>)</p>
268 <pre>npm publish</pre>
270 <h3>How to create other than component library (like redux) only js not css/images/fonts ?</h3>
271 <p> you can use the same command. Update your package json information. </p>
272 <pre>fz-react-cli library &lt;libraryname&gt;</pre>
274 <h3>Can i get single js for my library?(UMD file)</h3>
275 <p>Yes. You can get your library as single umd js file. You can use the below command to create your umd js.
276 Once build success, It is created under dist folder. you can also build your library in commonjs and es6 modules</p>
277 <pre>npm run build:umd</pre>
278 <pre>npm run build:component
279npm run build:es
280 </pre>
282 <h3>How can i change my umd global variable?</h3>
283 <p>In package json file, you can see the variable "umdVar". You can change your globally export variable there.</p>
287 <pre>fz-react-cli propertyToJson &lt;propertyfolder&gt; &lt;jsonfolder&gt; &lt;defaultpropertyfile&gt; &lt;usedpropertyasfile&gt;
289fz-react-cli propertyToJson ./support/properties/ ./support/i18n ./support/properties/ApplicationResources_en_US.properties ./support/properties/JSResources.properties
290 </pre>
292 <h3>Some restriction</h3>
293 <p>don't create docs app name</p>
295 <h3>Advanced</h3>
296 <h3>Node Cluster Monitor</h3>
297 <pre>fz-react-cli cluster:monitor</pre>
298 <p>cluster config object </p>
299 <pre>
300 {
301 "cluster":[
302 {
303 "ip": "localhost",
304 "port": "4040"
305 },
306 {
307 "ip": "localhost",
308 "port": "4050"
309 }
310 ]
311 }
313 </pre>
315 <h3>Node</h3>
316 <pre>fz-react-cli node &lt;host&gt; &lt;port&gt; &lt;repourl&gt; &lt;branch&gt; </pre>
319 <h3>Learn</h3>
320 <ul>
321 <li>ES2015/ES6</li>
322 <li>React</li>
323 <li>Redux</li>
324 <li>React-Redux</li>
325 <li>simple-normalizer</li>
326 <li>redux-router-middle</li>
327 <li>fz-i18n</li>
328 <li>fz-propertytojson</li>
329 <li>fz-dnd</li>
330 <li>fz-permission</li>
331 <li>fz-layout</li>
332 <li>css-modules</li>
333 <li>webpack</li>
334 <li>Server Side Rendering</li>
335 </ul>
336 <p>Learn all topic in deep. I will explain basic in the following section</p>
338<div id="basic" class="container-fluid">
339 <h1>Basic</h1>
340 <p>Before going to write application we are going to learn some basic. Those things only going to use most of the places.
341 <h2>Javascript</h2>
342 <P>In javascript, We are going to see following methods
343 <ul>
344 <li>Object.assign</li>
345 <li>Object.keys methods</li>
346 <li>Array.map</li>
347 <li>Array.filter</li>
348 <li>Array.reduce</li>
349 <li>Function.apply</li>
350 <li>Function.call</li>
351 <li>Function.bind</li>
352 </ul>
353 After that ES2015 feature
354 <ul>
355 <li>arrow function</li>
356 <li>class </li>
357 <li>string template</li>
358 <li>Promise</li>
359 </ul>
362 <h3>Object.assign</h3>
363 <pre>
364 var target = Object.assign(target,source1,source2,...);</pre>
365 <p>The Object.assign() method is used to copy the values of all properties from source objects to a target object. It will return the target object.</p>
366 <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/aw7NfYhR5rc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
368 <h3>Array methods</h3>
369 <h4>Map</h4>
370 <p>Map function used to map value to correponding array element</p>
371 <pre>
372 var a1=[1,2,3];
373 var a2=a1.map(function(val){
374 return val*2;
375 })
376 a1=[1,2,3] a2=[2,4,6]
377 </pre>
378 <h4>Filter</h4>
379 <p>Filter function used to filter values from give array</p>
380 <pre>
381 var a1=[1,2,3];
382 var a2=a1.filter(function(val){
383 val%2;
384 })
385 a1=[1,2,3] a2=[1,3]
386 </pre>
387 <h4>Reduce</h4>
388 <p>Reduce function used to reduce one dimention array to single value.</p>
389 <pre>
390 var a1=[1,2,3];
391 var a2=a1.reduce(function(result,next){
392 return result+next;
393 },0)
394 a1=[1,2,3] a2=6
395 </pre>
396 <p> Try these examples
397 <a href="http://reactivex.io/learnrx/">Link</a>
398 </p>
400 <h1>ES2015/ES6</h1>
401 <h3>Arrow Function</h3>
402 <pre>
403 function test(a,b){
404 return a+b
405 }
407 var test = (a,b) => {
408 return a+b
409 }
411 only return directly return no need curly braces
412 var test = (a,b) => a+b
414 Single argument no need function of parentheses
415 var test = a => a+10;
417 function test(){
418 return {
419 a:1
420 }
421 }
423 object return using arrow function
425 var test = () => ({a:1})
426 </pre>
427 <h3>Class</h3>
428 <pre>
429 class Test{
431 }
433 class Test{
434 constructor(){
435 super();
436 }
437 }
438 class Test{
439 constructor(){
441 }
442 get(){
443 //instance method
444 }
445 }
446 Test.method=function(){
447 //static method
448 }
449 Test.obj={}
450 //Static member
452 </pre>
453 <h3>Template string</h3>
454 <pre>
455 var str1="Hello"
456 var str2="World"
457 var newString=str1+", "+str2;
