8.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
5/** */
6const GatsbyReporter = {
7 /**
8 * @callback GatsbyReporterFn
9 * @param {string} message Message to display
10 * @returns {void}
11 */
13 /**
14 * @callback GatsbyReporterFnWithError
15 * @param {string} message Message to display
16 * @param {Error}[error] Optional error object
17 * @returns {void}
18 */
20 /**
21 * @type {GatsbyReporterFn}
22 * @example
23 * reporter.info(`text`)
24 */
25 info: true,
27 /**
28 * @type {GatsbyReporterFn}
29 * @example
30 * reporter.warn(`text`)
31 */
32 warn: true,
34 /**
35 * @type {GatsbyReporterFnWithError}
36 * @example
37 * reporter.error(`text`, new Error('something'))
38 */
39 error: true,
41 /**
42 * @type {GatsbyReporterFnWithError}
43 * @example
44 * reporter.panic(`text`, new Error('something'))
45 */
46 panic: true,
48 /**
49 * @type {GatsbyReporterFnWithError}
50 * @example
51 * reporter.panicOnBuild(`text`, new Error('something'))
52 */
53 panicOnBuild: true,
55 /**
56 * Note that this method only works if the --verbose option has
57 * been passed to the CLI
58 * @type {GatsbyReporterFn}
59 * @example
60 * reporter.verbose(`text`)
61 */
62 verbose: true
64/** */
66const GatsbyCache = {
67 /**
68 * Retrieve cached value
69 * @param {string} key Cache key
70 * @returns {Promise<any>} Promise resolving to cached value
71 * @example
72 * const value = await cache.get(`unique-key`)
73 */
74 get: true,
76 /**
77 * Cache value
78 * @param {string} key Cache key
79 * @param {any} value Value to be cached
80 * @returns {Promise<any>} Promise resolving to cached value
81 * @example
82 * await cache.set(`unique-key`, value)
83 */
84 set: true
86/** */
88const GatsbyTracing = {
89 /**
90 * Global tracer instance. Check
91 * [opentracing Tracer documentation](https://opentracing-javascript.surge.sh/classes/tracer.html)
92 * for more details.
93 * @type {Opentracing.Tracer}
94 */
95 tracer: true,
97 /**
98 * Tracer span representing API run. Check
99 * [opentracing Span documentation](https://opentracing-javascript.surge.sh/classes/span.html)
100 * for more details.
101 * @type {Opentracing.Span}
102 */
103 parentSpan: true,
105 /**
106 * @callback GatsbyTracing.StartSpan
107 * @param {string} spanName name of the span
108 * @returns {Opentracing.Span}
109 */
111 /**
112 * Start a tracing span. The span will be created as a child of the currently
113 * running API span. This is a convenience wrapper for
114 * ```js
115 * tracing.tracer.startSpan(`span-name`, { childOf: tracing.parentSpan}).
116 * ```
117 * @type {GatsbyTracing.StartSpan}
118 * @example
119 * exports.sourceNodes = async ({ actions, tracing }) => {
120 * const span = tracing.startSpan(`foo`)
121 *
122 * // Perform any span operations. E.g. add a tag to your span
123 * span.setTag(`bar`, `baz`)
124 *
125 * // Rest of your plugin code
126 *
127 * span.finish()
128 * }
129 */
130 startSpan: true
132/** */
134const GatsbyNodeHelpers = {
135 /**
136 * Key-value store used to persist results of time/memory/cpu intensive
137 * tasks. All functions are async and return promises.
138 * @type {GatsbyCache}
139 */
140 cache: true,
142 /**
143 * Get cache instance by name - this should only be used by plugins that
144 * accept subplugins.
145 * @param {string} id Test
146 * @returns {GatsbyCache} See [`cache`](#cache) section for reference.
147 */
148 getCache: true,
150 /**
151 * Create a stable content digest from a string or object, you can use the
152 * result of this function to set the `internal.contentDigest` field
153 * on nodes. Gatsby uses the value of this field to invalidate stale data
154 * when your content changes.
155 * @param {(string|object)} input
156 * @returns {string} Hash string
157 * @example
158 * const node = {
159 * ...nodeData,
160 * internal: {
161 * type: `TypeOfNode`,
162 * contentDigest: createContentDigest(nodeData)
163 * }
164 * }
165 */
166 createContentDigest: true,
168 /**
169 * Collection of functions used to programmatically modify Gatsby’s internal state.
