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4# Ganache Core
6This is the core code that powers the Ganache application and the Ganache command line tool.
8[Usage](#usage) | [Options](#options) | [Implemented Methods](#implemented-methods) | [Custom Methods](#custom-methods) | [Unsupported Methods](#unsupported-methods) | [Testing](#testing)
10## Installation
12`ganache-core` is written in JavaScript and distributed as a Node.js package via `npm`. Make sure you have Node.js (>= v8.9.0) installed, and your environment is capable of installing and compiling `npm` modules.
14**macOS** Make sure you have the XCode Command Line Tools installed. These are needed in general to be able to compile most C based languages on your machine, as well as many npm modules.
16**Windows** See our [Windows install instructions](https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli/wiki/Installing-ganache-cli-on-Windows).
18**Ubuntu/Linux** Follow the basic instructions for installing [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/#debian-and-ubuntu-based-linux-distributions) and make sure that you have `npm` installed, as well as the `build-essential` `apt` package (it supplies `make` which you will need to compile most things). Use the official Node.js packages, *do not use the package supplied by your distribution.*
20Using npm:
23npm install ganache-core
26or, if you are using [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/):
29yarn add ganache-core
33## Usage
35As a [Web3](https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/) provider:
38const ganache = require("ganache-core");
39const web3 = new Web3(ganache.provider());
41If web3 is already initialized:
43const ganache = require("ganache-core");
46NOTE: depending on your web3 version, you may need to set a number of confirmation blocks
48const web3 = new Web3(provider, null, { transactionConfirmationBlocks: 1 });
51As an [ethers.js](https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/) provider:
54const ganache = require("ganache-core");
55const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ganache.provider());
58As a general HTTP and WebSocket server:
61const ganache = require("ganache-core");
62const server = ganache.server();
63const provider = server.provider;
64server.listen(port, function(err, blockchain) { ... });
67## Options
69Both `.provider()` and `.server()` take a single object which allows you to specify behavior of the Ganache instance. This parameter is optional. Available options are:
71* `"accounts"`: `Array` of `Object`'s of the following shape: `{ secretKey: privateKey, balance: HexString }`.
72 * If `secretKey` is specified, the key is used to determine the account's address. Otherwise, the address is auto-generated.
73 * The `balance` is a hexadecimal value of the amount of Ether (in Wei) you want the account to be pre-loaded with.
74* `"debug"`: `boolean` - Output VM opcodes for debugging
75* `"blockTime"`: `number` - Specify blockTime in seconds for automatic mining. If you don't specify this flag, ganache will instantly mine a new block for every transaction. Using the `blockTime` option is discouraged unless you have tests which require a specific mining interval.
76* `"logger"`: `Object` - Object, like `console`, that implements a `log()` function.
77* `"mnemonic"`: Use a specific HD wallet mnemonic to generate initial addresses.
78* `"port"`: `number` Port number to listen on when running as a server.
79* `"seed"`: Use arbitrary data to generate the HD wallet mnemonic to be used.
80* `"default_balance_ether"`: `number` - The default account balance, specified in ether.
81* `"total_accounts"`: `number` - Number of accounts to generate at startup.
82* `"fork"`: `string` or `object` - Fork from another currently running Ethereum client at a given block. When a `string`, input should be the HTTP location and port of the other client, e.g. `http://localhost:8545`. You can optionally specify the block to fork from using an `@` sign: `http://localhost:8545@1599200`. Can also be a `Web3 Provider` object, optionally used in conjunction with the `fork_block_number` option below.
83* `"fork_block_number"`: `string` or `number` - Block number the provider should fork from, when the `fork` option is specified. If the `fork` option is specified as a string including the `@` sign and a block number, the block number in the `fork` parameter takes precedence.
84- `"forkCacheSize"`: `number` - The maximum size, in bytes, of the in-memory cache for queries on a chain fork. Defaults to `1_073_741_824` bytes (1 gigabyte). You can set this to `0` to disable caching (not recommended), or to `-1` for unlimited (will be limited by your node/browser process).
85* `"network_id"`: Specify the network id ganache-core will use to identify itself (defaults to the current time or the network id of the forked blockchain if configured)
86* `"_chainId"`: **(temporary option until v3)** Specify the chain's chainId. For legacy reasons, this does NOT affect the `eth_chainId` RPC response! Defaults to `1`
87* `"_chainIdRpc"`: **(temporary option until v3)** Specify the `eth_chainId` RPC response value. For legacy reasons, this does NOT affect the chain's `chainid`! Defaults to `1337`
88* `"time"`: `Date` - Date that the first block should start. Use this feature, along with the `evm_increaseTime` method to test time-dependent code.
