1.63 kBJSONView Raw
2 "version": "5.1.21",
3 "name": "gcc-min",
4 "description": "Just write scripts for Node.js environment, then build to use in the browsers",
5 "repository": {
6 "type": "git",
7 "url": "https://github.com/ndaidong/gcc-min"
8 },
9 "author": "@ndaidong",
10 "bin": {
11 "gccmin": "builder/build.js"
12 },
13 "main": "./index.js",
14 "engines": {
15 "node": ">= 7.6"
16 },
17 "scripts": {
18 "lint": "eslint ./src ./test",
19 "nsp": "nsp check --output checkstyle",
20 "report": "nyc report --reporter=lcov > coverage.lcov && codecov",
21 "pretest": "npm run lint && npm run nsp && npm run build",
22 "tape": "nyc tape test/start.js | tap-spec",
23 "test": "npm run tape",
24 "posttest": "CODECOV_TOKEN=b7ad5ba4-6a46-4d1c-848f-f9011c18e16f npm run report",
25 "build": "node builder/build -e ../test/data/main.js -n math -o ../test/data/output -p ../test/data/package.json",
26 "reset": "node reset"
27 },
28 "dependencies": {
29 "babel-plugin-external-helpers": "6.x.x",
30 "babel-plugin-transform-remove-strict-mode": "0.x.x",
31 "babel-preset-es2015-rollup": "3.x.x",
32 "bellajs": "7.x.x",
33 "minimist": "1.x.x",
34 "rollup": "0.x.x",
35 "rollup-plugin-babel": "2.x.x",
36 "rollup-plugin-cleanup": "1.x.x",
37 "rollup-plugin-commonjs": "8.x.x",
38 "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "3.x.x",
39 "uglify-js": "3.x.x"
40 },
41 "devDependencies": {
42 "codecov": "2.x.x",
43 "eslint": "4.x.x",
44 "eslint-config-ggc": "1.x.x",
45 "nsp": "2.x.x",
46 "nyc": "11.x.x",
47 "tap-spec": "4.x.x",
48 "tape": "4.x.x"
49 },
50 "keywords": [
51 "compile",
52 "minify",
53 "es6",
54 "util"
55 ],
56 "license": "MIT"