4.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var fs = require('fs');
5var unitTestReport = [];
6var result = function result(inp) {
7 var testPathPattern = process.argv[process.argv.length - 1];
9 if (testPathPattern.indexOf('--') != -1) {
10 testPathPattern = '';
11 } else {
12 testPathPattern = fs.realpathSync(process.cwd());
13 }
14 var testPathRegex = new RegExp(testPathPattern);
15 var testResults = inp.testResults;
16 var testFilesArr = [];
17 var testCaseFiles = [];
19 if (fs.existsSync('./coverageTest/result.json')) {
20 var jsonData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./coverageTest/result.json', 'utf8'));
21 }
22 testResults.forEach(function (testResult, i) {
23 var filePath = testResult.testFilePath;
25 if (!testPathRegex.test(filePath)) {
26 return;
27 }
28 filePath = filePath.replace('.spec', '');
29 filePath = filePath.replace('/__tests__', '');
30 filePath = filePath.replace('/__test__', '');
31 var relatPath = filePath.replace(process.cwd(), '').substring(1);
33 if (jsonData.FILES.includes(relatPath) || jsonData.FILES.includes(testResult.testFilePath.replace(process.cwd(), ''))) {
34 var fileJson = {};
35 fileJson.testPath = testResult.testFilePath;
36 fileJson.sourcePath = filePath;
37 fileJson.data = testResult;
38 testFilesArr.push(fileJson);
39 jsonData.FILES.includes(relatPath) ? testCaseFiles.push(relatPath) : jsonData.FILES.includes(testResult.testFilePath.replace(process.cwd(), '')) ? testCaseFiles.push(testResult.testFilePath.replace(process.cwd(), '')) : '';
40 }
41 testResult.testResults && testResult.testResults.filter(function (t) {
42 return t.status == 'failed';
43 }).forEach(function (t) {
44 unitTestReport.push({
45 title: t.title,
46 fullName: t.fullName,
47 filePath: testResult.testFilePath
48 });
49 });
50 });
51 var coverageSummary = {};
52 if (fs.existsSync('./commitCoverage/coverage-summary.json')) {
53 coverageSummary = fs.readFileSync('./commitCoverage/coverage-summary.json').toString();
54 if (coverageSummary.indexOf('\\') != -1) {
55 coverageSummary = coverageSummary.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
56 }
57 }
59 var coverageJson = JSON.parse(coverageSummary);
60 var linesPercent = 0;
61 var functionPercent = 0;
62 var statementPerment = 0;
63 var branchesPercent = 0;
65 var fileList = '<h4>Changed files in last code check-in</h4><ul>';
66 for (var i = 0; i < testFilesArr.length; i++) {
67 var curSourceFile = testFilesArr[i].sourcePath;
68 curSourceFile.replace(process.cwd(), '').substring(1);
69 fileList = fileList + '<li>' + curSourceFile + '</li>';
70 var coverageData = coverageJson[curSourceFile];
71 if (coverageData == undefined) {
72 console.log("Can't able to find source for " + testFilesArr[i].testPath + '\n Please check the file name and the path is correct for test file');
73 continue;
74 }
75 linesPercent += coverageData.lines.pct;
76 functionPercent += coverageData.functions.pct;
77 statementPerment += coverageData.statements.pct;
78 branchesPercent += coverageData.branches.pct;
79 }
80 fileList = fileList + '</ul>';
81 if (testFilesArr.length == 0) {
82 fileList = '<div></div>';
83 }
85 var uncoveredList = '<h4>Uncovered files :- </h4><ul>';
86 jsonData.FILES.filter(function (fileName) {
87 if (!testCaseFiles.includes(fileName)) {
88 uncoveredList = uncoveredList + '<li>' + fileName + '</li>';
89 }
90 });
91 uncoveredList = uncoveredList + '</ul>';
93 var totalLinesPercent = linesPercent / (i * 100) * 100;
94 var totalFunctionPercent = functionPercent / (i * 100) * 100;
95 var totalStatementPercent = statementPerment / (i * 100) * 100;
96 var totalBranchesPercent = branchesPercent / (i * 100) * 100;
97 var totalPercentage = totalLinesPercent + totalFunctionPercent + totalStatementPercent + totalBranchesPercent;
98 var coverage = (totalPercentage / 4).toFixed(2);
99 coverage = Number(coverage);
101 if (Number.isNaN(coverage)) {
102 console.log("This build does't have any JS changes!");
103 coverage = 0;
104 } else {
105 console.log('COVERAGE ' + coverage + '%');
106 }
108 var html = '<html><head><style>.red{font-weight:bold;color:red;}.green{font-weight:bold;color:green;}</style></head><body><br/>COVERAGE <span class="' + (coverage < 60 ? 'red' : 'green') + '">' + coverage + '%</span> <br/> less than 60% consider failure' + fileList + uncoveredList + '</body></html>';
110 if (!fs.existsSync('./coverageTest')) {
111 fs.mkdirSync('./coverageTest');
112 fs.writeFileSync('./coverageTest/index.html', html, 'utf8');
113 } else {
114 fs.writeFileSync('./coverageTest/index.html', html, 'utf8');
115 }
116 return inp;
119module.exports = result;
\No newline at end of file