1.62 MBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"kotlinx-coroutines-core.js","sources":["kotlin/collections.kt","runtime/arrayUtils.kt","generated/_Arrays.kt","coroutines/Continuation.kt","util/Preconditions.kt","util/Result.kt","../../../../../common/src/Delay.kt","../../../../../common/src/EventLoop.common.kt","text/StringBuilder.kt","../../../../../atomicfu/src/jsMain/kotlin/kotlinx/atomicfu/locks/Synchronized.kt","kotlin/math.kt","util/HashCode.kt","generated/_ArraysJs.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/LockFreeTaskQueue.kt","../../../../../js/src/JSDispatcher.kt","../../../../../common/src/AbstractCoroutine.kt","../../../../../js/src/Builders.kt","../../../../../common/src/Annotations.kt","../../../../../common/src/CancellableContinuation.kt","../../../../../common/src/Await.kt","generated/_Collections.kt","util/Standard.kt","../../../../../common/src/Builders.common.kt","../../../../../atomicfu/src/commonMain/kotlin/kotlinx/atomicfu/AtomicFU.common.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/Sharing.kt","../../../../../common/src/CancellableContinuationImpl.kt","../../../../../common/src/CompletableDeferred.kt","../../../../../common/src/CompletedExceptionally.kt","../../../../../common/src/CompletionHandler.common.kt","../../../../../common/src/CoroutineDispatcher.kt","../../../../../common/src/CoroutineExceptionHandler.kt","../../../../../common/src/CoroutineName.kt","../../../../../common/src/CoroutineScope.kt","../../../../../common/src/CoroutineStart.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/ThreadSafeHeap.kt","../../../../../common/src/Exceptions.common.kt","../../../../../common/src/Job.kt","generated/_Sequences.kt","../../../../../common/src/JobSupport.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/LinkedList.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/StackTraceRecovery.kt","../../../../../common/src/MainCoroutineDispatcher.kt","../../../../../common/src/NonCancellable.kt","../../../../../common/src/Supervisor.kt","../../../../../common/src/Timeout.kt","../../../../../common/src/Unconfined.kt","../../../../../common/src/Yield.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/AbstractChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/InlineList.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/Channel.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/ArrayBroadcastChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/ArrayChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/Broadcast.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/BroadcastChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/ChannelCoroutine.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/Channels.common.kt","collections/Maps.kt","collections/MutableCollections.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/ConflatedBroadcastChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/Symbol.kt","../../../../../atomicfu/src/jsMain/kotlin/kotlinx/atomicfu/AtomicFU.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/ConflatedChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/LinkedListChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/Produce.kt","../../../../../common/src/channels/RendezvousChannel.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/SafeCollector.common.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/Builders.kt","collections/Iterators.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/Channels.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/Flow.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Merge.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/terminal/Collect.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/Migration.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Zip.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/StateFlow.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/ChannelFlow.kt","kotlin/coroutines/intrinsics/IntrinsicsJs.kt","../../../../../common/src/selects/Select.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/Combine.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/FlowCoroutine.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/FlowExceptions.common.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/Merge.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/NopCollector.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/SendingCollector.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Context.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Delay.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Distinct.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Emitters.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Errors.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Limit.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Lint.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/operators/Transform.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/terminal/Collection.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/terminal/Count.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/terminal/Reduce.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/ArrayQueue.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/Atomic.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/ConcurrentLinkedList.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/DispatchedContinuation.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/DispatchedTask.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/MainDispatcherFactory.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/Scopes.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/SystemProps.common.kt","../../../../../common/src/intrinsics/Cancellable.kt","../../../../../common/src/intrinsics/Undispatched.kt","../../../../../js/src/Runnable.kt","../../../../../common/src/selects/SelectUnbiased.kt","collections/Collections.kt","../../../../../common/src/selects/WhileSelect.kt","../../../../../common/src/sync/Mutex.kt","../../../../../common/src/sync/Semaphore.kt","../../../../../js/src/CompletionHandler.kt","kotlin/jsTypeOf.kt","../../../../../js/src/CoroutineContext.kt","../../../../../js/src/CoroutineExceptionHandlerImpl.kt","../../../../../js/src/Debug.kt","../../../../../js/src/Dispatchers.kt","../../../../../js/src/EventLoop.kt","../../../../../js/src/Exceptions.kt","../../../../../js/src/Promise.kt","../../../../../js/src/SchedulerTask.kt","../../../../../js/src/Window.kt","../../../../../js/src/channels/ArrayBufferState.kt","../../../../../js/src/channels/ArrayChannelState.kt","../../../../../js/src/channels/ConflatedChannelState.kt","../../../../../js/src/flow/internal/FlowExceptions.kt","../../../../../js/src/flow/internal/SafeCollector.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/Concurrent.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/CopyOnWriteList.kt","kotlin/kotlin.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/ManualMemoryManagement.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/ProbesSupport.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/SystemProps.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/ThreadContext.kt","../../../../../js/src/internal/ThreadLocal.kt","../../../../../common/src/flow/internal/NullSurrogate.kt","../../../../../common/src/internal/LockFreeLinkedList.common.kt"],"sourcesContent":["/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\nimport kotlin.comparisons.naturalOrder\nimport kotlin.random.Random\n\n/** Returns the array if it's not `null`, or an empty array otherwise. */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>?.orEmpty(): Array<out T> = this ?: emptyArray<T>()\n\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun <T> Collection<T>.toTypedArray(): Array<T> = copyToArray(this)\n\n@JsName(\"copyToArray\")\n@PublishedApi\ninternal fun <T> copyToArray(collection: Collection<T>): Array<T> {\n return if (collection.asDynamic().toArray !== undefined)\n collection.asDynamic().toArray().unsafeCast<Array<T>>()\n else\n copyToArrayImpl(collection).unsafeCast<Array<T>>()\n}\n\n@JsName(\"copyToArrayImpl\")\ninternal actual fun copyToArrayImpl(collection: Collection<*>): Array<Any?> {\n val array = emptyArray<Any?>()\n val iterator = collection.iterator()\n while (iterator.hasNext())\n array.asDynamic().push(iterator.next())\n return array\n}\n\n@JsName(\"copyToExistingArrayImpl\")\ninternal actual fun <T> copyToArrayImpl(collection: Collection<*>, array: Array<T>): Array<T> {\n if (array.size < collection.size)\n return copyToArrayImpl(collection).unsafeCast<Array<T>>()\n\n val iterator = collection.iterator()\n var index = 0\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n array[index++] = iterator.next().unsafeCast<T>()\n }\n if (index < array.size) {\n array[index] = null.unsafeCast<T>()\n }\n return array\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Returns an immutable list containing only the specified object [element].\n */\npublic fun <T> listOf(element: T): List<T> = arrayListOf(element)\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <E> buildListInternal(builderAction: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E> {\n return ArrayList<E>().apply(builderAction).build()\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <E> buildListInternal(capacity: Int, builderAction: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E> {\n checkBuilderCapacity(capacity)\n return ArrayList<E>(capacity).apply(builderAction).build()\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Returns an immutable set containing only the specified object [element].\n */\npublic fun <T> setOf(element: T): Set<T> = hashSetOf(element)\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <E> buildSetInternal(builderAction: MutableSet<E>.() -> Unit): Set<E> {\n return LinkedHashSet<E>().apply(builderAction).build()\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <E> buildSetInternal(capacity: Int, builderAction: MutableSet<E>.() -> Unit): Set<E> {\n return LinkedHashSet<E>(capacity).apply(builderAction).build()\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Returns an immutable map, mapping only the specified key to the\n * specified value.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> mapOf(pair: Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> = hashMapOf(pair)\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <K, V> buildMapInternal(builderAction: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit): Map<K, V> {\n return LinkedHashMap<K, V>().apply(builderAction).build()\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <K, V> buildMapInternal(capacity: Int, builderAction: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit): Map<K, V> {\n return LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity).apply(builderAction).build()\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Fills the list with the provided [value].\n *\n * Each element in the list gets replaced with the [value].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun <T> MutableList<T>.fill(value: T): Unit {\n for (index in 0..lastIndex) {\n this[index] = value\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this list.\n *\n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun <T> MutableList<T>.shuffle(): Unit = shuffle(Random)\n\n/**\n * Returns a new list with the elements of this list randomly shuffled.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun <T> Iterable<T>.shuffled(): List<T> = toMutableList().apply { shuffle() }\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the list in-place according to their natural sort order.\n *\n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic actual fun <T : Comparable<T>> MutableList<T>.sort(): Unit {\n collectionsSort(this, naturalOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the list in-place according to the order specified with [comparator].\n *\n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic actual fun <T> MutableList<T>.sortWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): Unit {\n collectionsSort(this, comparator)\n}\n\nprivate fun <T> collectionsSort(list: MutableList<T>, comparator: Comparator<in T>) {\n if (list.size <= 1) return\n\n val array = copyToArray(list)\n sortArrayWith(array, comparator)\n\n for (i in 0 until array.size) {\n list[i] = array[i]\n }\n}\n\ninternal actual fun <T> arrayOfNulls(reference: Array<T>, size: Int): Array<T> {\n return arrayOfNulls<Any>(size).unsafeCast<Array<T>>()\n}\n\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@PublishedApi\n@JsName(\"arrayCopy\")\ninternal fun <T> arrayCopy(source: Array<out T>, destination: Array<in T>, destinationOffset: Int, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int) {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(startIndex, endIndex, source.size)\n val rangeSize = endIndex - startIndex\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(destinationOffset, destinationOffset + rangeSize, destination.size)\n\n if (js(\"ArrayBuffer\").isView(destination) && js(\"ArrayBuffer\").isView(source)) {\n val subrange = source.asDynamic().subarray(startIndex, endIndex)\n destination.asDynamic().set(subrange, destinationOffset)\n } else {\n if (source !== destination || destinationOffset <= startIndex) {\n for (index in 0 until rangeSize) {\n destination[destinationOffset + index] = source[startIndex + index]\n }\n } else {\n for (index in rangeSize - 1 downTo 0) {\n destination[destinationOffset + index] = source[startIndex + index]\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n// no singleton map implementation in js, return map as is\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\ninternal actual inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.toSingletonMapOrSelf(): Map<K, V> = this\n\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\ninternal actual inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.toSingletonMap(): Map<K, V> = this.toMutableMap()\n\n\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\ninternal actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>.copyToArrayOfAny(isVarargs: Boolean): Array<out Any?> =\n if (isVarargs)\n // no need to copy vararg array in JS\n this\n else\n this.copyOf()\n\n\n\n@PublishedApi\ninternal actual fun checkIndexOverflow(index: Int): Int {\n if (index < 0) {\n throwIndexOverflow()\n }\n return index\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\ninternal actual fun checkCountOverflow(count: Int): Int {\n if (count < 0) {\n throwCountOverflow()\n }\n return count\n}\n\n\n/**\n * JS map and set implementations do not make use of capacities or load factors.\n */\n@PublishedApi\ninternal actual fun mapCapacity(expectedSize: Int) = expectedSize\n\n/**\n * Checks a collection builder function capacity argument.\n * In JS no validation is made in Map/Set constructor yet.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@PublishedApi\ninternal fun checkBuilderCapacity(capacity: Int) {\n require(capacity >= 0) { \"capacity must be non-negative.\" }\n}","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n// a package is omitted to get declarations directly under the module\n\n@PublishedApi\nexternal internal fun <T> Array(size: Int): Array<T>\n\n@JsName(\"newArray\")\nfun <T> newArray(size: Int, initValue: T) = fillArrayVal(Array<T>(size), initValue)\n\n@JsName(\"newArrayF\")\ninline fun <T> arrayWithFun(size: Int, init: (Int) -> T) = fillArrayFun(Array<T>(size), init)\n\n@JsName(\"fillArray\")\ninline fun <T> fillArrayFun(array: Array<T>, init: (Int) -> T): Array<T> {\n for (i in 0..array.size - 1) {\n array[i] = init(i)\n }\n return array\n}\n\n@JsName(\"booleanArray\")\nfun booleanArray(size: Int, init: dynamic): Array<Boolean> {\n val result: dynamic = Array<Boolean>(size)\n result.`$type$` = \"BooleanArray\"\n return when (init) {\n null, true -> fillArrayVal(result, false)\n false -> result\n else -> fillArrayFun<Boolean>(result, init)\n }\n}\n\n@JsName(\"booleanArrayF\")\ninline fun booleanArrayWithFun(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Boolean): Array<Boolean> = fillArrayFun(booleanArray(size, false), init)\n\n@JsName(\"charArray\")\n@Suppress(\"UNUSED_PARAMETER\")\nfun charArray(size: Int, init: dynamic): Array<Char> {\n val result = js(\"new Uint16Array(size)\")\n result.`$type$` = \"CharArray\"\n return when (init) {\n null, true, false -> result // For consistency\n else -> fillArrayFun<Char>(result, init)\n }\n}\n\n@JsName(\"charArrayF\")\ninline fun charArrayWithFun(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Char): Array<Char> {\n val array = charArray(size, null)\n for (i in 0..array.size - 1) {\n @Suppress(\"UNUSED_VARIABLE\") // used in js block\n val value = init(i)\n js(\"array[i] = value;\")\n }\n return array\n}\n\n@JsName(\"untypedCharArrayF\")\ninline fun untypedCharArrayWithFun(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Char): Array<Char> {\n val array = Array<Char>(size)\n for (i in 0..array.size - 1) {\n @Suppress(\"UNUSED_VARIABLE\") // used in js block\n val value = init(i)\n js(\"array[i] = value;\")\n }\n return array\n}\n\n@JsName(\"longArray\")\nfun longArray(size: Int, init: dynamic): Array<Long> {\n val result: dynamic = Array<Long>(size)\n result.`$type$` = \"LongArray\"\n return when (init) {\n null, true -> fillArrayVal(result, 0L)\n false -> result\n else -> fillArrayFun<Long>(result, init)\n }\n}\n\n@JsName(\"longArrayF\")\ninline fun longArrayWithFun(size: Int, init: (Int) -> Long): Array<Long> = fillArrayFun(longArray(size, false), init)\n\nprivate fun <T> fillArrayVal(array: Array<T>, initValue: T): Array<T> {\n for (i in 0..array.size - 1) {\n array[i] = initValue\n }\n return array\n}","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"ArraysKt\")\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\n//\n// NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED by the GenerateStandardLib.kt\n// See: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/tree/master/libraries/stdlib\n//\n\nimport kotlin.random.*\nimport kotlin.ranges.contains\nimport kotlin.ranges.reversed\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component1(): T {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ByteArray.component1(): Byte {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ShortArray.component1(): Short {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun IntArray.component1(): Int {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun LongArray.component1(): Long {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun FloatArray.component1(): Float {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun DoubleArray.component1(): Double {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun BooleanArray.component1(): Boolean {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 1, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun CharArray.component1(): Char {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component2(): T {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ByteArray.component2(): Byte {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ShortArray.component2(): Short {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun IntArray.component2(): Int {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun LongArray.component2(): Long {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun FloatArray.component2(): Float {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun DoubleArray.component2(): Double {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun BooleanArray.component2(): Boolean {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 2, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun CharArray.component2(): Char {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component3(): T {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ByteArray.component3(): Byte {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ShortArray.component3(): Short {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun IntArray.component3(): Int {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun LongArray.component3(): Long {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun FloatArray.component3(): Float {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun DoubleArray.component3(): Double {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun BooleanArray.component3(): Boolean {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 3, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun CharArray.component3(): Char {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component4(): T {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ByteArray.component4(): Byte {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ShortArray.component4(): Short {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun IntArray.component4(): Int {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun LongArray.component4(): Long {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun FloatArray.component4(): Float {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun DoubleArray.component4(): Double {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun BooleanArray.component4(): Boolean {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 4, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun CharArray.component4(): Char {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.component5(): T {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ByteArray.component5(): Byte {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun ShortArray.component5(): Short {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun IntArray.component5(): Int {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun LongArray.component5(): Long {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun FloatArray.component5(): Float {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun DoubleArray.component5(): Double {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun BooleanArray.component5(): Boolean {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the array.\n * \n * If the size of this array is less than 5, throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] except in Kotlin/JS\n * where the behavior is unspecified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun CharArray.component5(): Char {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Array<out T>.contains(element: T): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun ByteArray.contains(element: Byte): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun ShortArray.contains(element: Short): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun IntArray.contains(element: Int): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun LongArray.contains(element: Long): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"The function has unclear behavior when searching for NaN or zero values and will be removed soon. Use 'any { it == element }' instead to continue using this behavior, or '.asList().contains(element: T)' to get the same search behavior as in a list.\", ReplaceWith(\"any { it == element }\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"DEPRECATION\")\npublic operator fun FloatArray.contains(element: Float): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"The function has unclear behavior when searching for NaN or zero values and will be removed soon. Use 'any { it == element }' instead to continue using this behavior, or '.asList().contains(element: T)' to get the same search behavior as in a list.\", ReplaceWith(\"any { it == element }\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"DEPRECATION\")\npublic operator fun DoubleArray.contains(element: Double): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun BooleanArray.contains(element: Boolean): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the array.\n */\npublic operator fun CharArray.contains(element: Char): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.elementAt(index: Int): T\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.elementAt(index: Int): Byte\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.elementAt(index: Int): Short\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.elementAt(index: Int): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.elementAt(index: Int): Long\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.elementAt(index: Int): Float\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.elementAt(index: Int): Double\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.elementAt(index: Int): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.elementAt(index: Int): Char\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Byte): Byte {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Short): Short {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Int): Int {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Long): Long {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Float): Float {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Double): Double {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Char): Char {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): T? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Byte? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Short? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Int? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Long? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Float? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Double? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Boolean? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): Char? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.find(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.find(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.find(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.find(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.find(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.find(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.find(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.find(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.find(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.findLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.findLast(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.findLast(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.findLast(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.findLast(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.findLast(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.findLast(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.findLast(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.findLast(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.first(): T {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.first(): Byte {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.first(): Short {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.first(): Int {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.first(): Long {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.first(): Float {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.first(): Double {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.first(): Boolean {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.first(): Char {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.first(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.first(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.first(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.first(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.first(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.first(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.first(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.first(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.first(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.firstOrNull(): T? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.firstOrNull(): Byte? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.firstOrNull(): Short? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.firstOrNull(): Int? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.firstOrNull(): Long? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.firstOrNull(): Float? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.firstOrNull(): Double? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.firstOrNull(): Boolean? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.firstOrNull(): Char? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.firstOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.firstOrNull(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Byte): Byte {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Short): Short {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Int): Int {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Long): Long {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Float): Float {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Double): Double {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> Char): Char {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.getOrNull(index: Int): T? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Byte? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Short? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun IntArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Int? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun LongArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Long? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Float? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Double? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Boolean? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun CharArray.getOrNull(index: Int): Char? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Array<out T>.indexOf(element: T): Int {\n if (element == null) {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (this[index] == null) {\n return index\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.indexOf(element: Byte): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.indexOf(element: Short): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.indexOf(element: Int): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.indexOf(element: Long): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"The function has unclear behavior when searching for NaN or zero values and will be removed soon. Use 'indexOfFirst { it == element }' instead to continue using this behavior, or '.asList().indexOf(element: T)' to get the same search behavior as in a list.\", ReplaceWith(\"indexOfFirst { it == element }\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.indexOf(element: Float): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"The function has unclear behavior when searching for NaN or zero values and will be removed soon. Use 'indexOfFirst { it == element }' instead to continue using this behavior, or '.asList().indexOf(element: T)' to get the same search behavior as in a list.\", ReplaceWith(\"indexOfFirst { it == element }\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.indexOf(element: Double): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.indexOf(element: Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.indexOf(element: Char): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.indexOfFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.indexOfFirst(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.indexOfLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the array does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.indexOfLast(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (predicate(this[index])) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.last(): T {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.last(): Byte {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.last(): Short {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.last(): Int {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.last(): Long {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.last(): Float {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.last(): Double {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.last(): Boolean {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.last(): Char {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.last(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.last(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.last(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.last(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.last(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.last(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.last(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.last(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.last(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Array<out T>.lastIndexOf(element: T): Int {\n if (element == null) {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (this[index] == null) {\n return index\n }\n }\n } else {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.lastIndexOf(element: Byte): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.lastIndexOf(element: Short): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.lastIndexOf(element: Int): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.lastIndexOf(element: Long): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"The function has unclear behavior when searching for NaN or zero values and will be removed soon. Use 'indexOfLast { it == element }' instead to continue using this behavior, or '.asList().lastIndexOf(element: T)' to get the same search behavior as in a list.\", ReplaceWith(\"indexOfLast { it == element }\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.lastIndexOf(element: Float): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"The function has unclear behavior when searching for NaN or zero values and will be removed soon. Use 'indexOfLast { it == element }' instead to continue using this behavior, or '.asList().lastIndexOf(element: T)' to get the same search behavior as in a list.\", ReplaceWith(\"indexOfLast { it == element }\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.lastIndexOf(element: Double): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.lastIndexOf(element: Boolean): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the array does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.lastIndexOf(element: Char): Int {\n for (index in indices.reversed()) {\n if (element == this[index]) {\n return index\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.lastOrNull(): T? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.lastOrNull(): Byte? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.lastOrNull(): Short? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.lastOrNull(): Int? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.lastOrNull(): Long? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.lastOrNull(): Float? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.lastOrNull(): Double? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.lastOrNull(): Boolean? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the array is empty.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.lastOrNull(): Char? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.lastOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.lastOrNull(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char? {\n for (index in this.indices.reversed()) {\n val element = this[index]\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.random(): T {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.random(): Byte {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.random(): Short {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.random(): Int {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.random(): Long {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.random(): Float {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.random(): Double {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.random(): Boolean {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.random(): Char {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.random(random: Random): T {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun ByteArray.random(random: Random): Byte {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun ShortArray.random(random: Random): Short {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun IntArray.random(random: Random): Int {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun LongArray.random(random: Random): Long {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun FloatArray.random(random: Random): Float {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.random(random: Random): Double {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.random(random: Random): Boolean {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun CharArray.random(random: Random): Char {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.randomOrNull(): T? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.randomOrNull(): Byte? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.randomOrNull(): Short? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.randomOrNull(): Int? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.randomOrNull(): Long? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.randomOrNull(): Float? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.randomOrNull(): Double? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.randomOrNull(): Boolean? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.randomOrNull(): Char? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.randomOrNull(random: Random): T? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun ByteArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun ShortArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Short? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun IntArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Int? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun LongArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Long? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun FloatArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Float? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun DoubleArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Double? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun BooleanArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this array using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun CharArray.randomOrNull(random: Random): Char? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return get(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.single(): T {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.single(): Byte {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.single(): Short {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.single(): Int {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.single(): Long {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.single(): Float {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.single(): Double {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.single(): Boolean {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.single(): Char {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.single(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n var single: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.single(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte {\n var single: Byte? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Byte\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.single(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short {\n var single: Short? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Short\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.single(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {\n var single: Int? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Int\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.single(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long {\n var single: Long? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Long\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.single(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float {\n var single: Float? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Float\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.single(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double {\n var single: Double? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Double\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.single(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n var single: Boolean? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Boolean\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.single(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char {\n var single: Char? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Array contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Array contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as Char\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.singleOrNull(): T? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.singleOrNull(): Byte? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.singleOrNull(): Short? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.singleOrNull(): Int? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.singleOrNull(): Long? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.singleOrNull(): Float? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.singleOrNull(): Double? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.singleOrNull(): Boolean? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the array is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.singleOrNull(): Char? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.singleOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n var single: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Byte? {\n var single: Byte? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Short? {\n var single: Short? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int? {\n var single: Int? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Long? {\n var single: Long? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Float? {\n var single: Float? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Double? {\n var single: Double? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n var single: Boolean? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.singleOrNull(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Char? {\n var single: Char? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.drop(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.drop(n: Int): List<Byte> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.drop(n: Int): List<Short> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun IntArray.drop(n: Int): List<Int> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun LongArray.drop(n: Int): List<Long> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.drop(n: Int): List<Float> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.drop(n: Int): List<Double> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.drop(n: Int): List<Boolean> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun CharArray.drop(n: Int): List<Char> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return takeLast((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.dropLast(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Byte> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Short> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun IntArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Int> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun LongArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Long> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Float> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Double> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Boolean> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun CharArray.dropLast(n: Int): List<Char> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.dropLastWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.dropLastWhile(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return take(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.dropWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<T>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Short>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Int>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Long>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Float>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Double>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.dropWhile(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<Char>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.filter(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<T>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.filter(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Byte>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.filter(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Short>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.filter(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Int>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.filter(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Long>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.filter(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Float>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.filter(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Double>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.filter(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Boolean>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.filter(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<Char>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<T>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Byte>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Short>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Int>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Long>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Float>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Double>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Boolean>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<Char>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Array<out T>.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, T) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Byte>> ByteArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Byte) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Short>> ShortArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Short) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Int>> IntArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Int) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Long>> LongArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Long) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Float>> FloatArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Float) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Double>> DoubleArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Double) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Boolean>> BooleanArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Boolean) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Char>> CharArray.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, Char) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIsInstance\n */\npublic inline fun <reified R> Array<*>.filterIsInstance(): List<@kotlin.internal.NoInfer R> {\n return filterIsInstanceTo(ArrayList<R>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIsInstanceTo\n */\npublic inline fun <reified R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<*>.filterIsInstanceTo(destination: C): C {\n for (element in this) if (element is R) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.filterNot(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<T>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.filterNot(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Byte>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.filterNot(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Short>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.filterNot(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Int>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.filterNot(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Long>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.filterNot(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Float>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.filterNot(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Double>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.filterNot(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Boolean>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.filterNot(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<Char>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements that are not `null`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterNotNull\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> Array<out T?>.filterNotNull(): List<T> {\n return filterNotNullTo(ArrayList<T>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements that are not `null` to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterNotNullTo\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in T>, T : Any> Array<out T?>.filterNotNullTo(destination: C): C {\n for (element in this) if (element != null) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Array<out T>.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Byte>> ByteArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Short>> ShortArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Int>> IntArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Long>> LongArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Float>> FloatArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Double>> DoubleArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Boolean>> BooleanArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Char>> CharArray.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Array<out T>.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Byte>> ByteArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Short>> ShortArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Int>> IntArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Long>> LongArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Float>> FloatArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Double>> DoubleArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Boolean>> BooleanArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <C : MutableCollection<in Char>> CharArray.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.slice(indices: IntRange): List<T> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Byte> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Short> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Int> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Long> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Float> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Double> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Boolean> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.slice(indices: IntRange): List<Char> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<T> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<T>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Byte> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Short> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Short>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun IntArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Int> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Int>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun LongArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Long> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Long>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Float> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Float>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Double> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Double>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Boolean> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun CharArray.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<Char> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<Char>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): Array<T> {\n val result = arrayOfNulls(this, indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): ByteArray {\n val result = ByteArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): ShortArray {\n val result = ShortArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): IntArray {\n val result = IntArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): LongArray {\n val result = LongArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): FloatArray {\n val result = FloatArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): DoubleArray {\n val result = DoubleArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): BooleanArray {\n val result = BooleanArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements of this array at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sliceArray(indices: Collection<Int>): CharArray {\n val result = CharArray(indices.size)\n var targetIndex = 0\n for (sourceIndex in indices) {\n result[targetIndex++] = this[sourceIndex]\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): Array<T> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return copyOfRange(0, 0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): ByteArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return ByteArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): ShortArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return ShortArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): IntArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return IntArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): LongArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return LongArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): FloatArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return FloatArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): DoubleArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return DoubleArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): BooleanArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return BooleanArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sliceArray(indices: IntRange): CharArray {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return CharArray(0)\n return copyOfRange(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.take(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<T>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.take(n: Int): List<Byte> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.take(n: Int): List<Short> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Short>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun IntArray.take(n: Int): List<Int> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Int>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun LongArray.take(n: Int): List<Long> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Long>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.take(n: Int): List<Float> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Float>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.take(n: Int): List<Double> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Double>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.take(n: Int): List<Boolean> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun CharArray.take(n: Int): List<Char> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[0])\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<Char>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.takeLast(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<T>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Byte> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Short> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Short>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun IntArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Int> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Int>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun LongArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Long> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Long>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Float> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Float>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Double> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Double>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Boolean> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun CharArray.takeLast(n: Int): List<Char> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(this[size - 1])\n val list = ArrayList<Char>(n)\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.takeLastWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.takeLastWhile(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n for (index in lastIndex downTo 0) {\n if (!predicate(this[index])) {\n return drop(index + 1)\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.takeWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n val list = ArrayList<T>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): List<Byte> {\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): List<Short> {\n val list = ArrayList<Short>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): List<Int> {\n val list = ArrayList<Int>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): List<Long> {\n val list = ArrayList<Long>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): List<Float> {\n val list = ArrayList<Float>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): List<Double> {\n val list = ArrayList<Double>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.takeWhile(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): List<Char> {\n val list = ArrayList<Char>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the array in-place.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.reverse(): Unit {\n val midPoint = (size / 2) - 1\n if (midPoint < 0) return\n var reverseIndex = lastIndex\n for (index in 0..midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to reverse.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to reverse.