214 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function(root, factory) {
2 if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
3 define(['exports', 'kotlin', 'ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy', 'kotlinx-coroutines-core'], factory);
4 else if (typeof exports === 'object')
5 factory(module.exports, require('kotlin'), require('ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy'), require('kotlinx-coroutines-core'));
6 else {
7 if (typeof kotlin === 'undefined') {
8 throw new Error("Error loading module 'ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'. Its dependency 'kotlin' was not found. Please, check whether 'kotlin' is loaded prior to 'ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'.");
9 }
10 if (typeof this['ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy'] === 'undefined') {
11 throw new Error("Error loading module 'ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'. Its dependency 'ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy' was not found. Please, check whether 'ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy' is loaded prior to 'ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'.");
12 }
13 if (typeof this['kotlinx-coroutines-core'] === 'undefined') {
14 throw new Error("Error loading module 'ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'. Its dependency 'kotlinx-coroutines-core' was not found. Please, check whether 'kotlinx-coroutines-core' is loaded prior to 'ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'.");
15 }
16 if (false) {
18 }
19 root['ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'] = factory(typeof this['ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'] === 'undefined' ? {} : this['ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'], kotlin, this['ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy'], this['kotlinx-coroutines-core']);
20 }
21}(this, function(_, Kotlin, $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy, $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core) {
22 'use strict';
23 var $$importsForInline$$ = _.$$importsForInline$$ || (_.$$importsForInline$$ = {});
24 var Kind_CLASS = Kotlin.Kind.CLASS;
25 var Annotation = Kotlin.kotlin.Annotation;
26 var Any = Object;
27 var IllegalStateException_init = Kotlin.kotlin.IllegalStateException_init_pdl1vj$;
28 var Kind_INTERFACE = Kotlin.Kind.INTERFACE;
29 var toChar = Kotlin.toChar;
30 var indexOf = Kotlin.kotlin.text.indexOf_8eortd$;
31 var writeText = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.writeText_t153jy$;
32 var writeFully = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.writeFully_i6snlg$;
33 var readAvailable = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.readAvailable_ja303r$;
34 var charsets = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.charsets;
35 var String_0 = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.String_xge8xe$;
36 var unboxChar = Kotlin.unboxChar;
37 var readBytes = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.readBytes_7wsnj1$;
38 var toByte = Kotlin.toByte;
39 var readText = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.readText_1lnizf$;
40 var until = Kotlin.kotlin.ranges.until_dqglrj$;
41 var BytePacketBuilder = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.BytePacketBuilder_za3lpa$;
42 var Throwable = Error;
43 var StringBuilder_init = Kotlin.kotlin.text.StringBuilder_init;
44 var get_lastIndex = Kotlin.kotlin.text.get_lastIndex_gw00vp$;
45 var toBoxedChar = Kotlin.toBoxedChar;
46 var L4096 = Kotlin.Long.fromInt(4096);
47 var ByteChannel = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.ByteChannel_6taknv$;
48 var readRemaining = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.readRemaining_b56lbm$;
49 var Unit = Kotlin.kotlin.Unit;
50 var COROUTINE_SUSPENDED = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
51 var CoroutineImpl = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineImpl;
52 var async = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.async_pda6u4$;
53 var listOf = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.listOf_i5x0yv$;
54 var awaitAll = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.awaitAll_60afti$;
55 var close = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.close_x5qia6$;
56 var launch = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.launch_s496o7$;
57 var to = Kotlin.kotlin.to_ujzrz7$;
58 var coroutines = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines;
59 var readRemaining_0 = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.readRemaining_3dmw3p$;
60 var readBytes_0 = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.core.readBytes_xc9h3n$;
61 var toShort = Kotlin.toShort;
62 var equals = Kotlin.equals;
63 var hashCode = Kotlin.hashCode;
64 var MutableMap = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableMap;
65 var ensureNotNull = Kotlin.ensureNotNull;
66 var Map$Entry = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.Map.Entry;
67 var MutableMap$MutableEntry = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableMap.MutableEntry;
68 var LinkedHashMap_init = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap_init_q3lmfv$;
69 var MutableSet = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableSet;
70 var addAll = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.addAll_ipc267$;
71 var Map = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.Map;
72 var throwCCE = Kotlin.throwCCE;
73 var charArray = Kotlin.charArray;
74 var repeat = Kotlin.kotlin.text.repeat_94bcnn$;
75 var toString = Kotlin.toString;
76 var println = Kotlin.kotlin.io.println_s8jyv4$;
77 var println_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.io.println;
78 var SupervisorJob = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob_5dx9e$;
79 var AbstractCoroutineContextElement = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.AbstractCoroutineContextElement;
80 var CoroutineExceptionHandler = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandler;
81 var concatToString = Kotlin.kotlin.text.concatToString_355ntz$;
82 var toInt = Kotlin.kotlin.text.toInt_6ic1pp$;
83 var encodeToByteArray = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.charsets.encodeToByteArray_fj4osb$;
84 var MutableIterator = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableIterator;
85 var Set = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.Set;
86 var collectionSizeOrDefault = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.collectionSizeOrDefault_ba2ldo$;
87 var ArrayList_init = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.ArrayList_init_ww73n8$;
88 var Kind_OBJECT = Kotlin.Kind.OBJECT;
89 var toList = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.toList_us0mfu$;
90 var defineInlineFunction = Kotlin.defineInlineFunction;
91 var UnsupportedOperationException_init = Kotlin.kotlin.UnsupportedOperationException_init_pdl1vj$;
92 var L0 = Kotlin.Long.ZERO;
93 var coerceAtLeast = Kotlin.kotlin.ranges.coerceAtLeast_2p08ub$;
94 var wrapFunction = Kotlin.wrapFunction;
95 var firstOrNull = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.firstOrNull_2p1efm$;
96 var equals_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.text.equals_igcy3c$;
97 var setOf = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.setOf_mh5how$;
98 var emptyMap = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.emptyMap_q3lmfv$;
99 var toMap = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.toMap_abgq59$;
100 var lazy = Kotlin.kotlin.lazy_klfg04$;
101 var Collection = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.Collection;
102 var toSet = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.toSet_7wnvza$;
103 var emptySet = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.emptySet_287e2$;
104 var LinkedHashMap_init_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap_init_bwtc7$;
105 var asList = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.asList_us0mfu$;
106 var toMap_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.toMap_6hr0sd$;
107 var listOf_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.listOf_mh5how$;
108 var single = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.single_7wnvza$;
109 var toList_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.toList_7wnvza$;
110 var ArrayList_init_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.ArrayList_init_287e2$;
111 var IllegalArgumentException_init = Kotlin.kotlin.IllegalArgumentException_init_pdl1vj$;
112 var CharRange = Kotlin.kotlin.ranges.CharRange;
113 var StringBuilder_init_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.text.StringBuilder_init_za3lpa$;
114 var get_indices = Kotlin.kotlin.text.get_indices_gw00vp$;
115 var IOException = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.errors.IOException;
116 var addAll_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.addAll_ye1y7v$;
117 var MutableCollection = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableCollection;
118 var PropertyMetadata = Kotlin.PropertyMetadata;
119 var List = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.List;
120 var NoSuchElementException_init = Kotlin.kotlin.NoSuchElementException_init;
121 var MutableListIterator = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableListIterator;
122 var IndexOutOfBoundsException_init = Kotlin.kotlin.IndexOutOfBoundsException_init;
123 var makeShared = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.makeShared_s8jyvk$;
124 var MutableList = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableList;
125 var ReadWriteProperty = Kotlin.kotlin.properties.ReadWriteProperty;
126 var checkIndexOverflow = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.checkIndexOverflow_za3lpa$;
128 var AbstractMutableList = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.AbstractMutableList;
129 var Math_0 = Math;
130 var UnsupportedOperationException_init_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.UnsupportedOperationException_init;
131 var MutableIterable = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.MutableIterable;
132 var asReversed = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.asReversed_2p1efm$;
133 var ListIterator = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.ListIterator;
134 var atomicArrayOfNulls;
135 var Enum = Kotlin.kotlin.Enum;
136 var throwISE = Kotlin.throwISE;
137 var Comparable = Kotlin.kotlin.Comparable;
138 var toInt_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.text.toInt_pdl1vz$;
139 var throwUPAE = Kotlin.throwUPAE;
140 var IllegalStateException = Kotlin.kotlin.IllegalStateException;
141 var iterator = Kotlin.kotlin.text.iterator_gw00vp$;
142 var ArrayList = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.ArrayList;
143 var get_lastIndex_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.get_lastIndex_55thoc$;
144 var emptyList = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.emptyList_287e2$;
145 var last = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.last_2p1efm$;
147 var CoroutineScope = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope;
148 var recoverStackTrace = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.internal.recoverStackTrace_ak2v6d$;
149 var getKClass = Kotlin.getKClass;
150 var getCallableRef = Kotlin.getCallableRef;
151 var coroutines_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines;
152 var Continuation = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.Continuation;
153 var Result = Kotlin.kotlin.Result;
154 var getOrNull = Kotlin.kotlin.collections.getOrNull_yzln2o$;
155 var preventFreeze = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy.io.ktor.utils.io.preventFreeze_s8jyvk$;
156 var createFailure = Kotlin.kotlin.createFailure_tcv7n7$;
157 var asDeferred = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core.kotlinx.coroutines.asDeferred_t11jrl$;
158 var primitiveArrayConcat = Kotlin.primitiveArrayConcat;
159 var isNaN_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.isNaN_yrwdxr$;
160 var IllegalArgumentException_init_0 = Kotlin.kotlin.IllegalArgumentException_init;
161 var IllegalArgumentException = Kotlin.kotlin.IllegalArgumentException;
162 ChannelIOException.prototype = Object.create(IOException.prototype);
163 ChannelIOException.prototype.constructor = ChannelIOException;
164 ChannelWriteException.prototype = Object.create(ChannelIOException.prototype);
165 ChannelWriteException.prototype.constructor = ChannelWriteException;
166 ChannelReadException.prototype = Object.create(ChannelIOException.prototype);
167 ChannelReadException.prototype.constructor = ChannelReadException;
168 ConcurrentListSlice.prototype = Object.create(AbstractMutableList.prototype);
169 ConcurrentListSlice.prototype.constructor = ConcurrentListSlice;
170 WeekDay.prototype = Object.create(Enum.prototype);
171 WeekDay.prototype.constructor = WeekDay;
172 Month.prototype = Object.create(Enum.prototype);
173 Month.prototype.constructor = Month;
174 InvalidDateStringException.prototype = Object.create(IllegalStateException.prototype);
175 InvalidDateStringException.prototype.constructor = InvalidDateStringException;
176 InvalidPhaseException.prototype = Object.create(Throwable.prototype);
177 InvalidPhaseException.prototype.constructor = InvalidPhaseException;
178 PipelinePhaseRelation$After.prototype = Object.create(PipelinePhaseRelation.prototype);
179 PipelinePhaseRelation$After.prototype.constructor = PipelinePhaseRelation$After;
180 PipelinePhaseRelation$Before.prototype = Object.create(PipelinePhaseRelation.prototype);
181 PipelinePhaseRelation$Before.prototype.constructor = PipelinePhaseRelation$Before;
182 PipelinePhaseRelation$Last.prototype = Object.create(PipelinePhaseRelation.prototype);
183 PipelinePhaseRelation$Last.prototype.constructor = PipelinePhaseRelation$Last;
184 InvalidTimestampException.prototype = Object.create(IllegalStateException.prototype);
185 InvalidTimestampException.prototype.constructor = InvalidTimestampException;
186 UnresolvedAddressException.prototype = Object.create(IllegalArgumentException.prototype);
187 UnresolvedAddressException.prototype.constructor = UnresolvedAddressException;
188 function InternalAPI() {
189 }
190 InternalAPI.$metadata$ = {
191 kind: Kind_CLASS,
192 simpleName: 'InternalAPI',
193 interfaces: [Annotation]};
194 function KtorExperimentalAPI() {
195 }
196 KtorExperimentalAPI.$metadata$ = {
197 kind: Kind_CLASS,
198 simpleName: 'KtorExperimentalAPI',
199 interfaces: [Annotation]};
200 function AttributeKey(name) {
201 this.name = name;
202 }
203 AttributeKey.prototype.toString = function() {
204 return this.name.length === 0 ? Any.prototype.toString.call(this) : 'AttributeKey: ' + this.name;
206 AttributeKey.$metadata$ = {
207 kind: Kind_CLASS,
208 simpleName: 'AttributeKey',
209 interfaces: []};
210 function Attributes() {
211 }
212 Attributes.prototype.get_yzaw86$ = function(key) {
213 var tmp$;
214 tmp$ = this.getOrNull_yzaw86$(key);
215 if (tmp$ == null) {
216 throw IllegalStateException_init('No instance for key ' + key);
217 }
218 return tmp$;
220 Attributes.prototype.take_yzaw86$ = function(key) {
221 var $receiver = this.get_yzaw86$(key);
222 this.remove_yzaw86$(key);
223 return $receiver;
225 Attributes.prototype.takeOrNull_yzaw86$ = function(key) {
226 var $receiver = this.getOrNull_yzaw86$(key);
227 this.remove_yzaw86$(key);
228 return $receiver;
230 Attributes.$metadata$ = {
231 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
232 simpleName: 'Attributes',
233 interfaces: []};
234 var BASE64_ALPHABET;
235 var BASE64_MASK;
236 var BASE64_PAD;
238 function encodeBase64($receiver) {
239 var buildPacket$result;
240 var builder = BytePacketBuilder(0);
241 try {
242 writeText(builder, $receiver);
243 buildPacket$result = builder.build();
244 } catch (t) {
245 if (Kotlin.isType(t, Throwable)) {
246 builder.release();
247 throw t;
248 } else
249 throw t;
251 return encodeBase64_1(buildPacket$result);
252 }
253 function encodeBase64_0($receiver) {
254 var buildPacket$result;
255 var builder = BytePacketBuilder(0);
256 try {
257 writeFully(builder, $receiver);
258 buildPacket$result = builder.build();
259 } catch (t) {
260 if (Kotlin.isType(t, Throwable)) {
261 builder.release();
262 throw t;
263 } else
264 throw t;
266 return encodeBase64_1(buildPacket$result);
267 }
268 function encodeBase64_1($receiver) {
269 var $receiver_0 = StringBuilder_init();
270 var data = new Int8Array(3);
271 while ($receiver.remaining.toNumber() > 0) {
272 var read = readAvailable($receiver, data);
273 clearFrom(data, read);
274 var padSize = ((data.length - read | 0) * 8 | 0) / 6 | 0;
275 var chunk = (data[0] & 255) << 16 | (data[1] & 255) << 8 | data[2] & 255;
276 for (var index = data.length; index >= padSize; index--) {
277 var char = chunk >> (6 * index | 0) & 63;
278 $receiver_0.append_s8itvh$(toBase64(char));
279 }
280 for (var index_0 = 0; index_0 < padSize; index_0++) {
281 $receiver_0.append_s8itvh$(BASE64_PAD);
282 }
283 }
284 return $receiver_0.toString();
285 }
286 function decodeBase64String($receiver) {
287 return String_0(decodeBase64Bytes($receiver), void 0, void 0, charsets.Charsets.UTF_8);
288 }
289 function decodeBase64Bytes($receiver) {
290 var buildPacket$result;
291 var builder = BytePacketBuilder(0);
292 try {
293 var dropLastWhile$result;
294 dropLastWhile$break:
295 do {
296 for (var index = get_lastIndex($receiver); index >= 0; index--) {
297 if (!(unboxChar(toBoxedChar($receiver.charCodeAt(index))) === BASE64_PAD)) {
298 dropLastWhile$result = $receiver.substring(0, index + 1 | 0);
299 break dropLastWhile$break;
300 }
301 }
302 dropLastWhile$result = '';
303 } while (false);
304 writeText(builder, dropLastWhile$result);
305 buildPacket$result = builder.build();
306 } catch (t) {
307 if (Kotlin.isType(t, Throwable)) {
308 builder.release();
309 throw t;
310 } else
311 throw t;
313 return readBytes(decodeBase64Bytes_0(buildPacket$result));
314 }
315 function decodeBase64Bytes_0($receiver) {
316 var buildPacket$result;
317 var builder = BytePacketBuilder(0);
318 try {
319 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
320 var data = new Int8Array(4);
321 while ($receiver.remaining.toNumber() > 0) {
322 var read = readAvailable($receiver, data);
