1 | # gatsby-transformer-mdx
2 |
3 | [![npm version][version-badge]][version]
4 | [![Build Status][build-badge]][build]
5 | [![License: MIT][license-badge]][license]
6 | [![module formats: cjs][module-formats-badge]][unpkg-bundle]
7 |
8 | Mdx files handling in Gatsby sites.
9 |
10 | ## Install
11 |
12 | As an npm package:
13 |
14 | ```shell
15 | npm i -D gatsby-transformer-mdx
16 | ```
17 |
18 | ## How to use
19 |
20 | ### Default case
21 |
22 | In your `gatsby-config.js`:
23 |
24 | ```javascript
25 | module.exports = {
26 | plugins: ['gatsby-transformer-mdx'],
27 | };
28 | ```
29 |
30 | This way all your mdx files in `src/pages` will converted to pages. Also you can
31 | import mdx files as any other React component.
32 |
33 | ### Using MDX to programmatically create pages
34 |
35 | ```javascript
36 | // gatsby-config.js
37 | module.exports = {
38 | plugins: [
39 | {
40 | resolve: 'gatsby-source-filesystem',
41 | options: {
42 | name: 'blog',
43 | path: `${__dirname}/src/content/blog`,
44 | },
45 | },
46 | 'gatsby-transformer-mdx',
47 | ],
48 | };
49 | ```
50 |
51 | ```javascript
52 | // gatsby-node.js
53 | exports.createPages = async ({ actions, graphql }) => {
54 | const { createPage } = actions;
55 | const result = await graphql(`
56 | {
57 | allMdx(filter: { sourceName: { eq: "blog" } }) {
58 | edges {
59 | node {
60 | id
61 | fileAbsolutePath
62 | frontmatter {
63 | pathname
64 | }
65 | }
66 | }
67 | }
68 | }
69 | `);
70 |
71 | if (result.errors) throw result.errors;
72 |
73 | result.data.allMdx.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
74 | const {
75 | frontmatter: { pathname },
76 | } = node;
77 |
78 | createPage({
79 | path: `/blog${pathname}`,
80 | component: node.fileAbsolutePath,
81 | context: { id: node.id },
82 | });
83 | });
84 | };
85 | ```
86 |
87 | ## Options
88 |
89 | - [`pagesPath`](#define-mdx-pages-location-with-pagespath)
90 | - [`loaders`](#altering-the-webpack-mdx-loaders-with-loaders)
91 | - [`defaultLayout`](#define-default-mdx-layout-with-defaultlayout)
92 | - [`defaultImports`](#adding-components-to-mdx-scope-with-defaultimports)
93 |
94 | ### Define mdx pages location with `pagesPath`
95 |
96 | ```javascript
97 | // gatsby-config.js
98 | module.exports = {
99 | plugins: [
100 | {
101 | resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-mdx',
102 | options: {
103 | pagesPath: `${__dirname}/src/blog`,
104 | },
105 | },
106 | ],
107 | };
108 | ```
109 |
110 | \* The default is `__dirname + '/src/pages'`.
111 |
112 | ### Altering the webpack mdx loaders with `loaders`
113 |
114 | ```js
115 | // gatsby-config.js
116 | const emoji = require('remark-emoji');
117 |
118 | module.exports = {
119 | plugins: [
120 | {
121 | resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-mdx',
122 | options: {
123 | loaders: {
124 | // eg. Disable babel-loader cache
125 | js: () => ({ cacheDirectory: false }),
126 | // eg. Use emoji plugin
127 | mdx: () => ({ mdPlugins: [emoji] }),
128 | },
129 | },
130 | },
131 | ],
132 | };
133 | ```
134 |
135 | Checkout the [demo](https://github.com/karolis-sh/gatsby-mdx/tree/master/demos/enhancing-mdx-loaders).
136 |
137 | ### Define default mdx layout with `defaultLayout`
138 |
139 | Pass the absolute path to module:
140 |
141 | ```javascript
142 | // gatsby-config.js
143 | module.exports = {
144 | plugins: [
145 | {
146 | resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-mdx',
147 | options: {
148 | defaultLayout: `${__dirname}/src/layouts/PurpleLayout`,
149 | },
150 | },
151 | 'gatsby-plugin-catch-links',
152 | ],
153 | };
154 | ```
155 |
156 | You can always override it with `export default` syntax.
157 |
158 | Checkout the [demo](https://github.com/karolis-sh/gatsby-mdx/tree/master/demos/default-mdx-layout).
159 |
160 | \* Make sure that the provided default layout module exports the layout component
161 | as default.
162 |
163 | ### Adding components to mdx scope with `defaultImports`
164 |
165 | ```javascript
166 | // gatsby-config.js
167 | module.exports = {
168 | plugins: [
169 | {
170 | resolve: 'gatsby-transformer-mdx',
171 | options: {
172 | defaultImports: [
173 | "import Clock from 'react-live-clock';",
174 | { value: '{ PinkBox }', path: `${__dirname}/src/ui` },
175 | ],
176 | },
177 | },
178 | ],
179 | };
180 | ```
181 |
182 | ```md
183 | <!-- any-mdx-file.mdx -->
184 |
185 | # The time is <Clock format="HH:mm:ss" ticking />
186 |
187 | <PinkBox>
188 | Lore ipsum
189 | </PinkBox>
190 | ```
191 |
192 | Checkout the [demo](https://github.com/karolis-sh/gatsby-mdx/tree/master/demos/default-mdx-imports).
193 |
194 | ## License
195 |
196 | MIT
197 |
198 | [version-badge]: https://badge.fury.io/js/gatsby-transformer-mdx.svg
199 | [version]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gatsby-transformer-mdx
200 | [build-badge]: https://travis-ci.org/karolis-sh/gatsby-mdx.svg?branch=master
201 | [build]: https://travis-ci.org/karolis-sh/gatsby-mdx
202 | [license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg
203 | [license]: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
204 | [module-formats-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/module%20formats-cjs-green.svg
205 | [unpkg-bundle]: https://unpkg.com/gatsby-transformer-mdx/