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.reverse(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val midPoint = (fromIndex + toIndex) / 2\n if (fromIndex == midPoint) return\n var reverseIndex = toIndex - 1\n for (index in fromIndex until midPoint) {\n val tmp = this[index]\n this[index] = this[reverseIndex]\n this[reverseIndex] = tmp\n reverseIndex--\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.reversed(): List<T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.reversed(): List<Byte> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.reversed(): List<Short> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.reversed(): List<Int> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.reversed(): List<Long> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.reversed(): List<Float> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.reversed(): List<Double> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.reversed(): List<Boolean> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.reversed(): List<Char> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.reversedArray(): Array<T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = arrayOfNulls(this, size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.reversedArray(): ByteArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = ByteArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.reversedArray(): ShortArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = ShortArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.reversedArray(): IntArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = IntArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.reversedArray(): LongArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = LongArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.reversedArray(): FloatArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = FloatArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.reversedArray(): DoubleArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = DoubleArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.reversedArray(): BooleanArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = BooleanArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with elements of this array in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.reversedArray(): CharArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n val result = CharArray(size)\n val lastIndex = lastIndex\n for (i in 0..lastIndex)\n result[lastIndex - i] = this[i]\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.shuffle(): Unit {\n shuffle(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<T>.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this array in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n val copy = this[i]\n this[i] = this[j]\n this[j] = copy\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.sortBy(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.sortByDescending(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sortDescending(): Unit {\n sortWith(reverseOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the array in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sortDescending(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) {\n sort()\n reverse()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sorted(): List<T> {\n return sortedArray().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sorted(): List<Byte> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sorted(): List<Short> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sorted(): List<Int> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sorted(): List<Long> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sorted(): List<Float> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sorted(): List<Double> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sorted(): List<Char> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sort() }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<T>.sortedArray(): Array<T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sortedArray(): ByteArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sortedArray(): ShortArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sortedArray(): IntArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sortedArray(): LongArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sortedArray(): FloatArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sortedArray(): DoubleArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sortedArray(): CharArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<T>.sortedArrayDescending(): Array<T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortWith(reverseOrder()) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sortedArrayDescending(): ByteArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sortedArrayDescending(): ShortArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sortedArrayDescending(): IntArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sortedArrayDescending(): LongArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sortedArrayDescending(): FloatArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sortedArrayDescending(): DoubleArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sortedArrayDescending(): CharArray {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortDescending() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array with all elements of this array sorted according the specified [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.sortedArrayWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): Array<out T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return this\n return this.copyOf().apply { sortWith(comparator) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): List<T> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Byte) -> R?): List<Byte> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Short) -> R?): List<Short> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Int) -> R?): List<Int> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Long) -> R?): List<Long> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Float) -> R?): List<Float> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Double) -> R?): List<Double> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Boolean) -> R?): List<Boolean> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (Char) -> R?): List<Char> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): List<T> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Byte) -> R?): List<Byte> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Short) -> R?): List<Short> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Int) -> R?): List<Int> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Long) -> R?): List<Long> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Float) -> R?): List<Float> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Double) -> R?): List<Double> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Boolean) -> R?): List<Boolean> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n */\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (Char) -> R?): List<Char> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sortedDescending(): List<T> {\n return sortedWith(reverseOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sortedDescending(): List<Byte> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sortedDescending(): List<Short> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sortedDescending(): List<Int> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sortedDescending(): List<Long> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sortedDescending(): List<Float> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sortedDescending(): List<Double> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sortedDescending(): List<Char> {\n return copyOf().apply { sort() }.reversed()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): List<T> {\n return sortedArrayWith(comparator).asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Byte>): List<Byte> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Short>): List<Short> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Int>): List<Int> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Long>): List<Long> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Float>): List<Float> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Double>): List<Double> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Boolean>): List<Boolean> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n */\npublic fun CharArray.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in Char>): List<Char> {\n return toTypedArray().apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.asList(): List<T>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.asList(): List<Byte>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.asList(): List<Short>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.asList(): List<Int>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.asList(): List<Long>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.asList(): List<Float>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.asList(): List<Double>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.asList(): List<Boolean>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.asList(): List<Char>\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *deeply* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * If two corresponding elements are nested arrays, they are also compared deeply.\n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n * \n * The elements of other types are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution\npublic expect infix fun <T> Array<out T>.contentDeepEquals(other: Array<out T>): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *deeply* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The specified arrays are also considered deeply equal if both are `null`.\n * \n * If two corresponding elements are nested arrays, they are also compared deeply.\n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n * \n * The elements of other types are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentDeepEquals(other: Array<out T>?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.contentDeepHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentDeepHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of this array as if it is a [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level that reference\n * is rendered as `\"[...]\"` to prevent recursion.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentDeepToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.contentDeepToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of this array as if it is a [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level that reference\n * is rendered as `\"[...]\"` to prevent recursion.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentDeepToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentDeepToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun <T> Array<out T>.contentEquals(other: Array<out T>): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun ByteArray.contentEquals(other: ByteArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun ShortArray.contentEquals(other: ShortArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun IntArray.contentEquals(other: IntArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun LongArray.contentEquals(other: LongArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun FloatArray.contentEquals(other: FloatArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun DoubleArray.contentEquals(other: DoubleArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun BooleanArray.contentEquals(other: BooleanArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun CharArray.contentEquals(other: CharArray): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentEquals(other: Array<out T>?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun ByteArray?.contentEquals(other: ByteArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun ShortArray?.contentEquals(other: ShortArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun IntArray?.contentEquals(other: IntArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun LongArray?.contentEquals(other: LongArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun FloatArray?.contentEquals(other: FloatArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun DoubleArray?.contentEquals(other: DoubleArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun BooleanArray?.contentEquals(other: BooleanArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect infix fun CharArray?.contentEquals(other: CharArray?): Boolean\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun IntArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun LongArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun CharArray.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun IntArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun LongArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun BooleanArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun CharArray?.contentHashCode(): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun IntArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun LongArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic expect fun CharArray.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun IntArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun LongArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun BooleanArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun CharArray?.contentToString(): String\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.copyInto(destination: Array<T>, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray.copyInto(destination: ByteArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray.copyInto(destination: ShortArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun IntArray.copyInto(destination: IntArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun LongArray.copyInto(destination: LongArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray.copyInto(destination: FloatArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.copyInto(destination: DoubleArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.copyInto(destination: BooleanArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun CharArray.copyInto(destination: CharArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<T>.copyOf(): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.copyOf(): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.copyOf(): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.copyOf(): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.copyOf(): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.copyOf(): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.copyOf(): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.copyOf(): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.copyOf(): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with `false` values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with `false` values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with null char (`\\u0000`) values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with null char (`\\u0000`) values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with `null` values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with `null` values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizingCopyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<T>.copyOf(newSize: Int): Array<T?>\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<T>.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<T>.fill(element: T, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray.fill(element: Byte, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray.fill(element: Short, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun IntArray.fill(element: Int, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun LongArray.fill(element: Long, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray.fill(element: Float, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.fill(element: Double, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.fill(element: Boolean, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun CharArray.fill(element: Char, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val <T> Array<out T>.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val ByteArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val ShortArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val IntArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val LongArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val FloatArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val DoubleArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val BooleanArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns the range of valid indices for the array.\n */\npublic val CharArray.indices: IntRange\n get() = IntRange(0, lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.isEmpty(): Boolean {\n return size == 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array is not empty.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.isNotEmpty(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val <T> Array<out T>.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val ByteArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val ShortArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val IntArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val LongArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val FloatArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val DoubleArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val BooleanArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the last valid index for the array.\n */\npublic val CharArray.lastIndex: Int\n get() = size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect operator fun <T> Array<T>.plus(element: T): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun ByteArray.plus(element: Byte): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun ShortArray.plus(element: Short): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun IntArray.plus(element: Int): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun LongArray.plus(element: Long): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun FloatArray.plus(element: Float): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun DoubleArray.plus(element: Double): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun BooleanArray.plus(element: Boolean): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\npublic expect operator fun CharArray.plus(element: Char): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect operator fun <T> Array<T>.plus(elements: Collection<T>): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun ByteArray.plus(elements: Collection<Byte>): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun ShortArray.plus(elements: Collection<Short>): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun IntArray.plus(elements: Collection<Int>): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun LongArray.plus(elements: Collection<Long>): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun FloatArray.plus(elements: Collection<Float>): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun DoubleArray.plus(elements: Collection<Double>): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun BooleanArray.plus(elements: Collection<Boolean>): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic expect operator fun CharArray.plus(elements: Collection<Char>): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect operator fun <T> Array<T>.plus(elements: Array<out T>): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun ByteArray.plus(elements: ByteArray): ByteArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun ShortArray.plus(elements: ShortArray): ShortArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun IntArray.plus(elements: IntArray): IntArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun LongArray.plus(elements: LongArray): LongArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun FloatArray.plus(elements: FloatArray): FloatArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun DoubleArray.plus(elements: DoubleArray): DoubleArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun BooleanArray.plus(elements: BooleanArray): BooleanArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic expect operator fun CharArray.plus(elements: CharArray): CharArray\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NO_ACTUAL_FOR_EXPECT\")\npublic expect fun <T> Array<T>.plusElement(element: T): Array<T>\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the natural order of its elements.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArrayOfComparable\n */\npublic expect fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sort(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArrayOfComparable\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ByteArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun ShortArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun IntArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun LongArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun FloatArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic expect fun CharArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sortWith(reverseOrder(), fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements of the array in the specified range in-place.\n * The elements are sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.sortDescending(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Unit {\n sort(fromIndex, toIndex)\n reverse(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.sortWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): Unit\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place with the given [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic expect fun <T> Array<out T>.sortWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Boolean containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Boolean>.toBooleanArray(): BooleanArray {\n return BooleanArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Byte containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Byte>.toByteArray(): ByteArray {\n return ByteArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Char containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Char>.toCharArray(): CharArray {\n return CharArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Double containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Double>.toDoubleArray(): DoubleArray {\n return DoubleArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Float containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Float>.toFloatArray(): FloatArray {\n return FloatArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Int containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Int>.toIntArray(): IntArray {\n return IntArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Long containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Long>.toLongArray(): LongArray {\n return LongArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Short containing all of the elements of this generic array.\n */\npublic fun Array<out Short>.toShortArray(): ShortArray {\n return ShortArray(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun ByteArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Byte>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun ShortArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Short>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun IntArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Int>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun LongArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Long>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun FloatArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Float>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun DoubleArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Double>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun BooleanArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Boolean>\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic expect fun CharArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Char>\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Array<out T>.associate(transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> ByteArray.associate(transform: (Byte) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> ShortArray.associate(transform: (Short) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> IntArray.associate(transform: (Int) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> LongArray.associate(transform: (Long) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> FloatArray.associate(transform: (Float) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> DoubleArray.associate(transform: (Double) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> BooleanArray.associate(transform: (Boolean) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> CharArray.associate(transform: (Char) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Array<out T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map<K, T> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, T>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> ByteArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Byte) -> K): Map<K, Byte> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Byte>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> ShortArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Short) -> K): Map<K, Short> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Short>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> IntArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Int) -> K): Map<K, Int> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Int>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> LongArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Long) -> K): Map<K, Long> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Long>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> FloatArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Float) -> K): Map<K, Float> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Float>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> DoubleArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Double) -> K): Map<K, Double> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Double>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> BooleanArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Boolean) -> K): Map<K, Boolean> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Boolean>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given array indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> CharArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Char) -> K): Map<K, Char> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, Char>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Array<out T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> ByteArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Byte) -> K, valueTransform: (Byte) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> ShortArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Short) -> K, valueTransform: (Short) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> IntArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Int) -> K, valueTransform: (Int) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> LongArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Long) -> K, valueTransform: (Long) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> FloatArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Float) -> K, valueTransform: (Float) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> DoubleArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Double) -> K, valueTransform: (Double) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> BooleanArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Boolean) -> K, valueTransform: (Boolean) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> CharArray.associateBy(keySelector: (Char) -> K, valueTransform: (Char) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, M : MutableMap<in K, in T>> Array<out T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Byte>> ByteArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Byte) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Short>> ShortArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Short) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Int>> IntArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Int) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Long>> LongArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Long) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Float>> FloatArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Float) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Double>> DoubleArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Double) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Boolean>> BooleanArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Boolean) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given array\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, in Char>> CharArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Char) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Array<out T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> ByteArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Byte) -> K, valueTransform: (Byte) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> ShortArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Short) -> K, valueTransform: (Short) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> IntArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Int) -> K, valueTransform: (Int) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> LongArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Long) -> K, valueTransform: (Long) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> FloatArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Float) -> K, valueTransform: (Float) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> DoubleArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Double) -> K, valueTransform: (Double) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> BooleanArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Boolean) -> K, valueTransform: (Boolean) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given array.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> CharArray.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Char) -> K, valueTransform: (Char) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Array<out T>.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> ByteArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Byte) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> ShortArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Short) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> IntArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Int) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> LongArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Long) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> FloatArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Float) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> DoubleArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Double) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> BooleanArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Boolean) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given array.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.associateArrayOfPrimitivesTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> CharArray.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (Char) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <K, V> Array<out K>.associateWith(valueSelector: (K) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<K, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> ByteArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Byte) -> V): Map<Byte, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Byte, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> ShortArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Short) -> V): Map<Short, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Short, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> IntArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Int) -> V): Map<Int, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Int, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> LongArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Long) -> V): Map<Long, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Long, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> FloatArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Float) -> V): Map<Float, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Float, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> DoubleArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Double) -> V): Map<Double, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Double, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> BooleanArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Boolean) -> V): Map<Boolean, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Boolean, V>(mapCapacity(size).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given array and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V> CharArray.associateWith(valueSelector: (Char) -> V): Map<Char, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<Char, V>(mapCapacity(size.coerceAtMost(128)).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Array<out K>.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (K) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Byte, in V>> ByteArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Byte) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Short, in V>> ShortArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Short) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Int, in V>> IntArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Int) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Long, in V>> LongArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Long) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Float, in V>> FloatArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Float) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Double, in V>> DoubleArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Double) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Boolean, in V>> BooleanArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Boolean) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given array,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <V, M : MutableMap<in Char, in V>> CharArray.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (Char) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Array<out T>.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Byte>> ByteArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Short>> ShortArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Int>> IntArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Long>> LongArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Float>> FloatArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Double>> DoubleArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Boolean>> BooleanArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in Char>> CharArray.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.toHashSet(): HashSet<T> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<T>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Byte> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Byte>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Short> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Short>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Int> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Int>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Long> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Long>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Float> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Float>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Double> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Double>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Boolean> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Boolean>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.toHashSet(): HashSet<Char> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<Char>(mapCapacity(size.coerceAtMost(128))))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.toList(): List<T> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.toList(): List<Byte> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.toList(): List<Short> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.toList(): List<Int> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.toList(): List<Long> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.toList(): List<Float> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.toList(): List<Double> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.toList(): List<Boolean> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.toList(): List<Char> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T> {\n return ArrayList(this.asCollection())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Byte> {\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Short> {\n val list = ArrayList<Short>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Int> {\n val list = ArrayList<Int>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Long> {\n val list = ArrayList<Long>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Float> {\n val list = ArrayList<Float>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Double> {\n val list = ArrayList<Double>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Boolean> {\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this array.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Char> {\n val list = ArrayList<Char>(size)\n for (item in this) list.add(item)\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.toSet(): Set<T> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<T>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.toSet(): Set<Byte> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Byte>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.toSet(): Set<Short> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Short>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.toSet(): Set<Int> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Int>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.toSet(): Set<Long> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Long>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.toSet(): Set<Float> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Float>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.toSet(): Set<Double> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Double>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.toSet(): Set<Boolean> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Boolean>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.toSet(): Set<Char> {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(this[0])\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Char>(mapCapacity(size.coerceAtMost(128))))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.flatMap(transform: (Byte) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.flatMap(transform: (Short) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.flatMap(transform: (Int) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.flatMap(transform: (Long) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.flatMap(transform: (Float) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.flatMap(transform: (Double) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.flatMap(transform: (Boolean) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.flatMap(transform: (Char) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapSequence\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Sequence<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Byte) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Short) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Int) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Long) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Float) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Double) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Boolean) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Char) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedSequence\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> Sequence<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ByteArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Byte) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ShortArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Short) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> IntArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Int) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> LongArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Long) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> FloatArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Float) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> DoubleArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Double) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> BooleanArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Boolean) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> CharArray.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Char) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedSequenceTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> Sequence<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(index++, element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ByteArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Byte) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ShortArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Short) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> IntArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Int) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> LongArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Long) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> FloatArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Float) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> DoubleArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Double) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> BooleanArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Boolean) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> CharArray.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (Char) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original array, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapSequenceTo\")\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> Sequence<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Array<out T>.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map<K, List<T>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<T>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> ByteArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Byte) -> K): Map<K, List<Byte>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Byte>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> ShortArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Short) -> K): Map<K, List<Short>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Short>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> IntArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Int) -> K): Map<K, List<Int>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Int>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> LongArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Long) -> K): Map<K, List<Long>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Long>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> FloatArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Float) -> K): Map<K, List<Float>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Float>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> DoubleArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Double) -> K): Map<K, List<Double>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Double>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> BooleanArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Boolean) -> K): Map<K, List<Boolean>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Boolean>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> CharArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Char) -> K): Map<K, List<Char>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<Char>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Array<out T>.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> ByteArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Byte) -> K, valueTransform: (Byte) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> ShortArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Short) -> K, valueTransform: (Short) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> IntArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Int) -> K, valueTransform: (Int) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> LongArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Long) -> K, valueTransform: (Long) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> FloatArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Float) -> K, valueTransform: (Float) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> DoubleArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Double) -> K, valueTransform: (Double) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> BooleanArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Boolean) -> K, valueTransform: (Boolean) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> CharArray.groupBy(keySelector: (Char) -> K, valueTransform: (Char) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<T>>> Array<out T>.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<T>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Byte>>> ByteArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Byte) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Byte>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Short>>> ShortArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Short) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Short>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Int>>> IntArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Int) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Int>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Long>>> LongArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Long) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Long>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Float>>> FloatArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Float) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Float>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Double>>> DoubleArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Double) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Double>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Boolean>>> BooleanArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Boolean) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Boolean>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original array by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<Char>>> CharArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Char) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<Char>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> Array<out T>.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> ByteArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Byte) -> K, valueTransform: (Byte) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> ShortArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Short) -> K, valueTransform: (Short) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> IntArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Int) -> K, valueTransform: (Int) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> LongArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Long) -> K, valueTransform: (Long) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> FloatArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Float) -> K, valueTransform: (Float) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> DoubleArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Double) -> K, valueTransform: (Double) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> BooleanArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Boolean) -> K, valueTransform: (Boolean) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original array\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> CharArray.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (Char) -> K, valueTransform: (Char) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Grouping] source from an array to be used later with one of group-and-fold operations\n * using the specified [keySelector] function to extract a key from each element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Grouping.groupingByEachCount\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T, K> Array<out T>.groupingBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K): Grouping<T, K> {\n return object : Grouping<T, K> {\n override fun sourceIterator(): Iterator<T> = this@groupingBy.iterator()\n override fun keyOf(element: T): K = keySelector(element)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.map(transform: (Byte) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.map(transform: (Short) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.map(transform: (Int) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.map(transform: (Long) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.map(transform: (Float) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.map(transform: (Double) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.map(transform: (Boolean) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.map(transform: (Char) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Byte) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Short) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Int) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Long) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Float) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Double) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Boolean) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, Char) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(size), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only the non-null results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original array.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any> Array<out T>.mapIndexedNotNull(transform: (index: Int, T) -> R?): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedNotNullTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends only the non-null results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.mapIndexedNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R?): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element -> transform(index, element)?.let { destination.add(it) } }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ByteArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Byte) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ShortArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Short) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> IntArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Int) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> LongArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Long) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> FloatArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Float) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> DoubleArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Double) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> BooleanArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Boolean) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> CharArray.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, Char) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(index++, item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only the non-null results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.mapNotNull\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any> Array<out T>.mapNotNull(transform: (T) -> R?): List<R> {\n return mapNotNullTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element in the original array\n * and appends only the non-null results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.mapNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R?): C {\n forEach { element -> transform(element)?.let { destination.add(it) } }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Array<out T>.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ByteArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Byte) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> ShortArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Short) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> IntArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Int) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> LongArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Long) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> FloatArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Float) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> DoubleArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Double) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> BooleanArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Boolean) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original array\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> CharArray.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (Char) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<T>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Byte>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Short>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Int>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Long>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Float>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Double>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Boolean>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original array\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<Char>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * Among equal elements of the given array, only the first one will be present in the resulting list.\n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.distinct(): List<T> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.distinct(): List<Byte> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.distinct(): List<Short> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun IntArray.distinct(): List<Int> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun LongArray.distinct(): List<Long> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.distinct(): List<Float> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.distinct(): List<Double> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.distinct(): List<Boolean> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun CharArray.distinct(): List<Char> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * Among elements of the given array with equal keys, only the first one will be present in the resulting list.\n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Array<out T>.distinctBy(selector: (T) -> K): List<T> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<T>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> ByteArray.distinctBy(selector: (Byte) -> K): List<Byte> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Byte>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> ShortArray.distinctBy(selector: (Short) -> K): List<Short> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Short>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> IntArray.distinctBy(selector: (Int) -> K): List<Int> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Int>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> LongArray.distinctBy(selector: (Long) -> K): List<Long> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Long>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> FloatArray.distinctBy(selector: (Float) -> K): List<Float> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Float>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> DoubleArray.distinctBy(selector: (Double) -> K): List<Double> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Double>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> BooleanArray.distinctBy(selector: (Boolean) -> K): List<Boolean> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Boolean>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given array\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <K> CharArray.distinctBy(selector: (Char) -> K): List<Char> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<Char>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun <T> Array<out T>.intersect(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun ByteArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Byte>): Set<Byte> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun ShortArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Short>): Set<Short> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun IntArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Int>): Set<Int> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun LongArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Long>): Set<Long> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun FloatArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Float>): Set<Float> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun DoubleArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Double>): Set<Double> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun BooleanArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Boolean>): Set<Boolean> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this array and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun CharArray.intersect(other: Iterable<Char>): Set<Char> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun <T> Array<out T>.subtract(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun ByteArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Byte>): Set<Byte> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun ShortArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Short>): Set<Short> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun IntArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Int>): Set<Int> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun LongArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Long>): Set<Long> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun FloatArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Float>): Set<Float> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun DoubleArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Double>): Set<Double> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun BooleanArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Boolean>): Set<Boolean> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this array and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic infix fun CharArray.subtract(other: Iterable<Char>): Set<Char> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<T> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<T>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Byte> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Byte>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Short> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Short>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Int> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Int>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Long> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Long>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Float> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Float>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Double> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Double>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Boolean> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Boolean>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given array.