323 var tmp$_1, tmp$_0_0;
324 var index = 0;
325 var accumulator = 0;
326 for (tmp$_1 = 0; tmp$_1 !== data.length; ++tmp$_1) {
327 var element = data[tmp$_1];
328 var index_0 = (tmp$_0_0 = index , index = tmp$_0_0 + 1 | 0 , tmp$_0_0);
329 accumulator = accumulator | fromBase64(element) << ((3 - index_0 | 0) * 6 | 0);
330 }
331 var chunk = accumulator;
332 tmp$ = data.length - 2 | 0;
333 tmp$_0 = data.length - read | 0;
334 for (var index_1 = tmp$; index_1 >= tmp$_0; index_1--) {
335 var origin = chunk >> (8 * index_1 | 0) & 255;
336 builder.writeByte_s8j3t7$(toByte(origin));
337 }
338 }
339 buildPacket$result = builder.build();
340 } catch (t) {
341 if (Kotlin.isType(t, Throwable)) {
342 builder.release();
343 throw t;
344 } else
345 throw t;
347 return buildPacket$result;
348 }
349 function decodeBase64($receiver) {
350 return decodeBase64String($receiver);
351 }
352 function decodeBase64_0($receiver) {
353 return readText(decodeBase64Bytes_0($receiver));
354 }
355 function clearFrom($receiver, from) {
356 var tmp$;
357 tmp$ = until(from, $receiver.length).iterator();
358 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
359 var element = tmp$.next();
360 $receiver[element] = 0;
361 }
362 }
363 function toBase64($receiver) {
364 return BASE64_ALPHABET.charCodeAt($receiver);
365 }
366 function fromBase64($receiver) {
367 return toByte(toByte(BASE64_INVERSE_ALPHABET[$receiver & 255]) & BASE64_MASK);
368 }
370 function Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda(closure$first_0, closure$chunk_0, $receiver_0, controller, continuation_0) {
371 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
372 this.$controller = controller;
373 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
374 this.local$closure$first = closure$first_0;
375 this.local$closure$chunk = closure$chunk_0;
376 }
377 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda.$metadata$ = {
378 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
379 simpleName: null,
380 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
381 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
382 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda;
383 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda.prototype.doResume = function() {
384 do try {
385 switch (this.state_0) {
386 case 0:
387 this.state_0 = 2;
388 this.result_0 = this.local$closure$first.writePacket_3uq2w4$(this.local$closure$chunk.copy(), this);
389 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
391 continue;
392 case 1:
393 throw this.exception_0;
394 case 2:
395 return this.result_0;
396 default:
397 this.state_0 = 1;
398 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
399 }
400 } catch (e) {
401 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
402 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
403 throw e;
404 } else {
405 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
406 this.exception_0 = e;
407 }
408} while (true);
410 function split$lambda$lambda$lambda(closure$first_0, closure$chunk_0) {
411 return function($receiver_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
412 var instance = new Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda(closure$first_0, closure$chunk_0, $receiver_0, this, continuation_0);
413 if (suspended)
414 return instance;
415 else
416 return instance.doResume(null);
418 }
419 function Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0(closure$second_0, closure$chunk_0, $receiver_0, controller, continuation_0) {
420 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
421 this.$controller = controller;
422 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
423 this.local$closure$second = closure$second_0;
424 this.local$closure$chunk = closure$chunk_0;
425 }
426 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0.$metadata$ = {
427 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
428 simpleName: null,
429 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
430 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
431 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0;
432 Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0.prototype.doResume = function() {
433 do try {
434 switch (this.state_0) {
435 case 0:
436 this.state_0 = 2;
437 this.result_0 = this.local$closure$second.writePacket_3uq2w4$(this.local$closure$chunk.copy(), this);
438 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
440 continue;
441 case 1:
442 throw this.exception_0;
443 case 2:
444 return this.result_0;
445 default:
446 this.state_0 = 1;
447 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
448 }
449 } catch (e) {
450 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
451 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
452 throw e;
453 } else {
454 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
455 this.exception_0 = e;
456 }
457} while (true);
459 function split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0(closure$second_0, closure$chunk_0) {
460 return function($receiver_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
461 var instance = new Coroutine$split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0(closure$second_0, closure$chunk_0, $receiver_0, this, continuation_0);
462 if (suspended)
463 return instance;
464 else
465 return instance.doResume(null);
467 }
468 function Coroutine$split$lambda(this$split_0, closure$first_0, closure$second_0, $receiver_0, controller, continuation_0) {
469 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
470 this.$controller = controller;
471 this.exceptionState_0 = 13;
472 this.local$this$split = this$split_0;
473 this.local$closure$first = closure$first_0;
474 this.local$closure$second = closure$second_0;
475 this.local$$receiver = void 0;
476 this.local$$receiver_0 = $receiver_0;
477 }
478 Coroutine$split$lambda.$metadata$ = {
479 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
480 simpleName: null,
481 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
482 Coroutine$split$lambda.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
483 Coroutine$split$lambda.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$split$lambda;
484 Coroutine$split$lambda.prototype.doResume = function() {
485 do try {
486 switch (this.state_0) {
487 case 0:
488 this.exceptionState_0 = 8;
489 this.state_0 = 1;
490 continue;
491 case 1:
492 if (this.local$this$split.isClosedForRead) {
493 this.state_0 = 7;
494 continue;
495 }
496 this.state_0 = 2;
497 this.result_0 = readRemaining(this.local$this$split, CHUNK_BUFFER_SIZE, this);
498 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
500 continue;
501 case 2:
502 this.local$$receiver = this.result_0;
503 var tmp$;
504 this.exceptionState_0 = 5;
505 var closure$first = this.local$closure$first;
506 var closure$second = this.local$closure$second;
507 this.state_0 = 3;
508 this.result_0 = awaitAll(listOf([async(this.local$$receiver_0, void 0, void 0, split$lambda$lambda$lambda(closure$first, this.local$$receiver)), async(this.local$$receiver_0, void 0, void 0, split$lambda$lambda$lambda_0(closure$second, this.local$$receiver))]), this);
509 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
511 continue;
512 case 3:
513 tmp$ = this.result_0;
514 this.exceptionState_0 = 8;
515 this.finallyPath_0 = [4];
516 this.state_0 = 6;
517 continue;
518 case 4:
519 this.state_0 = 1;
520 continue;
521 case 5:
522 this.finallyPath_0 = [8];
523 this.state_0 = 6;
524 continue;
525 case 6:
526 this.exceptionState_0 = 8;
527 this.local$$receiver.close();
528 this.state_0 = this.finallyPath_0.shift();
529 continue;
530 case 7:
531 this.exceptionState_0 = 13;
532 this.finallyPath_0 = [12];
533 this.state_0 = 11;
534 continue;
535 case 8:
536 this.finallyPath_0 = [13];
537 this.exceptionState_0 = 11;
538 var cause = this.exception_0;
539 if (Kotlin.isType(cause, Throwable)) {
540 this.local$this$split.cancel_dbl4no$(cause);
541 this.local$closure$first.cancel_dbl4no$(cause);
542 this.exceptionState_0 = 13;
543 this.finallyPath_0 = [9];
544 this.state_0 = 11;
545 this.$returnValue = this.local$closure$second.cancel_dbl4no$(cause);
546 continue;
547 } else {
548 throw cause;
549 }
550 case 9:
551 return this.$returnValue;
552 case 10:
553 this.finallyPath_0 = [12];
554 this.state_0 = 11;
555 continue;
556 case 11:
557 this.exceptionState_0 = 13;
558 close(this.local$closure$first);
559 close(this.local$closure$second);
560 this.state_0 = this.finallyPath_0.shift();
561 continue;
562 case 12:
563 return Unit;
564 case 13:
565 throw this.exception_0;
566 default:
567 this.state_0 = 13;
568 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
569 }
570 } catch (e) {
571 if (this.state_0 === 13) {
572 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
573 throw e;
574 } else {
575 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
576 this.exception_0 = e;
577 }
578} while (true);
580 function split$lambda(this$split_0, closure$first_0, closure$second_0) {
581 return function($receiver_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
582 var instance = new Coroutine$split$lambda(this$split_0, closure$first_0, closure$second_0, $receiver_0, this, continuation_0);
583 if (suspended)
584 return instance;
585 else
586 return instance.doResume(null);
588 }
589 function split($receiver, coroutineScope) {
590 var first = ByteChannel(true);
591 var second = ByteChannel(true);
592 launch(coroutineScope, void 0, void 0, split$lambda($receiver, first, second));
593 return to(first, second);
594 }
595 function Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda(this$copyToBoth_0, closure$first_0, closure$second_0, $receiver_0, controller, continuation_0) {
596 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
597 this.$controller = controller;
598 this.exceptionState_0 = 19;
599 this.local$this$copyToBoth = this$copyToBoth_0;
600 this.local$closure$first = closure$first_0;
601 this.local$closure$second = closure$second_0;
602 this.local$$receiver = void 0;
603 this.local$closure$first_0 = void 0;
604 this.local$closure$second_0 = void 0;
605 this.local$this$copyToBoth_0 = void 0;
606 this.local$block$result = void 0;
607 }
608 Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda.$metadata$ = {
609 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
610 simpleName: null,
611 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
612 Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
613 Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda;
614 Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda.prototype.doResume = function() {
615 do try {
616 switch (this.state_0) {
617 case 0:
618 this.exceptionState_0 = 14;
619 this.state_0 = 1;
620 continue;
621 case 1:
622 if (this.local$this$copyToBoth.isClosedForRead || (this.local$closure$first.isClosedForWrite && this.local$closure$second.isClosedForWrite)) {
623 this.state_0 = 13;
624 continue;
625 }
626 this.state_0 = 2;
627 this.result_0 = readRemaining(this.local$this$copyToBoth, CHUNK_BUFFER_SIZE, this);
628 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
630 continue;
631 case 2:
632 this.local$$receiver = this.result_0;
633 var tmp$;
634 this.exceptionState_0 = 11;
635 this.local$closure$first_0 = this.local$closure$first;
636 this.local$closure$second_0 = this.local$closure$second;
637 this.local$this$copyToBoth_0 = this.local$this$copyToBoth;
638 this.state_0 = 3;
639 continue;
640 case 3:
641 this.exceptionState_0 = 6;
642 this.state_0 = 4;
643 this.result_0 = this.local$closure$first_0.writePacket_3uq2w4$(this.local$$receiver.copy(), this);
644 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
646 continue;
647 case 4:
648 this.state_0 = 5;
649 this.result_0 = this.local$closure$second_0.writePacket_3uq2w4$(this.local$$receiver.copy(), this);
650 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
652 continue;
653 case 5:
654 this.local$block$result = this.result_0;
655 this.exceptionState_0 = 11;
656 this.state_0 = 8;
657 continue;
658 case 6:
659 this.exceptionState_0 = 11;
660 var cause_0 = this.exception_0;
661 if (Kotlin.isType(cause_0, Throwable)) {
662 this.local$this$copyToBoth_0.cancel_dbl4no$(cause_0);
663 this.local$closure$first_0.close_dbl4no$(cause_0);
664 this.local$block$result = this.local$closure$second_0.close_dbl4no$(cause_0);
665 this.exceptionState_0 = 6;
666 this.state_0 = 9;
667 continue;
668 } else {
669 throw cause_0;
670 }
671 case 7:
672 this.state_0 = 8;
673 continue;
674 case 8:
675 if (!false) {
676 this.state_0 = 9;
677 continue;
678 }
679 this.state_0 = 3;
680 continue;
681 case 9:
682 tmp$ = this.local$block$result;
683 this.exceptionState_0 = 14;
684 this.finallyPath_0 = [10];
685 this.state_0 = 12;
686 continue;
687 case 10:
688 this.state_0 = 1;
689 continue;
690 case 11:
691 this.finallyPath_0 = [14];
692 this.state_0 = 12;
693 continue;
694 case 12:
695 this.exceptionState_0 = 14;
696 this.local$$receiver.close();
697 this.state_0 = this.finallyPath_0.shift();
698 continue;
699 case 13:
700 this.exceptionState_0 = 19;
701 this.finallyPath_0 = [18];
702 this.state_0 = 17;
703 continue;
704 case 14:
705 this.finallyPath_0 = [19];
706 this.exceptionState_0 = 17;
707 var cause = this.exception_0;
708 if (Kotlin.isType(cause, Throwable)) {
709 this.local$closure$first.close_dbl4no$(cause);
710 this.exceptionState_0 = 19;
711 this.finallyPath_0 = [15];
712 this.state_0 = 17;
713 this.$returnValue = this.local$closure$second.close_dbl4no$(cause);
714 continue;
715 } else {
716 throw cause;
717 }
718 case 15:
719 return this.$returnValue;
720 case 16:
721 this.finallyPath_0 = [18];
722 this.state_0 = 17;
723 continue;
724 case 17:
725 this.exceptionState_0 = 19;
726 close(this.local$closure$first);
727 close(this.local$closure$second);
728 this.state_0 = this.finallyPath_0.shift();
729 continue;
730 case 18:
731 return Unit;
732 case 19:
733 throw this.exception_0;
734 default:
735 this.state_0 = 19;
736 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
737 }
738 } catch (e) {
739 if (this.state_0 === 19) {
740 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
741 throw e;
742 } else {
743 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
744 this.exception_0 = e;
745 }
746} while (true);
748 function copyToBoth$lambda(this$copyToBoth_0, closure$first_0, closure$second_0) {
749 return function($receiver_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
750 var instance = new Coroutine$copyToBoth$lambda(this$copyToBoth_0, closure$first_0, closure$second_0, $receiver_0, this, continuation_0);
751 if (suspended)
752 return instance;
753 else
754 return instance.doResume(null);
756 }
757 function copyToBoth($receiver, first, second) {
758 launch(coroutines.GlobalScope, coroutines.Dispatchers.Unconfined, void 0, copyToBoth$lambda($receiver, first, second));
759 }
760 function Coroutine$toByteArray($receiver_0, continuation_0) {
761 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
762 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
763 this.local$$receiver = $receiver_0;
764 }
765 Coroutine$toByteArray.$metadata$ = {
766 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
767 simpleName: null,
768 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
769 Coroutine$toByteArray.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
770 Coroutine$toByteArray.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$toByteArray;
771 Coroutine$toByteArray.prototype.doResume = function() {
772 do try {
773 switch (this.state_0) {
774 case 0:
775 this.state_0 = 2;
776 this.result_0 = readRemaining_0(this.local$$receiver, this);
777 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
779 continue;
780 case 1:
781 throw this.exception_0;
782 case 2:
783 return readBytes_0(this.result_0);
784 default:
785 this.state_0 = 1;
786 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
787 }
788 } catch (e) {
789 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
790 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
791 throw e;
792 } else {
793 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
794 this.exception_0 = e;
795 }
796} while (true);
798 function toByteArray($receiver_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
799 var instance = new Coroutine$toByteArray($receiver_0, continuation_0);
800 if (suspended)
801 return instance;
802 else
803 return instance.doResume(null);
804 }
805 function readShort($receiver, offset) {
806 var result = ($receiver[offset] & 255) << 8 | $receiver[offset + 1 | 0] & 255;
807 return toShort(result);
808 }
809 function CaseInsensitiveMap() {
810 this.delegate_0 = LinkedHashMap_init();
811 }
812 Object.defineProperty(CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype, 'size', {
813 configurable: true,
814 get: function() {
815 return this.delegate_0.size;
817 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.containsKey_11rb$ = function(key) {
818 return this.delegate_0.containsKey_11rb$(new CaseInsensitiveString(key));
820 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.containsValue_11rc$ = function(value) {
821 return this.delegate_0.containsValue_11rc$(value);
823 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.get_11rb$ = function(key) {
824 return this.delegate_0.get_11rb$(caseInsensitive(key));
826 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
827 return this.delegate_0.isEmpty();
829 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.clear = function() {
830 this.delegate_0.clear();
832 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.put_xwzc9p$ = function(key, value) {
833 return this.delegate_0.put_xwzc9p$(caseInsensitive(key), value);
835 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.putAll_a2k3zr$ = function(from) {
836 var tmp$;
837 tmp$ = from.entries.iterator();
838 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
839 var element = tmp$.next();
840 var key = element.key;
841 var value = element.value;
842 this.put_xwzc9p$(key, value);
843 }
845 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(key) {
846 return this.delegate_0.remove_11rb$(caseInsensitive(key));
848 function CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$keys$lambda($receiver) {
849 return $receiver.content;
850 }
851 function CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$keys$lambda_0($receiver) {
852 return caseInsensitive($receiver);
