1 | # gatsby-source-medium-backup
2 |
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16 |
17 | Gatsby plugin to import your medium posts from a backup as markdown files.
18 |
19 | ## Installation
20 |
21 | We assume you've already [created gatsby website](https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/tutorial/part-zero/#create-a-gatsby-site) using command like this:
22 |
23 | ```shell
24 | gatsby new example https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-hello-world
25 | ```
26 |
27 | ### Install dependencies
28 |
29 | ```shell
30 | cd example
31 | npm i -s gatsby-source-filesystem gatsby-transformer-remark gatsby-source-medium-backup
32 | ```
33 |
34 | ### Configure your gatsby plugins
35 |
36 | Go to `gatsby-config.js` and configure folder for your processed markdown pages first:
37 |
38 | ```javascript
39 | const markdownPages = `${__dirname}/src/markdown-pages`
40 | ```
41 |
42 | Then inside the `plugins` section add `gatsby-source-medium-backup` first and specify location of your medium backfile inside `source`:
43 |
44 | ```javascript
45 | {
46 | resolve: 'gatsby-source-medium-backup',
47 | options: {
48 | source: `${__dirname}/medium-export.zip`,
49 | destination: markdownPages,
50 | },
51 | },
52 | ```
53 |
54 | Add markdown generation **after** above plugin!
55 |
56 | ```javascript
57 | // markdown
58 | {
59 | resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
60 | options: {
61 | path: markdownPages,
62 | name: `markdown-pages`,
63 | //prefix: 'blog' // optional: prefix all slugs
64 | h1h2: true, // optional: convert all h3 and h4 to h1 and h2
65 | // h2h3: true, // optional: convert all h3 and h4 to h2 and h3
66 | },
67 | },
68 | `gatsby-transformer-remark`,
69 | ```
70 |
71 | ### Download your medium archive
72 |
73 | [Here](https://help.medium.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004745787-Download-your-information)'s official guide from Medium.
74 |
75 | 1. On your homepage, click on your profile picture and click Settings.
76 | 2. Scroll down to the Download your information section.
77 | 3. Click Download . zip and confirm by clicking Export.
78 | 4. A link to download your archive will be sent to you by email when it is finished.
79 |
80 | ### Configure your gatsby blog posts generation
81 |
82 | This section essentially follows original guideline for adding markdown pages [here](https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/how-to/routing/adding-markdown-pages/)
83 |
84 | 1. Create [`./src/templates/blogTemplate.js`](./src/templates/blogTemplate.js), which will be used as a page template for your blog posts.
85 | 2. Configure your [`./gatsby-node.js`](./gatsby-node.js) to generate blog posts using markdown files during the build time.
86 |
87 | ### Now run your gatsby
88 |
89 | ```shell
90 | cd example
91 | gatsby develop
92 | ```
93 |
94 | Navigate to [http://localhost:8000/404](http://localhost:8000/404) and you'll see your markdown pages generated.
95 |
96 | <img width="900" alt="Screen Shot 2021-04-08 at 20 26 36" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1857263/114124179-b8f62980-98a8-11eb-890c-94feb7eeedcf.png">
97 |
98 |
99 | ## Troubleshooting
100 |
101 | 1. Make sure to put absolute path for your medium archive.
102 |
103 | 2. This plugin generate following metadata for each post:
104 |
105 | ```json
106 | {
107 | "title": "How to build a react-native plugin in 2021",
108 | "author": "Eugene Hauptmann",
109 | "authorLink": "https://medium.com/@eugenehauptmann",
110 | "canonical": "https://medium.com/@eugenehauptmann/how-to-build-a-react-native-plugin-in-2021-60704edc0c28",
111 | "timestamp": "2021-04-06T00:58:51.984Z",
112 | "exportDate": "April 6, 2021"
113 | }
114 | ```
115 |
116 | ## Sponsorship
117 |
118 | Thank you to our sponsors:
119 |
120 | [<img width="300px" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1857263/114124204-c4e1eb80-98a8-11eb-80ab-64683c24bbc5.png" alt="Reactive Lions™" target="_blank">](https://www.reactivelions.com)
121 |
122 | ## License
123 |
124 | [MIT](./LICENSE)
125 |
126 | Copyright (c) 2021 Eugene Hauptmann