1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 | const ghpages = require('../lib/index.js');
4 | const {Command} = require('commander');
5 | const path = require('path');
6 | const pkg = require('../package.json');
7 | const addr = require('email-addresses');
8 |
9 | function publish(dist, config) {
10 | return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
11 | const basePath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), dist);
12 | ghpages.publish(basePath, config, (err) => {
13 | if (err) {
14 | return reject(err);
15 | }
16 | resolve();
17 | });
18 | });
19 | }
20 |
21 | function main(args) {
22 | return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
23 | const program = new Command()
24 | .version(pkg.version)
25 | .requiredOption(
26 | '-d, --dist <dist>',
27 | 'Base directory for all source files'
28 | )
29 | .option(
30 | '-s, --src <src>',
31 | 'Pattern used to select which files to publish',
32 | ghpages.defaults.src
33 | )
34 | .option(
35 | '-b, --branch <branch>',
36 | 'Name of the branch you are pushing to',
37 | ghpages.defaults.branch
38 | )
39 | .option(
40 | '-e, --dest <dest>',
41 | 'Target directory within the destination branch (relative to the root)',
42 | ghpages.defaults.dest
43 | )
44 | .option('-a, --add', 'Only add, and never remove existing files')
45 | .option('-x, --silent', 'Do not output the repository url')
46 | .option(
47 | '-m, --message <message>',
48 | 'commit message',
49 | ghpages.defaults.message
50 | )
51 | .option('-g, --tag <tag>', 'add tag to commit')
52 | .option('--git <git>', 'Path to git executable', ghpages.defaults.git)
53 | .option('-t, --dotfiles', 'Include dotfiles')
54 | .option('--nojekyll', 'Add a .nojekyll file to disable Jekyll')
55 | .option(
56 | '--cname <CNAME>',
57 | 'Add a CNAME file with the name of your custom domain'
58 | )
59 | .option('-r, --repo <repo>', 'URL of the repository you are pushing to')
60 | .option('-p, --depth <depth>', 'depth for clone', ghpages.defaults.depth)
61 | .option(
62 | '-o, --remote <name>',
63 | 'The name of the remote',
64 | ghpages.defaults.remote
65 | )
66 | .option(
67 | '-u, --user <address>',
68 | 'The name and email of the user (defaults to the git config). Format is "Your Name <email@example.com>".'
69 | )
70 | .option(
71 | '-v, --remove <pattern>',
72 | 'Remove files that match the given pattern ' +
73 | '(ignored if used together with --add).',
74 | ghpages.defaults.remove
75 | )
76 | .option('-n, --no-push', 'Commit only (with no push)')
77 | .option(
78 | '-f, --no-history',
79 | 'Push force new commit without parent history'
80 | )
81 | .option(
82 | '--before-add <file>',
83 | 'Execute the function exported by <file> before "git add"'
84 | )
85 | .parse(args);
86 |
87 | const options = program.opts();
88 |
89 | let user;
90 | if (options.user) {
91 | const parts = addr.parseOneAddress(options.user);
92 | if (!parts) {
93 | throw new Error(
94 | `Could not parse name and email from user option "${options.user}" ` +
95 | '(format should be "Your Name <email@example.com>")'
96 | );
97 | }
98 | user = {name: parts.name, email: parts.address};
99 | }
100 | let beforeAdd;
101 | if (options.beforeAdd) {
102 | const m = require(require.resolve(options.beforeAdd, {
103 | paths: [process.cwd()],
104 | }));
105 |
106 | if (typeof m === 'function') {
107 | beforeAdd = m;
108 | } else if (typeof m === 'object' && typeof m.default === 'function') {
109 | beforeAdd = m.default;
110 | } else {
111 | throw new Error(
112 | `Could not find function to execute before adding files in ` +
113 | `"${options.beforeAdd}".\n `
114 | );
115 | }
116 | }
117 |
118 | const config = {
119 | repo: options.repo,
120 | silent: !!options.silent,
121 | branch: options.branch,
122 | src: options.src,
123 | dest: options.dest,
124 | message: options.message,
125 | tag: options.tag,
126 | git: options.git,
127 | depth: options.depth,
128 | dotfiles: !!options.dotfiles,
129 | nojekyll: !!options.nojekyll,
130 | cname: options.cname,
131 | add: !!options.add,
132 | remove: options.remove,
133 | remote: options.remote,
134 | push: !!options.push,
135 | history: !!options.history,
136 | user: user,
137 | beforeAdd: beforeAdd,
138 | };
139 |
140 | return publish(options.dist, config);
141 | });
142 | }
143 |
144 | if (require.main === module) {
145 | main(process.argv)
146 | .then(() => {
147 | process.stdout.write('Published\n');
148 | })
149 | .catch((err) => {
150 | process.stderr.write(`${err.stack}\n`, () => process.exit(1));
151 | });
152 | }
153 |
154 | module.exports = main;
155 | exports = module.exports;