853 }
854 Object.defineProperty(CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype, 'keys', {
855 configurable: true,
856 get: function() {
857 return new DelegatingMutableSet(this.delegate_0.keys, CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$keys$lambda, CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$keys$lambda_0);
859 function CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$entries$lambda($receiver) {
860 return new Entry($receiver.key.content, $receiver.value);
861 }
862 function CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$entries$lambda_0($receiver) {
863 return new Entry(caseInsensitive($receiver.key), $receiver.value);
864 }
865 Object.defineProperty(CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype, 'entries', {
866 configurable: true,
867 get: function() {
868 return new DelegatingMutableSet(this.delegate_0.entries, CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$entries$lambda, CaseInsensitiveMap$get_CaseInsensitiveMap$entries$lambda_0);
870 Object.defineProperty(CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype, 'values', {
871 configurable: true,
872 get: function() {
873 return this.delegate_0.values;
875 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.equals = function(other) {
876 if (other == null || !Kotlin.isType(other, CaseInsensitiveMap))
877 return false;
878 return equals(other.delegate_0, this.delegate_0);
880 CaseInsensitiveMap.prototype.hashCode = function() {
881 return hashCode(this.delegate_0);
883 CaseInsensitiveMap.$metadata$ = {
884 kind: Kind_CLASS,
885 simpleName: 'CaseInsensitiveMap',
886 interfaces: [MutableMap]};
887 function Entry(key, value) {
888 this.key_3iz5qv$_0 = key;
889 this.value_p1xw47$_0 = value;
890 }
891 Object.defineProperty(Entry.prototype, 'key', {
892 get: function() {
893 return this.key_3iz5qv$_0;
895 Object.defineProperty(Entry.prototype, 'value', {
896 get: function() {
897 return this.value_p1xw47$_0;
899 set: function(value) {
900 this.value_p1xw47$_0 = value;
902 Entry.prototype.setValue_11rc$ = function(newValue) {
903 this.value = newValue;
904 return this.value;
906 Entry.prototype.hashCode = function() {
907 return 527 + hashCode(ensureNotNull(this.key)) + hashCode(ensureNotNull(this.value)) | 0;
909 Entry.prototype.equals = function(other) {
910 if (other == null || !Kotlin.isType(other, Map$Entry))
911 return false;
912 return equals(other.key, this.key) && equals(other.value, this.value);
914 Entry.prototype.toString = function() {
915 return this.key.toString() + '=' + this.value;
917 Entry.$metadata$ = {
918 kind: Kind_CLASS,
919 simpleName: 'Entry',
920 interfaces: [MutableMap$MutableEntry]};
921 function CaseInsensitiveSet() {
922 this.backingMap_0 = new CaseInsensitiveMap();
923 }
924 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
925 var $receiver = this.backingMap_0;
926 var tmp$;
927 if ((Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$ : throwCCE()).containsKey_11rb$(element)) {
928 return false;
929 }
930 this.backingMap_0.put_xwzc9p$(element, true);
931 return true;
933 Object.defineProperty(CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype, 'size', {
934 configurable: true,
935 get: function() {
936 return this.backingMap_0.size;
938 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
939 return this.backingMap_0.remove_11rb$(element) === true;
941 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
942 var tmp$;
943 var added = false;
944 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
945 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
946 var element = tmp$.next();
947 if (this.add_11rb$(element)) {
948 added = true;
949 }
950 }
951 return added;
953 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.clear = function() {
954 this.backingMap_0.clear();
956 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
957 return this.backingMap_0.keys.removeAll_brywnq$(elements);
959 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
960 return this.backingMap_0.keys.retainAll_brywnq$(elements);
962 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
963 var $receiver = this.backingMap_0;
964 var tmp$;
965 return (Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$ : throwCCE()).containsKey_11rb$(element);
967 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
968 return this.backingMap_0.keys.containsAll_brywnq$(elements);
970 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
971 return this.backingMap_0.isEmpty();
973 CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype.iterator = function() {
974 return this.backingMap_0.keys.iterator();
976 CaseInsensitiveSet.$metadata$ = {
977 kind: Kind_CLASS,
978 simpleName: 'CaseInsensitiveSet',
979 interfaces: [MutableSet]};
980 function CaseInsensitiveSet_init(initial, $this) {
981 $this = $this || Object.create(CaseInsensitiveSet.prototype);
982 CaseInsensitiveSet.call($this);
983 addAll($this, initial);
984 return $this;
985 }
986 function isLowerCase($receiver) {
987 return toChar(String.fromCharCode($receiver | 0).toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0)) === $receiver;
988 }
989 function toCharArray($receiver) {
990 var tmp$;
991 var array = charArray($receiver.length, null);
992 tmp$ = array.length - 1 | 0;
993 for (var i = 0; i <= tmp$; i++) {
994 var value = unboxChar(toBoxedChar($receiver.charCodeAt(i)));
995 array[i] = value;
996 }
997 return array;
998 }
999 function caseInsensitiveMap() {
1000 return new CaseInsensitiveMap();
1001 }
1002 CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral.prototype = Object.create(AbstractCoroutineContextElement.prototype);
1003 CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral.prototype.constructor = CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral;
1004 function CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral(closure$handler, key) {
1005 this.closure$handler = closure$handler;
1006 AbstractCoroutineContextElement.call(this, key);
1007 }
1008 CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral.prototype.handleException_1ur55u$ = function(context, exception) {
1009 this.closure$handler(context, exception);
1011 CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
1012 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1013 interfaces: [CoroutineExceptionHandler, AbstractCoroutineContextElement]};
1014 function printDebugTree($receiver, offset) {
1015 if (offset === void 0)
1016 offset = 0;
1017 println(repeat(' ', offset) + toString($receiver));
1018 var tmp$;
1019 tmp$ = $receiver.children.iterator();
1020 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1021 var element = tmp$.next();
1022 printDebugTree(element, offset + 2 | 0);
1023 }
1024 if (offset === 0)
1025 println_0();
1026 }
1027 function SilentSupervisor$lambda(f, f_0) {
1028 return Unit;
1029 }
1030 function SilentSupervisor(parent) {
1031 if (parent === void 0)
1032 parent = null;
1033 return SupervisorJob(parent).plus_1fupul$(new CoroutineExceptionHandler$ObjectLiteral(SilentSupervisor$lambda, CoroutineExceptionHandler.Key));
1034 }
1035 var digits;
1036 function hex(bytes) {
1037 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
1038 var result = Kotlin.charArray(bytes.length * 2 | 0);
1039 var resultIndex = 0;
1040 var digits_0 = digits;
1041 for (var index = 0; index < bytes.length; index++) {
1042 var b = bytes[index] & 255;
1043 result[tmp$ = resultIndex , resultIndex = tmp$ + 1 | 0 , tmp$] = digits_0[b >> 4];
1044 result[tmp$_0 = resultIndex , resultIndex = tmp$_0 + 1 | 0 , tmp$_0] = digits_0[b & 15];
1045 }
1046 return concatToString(result);
1047 }
1048 function hex_0(s) {
1049 var result = new Int8Array(s.length / 2 | 0);
1050 for (var idx = 0; idx < result.length; idx++) {
1051 var srcIdx = idx * 2 | 0;
1052 var high = toInt(String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(srcIdx)), 16) << 4;
1053 var low = toInt(String.fromCharCode(s.charCodeAt(srcIdx + 1 | 0)), 16);
1054 result[idx] = toByte(high | low);
1055 }
1056 return result;
1057 }
1058 function generateNonce(size) {
1059 var buildPacket$result;
1060 var builder = BytePacketBuilder(0);
1061 try {
1062 while (builder.size < size) {
1063 writeText(builder, generateNonce_0());
1064 }
1065 buildPacket$result = builder.build();
1066 } catch (t) {
1067 if (Kotlin.isType(t, Throwable)) {
1068 builder.release();
1069 throw t;
1070 } else
1071 throw t;
1073 return readBytes_0(buildPacket$result, size);
1074 }
1075 function Digest() {
1076 }
1077 Digest.$metadata$ = {
1078 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
1079 simpleName: 'Digest',
1080 interfaces: []};
1081 function build($receiver, bytes, continuation) {
1082 $receiver.plusAssign_fqrh44$(bytes);
1083 return $receiver.build(continuation);
1084 }
1085 function build_0($receiver, string, charset, continuation) {
1086 if (charset === void 0)
1087 charset = charsets.Charsets.UTF_8;
1088 $receiver.plusAssign_fqrh44$(encodeToByteArray(charset.newEncoder(), string, 0, string.length));
1089 return $receiver.build(continuation);
1090 }
1091 function DelegatingMutableSet(delegate, convertTo, convert) {
1092 this.delegate_0 = delegate;
1093 this.convertTo_0 = convertTo;
1094 this.convert_0 = convert;
1095 this.size_uukmxx$_0 = this.delegate_0.size;
1096 }
1097 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.convert_9xhtru$ = function($receiver) {
1098 var destination = ArrayList_init(collectionSizeOrDefault($receiver, 10));
1099 var tmp$;
1100 tmp$ = $receiver.iterator();
1101 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1102 var item = tmp$.next();
1103 destination.add_11rb$(this.convert_0(item));
1104 }
1105 return destination;
1107 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.convertTo_9xhuij$ = function($receiver) {
1108 var destination = ArrayList_init(collectionSizeOrDefault($receiver, 10));
1109 var tmp$;
1110 tmp$ = $receiver.iterator();
1111 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1112 var item = tmp$.next();
1113 destination.add_11rb$(this.convertTo_0(item));
1114 }
1115 return destination;
1117 Object.defineProperty(DelegatingMutableSet.prototype, 'size', {
1118 configurable: true,
1119 get: function() {
1120 return this.size_uukmxx$_0;
1122 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
1123 return this.delegate_0.add_11rb$(this.convert_0(element));
1125 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
1126 return this.delegate_0.addAll_brywnq$(this.convert_9xhtru$(elements));
1128 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.clear = function() {
1129 this.delegate_0.clear();
1131 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
1132 return this.delegate_0.remove_11rb$(this.convert_0(element));
1134 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
1135 return this.delegate_0.removeAll_brywnq$(this.convert_9xhtru$(elements));
1137 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
1138 return this.delegate_0.retainAll_brywnq$(this.convert_9xhtru$(elements));
1140 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
1141 return this.delegate_0.contains_11rb$(this.convert_0(element));
1143 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
1144 return this.delegate_0.containsAll_brywnq$(this.convert_9xhtru$(elements));
1146 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
1147 return this.delegate_0.isEmpty();
1149 function DelegatingMutableSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this$DelegatingMutableSet) {
1150 this.this$DelegatingMutableSet = this$DelegatingMutableSet;
1151 this.delegateIterator = this$DelegatingMutableSet.delegate_0.iterator();
1152 }
1153 DelegatingMutableSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
1154 return this.delegateIterator.hasNext();
1156 DelegatingMutableSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
1157 return this.this$DelegatingMutableSet.convertTo_0(this.delegateIterator.next());
1159 DelegatingMutableSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
1160 this.delegateIterator.remove();
1162 DelegatingMutableSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
1163 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1164 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
1165 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.iterator = function() {
1166 return new DelegatingMutableSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this);
1168 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.hashCode = function() {
1169 return hashCode(this.delegate_0);
1171 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.equals = function(other) {
1172 if (other == null || !Kotlin.isType(other, Set))
1173 return false;
1174 var elements = this.convertTo_9xhuij$(this.delegate_0);
1175 var tmp$ = other.containsAll_brywnq$(elements);
1176 if (tmp$) {
1177 tmp$ = elements.containsAll_brywnq$(other);
1178 }
1179 return tmp$;
1181 DelegatingMutableSet.prototype.toString = function() {
1182 return this.convertTo_9xhuij$(this.delegate_0).toString();
1184 DelegatingMutableSet.$metadata$ = {
1185 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1186 simpleName: 'DelegatingMutableSet',
1187 interfaces: [MutableSet]};
1188 function Identity() {
1189 Identity_instance = this;
1190 }
1191 Identity.prototype.encode_40pv3p$ = function($receiver, source) {
1192 return source;
1194 Identity.prototype.decode_40pv3p$ = function($receiver, source) {
1195 return source;
1197 Identity.$metadata$ = {
1198 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
1199 simpleName: 'Identity',
1200 interfaces: [Encoder]};
1201 var Identity_instance = null;
1202 function Identity_getInstance() {
1203 if (Identity_instance === null) {
1204 new Identity();
1205 }
1206 return Identity_instance;
1207 }
1208 function Encoder() {
1209 }
1210 Encoder.$metadata$ = {
1211 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
1212 simpleName: 'Encoder',
1213 interfaces: []};
1214 function Hash() {
1215 Hash_instance = this;
1216 }
1217 Hash.prototype.combine_jiburq$ = function(objects) {
1218 return hashCode(toList(objects));
1220 Hash.$metadata$ = {
1221 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
1222 simpleName: 'Hash',
1223 interfaces: []};
1224 var Hash_instance = null;
1225 function Hash_getInstance() {
1226 if (Hash_instance === null) {
1227 new Hash();
1228 }
1229 return Hash_instance;
1230 }
1231 var withLock = defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.withLock_mfy7iq$', function($receiver, block) {
1232 try {
1233 $receiver.lock();
1234 return block();
1235 } finally {
1236 $receiver.unlock();
1237 }
1239 function NonceManager() {
1240 }
1241 NonceManager.$metadata$ = {
1242 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
1243 simpleName: 'NonceManager',
1244 interfaces: []};
1245 function GenerateOnlyNonceManager() {
1246 GenerateOnlyNonceManager_instance = this;
1247 }
1248 GenerateOnlyNonceManager.prototype.newNonce = function(continuation) {
1249 return generateNonce_0();
1251 GenerateOnlyNonceManager.prototype.verifyNonce_61zpoe$ = function(nonce, continuation) {
1252 return true;
1254 GenerateOnlyNonceManager.$metadata$ = {
1255 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
1256 simpleName: 'GenerateOnlyNonceManager',
1257 interfaces: [NonceManager]};
1258 var GenerateOnlyNonceManager_instance = null;
1259 function GenerateOnlyNonceManager_getInstance() {
1260 if (GenerateOnlyNonceManager_instance === null) {
1261 new GenerateOnlyNonceManager();
1262 }
1263 return GenerateOnlyNonceManager_instance;
1264 }
1265 function AlwaysFailNonceManager() {
1266 AlwaysFailNonceManager_instance = this;
1267 }
1268 AlwaysFailNonceManager.prototype.newNonce = function(continuation) {
1269 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init('This manager should never be used');
1271 AlwaysFailNonceManager.prototype.verifyNonce_61zpoe$ = function(nonce, continuation) {
1272 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init('This manager should never be used');
1274 AlwaysFailNonceManager.$metadata$ = {
1275 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
1276 simpleName: 'AlwaysFailNonceManager',
1277 interfaces: [NonceManager]};
1278 var AlwaysFailNonceManager_instance = null;
1279 function AlwaysFailNonceManager_getInstance() {
1280 if (AlwaysFailNonceManager_instance === null) {
1281 new AlwaysFailNonceManager();
1282 }
1283 return AlwaysFailNonceManager_instance;
1284 }
1285 function get_length($receiver) {
1286 return coerceAtLeast($receiver.endInclusive.subtract($receiver.start).add(Kotlin.Long.fromInt(1)), L0);
1287 }
1288 function contains($receiver, other) {
1289 return other.start.compareTo_11rb$($receiver.start) >= 0 && other.endInclusive.compareTo_11rb$($receiver.endInclusive) <= 0;
1290 }
1291 function StringValues() {
1292 StringValues$Companion_getInstance();
1293 }
1294 function StringValues$Companion() {
1295 StringValues$Companion_instance = this;
1296 this.Empty = new StringValuesImpl();
1297 }
1298 StringValues$Companion.prototype.build_o7hlrk$ = defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.StringValues.Companion.build_o7hlrk$', wrapFunction(function() {
1299 var StringValuesBuilder_init = _.io.ktor.util.StringValuesBuilder;
1300 return function(caseInsensitiveName, builder) {
1301 if (caseInsensitiveName === void 0)
1302 caseInsensitiveName = false;
1303 var $receiver = new StringValuesBuilder_init(caseInsensitiveName);
1304 builder($receiver);
1305 return $receiver.build();
1308 StringValues$Companion.$metadata$ = {
1309 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
1310 simpleName: 'Companion',
1311 interfaces: []};
1312 var StringValues$Companion_instance = null;
1313 function StringValues$Companion_getInstance() {
1314 if (StringValues$Companion_instance === null) {
1315 new StringValues$Companion();
1316 }
1317 return StringValues$Companion_instance;
1318 }
1319 StringValues.prototype.get_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1320 var tmp$;
1321 return (tmp$ = this.getAll_61zpoe$(name)) != null ? firstOrNull(tmp$) : null;
1323 StringValues.prototype.contains_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1324 return this.getAll_61zpoe$(name) != null;
1326 StringValues.prototype.contains_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1327 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