459 var newString =`${str1}, ${str2}`
460 </pre>
461 <h3>Promise</h3>
462 <pre>
463 Callback hell...
464 function test(cb){
465 code...
466 may throw error
467 cb();
469 }
470 function test1(cb){
471 code...
472 may throw error
473 test()
474 }
476 horizontal Flattern callback hell using promise
478 var promise =new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
479 task...
480 taskSuccess call resolve()
481 taskFailure call reject
483 })
484 promise.then(()=>{
485 return "pass next then"
486 },(e)=>{
487 //error handling
488 }).then((prePass)=>{
489 return
490 }).catch((e)=>{
491 error handling...
492 })
494 Vertical flattern/Normal flow using async function
495 async function feature comes in ES7
497 Some of the feature not supported all browser. We are using babel to transpile es2015 code into es5 code. We will see babel in feature
498 </pre>
499 <h3>Functional Programming</h3>
500 <p><a href="https://drboolean.gitbooks.io/mostly-adequate-guide/content/ch1.html">book</a></p>
501 <h3>Pure Function</h3>
502 <h4>What is pure function?</h4>
503 <p>A pure function is a function which given the same input, will always return the same output and also not produces any side effects.</p>
504 <pre>
505 function add(a,b){
506 return a+b;
507 }
508 </pre>
510 <pre>
511 Not pure function
512 function add(){
513 var a=document.getElementById("a").value;//access dom object
514 var b=document.getElementById("b").value;
515 return a+b;
516 }
517 function add(a,b){
518 updateIntoDisk(a+b);
519 return a+b;
520 }
521 function add(obj){
522 obj.c=obj.a+obj.b;
523 return obj;
524 }
525 </pre>
526 <h4>What is side effect?</h4>
527 <p>modification of some kind of state</p>
529 <h4>Advantages of purefunction</h4>
530 <p>
531 Code easy to testable. easy to debug.
532 </p>
534<div id="react" class="container-fluid">
535 <h1>React </h1>
537 <h3>JSX</h3>
539 <ol>
540 <li>
541 How to create element
542 <pre>
543 <script type="text/plain">
544 var element=<div id="test">test</div>
546 equalenent js
548 React.createElement('div',{id:"test"},"test");
549 </script>
550 </pre>
551 </li>
552 <li>
553 JSX Condition
554 <pre>
555 <script type="text/plain">
556 var element=(<div>
557 {
558 a==true ? <div>A</div> : <div>Else</div>
559 }
560 </div>)
561 </script>
562 </pre>
563 </li>
564 <li>
565 JSX Loop
566 <pre>
567 <script type="text/plain">
568 var arr = [1, 2, 3];
569var element = (
570 <div>
571 {arr.map(no => {
572 <div>{no}</div>;
573 }) //no semicolon
574 }
575 </div>
578 </pre>
579 </li>
580 <li>
581 How to create functional Component
582 <pre>
583 <script type="text/plain">
584 var Text=(props)=>{
585 <div>Text</div>
586 }
587 </script>
588 </pre>
589 </li>
590 <li>
591 How to create Stateless es6 Component
592 <pre>
593 <script type="text/plain">
594 class Text extends React.Component {
595 render() {
596 <div>Text</div>;
597 }
600 </pre>
601 </li>
603 <li>
604 How to create Stateful es6 Component
605 <pre>
606 <script type="text/plain">
607 class Text extends React.Component {
608 constructor(props) {
609 super(props);
610 this.state = {
611 count: 0
612 };
613 }
614 render() {
615 <div>Text {this.state.count}</div>;
616 }
619 </pre>
620 </li>
621 <li>
622 Component Lifecycle
623 <pre>
624 <script type="text/plain">
625 class Text extends React.Component {
626 constructor(props) {
627 super(props);
628 this.state = {
629 count: 0
630 };
631 }
632 componentWillMount() {}
633 componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {}
634 componentWillUpdate() {}
635 componentWillUnmount() {}
636 render() {
637 <div>Text {this.state.count}</div>;
638 }
639 componentDidMount() {}
640 componentDidUpdate(preProps, preState) {}
641 shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) {}
644 </pre>
645 </li>
646 <li>
647 Note Important
648 <pre>
649 <script type="text/plain">
650 1. Component Name Caps
651 2. Parent to child should pass as props
652 3. Child to parent data should pass throw callback method. do not pass data throw event. It is hard to track and some one can
653 4.