170 *
171 * See [`actions`](/docs/actions/) reference.
172 * @type {Actions}
173 * @deprecated Will be removed in gatsby 3.0. Use [actions](#actions)
174 * instead.
175 */
176 boundActionCreators: true,
178 /**
179 * Collection of functions used to programmatically modify Gatsby’s internal state.
180 *
181 * See [`actions`](/docs/actions/) reference.
182 * @type {Actions}
183 */
184 actions: true,
186 /**
187 * Get content for a node from the plugin that created it.
188 * @param {Node} node
189 * @returns {Promise<string>}
190 * @example
191 * module.exports = async function onCreateNode(
192 * { node, loadNodeContent, actions, createNodeId }
193 * ) {
194 * if (node.internal.mediaType === 'text/markdown') {
195 * const { createNode, createParentChildLink } = actions
196 * const textContent = await loadNodeContent(node)
197 * // process textContent and create child nodes
198 * }
199 * }
200 */
201 loadNodeContent: true,
203 /**
204 * Internal redux state used for application state. Do not use, unless you
205 * absolutely must. Store is considered a private API and can change with
206 * any version.
207 * @type {Redux.Store}
208 */
209 store: true,
211 /**
212 * Internal event emitter / listener. Do not use, unless you absolutely
213 * must. Emitter is considered a private API and can change with any version.
214 * @type {Emitter}
215 */
216 emitter: true,
218 /**
219 * Get array of all nodes.
220 * @returns {Node[]} Array of nodes.
221 * @example
222 * const allNodes = getNodes()
223 */
224 getNodes: true,
226 /**
227 * Get single node by given ID.
228 * Don't use this in graphql resolvers - see
229 * [`getNodeAndSavePathDependency`](#getNodeAndSavePathDependency).
230 * @param {string} ID id of the node.
231 * @returns {Node} Single node instance.
232 * @example
233 * const node = getNode(id)
234 */
235 getNode: true,
237 /**
238 * Get array of nodes of given type.
239 * @param {string} Type of nodes
240 * @returns {Node[]} Array of nodes.
241 * @example
242 * const markdownNodes = getNodesByType(`MarkdownRemark`)
243 */
244 getNodesByType: true,
246 /**
247 * Compares `contentDigest` of cached node with passed value
248 * to determine if node has changed.
249 *
250 * @param {string} id of node
251 * @param {string} contentDigest of node
252 * @returns {boolean}
253 * @deprecated This check is done internally in Gatsby and it's not necessary to use it in plugins. Will be removed in gatsby 3.0.
254 */
255 hasNodeChanged: true,
257 /**
258 * Set of utilities to output information to user
259 * @type {GatsbyReporter}
260 */
261 reporter: true,
263 /**
264 * Get single node by given ID and create dependency for given path.
265 * This should be used instead of `getNode` in graphql resolvers to enable
266 * tracking dependencies for query results. If it's not used Gatsby will
267 * not rerun query if node changes leading to stale query results. See
268 * [Page -> Node Dependency Tracking](/docs/page-node-dependencies/)
269 * for more details.
270 * @param {string} ID id of the node.
271 * @param {string} path of the node.
272 * @returns {Node} Single node instance.
273 */
274 getNodeAndSavePathDependency: true,
276 /**
277 * Utility function useful to generate globally unique and stable node IDs.
278 * It will generate different IDs for different plugins if they use same
279 * input.
280 *
281 * @param {string} input
282 * @returns {string} UUIDv5 ID string
283 * @example
284 * const node = {
285 * id: createNodeId(`${backendData.type}${backendData.id}`),
286 * ...restOfNodeData
287 * }
288 */
289 createNodeId: true,
291 /**
292 * Set of utilities that allow adding more detailed tracing for plugins.
293 * Check
294 * [Performance tracing](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/performance-tracing)
295 * page for more details.
296 * @type {GatsbyTracing}
297 */
298 tracing: true,
300 /**
301 * Use to prefix resources URLs. `pathPrefix` will be either empty string or
302 * path that starts with slash and doesn't end with slash. Check
303 * [Adding a Path Prefix](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/path-prefix/)
304 * page for details about path prefixing.
305 * @type {string}
306 */
307 pathPrefix: true
309module.exports = GatsbyNodeHelpers;
310//# sourceMappingURL=api-node-helpers-docs.js.map
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