89* `"locked"`: `boolean` - whether or not accounts are locked by default.
90* `"unlocked_accounts"`: `Array` - array of addresses or address indexes specifying which accounts should be unlocked.
91* `"db_path"`: `String` - Specify a path to a directory to save the chain database. If a database already exists, `ganache-core` will initialize that chain instead of creating a new one. Note: You will not be able to modify state (accounts, balances, etc) on startup when you initialize ganache-core with a pre-existing database.
92* `"db"`: `Object` - Specify an alternative database instance, for instance [MemDOWN](https://github.com/level/memdown).
93* `"ws"`: `boolean` Enable a websocket server. This is `true` by default.
94* `"account_keys_path"`: `String` - Specifies a file to save accounts and private keys to, for testing.
95* `"vmErrorsOnRPCResponse"`: `boolean` - Whether or not to transmit transaction failures as RPC errors. Set to `false` for error reporting behaviour which is compatible with other clients such as geth and Parity. This is `true` by default to replicate the error reporting behavior of previous versions of ganache.
96* `"hdPath"`: The hierarchical deterministic path to use when generating accounts. Default: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/"
97* `"hardfork"`: `String` Allows users to specify which hardfork should be used. Supported hardforks are `byzantium`, `constantinople`, `petersburg`, `istanbul`, and `muirGlacier` (default).
98* `"allowUnlimitedContractSize"`: `boolean` - Allows unlimited contract sizes while debugging (NOTE: this setting is often used in conjuction with an increased `gasLimit`). By setting this to `true`, the check within the EVM for contract size limit of 24KB (see [EIP-170](https://git.io/vxZkK)) is bypassed. Setting this to `true` **will** cause `ganache-core` to behave differently than production environments. (default: `false`; **ONLY** set to `true` during debugging).
99* `"gasPrice"`: `String::hex` Sets the default gas price for transactions if not otherwise specified. Must be specified as a `hex` encoded string in `wei`. Defaults to `"0x77359400"` (2 `gwei`).
100* `"gasLimit"`: `String::hex | number` Sets the block gas limit. Must be specified as a `hex` string or `number`(integer). Defaults to `"0x6691b7"`.
101* `"callGasLimit"`: `number` Sets the transaction gas limit for `eth_call` and `eth_estimateGas` calls. Must be specified as a `hex` string. Defaults to `"0x1fffffffffffff"` (`Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER`).
102* `"keepAliveTimeout"`: `number` If using `.server()` - Sets the HTTP server's `keepAliveTimeout` in milliseconds. See the [NodeJS HTTP docs](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_server_keepalivetimeout) for details. `5000` by default.
104## Implemented Methods
106The RPC methods currently implemented are:
108* [eth_accounts](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_accounts)
109* [eth_blockNumber](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_blockNumber)
110* [eth_call](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_call)
111* `eth_chainId`
112* [eth_coinbase](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_coinbase)
113* [eth_estimateGas](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_estimateGas)
114* [eth_gasPrice](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_gasPrice)
115* [eth_getBalance](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getBalance)
116* [eth_getBlockByNumber](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getBlockByNumber)
117* [eth_getBlockByHash](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getBlockByHash)
118* [eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash)
119* [eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber)
120* [eth_getCode](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getCode)
121* [eth_getCompilers](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getCompilers)
122* [eth_getFilterChanges](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getFilterChanges)
123* [eth_getFilterLogs](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getFilterLogs)
124* [eth_getLogs](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getLogs)
125* [eth_getStorageAt](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getStorageAt)
126* [eth_getTransactionByHash](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getTransactionByHash)
127* [eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex)
128* [eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex)
129* [eth_getTransactionCount](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getTransactionCount)
130* [eth_getTransactionReceipt](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_getTransactionReceipt)
131* [eth_hashrate](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_hashrate)
132* [eth_mining](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_mining)
133* [eth_newBlockFilter](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_newBlockFilter)
134* [eth_newFilter](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_newFilter)
135* [eth_protocolVersion](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_protocolVersion)
136* [eth_sendTransaction](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_sendTransaction)
137* [eth_sendRawTransaction](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_sendRawTransaction)
138* [eth_sign](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_sign)
139* `eth_signTypedData`
140* [eth_subscribe](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_subscribe)
141* [eth_unsubscribe](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_unsubscribe)
142* [shh_version](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#shh_version)