1328 return (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.getAll_61zpoe$(name)) != null ? tmp$.contains_11rb$(value) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : false;
1330 StringValues.prototype.forEach_ubvtmq$ = function(body) {
1331 var tmp$;
1332 tmp$ = this.entries().iterator();
1333 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1334 var element = tmp$.next();
1335 var k = element.key;
1336 var v = element.value;
1337 body(k, v);
1338 }
1340 StringValues.$metadata$ = {
1341 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
1342 simpleName: 'StringValues',
1343 interfaces: []};
1344 function StringValuesSingleImpl(caseInsensitiveName, name, values) {
1345 this.caseInsensitiveName_xvy381$_0 = caseInsensitiveName;
1346 this.name = name;
1347 this.values = values;
1348 }
1349 Object.defineProperty(StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype, 'caseInsensitiveName', {
1350 get: function() {
1351 return this.caseInsensitiveName_xvy381$_0;
1353 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.getAll_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1354 return equals_0(this.name, name, this.caseInsensitiveName) ? this.values : null;
1356 function StringValuesSingleImpl$entries$ObjectLiteral(this$StringValuesSingleImpl) {
1357 this.key_tykvjz$_0 = this$StringValuesSingleImpl.name;
1358 this.value_jfkgsx$_0 = this$StringValuesSingleImpl.values;
1359 }
1360 Object.defineProperty(StringValuesSingleImpl$entries$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'key', {
1361 configurable: true,
1362 get: function() {
1363 return this.key_tykvjz$_0;
1365 Object.defineProperty(StringValuesSingleImpl$entries$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'value', {
1366 configurable: true,
1367 get: function() {
1368 return this.value_jfkgsx$_0;
1370 StringValuesSingleImpl$entries$ObjectLiteral.prototype.toString = function() {
1371 return this.key + '=' + this.value;
1373 StringValuesSingleImpl$entries$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
1374 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1375 interfaces: [Map$Entry]};
1376 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.entries = function() {
1377 return setOf(new StringValuesSingleImpl$entries$ObjectLiteral(this));
1379 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
1380 return false;
1382 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.names = function() {
1383 return setOf(this.name);
1385 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.toString = function() {
1386 return 'StringValues(case=' + !this.caseInsensitiveName + ') ' + this.entries();
1388 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.hashCode = function() {
1389 return entriesHashCode(this.entries(), 31 * hashCode(this.caseInsensitiveName) | 0);
1391 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.equals = function(other) {
1392 if (this === other)
1393 return true;
1394 if (!Kotlin.isType(other, StringValues))
1395 return false;
1396 if (this.caseInsensitiveName !== other.caseInsensitiveName)
1397 return false;
1398 return entriesEquals(this.entries(), other.entries());
1400 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.forEach_ubvtmq$ = function(body) {
1401 body(this.name, this.values);
1403 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.get_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1404 return equals_0(name, this.name, this.caseInsensitiveName) ? firstOrNull(this.values) : null;
1406 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.contains_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1407 return equals_0(name, this.name, this.caseInsensitiveName);
1409 StringValuesSingleImpl.prototype.contains_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1410 return equals_0(name, this.name, this.caseInsensitiveName) && this.values.contains_11rb$(value);
1412 StringValuesSingleImpl.$metadata$ = {
1413 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1414 simpleName: 'StringValuesSingleImpl',
1415 interfaces: [StringValues]};
1416 function StringValuesImpl(caseInsensitiveName, values) {
1417 if (caseInsensitiveName === void 0)
1418 caseInsensitiveName = false;
1419 if (values === void 0)
1420 values = emptyMap();
1421 this.caseInsensitiveName_w2tiaf$_0 = caseInsensitiveName;
1422 this.values_x1t64x$_0 = lazy(StringValuesImpl$values$lambda(this, values));
1423 }
1424 Object.defineProperty(StringValuesImpl.prototype, 'caseInsensitiveName', {
1425 get: function() {
1426 return this.caseInsensitiveName_w2tiaf$_0;
1428 Object.defineProperty(StringValuesImpl.prototype, 'values', {
1429 configurable: true,
1430 get: function() {
1431 return this.values_x1t64x$_0.value;
1433 StringValuesImpl.prototype.get_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1434 var tmp$;
1435 return (tmp$ = this.listForKey_6rkiov$_0(name)) != null ? firstOrNull(tmp$) : null;
1437 StringValuesImpl.prototype.getAll_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1438 return this.listForKey_6rkiov$_0(name);
1440 StringValuesImpl.prototype.contains_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1441 return this.listForKey_6rkiov$_0(name) != null;
1443 StringValuesImpl.prototype.contains_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1444 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
1445 return (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.listForKey_6rkiov$_0(name)) != null ? tmp$.contains_11rb$(value) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : false;
1447 StringValuesImpl.prototype.names = function() {
1448 return unmodifiable(this.values.keys);
1450 StringValuesImpl.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
1451 return this.values.isEmpty();
1453 StringValuesImpl.prototype.entries = function() {
1454 return unmodifiable(this.values.entries);
1456 StringValuesImpl.prototype.forEach_ubvtmq$ = function(body) {
1457 var tmp$;
1458 tmp$ = this.values.entries.iterator();
1459 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1460 var tmp$_0 = tmp$.next();
1461 var key = tmp$_0.key;
1462 var value = tmp$_0.value;
1463 body(key, value);
1464 }
1466 StringValuesImpl.prototype.listForKey_6rkiov$_0 = function(name) {
1467 return this.values.get_11rb$(name);
1469 StringValuesImpl.prototype.toString = function() {
1470 return 'StringValues(case=' + !this.caseInsensitiveName + ') ' + this.entries();
1472 StringValuesImpl.prototype.equals = function(other) {
1473 if (this === other)
1474 return true;
1475 if (!Kotlin.isType(other, StringValues))
1476 return false;
1477 if (this.caseInsensitiveName !== other.caseInsensitiveName)
1478 return false;
1479 return entriesEquals(this.entries(), other.entries());
1481 StringValuesImpl.prototype.hashCode = function() {
1482 return entriesHashCode(this.entries(), 31 * hashCode(this.caseInsensitiveName) | 0);
1484 function StringValuesImpl$values$lambda(this$StringValuesImpl, closure$values) {
1485 return function() {
1486 var tmp$;
1487 if (this$StringValuesImpl.caseInsensitiveName) {
1488 var $receiver = caseInsensitiveMap();
1489 $receiver.putAll_a2k3zr$(closure$values);
1490 tmp$ = $receiver;
1491 } else
1492 tmp$ = toMap(closure$values);
1493 return tmp$;
1495 }
1496 StringValuesImpl.$metadata$ = {
1497 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1498 simpleName: 'StringValuesImpl',
1499 interfaces: [StringValues]};
1500 function StringValuesBuilder(caseInsensitiveName, size) {
1501 if (caseInsensitiveName === void 0)
1502 caseInsensitiveName = false;
1503 if (size === void 0)
1504 size = 8;
1505 this.caseInsensitiveName = caseInsensitiveName;
1506 this.values = this.caseInsensitiveName ? caseInsensitiveMap() : LinkedHashMap_init_0(size);
1507 this.built = false;
1508 }
1509 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.getAll_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1510 return this.values.get_11rb$(name);
1512 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.contains_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1513 var $receiver = this.values;
1514 var tmp$;
1515 return (Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$ : throwCCE()).containsKey_11rb$(name);
1517 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.contains_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1518 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
1519 return (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.values.get_11rb$(name)) != null ? tmp$.contains_11rb$(value) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : false;
1521 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.names = function() {
1522 return this.values.keys;
1524 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
1525 return this.values.isEmpty();
1527 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.entries = function() {
1528 return unmodifiable(this.values.entries);
1530 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.set_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1531 this.validateValue_61zpoe$(value);
1532 var list = this.ensureListForKey_fsrbb4$_0(name, 1);
1533 list.clear();
1534 list.add_11rb$(value);
1536 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.get_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1537 var tmp$;
1538 return (tmp$ = this.getAll_61zpoe$(name)) != null ? firstOrNull(tmp$) : null;
1540 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.append_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1541 this.validateValue_61zpoe$(value);
1542 this.ensureListForKey_fsrbb4$_0(name, 1).add_11rb$(value);
1544 function StringValuesBuilder$appendAll$lambda(this$StringValuesBuilder) {
1545 return function(name, values) {
1546 this$StringValuesBuilder.appendAll_poujtz$(name, values);
1547 return Unit;
1549 }
1550 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.appendAll_hb0ubp$ = function(stringValues) {
1551 stringValues.forEach_ubvtmq$(StringValuesBuilder$appendAll$lambda(this));
1553 function StringValuesBuilder$appendMissing$lambda(this$StringValuesBuilder) {
1554 return function(name, values) {
1555 this$StringValuesBuilder.appendMissing_poujtz$(name, values);
1556 return Unit;
1558 }
1559 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.appendMissing_hb0ubp$ = function(stringValues) {
1560 stringValues.forEach_ubvtmq$(StringValuesBuilder$appendMissing$lambda(this));
1562 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.appendAll_poujtz$ = function(name, values) {
1563 var tmp$, tmp$_0, tmp$_1;
1564 var list = this.ensureListForKey_fsrbb4$_0(name, (tmp$_1 = (tmp$_0 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = values, Collection) ? tmp$ : null) != null ? tmp$_0.size : null) != null ? tmp$_1 : 2);
1565 var tmp$_2;
1566 tmp$_2 = values.iterator();
1567 while (tmp$_2.hasNext()) {
1568 var element = tmp$_2.next();
1569 this.validateValue_61zpoe$(element);
1570 list.add_11rb$(element);
1571 }
1573 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.appendMissing_poujtz$ = function(name, values) {
1574 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
1575 var existing = (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.values.get_11rb$(name)) != null ? toSet(tmp$) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : emptySet();
1576 var destination = ArrayList_init_0();
1577 var tmp$_1;
1578 tmp$_1 = values.iterator();
1579 while (tmp$_1.hasNext()) {
1580 var element = tmp$_1.next();
1581 if (!existing.contains_11rb$(element))
1582 destination.add_11rb$(element);
1583 }
1584 this.appendAll_poujtz$(name, destination);
1586 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.remove_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1587 this.values.remove_11rb$(name);
1589 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.removeKeysWithNoEntries = function() {
1590 var tmp$;
1591 var $receiver = this.values;
1592 var destination = LinkedHashMap_init();
1593 var tmp$_0;
1594 tmp$_0 = $receiver.entries.iterator();
1595 while (tmp$_0.hasNext()) {
1596 var element = tmp$_0.next();
1597 if (element.value.isEmpty()) {
1598 destination.put_xwzc9p$(element.key, element.value);
1599 }
1600 }
1601 tmp$ = destination.entries.iterator();
1602 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1603 var tmp$_1 = tmp$.next();
1604 var k = tmp$_1.key;
1605 this.remove_61zpoe$(k);
1606 }
1608 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.remove_puj7f4$ = function(name, value) {
1609 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
1610 return (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.values.get_11rb$(name)) != null ? tmp$.remove_11rb$(value) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : false;
1612 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.clear = function() {
1613 this.values.clear();
1615 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.build = function() {
1616 if (!!this.built) {
1617 var message = 'ValueMapBuilder can only build a single ValueMap';
1618 throw IllegalArgumentException_init(message.toString());
1619 }
1620 this.built = true;
1621 return new StringValuesImpl(this.caseInsensitiveName, this.values);
1623 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.validateName_61zpoe$ = function(name) {
1625 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.validateValue_61zpoe$ = function(value) {
1627 StringValuesBuilder.prototype.ensureListForKey_fsrbb4$_0 = function(name, size) {
1628 var tmp$;
1629 if (this.built)
1630 throw IllegalStateException_init('Cannot modify a builder when final structure has already been built');
1631 var tmp$_0;
1632 if ((tmp$ = this.values.get_11rb$(name)) != null)
1633 tmp$_0 = tmp$;
1634 else {
1635 var $receiver = ArrayList_init(size);
1636 this.validateName_61zpoe$(name);
1637 this.values.put_xwzc9p$(name, $receiver);
1638 tmp$_0 = $receiver;
1639 }
1640 return tmp$_0;
1642 StringValuesBuilder.$metadata$ = {
1643 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1644 simpleName: 'StringValuesBuilder',
1645 interfaces: []};
1646 function valuesOf(pairs, caseInsensitiveKey) {
1647 if (caseInsensitiveKey === void 0)
1648 caseInsensitiveKey = false;
1649 return new StringValuesImpl(caseInsensitiveKey, toMap_0(asList(pairs)));
1650 }
1651 function valuesOf_0(name, value, caseInsensitiveKey) {
1652 if (caseInsensitiveKey === void 0)
1653 caseInsensitiveKey = false;
1654 return new StringValuesSingleImpl(caseInsensitiveKey, name, listOf_0(value));
1655 }
1656 function valuesOf_1(name, values, caseInsensitiveKey) {
1657 if (caseInsensitiveKey === void 0)
1658 caseInsensitiveKey = false;
1659 return new StringValuesSingleImpl(caseInsensitiveKey, name, values);
1660 }
1661 function valuesOf_2() {
1662 return StringValues$Companion_getInstance().Empty;
1663 }
1664 function valuesOf_3(map, caseInsensitiveKey) {
1665 if (caseInsensitiveKey === void 0)
1666 caseInsensitiveKey = false;
1667 var size = map.size;
1668 if (size === 1) {
1669 var entry = single(map.entries);
1670 return new StringValuesSingleImpl(caseInsensitiveKey, entry.key, toList_0(entry.value));
1671 }
1672 var values = caseInsensitiveKey ? caseInsensitiveMap() : LinkedHashMap_init_0(size);
1673 var tmp$;
1674 tmp$ = map.entries.iterator();
1675 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1676 var element = tmp$.next();
1677 values.put_xwzc9p$(element.key, toList_0(element.value));
1678 }
1679 return new StringValuesImpl(caseInsensitiveKey, values);
1680 }
1681 function toMap_1($receiver) {
1682 var $receiver_0 = $receiver.entries();
1683 var destination = LinkedHashMap_init();
1684 var tmp$;
1685 tmp$ = $receiver_0.iterator();
1686 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1687 var element = tmp$.next();
1688 destination.put_xwzc9p$(element.key, toList_0(element.value));
1689 }
1690 return destination;
1691 }
1692 function flattenEntries($receiver) {
1693 var $receiver_0 = $receiver.entries();
1694 var destination = ArrayList_init_0();
1695 var tmp$;
1696 tmp$ = $receiver_0.iterator();
1697 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1698 var element = tmp$.next();
1699 var $receiver_1 = element.value;
1700 var destination_0 = ArrayList_init(collectionSizeOrDefault($receiver_1, 10));
1701 var tmp$_0;
1702 tmp$_0 = $receiver_1.iterator();
1703 while (tmp$_0.hasNext()) {
1704 var item = tmp$_0.next();
1705 destination_0.add_11rb$(to(element.key, item));
1706 }
1707 var list = destination_0;
1708 addAll(destination, list);
1709 }
1710 return destination;
1711 }
1712 function flattenForEach$lambda(closure$block) {
1713 return function(name, items) {
1714 var tmp$;
1715 tmp$ = items.iterator();
1716 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1717 var element = tmp$.next();
1718 closure$block(name, element);
1719 }
1720 return Unit;
1722 }
1723 function flattenForEach($receiver, block) {
1724 $receiver.forEach_ubvtmq$(flattenForEach$lambda(block));
1725 }
1726 function filter($receiver, keepEmpty, predicate) {
1727 if (keepEmpty === void 0)
1728 keepEmpty = false;
1729 var entries = $receiver.entries();
1730 var values = $receiver.caseInsensitiveName ? caseInsensitiveMap() : LinkedHashMap_init_0(entries.size);
1731 var tmp$;
1732 tmp$ = entries.iterator();
1733 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1734 var element = tmp$.next();
1735 var $receiver_0 = element.value;
1736 var destination = ArrayList_init(element.value.size);
1737 var tmp$_0;
1738 tmp$_0 = $receiver_0.iterator();
1739 while (tmp$_0.hasNext()) {
1740 var element_0 = tmp$_0.next();
1741 if (predicate(element.key, element_0))
1742 destination.add_11rb$(element_0);
1743 }
1744 var list = destination;
1745 var tmp$_1 = keepEmpty;
1746 if (!tmp$_1) {
1747 tmp$_1 = !list.isEmpty();
1748 }
1749 if (tmp$_1)
1750 values.put_xwzc9p$(element.key, list);
1751 }
1752 return new StringValuesImpl($receiver.caseInsensitiveName, values);
1753 }
1754 function appendFiltered$lambda(closure$predicate, closure$keepEmpty, this$appendFiltered) {
1755 return function(name, value) {
1756 var destination = ArrayList_init(value.size);
1757 var tmp$;
1758 tmp$ = value.iterator();
1759 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1760 var element = tmp$.next();
1761 if (closure$predicate(name, element))
1762 destination.add_11rb$(element);
1763 }
1764 var list = destination;
1765 var tmp$_0 = closure$keepEmpty;