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<Char> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<Char>(mapCapacity(size.coerceAtMost(128))))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun <T> Array<out T>.union(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun ByteArray.union(other: Iterable<Byte>): Set<Byte> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun ShortArray.union(other: Iterable<Short>): Set<Short> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun IntArray.union(other: Iterable<Int>): Set<Int> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun LongArray.union(other: Iterable<Long>): Set<Long> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun FloatArray.union(other: Iterable<Float>): Set<Float> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun DoubleArray.union(other: Iterable<Double>): Set<Double> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun BooleanArray.union(other: Iterable<Boolean>): Set<Boolean> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original array.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun CharArray.union(other: Iterable<Char>): Set<Char> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.all(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.all(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.all(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.all(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.all(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.all(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.all(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.all(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.all(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun IntArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun LongArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if array has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun CharArray.any(): Boolean {\n return !isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.any(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.any(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.any(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.any(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.any(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.any(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.any(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.any(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.any(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.count(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.count(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.count(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.count(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.count(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.count(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.count(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.count(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.count(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) ++count\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Byte) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Short) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Int) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Long) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Float) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Double) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Boolean) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Char) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Byte) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Short) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Int) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Long) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Float) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Double) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Boolean) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Char) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (T, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Byte, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Short, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Int, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Long, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Float, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Double, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Boolean, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (Char, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, T, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Byte, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Short, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Int, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Long, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Float, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Double, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Boolean, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, Char, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var index = lastIndex\n var accumulator = initial\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.forEach(action: (Byte) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.forEach(action: (Short) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.forEach(action: (Int) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.forEach(action: (Long) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.forEach(action: (Float) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.forEach(action: (Double) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.forEach(action: (Boolean) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.forEach(action: (Char) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, T) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Byte) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Short) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Int) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Long) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Float) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Double) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Boolean) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Char) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(index++, item)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Array<out Double>.max(): Double? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Array<out Float>.max(): Float? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.max(): T? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.max(): Byte? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.max(): Short? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.max(): Int? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.max(): Long? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.max(): Float? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.max(): Double? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.max(): Char? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.maxBy(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.maxBy(selector: (Byte) -> R): Byte? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.maxBy(selector: (Short) -> R): Short? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.maxBy(selector: (Int) -> R): Int? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.maxBy(selector: (Long) -> R): Long? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.maxBy(selector: (Float) -> R): Float? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.maxBy(selector: (Double) -> R): Double? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.maxBy(selector: (Boolean) -> R): Boolean? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.maxBy(selector: (Char) -> R): Char? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.maxByOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> R): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Short) -> R): Short? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Int) -> R): Int? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Long) -> R): Long? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Float) -> R): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Double) -> R): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> R): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.maxByOrNull(selector: (Char) -> R): Char? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.maxOf(selector: (Byte) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.maxOf(selector: (Short) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.maxOf(selector: (Int) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.maxOf(selector: (Long) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.maxOf(selector: (Float) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.maxOf(selector: (Double) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.maxOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.maxOf(selector: (Char) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.maxOf(selector: (Byte) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.maxOf(selector: (Short) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.maxOf(selector: (Int) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.maxOf(selector: (Long) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.maxOf(selector: (Float) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.maxOf(selector: (Double) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.maxOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.maxOf(selector: (Char) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.maxOf(selector: (Byte) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.maxOf(selector: (Short) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.maxOf(selector: (Int) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.maxOf(selector: (Long) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.maxOf(selector: (Float) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.maxOf(selector: (Double) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.maxOf(selector: (Boolean) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.maxOf(selector: (Char) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Short) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Int) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Long) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Float) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Double) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Char) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Short) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Int) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Long) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Float) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Double) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Char) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Short) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Int) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Long) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Float) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Double) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.maxOfOrNull(selector: (Char) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Byte) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Short) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Int) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Long) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Float) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Double) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Boolean) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Char) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Byte) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Short) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Int) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Long) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Float) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Double) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Boolean) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Char) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Array<out Double>.maxOrNull(): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Array<out Float>.maxOrNull(): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.maxOrNull(): T? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.maxOrNull(): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.maxOrNull(): Short? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.maxOrNull(): Int? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.maxOrNull(): Long? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.maxOrNull(): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.maxOrNull(): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.maxOrNull(): Char? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Byte>): Byte? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Short>): Short? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Int>): Int? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Long>): Long? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Float>): Float? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Double>): Double? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Boolean>): Boolean? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in Char>): Char? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Byte>): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Short>): Short? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Int>): Int? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Long>): Long? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Float>): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Double>): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Boolean>): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Char>): Char? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var max = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Array<out Double>.min(): Double? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Array<out Float>.min(): Float? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.min(): T? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.min(): Byte? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.min(): Short? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.min(): Int? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.min(): Long? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.min(): Float? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.min(): Double? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.min(): Char? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.minBy(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.minBy(selector: (Byte) -> R): Byte? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.minBy(selector: (Short) -> R): Short? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.minBy(selector: (Int) -> R): Int? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.minBy(selector: (Long) -> R): Long? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.minBy(selector: (Float) -> R): Float? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.minBy(selector: (Double) -> R): Double? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.minBy(selector: (Boolean) -> R): Boolean? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.minBy(selector: (Char) -> R): Char? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.minByOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> R): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Short) -> R): Short? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Int) -> R): Int? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Long) -> R): Long? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Float) -> R): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Double) -> R): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> R): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.minByOrNull(selector: (Char) -> R): Char? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minElem = this[0]\n val lastIndex = this.lastIndex\n if (lastIndex == 0) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.minOf(selector: (Byte) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.minOf(selector: (Short) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.minOf(selector: (Int) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.minOf(selector: (Long) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.minOf(selector: (Float) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.minOf(selector: (Double) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.minOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.minOf(selector: (Char) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.minOf(selector: (Byte) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.minOf(selector: (Short) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.minOf(selector: (Int) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.minOf(selector: (Long) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.minOf(selector: (Float) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.minOf(selector: (Double) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.minOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.minOf(selector: (Char) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.minOf(selector: (Byte) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.minOf(selector: (Short) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.minOf(selector: (Int) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.minOf(selector: (Long) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.minOf(selector: (Float) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.minOf(selector: (Double) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.minOf(selector: (Boolean) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.minOf(selector: (Char) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Short) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Int) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Long) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Float) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Double) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Char) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Short) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Int) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Long) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Float) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Double) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Char) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Array<out T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ByteArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Byte) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> ShortArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Short) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> IntArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Int) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> LongArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Long) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> FloatArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Float) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> DoubleArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Double) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> BooleanArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Boolean) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R : Comparable<R>> CharArray.minOfOrNull(selector: (Char) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Byte) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Short) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Int) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Long) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Float) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Double) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Boolean) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the array is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Char) -> R): R {\n if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Byte) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Short) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Int) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Long) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Float) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Double) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Boolean) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (Char) -> R): R? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var minValue = selector(this[0])\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val v = selector(this[i])\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Array<out Double>.minOrNull(): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Array<out Float>.minOrNull(): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.minOrNull(): T? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.minOrNull(): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.minOrNull(): Short? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.minOrNull(): Int? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.minOrNull(): Long? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.minOrNull(): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.minOrNull(): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.minOrNull(): Char? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Byte>): Byte? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Short>): Short? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Int>): Int? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Long>): Long? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Float>): Float? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Double>): Double? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Boolean>): Boolean? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in Char>): Char? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ByteArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Byte>): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun ShortArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Short>): Short? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun IntArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Int>): Int? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun LongArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Long>): Long? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun FloatArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Float>): Float? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun DoubleArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Double>): Double? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun BooleanArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Boolean>): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun CharArray.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in Char>): Char? {\n if (isEmpty()) return null\n var min = this[0]\n for (i in 1..lastIndex) {\n val e = this[i]\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun IntArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun LongArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the array has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun CharArray.none(): Boolean {\n return isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.none(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.none(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.none(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.none(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.none(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.none(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.none(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.none(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.none(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.onEach(action: (T) -> Unit): Array<out T> {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.onEach(action: (Byte) -> Unit): ByteArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.onEach(action: (Short) -> Unit): ShortArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.onEach(action: (Int) -> Unit): IntArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.onEach(action: (Long) -> Unit): LongArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.onEach(action: (Float) -> Unit): FloatArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.onEach(action: (Double) -> Unit): DoubleArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.onEach(action: (Boolean) -> Unit): BooleanArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the array itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.onEach(action: (Char) -> Unit): CharArray {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, T) -> Unit): Array<out T> {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Byte) -> Unit): ByteArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Short) -> Unit): ShortArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Int) -> Unit): IntArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Long) -> Unit): LongArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Float) -> Unit): FloatArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Double) -> Unit): DoubleArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Boolean) -> Unit): BooleanArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the array itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, Char) -> Unit): CharArray {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): Byte {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Short, Short) -> Short): Short {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Int, Int) -> Int): Int {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Long, Long) -> Long): Long {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Float, Float) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Double, Double) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduce(operation: (acc: Char, Char) -> Char): Char {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): S {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): Byte {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Short, Short) -> Short): Short {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Int, Int) -> Int): Int {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Long, Long) -> Long): Long {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Float, Float) -> Float): Float {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Double, Double) -> Double): Double {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Char, Char) -> Char): Char {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): S? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator: S = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Short, Short) -> Short): Short? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Int, Int) -> Int): Int? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Long, Long) -> Long): Long? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Float, Float) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Double, Double) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original array.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: Char, Char) -> Char): Char? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator: S = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): Byte? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Short, Short) -> Short): Short? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Int, Int) -> Int): Int? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Long, Long) -> Long): Long? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Float, Float) -> Float): Float? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Double, Double) -> Double): Double? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: Char, Char) -> Char): Char? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n var accumulator = this[0]\n for (index in 1..lastIndex) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceRight(operation: (T, acc: S) -> S): S {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceRight(operation: (Byte, acc: Byte) -> Byte): Byte {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceRight(operation: (Short, acc: Short) -> Short): Short {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceRight(operation: (Int, acc: Int) -> Int): Int {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceRight(operation: (Long, acc: Long) -> Long): Long {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceRight(operation: (Float, acc: Float) -> Float): Float {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceRight(operation: (Double, acc: Double) -> Double): Double {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceRight(operation: (Boolean, acc: Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceRight(operation: (Char, acc: Char) -> Char): Char {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, T, acc: S) -> S): S {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Byte, acc: Byte) -> Byte): Byte {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Short, acc: Short) -> Short): Short {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Int, acc: Int) -> Int): Int {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Long, acc: Long) -> Long): Long {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Float, acc: Float) -> Float): Float {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Double, acc: Double) -> Double): Double {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Boolean, acc: Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this array is empty. If the array can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, Char, acc: Char) -> Char): Char {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty array can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, T, acc: S) -> S): S? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator: S = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Byte, acc: Byte) -> Byte): Byte? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Short, acc: Short) -> Short): Short? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Int, acc: Int) -> Int): Int? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Long, acc: Long) -> Long): Long? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Float, acc: Float) -> Float): Float? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Double, acc: Double) -> Double): Double? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Boolean, acc: Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original array and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, Char, acc: Char) -> Char): Char? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(index, get(index), accumulator)\n --index\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (T, acc: S) -> S): S? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator: S = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun ByteArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Byte, acc: Byte) -> Byte): Byte? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun ShortArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Short, acc: Short) -> Short): Short? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun IntArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Int, acc: Int) -> Int): Int? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun LongArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Long, acc: Long) -> Long): Long? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun FloatArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Float, acc: Float) -> Float): Float? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Double, acc: Double) -> Double): Double? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Boolean, acc: Boolean) -> Boolean): Boolean? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the array is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun CharArray.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (Char, acc: Char) -> Char): Char? {\n var index = lastIndex\n if (index < 0) return null\n var accumulator = get(index--)\n while (index >= 0) {\n accumulator = operation(get(index--), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Byte) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Short) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Int) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Long) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Float) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Double) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Boolean) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Char) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Byte) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Short) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Int) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Long) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Float) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Double) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Boolean) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Char) -> R): List<R> {\n if (isEmpty()) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(size + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (index in indices) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and the element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.runningReduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator: S = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<S>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): List<Byte> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Byte>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Short, Short) -> Short): List<Short> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Short>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Int, Int) -> Int): List<Int> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Int>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Long, Long) -> Long): List<Long> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Long>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Float, Float) -> Float): List<Float> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Float>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Double, Double) -> Double): List<Double> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Double>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Boolean>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.runningReduce(operation: (acc: Char, Char) -> Char): List<Char> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Char>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator: S = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<S>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): List<Byte> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Byte>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Short, Short) -> Short): List<Short> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Short>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Int, Int) -> Int): List<Int> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Int>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Long, Long) -> Long): List<Long> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Long>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Float, Float) -> Float): List<Float> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Float>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Double, Double) -> Double): List<Double> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Double>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Boolean>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this array.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Char, Char) -> Char): List<Char> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator = this[0]\n val result = ArrayList<Char>(size).apply { add(accumulator) }\n for (index in 1 until size) {\n accumulator = operation(index, accumulator, this[index])\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Byte) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Short) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Int) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Long) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Float) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Double) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Boolean) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, Char) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <T, R> Array<out T>.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ByteArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Byte) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> ShortArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Short) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> IntArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Int) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> LongArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Long) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> FloatArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Float) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> DoubleArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Double) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> BooleanArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Boolean) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original array and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> CharArray.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, Char) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.scanReduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): List<Byte> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Short, Short) -> Short): List<Short> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Int, Int) -> Int): List<Int> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Long, Long) -> Long): List<Long> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Float, Float) -> Float): List<Float> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Double, Double) -> Double): List<Double> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.scanReduce(operation: (acc: Char, Char) -> Char): List<Char> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Array<out T>.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Byte, Byte) -> Byte): List<Byte> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Short, Short) -> Short): List<Short> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Int, Int) -> Int): List<Int> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Long, Long) -> Long): List<Long> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Float, Float) -> Float): List<Float> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Double, Double) -> Double): List<Double> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Boolean, Boolean) -> Boolean): List<Boolean> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: Char, Char) -> Char): List<Char> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumBy(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumBy(selector: (Byte) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumBy(selector: (Short) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumBy(selector: (Int) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumBy(selector: (Long) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumBy(selector: (Float) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumBy(selector: (Double) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumBy(selector: (Boolean) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumBy(selector: (Char) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumByDouble(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Byte) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Short) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Int) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Long) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Float) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Double) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Boolean) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumByDouble(selector: (Char) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumOf(selector: (Byte) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumOf(selector: (Short) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumOf(selector: (Int) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumOf(selector: (Long) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumOf(selector: (Float) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumOf(selector: (Double) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumOf(selector: (Char) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumOf(selector: (Byte) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumOf(selector: (Short) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumOf(selector: (Int) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumOf(selector: (Long) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumOf(selector: (Float) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumOf(selector: (Double) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumOf(selector: (Char) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumOf(selector: (Byte) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumOf(selector: (Short) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumOf(selector: (Int) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumOf(selector: (Long) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumOf(selector: (Float) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumOf(selector: (Double) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumOf(selector: (Boolean) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumOf(selector: (Char) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumOf(selector: (Byte) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumOf(selector: (Short) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumOf(selector: (Int) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumOf(selector: (Long) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumOf(selector: (Float) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumOf(selector: (Double) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumOf(selector: (Boolean) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumOf(selector: (Char) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sumOf(selector: (Byte) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sumOf(selector: (Short) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.sumOf(selector: (Int) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.sumOf(selector: (Long) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sumOf(selector: (Float) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sumOf(selector: (Double) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.sumOf(selector: (Boolean) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.sumOf(selector: (Char) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an original collection containing all the non-`null` elements, throwing an [IllegalArgumentException] if there are any `null` elements.\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> Array<T?>.requireNoNulls(): Array<T> {\n for (element in this) {\n if (element == null) {\n throw IllegalArgumentException(\"null element found in $this.\")\n }\n }\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return this as Array<T>\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Array<out T>.partition(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Pair<List<T>, List<T>> {\n val first = ArrayList<T>()\n val second = ArrayList<T>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun ByteArray.partition(predicate: (Byte) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Byte>, List<Byte>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Byte>()\n val second = ArrayList<Byte>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun ShortArray.partition(predicate: (Short) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Short>, List<Short>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Short>()\n val second = ArrayList<Short>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun IntArray.partition(predicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Int>, List<Int>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Int>()\n val second = ArrayList<Int>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun LongArray.partition(predicate: (Long) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Long>, List<Long>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Long>()\n val second = ArrayList<Long>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun FloatArray.partition(predicate: (Float) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Float>, List<Float>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Float>()\n val second = ArrayList<Float>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.partition(predicate: (Double) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Double>, List<Double>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Double>()\n val second = ArrayList<Double>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun BooleanArray.partition(predicate: (Boolean) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Boolean>, List<Boolean>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Boolean>()\n val second = ArrayList<Boolean>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original array into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Transformations.partitionArrayOfPrimitives\n */\npublic inline fun CharArray.partition(predicate: (Char) -> Boolean): Pair<List<Char>, List<Char>> {\n val first = ArrayList<Char>()\n val second = ArrayList<Char>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <T, R> Array<out T>.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<T, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> ByteArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Byte, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> ShortArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Short, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> IntArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Int, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> LongArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Long, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> FloatArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Float, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> DoubleArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Double, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> BooleanArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Boolean, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> CharArray.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<Char, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, V> Array<out T>.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: T, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> ByteArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Byte, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> ShortArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Short, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> IntArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Int, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> LongArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Long, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> FloatArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Float, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> DoubleArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Double, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> BooleanArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Boolean, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> CharArray.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: Char, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <T, R> Array<out T>.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<T, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> ByteArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Byte, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> ShortArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Short, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> IntArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Int, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> LongArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Long, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> FloatArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Float, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> DoubleArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Double, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> BooleanArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Boolean, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <R> CharArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<Char, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, V> Array<out T>.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: T, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> ByteArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Byte, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> ShortArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Short, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> IntArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Int, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> LongArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Long, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> FloatArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Float, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> DoubleArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Double, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> BooleanArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Boolean, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <R, V> CharArray.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: Char, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in other) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(this[i++], element))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun ByteArray.zip(other: ByteArray): List<Pair<Byte, Byte>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun ShortArray.zip(other: ShortArray): List<Pair<Short, Short>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun IntArray.zip(other: IntArray): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun LongArray.zip(other: LongArray): List<Pair<Long, Long>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun FloatArray.zip(other: FloatArray): List<Pair<Float, Float>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun DoubleArray.zip(other: DoubleArray): List<Pair<Double, Double>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun BooleanArray.zip(other: BooleanArray): List<Pair<Boolean, Boolean>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun CharArray.zip(other: CharArray): List<Pair<Char, Char>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> ByteArray.zip(other: ByteArray, transform: (a: Byte, b: Byte) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> ShortArray.zip(other: ShortArray, transform: (a: Short, b: Short) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> IntArray.zip(other: IntArray, transform: (a: Int, b: Int) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> LongArray.zip(other: LongArray, transform: (a: Long, b: Long) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> FloatArray.zip(other: FloatArray, transform: (a: Float, b: Float) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> DoubleArray.zip(other: DoubleArray, transform: (a: Double, b: Double) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> BooleanArray.zip(other: BooleanArray, transform: (a: Boolean, b: Boolean) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` array and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <V> CharArray.zip(other: CharArray, transform: (a: Char, b: Char) -> V): List<V> {\n val size = minOf(size, other.size)\n val list = ArrayList<V>(size)\n for (i in 0 until size) {\n list.add(transform(this[i], other[i]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <T, A : Appendable> Array<out T>.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n buffer.appendElement(element, transform)\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> ByteArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Byte) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> ShortArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Short) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> IntArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Int) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> LongArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Long) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> FloatArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Float) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> DoubleArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Double) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> BooleanArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Boolean) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element.toString())\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <A : Appendable> CharArray.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Char) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n if (transform != null)\n buffer.append(transform(element))\n else\n buffer.append(element)\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Byte) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Short) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun IntArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Int) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun LongArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Long) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Float) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Double) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Boolean) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun CharArray.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((Char) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.asIterable(): Iterable<T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Byte> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Short> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Int> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Long> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Float> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Double> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Boolean> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun CharArray.asIterable(): Iterable<Char> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptyList()\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.asSequence(): Sequence<T> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Byte> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Short> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun IntArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Int> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun LongArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Long> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Float> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Double> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun BooleanArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Boolean> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original array returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromArray\n */\npublic fun CharArray.asSequence(): Sequence<Char> {\n if (isEmpty()) return emptySequence()\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfByte\")\npublic fun Array<out Byte>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfShort\")\npublic fun Array<out Short>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfInt\")\npublic fun Array<out Int>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfLong\")\npublic fun Array<out Long>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfFloat\")\npublic fun Array<out Float>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfDouble\")\npublic fun Array<out Double>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n ++count\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfByte\")\npublic fun Array<out Byte>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfShort\")\npublic fun Array<out Short>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\npublic fun Array<out Int>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\npublic fun Array<out Long>.sum(): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0L\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfFloat\")\npublic fun Array<out Float>.sum(): Float {\n var sum: Float = 0.0f\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\npublic fun Array<out Double>.sum(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun ByteArray.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun ShortArray.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun IntArray.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun LongArray.sum(): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0L\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun FloatArray.sum(): Float {\n var sum: Float = 0.0f\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the array.\n */\npublic fun DoubleArray.sum(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\npackage kotlin.coroutines\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.*\nimport kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.*\nimport kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n\n/**\n * Interface representing a continuation after a suspension point that returns a value of type `T`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic interface Continuation<in T> {\n /**\n * The context of the coroutine that corresponds to this continuation.\n */\n public val context: CoroutineContext\n\n /**\n * Resumes the execution of the corresponding coroutine passing a successful or failed [result] as the\n * return value of the last suspension point.\n */\n public fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>)\n}\n\n/**\n * Classes and interfaces marked with this annotation are restricted when used as receivers for extension\n * `suspend` functions. These `suspend` extensions can only invoke other member or extension `suspend` functions on this particular\n * receiver and are restricted from calling arbitrary suspension functions.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS)\n@Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY)\npublic annotation class RestrictsSuspension\n\n/**\n * Resumes the execution of the corresponding coroutine passing [value] as the return value of the last suspension point.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Continuation<T>.resume(value: T): Unit =\n resumeWith(Result.success(value))\n\n/**\n * Resumes the execution of the corresponding coroutine so that the [exception] is re-thrown right after the\n * last suspension point.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Continuation<T>.resumeWithException(exception: Throwable): Unit =\n resumeWith(Result.failure(exception))\n\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Continuation] instance with the given [context] and implementation of [resumeWith] method.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Continuation(\n context: CoroutineContext,\n crossinline resumeWith: (Result<T>) -> Unit\n): Continuation<T> =\n object : Continuation<T> {\n override val context: CoroutineContext\n get() = context\n\n override fun resumeWith(result: Result<T>) =\n resumeWith(result)\n }\n\n/**\n * Creates a coroutine without a receiver and with result type [T].