4.28 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3var dbm;
4var type;
5var seed;
8 * We receive the dbmigrate dependency from dbmigrate initially.
9 * This enables us to not have to rely on NODE_PATH.
10 */
11exports.setup = function(options, seedLink) {
12 dbm = options.dbmigrate;
13 type = dbm.dataType;
14 seed = seedLink;
17exports.up = function(db) {
18 return db.createTable('m_player', {
19 id: { type: 'int', primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true}, //主键,本服内用户唯一编号
20 domain: {type: 'string', length: 50, defaultValue: 'official'}, //联合外键
21 uuid: {type: 'string', length: 50}, //联合外键
22 name: {type: 'string', length: 200}, //姓名
23 password: {type: 'string', length: 50}, //密码
24 activity: {type: 'string', length: 500}, //活动
25 dailyactivity: {type: 'string', length: 500}, //活动
26 Tollgate: {type: 'string', length: 500}, //副本信息
27 login: {type: 'string', length: 200}, //副本随机事件
28 diamond: {type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}, //钻石
29 status: {type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}, //复合状态,表示各类开启的特殊权限(不同于消息状态)
30 refreshTime: {type: 'string', length: 50}, //刷新时间,用于控制各类随时间增长的收益
31 createdAt: {type: 'datetime'}, //创建时间
32 updatedAt: {type: 'datetime'}, //更新时间
33 score: {type: 'int', defaultValue: 0},
34 setting: {type: 'string', length: 500},
35 hisGateNo: {type: 'int', defaultValue: 1},
36 role: {type: 'int', defaultValue: 1001},
37 info: {type: 'string', length: 2000},
38 pet: {type: 'string', length: 500},
39 txinfo: {type: 'string', length: 500},
40 txBule: {type: 'string', length: 500},
41 item: {type: 'string', length: 500},
42 vip: {type: 'string', length: 500},
43 friend: {type: 'string', length: 500},
44 task: {type: 'string', length: 500}, //任务
45 txFriend: {type: 'string', length: 500},
46 execInfo: { type: 'string', length: 500}, //行为限制信息存储字段
47 pocket: { type: 'string', length: 500}, //包裹序列化串存储字段
48 shopInfo: { type: 'string', length: 2000}, //商品属性列表、已购买纪录的缓存
49 aid: { type: 'int', defaultValue: 0}, //联盟ID
50 invite: { type: 'string', length: 255}, //申请、邀请记录
51 }).then(
52 function(result) {
53 db.addIndex('m_player', 'domanId', ['domain', 'uuid'], true, (err, result)=>{});
54 },
55 function(err) {
56 }
57 );
60exports.down = function(db) {
61 return db.dropTable('m_player').then(
62 function(result) {
63 },
64 function(err) {
65 }
66 );
69exports._meta = {
70 "version": 1
73// {
74// CHAR: 'char',
75// STRING: 'string',
76// TEXT: 'text',
77// SMALLINT: 'smallint',
78// BIGINT: 'bigint',
79// INTEGER: 'int',
80// SMALL_INTEGER: 'smallint',
81// BIG_INTEGER: 'bigint',
82// REAL: 'real',
83// DATE: 'date',
84// DATE_TIME: 'datetime',
85// TIME: 'time',
86// BLOB: 'blob',
87// TIMESTAMP: 'timestamp',
88// BINARY: 'binary',
89// BOOLEAN: 'boolean',
90// DECIMAL: 'decimal'
91// };
93// type - the column data type. Supported types can be found in db-migrate-shared/data_type.js
94// length - the column data length, where supported
95// primaryKey - true to set the column as a primary key. Compound primary keys are supported by setting the primaryKey option to true on multiple columns
96// autoIncrement - true to mark the column as auto incrementing
97// notNull - true to mark the column as non-nullable, omit it archive database default behavior and false to mark explicitly as nullable
98// unique - true to add unique constraint to the column
99// defaultValue - set the column default value. To set an expression (eg a function call) as the default value use this syntax: defaultValue: new String('uuid_generate_v4()')
100// foreignKey - set a foreign key to the column
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