1766 if (!tmp$_0) {
1767 tmp$_0 = !list.isEmpty();
1768 }
1769 if (tmp$_0)
1770 this$appendFiltered.appendAll_poujtz$(name, list);
1771 return Unit;
1773 }
1774 function appendFiltered($receiver, source, keepEmpty, predicate) {
1775 if (keepEmpty === void 0)
1776 keepEmpty = false;
1777 source.forEach_ubvtmq$(appendFiltered$lambda(predicate, keepEmpty, $receiver));
1778 }
1779 function appendAll($receiver, builder) {
1780 var tmp$;
1781 tmp$ = builder.entries().iterator();
1782 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
1783 var element = tmp$.next();
1784 var name = element.key;
1785 var values = element.value;
1786 $receiver.appendAll_poujtz$(name, values);
1787 }
1788 return $receiver;
1789 }
1790 function entriesEquals(a, b) {
1791 return equals(a, b);
1792 }
1793 function entriesHashCode(entries, seed) {
1794 return (seed * 31 | 0) + hashCode(entries) | 0;
1795 }
1796 function escapeHTML($receiver) {
1797 var text = $receiver;
1798 if (text.length === 0)
1799 return text;
1800 var $receiver_0 = StringBuilder_init_0($receiver.length);
1801 var tmp$;
1802 tmp$ = text.length;
1803 for (var idx = 0; idx < tmp$; idx++) {
1804 var ch = text.charCodeAt(idx);
1805 switch (ch) {
1806 case 39:
1807 $receiver_0.append_pdl1vj$('&#x27;');
1808 break;
1809 case 34:
1810 $receiver_0.append_pdl1vj$('&quot;');
1811 break;
1812 case 38:
1813 $receiver_0.append_pdl1vj$('&amp;');
1814 break;
1815 case 60:
1816 $receiver_0.append_pdl1vj$('&lt;');
1817 break;
1818 case 62:
1819 $receiver_0.append_pdl1vj$('&gt;');
1820 break;
1821 default:
1822 $receiver_0.append_s8itvh$(ch);
1823 break;
1824 }
1825 }
1826 return $receiver_0.toString();
1827 }
1828 var chomp = defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.chomp_xxkbvm$', wrapFunction(function() {
1829 var indexOf = Kotlin.kotlin.text.indexOf_l5u8uk$;
1830 var to = Kotlin.kotlin.to_ujzrz7$;
1831 return function($receiver, separator, onMissingDelimiter) {
1832 var tmp$;
1833 var idx = indexOf($receiver, separator);
1834 if (idx === -1)
1835 tmp$ = onMissingDelimiter();
1836 else {
1837 var tmp$_0 = $receiver.substring(0, idx);
1838 var startIndex = idx + 1 | 0;
1839 tmp$ = to(tmp$_0, $receiver.substring(startIndex));
1840 }
1841 return tmp$;
1844 function toLowerCasePreservingASCIIRules($receiver) {
1845 var indexOfFirst$result;
1846 indexOfFirst$break:
1847 do {
1848 var tmp$, tmp$_0, tmp$_1, tmp$_2;
1849 tmp$ = get_indices($receiver);
1850 tmp$_0 = tmp$.first;
1851 tmp$_1 = tmp$.last;
1852 tmp$_2 = tmp$.step;
1853 for (var index = tmp$_0; index <= tmp$_1; index += tmp$_2) {
1854 var it = toBoxedChar($receiver.charCodeAt(index));
1855 if (toLowerCasePreservingASCII(unboxChar(it)) !== unboxChar(it)) {
1856 indexOfFirst$result = index;
1857 break indexOfFirst$break;
1858 }
1859 }
1860 indexOfFirst$result = -1;
1861 } while (false);
1862 var firstIndex = indexOfFirst$result;
1863 if (firstIndex === -1) {
1864 return $receiver;
1865 }
1866 var original = $receiver;
1867 var $receiver_0 = StringBuilder_init_0($receiver.length);
1868 var tmp$_3;
1869 $receiver_0.append_ezbsdh$(original, 0, firstIndex);
1870 tmp$_3 = get_lastIndex(original);
1871 for (var index_0 = firstIndex; index_0 <= tmp$_3; index_0++) {
1872 $receiver_0.append_s8itvh$(toLowerCasePreservingASCII(original.charCodeAt(index_0)));
1873 }
1874 return $receiver_0.toString();
1875 }
1876 function toUpperCasePreservingASCIIRules($receiver) {
1877 var indexOfFirst$result;
1878 indexOfFirst$break:
1879 do {
1880 var tmp$, tmp$_0, tmp$_1, tmp$_2;
1881 tmp$ = get_indices($receiver);
1882 tmp$_0 = tmp$.first;
1883 tmp$_1 = tmp$.last;
1884 tmp$_2 = tmp$.step;
1885 for (var index = tmp$_0; index <= tmp$_1; index += tmp$_2) {
1886 var it = toBoxedChar($receiver.charCodeAt(index));
1887 if (toUpperCasePreservingASCII(unboxChar(it)) !== unboxChar(it)) {
1888 indexOfFirst$result = index;
1889 break indexOfFirst$break;
1890 }
1891 }
1892 indexOfFirst$result = -1;
1893 } while (false);
1894 var firstIndex = indexOfFirst$result;
1895 if (firstIndex === -1) {
1896 return $receiver;
1897 }
1898 var original = $receiver;
1899 var $receiver_0 = StringBuilder_init_0($receiver.length);
1900 var tmp$_3;
1901 $receiver_0.append_ezbsdh$(original, 0, firstIndex);
1902 tmp$_3 = get_lastIndex(original);
1903 for (var index_0 = firstIndex; index_0 <= tmp$_3; index_0++) {
1904 $receiver_0.append_s8itvh$(toUpperCasePreservingASCII(original.charCodeAt(index_0)));
1905 }
1906 return $receiver_0.toString();
1907 }
1908 function toLowerCasePreservingASCII(ch) {
1909 if ((new CharRange(65, 90)).contains_mef7kx$(ch))
1910 return toChar(ch + 32);
1911 else if ((new CharRange(0, 127)).contains_mef7kx$(ch))
1912 return ch;
1913 else {
1914 return toChar(String.fromCharCode(ch | 0).toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0));
1915 }
1916 }
1917 function toUpperCasePreservingASCII(ch) {
1918 if ((new CharRange(97, 122)).contains_mef7kx$(ch))
1919 return toChar(ch - 32);
1920 else if ((new CharRange(0, 127)).contains_mef7kx$(ch))
1921 return ch;
1922 else {
1923 return toChar(String.fromCharCode(ch | 0).toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0));
1924 }
1925 }
1926 function caseInsensitive($receiver) {
1927 return new CaseInsensitiveString($receiver);
1928 }
1929 function CaseInsensitiveString(content) {
1930 this.content = content;
1931 this.hash_0 = hashCode(this.content.toLowerCase());
1932 }
1933 CaseInsensitiveString.prototype.equals = function(other) {
1934 var tmp$, tmp$_0, tmp$_1;
1935 return ((tmp$_1 = (tmp$_0 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = other, CaseInsensitiveString) ? tmp$ : null) != null ? tmp$_0.content : null) != null ? equals_0(tmp$_1, this.content, true) : null) === true;
1937 CaseInsensitiveString.prototype.hashCode = function() {
1938 return this.hash_0;
1940 CaseInsensitiveString.prototype.toString = function() {
1941 return this.content;
1943 CaseInsensitiveString.$metadata$ = {
1944 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1945 simpleName: 'CaseInsensitiveString',
1946 interfaces: []};
1947 function get_rootCause($receiver) {
1948 var rootCause = $receiver;
1949 while ((rootCause != null ? rootCause.cause : null) != null) {
1950 rootCause = rootCause.cause;
1951 }
1952 return rootCause;
1953 }
1954 function ChannelIOException(message, exception) {
1955 IOException.call(this, message, exception);
1956 this.name = 'ChannelIOException';
1957 }
1958 ChannelIOException.$metadata$ = {
1959 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1960 simpleName: 'ChannelIOException',
1961 interfaces: [IOException]};
1962 function ChannelWriteException(message, exception) {
1963 if (message === void 0)
1964 message = 'Cannot write to a channel';
1965 ChannelIOException.call(this, message, exception);
1966 this.name = 'ChannelWriteException';
1967 }
1968 ChannelWriteException.$metadata$ = {
1969 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1970 simpleName: 'ChannelWriteException',
1971 interfaces: [ChannelIOException]};
1972 function ChannelReadException(message, exception) {
1973 if (message === void 0)
1974 message = 'Cannot read from a channel';
1975 ChannelIOException.call(this, message, exception);
1976 this.name = 'ChannelReadException';
1977 }
1978 ChannelReadException.$metadata$ = {
1979 kind: Kind_CLASS,
1980 simpleName: 'ChannelReadException',
1981 interfaces: [ChannelIOException]};
1982 function Coroutine$toByteArray_0($receiver_0, limit_0, continuation_0) {
1983 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
1984 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
1985 this.local$$receiver = $receiver_0;
1986 this.local$limit = limit_0;
1987 }
1988 Coroutine$toByteArray_0.$metadata$ = {
1989 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
1990 simpleName: null,
1991 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
1992 Coroutine$toByteArray_0.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
1993 Coroutine$toByteArray_0.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$toByteArray_0;
1994 Coroutine$toByteArray_0.prototype.doResume = function() {
1995 do try {
1996 switch (this.state_0) {
1997 case 0:
1998 if (this.local$limit === void 0)
1999 this.local$limit = 2147483647;
2000 this.state_0 = 2;
2001 this.result_0 = readRemaining(this.local$$receiver, Kotlin.Long.fromInt(this.local$limit), this);
2002 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
2004 continue;
2005 case 1:
2006 throw this.exception_0;
2007 case 2:
2008 return readBytes_0(this.result_0);
2009 default:
2010 this.state_0 = 1;
2011 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
2012 }
2013 } catch (e) {
2014 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
2015 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
2016 throw e;
2017 } else {
2018 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
2019 this.exception_0 = e;
2020 }
2021} while (true);
2023 function toByteArray_0($receiver_0, limit_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
2024 var instance = new Coroutine$toByteArray_0($receiver_0, limit_0, continuation_0);
2025 if (suspended)
2026 return instance;
2027 else
2028 return instance.doResume(null);
2029 }
2030 var use = defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.cio.use_wxabi2$', wrapFunction(function() {
2031 var Throwable = Error;
2032 var close = _.$$importsForInline$$['ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy'].io.ktor.utils.io.close_x5qia6$;
2033 return function($receiver, block) {
2034 try {
2035 block($receiver);
2036 } catch (cause) {
2037 if (Kotlin.isType(cause, Throwable)) {
2038 $receiver.close_dbl4no$(cause);
2039 throw cause;
2040 } else
2041 throw cause;
2043 finally {
2044 close($receiver);
2045 }
2048 function sharedListOf(values) {
2049 if (PlatformUtils_getInstance().IS_NATIVE) {
2050 var $receiver = new ConcurrentList();
2051 addAll_0($receiver, values);
2052 return $receiver;
2053 }
2054 var destination = ArrayList_init(values.length);
2055 var tmp$;
2056 for (tmp$ = 0; tmp$ !== values.length; ++tmp$) {
2057 var item = values[tmp$];
2058 destination.add_11rb$(item);
2059 }
2060 return destination;
2061 }
2062 function ConcurrentCollection(delegate, lock) {
2063 this.delegate_3j32rd$_0 = delegate;
2064 this.lock_hlmq1t$_0 = lock;
2065 }
2066 function ConcurrentCollection$get_ConcurrentCollection$size$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection) {
2067 return function() {
2068 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.size;
2070 }
2071 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentCollection.prototype, 'size', {
2072 configurable: true,
2073 get: function() {
2074 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2075 var withLock$result;
2076 try {
2077 $receiver.lock();
2078 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$get_ConcurrentCollection$size$lambda(this)();
2079 } finally {
2080 $receiver.unlock();
2081 }
2082 return withLock$result;
2084 function ConcurrentCollection$contains$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$element) {
2085 return function() {
2086 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.contains_11rb$(closure$element);
2088 }
2089 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
2090 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2091 var withLock$result;
2092 try {
2093 $receiver.lock();
2094 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$contains$lambda(this, element)();
2095 } finally {
2096 $receiver.unlock();
2097 }
2098 return withLock$result;
2100 function ConcurrentCollection$containsAll$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$elements) {
2101 return function() {
2102 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.containsAll_brywnq$(closure$elements);
2104 }
2105 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2106 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2107 var withLock$result;
2108 try {
2109 $receiver.lock();
2110 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$containsAll$lambda(this, elements)();
2111 } finally {
2112 $receiver.unlock();
2113 }
2114 return withLock$result;
2116 function ConcurrentCollection$isEmpty$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection) {
2117 return function() {
2118 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.isEmpty();
2120 }
2121 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
2122 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2123 var withLock$result;
2124 try {
2125 $receiver.lock();
2126 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$isEmpty$lambda(this)();
2127 } finally {
2128 $receiver.unlock();
2129 }
2130 return withLock$result;
2132 function ConcurrentCollection$add$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$element) {
2133 return function() {
2134 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.add_11rb$(closure$element);
2136 }
2137 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
2138 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2139 var withLock$result;
2140 try {
2141 $receiver.lock();
2142 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$add$lambda(this, element)();
2143 } finally {
2144 $receiver.unlock();
2145 }
2146 return withLock$result;
2148 function ConcurrentCollection$addAll$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$elements) {
2149 return function() {
2150 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.addAll_brywnq$(closure$elements);
2152 }
2153 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2154 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2155 var withLock$result;
2156 try {
2157 $receiver.lock();
2158 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$addAll$lambda(this, elements)();
2159 } finally {
2160 $receiver.unlock();
2161 }
2162 return withLock$result;
2164 function ConcurrentCollection$clear$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection) {
2165 return function() {
2166 this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.clear();
2167 return Unit;
2169 }
2170 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.clear = function() {
2171 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2172 try {
2173 $receiver.lock();
2174 ConcurrentCollection$clear$lambda(this)();
2175 } finally {
2176 $receiver.unlock();
2177 }
2179 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.iterator = function() {
2180 return this.delegate_3j32rd$_0.iterator();
2182 function ConcurrentCollection$remove$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$element) {
2183 return function() {
2184 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.remove_11rb$(closure$element);
2186 }
2187 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
2188 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2189 var withLock$result;
2190 try {
2191 $receiver.lock();
2192 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$remove$lambda(this, element)();
2193 } finally {
2194 $receiver.unlock();
2195 }
2196 return withLock$result;
2198 function ConcurrentCollection$removeAll$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$elements) {
2199 return function() {
2200 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.removeAll_brywnq$(closure$elements);
2202 }
2203 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2204 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2205 var withLock$result;
2206 try {
2207 $receiver.lock();
2208 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$removeAll$lambda(this, elements)();
2209 } finally {
2210 $receiver.unlock();
2211 }
2212 return withLock$result;
2214 function ConcurrentCollection$retainAll$lambda(this$ConcurrentCollection, closure$elements) {
2215 return function() {
2216 return this$ConcurrentCollection.delegate_3j32rd$_0.retainAll_brywnq$(closure$elements);
2218 }
2219 ConcurrentCollection.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2220 var $receiver = this.lock_hlmq1t$_0;
2221 var withLock$result;
2222 try {
2223 $receiver.lock();
2224 withLock$result = ConcurrentCollection$retainAll$lambda(this, elements)();
2225 } finally {
2226 $receiver.unlock();
2227 }
2228 return withLock$result;
2230 ConcurrentCollection.$metadata$ = {
2231 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2232 simpleName: 'ConcurrentCollection',
2233 interfaces: [MutableCollection]};
2234 function shared$ObjectLiteral(closure$value) {
2235 this.value_0 = closure$value;
2236 }
2237 shared$ObjectLiteral.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
2238 return this.value_0;
2240 shared$ObjectLiteral.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
2241 this.value_0 = value;
2243 shared$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
2244 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2245 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
2247 function ConcurrentList() {
2248 this.data_euorsu$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral(new SharedList(32));
2249 this.size_emamgl$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral(0);
2250 this.lock_0 = new Any();
2251 makeShared(this);
2252 }
2253 var ConcurrentList$data_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('data');
2254 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentList.prototype, 'data_0', {
2255 configurable: true,
2256 get: function() {
2257 return this.data_euorsu$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ConcurrentList$data_metadata);
2259 set: function(data) {
2260 this.data_euorsu$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ConcurrentList$data_metadata, data);
2262 var ConcurrentList$size_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('size');
2263 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentList.prototype, 'size', {
2264 configurable: true,
2265 get: function() {
2266 return this.size_emamgl$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ConcurrentList$size_metadata);
2268 set: function(size) {
2269 this.size_emamgl$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ConcurrentList$size_metadata, size);
2271 ConcurrentList.prototype.hashCode = function() {
2272 var tmp$;
2273 var accumulator = 7;
2274 tmp$ = this.iterator();
2275 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2276 var element = tmp$.next();
2277 var state = accumulator;
2278 var tmp$_0;