\n * This function creates a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.\n *\n * To start executing the created coroutine, invoke `resume(Unit)` on the returned [Continuation] instance.\n * The [completion] continuation is invoked when the coroutine completes with a result or an exception.\n * Subsequent invocation of any resume function on the resulting continuation will produce an [IllegalStateException].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\npublic fun <T> (suspend () -> T).createCoroutine(\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Continuation<Unit> =\n SafeContinuation(createCoroutineUnintercepted(completion).intercepted(), COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)\n\n/**\n * Creates a coroutine with receiver type [R] and result type [T].\n * This function creates a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.\n *\n * To start executing the created coroutine, invoke `resume(Unit)` on the returned [Continuation] instance.\n * The [completion] continuation is invoked when the coroutine completes with a result or an exception.\n * Subsequent invocation of any resume function on the resulting continuation will produce an [IllegalStateException].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\npublic fun <R, T> (suspend R.() -> T).createCoroutine(\n receiver: R,\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Continuation<Unit> =\n SafeContinuation(createCoroutineUnintercepted(receiver, completion).intercepted(), COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)\n\n/**\n * Starts a coroutine without a receiver and with result type [T].\n * This function creates and starts a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.\n * The [completion] continuation is invoked when the coroutine completes with a result or an exception.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\npublic fun <T> (suspend () -> T).startCoroutine(\n completion: Continuation<T>\n) {\n createCoroutineUnintercepted(completion).intercepted().resume(Unit)\n}\n\n/**\n * Starts a coroutine with receiver type [R] and result type [T].\n * This function creates and starts a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.\n * The [completion] continuation is invoked when the coroutine completes with a result or an exception.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\npublic fun <R, T> (suspend R.() -> T).startCoroutine(\n receiver: R,\n completion: Continuation<T>\n) {\n createCoroutineUnintercepted(receiver, completion).intercepted().resume(Unit)\n}\n\n/**\n * Obtains the current continuation instance inside suspend functions and suspends\n * the currently running coroutine.\n *\n * In this function both [Continuation.resume] and [Continuation.resumeWithException] can be used either synchronously in\n * the same stack-frame where the suspension function is run or asynchronously later in the same thread or\n * from a different thread of execution. Subsequent invocation of any resume function will produce an [IllegalStateException].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic suspend inline fun <T> suspendCoroutine(crossinline block: (Continuation<T>) -> Unit): T {\n contract { callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { c: Continuation<T> ->\n val safe = SafeContinuation(c.intercepted())\n block(safe)\n safe.getOrThrow()\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the context of the current coroutine.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"WRONG_MODIFIER_TARGET\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic suspend inline val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext\n get() {\n throw NotImplementedError(\"Implemented as intrinsic\")\n }\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"PreconditionsKt\")\n\npackage kotlin\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.contract\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalArgumentException] if the [value] is false.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failRequireWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun require(value: Boolean): Unit {\n contract {\n returns() implies value\n }\n require(value) { \"Failed requirement.\" }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalArgumentException] with the result of calling [lazyMessage] if the [value] is false.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failRequireWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun require(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any): Unit {\n contract {\n returns() implies value\n }\n if (!value) {\n val message = lazyMessage()\n throw IllegalArgumentException(message.toString())\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalArgumentException] if the [value] is null. Otherwise returns the not null value.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T : Any> requireNotNull(value: T?): T {\n contract {\n returns() implies (value != null)\n }\n return requireNotNull(value) { \"Required value was null.\" }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalArgumentException] with the result of calling [lazyMessage] if the [value] is null. Otherwise\n * returns the not null value.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failRequireWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T : Any> requireNotNull(value: T?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): T {\n contract {\n returns() implies (value != null)\n }\n\n if (value == null) {\n val message = lazyMessage()\n throw IllegalArgumentException(message.toString())\n } else {\n return value\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalStateException] if the [value] is false.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failCheckWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun check(value: Boolean): Unit {\n contract {\n returns() implies value\n }\n check(value) { \"Check failed.\" }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalStateException] with the result of calling [lazyMessage] if the [value] is false.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failCheckWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun check(value: Boolean, lazyMessage: () -> Any): Unit {\n contract {\n returns() implies value\n }\n if (!value) {\n val message = lazyMessage()\n throw IllegalStateException(message.toString())\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalStateException] if the [value] is null. Otherwise\n * returns the not null value.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failCheckWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T : Any> checkNotNull(value: T?): T {\n contract {\n returns() implies (value != null)\n }\n return checkNotNull(value) { \"Required value was null.\" }\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalStateException] with the result of calling [lazyMessage] if the [value] is null. Otherwise\n * returns the not null value.\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failCheckWithLazyMessage\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T : Any> checkNotNull(value: T?, lazyMessage: () -> Any): T {\n contract {\n returns() implies (value != null)\n }\n\n if (value == null) {\n val message = lazyMessage()\n throw IllegalStateException(message.toString())\n } else {\n return value\n }\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Throws an [IllegalStateException] with the given [message].\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.Preconditions.failWithError\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun error(message: Any): Nothing = throw IllegalStateException(message.toString())\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\", \"RedundantVisibilityModifier\")\n\npackage kotlin\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.*\nimport kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\nimport kotlin.jvm.JvmField\nimport kotlin.jvm.JvmName\n\n/**\n * A discriminated union that encapsulates a successful outcome with a value of type [T]\n * or a failure with an arbitrary [Throwable] exception.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NON_PUBLIC_PRIMARY_CONSTRUCTOR_OF_INLINE_CLASS\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline class Result<out T> @PublishedApi internal constructor(\n @PublishedApi\n internal val value: Any?\n) : Serializable {\n // discovery\n\n /**\n * Returns `true` if this instance represents a successful outcome.\n * In this case [isFailure] returns `false`.\n */\n public val isSuccess: Boolean get() = value !is Failure\n\n /**\n * Returns `true` if this instance represents a failed outcome.\n * In this case [isSuccess] returns `false`.\n */\n public val isFailure: Boolean get() = value is Failure\n\n // value & exception retrieval\n\n /**\n * Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or `null`\n * if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * This function is a shorthand for `getOrElse { null }` (see [getOrElse]) or\n * `fold(onSuccess = { it }, onFailure = { null })` (see [fold]).\n */\n @InlineOnly\n public inline fun getOrNull(): T? =\n when {\n isFailure -> null\n else -> value as T\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns the encapsulated [Throwable] exception if this instance represents [failure][isFailure] or `null`\n * if it is [success][isSuccess].\n *\n * This function is a shorthand for `fold(onSuccess = { null }, onFailure = { it })` (see [fold]).\n */\n public fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? =\n when (value) {\n is Failure -> value.exception\n else -> null\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a string `Success(v)` if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess]\n * where `v` is a string representation of the value or a string `Failure(x)` if\n * it is [failure][isFailure] where `x` is a string representation of the exception.\n */\n public override fun toString(): String =\n when (value) {\n is Failure -> value.toString() // \"Failure($exception)\"\n else -> \"Success($value)\"\n }\n\n // companion with constructors\n\n /**\n * Companion object for [Result] class that contains its constructor functions\n * [success] and [failure].\n */\n public companion object {\n /**\n * Returns an instance that encapsulates the given [value] as successful value.\n */\n @Suppress(\"INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME\")\n @InlineOnly\n @JvmName(\"success\")\n public inline fun <T> success(value: T): Result<T> =\n Result(value)\n\n /**\n * Returns an instance that encapsulates the given [Throwable] [exception] as failure.\n */\n @Suppress(\"INAPPLICABLE_JVM_NAME\")\n @InlineOnly\n @JvmName(\"failure\")\n public inline fun <T> failure(exception: Throwable): Result<T> =\n Result(createFailure(exception))\n }\n\n internal class Failure(\n @JvmField\n val exception: Throwable\n ) : Serializable {\n override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Failure && exception == other.exception\n override fun hashCode(): Int = exception.hashCode()\n override fun toString(): String = \"Failure($exception)\"\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an instance of internal marker [Result.Failure] class to\n * make sure that this class is not exposed in ABI.\n */\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\ninternal fun createFailure(exception: Throwable): Any =\n Result.Failure(exception)\n\n/**\n * Throws exception if the result is failure. This internal function minimizes\n * inlined bytecode for [getOrThrow] and makes sure that in the future we can\n * add some exception-augmenting logic here (if needed).\n */\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\ninternal fun Result<*>.throwOnFailure() {\n if (value is Result.Failure) throw value.exception\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] and returns its encapsulated result if invocation was successful,\n * catching any [Throwable] exception that was thrown from the [block] function execution and encapsulating it as a failure.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R> runCatching(block: () -> R): Result<R> {\n return try {\n Result.success(block())\n } catch (e: Throwable) {\n Result.failure(e)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its receiver and returns its encapsulated result if invocation was successful,\n * catching any [Throwable] exception that was thrown from the [block] function execution and encapsulating it as a failure.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> T.runCatching(block: T.() -> R): Result<R> {\n return try {\n Result.success(block())\n } catch (e: Throwable) {\n Result.failure(e)\n }\n}\n\n// -- extensions ---\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or throws the encapsulated [Throwable] exception\n * if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * This function is a shorthand for `getOrElse { throw it }` (see [getOrElse]).\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <T> Result<T>.getOrThrow(): T {\n throwOnFailure()\n return value as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or the\n * result of [onFailure] function for the encapsulated [Throwable] exception if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * Note, that this function rethrows any [Throwable] exception thrown by [onFailure] function.\n *\n * This function is a shorthand for `fold(onSuccess = { it }, onFailure = onFailure)` (see [fold]).\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T : R> Result<T>.getOrElse(onFailure: (exception: Throwable) -> R): R {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(onFailure, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n }\n return when (val exception = exceptionOrNull()) {\n null -> value as T\n else -> onFailure(exception)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or the\n * [defaultValue] if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * This function is a shorthand for `getOrElse { defaultValue }` (see [getOrElse]).\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T : R> Result<T>.getOrDefault(defaultValue: R): R {\n if (isFailure) return defaultValue\n return value as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the result of [onSuccess] for the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess]\n * or the result of [onFailure] function for the encapsulated [Throwable] exception if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * Note, that this function rethrows any [Throwable] exception thrown by [onSuccess] or by [onFailure] function.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T> Result<T>.fold(\n onSuccess: (value: T) -> R,\n onFailure: (exception: Throwable) -> R\n): R {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(onSuccess, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n callsInPlace(onFailure, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n }\n return when (val exception = exceptionOrNull()) {\n null -> onSuccess(value as T)\n else -> onFailure(exception)\n }\n}\n\n// transformation\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated result of the given [transform] function applied to the encapsulated value\n * if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or the\n * original encapsulated [Throwable] exception if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * Note, that this function rethrows any [Throwable] exception thrown by [transform] function.\n * See [mapCatching] for an alternative that encapsulates exceptions.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T> Result<T>.map(transform: (value: T) -> R): Result<R> {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(transform, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n }\n return when {\n isSuccess -> Result.success(transform(value as T))\n else -> Result(value)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated result of the given [transform] function applied to the encapsulated value\n * if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or the\n * original encapsulated [Throwable] exception if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].\n *\n * This function catches any [Throwable] exception thrown by [transform] function and encapsulates it as a failure.\n * See [map] for an alternative that rethrows exceptions from `transform` function.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T> Result<T>.mapCatching(transform: (value: T) -> R): Result<R> {\n return when {\n isSuccess -> runCatching { transform(value as T) }\n else -> Result(value)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated result of the given [transform] function applied to the encapsulated [Throwable] exception\n * if this instance represents [failure][Result.isFailure] or the\n * original encapsulated value if it is [success][Result.isSuccess].\n *\n * Note, that this function rethrows any [Throwable] exception thrown by [transform] function.\n * See [recoverCatching] for an alternative that encapsulates exceptions.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T : R> Result<T>.recover(transform: (exception: Throwable) -> R): Result<R> {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(transform, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n }\n return when (val exception = exceptionOrNull()) {\n null -> this\n else -> Result.success(transform(exception))\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the encapsulated result of the given [transform] function applied to the encapsulated [Throwable] exception\n * if this instance represents [failure][Result.isFailure] or the\n * original encapsulated value if it is [success][Result.isSuccess].\n *\n * This function catches any [Throwable] exception thrown by [transform] function and encapsulates it as a failure.\n * See [recover] for an alternative that rethrows exceptions.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <R, T : R> Result<T>.recoverCatching(transform: (exception: Throwable) -> R): Result<R> {\n val value = value // workaround for inline classes BE bug\n return when (val exception = exceptionOrNull()) {\n null -> this\n else -> runCatching { transform(exception) }\n }\n}\n\n// \"peek\" onto value/exception and pipe\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on the encapsulated [Throwable] exception if this instance represents [failure][Result.isFailure].\n * Returns the original `Result` unchanged.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <T> Result<T>.onFailure(action: (exception: Throwable) -> Unit): Result<T> {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n }\n exceptionOrNull()?.let { action(it) }\n return this\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess].\n * Returns the original `Result` unchanged.\n */\n@InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <T> Result<T>.onSuccess(action: (value: T) -> Unit): Result<T> {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(action, InvocationKind.AT_MOST_ONCE)\n }\n if (isSuccess) action(value as T)\n return this\n}\n\n// -------------------\n",null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"StringsKt\")\n\npackage kotlin.text\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.*\n\n/**\n * A mutable sequence of characters.\n *\n * String builder can be used to efficiently perform multiple string manipulation operations.\n */\nexpect class StringBuilder : Appendable, CharSequence {\n /** Constructs an empty string builder. */\n constructor()\n\n /** Constructs an empty string builder with the specified initial [capacity]. */\n constructor(capacity: Int)\n\n /** Constructs a string builder that contains the same characters as the specified [content] char sequence. */\n constructor(content: CharSequence)\n\n /** Constructs a string builder that contains the same characters as the specified [content] string. */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n// @ExperimentalStdlibApi\n constructor(content: String)\n\n override val length: Int\n\n override operator fun get(index: Int): Char\n\n override fun subSequence(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): CharSequence\n\n override fun append(value: Char): StringBuilder\n override fun append(value: CharSequence?): StringBuilder\n override fun append(value: CharSequence?, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Reverses the contents of this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * Surrogate pairs included in this string builder are treated as single characters.\n * Therefore, the order of the high-low surrogates is never reversed.\n *\n * Note that the reverse operation may produce new surrogate pairs that were unpaired low-surrogates and high-surrogates before the operation.\n * For example, reversing `\"\\uDC00\\uD800\"` produces `\"\\uD800\\uDC00\"` which is a valid surrogate pair.\n */\n fun reverse(): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Appends the string representation of the specified object [value] to this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * The overall effect is exactly as if the [value] were converted to a string by the `value.toString()` method,\n * and then that string was appended to this string builder.\n */\n fun append(value: Any?): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Appends the string representation of the specified boolean [value] to this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * The overall effect is exactly as if the [value] were converted to a string by the `value.toString()` method,\n * and then that string was appended to this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n fun append(value: Boolean): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Appends characters in the specified character array [value] to this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * Characters are appended in order, starting at the index 0.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun append(value: CharArray): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Appends the specified string [value] to this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * If [value] is `null`, then the four characters `\"null\"` are appended.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n fun append(value: String?): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Returns the current capacity of this string builder.\n *\n * The capacity is the maximum length this string builder can have before an allocation occurs.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n// @ExperimentalStdlibApi\n @Deprecated(\"Obtaining StringBuilder capacity is not supported in JS and common code.\", level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n fun capacity(): Int\n\n /**\n * Ensures that the capacity of this string builder is at least equal to the specified [minimumCapacity].\n *\n * If the current capacity is less than the [minimumCapacity], a new backing storage is allocated with greater capacity.\n * Otherwise, this method takes no action and simply returns.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun ensureCapacity(minimumCapacity: Int)\n\n /**\n * Returns the index within this string builder of the first occurrence of the specified [string].\n *\n * Returns `-1` if the specified [string] does not occur in this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun indexOf(string: String): Int\n\n /**\n * Returns the index within this string builder of the first occurrence of the specified [string],\n * starting at the specified [startIndex].\n *\n * Returns `-1` if the specified [string] does not occur in this string builder starting at the specified [startIndex].\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun indexOf(string: String, startIndex: Int): Int\n\n /**\n * Returns the index within this string builder of the last occurrence of the specified [string].\n * The last occurrence of empty string `\"\"` is considered to be at the index equal to `this.length`.\n *\n * Returns `-1` if the specified [string] does not occur in this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun lastIndexOf(string: String): Int\n\n /**\n * Returns the index within this string builder of the last occurrence of the specified [string],\n * starting from the specified [startIndex] toward the beginning.\n *\n * Returns `-1` if the specified [string] does not occur in this string builder starting at the specified [startIndex].\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun lastIndexOf(string: String, startIndex: Int): Int\n\n /**\n * Inserts the string representation of the specified boolean [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * The overall effect is exactly as if the [value] were converted to a string by the `value.toString()` method,\n * and then that string was inserted into this string builder at the specified [index].\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun insert(index: Int, value: Boolean): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Inserts the specified character [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun insert(index: Int, value: Char): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Inserts characters in the specified character array [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * The inserted characters go in same order as in the [value] character array, starting at [index].\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun insert(index: Int, value: CharArray): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Inserts characters in the specified character sequence [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * The inserted characters go in the same order as in the [value] character sequence, starting at [index].\n *\n * @param index the position in this string builder to insert at.\n * @param value the character sequence from which characters are inserted. If [value] is `null`, then the four characters `\"null\"` are inserted.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun insert(index: Int, value: CharSequence?): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Inserts the string representation of the specified object [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * The overall effect is exactly as if the [value] were converted to a string by the `value.toString()` method,\n * and then that string was inserted into this string builder at the specified [index].\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun insert(index: Int, value: Any?): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Inserts the string [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * If [value] is `null`, then the four characters `\"null\"` are inserted.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun insert(index: Int, value: String?): StringBuilder\n\n /**\n * Sets the length of this string builder to the specified [newLength].\n *\n * If the [newLength] is less than the current length, it is changed to the specified [newLength].\n * Otherwise, null characters '\\u0000' are appended to this string builder until its length is less than the [newLength].\n *\n * Note that in Kotlin/JS [set] operator function has non-constant execution time complexity.\n * Therefore, increasing length of this string builder and then updating each character by index may slow down your program.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] if [newLength] is less than zero.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun setLength(newLength: Int)\n\n /**\n * Returns a new [String] that contains characters in this string builder at [startIndex] (inclusive) and up to the [length] (exclusive).\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [startIndex] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun substring(startIndex: Int): String\n\n /**\n * Returns a new [String] that contains characters in this string builder at [startIndex] (inclusive) and up to the [endIndex] (exclusive).\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this string builder indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun substring(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): String\n\n /**\n * Attempts to reduce storage used for this string builder.\n *\n * If the backing storage of this string builder is larger than necessary to hold its current contents,\n * then it may be resized to become more space efficient.\n * Calling this method may, but is not required to, affect the value of the [capacity] property.\n */\n @SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n @WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n fun trimToSize()\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Clears the content of this string builder making it empty and returns this instance.\n *\n * @sample samples.text.Strings.clearStringBuilder\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.clear(): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Sets the character at the specified [index] to the specified [value].\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is out of bounds of this string builder.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect operator fun StringBuilder.set(index: Int, value: Char)\n\n/**\n * Replaces characters in the specified range of this string builder with characters in the specified string [value] and returns this instance.\n *\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the range to replace.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the range to replace.\n * @param value the string to replace with.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] if [startIndex] is less than zero, greater than the length of this string builder, or `startIndex > endIndex`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.setRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, value: String): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Removes the character at the specified [index] from this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * If the `Char` at the specified [index] is part of a supplementary code point, this method does not remove the entire supplementary character.\n *\n * @param index the index of `Char` to remove.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is out of bounds of this string builder.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.deleteAt(index: Int): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Removes characters in the specified range from this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the range to remove.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the range to remove.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] is out of range of this string builder indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.deleteRange(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Copies characters from this string builder into the [destination] character array.\n *\n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the range to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the range to copy, length of this string builder by default.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this string builder indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.toCharArray(destination: CharArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = this.length)\n\n/**\n * Appends characters in a subarray of the specified character array [value] to this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * Characters are appended in order, starting at specified [startIndex].\n *\n * @param value the array from which characters are appended.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subarray to append.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subarray to append.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of the [value] array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.appendRange(value: CharArray, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence [value] to this string builder and returns this instance.\n *\n * @param value the character sequence from which a subsequence is appended.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subsequence to append.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subsequence to append.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of the [value] character sequence indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.appendRange(value: CharSequence, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Inserts characters in a subarray of the specified character array [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * The inserted characters go in same order as in the [value] array, starting at [index].\n *\n * @param index the position in this string builder to insert at.\n * @param value the array from which characters are inserted.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subarray to insert.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subarray to insert.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of the [value] array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.insertRange(index: Int, value: CharArray, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder\n\n/**\n * Inserts characters in a subsequence of the specified character sequence [value] into this string builder at the specified [index] and returns this instance.\n *\n * The inserted characters go in the same order as in the [value] character sequence, starting at [index].\n *\n * @param index the position in this string builder to insert at.\n * @param value the character sequence from which a subsequence is inserted.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subsequence to insert.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subsequence to insert.\n *\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of the [value] character sequence indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] is less than zero or greater than the length of this string builder.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic expect fun StringBuilder.insertRange(index: Int, value: CharSequence, startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int): StringBuilder\n\n@Suppress(\"EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER\")\n@Deprecated(\"Use append(value: Any?) instead\", ReplaceWith(\"append(value = obj)\"), DeprecationLevel.WARNING)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.append(obj: Any?): StringBuilder = this.append(obj)\n\n/**\n * Builds new string by populating newly created [StringBuilder] using provided [builderAction]\n * and then converting it to [String].\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun buildString(builderAction: StringBuilder.() -> Unit): String {\n contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return StringBuilder().apply(builderAction).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds new string by populating newly created [StringBuilder] initialized with the given [capacity]\n * using provided [builderAction] and then converting it to [String].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun buildString(capacity: Int, builderAction: StringBuilder.() -> Unit): String {\n contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return StringBuilder(capacity).apply(builderAction).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all arguments to the given StringBuilder.\n */\npublic fun StringBuilder.append(vararg value: String?): StringBuilder {\n for (item in value)\n append(item)\n return this\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all arguments to the given StringBuilder.\n */\npublic fun StringBuilder.append(vararg value: Any?): StringBuilder {\n for (item in value)\n append(item)\n return this\n}\n\n/** Appends a line feed character (`\\n`) to this StringBuilder. */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(): StringBuilder = append('\\n')\n\n/** Appends [value] to this [StringBuilder], followed by a line feed character (`\\n`). */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(value: CharSequence?): StringBuilder = append(value).appendLine()\n\n/** Appends [value] to this [StringBuilder], followed by a line feed character (`\\n`). */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(value: String?): StringBuilder = append(value).appendLine()\n\n/** Appends [value] to this [StringBuilder], followed by a line feed character (`\\n`). */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(value: Any?): StringBuilder = append(value).appendLine()\n\n/** Appends [value] to this [StringBuilder], followed by a line feed character (`\\n`). */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(value: CharArray): StringBuilder = append(value).appendLine()\n\n/** Appends [value] to this [StringBuilder], followed by a line feed character (`\\n`). */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(value: Char): StringBuilder = append(value).appendLine()\n\n/** Appends [value] to this [StringBuilder], followed by a line feed character (`\\n`). */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun StringBuilder.appendLine(value: Boolean): StringBuilder = append(value).appendLine()\n",null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n@file:Suppress(\"DEPRECATION_ERROR\")\npackage kotlin.math\n\n\nimport kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\nimport kotlin.js.Math as nativeMath\n\n\n// region ================ Double Math ========================================\n\n/** Computes the sine of the angle [x] given in radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `sin(NaN|+Inf|-Inf)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sin(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.sin(x)\n\n/** Computes the cosine of the angle [x] given in radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `cos(NaN|+Inf|-Inf)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun cos(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.cos(x)\n\n/** Computes the tangent of the angle [x] given in radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `tan(NaN|+Inf|-Inf)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun tan(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.tan(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the arc sine of the value [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `-PI/2` to `PI/2` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `asin(x)` is `NaN`, when `abs(x) > 1` or x is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun asin(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.asin(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the arc cosine of the value [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `0.0` to `PI` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `acos(x)` is `NaN`, when `abs(x) > 1` or x is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun acos(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.acos(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the arc tangent of the value [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `-PI/2` to `PI/2` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `atan(NaN)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun atan(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.atan(x)\n\n/**\n * Returns the angle `theta` of the polar coordinates `(r, theta)` that correspond\n * to the rectangular coordinates `(x, y)` by computing the arc tangent of the value [y] / [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `-PI` to `PI` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `atan2(0.0, 0.0)` is `0.0`\n * - `atan2(0.0, x)` is `0.0` for `x > 0` and `PI` for `x < 0`\n * - `atan2(-0.0, x)` is `-0.0` for 'x > 0` and `-PI` for `x < 0`\n * - `atan2(y, +Inf)` is `0.0` for `0 < y < +Inf` and `-0.0` for '-Inf < y < 0`\n * - `atan2(y, -Inf)` is `PI` for `0 < y < +Inf` and `-PI` for `-Inf < y < 0`\n * - `atan2(y, 0.0)` is `PI/2` for `y > 0` and `-PI/2` for `y < 0`\n * - `atan2(+Inf, x)` is `PI/2` for finite `x`y\n * - `atan2(-Inf, x)` is `-PI/2` for finite `x`\n * - `atan2(NaN, x)` and `atan2(y, NaN)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun atan2(y: Double, x: Double): Double = nativeMath.atan2(y, x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the hyperbolic sine of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `sinh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `sinh(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `sinh(-Inf)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sinh(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.sinh(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `cosh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `cosh(+Inf|-Inf)` is `+Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun cosh(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.cosh(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `tanh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `tanh(+Inf)` is `1.0`\n * - `tanh(-Inf)` is `-1.0`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun tanh(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.tanh(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the value [x].\n *\n * The returned value is `y` such that `sinh(y) == x`.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `asinh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `asinh(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `asinh(-Inf)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun asinh(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.asinh(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the value [x].\n *\n * The returned value is positive `y` such that `cosh(y) == x`.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `acosh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `acosh(x)` is `NaN` when `x < 1`\n * - `acosh(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun acosh(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.acosh(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the value [x].\n *\n * The returned value is `y` such that `tanh(y) == x`.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `tanh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `tanh(x)` is `NaN` when `x > 1` or `x < -1`\n * - `tanh(1.0)` is `+Inf`\n * - `tanh(-1.0)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun atanh(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.atanh(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes `sqrt(x^2 + y^2)` without intermediate overflow or underflow.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - returns `+Inf` if any of arguments is infinite\n * - returns `NaN` if any of arguments is `NaN` and the other is not infinite\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun hypot(x: Double, y: Double): Double = nativeMath.hypot(x, y)\n\n/**\n * Computes the positive square root of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `sqrt(x)` is `NaN` when `x < 0` or `x` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sqrt(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.sqrt(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes Euler's number `e` raised to the power of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `exp(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `exp(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `exp(-Inf)` is `0.0`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun exp(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.exp(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes `exp(x) - 1`.\n *\n * This function can be implemented to produce more precise result for [x] near zero.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `expm1(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `expm1(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `expm1(-Inf)` is `-1.0`\n *\n * @see [exp] function.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun expm1(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.expm1(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the logarithm of the value [x] to the given [base].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `log(x, b)` is `NaN` if either `x` or `b` are `NaN`\n * - `log(x, b)` is `NaN` when `x < 0` or `b <= 0` or `b == 1.0`\n * - `log(+Inf, +Inf)` is `NaN`\n * - `log(+Inf, b)` is `+Inf` for `b > 1` and `-Inf` for `b < 1`\n * - `log(0.0, b)` is `-Inf` for `b > 1` and `+Inf` for `b > 1`\n *\n * See also logarithm functions for common fixed bases: [ln], [log10] and [log2].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun log(x: Double, base: Double): Double {\n if (base <= 0.0 || base == 1.0) return Double.NaN\n return nativeMath.log(x) / nativeMath.log(base)\n}\n\n/**\n * Computes the natural logarithm (base `E`) of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `ln(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `ln(x)` is `NaN` when `x < 0.0`\n * - `ln(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `ln(0.0)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ln(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.log(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the common logarithm (base 10) of the value [x].\n *\n * @see [ln] function for special cases.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun log10(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.log10(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes the binary logarithm (base 2) of the value [x].\n *\n * @see [ln] function for special cases.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun log2(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.log2(x)\n\n/**\n * Computes `ln(x + 1)`.\n *\n * This function can be implemented to produce more precise result for [x] near zero.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `ln1p(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `ln1p(x)` is `NaN` where `x < -1.0`\n * - `ln1p(-1.0)` is `-Inf`\n * - `ln1p(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n *\n * @see [ln] function\n * @see [expm1] function\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ln1p(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.log1p(x)\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] to an integer towards positive infinity.\n\n * @return the smallest double value that is greater than or equal to the given value [x] and is a mathematical integer.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `ceil(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ceil(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.ceil(x).unsafeCast<Double>() // TODO: Remove unsafe cast after removing public js.math\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] to an integer towards negative infinity.\n\n * @return the largest double value that is smaller than or equal to the given value [x] and is a mathematical integer.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `floor(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun floor(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.floor(x).unsafeCast<Double>()\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] to an integer towards zero.\n *\n * @return the value [x] having its fractional part truncated.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `truncate(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun truncate(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.trunc(x)\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] towards the closest integer with ties rounded towards even integer.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `round(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun round(x: Double): Double {\n if (x % 0.5 != 0.0) {\n return nativeMath.round(x).unsafeCast<Double>()\n }\n val floor = floor(x)\n return if (floor % 2 == 0.0) floor else ceil(x)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of the given value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `abs(NaN)` is `NaN`\n *\n * @see absoluteValue extension property for [Double]\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun abs(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.abs(x)\n\n/**\n * Returns the sign of the given value [x]:\n * - `-1.0` if the value is negative,\n * - zero if the value is zero,\n * - `1.0` if the value is positive\n *\n * Special case:\n * - `sign(NaN)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sign(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.sign(x)\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the smaller of two values.\n *\n * If either value is `NaN`, then the result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun min(a: Double, b: Double): Double = nativeMath.min(a, b)\n\n/**\n * Returns the greater of two values.\n *\n * If either value is `NaN`, then the result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun max(a: Double, b: Double): Double = nativeMath.max(a, b)\n\n// extensions\n\n/**\n * Raises this value to the power [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `b.pow(0.0)` is `1.0`\n * - `b.pow(1.0) == b`\n * - `b.pow(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `NaN.pow(x)` is `NaN` for `x != 0.0`\n * - `b.pow(Inf)` is `NaN` for `abs(b) == 1.0`\n * - `b.pow(x)` is `NaN` for `b < 0` and `x` is finite and not an integer\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Double.pow(x: Double): Double = nativeMath.pow(this, x)\n\n/**\n * Raises this value to the integer power [n].\n *\n * See the other overload of [pow] for details.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Double.pow(n: Int): Double = nativeMath.pow(this, n.toDouble())\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of this value.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `NaN.absoluteValue` is `NaN`\n *\n * @see abs function\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline val Double.absoluteValue: Double get() = nativeMath.abs(this)\n\n/**\n * Returns the sign of this value:\n * - `-1.0` if the value is negative,\n * - zero if the value is zero,\n * - `1.0` if the value is positive\n *\n * Special case:\n * - `NaN.sign` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline val Double.sign: Double get() = nativeMath.sign(this)\n\n/**\n * Returns this value with the sign bit same as of the [sign] value.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Double.withSign(sign: Int): Double = this.withSign(sign.toDouble())\n\n/**\n * Returns the ulp (unit in the last place) of this value.\n *\n * An ulp is a positive distance between this value and the next nearest [Double] value larger in magnitude.\n *\n * Special Cases:\n * - `NaN.ulp` is `NaN`\n * - `x.ulp` is `+Inf` when `x` is `+Inf` or `-Inf`\n * - `0.0.ulp` is `Double.MIN_VALUE`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual val Double.ulp: Double get() = when {\n this < 0 -> (-this).ulp\n this.isNaN() || this == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY -> this\n this == Double.MAX_VALUE -> this - this.nextDown()\n else -> this.nextUp() - this\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the [Double] value nearest to this value in direction of positive infinity.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun Double.nextUp(): Double = when {\n this.isNaN() || this == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY -> this\n this == 0.0 -> Double.MIN_VALUE\n else -> Double.fromBits(this.toRawBits() + if (this > 0) 1 else -1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the [Double] value nearest to this value in direction of negative infinity.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun Double.nextDown(): Double = when {\n this.isNaN() || this == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY -> this\n this == 0.0 -> -Double.MIN_VALUE\n else -> Double.fromBits(this.toRawBits() + if (this > 0) -1 else 1)\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the [Double] value nearest to this value in direction from this value towards the value [to].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `x.nextTowards(y)` is `NaN` if either `x` or `y` are `NaN`\n * - `x.nextTowards(x) == x`\n *\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun Double.nextTowards(to: Double): Double = when {\n this.isNaN() || to.isNaN() -> Double.NaN\n to == this -> to\n to > this -> this.nextUp()\n else /* to < this */ -> this.nextDown()\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Rounds this [Double] value to the nearest integer and converts the result to [Int].\n * Ties are rounded towards positive infinity.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `x.roundToInt() == Int.MAX_VALUE` when `x > Int.MAX_VALUE`\n * - `x.roundToInt() == Int.MIN_VALUE` when `x < Int.MIN_VALUE`\n *\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException when this value is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun Double.roundToInt(): Int = when {\n isNaN() -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot round NaN value.\")\n this > Int.MAX_VALUE -> Int.MAX_VALUE\n this < Int.MIN_VALUE -> Int.MIN_VALUE\n else -> nativeMath.round(this).unsafeCast<Double>().toInt()\n}\n\n/**\n * Rounds this [Double] value to the nearest integer and converts the result to [Long].\n * Ties are rounded towards positive infinity.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `x.roundToLong() == Long.MAX_VALUE` when `x > Long.MAX_VALUE`\n * - `x.roundToLong() == Long.MIN_VALUE` when `x < Long.MIN_VALUE`\n *\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException when this value is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun Double.roundToLong(): Long = when {\n isNaN() -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Cannot round NaN value.\")\n this > Long.MAX_VALUE -> Long.MAX_VALUE\n this < Long.MIN_VALUE -> Long.MIN_VALUE\n else -> nativeMath.round(this).unsafeCast<Double>().toLong()\n}\n\n// endregion\n\n\n\n// region ================ Float Math ========================================\n\n/** Computes the sine of the angle [x] given in radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `sin(NaN|+Inf|-Inf)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sin(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.sin(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/** Computes the cosine of the angle [x] given in radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `cos(NaN|+Inf|-Inf)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun cos(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.cos(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/** Computes the tangent of the angle [x] given in radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `tan(NaN|+Inf|-Inf)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun tan(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.tan(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the arc sine of the value [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `-PI/2` to `PI/2` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `asin(x)` is `NaN`, when `abs(x) > 1` or x is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun asin(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.asin(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the arc cosine of the value [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `0.0` to `PI` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `acos(x)` is `NaN`, when `abs(x) > 1` or x is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun acos(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.acos(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the arc tangent of the value [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `-PI/2` to `PI/2` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `atan(NaN)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun atan(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.atan(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Returns the angle `theta` of the polar coordinates `(r, theta)` that correspond\n * to the rectangular coordinates `(x, y)` by computing the arc tangent of the value [y] / [x];\n * the returned value is an angle in the range from `-PI` to `PI` radians.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `atan2(0.0, 0.0)` is `0.0`\n * - `atan2(0.0, x)` is `0.0` for `x > 0` and `PI` for `x < 0`\n * - `atan2(-0.0, x)` is `-0.0` for 'x > 0` and `-PI` for `x < 0`\n * - `atan2(y, +Inf)` is `0.0` for `0 < y < +Inf` and `-0.0` for '-Inf < y < 0`\n * - `atan2(y, -Inf)` is `PI` for `0 < y < +Inf` and `-PI` for `-Inf < y < 0`\n * - `atan2(y, 0.0)` is `PI/2` for `y > 0` and `-PI/2` for `y < 0`\n * - `atan2(+Inf, x)` is `PI/2` for finite `x`y\n * - `atan2(-Inf, x)` is `-PI/2` for finite `x`\n * - `atan2(NaN, x)` and `atan2(y, NaN)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun atan2(y: Float, x: Float): Float = nativeMath.atan2(y.toDouble(), x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the hyperbolic sine of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `sinh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `sinh(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `sinh(-Inf)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sinh(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.sinh(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the hyperbolic cosine of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `cosh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `cosh(+Inf|-Inf)` is `+Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun cosh(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.cosh(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the hyperbolic tangent of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `tanh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `tanh(+Inf)` is `1.0`\n * - `tanh(-Inf)` is `-1.0`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun tanh(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.tanh(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of the value [x].\n *\n * The returned value is `y` such that `sinh(y) == x`.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `asinh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `asinh(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `asinh(-Inf)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun asinh(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.asinh(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of the value [x].\n *\n * The returned value is positive `y` such that `cosh(y) == x`.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `acosh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `acosh(x)` is `NaN` when `x < 1`\n * - `acosh(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun acosh(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.acosh(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of the value [x].\n *\n * The returned value is `y` such that `tanh(y) == x`.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `tanh(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `tanh(x)` is `NaN` when `x > 1` or `x < -1`\n * - `tanh(1.0)` is `+Inf`\n * - `tanh(-1.0)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun atanh(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.atanh(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes `sqrt(x^2 + y^2)` without intermediate overflow or underflow.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - returns `+Inf` if any of arguments is infinite\n * - returns `NaN` if any of arguments is `NaN` and the other is not infinite\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun hypot(x: Float, y: Float): Float = nativeMath.hypot(x.toDouble(), y.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the positive square root of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `sqrt(x)` is `NaN` when `x < 0` or `x` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sqrt(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.sqrt(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes Euler's number `e` raised to the power of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `exp(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `exp(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `exp(-Inf)` is `0.0`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun exp(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.exp(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes `exp(x) - 1`.