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1if not exports?
2 if not @gi
3 @gi = {}
4 if not @gi.util
5 @gi['util'] = {}
6 if not @gi.util.common
7 @gi.util['common'] = {}
9do (exports = (if exports? then exports else @gi.util.common['timePatterns'] = {} )) ->
10 moment = if window? then window.moment else require('moment')
12 enrichPeriod = (pattern, recurrence) ->
13 length = 0
14 secondsInADay = 60*60*24
16 if recurrence is 'weekly'
17 length = secondsInADay * 7
19 #the create & update methods protect us from patterns
20 #longer than the recurrence
21 onTime = 0
22 calculatedPeriodLength = 0
24 for s, i in pattern
25 if i % 2 == 1
26 #an on period
27 onTime += s
28 calculatedPeriodLength += s
30 if calculatedPeriodLength < length
31 #push the difference on the end of the array
32 missingSecondsInPattern = length - calculatedPeriodLength
33 pattern.push missingSecondsInPattern
34 #if it's an on period, add it to the periodOnTime
35 if pattern.length % 2 is 0
36 #the last entry is an on time
37 onTime += missingSecondsInPattern
39 length: length
40 onTime: onTime
42 calculatePeriodStart = (period, start, pattern, recurrence) ->
43 period.start = moment(start)
44 #now the difference is at most one recurrence length
45 if recurrence is 'weekly'
46 period.start = moment(start).startOf('week')
48 period.secondsToStart = start.diff period.start, 'seconds'
50 # console.log 'period start: ' + period.start.toString()
51 # console.log 'start: ' + start.toString()
52 # console.log 'seconds to start: ' + period.secondsToStart
53 # console.log pattern
55 period
57 #
58 # This is a complicated function, but it's well unit tested. I've left
59 # the console lines in, but commented out to aid any future debugging
60 # as they proved quite helpful to see what's going on
61 #
62 exports.timeOnBetween = (_start, _stop, pattern, recurrence) ->
63 #clone the moments so we don't alter them for the calling function
64 start = moment(_start)
65 stop = moment(_stop)
66 # console.log 'period start: ' + periodStart.toString()
67 # console.log 'start: ' + start.toString()
69 result = 0
71 period = enrichPeriod pattern, recurrence
73 #calculate the seconds we are into the period
74 secondsFromStartToStop = stop.diff start, 'seconds'
76 while secondsFromStartToStop > period.length
77 #fast forward through whole periods if we can
78 # console.log 'fast forwarding (added ' + period.onTime + ' seconds)'
79 result += period.onTime
80 start.add 'seconds', period.length
81 secondsFromStartToStop = stop.diff start, 'seconds'
83 # console.log 'seconds from start to stop ' + secondsFromStartToStop
85 #now the difference is at most one recurrence length
86 period = calculatePeriodStart period, start, pattern, recurrence
88 index = 0
89 while true
90 #we want to fast forward to the right point in the index
91 if period.secondsToStart >= pattern[index]
92 # console.log 'subtracting ' + pattern[index]
93 # + ' seconds from start'
94 period.secondsToStart -= pattern[index]
95 index += 1
96 else
97 # console.log 'found start index ' + index + ' plus ' +
98 # period.secondsToStart + ' seconds '
99 break
101 #so now index points to the correct start point in the pattern
102 #and secondsFromStart needs to be added to that index
103 if index % 2 is 0
104 #it's an off period
105 # console.log 'considering off period ' + index
106 if secondsFromStartToStop >= pattern[index] - period.secondsToStart
107 # console.log 'increasing index'
108 secondsFromStartToStop -= pattern[index] - period.secondsToStart
109 index += 1
110 else
111 # console.log 'we are done'
112 secondsFromStartToStop = 0
113 else
114 # console.log 'considering on period ' + index
115 if secondsFromStartToStop >= pattern[index] - period.secondsToStart
116 result += pattern[index] - period.secondsToStart
117 secondsFromStartToStop -= pattern[index] - period.secondsToStart
118 index += 1
119 else
120 result += secondsFromStartToStop
121 secondsFromStartToStop = 0
123 while secondsFromStartToStop > 0
124 if index % 2 is 0
125 #it's an off period
126 # console.log 'considering off period ' + index
127 if secondsFromStartToStop >= pattern[index]
128 secondsFromStartToStop -= pattern[index]
129 index += 1
130 else
131 secondsFromStartToStop = 0
132 else
133 #it's an on period
134 # console.log 'considering on period ' + index
135 if secondsFromStartToStop >= pattern[index]
136 result += pattern[index]
137 secondsFromStartToStop -= pattern[index]
138 #console.log 'current result: ' + result
139 index += 1
140 else
141 result += secondsFromStartToStop
142 # console.log 'current result: ' + result
143 secondsFromStartToStop = 0
145 # console.log 'returning: ' + result
146 # console.log ''
147 result
150 exports.timeAfterXSecondsOnFrom = (_start, x, pattern, recurrence) ->
151 #clone the moments so we don't alter them for the calling function
152 start = moment(_start)
153 # console.log 'start: ' + start.toString()
155 result = moment(start)
156 #calculate the seconds into the period we are
157 period = enrichPeriod pattern, recurrence
159 while x > period.onTime
160 #fast forward through whole periods if we can
161 # console.log 'fast forwarding (' + period.onTime + ' seconds)'
162 result.add('seconds', period.length)
163 start.add('seconds', period.length)
164 x -= period.onTime
166 # console.log 'x remaining: ' + x
168 period = calculatePeriodStart period, start, pattern, recurrence
170 index = 0
171 while true
172 #we want to fast forward to the right point in the index
173 if period.secondsToStart >= pattern[index]
174 # console.log 'subtracting ' + pattern[index] +
175 # ' seconds from start'
176 period.secondsToStart -= pattern[index]
177 index += 1
178 if index is pattern.length
179 index = 0
180 #console.log 'index is incremented to: ' + index
181 else
182 # console.log 'found start index ' + index + ' plus ' +
183 # period.secondsToStart + ' seconds'
184 if index % 2 is 1
185 x += period.secondsToStart
186 result.subtract 'seconds', period.secondsToStart
187 # console.log 'current result: ' + result.toString()
188 break
190 #so now index points to the correct start point in the pattern
191 #and secondsFromStart needs to be added to that index
192 # console.log x
193 while x > 0
194 if index % 2 is 0
195 #it's an off period
196 # console.log 'considering off period ' + index
197 result.add 'seconds', pattern[index]
198 index += 1
199 if index is pattern.length
200 index = 0
201 else
202 # console.log 'considering on period ' + index
203 onSeconds = pattern[index]
204 if x >= onSeconds
205 result.add 'seconds', onSeconds
206 x -= onSeconds
207 index += 1
208 if index is pattern.length
209 index = 0
210 else
211 result.add 'seconds', x
212 x = 0
214 # console.log 'returning: ' + result
215 # console.log ''
216 result
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