2279 accumulator = Hash_getInstance().combine_jiburq$([state, (tmp$_0 = element != null ? hashCode(element) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : 0]);
2280 }
2281 return accumulator;
2283 ConcurrentList.prototype.equals = function(other) {
2284 var block$result;
2285 block$break:
2286 do {
2287 if (other == null || !Kotlin.isType(other, List) || other.size !== this.size) {
2288 block$result = false;
2289 break block$break;
2290 }
2291 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
2292 var index = 0;
2293 tmp$ = this.iterator();
2294 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2295 var item = tmp$.next();
2296 if (!equals(other.get_za3lpa$(checkIndexOverflow((tmp$_0 = index , index = tmp$_0 + 1 | 0 , tmp$_0))), item)) {
2297 block$result = false;
2298 break block$break;
2299 }
2300 }
2301 block$result = true;
2302 } while (false);
2303 return block$result;
2305 ConcurrentList.prototype.toString = function() {
2306 var $receiver = StringBuilder_init();
2307 $receiver.append_s8itvh$(91);
2308 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
2309 var index = 0;
2310 tmp$ = this.iterator();
2311 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2312 var item = tmp$.next();
2313 var index_0 = checkIndexOverflow((tmp$_0 = index , index = tmp$_0 + 1 | 0 , tmp$_0));
2314 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(item.toString());
2315 if ((index_0 + 1 | 0) < this.size) {
2316 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(', ');
2317 }
2318 }
2319 $receiver.append_s8itvh$(93);
2320 return $receiver.toString();
2322 ConcurrentList.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
2323 return this.indexOf_11rb$(element) >= 0;
2325 ConcurrentList.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2326 var all$result;
2327 all$break:
2328 do {
2329 var tmp$;
2330 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
2331 all$result = true;
2332 break all$break;
2333 }
2334 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
2335 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2336 var element = tmp$.next();
2337 if (!this.contains_11rb$(element)) {
2338 all$result = false;
2339 break all$break;
2340 }
2341 }
2342 all$result = true;
2343 } while (false);
2344 return all$result;
2346 ConcurrentList.prototype.get_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
2347 if (index >= this.size) {
2348 throw NoSuchElementException_init();
2349 }
2350 return ensureNotNull(this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index));
2352 ConcurrentList.prototype.indexOf_11rb$ = function(element) {
2353 var tmp$;
2354 tmp$ = this.size;
2355 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
2356 if (equals(this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index), element)) {
2357 return index;
2358 }
2359 }
2360 return -1;
2362 ConcurrentList.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
2363 return this.size === 0;
2365 ConcurrentList.prototype.lastIndexOf_11rb$ = function(element) {
2366 for (var index = this.size - 1 | 0; index >= 0; index--) {
2367 if (equals(this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index), element)) {
2368 return index;
2369 }
2370 }
2371 return -1;
2373 ConcurrentList.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
2374 if (this.size >= this.data_0.size) {
2375 this.increaseCapacity_0();
2376 }
2377 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(this.size, element);
2378 this.size = this.size + 1 | 0;
2379 return true;
2381 ConcurrentList.prototype.add_wxm5ur$ = function(index, element) {
2382 this.reserve_0(index, 1);
2383 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(index, element);
2385 ConcurrentList.prototype.addAll_u57x28$ = function(index, elements) {
2386 var tmp$;
2387 this.reserve_0(index, elements.size);
2388 var current = index;
2389 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
2390 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2391 var item = tmp$.next();
2392 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(current, item);
2393 current = current + 1 | 0;
2394 }
2395 return !elements.isEmpty();
2397 ConcurrentList.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2398 all$break:
2399 do {
2400 var tmp$;
2401 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
2402 true;
2403 break all$break;
2404 }
2405 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
2406 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2407 var element = tmp$.next();
2408 if (!this.add_11rb$(element)) {
2409 false;
2410 break all$break;
2411 }
2412 }
2413 true;
2414 } while (false);
2415 return !elements.isEmpty();
2417 ConcurrentList.prototype.clear = function() {
2418 this.data_0 = new SharedList(32);
2419 this.size = 0;
2421 ConcurrentList.prototype.iterator = function() {
2422 return this.listIterator();
2424 ConcurrentList.prototype.listIterator = function() {
2425 return this.listIterator_za3lpa$(0);
2427 function ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral(this$ConcurrentList, closure$index) {
2428 this.this$ConcurrentList = this$ConcurrentList;
2429 this.current_cc9gdq$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral(closure$index);
2430 }
2431 var ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral$current_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('current');
2432 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'current', {
2433 configurable: true,
2434 get: function() {
2435 return this.current_cc9gdq$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral$current_metadata);
2437 set: function(current) {
2438 this.current_cc9gdq$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral$current_metadata, current);
2440 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
2441 return this.current < this.this$ConcurrentList.size;
2443 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
2444 var tmp$;
2445 return this.this$ConcurrentList.get_za3lpa$((tmp$ = this.current , this.current = tmp$ + 1 | 0 , tmp$));
2447 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
2448 this.this$ConcurrentList.removeAt_za3lpa$(this.current - 1 | 0);
2449 this.current = this.current - 1 | 0;
2451 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasPrevious = function() {
2452 return this.current > 0;
2454 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.nextIndex = function() {
2455 return this.current + 1 | 0;
2457 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.previous = function() {
2458 var tmp$;
2459 return this.this$ConcurrentList.get_za3lpa$((tmp$ = this.current , this.current = tmp$ - 1 | 0 , tmp$));
2461 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.previousIndex = function() {
2462 return this.current - 1 | 0;
2464 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
2465 this.this$ConcurrentList.add_wxm5ur$(this.current, element);
2467 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.set_11rb$ = function(element) {
2468 this.this$ConcurrentList.set_wxm5ur$(this.current - 1 | 0, element);
2470 ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
2471 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2472 interfaces: [MutableListIterator]};
2473 ConcurrentList.prototype.listIterator_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
2474 return new ConcurrentList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral(this, index);
2476 ConcurrentList.prototype.subList_vux9f0$ = function(fromIndex, toIndex) {
2477 return new ConcurrentListSlice(this, fromIndex, toIndex);
2479 ConcurrentList.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
2480 var index = this.indexOf_11rb$(element);
2481 if (index < 0) {
2482 return false;
2483 }
2484 this.removeAt_za3lpa$(index);
2485 return true;
2487 ConcurrentList.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2488 var result = {
2489 v: false};
2490 var tmp$;
2491 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
2492 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2493 var element = tmp$.next();
2494 result.v = this.remove_11rb$(element) || result.v;
2495 }
2496 return result.v;
2498 ConcurrentList.prototype.removeAt_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
2499 this.checkIndex_0(index);
2500 var old = this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index);
2501 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(index, null);
2502 this.sweep_0(index);
2503 return ensureNotNull(old);
2505 ConcurrentList.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
2506 var tmp$;
2507 var changed = false;
2508 var firstNull = -1;
2509 tmp$ = this.size;
2510 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
2511 var item = ensureNotNull(this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index));
2512 if (!elements.contains_11rb$(item)) {
2513 changed = true;
2514 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(index, null);
2515 if (firstNull < 0) {
2516 firstNull = index;
2517 }
2518 }
2519 }
2520 if (changed) {
2521 this.sweep_0(firstNull);
2522 }
2523 return changed;
2525 ConcurrentList.prototype.set_wxm5ur$ = function(index, element) {
2526 this.checkIndex_0(index);
2527 var old = this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index);
2528 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(index, element);
2529 return old != null ? old : element;
2531 ConcurrentList.prototype.checkIndex_0 = function(index) {
2532 if (index >= this.size || index < 0)
2533 throw IndexOutOfBoundsException_init();
2535 ConcurrentList.prototype.increaseCapacity_0 = function(targetCapacity) {
2536 if (targetCapacity === void 0)
2537 targetCapacity = this.data_0.size * 2 | 0;
2538 var tmp$;
2539 var newData = new SharedList(targetCapacity);
2540 tmp$ = this.data_0.size;
2541 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
2542 newData.set_wxm5ur$(index, this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index));
2543 }
2544 this.data_0 = newData;
2546 ConcurrentList.prototype.sweep_0 = function(firstNull) {
2547 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
2548 var writePosition = firstNull;
2549 tmp$ = this.size;
2550 for (var index = writePosition + 1 | 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
2551 if (this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index) == null) {
2552 continue;
2553 }
2554 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(writePosition, this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(index));
2555 writePosition = writePosition + 1 | 0;
2556 }
2557 tmp$_0 = this.size;
2558 for (var index_0 = writePosition; index_0 < tmp$_0; index_0++) {
2559 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(index_0, null);
2560 }
2561 this.size = writePosition;
2563 ConcurrentList.prototype.reserve_0 = function(index, gapSize) {
2564 var tmp$;
2565 var targetSize = gapSize + this.size | 0;
2566 while (this.data_0.size < targetSize) {
2567 this.increaseCapacity_0();
2568 }
2569 var readPosition = this.size - 1 | 0;
2570 while (readPosition >= index) {
2571 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(readPosition + gapSize | 0, this.data_0.get_za3lpa$(readPosition));
2572 readPosition = readPosition - 1 | 0;
2573 }
2574 tmp$ = index + gapSize | 0;
2575 for (var current = index; current < tmp$; current++) {
2576 this.data_0.set_wxm5ur$(current, null);
2577 }
2578 this.size = this.size + gapSize | 0;
2580 ConcurrentList.$metadata$ = {
2581 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2582 simpleName: 'ConcurrentList',
2583 interfaces: [MutableList]};
2584 function shared$ObjectLiteral_0(closure$value) {
2585 this.value_0 = closure$value;
2586 }
2587 shared$ObjectLiteral_0.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
2588 return this.value_0;
2590 shared$ObjectLiteral_0.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
2591 this.value_0 = value;
2593 shared$ObjectLiteral_0.$metadata$ = {
2594 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2595 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
2598 var UPSIZE_RATIO;
2599 function ConcurrentMap(lock, initialCapacity) {
2600 if (lock === void 0)
2601 lock = new Lock();
2602 if (initialCapacity === void 0)
2603 initialCapacity = 32;
2604 this.lock_0 = lock;
2605 this.table_7ekke8$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_0(new SharedList(initialCapacity));
2606 this.insertionOrder_w7s5d3$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_0(new SharedForwardList());
2607 this._size_0 = 0;
2608 makeShared(this);
2609 }
2610 var ConcurrentMap$table_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('table');
2611 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'table_0', {
2612 configurable: true,
2613 get: function() {
2614 return this.table_7ekke8$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ConcurrentMap$table_metadata);
2616 set: function(table) {
2617 this.table_7ekke8$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ConcurrentMap$table_metadata, table);
2619 var ConcurrentMap$insertionOrder_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('insertionOrder');
2620 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'insertionOrder_0', {
2621 configurable: true,
2622 get: function() {
2623 return this.insertionOrder_w7s5d3$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ConcurrentMap$insertionOrder_metadata);
2625 set: function(insertionOrder) {
2626 this.insertionOrder_w7s5d3$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ConcurrentMap$insertionOrder_metadata, insertionOrder);
2628 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'loadFactor_0', {
2629 configurable: true,
2630 get: function() {
2631 return this._size_0 / this.table_0.size;
2633 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'size', {
2634 configurable: true,
2635 get: function() {
2636 return this._size_0;
2638 ConcurrentMap.prototype.containsKey_11rb$ = function(key) {
2639 return this.get_11rb$(key) != null;
2641 function ConcurrentMap$containsValue$lambda(this$ConcurrentMap, closure$value) {
2642 return function() {
2643 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
2644 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentMap.table_0.iterator();
2645 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2646 var bucket = tmp$.next();
2647 if (bucket == null)
2648 continue;
2649 tmp$_0 = bucket.iterator();
2650 while (tmp$_0.hasNext()) {
2651 var item = tmp$_0.next();
2652 if (equals(item.value, closure$value)) {
2653 return true;
2654 }
2655 }
2656 }
2657 return false;
2659 }
2660 ConcurrentMap.prototype.containsValue_11rc$ = function(value) {
2661 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$containsValue$lambda(this, value));
2663 function ConcurrentMap$get$lambda(closure$key, this$ConcurrentMap) {
2664 return function() {
2665 var tmp$;
2666 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentMap.findBucket_0(closure$key);
2667 if (tmp$ == null) {
2668 return null;
2669 }
2670 var bucket = tmp$;
2671 var firstOrNull$result;
2672 firstOrNull$break:
2673 do {
2674 var tmp$_0;
2675 tmp$_0 = bucket.iterator();
2676 while (tmp$_0.hasNext()) {
2677 var element = tmp$_0.next();
2678 var closure$key_0 = closure$key;
2679 if (equals(element.key, closure$key_0)) {
2680 firstOrNull$result = element;
2681 break firstOrNull$break;
2682 }
2683 }
2684 firstOrNull$result = null;
2685 } while (false);
2686 var item = firstOrNull$result;
2687 return item != null ? item.value : null;
2689 }
2690 ConcurrentMap.prototype.get_11rb$ = function(key) {
2691 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$get$lambda(key, this));
2693 ConcurrentMap.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
2694 return this.size === 0;
2696 function ConcurrentMap$clear$lambda(this$ConcurrentMap) {
2697 return function() {
2698 this$ConcurrentMap.table_0 = new SharedList(32);
2699 this$ConcurrentMap.insertionOrder_0 = new SharedForwardList();
2700 return Unit;
2702 }
2703 ConcurrentMap.prototype.clear = function() {
2704 this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$clear$lambda(this));
2706 function ConcurrentMap$put$lambda(this$ConcurrentMap, closure$key, closure$value) {
2707 return function() {
2708 if (this$ConcurrentMap.loadFactor_0 > MAX_LOAD_FACTOR) {
2709 this$ConcurrentMap.upsize_0();
2710 }
2711 var bucket = this$ConcurrentMap.findOrCreateBucket_0(closure$key);
2712 var firstOrNull$result;
2713 firstOrNull$break:
2714 do {
2715 var tmp$;
2716 tmp$ = bucket.iterator();
2717 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2718 var element = tmp$.next();
2719 var closure$key_0 = closure$key;
2720 if (equals(element.key, closure$key_0)) {
2721 firstOrNull$result = element;
2722 break firstOrNull$break;
2723 }
2724 }
2725 firstOrNull$result = null;
2726 } while (false);
2727 var item = firstOrNull$result;
2728 if (item != null) {
2729 var oldValue = item.value;
2730 item.value = closure$value;
2731 return oldValue;
2732 }
2733 var mapNode = new MapNode(closure$key, closure$value);
2734 var node = this$ConcurrentMap.insertionOrder_0.appendLast_trkh7z$(mapNode);
2735 mapNode.backReference_8be2vx$ = node;
2736 bucket.appendFirst_trkh7z$(mapNode);
2737 (function(scope) {
2738 return ++this$ConcurrentMap._size_0;
2740 return null;
2742 }
2743 ConcurrentMap.prototype.put_xwzc9p$ = function(key, value) {
2744 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$put$lambda(this, key, value));
2746 ConcurrentMap.prototype.putAll_a2k3zr$ = function(from) {
2747 var tmp$;
2748 tmp$ = from.entries.iterator();
2749 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2750 var tmp$_0 = tmp$.next();
2751 var key = tmp$_0.key;
2752 var value = tmp$_0.value;
2753 this.put_xwzc9p$(key, value);
2754 }
2756 function ConcurrentMap$remove$lambda(closure$key, this$ConcurrentMap) {
2757 return function() {
2758 var tmp$;
2759 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentMap.findBucket_0(closure$key);
2760 if (tmp$ == null) {
2761 return null;
2762 }
2763 var bucket = tmp$;
2764 var receiver = bucket.iterator();
2765 var closure$key_0 = closure$key;
2766 var this$ConcurrentMap_0 = this$ConcurrentMap;
2767 while (receiver.hasNext()) {
2768 var item = receiver.next();
2769 if (equals(item.key, closure$key_0)) {
2770 var result = item.value;
2771 (function(scope) {
2772 return --this$ConcurrentMap_0._size_0;