\n *\n * This function can be implemented to produce more precise result for [x] near zero.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `expm1(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `expm1(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `expm1(-Inf)` is `-1.0`\n *\n * @see [exp] function.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun expm1(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.expm1(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the logarithm of the value [x] to the given [base].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `log(x, b)` is `NaN` if either `x` or `b` are `NaN`\n * - `log(x, b)` is `NaN` when `x < 0` or `b <= 0` or `b == 1.0`\n * - `log(+Inf, +Inf)` is `NaN`\n * - `log(+Inf, b)` is `+Inf` for `b > 1` and `-Inf` for `b < 1`\n * - `log(0.0, b)` is `-Inf` for `b > 1` and `+Inf` for `b > 1`\n *\n * See also logarithm functions for common fixed bases: [ln], [log10] and [log2].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun log(x: Float, base: Float): Float = log(x.toDouble(), base.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the natural logarithm (base `E`) of the value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `ln(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `ln(x)` is `NaN` when `x < 0.0`\n * - `ln(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n * - `ln(0.0)` is `-Inf`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ln(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.log(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the common logarithm (base 10) of the value [x].\n *\n * @see [ln] function for special cases.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun log10(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.log10(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes the binary logarithm (base 2) of the value [x].\n *\n * @see [ln] function for special cases.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun log2(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.log2(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Computes `ln(a + 1)`.\n *\n * This function can be implemented to produce more precise result for [x] near zero.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `ln1p(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `ln1p(x)` is `NaN` where `x < -1.0`\n * - `ln1p(-1.0)` is `-Inf`\n * - `ln1p(+Inf)` is `+Inf`\n *\n * @see [ln] function\n * @see [expm1] function\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ln1p(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.log1p(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] to an integer towards positive infinity.\n\n * @return the smallest Float value that is greater than or equal to the given value [x] and is a mathematical integer.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `ceil(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ceil(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.ceil(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] to an integer towards negative infinity.\n\n * @return the largest Float value that is smaller than or equal to the given value [x] and is a mathematical integer.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `floor(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun floor(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.floor(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] to an integer towards zero.\n *\n * @return the value [x] having its fractional part truncated.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `truncate(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun truncate(x: Float): Float = truncate(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Rounds the given value [x] towards the closest integer with ties rounded towards even integer.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `round(x)` is `x` where `x` is `NaN` or `+Inf` or `-Inf` or already a mathematical integer.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun round(x: Float): Float = round(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of the given value [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `abs(NaN)` is `NaN`\n *\n * @see absoluteValue extension property for [Float]\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun abs(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.abs(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Returns the sign of the given value [x]:\n * - `-1.0` if the value is negative,\n * - zero if the value is zero,\n * - `1.0` if the value is positive\n *\n * Special case:\n * - `sign(NaN)` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun sign(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.sign(x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the smaller of two values.\n *\n * If either value is `NaN`, then the result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun min(a: Float, b: Float): Float = nativeMath.min(a, b)\n\n/**\n * Returns the greater of two values.\n *\n * If either value is `NaN`, then the result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun max(a: Float, b: Float): Float = nativeMath.max(a, b)\n\n// extensions\n\n\n/**\n * Raises this value to the power [x].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `b.pow(0.0)` is `1.0`\n * - `b.pow(1.0) == b`\n * - `b.pow(NaN)` is `NaN`\n * - `NaN.pow(x)` is `NaN` for `x != 0.0`\n * - `b.pow(Inf)` is `NaN` for `abs(b) == 1.0`\n * - `b.pow(x)` is `NaN` for `b < 0` and `x` is finite and not an integer\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Float.pow(x: Float): Float = nativeMath.pow(this.toDouble(), x.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Raises this value to the integer power [n].\n *\n * See the other overload of [pow] for details.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Float.pow(n: Int): Float = nativeMath.pow(this.toDouble(), n.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of this value.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `NaN.absoluteValue` is `NaN`\n *\n * @see abs function\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline val Float.absoluteValue: Float get() = nativeMath.abs(this.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Returns the sign of this value:\n * - `-1.0` if the value is negative,\n * - zero if the value is zero,\n * - `1.0` if the value is positive\n *\n * Special case:\n * - `NaN.sign` is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline val Float.sign: Float get() = nativeMath.sign(this.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Returns this value with the sign bit same as of the [sign] value.\n *\n * If [sign] is `NaN` the sign of the result is undefined.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Float.withSign(sign: Float): Float = this.toDouble().withSign(sign.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n/**\n * Returns this value with the sign bit same as of the [sign] value.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Float.withSign(sign: Int): Float = this.toDouble().withSign(sign.toDouble()).toFloat()\n\n\n/**\n * Rounds this [Float] value to the nearest integer and converts the result to [Int].\n * Ties are rounded towards positive infinity.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `x.roundToInt() == Int.MAX_VALUE` when `x > Int.MAX_VALUE`\n * - `x.roundToInt() == Int.MIN_VALUE` when `x < Int.MIN_VALUE`\n *\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException when this value is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Float.roundToInt(): Int = toDouble().roundToInt()\n\n/**\n * Rounds this [Float] value to the nearest integer and converts the result to [Long].\n * Ties are rounded towards positive infinity.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `x.roundToLong() == Long.MAX_VALUE` when `x > Long.MAX_VALUE`\n * - `x.roundToLong() == Long.MIN_VALUE` when `x < Long.MIN_VALUE`\n *\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException when this value is `NaN`\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun Float.roundToLong(): Long = toDouble().roundToLong()\n\n\n// endregion\n\n// region ================ Integer Math ========================================\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of the given value [n].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `abs(Int.MIN_VALUE)` is `Int.MIN_VALUE` due to an overflow\n *\n * @see absoluteValue extension property for [Int]\n */\n// TODO: remove manual 'or' when KT-19290 is fixed\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun abs(n: Int): Int = if (n < 0) (-n or 0) else n\n\n/**\n * Returns the smaller of two values.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun min(a: Int, b: Int): Int = nativeMath.min(a, b)\n\n/**\n * Returns the greater of two values.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun max(a: Int, b: Int): Int = nativeMath.max(a, b)\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of this value.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `Int.MIN_VALUE.absoluteValue` is `Int.MIN_VALUE` due to an overflow\n *\n * @see abs function\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline val Int.absoluteValue: Int get() = abs(this)\n\n/**\n * Returns the sign of this value:\n * - `-1` if the value is negative,\n * - `0` if the value is zero,\n * - `1` if the value is positive\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual val Int.sign: Int get() = when {\n this < 0 -> -1\n this > 0 -> 1\n else -> 0\n}\n\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of the given value [n].\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `abs(Long.MIN_VALUE)` is `Long.MIN_VALUE` due to an overflow\n *\n * @see absoluteValue extension property for [Long]\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual fun abs(n: Long): Long = if (n < 0) -n else n\n\n/**\n * Returns the smaller of two values.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun min(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (a <= b) a else b\n\n/**\n * Returns the greater of two values.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun max(a: Long, b: Long): Long = if (a >= b) a else b\n\n/**\n * Returns the absolute value of this value.\n *\n * Special cases:\n * - `Long.MIN_VALUE.absoluteValue` is `Long.MIN_VALUE` due to an overflow\n *\n * @see abs function\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline val Long.absoluteValue: Long get() = abs(this)\n\n/**\n * Returns the sign of this value:\n * - `-1` if the value is negative,\n * - `0` if the value is zero,\n * - `1` if the value is positive\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic actual val Long.sign: Int get() = when {\n this < 0 -> -1\n this > 0 -> 1\n else -> 0\n}\n\n\n// endregion\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\npackage kotlin\n\nimport kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code value for the object or zero if the object is `null`.\n *\n * @see Any.hashCode\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic inline fun Any?.hashCode(): Int = this?.hashCode() ?: 0\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\n//\n// NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED by the GenerateStandardLib.kt\n// See: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/tree/master/libraries/stdlib\n//\n\nimport kotlin.js.*\nimport primitiveArrayConcat\nimport withType\nimport kotlin.ranges.contains\nimport kotlin.ranges.reversed\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.elementAt(index: Int): T {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun ByteArray.elementAt(index: Int): Byte {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun ShortArray.elementAt(index: Int): Short {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun IntArray.elementAt(index: Int): Int {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun LongArray.elementAt(index: Int): Long {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun FloatArray.elementAt(index: Int): Float {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.elementAt(index: Int): Double {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.elementAt(index: Int): Boolean {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic actual fun CharArray.elementAt(index: Int): Char {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"index: $index, size: $size}\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.asList(): List<T> {\n return ArrayList<T>(this.unsafeCast<Array<Any?>>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ByteArray.asList(): List<Byte> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Byte>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun ShortArray.asList(): List<Short> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Short>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun IntArray.asList(): List<Int> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Int>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun LongArray.asList(): List<Long> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Long>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun FloatArray.asList(): List<Float> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Float>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun DoubleArray.asList(): List<Double> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Double>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun BooleanArray.asList(): List<Boolean> {\n return this.unsafeCast<Array<Boolean>>().asList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] that wraps the original array.\n */\npublic actual fun CharArray.asList(): List<Char> {\n return object : AbstractList<Char>(), RandomAccess {\n override val size: Int get() = this@asList.size\n override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = this@asList.isEmpty()\n override fun contains(element: Char): Boolean = this@asList.contains(element)\n override fun get(index: Int): Char {\n AbstractList.checkElementIndex(index, size)\n return this@asList[index]\n }\n override fun indexOf(element: Char): Int {\n if ((element as Any?) !is Char) return -1\n return this@asList.indexOf(element)\n }\n override fun lastIndexOf(element: Char): Int {\n if ((element as Any?) !is Char) return -1\n return this@asList.lastIndexOf(element)\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *deeply* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * If two corresponding elements are nested arrays, they are also compared deeply.\n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n * \n * The elements of other types are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution\npublic actual infix fun <T> Array<out T>.contentDeepEquals(other: Array<out T>): Boolean {\n return this.contentDeepEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *deeply* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The specified arrays are also considered deeply equal if both are `null`.\n * \n * If two corresponding elements are nested arrays, they are also compared deeply.\n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n * \n * The elements of other types are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayDeepEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentDeepEquals(other: Array<out T>?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.contentDeepHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentDeepHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level the behavior is undefined.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayDeepHashCode\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentDeepHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of this array as if it is a [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level that reference\n * is rendered as `\"[...]\"` to prevent recursion.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentDeepToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.contentDeepToString(): String {\n return this.contentDeepToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of this array as if it is a [List].\n * Nested arrays are treated as lists too.\n * \n * If any of arrays contains itself on any nesting level that reference\n * is rendered as `\"[...]\"` to prevent recursion.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentDeepToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayDeepToString\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentDeepToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun <T> Array<out T>.contentEquals(other: Array<out T>): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun ByteArray.contentEquals(other: ByteArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun ShortArray.contentEquals(other: ShortArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun IntArray.contentEquals(other: IntArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun LongArray.contentEquals(other: LongArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun FloatArray.contentEquals(other: FloatArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun DoubleArray.contentEquals(other: DoubleArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun BooleanArray.contentEquals(other: BooleanArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual infix fun CharArray.contentEquals(other: CharArray): Boolean {\n return this.contentEquals(other)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentEquals(other: Array<out T>?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun ByteArray?.contentEquals(other: ByteArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun ShortArray?.contentEquals(other: ShortArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun IntArray?.contentEquals(other: IntArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun LongArray?.contentEquals(other: LongArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun FloatArray?.contentEquals(other: FloatArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun DoubleArray?.contentEquals(other: DoubleArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun BooleanArray?.contentEquals(other: BooleanArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the two specified arrays are *structurally* equal to one another,\n * i.e. contain the same number of the same elements in the same order.\n * \n * The elements are compared for equality with the [equals][Any.equals] function.\n * For floating point numbers it means that `NaN` is equal to itself and `-0.0` is not equal to `0.0`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayEquals\")\npublic actual infix fun CharArray?.contentEquals(other: CharArray?): Boolean {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun IntArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun LongArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun CharArray.contentHashCode(): Int {\n return this.contentHashCode()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun IntArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun LongArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun BooleanArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is [List].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayHashCode\")\npublic actual fun CharArray?.contentHashCode(): Int {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun IntArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun LongArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(hiddenSince = \"1.4\")\npublic actual fun CharArray.contentToString(): String {\n return this.contentToString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun IntArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun LongArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun BooleanArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a string representation of the contents of the specified array as if it is [List].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.ContentOperations.contentToString\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@library(\"arrayToString\")\npublic actual fun CharArray?.contentToString(): String {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>.copyInto(destination: Array<T>, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): Array<T> {\n arrayCopy(this, destination, destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun ByteArray.copyInto(destination: ByteArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): ByteArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Byte>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Byte>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun ShortArray.copyInto(destination: ShortArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): ShortArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Short>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Short>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun IntArray.copyInto(destination: IntArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): IntArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Int>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Int>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun LongArray.copyInto(destination: LongArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): LongArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Long>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Long>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun FloatArray.copyInto(destination: FloatArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): FloatArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Float>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Float>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun DoubleArray.copyInto(destination: DoubleArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): DoubleArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Double>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Double>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun BooleanArray.copyInto(destination: BooleanArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): BooleanArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Boolean>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Boolean>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Copies this array or its subrange into the [destination] array and returns that array.\n * \n * It's allowed to pass the same array in the [destination] and even specify the subrange so that it overlaps with the destination range.\n * \n * @param destination the array to copy to.\n * @param destinationOffset the position in the [destination] array to copy to, 0 by default.\n * @param startIndex the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to copy, 0 by default.\n * @param endIndex the end (exclusive) of the subrange to copy, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or [IllegalArgumentException] when [startIndex] or [endIndex] is out of range of this array indices or when `startIndex > endIndex`.\n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException when the subrange doesn't fit into the [destination] array starting at the specified [destinationOffset],\n * or when that index is out of the [destination] array indices range.\n * \n * @return the [destination] array.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual inline fun CharArray.copyInto(destination: CharArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size): CharArray {\n arrayCopy(this.unsafeCast<Array<Char>>(), destination.unsafeCast<Array<Char>>(), destinationOffset, startIndex, endIndex)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\", \"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>.copyOf(): Array<T> {\n return this.asDynamic().slice()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun ByteArray.copyOf(): ByteArray {\n return this.asDynamic().slice()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun ShortArray.copyOf(): ShortArray {\n return this.asDynamic().slice()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun IntArray.copyOf(): IntArray {\n return this.asDynamic().slice()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic actual fun LongArray.copyOf(): LongArray {\n return withType(\"LongArray\", this.asDynamic().slice())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun FloatArray.copyOf(): FloatArray {\n return this.asDynamic().slice()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun DoubleArray.copyOf(): DoubleArray {\n return this.asDynamic().slice()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.copyOf(): BooleanArray {\n return withType(\"BooleanArray\", this.asDynamic().slice())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.copyOf\n */\npublic actual fun CharArray.copyOf(): CharArray {\n return withType(\"CharArray\", this.asDynamic().slice())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun ByteArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): ByteArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return fillFrom(this, ByteArray(newSize))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun ShortArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): ShortArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return fillFrom(this, ShortArray(newSize))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun IntArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): IntArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return fillFrom(this, IntArray(newSize))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun LongArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): LongArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return withType(\"LongArray\", arrayCopyResize(this, newSize, 0L))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun FloatArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): FloatArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return fillFrom(this, FloatArray(newSize))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with zero values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with zero values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): DoubleArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return fillFrom(this, DoubleArray(newSize))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with `false` values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with `false` values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): BooleanArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return withType(\"BooleanArray\", arrayCopyResize(this, newSize, false))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with null char (`\\u0000`) values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with null char (`\\u0000`) values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizedPrimitiveCopyOf\n */\npublic actual fun CharArray.copyOf(newSize: Int): CharArray {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return withType(\"CharArray\", fillFrom(this, CharArray(newSize)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns new array which is a copy of the original array, resized to the given [newSize].\n * The copy is either truncated or padded at the end with `null` values if necessary.\n * \n * - If [newSize] is less than the size of the original array, the copy array is truncated to the [newSize].\n * - If [newSize] is greater than the size of the original array, the extra elements in the copy array are filled with `null` values.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.CopyOfOperations.resizingCopyOf\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.copyOf(newSize: Int): Array<T?> {\n require(newSize >= 0) { \"Invalid new array size: $newSize.\" }\n return arrayCopyResize(this, newSize, null)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): Array<T> {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun ByteArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): ByteArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun ShortArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): ShortArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun IntArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): IntArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun LongArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): LongArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return withType(\"LongArray\", this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun FloatArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): FloatArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): DoubleArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): BooleanArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return withType(\"BooleanArray\", this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new array which is a copy of the specified range of the original array.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to copy.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to copy.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\npublic actual fun CharArray.copyOfRange(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): CharArray {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n return withType(\"CharArray\", this.asDynamic().slice(fromIndex, toIndex))\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<T>.fill(element: T, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray.fill(element: Byte, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray.fill(element: Short, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun IntArray.fill(element: Int, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun LongArray.fill(element: Long, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray.fill(element: Float, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.fill(element: Double, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.fill(element: Boolean, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Fills this array or its subrange with the specified [element] value.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun CharArray.fill(element: Char, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n this.asDynamic().fill(element, fromIndex, toIndex);\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\", \"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.plus(element: T): Array<T> {\n return this.asDynamic().concat(arrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun ByteArray.plus(element: Byte): ByteArray {\n return plus(byteArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun ShortArray.plus(element: Short): ShortArray {\n return plus(shortArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun IntArray.plus(element: Int): IntArray {\n return plus(intArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun LongArray.plus(element: Long): LongArray {\n return plus(longArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun FloatArray.plus(element: Float): FloatArray {\n return plus(floatArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun DoubleArray.plus(element: Double): DoubleArray {\n return plus(doubleArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun BooleanArray.plus(element: Boolean): BooleanArray {\n return plus(booleanArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun CharArray.plus(element: Char): CharArray {\n return plus(charArrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\")\npublic actual operator fun <T> Array<out T>.plus(elements: Collection<T>): Array<T> {\n return arrayPlusCollection(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun ByteArray.plus(elements: Collection<Byte>): ByteArray {\n return fillFromCollection(this.copyOf(size + elements.size), this.size, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun ShortArray.plus(elements: Collection<Short>): ShortArray {\n return fillFromCollection(this.copyOf(size + elements.size), this.size, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun IntArray.plus(elements: Collection<Int>): IntArray {\n return fillFromCollection(this.copyOf(size + elements.size), this.size, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun LongArray.plus(elements: Collection<Long>): LongArray {\n return arrayPlusCollection(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun FloatArray.plus(elements: Collection<Float>): FloatArray {\n return fillFromCollection(this.copyOf(size + elements.size), this.size, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun DoubleArray.plus(elements: Collection<Double>): DoubleArray {\n return fillFromCollection(this.copyOf(size + elements.size), this.size, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun BooleanArray.plus(elements: Collection<Boolean>): BooleanArray {\n return arrayPlusCollection(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic actual operator fun CharArray.plus(elements: Collection<Char>): CharArray {\n return fillFromCollection(this.copyOf(size + elements.size), this.size, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\", \"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun <T> Array<out T>.plus(elements: Array<out T>): Array<T> {\n return this.asDynamic().concat(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun ByteArray.plus(elements: ByteArray): ByteArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun ShortArray.plus(elements: ShortArray): ShortArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun IntArray.plus(elements: IntArray): IntArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun LongArray.plus(elements: LongArray): LongArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun FloatArray.plus(elements: FloatArray): FloatArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun DoubleArray.plus(elements: DoubleArray): DoubleArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun BooleanArray.plus(elements: BooleanArray): BooleanArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\n@Suppress(\"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline operator fun CharArray.plus(elements: CharArray): CharArray {\n return primitiveArrayConcat(this, elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array containing all elements of the original array and then the given [element].\n */\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT\", \"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\npublic actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>.plusElement(element: T): Array<T> {\n return this.asDynamic().concat(arrayOf(element))\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\n@library(\"primitiveArraySort\")\npublic actual fun IntArray.sort(): Unit {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\npublic actual fun LongArray.sort(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sort { a: Long, b: Long -> a.compareTo(b) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\n@library(\"primitiveArraySort\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray.sort(): Unit {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\n@library(\"primitiveArraySort\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray.sort(): Unit {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\n@library(\"primitiveArraySort\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.sort(): Unit {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\n@library(\"primitiveArraySort\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray.sort(): Unit {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArray\n */\n@library(\"primitiveArraySort\")\npublic actual fun CharArray.sort(): Unit {\n definedExternally\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the natural order of its elements.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortArrayOfComparable\n */\npublic actual fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sort(): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortArray(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T> Array<out T>.sort(comparison: (a: T, b: T) -> Int): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortArrayWith(this, comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArrayOfComparable\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun <T : Comparable<T>> Array<out T>.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n sortArrayWith(this, fromIndex, toIndex, naturalOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun ByteArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val subarray = this.asDynamic().subarray(fromIndex, toIndex).unsafeCast<ByteArray>()\n subarray.sort()\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun ShortArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val subarray = this.asDynamic().subarray(fromIndex, toIndex).unsafeCast<ShortArray>()\n subarray.sort()\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun IntArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val subarray = this.asDynamic().subarray(fromIndex, toIndex).unsafeCast<IntArray>()\n subarray.sort()\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun LongArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n sortArrayWith(this.unsafeCast<Array<Long>>(), fromIndex, toIndex, naturalOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun FloatArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val subarray = this.asDynamic().subarray(fromIndex, toIndex).unsafeCast<FloatArray>()\n subarray.sort()\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val subarray = this.asDynamic().subarray(fromIndex, toIndex).unsafeCast<DoubleArray>()\n subarray.sort()\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Arrays.Sorting.sortRangeOfArray\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun CharArray.sort(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n val subarray = this.asDynamic().subarray(fromIndex, toIndex).unsafeCast<CharArray>()\n subarray.sort()\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ByteArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Byte, b: Byte) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun ShortArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Short, b: Short) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun IntArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun LongArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Long, b: Long) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun FloatArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Float, b: Float) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun DoubleArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Double, b: Double) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparison] function.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun CharArray.sort(noinline comparison: (a: Char, b: Char) -> Int): Unit {\n asDynamic().sort(comparison)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts the array in-place according to the order specified by the given [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.sortWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortArrayWith(this, comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts a range in the array in-place with the given [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @param fromIndex the start of the range (inclusive) to sort, 0 by default.\n * @param toIndex the end of the range (exclusive) to sort, size of this array by default.\n * \n * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [fromIndex] is less than zero or [toIndex] is greater than the size of this array.\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [fromIndex] is greater than [toIndex].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@Suppress(\"ACTUAL_FUNCTION_WITH_DEFAULT_ARGUMENTS\")\npublic actual fun <T> Array<out T>.sortWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Unit {\n AbstractList.checkRangeIndexes(fromIndex, toIndex, size)\n sortArrayWith(this, fromIndex, toIndex, comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun ByteArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Byte> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun ShortArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Short> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun IntArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Int> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun LongArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Long> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun FloatArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Float> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun DoubleArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Double> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun BooleanArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Boolean> {\n return js(\"[]\").slice.call(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a *typed* object array containing all of the elements of this primitive array.\n */\npublic actual fun CharArray.toTypedArray(): Array<Char> {\n return Array(size) { index -> this[index] }\n}\n\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"CollectionsKt\")\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\n//\n// NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED by the GenerateStandardLib.kt\n// See: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/tree/master/libraries/stdlib\n//\n\nimport kotlin.random.*\nimport kotlin.ranges.contains\nimport kotlin.ranges.reversed\n\n/**\n * Returns 1st *element* from the list.\n * \n * Throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the size of this list is less than 1.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> List<T>.component1(): T {\n return get(0)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 2nd *element* from the list.\n * \n * Throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the size of this list is less than 2.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> List<T>.component2(): T {\n return get(1)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 3rd *element* from the list.\n * \n * Throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the size of this list is less than 3.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> List<T>.component3(): T {\n return get(2)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 4th *element* from the list.\n * \n * Throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the size of this list is less than 4.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> List<T>.component4(): T {\n return get(3)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns 5th *element* from the list.\n * \n * Throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the size of this list is less than 5.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> List<T>.component5(): T {\n return get(4)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the collection.\n */\npublic operator fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Iterable<T>.contains(element: T): Boolean {\n if (this is Collection)\n return contains(element)\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.elementAt(index: Int): T {\n if (this is List)\n return get(index)\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"Collection doesn't contain element at index $index.\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this list.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.elementAt(index: Int): T {\n return get(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {\n if (this is List)\n return this.getOrElse(index, defaultValue)\n if (index < 0)\n return defaultValue(index)\n val iterator = iterator()\n var count = 0\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val element = iterator.next()\n if (index == count++)\n return element\n }\n return defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this list.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): T? {\n if (this is List)\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n if (index < 0)\n return null\n val iterator = iterator()\n var count = 0\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val element = iterator.next()\n if (index == count++)\n return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this list.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): T? {\n return this.getOrNull(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.find(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.findLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.findLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the collection is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.first(): T {\n when (this) {\n is List -> return this.first()\n else -> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection is empty.\")\n return iterator.next()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the list is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.first(): T {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"List is empty.\")\n return this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.first(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the collection is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.firstOrNull(): T? {\n when (this) {\n is List -> {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n else\n return this[0]\n }\n else -> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n return iterator.next()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the list is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.firstOrNull(): T? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[0]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.firstOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this list.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.getOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this list.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.getOrNull\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.getOrNull(index: Int): T? {\n return if (index >= 0 && index <= lastIndex) get(index) else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the collection does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Iterable<T>.indexOf(element: T): Int {\n if (this is List) return this.indexOf(element)\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (element == item)\n return index\n index++\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the list does not contain element.\n */\n@Suppress(\"EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER\") // false warning, extension takes precedence in some cases\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> List<T>.indexOf(element: T): Int {\n return indexOf(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the collection does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.indexOfFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (predicate(item))\n return index\n index++\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the list does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.indexOfFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n if (predicate(item))\n return index\n index++\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the collection does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.indexOfLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var lastIndex = -1\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (predicate(item))\n lastIndex = index\n index++\n }\n return lastIndex\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the list does not contain such element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.indexOfLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n val iterator = this.listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n if (predicate(iterator.previous())) {\n return iterator.nextIndex()\n }\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the collection is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.last(): T {\n when (this) {\n is List -> return this.last()\n else -> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection is empty.\")\n var last = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext())\n last = iterator.next()\n return last\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the list is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.last(): T {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"List is empty.\")\n return this[lastIndex]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.last(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n var last: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n last = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return last as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.last(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n val iterator = this.listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n val element = iterator.previous()\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"List contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the collection does not contain element.\n */\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Iterable<T>.lastIndexOf(element: T): Int {\n if (this is List) return this.lastIndexOf(element)\n var lastIndex = -1\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (element == item)\n lastIndex = index\n index++\n }\n return lastIndex\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the list does not contain element.\n */\n@Suppress(\"EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER\") // false warning, extension takes precedence in some cases\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> List<T>.lastIndexOf(element: T): Int {\n return lastIndexOf(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the collection is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.lastOrNull(): T? {\n when (this) {\n is List -> return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n else -> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n var last = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext())\n last = iterator.next()\n return last\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the list is empty.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.lastOrNull(): T? {\n return if (isEmpty()) null else this[size - 1]\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.lastOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n var last: T? = null\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n last = element\n }\n }\n return last\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.lastOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n val iterator = this.listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n val element = iterator.previous()\n if (predicate(element)) return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this collection.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>.random(): T {\n return random(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this collection using the specified source of randomness.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if this collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun <T> Collection<T>.random(random: Random): T {\n if (isEmpty())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection is empty.\")\n return elementAt(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this collection, or `null` if this collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>.randomOrNull(): T? {\n return randomOrNull(Random)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a random element from this collection using the specified source of randomness, or `null` if this collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T> Collection<T>.randomOrNull(random: Random): T? {\n if (isEmpty())\n return null\n return elementAt(random.nextInt(size))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the collection is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.single(): T {\n when (this) {\n is List -> return this.single()\n else -> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection is empty.\")\n val single = iterator.next()\n if (iterator.hasNext())\n throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Collection has more than one element.\")\n return single\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the list is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.single(): T {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> throw NoSuchElementException(\"List is empty.\")\n 1 -> this[0]\n else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"List has more than one element.\")\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.single(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n var single: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Collection contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Collection contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the collection is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.singleOrNull(): T? {\n when (this) {\n is List -> return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n else -> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n val single = iterator.next()\n if (iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n return single\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the list is empty or has more than one element.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.singleOrNull(): T? {\n return if (size == 1) this[0] else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.singleOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n var single: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.drop(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return toList()\n val list: ArrayList<T>\n if (this is Collection<*>) {\n val resultSize = size - n\n if (resultSize <= 0)\n return emptyList()\n if (resultSize == 1)\n return listOf(last())\n list = ArrayList<T>(resultSize)\n if (this is List<T>) {\n if (this is RandomAccess) {\n for (index in n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n } else {\n for (item in listIterator(n))\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n }\n }\n else {\n list = ArrayList<T>()\n }\n var count = 0\n for (item in this) {\n if (count >= n) list.add(item) else ++count\n }\n return list.optimizeReadOnlyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.dropLast(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return take((size - n).coerceAtLeast(0))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except last elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.dropLastWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n if (!isEmpty()) {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n if (!predicate(iterator.previous())) {\n return take(iterator.nextIndex() + 1)\n }\n }\n }\n return emptyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.dropWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n var yielding = false\n val list = ArrayList<T>()\n for (item in this)\n if (yielding)\n list.add(item)\n else if (!predicate(item)) {\n list.add(item)\n yielding = true\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.filter(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n return filterTo(ArrayList<T>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n return filterIndexedTo(ArrayList<T>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Iterable<T>.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, T) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIsInstance\n */\npublic inline fun <reified R> Iterable<*>.filterIsInstance(): List<@kotlin.internal.NoInfer R> {\n return filterIsInstanceTo(ArrayList<R>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIsInstanceTo\n */\npublic inline fun <reified R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<*>.filterIsInstanceTo(destination: C): C {\n for (element in this) if (element is R) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.filterNot(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n return filterNotTo(ArrayList<T>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements that are not `null`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterNotNull\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> Iterable<T?>.filterNotNull(): List<T> {\n return filterNotNullTo(ArrayList<T>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements that are not `null` to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterNotNullTo\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in T>, T : Any> Iterable<T?>.filterNotNullTo(destination: C): C {\n for (element in this) if (element != null) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Iterable<T>.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Iterable<T>.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at indices in the specified [indices] range.\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.slice(indices: IntRange): List<T> {\n if (indices.isEmpty()) return listOf()\n return this.subList(indices.start, indices.endInclusive + 1).toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing elements at specified [indices].\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.slice(indices: Iterable<Int>): List<T> {\n val size = indices.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)\n if (size == 0) return emptyList()\n val list = ArrayList<T>(size)\n for (index in indices) {\n list.add(get(index))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.take(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n if (this is Collection<T>) {\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(first())\n }\n var count = 0\n val list = ArrayList<T>(n)\n for (item in this) {\n list.add(item)\n if (++count == n)\n break\n }\n return list.optimizeReadOnlyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last [n] elements.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.takeLast(n: Int): List<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n if (n == 0) return emptyList()\n val size = size\n if (n >= size) return toList()\n if (n == 1) return listOf(last())\n val list = ArrayList<T>(n)\n if (this is RandomAccess) {\n for (index in size - n until size)\n list.add(this[index])\n } else {\n for (item in listIterator(size - n))\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing last elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>.takeLastWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n if (isEmpty())\n return emptyList()\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n if (!predicate(iterator.previous())) {\n iterator.next()\n val expectedSize = size - iterator.nextIndex()\n if (expectedSize == 0) return emptyList()\n return ArrayList<T>(expectedSize).apply {\n while (iterator.hasNext())\n add(iterator.next())\n }\n }\n }\n return toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.takeWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): List<T> {\n val list = ArrayList<T>()\n for (item in this) {\n if (!predicate(item))\n break\n list.add(item)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Reverses elements in the list in-place.\n */\npublic expect fun <T> MutableList<T>.reverse(): Unit\n\n/**\n * Returns a list with elements in reversed order.