1 | # Changelog
2 |
3 | ## 0.0.10
4 |
5 | - Updated parser to comply with new structure on medium
6 | - Added `remove` functionality to remove third party links
7 |
8 | ## 0.0.9
9 |
10 | - Removed logging.
11 |
12 | ## 0.0.8
13 |
14 | - Proper image alt tag generation based on figcaption
15 |
16 | ## 0.0.7
17 |
18 | - Removed logging.
19 |
20 | ## 0.0.6
21 |
22 | - Added description for each post.
23 | - Added deafult `img` tag `alt` attribute.
24 |
25 | ## 0.0.5
26 |
27 | - Added code `pre` tags exception.
28 |
29 | ## 0.0.4
30 |
31 | - Added `h1h2`, convert all h3 and h4 to h1 and h2.
32 | - Added `h2h3`, convert all h3 and h4 to h2 and h3.
33 | - Added `image` thumbnail, which is a first image in the post.
34 |
35 | ## 0.0.3
36 |
37 | - Added slug prefix.
38 |
39 | ## 0.0.2
40 |
41 | - Skipping drafts.
42 | - Improved aligment of the images via CSS and parsing.
43 |
44 | ## 0.0.1
45 |
46 | Initial release.