2774 item.remove_8be2vx$();
2775 receiver.remove();
2776 return result;
2777 }
2778 }
2779 return null;
2781 }
2782 ConcurrentMap.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(key) {
2783 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$remove$lambda(key, this));
2785 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'entries', {
2786 configurable: true,
2787 get: function() {
2788 return new MutableMapEntries(this);
2790 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'keys', {
2791 configurable: true,
2792 get: function() {
2793 return new ConcurrentMapKeys(this);
2795 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap.prototype, 'values', {
2796 configurable: true,
2797 get: function() {
2798 return new ConcurrentMapValues(this);
2800 function ConcurrentMap$equals$lambda(closure$other, this$ConcurrentMap) {
2801 return function() {
2802 var tmp$;
2803 if (closure$other == null || !Kotlin.isType(closure$other, Map) || closure$other.size !== this$ConcurrentMap.size) {
2804 return false;
2805 }
2806 tmp$ = closure$other.entries.iterator();
2807 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2808 var tmp$_0 = tmp$.next();
2809 var key = tmp$_0.key;
2810 var value = tmp$_0.value;
2811 var $receiver = this$ConcurrentMap;
2812 var tmp$_1;
2813 if (!equals((Kotlin.isType(tmp$_1 = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$_1 : throwCCE()).get_11rb$(key), value)) {
2814 return false;
2815 }
2816 }
2817 return true;
2819 }
2820 ConcurrentMap.prototype.equals = function(other) {
2821 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$equals$lambda(other, this));
2823 function ConcurrentMap$hashCode$lambda(this$ConcurrentMap) {
2824 return function() {
2825 var tmp$;
2826 var current = 7;
2827 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentMap.entries.iterator();
2828 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2829 var tmp$_0 = tmp$.next();
2830 var key = tmp$_0.key;
2831 var value = tmp$_0.value;
2832 current = Hash_getInstance().combine_jiburq$([hashCode(key), hashCode(value), current]);
2833 }
2834 return current;
2836 }
2837 ConcurrentMap.prototype.hashCode = function() {
2838 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$hashCode$lambda(this));
2840 function ConcurrentMap$toString$lambda(this$ConcurrentMap) {
2841 return function() {
2842 var $receiver = StringBuilder_init();
2843 var this$ConcurrentMap_0 = this$ConcurrentMap;
2844 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$('{');
2845 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
2846 var index = 0;
2847 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentMap_0.entries.iterator();
2848 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
2849 var item = tmp$.next();
2850 var index_0 = checkIndexOverflow((tmp$_0 = index , index = tmp$_0 + 1 | 0 , tmp$_0));
2851 var key = item.key;
2852 var value = item.value;
2853 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(key.toString() + '=' + value);
2854 if (index_0 !== (this$ConcurrentMap_0.size - 1 | 0)) {
2855 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(', ');
2856 }
2857 }
2858 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$('}');
2859 return $receiver.toString();
2861 }
2862 ConcurrentMap.prototype.toString = function() {
2863 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$toString$lambda(this));
2865 function ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this$ConcurrentMap) {
2866 this.this$ConcurrentMap = this$ConcurrentMap;
2867 this.current_cx5bh6$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_0(this$ConcurrentMap.insertionOrder_0.first());
2868 makeShared(this);
2869 }
2870 var ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral$current_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('current');
2871 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'current_0', {
2872 configurable: true,
2873 get: function() {
2874 return this.current_cx5bh6$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral$current_metadata);
2876 set: function(current) {
2877 this.current_cx5bh6$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral$current_metadata, current);
2879 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'previous_0', {
2880 configurable: true,
2881 get: function() {
2882 var tmp$;
2883 return (tmp$ = this.current_0) != null ? tmp$.previous : null;
2885 ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
2886 return this.current_0 != null;
2888 ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
2889 var tmp$;
2890 var result = ensureNotNull(ensureNotNull(this.current_0).item);
2891 this.current_0 = (tmp$ = this.current_0) != null ? tmp$.next : null;
2892 return result;
2894 ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
2895 var item = ensureNotNull(ensureNotNull(this.previous_0).item);
2896 this.this$ConcurrentMap.remove_11rb$(item.key);
2898 ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
2899 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2900 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
2901 ConcurrentMap.prototype.iterator_8be2vx$ = function() {
2902 return new ConcurrentMap$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this);
2904 function ConcurrentMap$getOrDefault$lambda(closure$key, closure$block, this$ConcurrentMap) {
2905 return function() {
2906 return this$ConcurrentMap.computeIfAbsent_c5ybai$(closure$key, closure$block);
2908 }
2909 ConcurrentMap.prototype.getOrDefault_c5ybai$ = function(key, block) {
2910 var $receiver = this.lock_0;
2911 var withLock$result;
2912 try {
2913 $receiver.lock();
2914 withLock$result = ConcurrentMap$getOrDefault$lambda(key, block, this)();
2915 } finally {
2916 $receiver.unlock();
2917 }
2918 return withLock$result;
2920 function ConcurrentMap$computeIfAbsent$lambda(closure$key, this$ConcurrentMap, closure$block) {
2921 return function() {
2922 var value = this$ConcurrentMap.get_11rb$(closure$key);
2923 if (value != null) {
2924 return value;
2925 }
2926 var newValue = closure$block();
2927 this$ConcurrentMap.put_xwzc9p$(closure$key, newValue);
2928 return newValue;
2930 }
2931 ConcurrentMap.prototype.computeIfAbsent_c5ybai$ = function(key, block) {
2932 return this.locked_0(ConcurrentMap$computeIfAbsent$lambda(key, this, block));
2934 ConcurrentMap.prototype.findBucket_0 = function(key) {
2935 var bucketId = hashCode(key) & this.table_0.size - 1;
2936 return this.table_0.get_za3lpa$(bucketId);
2938 ConcurrentMap.prototype.findOrCreateBucket_0 = function(key) {
2939 var bucketId = hashCode(key) & this.table_0.size - 1;
2940 var result = this.table_0.get_za3lpa$(bucketId);
2941 if (result == null) {
2942 var bucket = new SharedForwardList();
2943 this.table_0.set_wxm5ur$(bucketId, bucket);
2944 return bucket;
2945 }
2946 return result;
2948 ConcurrentMap.prototype.upsize_0 = function() {
2949 var newTable = new ConcurrentMap(void 0, this.table_0.size * 2 | 0);
2950 newTable.putAll_a2k3zr$(this);
2951 this.table_0 = newTable.table_0;
2953 function ConcurrentMap$locked$lambda(closure$block) {
2954 return function() {
2955 return closure$block();
2957 }
2958 ConcurrentMap.prototype.locked_0 = function(block) {
2959 var $receiver = this.lock_0;
2960 var withLock$result;
2961 try {
2962 $receiver.lock();
2963 withLock$result = ConcurrentMap$locked$lambda(block)();
2964 } finally {
2965 $receiver.unlock();
2966 }
2967 return withLock$result;
2969 ConcurrentMap.$metadata$ = {
2970 kind: Kind_CLASS,
2971 simpleName: 'ConcurrentMap',
2972 interfaces: [MutableMap]};
2973 function ConcurrentMap_init(lock, map, $this) {
2974 $this = $this || Object.create(ConcurrentMap.prototype);
2975 ConcurrentMap.call($this, lock, map.size);
2976 $this.putAll_a2k3zr$(map);
2977 return $this;
2978 }
2979 function ConcurrentSet(lock, delegate) {
2980 if (lock === void 0)
2981 lock = new Lock();
2982 if (delegate === void 0)
2983 delegate = new ConcurrentMap(lock);
2984 this.lock_0 = lock;
2985 this.delegate_0 = delegate;
2986 makeShared(this);
2987 }
2988 function ConcurrentSet$add$lambda(this$ConcurrentSet, closure$element) {
2989 return function() {
2990 var $receiver = this$ConcurrentSet.delegate_0;
2991 var key = closure$element;
2992 var tmp$;
2993 var result = !(Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$ : throwCCE()).containsKey_11rb$(key);
2994 var $receiver_0 = this$ConcurrentSet.delegate_0;
2995 var key_0 = closure$element;
2996 $receiver_0.put_xwzc9p$(key_0, Unit);
2997 return result;
2999 }
3000 ConcurrentSet.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
3001 var $receiver = this.lock_0;
3002 var withLock$result;
3003 try {
3004 $receiver.lock();
3005 withLock$result = ConcurrentSet$add$lambda(this, element)();
3006 } finally {
3007 $receiver.unlock();
3008 }
3009 return withLock$result;
3011 ConcurrentSet.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3012 var tmp$;
3013 var result = false;
3014 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3015 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3016 var item = tmp$.next();
3017 result = this.add_11rb$(item) || result;
3018 }
3019 return result;
3021 ConcurrentSet.prototype.clear = function() {
3022 this.delegate_0.clear();
3024 function ConcurrentSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this$ConcurrentSet) {
3025 this.iterator = this$ConcurrentSet.delegate_0.iterator_8be2vx$();
3026 }
3027 ConcurrentSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
3028 return this.iterator.hasNext();
3030 ConcurrentSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
3031 return this.iterator.next().key;
3033 ConcurrentSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
3034 this.iterator.remove();
3036 ConcurrentSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
3037 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3038 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
3039 ConcurrentSet.prototype.iterator = function() {
3040 return new ConcurrentSet$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this);
3042 ConcurrentSet.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
3043 return equals(this.delegate_0.remove_11rb$(element), Unit);
3045 ConcurrentSet.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3046 var all$result;
3047 all$break:
3048 do {
3049 var tmp$;
3050 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
3051 all$result = true;
3052 break all$break;
3053 }
3054 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3055 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3056 var element = tmp$.next();
3057 if (!this.remove_11rb$(element)) {
3058 all$result = false;
3059 break all$break;
3060 }
3061 }
3062 all$result = true;
3063 } while (false);
3064 return all$result;
3066 ConcurrentSet.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3067 var modified = {
3068 v: false};
3069 var $receiver = this.iterator();
3070 while ($receiver.hasNext()) {
3071 if (elements.contains_11rb$($receiver.next())) {
3072 continue;
3073 }
3074 $receiver.remove();
3075 modified.v = true;
3076 }
3077 return modified.v;
3079 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentSet.prototype, 'size', {
3080 configurable: true,
3081 get: function() {
3082 return this.delegate_0.size;
3084 ConcurrentSet.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
3085 return this.delegate_0.containsKey_11rb$(element);
3087 ConcurrentSet.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3088 var all$result;
3089 all$break:
3090 do {
3091 var tmp$;
3092 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
3093 all$result = true;
3094 break all$break;
3095 }
3096 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3097 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3098 var element = tmp$.next();
3099 var $receiver = this.delegate_0;
3100 var tmp$_0;
3101 if (!(Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$_0 : throwCCE()).containsKey_11rb$(element)) {
3102 all$result = false;
3103 break all$break;
3104 }
3105 }
3106 all$result = true;
3107 } while (false);
3108 return all$result;
3110 ConcurrentSet.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
3111 return this.delegate_0.isEmpty();
3113 function ConcurrentSet$toString$lambda(this$ConcurrentSet) {
3114 return function() {
3115 var $receiver = StringBuilder_init();
3116 var this$ConcurrentSet_0 = this$ConcurrentSet;
3117 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$('[');
3118 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
3119 var index = 0;
3120 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentSet_0.iterator();
3121 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3122 var item = tmp$.next();
3123 var index_0 = checkIndexOverflow((tmp$_0 = index , index = tmp$_0 + 1 | 0 , tmp$_0));
3124 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(item.toString());
3125 if (index_0 !== (this$ConcurrentSet_0.size - 1 | 0)) {
3126 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(', ');
3127 }
3128 }
3129 $receiver.append_pdl1vj$(']');
3130 return $receiver.toString();
3132 }
3133 ConcurrentSet.prototype.toString = function() {
3134 var $receiver = this.lock_0;
3135 var withLock$result;
3136 try {
3137 $receiver.lock();
3138 withLock$result = ConcurrentSet$toString$lambda(this)();
3139 } finally {
3140 $receiver.unlock();
3141 }
3142 return withLock$result;
3144 function ConcurrentSet$equals$lambda(closure$other, this$ConcurrentSet) {
3145 return function() {
3146 var tmp$;
3147 if (closure$other == null || !Kotlin.isType(closure$other, Set) || closure$other.size !== this$ConcurrentSet.size) {
3148 return false;
3149 }
3150 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentSet.iterator();
3151 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3152 var item = tmp$.next();
3153 if (!closure$other.contains_11rb$(item)) {
3154 return false;
3155 }
3156 }
3157 return true;
3159 }
3160 ConcurrentSet.prototype.equals = function(other) {
3161 var $receiver = this.lock_0;
3162 var withLock$result;
3163 try {
3164 $receiver.lock();
3165 withLock$result = ConcurrentSet$equals$lambda(other, this)();
3166 } finally {
3167 $receiver.unlock();
3168 }
3169 return withLock$result;
3171 function ConcurrentSet$hashCode$lambda(this$ConcurrentSet) {
3172 return function() {
3173 var result = {
3174 v: 7};
3175 var tmp$;
3176 tmp$ = this$ConcurrentSet.iterator();
3177 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3178 var element = tmp$.next();
3179 result.v = Hash_getInstance().combine_jiburq$([hashCode(element), result.v]);
3180 }
3181 return result.v;
3183 }
3184 ConcurrentSet.prototype.hashCode = function() {
3185 var $receiver = this.lock_0;
3186 var withLock$result;
3187 try {
3188 $receiver.lock();
3189 withLock$result = ConcurrentSet$hashCode$lambda(this)();
3190 } finally {
3191 $receiver.unlock();
3192 }
3193 return withLock$result;
3195 ConcurrentSet.$metadata$ = {
3196 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3197 simpleName: 'ConcurrentSet',
3198 interfaces: [MutableSet]};
3199 function ConcurrentListSlice(origin, fromIndex, toIndex) {
3200 AbstractMutableList.call(this);
3201 this.origin_0 = origin;
3202 this.fromIndex_0 = fromIndex;
3203 this.toIndex_0 = toIndex;
3204 }
3205 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentListSlice.prototype, 'size', {
3206 configurable: true,
3207 get: function() {
3208 var a = this.origin_0.size;
3209 var b = this.toIndex_0 - this.fromIndex_0 | 0;
3210 return Math_0.min(a, b);
3212 ConcurrentListSlice.prototype.get_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
3213 return this.origin_0.get_za3lpa$(this.fromIndex_0 + index | 0);
3215 ConcurrentListSlice.prototype.add_wxm5ur$ = function(index, element) {
3216 throw IllegalStateException_init('Unsupported append in ConcurrentList slice'.toString());
3218 ConcurrentListSlice.prototype.removeAt_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
3219 throw IllegalStateException_init('Unsupported remove in ConcurrentList slice'.toString());
3221 ConcurrentListSlice.prototype.set_wxm5ur$ = function(index, element) {
3222 return this.origin_0.set_wxm5ur$(this.fromIndex_0 + index | 0, element);
3224 ConcurrentListSlice.$metadata$ = {
3225 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3226 simpleName: 'ConcurrentListSlice',
3227 interfaces: [AbstractMutableList]};
3228 function ConcurrentMapKeys(delegate) {
3229 this.delegate_0 = delegate;
3230 makeShared(this);
3231 }
3232 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
3233 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init_0();
3235 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3236 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init_0();
3238 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.clear = function() {
3239 this.delegate_0.clear();
3241 function ConcurrentMapKeys$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this$ConcurrentMapKeys) {
3242 this.delegateIterator_0 = this$ConcurrentMapKeys.delegate_0.iterator_8be2vx$();
3243 makeShared(this);
3244 }
3245 ConcurrentMapKeys$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
3246 return this.delegateIterator_0.hasNext();
3248 ConcurrentMapKeys$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
3249 return this.delegateIterator_0.next().key;
3251 ConcurrentMapKeys$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
3252 this.delegateIterator_0.remove();
3254 ConcurrentMapKeys$iterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
3255 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3256 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
3257 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.iterator = function() {
3258 return new ConcurrentMapKeys$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this);
3260 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
3261 return this.delegate_0.remove_11rb$(element) != null;
3263 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3264 var modified = {
3265 v: false};
3266 var tmp$;
3267 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3268 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3269 var element = tmp$.next();
3270 modified.v = this.remove_11rb$(element) || modified.v;
3271 }
3272 return modified.v;
3274 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3275 var modified = {
3276 v: false};
