5.95 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function() {
2 'use strict';
3 var RevealGenerator, chalk, path, semver, yeoman, yosay,
4 __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
5 __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
7 path = require('path');
9 yeoman = require('yeoman-generator');
11 semver = require('semver');
13 yosay = require('yosay');
15 chalk = require('chalk');
17 module.exports = RevealGenerator = (function(_super) {
18 __extends(RevealGenerator, _super);
20 function RevealGenerator() {
21 return RevealGenerator.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
22 }
24 RevealGenerator.prototype.initializing = function() {
25 this.pkg = this.fs.readJSON(path.join(__dirname, '../package.json'));
26 return this.config.defaults({
27 presentationTitle: 'Reveal.js and Yeoman is Awesomeness',
28 packageVersion: '0.0.0',
29 revealTheme: 'default',
30 useSass: false,
31 deployToGithubPages: false
32 });
33 };
35 RevealGenerator.prototype.prompting = {
36 askFor: function() {
37 var cb, prompts;
38 cb = this.async();
39 this.log(yosay());
40 this.log(chalk.magenta('This includes the amazing Reveal.js Framework\n' + 'and a Grunt file for your presentation pleasure.\n'));
41 prompts = [
42 {
43 name: 'presentationTitle',
44 message: 'What are you going to talk about?',
45 "default": this.config.get('presentationTitle')
46 }, {
47 name: 'packageVersion',
48 message: 'What version should we put in the package.json file?',
49 "default": this.config.get('packageVersion'),
50 validate: function(input) {
51 if (!semver.valid(input)) {
52 return 'Please enter a correct semver version, i.e. MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.';
53 }
54 return true;
55 }
56 }, {
57 name: 'useSass',
58 message: 'Do you want to use SASS to create a custom theme? This requires you to have Ruby and Sass installed.',
59 type: 'confirm',
60 "default": this.config.get('useSass')
61 }, {
62 name: 'revealTheme',
63 type: 'list',
64 message: 'What Reveal.js theme would you like to use?',
65 when: function(props) {
66 return props.useSass === false;
67 },
68 choices: this.fs.readJSON(path.join(__dirname, './theme_choices.json')),
69 "default": this.config.get('revealTheme')
70 }, {
71 name: 'deployToGithubPages',
72 message: 'Do you want to deploy your presentation to Github Pages? This requires an empty Github repository.',
73 type: 'confirm',
74 "default": this.config.get('deployToGithubPages')
75 }, {
76 name: 'githubUsername',
77 message: 'What is your Github username?',
78 "default": this.config.get('githubUsername'),
79 when: function(props) {
80 return props.deployToGithubPages === true;
81 }
82 }, {
83 name: 'githubRepository',
84 message: 'What is the Github repository name?',
85 "default": this.config.get('githubRepository'),
86 when: function(props) {
87 return props.deployToGithubPages === true;
88 }
89 }
90 ];
91 return this.prompt(prompts, (function(_this) {
92 return function(props) {
93 _this.config.set('presentationTitle', props.presentationTitle);
94 _this.config.set('packageVersion', props.packageVersion);
95 _this.config.set('useSass', props.useSass);
96 _this.config.set('revealTheme', props.revealTheme);
97 _this.config.set('deployToGithubPages', props.deployToGithubPages);
98 _this.config.set('githubUsername', props.githubUsername);
99 _this.config.set('githubRepository', props.githubRepository);
100 return cb();
101 };
102 })(this));
103 }
104 };
106 RevealGenerator.prototype.writing = {
107 app: function() {
108 this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath('_index.md'), this.destinationPath('slides/index.md'), this);
109 this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath('_Gruntfile.coffee'), this.destinationPath('Gruntfile.coffee'), this);
110 this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath('_package.json'), this.destinationPath('package.json'), this);
111 this.fs.copyTpl(this.templatePath('_bower.json'), this.destinationPath('bower.json'), this);
112 this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('loadhtmlslides.js'), this.destinationPath('js/loadhtmlslides.js'));
113 this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('list.json'), this.destinationPath('slides/list.json'));
114 if (this.config.get('useSass')) {
115 this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('theme.scss'), this.destinationPath('css/source/theme.scss'));
116 }
117 this.copy(this.templatePath('__index.html'), this.destinationPath('templates/_index.html'));
118 return this.copy(this.templatePath('__section.html'), this.destinationPath('templates/_section.html'));
119 },
120 projectfiles: function() {
121 this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('editorconfig'), this.destinationPath('.editorconfig'));
122 return this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('jshintrc'), this.destinationPath('.jshintrc'));
123 },
124 runtime: function() {
125 this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('bowerrc'), this.destinationPath('.bowerrc'));
126 return this.fs.copy(this.templatePath('gitignore'), this.destinationPath('.gitignore'));
127 }
128 };
130 RevealGenerator.prototype.install = function() {
131 return this.installDependencies({
132 skipInstall: this.options['skip-install']
133 });
134 };
136 return RevealGenerator;
138 })(yeoman.generators.Base);