654 </script>
655 </pre>
656 </li>
657 </ol>
658 <a href="facebook.github.io/react/">More</a>
660<div id="redux" class="container-fluid">
661 <h1>Redux</h1>
663 <p>Redux is a state management library. You can get more information from redux <a href="http://redux.js.org/docs/introduction/">docs</a>. Here we going to discuss about basic idea of state management</p>
664 <h4>What is State?</h4>
665 <p>State means data and It can be changed based on action/time,etc.<br />
666 Example switch has two state one is "ON" another one is "OFF".
667 You can "ON" or "OFF" a switch based on action.
668 </p>
669 <img src="./img/switch.jpg" height="200" width="200"/>
670 <pre>
671 function switch(state="OFF"){
672 return state;
673 }
674 switch ();
675 </pre>
676 <p>
677 I just define pure function. It is going to handle switch state.
678 If you call switch function, you get the switch state.
679 Now it is always return "OFF" state. because we didn't handle any action. <br />My action is going to press switch button.
680 We slightly modify above function which handle our actions
681 </p>
682 <pre>
683 function switch(state="OFF",action){
684 if(action=="PRESS"){
685 if(state=="ON"){
686 state="OFF";
687 }
688 else{
689 state="ON";
690 }
691 }
692 return state;
693 }
695 var previousSwitchState="ON";
696 var currentSwitchState= switch(previousSwitchState, "PRESS");
697 console.log(currentSwitchState)
698 </pre>
699 <p>Anybody feels problem in the above action. <br />Some problem in the above action.
700 Assume switch is already "ON" state I press switch for "ON". But It toggle it's state.
701 So action and some more information needed. So instead of action as string we pass it as object.
702 </p>
703 <p>
704 {type:"ACTION_TYPE",data:{information about action}}
705 </p>
706 <pre>
707 var Off = {type:"PRESS",data:"up"}
708 var On = {type:"PRESS",data:"down"}
710 function switch(state="OFF",action){
711 if(action.type=="PRESS"){
712 if(action.data =="up"){
713 state="OFF";
714 }
715 else if(action.data =="down"){
716 state="ON";
717 }
718 }
719 return state;
720 }
721 var state1 =switch(previousState,on);
722 var state2 = switch(state1,off);
723 </pre>
726 <p>Switch was connected to bulb. Whenever switch state changes bulb going to glow or not glow.
727 </p>
728 <pre>
729 bulb(switchState){
730 if(switchState=="ON"){
731 return "glow"
732 }
733 else{
734 return "not glow"
735 }
736 }
737 var previousState;
738 dispatch(action){
739 var nextState=switch(previousState,action);
740 console.log(bulb(nextState));
741 previousState=nextState;
742 return action;
743 }
745 var Off = {type:"PRESS",data:"up"}
746 var On = {type:"PRESS",data:"down"}
748 dispatch(On);
749 dispatch(Off);
751 </pre>
756 <p>state data nothing but your api data. switch and bulb are your html when ever data changes you have to update the UI</p>
758<div id="router" class="container-fluid">
759 Redux router middleware
761<div id="serverside" class="container-fluid">
762 <h1>Server side rendering</h1>
763 <p> Notice:
764 1. Not access document/window/global variable inside render method
765 2. * browser time zone string (ip based)
766 4. xmlhttprequest - both support node, browser library
767 5. Initial data portalInfo hard coded (change to api call)
768 6. * editor js loading handling
769 7. build deploy and rollback. node server start and stop
770 8. node build update
771 9. flow of request server side rendering
772 Header customization
773 1. request->tomcat filter -> jsp -> http connect to node (if auth cookie) -> (do all api calls with or without cookie)-> generate html using that state and return to jsp -> jsp append html response -> client response
774 2. request -> node -> call apis with request cookies -> return html -> client response
775 10. threshold
777 Advantage
778 reduce api call round trip
779 fast rendering (html once parse done render)
780 SEO easy to parse (no need client rendering from seo)
783 server side rendering css modules.
784 server side rendering code splitting
787 hash changing ={
789 }
790 Node cluster Manager
791 git:””,hash:”"
792 node:[{“ip”,”port”},{“ip”,”port”}];
793 node information - {ip:””, port:””}
794 port free?
795 git clone succes?
796 git hard clone
797 List of Cluster
798 node verification
799 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16525617/how-to-detect-users-timezone/16526897#16526897
800 https://github.com/aickin/react-dom-stream
801 https://medium.com/@aickin/whats-new-with-server-side-rendering-in-react-16-9b0d78585d67
802 </p>
804<!-- <div id="section41" class="container-fluid">
805 <h1>Section 4 Submenu 1</h1>
806 <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
807 <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
809<div id="section42" class="container-fluid">
810 <h1>Section 4 Submenu 2</h1>
811 <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
812 <p>Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling! Try to scroll this section and look at the navigation bar while scrolling!</p>
813</div> -->