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.reversed(): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection && size <= 1) return toList()\n val list = toMutableList()\n list.reverse()\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Randomly shuffles elements in this list in-place using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n * \n * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.shuffle(random: Random): Unit {\n for (i in lastIndex downTo 1) {\n val j = random.nextInt(i + 1)\n this[j] = this.set(i, this[j])\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the list in-place according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> MutableList<T>.sortBy(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the list in-place descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> MutableList<T>.sortByDescending(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Unit {\n if (size > 1) sortWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Sorts elements in the list in-place descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> MutableList<T>.sortDescending(): Unit {\n sortWith(reverseOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Iterable<T>.sorted(): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection) {\n if (size <= 1) return this.toList()\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return (toTypedArray<Comparable<T>>() as Array<T>).apply { sort() }.asList()\n }\n return toMutableList().apply { sort() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): List<T> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): List<T> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Iterable<T>.sortedDescending(): List<T> {\n return sortedWith(reverseOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of all elements sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection) {\n if (size <= 1) return this.toList()\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return (toTypedArray<Any?>() as Array<T>).apply { sortWith(comparator) }.asList()\n }\n return toMutableList().apply { sortWith(comparator) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Boolean containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Boolean>.toBooleanArray(): BooleanArray {\n val result = BooleanArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Byte containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Byte>.toByteArray(): ByteArray {\n val result = ByteArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Char containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Char>.toCharArray(): CharArray {\n val result = CharArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Double containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Double>.toDoubleArray(): DoubleArray {\n val result = DoubleArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Float containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Float>.toFloatArray(): FloatArray {\n val result = FloatArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Int containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Int>.toIntArray(): IntArray {\n val result = IntArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Long containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Long>.toLongArray(): LongArray {\n val result = LongArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an array of Short containing all of the elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun Collection<Short>.toShortArray(): ShortArray {\n val result = ShortArray(size)\n var index = 0\n for (element in this)\n result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given collection.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associate\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.associate(transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given collection indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map<K, T> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, T>(capacity), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given collection.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val capacity = mapCapacity(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)).coerceAtLeast(16)\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(capacity), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given collection\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, M : MutableMap<in K, in T>> Iterable<T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given collection.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Iterable<T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given collection.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Iterable<T>.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given collection and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <K, V> Iterable<K>.associateWith(valueSelector: (K) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<K, V>(mapCapacity(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)).coerceAtLeast(16))\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given collection,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Iterable<K>.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (K) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n */\npublic fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Iterable<T>.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.toHashSet(): HashSet<T> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<T>(mapCapacity(collectionSizeOrDefault(12))))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.toList(): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection) {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(if (this is List) get(0) else iterator().next())\n else -> this.toMutableList()\n }\n }\n return this.toMutableList().optimizeReadOnlyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T> {\n if (this is Collection<T>)\n return this.toMutableList()\n return toCollection(ArrayList<T>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> Collection<T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T> {\n return ArrayList(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.toSet(): Set<T> {\n if (this is Collection) {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptySet()\n 1 -> setOf(if (this is List) this[0] else iterator().next())\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<T>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n }\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<T>()).optimizeReadOnlySet()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapSequence\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Sequence<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> Iterable<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single list of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedSequence\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> Sequence<R>): List<R> {\n return flatMapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original collection, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original collection, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedSequenceTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> Sequence<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original collection, to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original collection, to the given [destination].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapSequenceTo\")\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> Sequence<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original collection by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map<K, List<T>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<T>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original collection\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Iterable<T>.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original collection by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<T>>> Iterable<T>.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<T>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original collection\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> Iterable<T>.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Grouping] source from a collection to be used later with one of group-and-fold operations\n * using the specified [keySelector] function to extract a key from each element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Grouping.groupingByEachCount\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.groupingBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K): Grouping<T, K> {\n return object : Grouping<T, K> {\n override fun sourceIterator(): Iterator<T> = this@groupingBy.iterator()\n override fun keyOf(element: T): K = keySelector(element)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapTo(ArrayList<R>(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original collection.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedTo(ArrayList<R>(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only the non-null results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original collection.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any> Iterable<T>.mapIndexedNotNull(transform: (index: Int, T) -> R?): List<R> {\n return mapIndexedNotNullTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original collection\n * and appends only the non-null results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.mapIndexedNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R?): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element -> transform(index, element)?.let { destination.add(it) } }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original collection\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only the non-null results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.mapNotNull\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any> Iterable<T>.mapNotNull(transform: (T) -> R?): List<R> {\n return mapNotNullTo(ArrayList<R>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element in the original collection\n * and appends only the non-null results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.mapNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R?): C {\n forEach { element -> transform(element)?.let { destination.add(it) } }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original collection\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Iterable<T>.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a lazy [Iterable] that wraps each element of the original collection\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.withIndex(): Iterable<IndexedValue<T>> {\n return IndexingIterable { iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only distinct elements from the given collection.\n * \n * Among equal elements of the given collection, only the first one will be present in the resulting list.\n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.distinct(): List<T> {\n return this.toMutableSet().toList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing only elements from the given collection\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * Among elements of the given collection with equal keys, only the first one will be present in the resulting list.\n * The elements in the resulting list are in the same order as they were in the source collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Iterable<T>.distinctBy(selector: (T) -> K): List<T> {\n val set = HashSet<K>()\n val list = ArrayList<T>()\n for (e in this) {\n val key = selector(e)\n if (set.add(key))\n list.add(e)\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by both this collection and the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained at least in one of these collections use [union].\n */\npublic infix fun <T> Iterable<T>.intersect(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.retainAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all elements that are contained by this collection and not contained by the specified collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.\n */\npublic infix fun <T> Iterable<T>.subtract(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.removeAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given collection.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<T> {\n return when (this) {\n is Collection<T> -> LinkedHashSet(this)\n else -> toCollection(LinkedHashSet<T>())\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a set containing all distinct elements from both collections.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original collection.\n * Those elements of the [other] collection that are unique are iterated in the end\n * in the order of the [other] collection.\n * \n * To get a set containing all elements that are contained in both collections use [intersect].\n */\npublic infix fun <T> Iterable<T>.union(other: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {\n val set = this.toMutableSet()\n set.addAll(other)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.all(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n if (this is Collection && isEmpty()) return true\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if collection has at least one element.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.any(): Boolean {\n if (this is Collection) return !isEmpty()\n return iterator().hasNext()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.any(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n if (this is Collection && isEmpty()) return false\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.count(): Int {\n if (this is Collection) return size\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) checkCountOverflow(++count)\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>.count(): Int {\n return size\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.count(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n if (this is Collection && isEmpty()) return 0\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) checkCountOverflow(++count)\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the collection is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original collection.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the collection is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the list is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> List<T>.foldRight(initial: R, operation: (T, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n if (!isEmpty()) {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n accumulator = operation(iterator.previous(), accumulator)\n }\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original list and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the list is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself\n * and current accumulator value, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> List<T>.foldRightIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, T, acc: R) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n if (!isEmpty()) {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n val index = iterator.previousIndex()\n accumulator = operation(index, iterator.previous(), accumulator)\n }\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.HidesMembers\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, T) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(checkIndexOverflow(index++), item)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Iterable<Double>.max(): Double? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Iterable<Float>.max(): Float? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Iterable<T>.max(): T? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.maxBy(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.maxByOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxElem = iterator.next()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n do {\n val e = iterator.next()\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n } while (iterator.hasNext())\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Double): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Iterable<Double>.maxOrNull(): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Iterable<Float>.maxOrNull(): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Iterable<T>.maxOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Iterable<Double>.min(): Double? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Iterable<Float>.min(): Float? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Iterable<T>.min(): T? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.minBy(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.minByOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minElem = iterator.next()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n do {\n val e = iterator.next()\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n } while (iterator.hasNext())\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Double): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Iterable<T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the collection is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Iterable<Double>.minOrNull(): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Iterable<Float>.minOrNull(): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Iterable<T>.minOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the collection has no elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.none(): Boolean {\n if (this is Collection) return isEmpty()\n return !iterator().hasNext()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.none(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n if (this is Collection && isEmpty()) return true\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element and returns the collection itself afterwards.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T, C : Iterable<T>> C.onEach(action: (T) -> Unit): C {\n return apply { for (element in this) action(element) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element,\n * and returns the collection itself afterwards.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, C : Iterable<T>> C.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, T) -> Unit): C {\n return apply { forEachIndexed(action) }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this collection is empty. If the collection can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty collection can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original collection.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this collection is empty. If the collection can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): S {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty collection can't be reduced.\")\n var index = 1\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original collection.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the collection is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): S? {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var index = 1\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the collection is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S? {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this list is empty. If the list can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> List<T>.reduceRight(operation: (T, acc: S) -> S): S {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n if (!iterator.hasPrevious())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty list can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = iterator.previous()\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n accumulator = operation(iterator.previous(), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original list and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this list is empty. If the list can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceRightIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRight\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> List<T>.reduceRightIndexed(operation: (index: Int, T, acc: S) -> S): S {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n if (!iterator.hasPrevious())\n throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty list can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = iterator.previous()\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n val index = iterator.previousIndex()\n accumulator = operation(index, iterator.previous(), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element with its index in the original list and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the list is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, the element itself and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> List<T>.reduceRightIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, T, acc: S) -> S): S? {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n if (!iterator.hasPrevious())\n return null\n var accumulator: S = iterator.previous()\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n val index = iterator.previousIndex()\n accumulator = operation(index, iterator.previous(), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the last element and applying [operation] from right to left\n * to each element and current accumulator value.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the list is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes an element and current accumulator value,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceRightOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> List<T>.reduceRightOrNull(operation: (T, acc: S) -> S): S? {\n val iterator = listIterator(size)\n if (!iterator.hasPrevious())\n return null\n var accumulator: S = iterator.previous()\n while (iterator.hasPrevious()) {\n accumulator = operation(iterator.previous(), accumulator)\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n val estimatedSize = collectionSizeOrDefault(9)\n if (estimatedSize == 0) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(estimatedSize + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original collection and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n val estimatedSize = collectionSizeOrDefault(9)\n if (estimatedSize == 0) return listOf(initial)\n val result = ArrayList<R>(estimatedSize + 1).apply { add(initial) }\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) {\n accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, element)\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this collection.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and the element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.runningReduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n val result = ArrayList<S>(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)).apply { add(accumulator) }\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, iterator.next())\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original collection and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this collection.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return emptyList()\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n val result = ArrayList<S>(collectionSizeOrDefault(10)).apply { add(accumulator) }\n var index = 1\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(index++, accumulator, iterator.next())\n result.add(accumulator)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original collection and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting list.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): List<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.scanReduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Iterable<T>.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): List<S> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumBy(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumByDouble(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the collection.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an original collection containing all the non-`null` elements, throwing an [IllegalArgumentException] if there are any `null` elements.\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> Iterable<T?>.requireNoNulls(): Iterable<T> {\n for (element in this) {\n if (element == null) {\n throw IllegalArgumentException(\"null element found in $this.\")\n }\n }\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return this as Iterable<T>\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an original collection containing all the non-`null` elements, throwing an [IllegalArgumentException] if there are any `null` elements.\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> List<T?>.requireNoNulls(): List<T> {\n for (element in this) {\n if (element == null) {\n throw IllegalArgumentException(\"null element found in $this.\")\n }\n }\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return this as List<T>\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits this collection into a list of lists each not exceeding the given [size].\n * \n * The last list in the resulting list may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * @param size the number of elements to take in each list, must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.chunked\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.chunked(size: Int): List<List<T>> {\n return windowed(size, size, partialWindows = true)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits this collection into several lists each not exceeding the given [size]\n * and applies the given [transform] function to an each.\n * \n * @return list of results of the [transform] applied to an each list.\n * \n * Note that the list passed to the [transform] function is ephemeral and is valid only inside that function.\n * You should not store it or allow it to escape in some way, unless you made a snapshot of it.\n * The last list may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * @param size the number of elements to take in each list, must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.text.Strings.chunkedTransform\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.chunked(size: Int, transform: (List<T>) -> R): List<R> {\n return windowed(size, size, partialWindows = true, transform = transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection without the first occurrence of the given [element].\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.minus(element: T): List<T> {\n val result = ArrayList<T>(collectionSizeOrDefault(10))\n var removed = false\n return this.filterTo(result) { if (!removed && it == element) { removed = true; false } else true }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained in the given [elements] array.\n * \n * The [elements] array may be converted to a [HashSet] to speed up the operation, thus the elements are required to have\n * a correct and stable implementation of `hashCode()` that doesn't change between successive invocations.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.minus(elements: Array<out T>): List<T> {\n if (elements.isEmpty()) return this.toList()\n val other = elements.toHashSet()\n return this.filterNot { it in other }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained in the given [elements] collection.\n * \n * The [elements] collection may be converted to a [HashSet] to speed up the operation, thus the elements are required to have\n * a correct and stable implementation of `hashCode()` that doesn't change between successive invocations.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.minus(elements: Iterable<T>): List<T> {\n val other = elements.convertToSetForSetOperationWith(this)\n if (other.isEmpty())\n return this.toList()\n return this.filterNot { it in other }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection except the elements contained in the given [elements] sequence.\n * \n * The [elements] sequence may be converted to a [HashSet] to speed up the operation, thus the elements are required to have\n * a correct and stable implementation of `hashCode()` that doesn't change between successive invocations.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.minus(elements: Sequence<T>): List<T> {\n val other = elements.toHashSet()\n if (other.isEmpty())\n return this.toList()\n return this.filterNot { it in other }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection without the first occurrence of the given [element].\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.minusElement(element: T): List<T> {\n return minus(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original collection into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.partition\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.partition(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Pair<List<T>, List<T>> {\n val first = ArrayList<T>()\n val second = ArrayList<T>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given [element].\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus(element: T): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection) return this.plus(element)\n val result = ArrayList<T>()\n result.addAll(this)\n result.add(element)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given [element].\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus(element: T): List<T> {\n val result = ArrayList<T>(size + 1)\n result.addAll(this)\n result.add(element)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus(elements: Array<out T>): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection) return this.plus(elements)\n val result = ArrayList<T>()\n result.addAll(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus(elements: Array<out T>): List<T> {\n val result = ArrayList<T>(this.size + elements.size)\n result.addAll(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus(elements: Iterable<T>): List<T> {\n if (this is Collection) return this.plus(elements)\n val result = ArrayList<T>()\n result.addAll(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus(elements: Iterable<T>): List<T> {\n if (elements is Collection) {\n val result = ArrayList<T>(this.size + elements.size)\n result.addAll(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n } else {\n val result = ArrayList<T>(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given [elements] sequence.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Iterable<T>.plus(elements: Sequence<T>): List<T> {\n val result = ArrayList<T>()\n result.addAll(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then all elements of the given [elements] sequence.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Collection<T>.plus(elements: Sequence<T>): List<T> {\n val result = ArrayList<T>(this.size + 10)\n result.addAll(this)\n result.addAll(elements)\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given [element].\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.plusElement(element: T): List<T> {\n return plus(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing all elements of the original collection and then the given [element].\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>.plusElement(element: T): List<T> {\n return plus(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of snapshots of the window of the given [size]\n * sliding along this collection with the given [step], where each\n * snapshot is a list.\n * \n * Several last lists may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * Both [size] and [step] must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this collection.\n * @param size the number of elements to take in each window\n * @param step the number of elements to move the window forward by on an each step, by default 1\n * @param partialWindows controls whether or not to keep partial windows in the end if any,\n * by default `false` which means partial windows won't be preserved\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.takeWindows\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.windowed(size: Int, step: Int = 1, partialWindows: Boolean = false): List<List<T>> {\n checkWindowSizeStep(size, step)\n if (this is RandomAccess && this is List) {\n val thisSize = this.size\n val resultCapacity = thisSize / step + if (thisSize % step == 0) 0 else 1\n val result = ArrayList<List<T>>(resultCapacity)\n var index = 0\n while (index in 0 until thisSize) {\n val windowSize = size.coerceAtMost(thisSize - index)\n if (windowSize < size && !partialWindows) break\n result.add(List(windowSize) { this[it + index] })\n index += step\n }\n return result\n }\n val result = ArrayList<List<T>>()\n windowedIterator(iterator(), size, step, partialWindows, reuseBuffer = false).forEach {\n result.add(it)\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of results of applying the given [transform] function to\n * an each list representing a view over the window of the given [size]\n * sliding along this collection with the given [step].\n * \n * Note that the list passed to the [transform] function is ephemeral and is valid only inside that function.\n * You should not store it or allow it to escape in some way, unless you made a snapshot of it.\n * Several last lists may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * Both [size] and [step] must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this collection.\n * @param size the number of elements to take in each window\n * @param step the number of elements to move the window forward by on an each step, by default 1\n * @param partialWindows controls whether or not to keep partial windows in the end if any,\n * by default `false` which means partial windows won't be preserved\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.averageWindows\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.windowed(size: Int, step: Int = 1, partialWindows: Boolean = false, transform: (List<T>) -> R): List<R> {\n checkWindowSizeStep(size, step)\n if (this is RandomAccess && this is List) {\n val thisSize = this.size\n val resultCapacity = thisSize / step + if (thisSize % step == 0) 0 else 1\n val result = ArrayList<R>(resultCapacity)\n val window = MovingSubList(this)\n var index = 0\n while (index in 0 until thisSize) {\n val windowSize = size.coerceAtMost(thisSize - index)\n if (!partialWindows && windowSize < size) break\n window.move(index, index + windowSize)\n result.add(transform(window))\n index += step\n }\n return result\n }\n val result = ArrayList<R>()\n windowedIterator(iterator(), size, step, partialWindows, reuseBuffer = true).forEach {\n result.add(transform(it))\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and the [other] array with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.zip(other: Array<out R>): List<Pair<T, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` collection and the [other] array with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, V> Iterable<T>.zip(other: Array<out R>, transform: (a: T, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val arraySize = other.size\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(collectionSizeOrDefault(10), arraySize))\n var i = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (i >= arraySize) break\n list.add(transform(element, other[i++]))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs built from the elements of `this` collection and [other] collection with the same index.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterable\n */\npublic infix fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.zip(other: Iterable<R>): List<Pair<T, R>> {\n return zip(other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of values built from the elements of `this` collection and the [other] collection with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The returned list has length of the shortest collection.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Iterables.Operations.zipIterableWithTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, V> Iterable<T>.zip(other: Iterable<R>, transform: (a: T, b: R) -> V): List<V> {\n val first = iterator()\n val second = other.iterator()\n val list = ArrayList<V>(minOf(collectionSizeOrDefault(10), other.collectionSizeOrDefault(10)))\n while (first.hasNext() && second.hasNext()) {\n list.add(transform(first.next(), second.next()))\n }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list of pairs of each two adjacent elements in this collection.\n * \n * The returned list is empty if this collection contains less than two elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.zipWithNext\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.zipWithNext(): List<Pair<T, T>> {\n return zipWithNext { a, b -> a to b }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a list containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to an each pair of two adjacent elements in this collection.\n * \n * The returned list is empty if this collection contains less than two elements.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.zipWithNextToFindDeltas\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic inline fun <T, R> Iterable<T>.zipWithNext(transform: (a: T, b: T) -> R): List<R> {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return emptyList()\n val result = mutableListOf<R>()\n var current = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val next = iterator.next()\n result.add(transform(current, next))\n current = next\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <T, A : Appendable> Iterable<T>.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n buffer.appendElement(element, transform)\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns this collection as an [Iterable].\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Iterable<T>.asIterable(): Iterable<T> {\n return this\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Sequence] instance that wraps the original collection returning its elements when being iterated.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Building.sequenceFromCollection\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.asSequence(): Sequence<T> {\n return Sequence { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfByte\")\npublic fun Iterable<Byte>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfShort\")\npublic fun Iterable<Short>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfInt\")\npublic fun Iterable<Int>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfLong\")\npublic fun Iterable<Long>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfFloat\")\npublic fun Iterable<Float>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfDouble\")\npublic fun Iterable<Double>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfByte\")\npublic fun Iterable<Byte>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfShort\")\npublic fun Iterable<Short>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\npublic fun Iterable<Int>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\npublic fun Iterable<Long>.sum(): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0L\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfFloat\")\npublic fun Iterable<Float>.sum(): Float {\n var sum: Float = 0.0f\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\npublic fun Iterable<Double>.sum(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"StandardKt\")\npackage kotlin\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.*\n\n/**\n * An exception is thrown to indicate that a method body remains to be implemented.\n */\npublic class NotImplementedError(message: String = \"An operation is not implemented.\") : Error(message)\n\n/**\n * Always throws [NotImplementedError] stating that operation is not implemented.\n */\n\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun TODO(): Nothing = throw NotImplementedError()\n\n/**\n * Always throws [NotImplementedError] stating that operation is not implemented.\n *\n * @param reason a string explaining why the implementation is missing.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun TODO(reason: String): Nothing = throw NotImplementedError(\"An operation is not implemented: $reason\")\n\n\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] and returns its result.\n *\n * For detailed usage information see the documentation for [scope functions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#run).\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <R> run(block: () -> R): R {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n return block()\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its receiver and returns its result.\n *\n * For detailed usage information see the documentation for [scope functions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#run).\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> T.run(block: T.() -> R): R {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n return block()\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] with the given [receiver] as its receiver and returns its result.\n *\n * For detailed usage information see the documentation for [scope functions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#with).\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> with(receiver: T, block: T.() -> R): R {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n return receiver.block()\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its receiver and returns `this` value.\n *\n * For detailed usage information see the documentation for [scope functions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#apply).\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> T.apply(block: T.() -> Unit): T {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n block()\n return this\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its argument and returns `this` value.\n *\n * For detailed usage information see the documentation for [scope functions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#also).\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n block(this)\n return this\n}\n\n/**\n * Calls the specified function [block] with `this` value as its argument and returns its result.\n *\n * For detailed usage information see the documentation for [scope functions](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/scope-functions.html#let).\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n return block(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `this` value if it satisfies the given [predicate] or `null`, if it doesn't.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T> T.takeIf(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n return if (predicate(this)) this else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `this` value if it _does not_ satisfy the given [predicate] or `null`, if it does.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T> T.takeUnless(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n contract {\n callsInPlace(predicate, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)\n }\n return if (!predicate(this)) this else null\n}\n\n/**\n * Executes the given function [action] specified number of [times].\n *\n * A zero-based index of current iteration is passed as a parameter to [action].\n *\n * @sample samples.misc.ControlFlow.repeat\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun repeat(times: Int, action: (Int) -> Unit) {\n contract { callsInPlace(action) }\n\n for (index in 0 until times) {\n action(index)\n }\n}\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"SequencesKt\")\n\npackage kotlin.sequences\n\n//\n// NOTE: THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED by the GenerateStandardLib.kt\n// See: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/tree/master/libraries/stdlib\n//\n\nimport kotlin.random.*\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if [element] is found in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic operator fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Sequence<T>.contains(element: T): Boolean {\n return indexOf(element) >= 0\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or throws an [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if the [index] is out of bounds of this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAt\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.elementAt(index: Int): T {\n return elementAtOrElse(index) { throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"Sequence doesn't contain element at index $index.\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or the result of calling the [defaultValue] function if the [index] is out of bounds of this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrElse\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.elementAtOrElse(index: Int, defaultValue: (Int) -> T): T {\n if (index < 0)\n return defaultValue(index)\n val iterator = iterator()\n var count = 0\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val element = iterator.next()\n if (index == count++)\n return element\n }\n return defaultValue(index)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an element at the given [index] or `null` if the [index] is out of bounds of this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.elementAtOrNull\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.elementAtOrNull(index: Int): T? {\n if (index < 0)\n return null\n val iterator = iterator()\n var count = 0\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val element = iterator.next()\n if (index == count++)\n return element\n }\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.find(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return firstOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Elements.find\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.findLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n return lastOrNull(predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.first(): T {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Sequence is empty.\")\n return iterator.next()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.first(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Sequence contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element, or `null` if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.firstOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n return iterator.next()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.firstOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return element\n return null\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns first index of [element], or -1 if the sequence does not contain element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Sequence<T>.indexOf(element: T): Int {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (element == item)\n return index\n index++\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the first element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the sequence does not contain such element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.indexOfFirst(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (predicate(item))\n return index\n index++\n }\n return -1\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns index of the last element matching the given [predicate], or -1 if the sequence does not contain such element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.indexOfLast(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var lastIndex = -1\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (predicate(item))\n lastIndex = index\n index++\n }\n return lastIndex\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element.\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.last(): T {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Sequence is empty.\")\n var last = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext())\n last = iterator.next()\n return last\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate].\n * @throws [NoSuchElementException] if no such element is found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.last(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n var last: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n last = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Sequence contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return last as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns last index of [element], or -1 if the sequence does not contain element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Sequence<T>.lastIndexOf(element: T): Int {\n var lastIndex = -1\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) {\n checkIndexOverflow(index)\n if (element == item)\n lastIndex = index\n index++\n }\n return lastIndex\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element, or `null` if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.lastOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n var last = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext())\n last = iterator.next()\n return last\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the last element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if no such element was found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.lastOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n var last: T? = null\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n last = element\n }\n }\n return last\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element, or throws an exception if the sequence is empty or has more than one element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.single(): T {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n throw NoSuchElementException(\"Sequence is empty.\")\n val single = iterator.next()\n if (iterator.hasNext())\n throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Sequence has more than one element.\")\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or throws exception if there is no or more than one matching element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.single(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T {\n var single: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) throw IllegalArgumentException(\"Sequence contains more than one matching element.\")\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) throw NoSuchElementException(\"Sequence contains no element matching the predicate.\")\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return single as T\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns single element, or `null` if the sequence is empty or has more than one element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.singleOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n val single = iterator.next()\n if (iterator.hasNext())\n return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the single element matching the given [predicate], or `null` if element was not found or more than one element was found.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.singleOrNull(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): T? {\n var single: T? = null\n var found = false\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n if (found) return null\n single = element\n found = true\n }\n }\n if (!found) return null\n return single\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements except first [n] elements.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.drop(n: Int): Sequence<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return when {\n n == 0 -> this\n this is DropTakeSequence -> this.drop(n)\n else -> DropSequence(this, n)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements except first elements that satisfy the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.drop\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.dropWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Sequence<T> {\n return DropWhileSequence(this, predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.filter(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Sequence<T> {\n return FilteringSequence(this, true, predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing only elements matching the given [predicate].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexed\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.filterIndexed(predicate: (index: Int, T) -> Boolean): Sequence<T> {\n // TODO: Rewrite with generalized MapFilterIndexingSequence\n return TransformingSequence(FilteringSequence(IndexingSequence(this), true, { predicate(it.index, it.value) }), { it.value })\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n * @param [predicate] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of predicate evaluation on the element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIndexedTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Sequence<T>.filterIndexedTo(destination: C, predicate: (index: Int, T) -> Boolean): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element ->\n if (predicate(index, element)) destination.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIsInstance\n */\npublic inline fun <reified R> Sequence<*>.filterIsInstance(): Sequence<@kotlin.internal.NoInfer R> {\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return filter { it is R } as Sequence<R>\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements that are instances of specified type parameter R to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterIsInstanceTo\n */\npublic inline fun <reified R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<*>.filterIsInstanceTo(destination: C): C {\n for (element in this) if (element is R) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements not matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.filterNot(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Sequence<T> {\n return FilteringSequence(this, false, predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements that are not `null`.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterNotNull\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> Sequence<T?>.filterNotNull(): Sequence<T> {\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return filterNot { it == null } as Sequence<T>\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements that are not `null` to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterNotNullTo\n */\npublic fun <C : MutableCollection<in T>, T : Any> Sequence<T?>.filterNotNullTo(destination: C): C {\n for (element in this) if (element != null) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements not matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Sequence<T>.filterNotTo(destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements matching the given [predicate] to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Sequence<T>.filterTo(destination: C, predicate: (T) -> Boolean): C {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) destination.add(element)\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing first [n] elements.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if [n] is negative.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.take(n: Int): Sequence<T> {\n require(n >= 0) { \"Requested element count $n is less than zero.\" }\n return when {\n n == 0 -> emptySequence()\n this is DropTakeSequence -> this.take(n)\n else -> TakeSequence(this, n)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing first elements satisfying the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.take\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.takeWhile(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Sequence<T> {\n return TakeWhileSequence(this, predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence that yields elements of this sequence sorted according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Sequence<T>.sorted(): Sequence<T> {\n return object : Sequence<T> {\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {\n val sortedList = this@sorted.toMutableList()\n sortedList.sort()\n return sortedList.iterator()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence that yields elements of this sequence sorted according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Sorting.sortedBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.sortedBy(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Sequence<T> {\n return sortedWith(compareBy(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence that yields elements of this sequence sorted descending according to natural sort order of the value returned by specified [selector] function.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.sortedByDescending(crossinline selector: (T) -> R?): Sequence<T> {\n return sortedWith(compareByDescending(selector))\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence that yields elements of this sequence sorted descending according to their natural sort order.\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Sequence<T>.sortedDescending(): Sequence<T> {\n return sortedWith(reverseOrder())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence that yields elements of this sequence sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n * \n * The sort is _stable_. It means that equal elements preserve their order relative to each other after sorting.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.sortedWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): Sequence<T> {\n return object : Sequence<T> {\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {\n val sortedList = this@sortedWith.toMutableList()\n sortedList.sortWith(comparator)\n return sortedList.iterator()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing key-value pairs provided by [transform] function\n * applied to elements of the given sequence.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associate\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Sequence<T>.associate(transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> {\n return associateTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(), transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the elements from the given sequence indexed by the key\n * returned from [keySelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Sequence<T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map<K, T> {\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, T>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] containing the values provided by [valueTransform] and indexed by [keySelector] functions applied to elements of the given sequence.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateByWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Sequence<T>.associateBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n return associateByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function applied to each element of the given sequence\n * and value is the element itself.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateByTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, M : MutableMap<in K, in T>> Sequence<T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs,\n * where key is provided by the [keySelector] function and\n * and value is provided by the [valueTransform] function applied to elements of the given sequence.\n * \n * If any two elements would have the same key returned by [keySelector] the last one gets added to the map.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateByToWithValueTransform\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Sequence<T>.associateByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(keySelector(element), valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs\n * provided by [transform] function applied to each element of the given sequence.\n * \n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateTo\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Sequence<T>.associateTo(destination: M, transform: (T) -> Pair<K, V>): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination += transform(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Map] where keys are elements from the given sequence and values are\n * produced by the [valueSelector] function applied to each element.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one gets added to the map.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWith\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <K, V> Sequence<K>.associateWith(valueSelector: (K) -> V): Map<K, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<K, V>()\n return associateWithTo(result, valueSelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs for each element of the given sequence,\n * where key is the element itself and value is provided by the [valueSelector] function applied to that key.\n * \n * If any two elements are equal, the last one overwrites the former value in the map.