143* [net_version](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#net_version)
144* [net_peerCount](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#net_peerCount)
145* [net_listening](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#net_listening)
146* [eth_uninstallFilter](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_uninstallFilter)
147* [eth_syncing](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#eth_syncing)
148* [web3_clientVersion](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#web3_clientVersion)
149* [web3_sha3](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RPC#web3_sha3)
150* `bzz_hive`
151* `bzz_info`
153#### Management API Methods
155* [debug_traceTransaction](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#debug_tracetransaction)
156* [miner_start](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#miner_start)
157* [miner_stop](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#miner_stop)
158* [personal_sendTransaction](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_sendTransaction)
159* [personal_unlockAccount](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_unlockAccount)
160* [personal_importRawKey](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_importRawKey)
161* [personal_newAccount](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_newAccount)
162* [personal_lockAccount](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_lockAccount)
163* [personal_listAccounts](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Management-APIs#personal_listaccounts)
165## Custom Methods
167Special non-standard methods that aren’t included within the original RPC specification:
168* `evm_snapshot` : Snapshot the state of the blockchain at the current block. Takes no parameters. Returns the integer id of the snapshot created. A snapshot can only be used once. After a successful `evm_revert`, the same snapshot id cannot be used again. Consider creating a new snapshot after each `evm_revert` *if you need to revert to the same point multiple times*.
169 ```bash
170 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
171 '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_snapshot","params":[]}' \
172 http://localhost:8545
173 ```
174 ```json
175 { "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x1" }
176 ```
177* `evm_revert` : Revert the state of the blockchain to a previous snapshot. Takes a single parameter, which is the snapshot id to revert to. This deletes the given snapshot, as well as any snapshots taken after (Ex: reverting to id `0x1` will delete snapshots with ids `0x1`, `0x2`, `etc`... If no snapshot id is passed it will revert to the latest snapshot. Returns `true`.
178 ```bash
179 # Ex: ID "1" (hex encoded string)
180 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
181 '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_revert","params":["0x1"]}' \
182 http://localhost:8545
183 ```
184 ```json
185 { "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }
186 ```
187* `evm_increaseTime` : Jump forward in time. Takes one parameter, which is the amount of time to increase in seconds. Returns the total time adjustment, in seconds.
188 ```bash
189 # Ex: 1 minute (number)
190 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
191 '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_increaseTime","params":[60]}' \
192 http://localhost:8545
193 ```
194 ```json
195 { "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "060" }
196 ```
197* `evm_mine` : Force a block to be mined (independent of mining status: started | stopped). Takes one **optional** parameter, which is the timestamp a block should setup as the mining time. NOTE: the timestamp parameter should be specified in `seconds`. In JavaScript you would calculate it like this: `Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000);`
198 ```bash
199 # Ex: new Date("2009-01-03T18:15:05+00:00").getTime()
200 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
201 '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_mine","params":[1231006505000]}' \
202 http://localhost:8545
203 ```
205 ```json
206 { "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": "0x0" }
207 ```
208* `evm_unlockUnknownAccount` : Unlocks any unknown account. Accounts known to the `personal` namespace and accounts
209returned by `eth_accounts` cannot be unlocked using this method; use `personal_lockAccount` instead.
210 ```bash
211 # Ex: account: "0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e"
212 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
213 '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_unlockUnknownAccount","params":["0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e"]}' \
214 http://localhost:8545
215 ```
217 ```json
218 { "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }
219 ```
220* `evm_lockUnknownAccount` : Locks any unknown account. Accounts known to the `personal` namespace and accounts
221returned by `eth_accounts` cannot be locked using this method; use `personal_unlockAccount` instead.
222 ```bash
223 # Ex: account: "0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e"
224 curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data \
225 '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_lockUnknownAccount","params":["0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e"]}' \
226 http://localhost:8545
227 ```
229 ```json
230 { "id": 1337, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": true }
231 ```
233## Unsupported Methods
235* `eth_compileSolidity`: If you'd like Solidity compilation in Javascript, please see the [solc-js project](https://github.com/ethereum/solc-js).
238## Testing
240Run tests via:
243$ npm test
246## License
\No newline at end of file