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.associateWithTo\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Sequence<K>.associateWithTo(destination: M, valueSelector: (K) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n destination.put(element, valueSelector(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements to the given [destination] collection.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T, C : MutableCollection<in T>> Sequence<T>.toCollection(destination: C): C {\n for (item in this) {\n destination.add(item)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashSet] of all elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.toHashSet(): HashSet<T> {\n return toCollection(HashSet<T>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [List] containing all elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.toList(): List<T> {\n return this.toMutableList().optimizeReadOnlyList()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] filled with all elements of this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T> {\n return toCollection(ArrayList<T>())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a [Set] of all elements.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.toSet(): Set<T> {\n return toCollection(LinkedHashSet<T>()).optimizeReadOnlySet()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single sequence of all elements from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIterable\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): Sequence<R> {\n return FlatteningSequence(this, transform, Iterable<R>::iterator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single sequence of all elements from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMap\n */\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.flatMap(transform: (T) -> Sequence<R>): Sequence<R> {\n return FlatteningSequence(this, transform, Sequence<R>::iterator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single sequence of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterable\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> Iterable<R>): Sequence<R> {\n return flatMapIndexed(this, transform, Iterable<R>::iterator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a single sequence of all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.flatMapIndexed\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedSequence\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.flatMapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> Sequence<R>): Sequence<R> {\n return flatMapIndexed(this, transform, Sequence<R>::iterator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original sequence, to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedIterableTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element\n * and its index in the original sequence, to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIndexedSequenceTo\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.flatMapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> Sequence<R>): C {\n var index = 0\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original sequence, to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"flatMapIterableTo\")\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> Iterable<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all elements yielded from results of [transform] function being invoked on each element of original sequence, to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.flatMapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> Sequence<R>): C {\n for (element in this) {\n val list = transform(element)\n destination.addAll(list)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original sequence by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K> Sequence<T>.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K): Map<K, List<T>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<T>>(), keySelector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original sequence\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and returns a map where each group key is associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the keys produced from the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V> Sequence<T>.groupBy(keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): Map<K, List<V>> {\n return groupByTo(LinkedHashMap<K, MutableList<V>>(), keySelector, valueTransform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups elements of the original sequence by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function\n * applied to each element and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding elements.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupBy\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<T>>> Sequence<T>.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<T>() }\n list.add(element)\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Groups values returned by the [valueTransform] function applied to each element of the original sequence\n * by the key returned by the given [keySelector] function applied to the element\n * and puts to the [destination] map each group key associated with a list of corresponding values.\n * \n * @return The [destination] map.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.groupByKeysAndValues\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, MutableList<V>>> Sequence<T>.groupByTo(destination: M, keySelector: (T) -> K, valueTransform: (T) -> V): M {\n for (element in this) {\n val key = keySelector(element)\n val list = destination.getOrPut(key) { ArrayList<V>() }\n list.add(valueTransform(element))\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a [Grouping] source from a sequence to be used later with one of group-and-fold operations\n * using the specified [keySelector] function to extract a key from each element.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Grouping.groupingByEachCount\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic inline fun <T, K> Sequence<T>.groupingBy(crossinline keySelector: (T) -> K): Grouping<T, K> {\n return object : Grouping<T, K> {\n override fun sourceIterator(): Iterator<T> = this@groupingBy.iterator()\n override fun keyOf(element: T): K = keySelector(element)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.map\n */\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.map(transform: (T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return TransformingSequence(this, transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original sequence.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.mapIndexed(transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return TransformingIndexedSequence(this, transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing only the non-null results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element and its index in the original sequence.\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic fun <T, R : Any> Sequence<T>.mapIndexedNotNull(transform: (index: Int, T) -> R?): Sequence<R> {\n return TransformingIndexedSequence(this, transform).filterNotNull()\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original sequence\n * and appends only the non-null results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.mapIndexedNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R?): C {\n forEachIndexed { index, element -> transform(index, element)?.let { destination.add(it) } }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element and its index in the original sequence\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n * @param [transform] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and returns the result of the transform applied to the element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.mapIndexedTo(destination: C, transform: (index: Int, T) -> R): C {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(checkIndexOverflow(index++), item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing only the non-null results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to each element in the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.mapNotNull\n */\npublic fun <T, R : Any> Sequence<T>.mapNotNull(transform: (T) -> R?): Sequence<R> {\n return TransformingSequence(this, transform).filterNotNull()\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element in the original sequence\n * and appends only the non-null results to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R : Any, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.mapNotNullTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R?): C {\n forEach { element -> transform(element)?.let { destination.add(it) } }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Applies the given [transform] function to each element of the original sequence\n * and appends the results to the given [destination].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R, C : MutableCollection<in R>> Sequence<T>.mapTo(destination: C, transform: (T) -> R): C {\n for (item in this)\n destination.add(transform(item))\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence that wraps each element of the original sequence\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.withIndex(): Sequence<IndexedValue<T>> {\n return IndexingSequence(this)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing only distinct elements from the given sequence.\n * \n * Among equal elements of the given sequence, only the first one will be present in the resulting sequence.\n * The elements in the resulting sequence are in the same order as they were in the source sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.distinct(): Sequence<T> {\n return this.distinctBy { it }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing only elements from the given sequence\n * having distinct keys returned by the given [selector] function.\n * \n * Among elements of the given sequence with equal keys, only the first one will be present in the resulting sequence.\n * The elements in the resulting sequence are in the same order as they were in the source sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.distinctAndDistinctBy\n */\npublic fun <T, K> Sequence<T>.distinctBy(selector: (T) -> K): Sequence<T> {\n return DistinctSequence(this, selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableSet] containing all distinct elements from the given sequence.\n * \n * The returned set preserves the element iteration order of the original sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.toMutableSet(): MutableSet<T> {\n val set = LinkedHashSet<T>()\n for (item in this) set.add(item)\n return set\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if all elements match the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.all\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.all(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (!predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if sequence has at least one element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.any\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.any(): Boolean {\n return iterator().hasNext()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if at least one element matches the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.anyWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.any(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return true\n return false\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements in this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.count(): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) checkCountOverflow(++count)\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the number of elements matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.count(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Int {\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) checkCountOverflow(++count)\n return count\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the sequence is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): R {\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with [initial] value and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original sequence.\n * \n * Returns the specified [initial] value if the sequence is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.foldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): R {\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this) accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, element)\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.forEach(action: (T) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) action(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [action] on each element, providing sequential index with the element.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.forEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, T) -> Unit): Unit {\n var index = 0\n for (item in this) action(checkIndexOverflow(index++), item)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Sequence<Double>.max(): Double? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Sequence<Float>.max(): Float? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Sequence<T>.max(): T? {\n return maxOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.maxBy(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n return maxByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the largest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.maxByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.maxByOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxElem = iterator.next()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return maxElem\n var maxValue = selector(maxElem)\n do {\n val e = iterator.next()\n val v = selector(e)\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxElem = e\n maxValue = v\n }\n } while (iterator.hasNext())\n return maxElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.maxOf(selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Double): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n maxValue = maxOf(maxValue, v)\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.maxOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (maxValue < v) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.maxOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.maxOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var maxValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(maxValue, v) < 0) {\n maxValue = v\n }\n }\n return maxValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Sequence<Double>.maxOrNull(): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Sequence<Float>.maxOrNull(): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n max = maxOf(max, e)\n }\n return max\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the largest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Sequence<T>.maxOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (max < e) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use maxWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"maxWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.maxWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n return maxWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the largest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.maxWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var max = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (comparator.compare(max, e) < 0) max = e\n }\n return max\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Sequence<Double>.min(): Double? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun Sequence<Float>.min(): Float? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minOrNull()\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Sequence<T>.min(): T? {\n return minOrNull()\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minByOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minByOrNull(selector)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.minBy(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n return minByOrNull(selector)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element yielding the smallest value of the given function or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.minByOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.minByOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minElem = iterator.next()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return minElem\n var minValue = selector(minElem)\n do {\n val e = iterator.next()\n val v = selector(e)\n if (minValue > v) {\n minElem = e\n minValue = v\n }\n } while (iterator.hasNext())\n return minElem\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> Float): Float {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.minOf(selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Double): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of values produced by [selector] function is `NaN`, the returned result is `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> Float): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n minValue = minOf(minValue, v)\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value among all values produced by [selector] function\n * applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R : Comparable<R>> Sequence<T>.minOfOrNull(selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (minValue > v) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n * \n * @throws NoSuchElementException if the sequence is empty.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.minOfWith(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw NoSuchElementException()\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest value according to the provided [comparator]\n * among all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.minOfWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in R>, selector: (T) -> R): R? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var minValue = selector(iterator.next())\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val v = selector(iterator.next())\n if (comparator.compare(minValue, v) > 0) {\n minValue = v\n }\n }\n return minValue\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Sequence<Double>.minOrNull(): Double? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n * \n * If any of elements is `NaN` returns `NaN`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun Sequence<Float>.minOrNull(): Float? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n min = minOf(min, e)\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the smallest element or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> Sequence<T>.minOrNull(): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (min > e) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use minWithOrNull instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"minWithOrNull(comparator)\"))\n@DeprecatedSinceKotlin(warningSince = \"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.minWith(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n return minWithOrNull(comparator)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the first element having the smallest value according to the provided [comparator] or `null` if there are no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.minWithOrNull(comparator: Comparator<in T>): T? {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var min = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val e = iterator.next()\n if (comparator.compare(min, e) > 0) min = e\n }\n return min\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the sequence has no elements.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.none\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.none(): Boolean {\n return !iterator().hasNext()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if no elements match the given [predicate].\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.noneWithPredicate\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.none(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean {\n for (element in this) if (predicate(element)) return false\n return true\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence which performs the given [action] on each element of the original sequence as they pass through it.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.onEach(action: (T) -> Unit): Sequence<T> {\n return map {\n action(it)\n it\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence which performs the given [action] on each element of the original sequence as they pass through it.\n * @param [action] function that takes the index of an element and the element itself\n * and performs the action on the element.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.onEachIndexed(action: (index: Int, T) -> Unit): Sequence<T> {\n return mapIndexed { index, element ->\n action(index, element)\n element\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this sequence is empty. If the sequence can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.reduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty sequence can't be reduced.\")\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original sequence.\n * \n * Throws an exception if this sequence is empty. If the sequence can be empty in an expected way,\n * please use [reduceIndexedOrNull] instead. It returns `null` when its receiver is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduce\n */\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.reduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): S {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) throw UnsupportedOperationException(\"Empty sequence can't be reduced.\")\n var index = 1\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element with its index in the original sequence.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the sequence is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value and the element itself,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.reduceIndexedOrNull(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): S? {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var index = 1\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Accumulates value starting with the first element and applying [operation] from left to right\n * to current accumulator value and each element.\n * \n * Returns `null` if the sequence is empty.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element,\n * and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.reduceOrNull\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic inline fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.reduceOrNull(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): S? {\n val iterator = this.iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return null\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, iterator.next())\n }\n return accumulator\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting sequence.\n * The [initial] value should also be immutable (or should not be mutated)\n * as it may be passed to [operation] function later because of sequence's lazy nature.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.runningFold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return sequence {\n yield(initial)\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this@runningFold) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, element)\n yield(accumulator)\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original sequence and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting sequence.\n * The [initial] value should also be immutable (or should not be mutated)\n * as it may be passed to [operation] function later because of sequence's lazy nature.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningFold\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.runningFoldIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return sequence {\n yield(initial)\n var index = 0\n var accumulator = initial\n for (element in this@runningFoldIndexed) {\n accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, element)\n yield(accumulator)\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this sequence.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting sequence.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and the element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.runningReduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): Sequence<S> {\n return sequence {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (iterator.hasNext()) {\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n yield(accumulator)\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(accumulator, iterator.next())\n yield(accumulator)\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original sequence and current accumulator value that starts with the first element of this sequence.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting sequence.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.runningReduce\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\npublic fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.runningReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): Sequence<S> {\n return sequence {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (iterator.hasNext()) {\n var accumulator: S = iterator.next()\n yield(accumulator)\n var index = 1\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n accumulator = operation(checkIndexOverflow(index++), accumulator, iterator.next())\n yield(accumulator)\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting sequence.\n * The [initial] value should also be immutable (or should not be mutated)\n * as it may be passed to [operation] function later because of sequence's lazy nature.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.scan(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return runningFold(initial, operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing successive accumulation values generated by applying [operation] from left to right\n * to each element, its index in the original sequence and current accumulator value that starts with [initial] value.\n * \n * Note that `acc` value passed to [operation] function should not be mutated;\n * otherwise it would affect the previous value in resulting sequence.\n * The [initial] value should also be immutable (or should not be mutated)\n * as it may be passed to [operation] function later because of sequence's lazy nature.\n * \n * @param [operation] function that takes the index of an element, current accumulator value\n * and the element itself, and calculates the next accumulator value.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Aggregates.scan\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.scanIndexed(initial: R, operation: (index: Int, acc: R, T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return runningFoldIndexed(initial, operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduce instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduce(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\npublic fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.scanReduce(operation: (acc: S, T) -> S): Sequence<S> {\n return runningReduce(operation)\n}\n\n@Deprecated(\"Use runningReduceIndexed instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"runningReduceIndexed(operation)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\npublic fun <S, T : S> Sequence<T>.scanReduceIndexed(operation: (index: Int, acc: S, T) -> S): Sequence<S> {\n return runningReduceIndexed(operation)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumBy(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumByDouble(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Double): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.toDouble()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Int): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0.toInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> Long): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0.toLong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfUInt\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> UInt): UInt {\n var sum: UInt = 0.toUInt()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all values produced by [selector] function applied to each element in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n@OverloadResolutionByLambdaReturnType\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfULong\")\n@ExperimentalUnsignedTypes\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.sumOf(selector: (T) -> ULong): ULong {\n var sum: ULong = 0.toULong()\n for (element in this) {\n sum += selector(element)\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an original collection containing all the non-`null` elements, throwing an [IllegalArgumentException] if there are any `null` elements.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> Sequence<T?>.requireNoNulls(): Sequence<T> {\n return map { it ?: throw IllegalArgumentException(\"null element found in $this.\") }\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits this sequence into a sequence of lists each not exceeding the given [size].\n * \n * The last list in the resulting sequence may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * @param size the number of elements to take in each list, must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.chunked\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.chunked(size: Int): Sequence<List<T>> {\n return windowed(size, size, partialWindows = true)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits this sequence into several lists each not exceeding the given [size]\n * and applies the given [transform] function to an each.\n * \n * @return sequence of results of the [transform] applied to an each list.\n * \n * Note that the list passed to the [transform] function is ephemeral and is valid only inside that function.\n * You should not store it or allow it to escape in some way, unless you made a snapshot of it.\n * The last list may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * @param size the number of elements to take in each list, must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n * \n * @sample samples.text.Strings.chunkedTransform\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.chunked(size: Int, transform: (List<T>) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return windowed(size, size, partialWindows = true, transform = transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of the original sequence without the first occurrence of the given [element].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.minus(element: T): Sequence<T> {\n return object: Sequence<T> {\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {\n var removed = false\n return this@minus.filter { if (!removed && it == element) { removed = true; false } else true }.iterator()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of original sequence except the elements contained in the given [elements] array.\n * \n * Note that the source sequence and the array being subtracted are iterated only when an `iterator` is requested from\n * the resulting sequence. Changing any of them between successive calls to `iterator` may affect the result.\n * \n * The [elements] array may be converted to a [HashSet] to speed up the operation, thus the elements are required to have\n * a correct and stable implementation of `hashCode()` that doesn't change between successive invocations.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.minus(elements: Array<out T>): Sequence<T> {\n if (elements.isEmpty()) return this\n return object: Sequence<T> {\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {\n val other = elements.toHashSet()\n return this@minus.filterNot { it in other }.iterator()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of original sequence except the elements contained in the given [elements] collection.\n * \n * Note that the source sequence and the collection being subtracted are iterated only when an `iterator` is requested from\n * the resulting sequence. Changing any of them between successive calls to `iterator` may affect the result.\n * \n * The [elements] collection may be converted to a [HashSet] to speed up the operation, thus the elements are required to have\n * a correct and stable implementation of `hashCode()` that doesn't change between successive invocations.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateful_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.minus(elements: Iterable<T>): Sequence<T> {\n return object: Sequence<T> {\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {\n val other = elements.convertToSetForSetOperation()\n if (other.isEmpty())\n return this@minus.iterator()\n else\n return this@minus.filterNot { it in other }.iterator()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of original sequence except the elements contained in the given [elements] sequence.\n * \n * Note that the source sequence and the sequence being subtracted are iterated only when an `iterator` is requested from\n * the resulting sequence. Changing any of them between successive calls to `iterator` may affect the result.\n * \n * The operation is _intermediate_ for this sequence and _terminal_ and _stateful_ for the [elements] sequence.\n * \n * The [elements] sequence may be converted to a [HashSet] to speed up the operation, thus the elements are required to have\n * a correct and stable implementation of `hashCode()` that doesn't change between successive invocations.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.minus(elements: Sequence<T>): Sequence<T> {\n return object: Sequence<T> {\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> {\n val other = elements.toHashSet()\n if (other.isEmpty())\n return this@minus.iterator()\n else\n return this@minus.filterNot { it in other }.iterator()\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of the original sequence without the first occurrence of the given [element].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.minusElement(element: T): Sequence<T> {\n return minus(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Splits the original sequence into pair of lists,\n * where *first* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `true`,\n * while *second* list contains elements for which [predicate] yielded `false`.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.partition\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.partition(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Pair<List<T>, List<T>> {\n val first = ArrayList<T>()\n val second = ArrayList<T>()\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n first.add(element)\n } else {\n second.add(element)\n }\n }\n return Pair(first, second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of the original sequence and then the given [element].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.plus(element: T): Sequence<T> {\n return sequenceOf(this, sequenceOf(element)).flatten()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of original sequence and then all elements of the given [elements] array.\n * \n * Note that the source sequence and the array being added are iterated only when an `iterator` is requested from\n * the resulting sequence. Changing any of them between successive calls to `iterator` may affect the result.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.plus(elements: Array<out T>): Sequence<T> {\n return this.plus(elements.asList())\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of original sequence and then all elements of the given [elements] collection.\n * \n * Note that the source sequence and the collection being added are iterated only when an `iterator` is requested from\n * the resulting sequence. Changing any of them between successive calls to `iterator` may affect the result.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.plus(elements: Iterable<T>): Sequence<T> {\n return sequenceOf(this, elements.asSequence()).flatten()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of original sequence and then all elements of the given [elements] sequence.\n * \n * Note that the source sequence and the sequence being added are iterated only when an `iterator` is requested from\n * the resulting sequence. Changing any of them between successive calls to `iterator` may affect the result.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\npublic operator fun <T> Sequence<T>.plus(elements: Sequence<T>): Sequence<T> {\n return sequenceOf(this, elements).flatten()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing all elements of the original sequence and then the given [element].\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.plusElement(element: T): Sequence<T> {\n return plus(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence of snapshots of the window of the given [size]\n * sliding along this sequence with the given [step], where each\n * snapshot is a list.\n * \n * Several last lists may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * Both [size] and [step] must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this sequence.\n * @param size the number of elements to take in each window\n * @param step the number of elements to move the window forward by on an each step, by default 1\n * @param partialWindows controls whether or not to keep partial windows in the end if any,\n * by default `false` which means partial windows won't be preserved\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.takeWindows\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.windowed(size: Int, step: Int = 1, partialWindows: Boolean = false): Sequence<List<T>> {\n return windowedSequence(size, step, partialWindows, reuseBuffer = false)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence of results of applying the given [transform] function to\n * an each list representing a view over the window of the given [size]\n * sliding along this sequence with the given [step].\n * \n * Note that the list passed to the [transform] function is ephemeral and is valid only inside that function.\n * You should not store it or allow it to escape in some way, unless you made a snapshot of it.\n * Several last lists may have less elements than the given [size].\n * \n * Both [size] and [step] must be positive and can be greater than the number of elements in this sequence.\n * @param size the number of elements to take in each window\n * @param step the number of elements to move the window forward by on an each step, by default 1\n * @param partialWindows controls whether or not to keep partial windows in the end if any,\n * by default `false` which means partial windows won't be preserved\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.averageWindows\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.windowed(size: Int, step: Int = 1, partialWindows: Boolean = false, transform: (List<T>) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return windowedSequence(size, step, partialWindows, reuseBuffer = true).map(transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence of values built from the elements of `this` sequence and the [other] sequence with the same index.\n * The resulting sequence ends as soon as the shortest input sequence ends.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.zip\n */\npublic infix fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.zip(other: Sequence<R>): Sequence<Pair<T, R>> {\n return MergingSequence(this, other) { t1, t2 -> t1 to t2 }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence of values built from the elements of `this` sequence and the [other] sequence with the same index\n * using the provided [transform] function applied to each pair of elements.\n * The resulting sequence ends as soon as the shortest input sequence ends.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Sequences.Transformations.zipWithTransform\n */\npublic fun <T, R, V> Sequence<T>.zip(other: Sequence<R>, transform: (a: T, b: R) -> V): Sequence<V> {\n return MergingSequence(this, other, transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence of pairs of each two adjacent elements in this sequence.\n * \n * The returned sequence is empty if this sequence contains less than two elements.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.zipWithNext\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.zipWithNext(): Sequence<Pair<T, T>> {\n return zipWithNext { a, b -> a to b }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a sequence containing the results of applying the given [transform] function\n * to an each pair of two adjacent elements in this sequence.\n * \n * The returned sequence is empty if this sequence contains less than two elements.\n *\n * The operation is _intermediate_ and _stateless_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.zipWithNextToFindDeltas\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.2\")\npublic fun <T, R> Sequence<T>.zipWithNext(transform: (a: T, b: T) -> R): Sequence<R> {\n return sequence result@ {\n val iterator = iterator()\n if (!iterator.hasNext()) return@result\n var current = iterator.next()\n while (iterator.hasNext()) {\n val next = iterator.next()\n yield(transform(current, next))\n current = next\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends the string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinTo\n */\npublic fun <T, A : Appendable> Sequence<T>.joinTo(buffer: A, separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): A {\n buffer.append(prefix)\n var count = 0\n for (element in this) {\n if (++count > 1) buffer.append(separator)\n if (limit < 0 || count <= limit) {\n buffer.appendElement(element, transform)\n } else break\n }\n if (limit >= 0 && count > limit) buffer.append(truncated)\n buffer.append(postfix)\n return buffer\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates a string from all the elements separated using [separator] and using the given [prefix] and [postfix] if supplied.\n * \n * If the collection could be huge, you can specify a non-negative value of [limit], in which case only the first [limit]\n * elements will be appended, followed by the [truncated] string (which defaults to \"...\").\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n * \n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Transformations.joinToString\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.joinToString(separator: CharSequence = \", \", prefix: CharSequence = \"\", postfix: CharSequence = \"\", limit: Int = -1, truncated: CharSequence = \"...\", transform: ((T) -> CharSequence)? = null): String {\n return joinTo(StringBuilder(), separator, prefix, postfix, limit, truncated, transform).toString()\n}\n\n/**\n * Creates an [Iterable] instance that wraps the original sequence returning its elements when being iterated.\n */\npublic fun <T> Sequence<T>.asIterable(): Iterable<T> {\n return Iterable { this.iterator() }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns this sequence as a [Sequence].\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Sequence<T>.asSequence(): Sequence<T> {\n return this\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfByte\")\npublic fun Sequence<Byte>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfShort\")\npublic fun Sequence<Short>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfInt\")\npublic fun Sequence<Int>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfLong\")\npublic fun Sequence<Long>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfFloat\")\npublic fun Sequence<Float>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an average value of elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"averageOfDouble\")\npublic fun Sequence<Double>.average(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n var count: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n checkCountOverflow(++count)\n }\n return if (count == 0) Double.NaN else sum / count\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfByte\")\npublic fun Sequence<Byte>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfShort\")\npublic fun Sequence<Short>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfInt\")\npublic fun Sequence<Int>.sum(): Int {\n var sum: Int = 0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfLong\")\npublic fun Sequence<Long>.sum(): Long {\n var sum: Long = 0L\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfFloat\")\npublic fun Sequence<Float>.sum(): Float {\n var sum: Float = 0.0f\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the sum of all elements in the sequence.\n *\n * The operation is _terminal_.\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"sumOfDouble\")\npublic fun Sequence<Double>.sum(): Double {\n var sum: Double = 0.0\n for (element in this) {\n sum += element\n }\n return sum\n}\n\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"MapsKt\")\n@file:OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.*\n\nprivate object EmptyMap : Map<Any?, Nothing>, Serializable {\n private const val serialVersionUID: Long = 8246714829545688274\n\n override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Map<*, *> && other.isEmpty()\n override fun hashCode(): Int = 0\n override fun toString(): String = \"{}\"\n\n override val size: Int get() = 0\n override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = true\n\n override fun containsKey(key: Any?): Boolean = false\n override fun containsValue(value: Nothing): Boolean = false\n override fun get(key: Any?): Nothing? = null\n override val entries: Set<Map.Entry<Any?, Nothing>> get() = EmptySet\n override val keys: Set<Any?> get() = EmptySet\n override val values: Collection<Nothing> get() = EmptyList\n\n private fun readResolve(): Any = EmptyMap\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty read-only map of specified type.\n *\n * The returned map is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.emptyReadOnlyMap\n */\npublic fun <K, V> emptyMap(): Map<K, V> = @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (EmptyMap as Map<K, V>)\n\n/**\n * Returns a new read-only map with the specified contents, given as a list of pairs\n * where the first value is the key and the second is the value.\n *\n * If multiple pairs have the same key, the resulting map will contain the value from the last of those pairs.\n *\n * Entries of the map are iterated in the order they were specified.\n *\n * The returned map is serializable (JVM).\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.mapFromPairs\n */\npublic fun <K, V> mapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> =\n if (pairs.size > 0) pairs.toMap(LinkedHashMap(mapCapacity(pairs.size))) else emptyMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty read-only map.\n *\n * The returned map is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.emptyReadOnlyMap\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> mapOf(): Map<K, V> = emptyMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty new [MutableMap].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.emptyMutableMap\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> mutableMapOf(): MutableMap<K, V> = LinkedHashMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableMap] with the specified contents, given as a list of pairs\n * where the first component is the key and the second is the value.\n *\n * If multiple pairs have the same key, the resulting map will contain the value from the last of those pairs.\n *\n * Entries of the map are iterated in the order they were specified.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.mutableMapFromPairs\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.emptyMutableMap\n */\npublic fun <K, V> mutableMapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>): MutableMap<K, V> =\n LinkedHashMap<K, V>(mapCapacity(pairs.size)).apply { putAll(pairs) }\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty new [HashMap].\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.emptyHashMap\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> hashMapOf(): HashMap<K, V> = HashMap<K, V>()\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [HashMap] with the specified contents, given as a list of pairs\n * where the first component is the key and the second is the value.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.hashMapFromPairs\n */\npublic fun <K, V> hashMapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>): HashMap<K, V> = HashMap<K, V>(mapCapacity(pairs.size)).apply { putAll(pairs) }\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty new [LinkedHashMap].\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> linkedMapOf(): LinkedHashMap<K, V> = LinkedHashMap<K, V>()\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [LinkedHashMap] with the specified contents, given as a list of pairs\n * where the first component is the key and the second is the value.\n *\n * If multiple pairs have the same key, the resulting map will contain the value from the last of those pairs.\n *\n * Entries of the map are iterated in the order they were specified.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Instantiation.linkedMapFromPairs\n */\npublic fun <K, V> linkedMapOf(vararg pairs: Pair<K, V>): LinkedHashMap<K, V> = pairs.toMap(LinkedHashMap(mapCapacity(pairs.size)))\n\n/**\n * Builds a new read-only [Map] by populating a [MutableMap] using the given [builderAction]\n * and returning a read-only map with the same key-value pairs.\n *\n * The map passed as a receiver to the [builderAction] is valid only inside that function.\n * Using it outside of the function produces an unspecified behavior.\n *\n * Entries of the map are iterated in the order they were added by the [builderAction].\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Builders.Maps.buildMapSample\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> buildMap(@BuilderInference builderAction: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit): Map<K, V> {\n contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return buildMapInternal(builderAction)\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal expect inline fun <K, V> buildMapInternal(builderAction: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit): Map<K, V>\n\n/**\n * Builds a new read-only [Map] by populating a [MutableMap] using the given [builderAction]\n * and returning a read-only map with the same key-value pairs.\n *\n * The map passed as a receiver to the [builderAction] is valid only inside that function.\n * Using it outside of the function produces an unspecified behavior.\n *\n * [capacity] is used to hint the expected number of pairs added in the [builderAction].\n *\n * Entries of the map are iterated in the order they were added by the [builderAction].\n *\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given [capacity] is negative.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Builders.Maps.buildMapSample\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> buildMap(capacity: Int, @BuilderInference builderAction: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit): Map<K, V> {\n contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return buildMapInternal(capacity, builderAction)\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal expect inline fun <K, V> buildMapInternal(capacity: Int, builderAction: MutableMap<K, V>.() -> Unit): Map<K, V>\n\n/**\n * Calculate the initial capacity of a map.\n */\n@PublishedApi\ninternal expect fun mapCapacity(expectedSize: Int): Int\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if this map is not empty.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.mapIsNotEmpty\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.isNotEmpty(): Boolean = !isEmpty()\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if this nullable map is either null or empty.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.mapIsNullOrEmpty\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean {\n contract {\n returns(false) implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null)\n }\n\n return this == null || isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the [Map] if its not `null`, or the empty [Map] otherwise.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.mapOrEmpty\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>?.orEmpty(): Map<K, V> = this ?: emptyMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns this map if it's not empty\n * or the result of calling [defaultValue] function if the map is empty.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.mapIfEmpty\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <M, R> M.ifEmpty(defaultValue: () -> R): R where M : Map<*, *>, M : R =\n if (isEmpty()) defaultValue() else this\n\n/**\n * Checks if the map contains the given key.\n *\n * This method allows to use the `x in map` syntax for checking whether an object is contained in the map.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.containsKey\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes K, V> Map<out K, V>.contains(key: K): Boolean = containsKey(key)\n\n/**\n * Returns the value corresponding to the given [key], or `null` if such a key is not present in the map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes K, V> Map<out K, V>.get(key: K): V? =\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (this as Map<K, V>).get(key)\n\n/**\n * Allows to use the index operator for storing values in a mutable map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.set(key: K, value: V): Unit {\n put(key, value)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the map contains the specified [key].\n *\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `containsKey` that requires to pass a key of type `K`.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes K> Map<out K, *>.containsKey(key: K): Boolean =\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (this as Map<K, *>).containsKey(key)\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the map maps one or more keys to the specified [value].\n *\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `containsValue` that requires to pass a value of type `V`.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.containsValue\n */\n@Suppress(\"EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER\") // false warning, extension takes precedence in some cases\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, @kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes V> Map<K, V>.containsValue(value: V): Boolean = this.containsValue(value)\n\n\n/**\n * Removes the specified key and its corresponding value from this map.\n *\n * @return the previous value associated with the key, or `null` if the key was not present in the map.\n\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `remove` that requires to pass a key of type `K`.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes K, V> MutableMap<out K, V>.remove(key: K): V? =\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (this as MutableMap<K, V>).remove(key)\n\n/**\n * Returns the key component of the map entry.\n *\n * This method allows to use destructuring declarations when working with maps, for example:\n * ```\n * for ((key, value) in map) {\n * // do something with the key and the value\n * }\n * ```\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> Map.Entry<K, V>.component1(): K = key\n\n/**\n * Returns the value component of the map entry.\n *\n * This method allows to use destructuring declarations when working with maps, for example:\n * ```\n * for ((key, value) in map) {\n * // do something with the key and the value\n * }\n * ```\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> Map.Entry<K, V>.component2(): V = value\n\n/**\n * Converts entry to [Pair] with key being first component and value being second.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map.Entry<K, V>.toPair(): Pair<K, V> = Pair(key, value)\n\n/**\n * Returns the value for the given key, or the result of the [defaultValue] function if there was no entry for the given key.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.getOrElse\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.getOrElse(key: K, defaultValue: () -> V): V = get(key) ?: defaultValue()\n\n\ninternal inline fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.getOrElseNullable(key: K, defaultValue: () -> V): V {\n val value = get(key)\n if (value == null && !containsKey(key)) {\n return defaultValue()\n } else {\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return value as V\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the value for the given [key] or throws an exception if there is no such key in the map.\n *\n * If the map was created by [withDefault], resorts to its `defaultValue` provider function\n * instead of throwing an exception.\n *\n * @throws NoSuchElementException when the map doesn't contain a value for the specified key and\n * no implicit default value was provided for that map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.getValue(key: K): V = getOrImplicitDefault(key)\n\n/**\n * Returns the value for the given key. If the key is not found in the map, calls the [defaultValue] function,\n * puts its result into the map under the given key and returns it.\n *\n * Note that the operation is not guaranteed to be atomic if the map is being modified concurrently.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.getOrPut\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.getOrPut(key: K, defaultValue: () -> V): V {\n val value = get(key)\n return if (value == null) {\n val answer = defaultValue()\n put(key, answer)\n answer\n } else {\n value\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an [Iterator] over the entries in the [Map].\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Usage.forOverEntries\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.iterator(): Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> = entries.iterator()\n\n/**\n * Returns a [MutableIterator] over the mutable entries in the [MutableMap].\n *\n */\n@kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"mutableIterator\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.iterator(): MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<K, V>> = entries.iterator()\n\n/**\n * Populates the given [destination] map with entries having the keys of this map and the values obtained\n * by applying the [transform] function to each entry in this [Map].\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, R, M : MutableMap<in K, in R>> Map<out K, V>.mapValuesTo(destination: M, transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R): M {\n return entries.associateByTo(destination, { it.key }, transform)\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates the given [destination] map with entries having the keys obtained\n * by applying the [transform] function to each entry in this [Map] and the values of this map.\n *\n * In case if any two entries are mapped to the equal keys, the value of the latter one will overwrite\n * the value associated with the former one.\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, R, M : MutableMap<in R, in V>> Map<out K, V>.mapKeysTo(destination: M, transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R): M {\n return entries.associateByTo(destination, transform, { it.value })\n}\n\n/**\n * Puts all the given [pairs] into this [MutableMap] with the first component in the pair being the key and the second the value.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.putAll(pairs: Array<out Pair<K, V>>): Unit {\n for ((key, value) in pairs) {\n put(key, value)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Puts all the elements of the given collection into this [MutableMap] with the first component in the pair being the key and the second the value.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.putAll(pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>>): Unit {\n for ((key, value) in pairs) {\n put(key, value)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Puts all the elements of the given sequence into this [MutableMap] with the first component in the pair being the key and the second the value.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.putAll(pairs: Sequence<Pair<K, V>>): Unit {\n for ((key, value) in pairs) {\n put(key, value)\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new map with entries having the keys of this map and the values obtained by applying the [transform]\n * function to each entry in this [Map].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Transformations.mapValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, R> Map<out K, V>.mapValues(transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R): Map<K, R> {\n return mapValuesTo(LinkedHashMap<K, R>(mapCapacity(size)), transform) // .optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new Map with entries having the keys obtained by applying the [transform] function to each entry in this\n * [Map] and the values of this map.\n *\n * In case if any two entries are mapped to the equal keys, the value of the latter one will overwrite\n * the value associated with the former one.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Transformations.mapKeys\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, R> Map<out K, V>.mapKeys(transform: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> R): Map<R, V> {\n return mapKeysTo(LinkedHashMap<R, V>(mapCapacity(size)), transform) // .optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a map containing all key-value pairs with keys matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Filtering.filterKeys\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.filterKeys(predicate: (K) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<K, V>()\n for (entry in this) {\n if (predicate(entry.key)) {\n result.put(entry.key, entry.value)\n }\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a map containing all key-value pairs with values matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Filtering.filterValues\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.filterValues(predicate: (V) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> {\n val result = LinkedHashMap<K, V>()\n for (entry in this) {\n if (predicate(entry.value)) {\n result.put(entry.key, entry.value)\n }\n }\n return result\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Appends all entries matching the given [predicate] into the mutable map given as [destination] parameter.\n *\n * @return the destination map.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Filtering.filterTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Map<out K, V>.filterTo(destination: M, predicate: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): M {\n for (element in this) {\n if (predicate(element)) {\n destination.put(element.key, element.value)\n }\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new map containing all key-value pairs matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Filtering.filter\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.filter(predicate: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> {\n return filterTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends all entries not matching the given [predicate] into the given [destination].\n *\n * @return the destination map.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Filtering.filterNotTo\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Map<out K, V>.filterNotTo(destination: M, predicate: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): M {\n for (element in this) {\n if (!predicate(element)) {\n destination.put(element.key, element.value)\n }\n }\n return destination\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new map containing all key-value pairs not matching the given [predicate].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * @sample samples.collections.Maps.Filtering.filterNot\n */\npublic inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.filterNot(predicate: (Map.Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean): Map<K, V> {\n return filterNotTo(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(), predicate)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new map containing all key-value pairs from the given collection of pairs.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original collection.\n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> Iterable<Pair<K, V>>.toMap(): Map<K, V> {\n if (this is Collection) {\n return when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyMap()\n 1 -> mapOf(if (this is List) this[0] else iterator().next())\n else -> toMap(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(mapCapacity(size)))\n }\n }\n return toMap(LinkedHashMap<K, V>()).optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs from the given collection of pairs.\n */\npublic fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Iterable<Pair<K, V>>.toMap(destination: M): M =\n destination.apply { putAll(this@toMap) }\n\n/**\n * Returns a new map containing all key-value pairs from the given array of pairs.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original array.\n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> Array<out Pair<K, V>>.toMap(): Map<K, V> = when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyMap()\n 1 -> mapOf(this[0])\n else -> toMap(LinkedHashMap<K, V>(mapCapacity(size)))\n}\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs from the given array of pairs.\n */\npublic fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Array<out Pair<K, V>>.toMap(destination: M): M =\n destination.apply { putAll(this@toMap) }\n\n/**\n * Returns a new map containing all key-value pairs from the given sequence of pairs.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original sequence.\n * If any of two pairs would have the same key the last one gets added to the map.\n */\npublic fun <K, V> Sequence<Pair<K, V>>.toMap(): Map<K, V> = toMap(LinkedHashMap<K, V>()).optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs from the given sequence of pairs.\n */\npublic fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Sequence<Pair<K, V>>.toMap(destination: M): M =\n destination.apply { putAll(this@toMap) }\n\n/**\n * Returns a new read-only map containing all key-value pairs from the original map.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.toMap(): Map<K, V> = when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyMap()\n 1 -> toSingletonMap()\n else -> toMutableMap()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a new mutable map containing all key-value pairs from the original map.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.toMutableMap(): MutableMap<K, V> = LinkedHashMap(this)\n\n/**\n * Populates and returns the [destination] mutable map with key-value pairs from the given map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic fun <K, V, M : MutableMap<in K, in V>> Map<out K, V>.toMap(destination: M): M =\n destination.apply { putAll(this@toMap) }\n\n/**\n * Creates a new read-only map by replacing or adding an entry to this map from a given key-value [pair].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * The [pair] is iterated in the end if it has a unique key.\n */\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus(pair: Pair<K, V>): Map<K, V> =\n if (this.isEmpty()) mapOf(pair) else LinkedHashMap(this).apply { put(pair.first, pair.second) }\n\n/**\n * Creates a new read-only map by replacing or adding entries to this map from a given collection of key-value [pairs].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * Those [pairs] with unique keys are iterated in the end in the order of [pairs] collection.\n */\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus(pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>>): Map<K, V> =\n if (this.isEmpty()) pairs.toMap() else LinkedHashMap(this).apply { putAll(pairs) }\n\n/**\n * Creates a new read-only map by replacing or adding entries to this map from a given array of key-value [pairs].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * Those [pairs] with unique keys are iterated in the end in the order of [pairs] array.\n */\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus(pairs: Array<out Pair<K, V>>): Map<K, V> =\n if (this.isEmpty()) pairs.toMap() else LinkedHashMap(this).apply { putAll(pairs) }\n\n/**\n * Creates a new read-only map by replacing or adding entries to this map from a given sequence of key-value [pairs].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * Those [pairs] with unique keys are iterated in the end in the order of [pairs] sequence.\n */\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus(pairs: Sequence<Pair<K, V>>): Map<K, V> =\n LinkedHashMap(this).apply { putAll(pairs) }.optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n\n/**\n * Creates a new read-only map by replacing or adding entries to this map from another [map].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n * Those entries of another [map] that are missing in this map are iterated in the end in the order of that [map].\n */\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.plus(map: Map<out K, V>): Map<K, V> =\n LinkedHashMap(this).apply { putAll(map) }\n\n\n/**\n * Appends or replaces the given [pair] in this mutable map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.plusAssign(pair: Pair<K, V>) {\n put(pair.first, pair.second)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends or replaces all pairs from the given collection of [pairs] in this mutable map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.plusAssign(pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>>) {\n putAll(pairs)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends or replaces all pairs from the given array of [pairs] in this mutable map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.plusAssign(pairs: Array<out Pair<K, V>>) {\n putAll(pairs)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends or replaces all pairs from the given sequence of [pairs] in this mutable map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.plusAssign(pairs: Sequence<Pair<K, V>>) {\n putAll(pairs)\n}\n\n/**\n * Appends or replaces all entries from the given [map] in this mutable map.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<in K, in V>.plusAssign(map: Map<K, V>) {\n putAll(map)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns a map containing all entries of the original map except the entry with the given [key].\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.minus(key: K): Map<K, V> =\n this.toMutableMap().apply { minusAssign(key) }.optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns a map containing all entries of the original map except those entries\n * the keys of which are contained in the given [keys] collection.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.minus(keys: Iterable<K>): Map<K, V> =\n this.toMutableMap().apply { minusAssign(keys) }.optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns a map containing all entries of the original map except those entries\n * the keys of which are contained in the given [keys] array.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.minus(keys: Array<out K>): Map<K, V> =\n this.toMutableMap().apply { minusAssign(keys) }.optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n\n/**\n * Returns a map containing all entries of the original map except those entries\n * the keys of which are contained in the given [keys] sequence.\n *\n * The returned map preserves the entry iteration order of the original map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\npublic operator fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.minus(keys: Sequence<K>): Map<K, V> =\n this.toMutableMap().apply { minusAssign(keys) }.optimizeReadOnlyMap()\n\n/**\n * Removes the entry with the given [key] from this mutable map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.minusAssign(key: K) {\n remove(key)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all entries the keys of which are contained in the given [keys] collection from this mutable map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.minusAssign(keys: Iterable<K>) {\n this.keys.removeAll(keys)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all entries the keys of which are contained in the given [keys] array from this mutable map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.minusAssign(keys: Array<out K>) {\n this.keys.removeAll(keys)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all entries from the keys of which are contained in the given [keys] sequence from this mutable map.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.minusAssign(keys: Sequence<K>) {\n this.keys.removeAll(keys)\n}\n\n\n// do not expose for now @PublishedApi\ninternal fun <K, V> Map<K, V>.optimizeReadOnlyMap() = when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyMap()\n 1 -> toSingletonMapOrSelf()\n else -> this\n}\n","/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"CollectionsKt\")\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\nimport kotlin.random.Random\n\n/**\n * Removes a single instance of the specified element from this\n * collection, if it is present.\n *\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `remove` that requires to pass an element of type `E`.\n *\n * @return `true` if the element has been successfully removed; `false` if it was not present in the collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> MutableCollection<out T>.remove(element: T): Boolean =\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (this as MutableCollection<T>).remove(element)\n\n/**\n * Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the specified collection.\n\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `removeAll` that requires to pass a collection of type `Collection<E>`.\n *\n * @return `true` if any of the specified elements was removed from the collection, `false` if the collection was not modified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> MutableCollection<out T>.removeAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean =\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (this as MutableCollection<T>).removeAll(elements)\n\n/**\n * Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the specified collection.\n *\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `retainAll` that requires to pass a collection of type `Collection<E>`.\n *\n * @return `true` if any element was removed from the collection, `false` if the collection was not modified.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> MutableCollection<out T>.retainAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean =\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\") (this as MutableCollection<T>).retainAll(elements)\n\n/**\n * Adds the specified [element] to this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.plusAssign(element: T) {\n this.add(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds all elements of the given [elements] collection to this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.plusAssign(elements: Iterable<T>) {\n this.addAll(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds all elements of the given [elements] array to this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.plusAssign(elements: Array<T>) {\n this.addAll(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds all elements of the given [elements] sequence to this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.plusAssign(elements: Sequence<T>) {\n this.addAll(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes a single instance of the specified [element] from this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.minusAssign(element: T) {\n this.remove(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements contained in the given [elements] collection from this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.minusAssign(elements: Iterable<T>) {\n this.removeAll(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements contained in the given [elements] array from this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.minusAssign(elements: Array<T>) {\n this.removeAll(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements contained in the given [elements] sequence from this mutable collection.\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.minusAssign(elements: Sequence<T>) {\n this.removeAll(elements)\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds all elements of the given [elements] collection to this [MutableCollection].\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.addAll(elements: Iterable<T>): Boolean {\n when (elements) {\n is Collection -> return addAll(elements)\n else -> {\n var result: Boolean = false\n for (item in elements)\n if (add(item)) result = true\n return result\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds all elements of the given [elements] sequence to this [MutableCollection].\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.addAll(elements: Sequence<T>): Boolean {\n var result: Boolean = false\n for (item in elements) {\n if (add(item)) result = true\n }\n return result\n}\n\n/**\n * Adds all elements of the given [elements] array to this [MutableCollection].\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.addAll(elements: Array<out T>): Boolean {\n return addAll(elements.asList())\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements from this [MutableCollection] that are also contained in the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.removeAll(elements: Iterable<T>): Boolean {\n return removeAll(elements.convertToSetForSetOperationWith(this))\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements from this [MutableCollection] that are also contained in the given [elements] sequence.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.removeAll(elements: Sequence<T>): Boolean {\n val set = elements.toHashSet()\n return set.isNotEmpty() && removeAll(set)\n}\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements from this [MutableCollection] that are also contained in the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.removeAll(elements: Array<out T>): Boolean {\n return elements.isNotEmpty() && removeAll(elements.toHashSet())\n}\n\n/**\n * Retains only elements of this [MutableCollection] that are contained in the given [elements] collection.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.retainAll(elements: Iterable<T>): Boolean {\n return retainAll(elements.convertToSetForSetOperationWith(this))\n}\n\n/**\n * Retains only elements of this [MutableCollection] that are contained in the given [elements] array.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.retainAll(elements: Array<out T>): Boolean {\n if (elements.isNotEmpty())\n return retainAll(elements.toHashSet())\n else\n return retainNothing()\n}\n\n/**\n * Retains only elements of this [MutableCollection] that are contained in the given [elements] sequence.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableCollection<in T>.retainAll(elements: Sequence<T>): Boolean {\n val set = elements.toHashSet()\n if (set.isNotEmpty())\n return retainAll(set)\n else\n return retainNothing()\n}\n\nprivate fun MutableCollection<*>.retainNothing(): Boolean {\n val result = isNotEmpty()\n clear()\n return result\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements from this [MutableIterable] that match the given [predicate].\n *\n * @return `true` if any element was removed from this collection, or `false` when no elements were removed and collection was not modified.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableIterable<T>.removeAll(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean = filterInPlace(predicate, true)\n\n/**\n * Retains only elements of this [MutableIterable] that match the given [predicate].\n *\n * @return `true` if any element was removed from this collection, or `false` when all elements were retained and collection was not modified.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableIterable<T>.retainAll(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean = filterInPlace(predicate, false)\n\nprivate fun <T> MutableIterable<T>.filterInPlace(predicate: (T) -> Boolean, predicateResultToRemove: Boolean): Boolean {\n var result = false\n with(iterator()) {\n while (hasNext())\n if (predicate(next()) == predicateResultToRemove) {\n remove()\n result = true\n }\n }\n return result\n}\n\n\n/**\n * Removes the element at the specified [index] from this list.\n * In Kotlin one should use the [MutableList.removeAt] function instead.\n */\n@Deprecated(\"Use removeAt(index) instead.\", ReplaceWith(\"removeAt(index)\"), level = DeprecationLevel.ERROR)\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> MutableList<T>.remove(index: Int): T = removeAt(index)\n\n/**\n * Removes the first element from this mutable list and returns that removed element, or throws [NoSuchElementException] if this list is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeFirst(): T = if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException(\"List is empty.\") else removeAt(0)\n\n/**\n * Removes the first element from this mutable list and returns that removed element, or returns `null` if this list is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeFirstOrNull(): T? = if (isEmpty()) null else removeAt(0)\n\n/**\n * Removes the last element from this mutable list and returns that removed element, or throws [NoSuchElementException] if this list is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeLast(): T = if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException(\"List is empty.\") else removeAt(lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Removes the last element from this mutable list and returns that removed element, or returns `null` if this list is empty.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.4\")\n@WasExperimental(ExperimentalStdlibApi::class)\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeLastOrNull(): T? = if (isEmpty()) null else removeAt(lastIndex)\n\n/**\n * Removes all elements from this [MutableList] that match the given [predicate].\n *\n * @return `true` if any element was removed from this collection, or `false` when no elements were removed and collection was not modified.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.removeAll(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean = filterInPlace(predicate, true)\n\n/**\n * Retains only elements of this [MutableList] that match the given [predicate].\n *\n * @return `true` if any element was removed from this collection, or `false` when all elements were retained and collection was not modified.\n */\npublic fun <T> MutableList<T>.retainAll(predicate: (T) -> Boolean): Boolean = filterInPlace(predicate, false)\n\nprivate fun <T> MutableList<T>.filterInPlace(predicate: (T) -> Boolean, predicateResultToRemove: Boolean): Boolean {\n if (this !is RandomAccess)\n return (this as MutableIterable<T>).filterInPlace(predicate, predicateResultToRemove)\n\n var writeIndex: Int = 0\n for (readIndex in 0..lastIndex) {\n val element = this[readIndex]\n if (predicate(element) == predicateResultToRemove)\n continue\n\n if (writeIndex != readIndex)\n this[writeIndex] = element\n\n writeIndex++\n }\n if (writeIndex < size) {\n for (removeIndex in lastIndex downTo writeIndex)\n removeAt(removeIndex)\n\n return true\n } else {\n return false\n }\n}\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"CollectionsKt\")\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the given iterator itself. This allows to use an instance of iterator in a `for` loop.\n * @sample samples.collections.Iterators.iterator\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline operator fun <T> Iterator<T>.iterator(): Iterator<T> = this\n\n/**\n * Returns an [Iterator] that wraps each element produced by the original iterator\n * into an [IndexedValue] containing the index of that element and the element itself.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Iterators.withIndexIterator\n */\npublic fun <T> Iterator<T>.withIndex(): Iterator<IndexedValue<T>> = IndexingIterator(this)\n\n/**\n * Performs the given [operation] on each element of this [Iterator].\n * @sample samples.collections.Iterators.forEachIterator\n */\npublic inline fun <T> Iterator<T>.forEach(operation: (T) -> Unit): Unit {\n for (element in this) operation(element)\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterator transforming original `iterator` into iterator of [IndexedValue], counting index from zero.\n */\ninternal class IndexingIterator<out T>(private val iterator: Iterator<T>) : Iterator<IndexedValue<T>> {\n private var index = 0\n final override fun hasNext(): Boolean = iterator.hasNext()\n final override fun next(): IndexedValue<T> = IndexedValue(checkIndexOverflow(index++), iterator.next())\n}\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\npackage kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics\n\nimport kotlin.coroutines.*\nimport kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n\n/**\n * Starts an unintercepted coroutine without a receiver and with result type [T] and executes it until its first suspension.\n * Returns the result of the coroutine or throws its exception if it does not suspend or [COROUTINE_SUSPENDED] if it suspends.\n * In the latter case, the [completion] continuation is invoked when the coroutine completes with a result or an exception.\n *\n * The coroutine is started directly in the invoker's thread without going through the [ContinuationInterceptor] that might\n * be present in the completion's [CoroutineContext]. It is the invoker's responsibility to ensure that a proper invocation\n * context is established.\n *\n * This function is designed to be used from inside of [suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn] to resume the execution of the suspended\n * coroutine using a reference to the suspending function.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun <T> (suspend () -> T).startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Any? = this.asDynamic()(completion, false)\n\n/**\n * Starts an unintercepted coroutine with receiver type [R] and result type [T] and executes it until its first suspension.\n * Returns the result of the coroutine or throws its exception if it does not suspend or [COROUTINE_SUSPENDED] if it suspends.\n * In the latter case, the [completion] continuation is invoked when the coroutine completes with a result or an exception.\n *\n * The coroutine is started directly in the invoker's thread without going through the [ContinuationInterceptor] that might\n * be present in the completion's [CoroutineContext]. It is the invoker's responsibility to ensure that a proper invocation\n * context is established.\n *\n * This function is designed to be used from inside of [suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn] to resume the execution of the suspended\n * coroutine using a reference to the suspending function.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@InlineOnly\npublic actual inline fun <R, T> (suspend R.() -> T).startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(\n receiver: R,\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Any? = this.asDynamic()(receiver, completion, false)\n\n@InlineOnly\ninternal actual inline fun <R, P, T> (suspend R.(P) -> T).startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn(\n receiver: R,\n param: P,\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Any? = this.asDynamic()(receiver, param, completion, false)\n\n/**\n * Creates unintercepted coroutine without receiver and with result type [T].\n * This function creates a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.\n *\n * To start executing the created coroutine, invoke `resume(Unit)` on the returned [Continuation] instance.\n * The [completion] continuation is invoked when coroutine completes with result or exception.\n *\n * This function returns unintercepted continuation.\n * Invocation of `resume(Unit)` starts coroutine immediately in the invoker's call stack without going through the\n * [ContinuationInterceptor] that might be present in the completion's [CoroutineContext].\n * It is the invoker's responsibility to ensure that a proper invocation context is established.\n * Note that [completion] of this function may get invoked in an arbitrary context.\n *\n * [Continuation.intercepted] can be used to acquire the intercepted continuation.\n * Invocation of `resume(Unit)` on intercepted continuation guarantees that execution of\n * both the coroutine and [completion] happens in the invocation context established by\n * [ContinuationInterceptor].\n *\n * Repeated invocation of any resume function on the resulting continuation corrupts the\n * state machine of the coroutine and may result in arbitrary behaviour or exception.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic actual fun <T> (suspend () -> T).createCoroutineUnintercepted(\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Continuation<Unit> =\n // Kotlin/JS suspend lambdas have an extra parameter `suspended`\n if (this.asDynamic().length == 2) {\n // When `suspended` is true the continuation is created, but not executed\n this.asDynamic()(completion, true)\n } else {\n createCoroutineFromSuspendFunction(completion) {\n this.asDynamic()(completion)\n }\n }\n\n/**\n * Creates unintercepted coroutine with receiver type [R] and result type [T].\n * This function creates a new, fresh instance of suspendable computation every time it is invoked.\n *\n * To start executing the created coroutine, invoke `resume(Unit)` on the returned [Continuation] instance.\n * The [completion] continuation is invoked when coroutine completes with result or exception.\n *\n * This function returns unintercepted continuation.\n * Invocation of `resume(Unit)` starts coroutine immediately in the invoker's call stack without going through the\n * [ContinuationInterceptor] that might be present in the completion's [CoroutineContext].\n * It is the invoker's responsibility to ensure that a proper invocation context is established.\n * Note that [completion] of this function may get invoked in an arbitrary context.\n *\n * [Continuation.intercepted] can be used to acquire the intercepted continuation.\n * Invocation of `resume(Unit)` on intercepted continuation guarantees that execution of\n * both the coroutine and [completion] happens in the invocation context established by\n * [ContinuationInterceptor].\n *\n * Repeated invocation of any resume function on the resulting continuation corrupts the\n * state machine of the coroutine and may result in arbitrary behaviour or exception.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic actual fun <R, T> (suspend R.() -> T).createCoroutineUnintercepted(\n receiver: R,\n completion: Continuation<T>\n): Continuation<Unit> =\n // Kotlin/JS suspend lambdas have an extra parameter `suspended`\n if (this.asDynamic().length == 3) {\n // When `suspended` is true the continuation is created, but not executed\n this.asDynamic()(receiver, completion, true)\n } else {\n createCoroutineFromSuspendFunction(completion) {\n this.asDynamic()(receiver, completion)\n }\n }\n\n/**\n * Intercepts this continuation with [ContinuationInterceptor].\n *\n * This function shall be used on the immediate result of [createCoroutineUnintercepted] or [suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn],\n * in which case it checks for [ContinuationInterceptor] in the continuation's [context][Continuation.context],\n * invokes [ContinuationInterceptor.interceptContinuation], caches and returns the result.\n *\n * If this function is invoked on other [Continuation] instances it returns `this` continuation unchanged.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic actual fun <T> Continuation<T>.intercepted(): Continuation<T> =\n (this as? CoroutineImpl)?.intercepted() ?: this\n\n\nprivate inline fun <T> createCoroutineFromSuspendFunction(\n completion: Continuation<T>,\n crossinline block: () -> Any?\n): Continuation<Unit> {\n @Suppress(\"UNCHECKED_CAST\")\n return object : CoroutineImpl(completion as Continuation<Any?>) {\n override fun doResume(): Any? {\n exception?.let { throw it }\n return block()\n }\n }\n}\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2020 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmMultifileClass\n@file:kotlin.jvm.JvmName(\"CollectionsKt\")\n@file:OptIn(kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference::class)\n\npackage kotlin.collections\n\nimport kotlin.contracts.*\nimport kotlin.random.Random\n\ninternal object EmptyIterator : ListIterator<Nothing> {\n override fun hasNext(): Boolean = false\n override fun hasPrevious(): Boolean = false\n override fun nextIndex(): Int = 0\n override fun previousIndex(): Int = -1\n override fun next(): Nothing = throw NoSuchElementException()\n override fun previous(): Nothing = throw NoSuchElementException()\n}\n\ninternal object EmptyList : List<Nothing>, Serializable, RandomAccess {\n private const val serialVersionUID: Long = -7390468764508069838L\n\n override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is List<*> && other.isEmpty()\n override fun hashCode(): Int = 1\n override fun toString(): String = \"[]\"\n\n override val size: Int get() = 0\n override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = true\n override fun contains(element: Nothing): Boolean = false\n override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<Nothing>): Boolean = elements.isEmpty()\n\n override fun get(index: Int): Nothing = throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"Empty list doesn't contain element at index $index.\")\n override fun indexOf(element: Nothing): Int = -1\n override fun lastIndexOf(element: Nothing): Int = -1\n\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<Nothing> = EmptyIterator\n override fun listIterator(): ListIterator<Nothing> = EmptyIterator\n override fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<Nothing> {\n if (index != 0) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"Index: $index\")\n return EmptyIterator\n }\n\n override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<Nothing> {\n if (fromIndex == 0 && toIndex == 0) return this\n throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"fromIndex: $fromIndex, toIndex: $toIndex\")\n }\n\n private fun readResolve(): Any = EmptyList\n}\n\ninternal fun <T> Array<out T>.asCollection(): Collection<T> = ArrayAsCollection(this, isVarargs = false)\n\nprivate class ArrayAsCollection<T>(val values: Array<out T>, val isVarargs: Boolean) : Collection<T> {\n override val size: Int get() = values.size\n override fun isEmpty(): Boolean = values.isEmpty()\n override fun contains(element: T): Boolean = values.contains(element)\n override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean = elements.all { contains(it) }\n override fun iterator(): Iterator<T> = values.iterator()\n // override hidden toArray implementation to prevent copying of values array\n public fun toArray(): Array<out Any?> = values.copyToArrayOfAny(isVarargs)\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty read-only list. The returned list is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.emptyReadOnlyList\n */\npublic fun <T> emptyList(): List<T> = EmptyList\n\n/**\n * Returns a new read-only list of given elements. The returned list is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.readOnlyList\n */\npublic fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: T): List<T> = if (elements.size > 0) elements.asList() else emptyList()\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty read-only list. The returned list is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.emptyReadOnlyList\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> listOf(): List<T> = emptyList()\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty new [MutableList].\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.emptyMutableList\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> mutableListOf(): MutableList<T> = ArrayList()\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty new [ArrayList].\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.emptyArrayList\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> arrayListOf(): ArrayList<T> = ArrayList()\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [MutableList] with the given elements.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.mutableList\n */\npublic fun <T> mutableListOf(vararg elements: T): MutableList<T> =\n if (elements.size == 0) ArrayList() else ArrayList(ArrayAsCollection(elements, isVarargs = true))\n\n/**\n * Returns a new [ArrayList] with the given elements.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.arrayList\n */\npublic fun <T> arrayListOf(vararg elements: T): ArrayList<T> =\n if (elements.size == 0) ArrayList() else ArrayList(ArrayAsCollection(elements, isVarargs = true))\n\n/**\n * Returns a new read-only list either of single given element, if it is not null, or empty list if the element is null. The returned list is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.listOfNotNull\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> listOfNotNull(element: T?): List<T> = if (element != null) listOf(element) else emptyList()\n\n/**\n * Returns a new read-only list only of those given elements, that are not null. The returned list is serializable (JVM).\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.listOfNotNull\n */\npublic fun <T : Any> listOfNotNull(vararg elements: T?): List<T> = elements.filterNotNull()\n\n/**\n * Creates a new read-only list with the specified [size], where each element is calculated by calling the specified\n * [init] function.\n *\n * The function [init] is called for each list element sequentially starting from the first one.\n * It should return the value for a list element given its index.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.readOnlyListFromInitializer\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> T): List<T> = MutableList(size, init)\n\n/**\n * Creates a new mutable list with the specified [size], where each element is calculated by calling the specified\n * [init] function.\n *\n * The function [init] is called for each list element sequentially starting from the first one.\n * It should return the value for a list element given its index.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.mutableListFromInitializer\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.1\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> MutableList(size: Int, init: (index: Int) -> T): MutableList<T> {\n val list = ArrayList<T>(size)\n repeat(size) { index -> list.add(init(index)) }\n return list\n}\n\n/**\n * Builds a new read-only [List] by populating a [MutableList] using the given [builderAction]\n * and returning a read-only list with the same elements.\n *\n * The list passed as a receiver to the [builderAction] is valid only inside that function.\n * Using it outside of the function produces an unspecified behavior.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Builders.Lists.buildListSample\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <E> buildList(@BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E> {\n contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return buildListInternal(builderAction)\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal expect inline fun <E> buildListInternal(builderAction: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E>\n\n/**\n * Builds a new read-only [List] by populating a [MutableList] using the given [builderAction]\n * and returning a read-only list with the same elements.\n *\n * The list passed as a receiver to the [builderAction] is valid only inside that function.\n * Using it outside of the function produces an unspecified behavior.\n *\n * [capacity] is used to hint the expected number of elements added in the [builderAction].\n *\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given [capacity] is negative.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Builders.Lists.buildListSample\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <E> buildList(capacity: Int, @BuilderInference builderAction: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E> {\n contract { callsInPlace(builderAction, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE) }\n return buildListInternal(capacity, builderAction)\n}\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@ExperimentalStdlibApi\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\ninternal expect inline fun <E> buildListInternal(capacity: Int, builderAction: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E>\n\n/**\n * Returns an [IntRange] of the valid indices for this collection.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.indicesOfCollection\n */\npublic val Collection<*>.indices: IntRange\n get() = 0..size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns the index of the last item in the list or -1 if the list is empty.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.lastIndexOfList\n */\npublic val <T> List<T>.lastIndex: Int\n get() = this.size - 1\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if the collection is not empty.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionIsNotEmpty\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>.isNotEmpty(): Boolean = !isEmpty()\n\n/**\n * Returns `true` if this nullable collection is either null or empty.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionIsNullOrEmpty\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>?.isNullOrEmpty(): Boolean {\n contract {\n returns(false) implies (this@isNullOrEmpty != null)\n }\n\n return this == null || this.isEmpty()\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns this Collection if it's not `null` and the empty list otherwise.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionOrEmpty\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> Collection<T>?.orEmpty(): Collection<T> = this ?: emptyList()\n\n/**\n * Returns this List if it's not `null` and the empty list otherwise.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.listOrEmpty\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <T> List<T>?.orEmpty(): List<T> = this ?: emptyList()\n\n/**\n * Returns this collection if it's not empty\n * or the result of calling [defaultValue] function if the collection is empty.\n *\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionIfEmpty\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <C, R> C.ifEmpty(defaultValue: () -> R): R where C : Collection<*>, C : R =\n if (isEmpty()) defaultValue() else this\n\n\n/**\n * Checks if all elements in the specified collection are contained in this collection.\n *\n * Allows to overcome type-safety restriction of `containsAll` that requires to pass a collection of type `Collection<E>`.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Collections.collectionContainsAll\n */\n@Suppress(\"EXTENSION_SHADOWED_BY_MEMBER\") // false warning, extension takes precedence in some cases\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\npublic inline fun <@kotlin.internal.OnlyInputTypes T> Collection<T>.containsAll(elements: Collection<T>): Boolean = this.containsAll(elements)\n\n\n/**\n * Returns a new list with the elements of this list randomly shuffled\n * using the specified [random] instance as the source of randomness.\n */\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\npublic fun <T> Iterable<T>.shuffled(random: Random): List<T> = toMutableList().apply { shuffle(random) }\n\n\ninternal fun <T> List<T>.optimizeReadOnlyList() = when (size) {\n 0 -> emptyList()\n 1 -> listOf(this[0])\n else -> this\n}\n\n/**\n * Searches this list or its range for the provided [element] using the binary search algorithm.\n * The list is expected to be sorted into ascending order according to the Comparable natural ordering of its elements,\n * otherwise the result is undefined.\n *\n * If the list contains multiple elements equal to the specified [element], there is no guarantee which one will be found.\n *\n * `null` value is considered to be less than any non-null value.\n *\n * @return the index of the element, if it is contained in the list within the specified range;\n * otherwise, the inverted insertion point `(-insertion point - 1)`.\n * The insertion point is defined as the index at which the element should be inserted,\n * so that the list (or the specified subrange of list) still remains sorted.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.binarySearchOnComparable\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.binarySearchWithBoundaries\n */\npublic fun <T : Comparable<T>> List<T?>.binarySearch(element: T?, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Int {\n rangeCheck(size, fromIndex, toIndex)\n\n var low = fromIndex\n var high = toIndex - 1\n\n while (low <= high) {\n val mid = (low + high).ushr(1) // safe from overflows\n val midVal = get(mid)\n val cmp = compareValues(midVal, element)\n\n if (cmp < 0)\n low = mid + 1\n else if (cmp > 0)\n high = mid - 1\n else\n return mid // key found\n }\n return -(low + 1) // key not found\n}\n\n/**\n * Searches this list or its range for the provided [element] using the binary search algorithm.\n * The list is expected to be sorted into ascending order according to the specified [comparator],\n * otherwise the result is undefined.\n *\n * If the list contains multiple elements equal to the specified [element], there is no guarantee which one will be found.\n *\n * `null` value is considered to be less than any non-null value.\n *\n * @return the index of the element, if it is contained in the list within the specified range;\n * otherwise, the inverted insertion point `(-insertion point - 1)`.\n * The insertion point is defined as the index at which the element should be inserted,\n * so that the list (or the specified subrange of list) still remains sorted according to the specified [comparator].\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.binarySearchWithComparator\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.binarySearch(element: T, comparator: Comparator<in T>, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size): Int {\n rangeCheck(size, fromIndex, toIndex)\n\n var low = fromIndex\n var high = toIndex - 1\n\n while (low <= high) {\n val mid = (low + high).ushr(1) // safe from overflows\n val midVal = get(mid)\n val cmp = comparator.compare(midVal, element)\n\n if (cmp < 0)\n low = mid + 1\n else if (cmp > 0)\n high = mid - 1\n else\n return mid // key found\n }\n return -(low + 1) // key not found\n}\n\n/**\n * Searches this list or its range for an element having the key returned by the specified [selector] function\n * equal to the provided [key] value using the binary search algorithm.\n * The list is expected to be sorted into ascending order according to the Comparable natural ordering of keys of its elements.\n * otherwise the result is undefined.\n *\n * If the list contains multiple elements with the specified [key], there is no guarantee which one will be found.\n *\n * `null` value is considered to be less than any non-null value.\n *\n * @return the index of the element with the specified [key], if it is contained in the list within the specified range;\n * otherwise, the inverted insertion point `(-insertion point - 1)`.\n * The insertion point is defined as the index at which the element should be inserted,\n * so that the list (or the specified subrange of list) still remains sorted.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.binarySearchByKey\n */\npublic inline fun <T, K : Comparable<K>> List<T>.binarySearchBy(\n key: K?,\n fromIndex: Int = 0,\n toIndex: Int = size,\n crossinline selector: (T) -> K?\n): Int =\n binarySearch(fromIndex, toIndex) { compareValues(selector(it), key) }\n\n// do not introduce this overload --- too rare\n//public fun <T, K> List<T>.binarySearchBy(key: K, comparator: Comparator<K>, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size(), selector: (T) -> K): Int =\n// binarySearch(fromIndex, toIndex) { comparator.compare(selector(it), key) }\n\n\n/**\n * Searches this list or its range for an element for which the given [comparison] function returns zero using the binary search algorithm.\n *\n * The list is expected to be sorted so that the signs of the [comparison] function's return values ascend on the list elements,\n * i.e. negative values come before zero and zeroes come before positive values.\n * Otherwise, the result is undefined.\n *\n * If the list contains multiple elements for which [comparison] returns zero, there is no guarantee which one will be found.\n *\n * @param comparison function that returns zero when called on the list element being searched.\n * On the elements coming before the target element, the function must return negative values;\n * on the elements coming after the target element, the function must return positive values.\n *\n * @return the index of the found element, if it is contained in the list within the specified range;\n * otherwise, the inverted insertion point `(-insertion point - 1)`.\n * The insertion point is defined as the index at which the element should be inserted,\n * so that the list (or the specified subrange of list) still remains sorted.\n * @sample samples.collections.Collections.Lists.binarySearchWithComparisonFunction\n */\npublic fun <T> List<T>.binarySearch(fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size, comparison: (T) -> Int): Int {\n rangeCheck(size, fromIndex, toIndex)\n\n var low = fromIndex\n var high = toIndex - 1\n\n while (low <= high) {\n val mid = (low + high).ushr(1) // safe from overflows\n val midVal = get(mid)\n val cmp = comparison(midVal)\n\n if (cmp < 0)\n low = mid + 1\n else if (cmp > 0)\n high = mid - 1\n else\n return mid // key found\n }\n return -(low + 1) // key not found\n}\n\n/**\n * Checks that `from` and `to` are in\n * the range of [0..size] and throws an appropriate exception, if they aren't.\n */\nprivate fun rangeCheck(size: Int, fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int) {\n when {\n fromIndex > toIndex -> throw IllegalArgumentException(\"fromIndex ($fromIndex) is greater than toIndex ($toIndex).\")\n fromIndex < 0 -> throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"fromIndex ($fromIndex) is less than zero.\")\n toIndex > size -> throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(\"toIndex ($toIndex) is greater than size ($size).\")\n }\n}\n\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\ninternal expect fun checkIndexOverflow(index: Int): Int\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\ninternal expect fun checkCountOverflow(count: Int): Int\n\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\ninternal fun throwIndexOverflow() { throw ArithmeticException(\"Index overflow has happened.\") }\n\n@PublishedApi\n@SinceKotlin(\"1.3\")\ninternal fun throwCountOverflow() { throw ArithmeticException(\"Count overflow has happened.\") }\n\n",null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\npackage kotlin.js\n\n/**\n * Function corresponding to JavaScript's `typeof` operator\n */\n@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly\n@Suppress(\"UNUSED_PARAMETER\")\npublic inline fun jsTypeOf(a: Any?): String = js(\"typeof a\")\n",null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,"/*\n * Copyright 2010-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.\n * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.\n */\n\n@file:Suppress(\"UNUSED_PARAMETER\", \"NOTHING_TO_INLINE\")\n\npackage kotlin\n\n/**\n * Returns an empty array of the specified type [T].\n */\npublic inline fun <T> emptyArray(): Array<T> = js(\"[]\")\n\n@library\npublic fun <T> arrayOf(vararg elements: T): Array<T> = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun doubleArrayOf(vararg elements: Double): DoubleArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun floatArrayOf(vararg elements: Float): FloatArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun longArrayOf(vararg elements: Long): LongArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun intArrayOf(vararg elements: Int): IntArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun charArrayOf(vararg elements: Char): CharArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun shortArrayOf(vararg elements: Short): ShortArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun byteArrayOf(vararg elements: Byte): ByteArray = definedExternally\n\n@library\npublic fun booleanArrayOf(vararg elements: Boolean): BooleanArray = definedExternally\n\n/**\n * Creates a new instance of the [Lazy] that uses the specified initialization function [initializer].\n */\npublic actual fun <T> lazy(initializer: () -> T): Lazy<T> = UnsafeLazyImpl(initializer)\n\n/**\n * Creates a new instance of the [Lazy] that uses the specified initialization function [initializer].\n *\n * The [mode] parameter is ignored. */\npublic actual fun <T> lazy(mode: LazyThreadSafetyMode, initializer: () -> T): Lazy<T> = UnsafeLazyImpl(initializer)\n\n/**\n * Creates a new instance of the [Lazy] that uses the specified initialization function [initializer].\n *\n * The [lock] parameter is ignored.\n */\npublic actual fun <T> lazy(lock: Any?, initializer: () -> T): Lazy<T> = UnsafeLazyImpl(initializer)\n\n\ninternal fun fillFrom(src: dynamic, dst: dynamic): dynamic {\n val srcLen: Int = src.length\n val dstLen: Int = dst.length\n var index: Int = 0\n while (index < srcLen && index < dstLen) dst[index] = src[index++]\n return dst\n}\n\n\ninternal fun arrayCopyResize(source: dynamic, newSize: Int, defaultValue: Any?): dynamic {\n val result = source.slice(0, newSize)\n copyArrayType(source, result)\n var index: Int = source.length\n if (newSize > index) {\n result.length = newSize\n while (index < newSize) result[index++] = defaultValue\n }\n return result\n}\n\ninternal fun <T> arrayPlusCollection(array: dynamic, collection: Collection<T>): dynamic {\n val result = array.slice()\n result.length += collection.size\n copyArrayType(array, result)\n var index: Int = array.length\n for (element in collection) result[index++] = element\n return result\n}\n\ninternal fun <T> fillFromCollection(dst: dynamic, startIndex: Int, collection: Collection<T>): dynamic {\n var index = startIndex\n for (element in collection) dst[index++] = element\n return dst\n}\n\ninternal inline fun copyArrayType(from: dynamic, to: dynamic) {\n if (from.`$type$` !== undefined) {\n to.`$type$` = from.`$type$`\n }\n}\n\ninternal inline fun jsIsType(obj: dynamic, jsClass: dynamic) = js(\"Kotlin\").isType(obj, jsClass)",null,null,null,null,null,null,null],"names":[],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;oBAcA,qC;gBCDA,K;;uBCm7VA,gD;eC15VA,oB;;;;;;;;mCCkGA,gD;;;;;;sBC3CQ,mC;;;;;;;;;WCOyD,e;;WAAQ,gB;iCC+GN,qB;oBA/G1C,qB;iBA+CI,4B;uBACF,iC;6BAMM,+B;;;sCHjIjC,mD;;;;;2BIsXA,qC;;;;;;;cCxYA,+C;eCm/BA,I;;iBCh/BA,e;;;;;;;;;;kBCo3BA,mC;;;;;;6BCrxB2B,6B;oBA2KG,+B;6BAEA,uC;6BAGE,6B;6BAEA,6B;;;;;;;oBChRF,+B;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ECuBe,kD;IAMzC,sB;MAAA,SAAkB,I;IAClB,sBAAW,MAAX,C;IANA,kC;IAOA,yBAIsD,gCAAgB,IAAhB,C;G;;;SAJtD,Y;MAAA,6B;K;;;;SASuD,Y;MAAQ,mB;K;;;;SAEhC,Y;MAAQ,OAAM,yD;K;;sDAE7C,Y;IASI,mCAAsB,+BAAc,qBAAd,CAAtB,C;EACJ,C;wCAEA,Y;EAI8B,C;gDAE9B,Y;IACI,c;EACJ,C;kDAEA,iB;EAI0C,C;mDAE1C,0B;EAWoE,C;6DAEpE,Y;IAAsD,OAAE,yBAAF,mB;G;6DAEtD,iB;IAKoB,Q;IAHhB,IAAI,4CAAJ,C;MACI,wBAAY,KAAM,MAAlB,EAAyB,KAAM,QAA/B,C;;MAEA,uBAAY,sEAAZ,C;;EACR,C;mDAEA,kB;IAII,YAAY,gCAA0B,QAAP,MAAO,CAA1B,C;IACZ,IAAI,UAAU,2BAAd,C;MAA2C,M;IAC3C,yBAAY,KAAZ,C;EACJ,C;oDAEA,iB;IAAoD,6BAAgB,KAAhB,C;G;oEAEpD,qB;IACI,yBAAyB,YAAzB,EAAkC,SAAlC,C;EACJ,C;2CAEA,Y;IACgC,Q;IAAA,yBAAR,YAAQ,C;IAAR,iB;MAAyB,OAAa,0C;KAA1D,oBAAoB,I;IACpB,OAAO,MAAI,aAAJ,eAA4B,0C;EACvC,C;8CAEA,kC;IAa4C,ICjHlC,wB;IACV,mBDgH2B,KChH3B,EDgHkC,QChHlC,EDgH4C,IChH5C,EDgHkD,KChHlD,C;EDiHA,C;;;;;;EEpIJ,qC;G;;;;;;EAWA,uB;G;;;;;;EAsBA,iC;G;;;;;;EAWA,iC;G;;;;;;ECwI0C,2D;IAAA,wB;MAClC,kBAAkB,gCAAkC,YAAN,KAAM,CAAlC,EAA8D,CAA9D,C;MAMlB,WAAY,qB;MACZ,cAAM,WAAN,C;MAPA,OAQA,WAAY,Y;IAChB,C;G;EC7LJ,yD;IAAA,wC;IAAA,yB;IAAA,kC;G;;;;;;;;0CAAA,Y;;;;;YAaI,IAAI,oBjBilPG,YAAQ,CiBjlPf,C;cAAA,OAAyB,W;;cAAqC,gB;8BAAA,CAApB,aAAS,oBAAT,CAAoB,a;kBAAA,qC;uBAAA,mB;cAAA,Q;;;;;;YAA9D,OAA8D,a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;EAblE,0D;mBAAA,mD;QAAA,S;aAAA,Q;;aAAA,uB;G;EAeA,2D;IAAA,wC;IAAA,yB;IAAA,kC;G;;;;;;;;4CAAA,Y;;;;;YAaI,IAAI,8BAAJ,C;cAAA,OAAe,W;;cAA0C,gB;8BAAA,CAAzB,anBtBkC,iCmBsBlC,CAAyB,a;kBAAA,qC;uBAAA,mB;cAAA,Q;;;;;;YAAzD,OAAyD,a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;EAb7D,4D;mBAAA,qD;QAAA,S;aAAA,Q;;aAAA,uB;G;EAeA,mD;IAAA,wC;IAAA,yB;IAAA,kC;IAAA,wB;IAAA,wB;G;;;;;;;;yCAAA,Y;;;;;YjBgkaI,mB;YAAA,gB;;;;;YAAA,wBiBzjaiD,ejByjajD,Q;cAAA,gB;;;YAAgB,ciBzjaiC,ejByjajD,iB;YiBzjamE,gB;4BjByjatC,OiBzjasC,W;gBAAA,qC;qBAAA,mB;YAAA,Q;;YjByjanE,gB;;;YAAA,iB;YAAA,gB;;;YiBzjaiD,gC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;EAPrD,oD;mBAAA,6C;QAAA,S;aAAA,Q;;aAAA,uB;G;EASA,0D;IAAA,wC;IAAA,yB;IAAA,kC;IAAA,wB;IAAA,kC;G;;;;;;;;2CAAA,Y;;;;;YCstDoB,iD;YAAhB,gB;;;;;YAAA,KAAgB,yBAAhB,C;cAAA,gB;;;YAAgB,oC;YD/sD8C,gB;4BC+sDjC,OD/sDiC,W;gBAAA,qC;qBAAA,mB;YAAA,Q;;YC+sD9D,gB;;;YD/sDiD,gC;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;EAPrD,2D;mBAAA,oD;QAAA,S;aAAA,Q;;aAAA,uB;G;EASyB,6B;IAAC,4B;IACtB,2BAAgC,SAAO,gBAAU,OAAjB,C;G;EAE2B,8C;IAAA,uB;MAG3C,WAAM,yBAAU,O;MlBjDuB,YAAa,QAAS,IAAT,C;MAIvD,Q;MAAA,OAAA,KAAM,OAAN,GAAa,CAAb,I;MAAb,aAAU,CAAV,iB;QkB6CsC,mC;QAC9B,eAAe,4BlB7CH,CkB6CG,C;QACf,QAAS,Q;QACoB,gBAA7B,iDAAmB,QAAnB,C;QEgBR,SFfY,mBAAmB,oCEe/B,SFf+B,CAAnB,C;QlBhDR,MAAM,CAAN,IoBgEG,S;;MFpBH,YlB1CG,K;MkBiDH,eAAe,oDAAwB,KAAxB,C;MjBiiaH,U;MAAhB,4BiB/haI,KjB+haJ,kB;QAAgB,ciB/haZ,KjB+haJ,Q;QAA6B,OiB/haN,8B;;MAGnB,IAAI,IAAK,YAAT,C;QAEI,QAAS,a;;QAET,IAAK,8BAA+B,QAA/B,C;;MAEb,W;IAAA,C;G;6BArBA,wB;IAA+B,ODgIO,mCChIqB,2BDgIrB,CAAtC,c;G;ECzG2C,yD;IAA3C,oB;IAAsF,wB;IAA1C,oB;G;0DACxC,Y;IACU,gBAAN,Y;IjBkhaQ,Q;IAAhB,wBAAgB,SAAhB,gB;MAAgB,cAAA,SAAhB,M;MAA6B,OiBlhaF,gB;;EACvB,C;sDAEA,iB;IAAyC,iB;EAAa,C;wDACtD,Y;IAAkC,oCAA0B,YAA1B,M;G;;;;;;EAGN,0D;IAAhC,oB;IAAyG,mBAAa,GAAb,C;IAAxE,kC;IAC7B,iBAAsB,OAA0B,IAA1B,C;IACtB,mBAAwB,OAAiC,IAAjC,C;G;sDAExB,kB;IAA0C,wCAAgB,M;EAAO,C;wDACjE,oB;IAAqD,0CAAkB,Q;EAAS,C;kDAEhF,Y;IACY,Q;IAAR,CAAQ,OAAR,cAAQ,uBAAR,yC;IACA,wCAAgB,I;EACpB,C;2CAEA,iB;IAOsB,Q;IANlB,IAAI,aAAJ,C;MACI,YAAY,mBAAa,gCAAuB,KAAvB,C;MACzB,IAAI,aAAJ,C;QACI,mBAAa,wBAAe,KAAf,C;QAGb,CAAU,OAAV,gBAAU,uBAAV,4C;cAED,IAAI,+BAAkB,2BAAlB,KAAuC,CAA3C,C;MACH,gC;MAA8B,gBAAV,uB;MjBq1VzB,kBAAM,eAAa,gBAAb,C;MA+UA,U;MAAb,uD;QAAa,WAAb,iB;QACI,WAAY,WAAc,IiBrqWqB,ejBqqWnC,C;;MC3uWhB,0BE+CQ,WH6rWD,WG7rWC,CF/CR,C;KgB0EQ,wCAAgB,I;IAChB,0CAAkB,I;EACtB,C;;;;;;;;;;;EGrGR,kD;IA0BI,uB;MAAA,UAA4B,gC;IAC5B,qB;MAAA,4C;IAGA,iBAAiB,+BAAoB,OAApB,C;IACjB,gBAAoB,KAAM,OAAV,GACZ,4BAAwB,UAAxB,EAAoC,KAApC,CADY,GAEZ,wBAAoB,UAApB,EAAyC,IAAzC,C;IACJ,SAAU,eAAM,KAAN,EAAa,SAAb,EAAwB,KAAxB,C;IACV,OAAO,S;EACX,C;EAIA,iD;IAqBI,uB;MAAA,UAA4B,gC;IAC5B,qB;MAAA,4C;IAGA,iBAAiB,+BAAoB,OAApB,C;IACjB,gBAAoB,KAAM,OAAV,GACZ,0BAAsB,UAAtB,EAAkC,KAAlC,CADY,GAEZ,sBAAqB,UAArB,EAA0C,IAA1C,C;IACJ,SAAU,eAAM,KAAN,EAAa,SAAb,EAAwB,KAAxB,C;IACV,OAAO,S;EACX,C;EAGuC,kD;IAGnC,6BAAqB,aAArB,EAAoC,MAApC,C;G;6CACA,Y;IAAiC,Q;IAAA,2G;G;EACjC,gD;IAAA,wC;IAAA,yB;IAAA,kB;G;;;;;;;;uCAAA,Y;;;;;YAAkC,Q;YAAA,gB;4BAAA,sC;gBAAA,qC;qBAAA,mB;YAAA,Q;;;;YAAA,qF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;G;sCAAlC,qC;mBAAA,yC;QAAA,S;aAAA,Q;;aAAA,uB;G;;;SACuC,Y;MAAQ,W;K;;8DAC/C,yB;IACI,2CAA8B,MAA9B,EAAsC,KAAtC,C;G;;;;;;EAG8B,qD;IAGlC,6BAAqB,aAArB,EAA6C,KAA7C,C;IACA,eNxEM,6BMwE4C,KNxE5C,EMwEsC,INxEtC,EMwEgC,INxEhC,C;G;4CM0EN,Y;INlEC,Q;IAA6B,4BAA7B,qBMmEsB,Y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