3277 var $receiver = this.iterator();
3278 while ($receiver.hasNext()) {
3279 if (elements.contains_11rb$($receiver.next())) {
3280 continue;
3281 }
3282 modified.v = true;
3283 $receiver.remove();
3284 }
3285 return modified.v;
3287 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype, 'size', {
3288 configurable: true,
3289 get: function() {
3290 return this.delegate_0.size;
3292 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
3293 var $receiver = this.delegate_0;
3294 var tmp$;
3295 return (Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = $receiver, Map) ? tmp$ : throwCCE()).containsKey_11rb$(element);
3297 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3298 var all$result;
3299 all$break:
3300 do {
3301 var tmp$;
3302 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
3303 all$result = true;
3304 break all$break;
3305 }
3306 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3307 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3308 var element = tmp$.next();
3309 if (!this.contains_11rb$(element)) {
3310 all$result = false;
3311 break all$break;
3312 }
3313 }
3314 all$result = true;
3315 } while (false);
3316 return all$result;
3318 ConcurrentMapKeys.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
3319 return this.size === 0;
3321 ConcurrentMapKeys.$metadata$ = {
3322 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3323 simpleName: 'ConcurrentMapKeys',
3324 interfaces: [MutableSet]};
3325 function ConcurrentMapValues(delegate) {
3326 this.delegate_0 = delegate;
3327 makeShared(this);
3328 }
3329 Object.defineProperty(ConcurrentMapValues.prototype, 'size', {
3330 configurable: true,
3331 get: function() {
3332 return this.delegate_0.size;
3334 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
3335 return this.delegate_0.containsValue_11rc$(element);
3337 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3338 var all$result;
3339 all$break:
3340 do {
3341 var tmp$;
3342 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
3343 all$result = true;
3344 break all$break;
3345 }
3346 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3347 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3348 var element = tmp$.next();
3349 if (!this.contains_11rb$(element)) {
3350 all$result = false;
3351 break all$break;
3352 }
3353 }
3354 all$result = true;
3355 } while (false);
3356 return all$result;
3358 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
3359 return this.delegate_0.size === 0;
3361 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
3362 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init_0();
3364 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3365 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init_0();
3367 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.clear = function() {
3368 this.delegate_0.clear();
3370 function ConcurrentMapValues$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this$ConcurrentMapValues) {
3371 this.delegateIterator = this$ConcurrentMapValues.delegate_0.iterator_8be2vx$();
3372 makeShared(this);
3373 }
3374 ConcurrentMapValues$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
3375 return this.delegateIterator.hasNext();
3377 ConcurrentMapValues$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
3378 return this.delegateIterator.next().value;
3380 ConcurrentMapValues$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
3381 this.delegateIterator.remove();
3383 ConcurrentMapValues$iterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
3384 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3385 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
3386 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.iterator = function() {
3387 return new ConcurrentMapValues$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this);
3389 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
3390 var modified = {
3391 v: false};
3392 var $receiver = this.iterator();
3393 while ($receiver.hasNext()) {
3394 if (equals($receiver.next(), element)) {
3395 continue;
3396 }
3397 modified.v = true;
3398 $receiver.remove();
3399 }
3400 return modified.v;
3402 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3403 var modified = {
3404 v: false};
3405 var $receiver = this.iterator();
3406 while ($receiver.hasNext()) {
3407 if (!elements.contains_11rb$($receiver.next())) {
3408 continue;
3409 }
3410 modified.v = true;
3411 $receiver.remove();
3412 }
3413 return modified.v;
3415 ConcurrentMapValues.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3416 throw IllegalStateException_init("Common concurrent map doesn't support this operation yet.".toString());
3418 ConcurrentMapValues.$metadata$ = {
3419 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3420 simpleName: 'ConcurrentMapValues',
3421 interfaces: [MutableCollection]};
3422 function shared$ObjectLiteral_1(closure$value) {
3423 this.value_0 = closure$value;
3424 }
3425 shared$ObjectLiteral_1.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
3426 return this.value_0;
3428 shared$ObjectLiteral_1.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
3429 this.value_0 = value;
3431 shared$ObjectLiteral_1.$metadata$ = {
3432 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3433 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
3434 function ForwardListIterator(head) {
3435 this.previous_anlnpc$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_1(head);
3436 }
3437 var ForwardListIterator$previous_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('previous');
3438 Object.defineProperty(ForwardListIterator.prototype, 'previous', {
3439 configurable: true,
3440 get: function() {
3441 return this.previous_anlnpc$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ForwardListIterator$previous_metadata);
3443 set: function(previous) {
3444 this.previous_anlnpc$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ForwardListIterator$previous_metadata, previous);
3446 Object.defineProperty(ForwardListIterator.prototype, 'current', {
3447 configurable: true,
3448 get: function() {
3449 var tmp$;
3450 return (tmp$ = this.previous) != null ? tmp$.next : null;
3452 ForwardListIterator.prototype.hasNext = function() {
3453 var tmp$;
3454 return ((tmp$ = this.current) != null ? tmp$.item : null) != null;
3456 ForwardListIterator.prototype.next = function() {
3457 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
3458 this.previous = this.current;
3459 tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.previous) != null ? tmp$.item : null;
3460 if (tmp$_0 == null) {
3461 throw NoSuchElementException_init();
3462 }
3463 return tmp$_0;
3465 ForwardListIterator.prototype.remove = function() {
3466 var tmp$;
3467 if (((tmp$ = this.previous) != null ? (tmp$.remove() , Unit) : null) == null) {
3468 throw IllegalStateException_init('Fail to remove element before iteration'.toString());
3469 }
3471 ForwardListIterator.$metadata$ = {
3472 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3473 simpleName: 'ForwardListIterator',
3474 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
3475 function shared$ObjectLiteral_2(closure$value) {
3476 this.value_0 = closure$value;
3477 }
3478 shared$ObjectLiteral_2.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
3479 return this.value_0;
3481 shared$ObjectLiteral_2.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
3482 this.value_0 = value;
3484 shared$ObjectLiteral_2.$metadata$ = {
3485 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3486 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
3487 function ForwardListNode(list, next, item, previous) {
3488 this.list_0 = list;
3489 this.item = item;
3490 this.next_lyuus8$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_2(next);
3491 this.previous_mhuox8$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_2(previous);
3492 makeShared(this);
3493 }
3494 var ForwardListNode$next_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('next');
3495 Object.defineProperty(ForwardListNode.prototype, 'next', {
3496 configurable: true,
3497 get: function() {
3498 return this.next_lyuus8$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ForwardListNode$next_metadata);
3500 set: function(next) {
3501 this.next_lyuus8$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ForwardListNode$next_metadata, next);
3503 var ForwardListNode$previous_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('previous');
3504 Object.defineProperty(ForwardListNode.prototype, 'previous', {
3505 configurable: true,
3506 get: function() {
3507 return this.previous_mhuox8$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, ForwardListNode$previous_metadata);
3509 set: function(previous) {
3510 this.previous_mhuox8$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, ForwardListNode$previous_metadata, previous);
3512 ForwardListNode.prototype.insertAfter_trkh7z$ = function(value) {
3513 var result = new ForwardListNode(this.list_0, this.next, value, this);
3514 this.next = result;
3515 return result;
3517 ForwardListNode.prototype.removeNext = function() {
3518 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
3519 if (equals(this.next, this.list_0.tail_8be2vx$)) {
3520 this.list_0.tail_8be2vx$ = this;
3521 }
3522 this.next = (tmp$ = this.next) != null ? tmp$.next : null;
3523 (tmp$_0 = this.next) != null ? (tmp$_0.previous = this) : null;
3525 ForwardListNode.prototype.remove = function() {
3526 ensureNotNull(this.previous).removeNext();
3528 ForwardListNode.$metadata$ = {
3529 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3530 simpleName: 'ForwardListNode',
3531 interfaces: []};
3532 function shared$ObjectLiteral_3(closure$value) {
3533 this.value_0 = closure$value;
3534 }
3535 shared$ObjectLiteral_3.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
3536 return this.value_0;
3538 shared$ObjectLiteral_3.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
3539 this.value_0 = value;
3541 shared$ObjectLiteral_3.$metadata$ = {
3542 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3543 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
3544 function MapNode(key, value) {
3545 this.key_q49qr5$_0 = key;
3546 this.backReference_8be2vx$_ku6rvk$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_3(null);
3547 this.value_v8fgin$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_3(value);
3548 var $receiver = this.key;
3549 var tmp$;
3550 this.hash = (tmp$ = $receiver != null ? hashCode($receiver) : null) != null ? tmp$ : 0;
3551 makeShared(this);
3552 }
3553 Object.defineProperty(MapNode.prototype, 'key', {
3554 get: function() {
3555 return this.key_q49qr5$_0;
3557 var MapNode$backReference_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('backReference');
3558 Object.defineProperty(MapNode.prototype, 'backReference_8be2vx$', {
3559 configurable: true,
3560 get: function() {
3561 return this.backReference_8be2vx$_ku6rvk$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, MapNode$backReference_metadata);
3563 set: function(backReference) {
3564 this.backReference_8be2vx$_ku6rvk$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, MapNode$backReference_metadata, backReference);
3566 var MapNode$value_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('value');
3567 Object.defineProperty(MapNode.prototype, 'value', {
3568 configurable: true,
3569 get: function() {
3570 return this.value_v8fgin$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, MapNode$value_metadata);
3572 set: function(value) {
3573 this.value_v8fgin$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, MapNode$value_metadata, value);
3575 MapNode.prototype.setValue_11rc$ = function(newValue) {
3576 var result = this.value;
3577 this.value = newValue;
3578 return result;
3580 MapNode.prototype.remove_8be2vx$ = function() {
3581 ensureNotNull(this.backReference_8be2vx$).remove();
3582 this.backReference_8be2vx$ = null;
3584 MapNode.prototype.toString = function() {
3585 return 'MapItem[' + this.key + ', ' + this.value + ']';
3587 MapNode.$metadata$ = {
3588 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3589 simpleName: 'MapNode',
3590 interfaces: [MutableMap$MutableEntry]};
3591 function MutableMapEntries(delegate) {
3592 this.delegate_0 = delegate;
3593 makeShared(this);
3594 }
3595 MutableMapEntries.prototype.add_11rb$ = function(element) {
3596 return !equals(this.delegate_0.put_xwzc9p$(element.key, element.value), element.value);
3598 MutableMapEntries.prototype.addAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3599 var result = {
3600 v: false};
3601 var tmp$;
3602 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3603 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3604 var element = tmp$.next();
3605 result.v = this.add_11rb$(element) || result.v;
3606 }
3607 return result.v;
3609 MutableMapEntries.prototype.clear = function() {
3610 this.delegate_0.clear();
3612 function MutableMapEntries$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this$MutableMapEntries) {
3613 this.origin_0 = this$MutableMapEntries.delegate_0.iterator_8be2vx$();
3614 }
3615 MutableMapEntries$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
3616 return this.origin_0.hasNext();
3618 MutableMapEntries$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
3619 return this.origin_0.next();
3621 MutableMapEntries$iterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.remove = function() {
3622 this.origin_0.remove();
3624 MutableMapEntries$iterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
3625 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3626 interfaces: [MutableIterator]};
3627 MutableMapEntries.prototype.iterator = function() {
3628 return new MutableMapEntries$iterator$ObjectLiteral(this);
3630 MutableMapEntries.prototype.remove_11rb$ = function(element) {
3631 return this.delegate_0.remove_11rb$(element.key) != null;
3633 MutableMapEntries.prototype.removeAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3634 var modified = {
3635 v: false};
3636 var tmp$;
3637 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3638 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3639 var element = tmp$.next();
3640 modified.v = this.remove_11rb$(element) || modified.v;
3641 }
3642 return modified.v;
3644 MutableMapEntries.prototype.retainAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3645 var modified = {
3646 v: false};
3647 var $receiver = this.iterator();
3648 while ($receiver.hasNext()) {
3649 if (elements.contains_11rb$($receiver.next())) {
3650 continue;
3651 }
3652 modified.v = true;
3653 $receiver.remove();
3654 }
3655 return modified.v;
3657 Object.defineProperty(MutableMapEntries.prototype, 'size', {
3658 configurable: true,
3659 get: function() {
3660 return this.delegate_0.size;
3662 MutableMapEntries.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
3663 return equals(this.delegate_0.get_11rb$(element.key), element.value);
3665 MutableMapEntries.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3666 var all$result;
3667 all$break:
3668 do {
3669 var tmp$;
3670 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
3671 all$result = true;
3672 break all$break;
3673 }
3674 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3675 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3676 var element = tmp$.next();
3677 if (!this.contains_11rb$(element)) {
3678 all$result = false;
3679 break all$break;
3680 }
3681 }
3682 all$result = true;
3683 } while (false);
3684 return all$result;
3686 MutableMapEntries.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
3687 return this.delegate_0.isEmpty();
3689 MutableMapEntries.$metadata$ = {
3690 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3691 simpleName: 'MutableMapEntries',
3692 interfaces: [MutableSet]};
3693 function shared$ObjectLiteral_4(closure$value) {
3694 this.value_0 = closure$value;
3695 }
3696 shared$ObjectLiteral_4.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
3697 return this.value_0;
3699 shared$ObjectLiteral_4.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
3700 this.value_0 = value;
3702 shared$ObjectLiteral_4.$metadata$ = {
3703 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3704 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
3705 function SharedForwardList() {
3706 this.head_8be2vx$_7kv0go$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_4(null);
3707 this.tail_8be2vx$_w7xtpk$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_4(this.head_8be2vx$);
3708 makeShared(this);
3709 this.head_8be2vx$ = new ForwardListNode(this, null, null, null);
3710 this.tail_8be2vx$ = this.head_8be2vx$;
3711 }
3712 var SharedForwardList$head_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('head');
3713 Object.defineProperty(SharedForwardList.prototype, 'head_8be2vx$', {
3714 configurable: true,
3715 get: function() {
3716 return this.head_8be2vx$_7kv0go$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, SharedForwardList$head_metadata);
3718 set: function(head) {
3719 this.head_8be2vx$_7kv0go$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, SharedForwardList$head_metadata, head);
3721 var SharedForwardList$tail_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('tail');
3722 Object.defineProperty(SharedForwardList.prototype, 'tail_8be2vx$', {
3723 configurable: true,
3724 get: function() {
3725 return this.tail_8be2vx$_w7xtpk$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, SharedForwardList$tail_metadata);
3727 set: function(tail) {
3728 this.tail_8be2vx$_w7xtpk$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, SharedForwardList$tail_metadata, tail);
3730 SharedForwardList.prototype.first = function() {
3731 return ensureNotNull(this.head_8be2vx$).next;
3733 SharedForwardList.prototype.last = function() {
3734 if (equals(this.head_8be2vx$, this.tail_8be2vx$)) {
3735 return null;
3736 }
3737 return this.tail_8be2vx$;
3739 SharedForwardList.prototype.appendFirst_trkh7z$ = function(value) {
3740 var newValue = ensureNotNull(this.head_8be2vx$).insertAfter_trkh7z$(value);
3741 if (equals(this.head_8be2vx$, this.tail_8be2vx$)) {
3742 this.tail_8be2vx$ = newValue;
3743 }
3744 return newValue;
3746 SharedForwardList.prototype.appendLast_trkh7z$ = function(value) {
3747 this.tail_8be2vx$ = ensureNotNull(this.tail_8be2vx$).insertAfter_trkh7z$(value);
3748 return ensureNotNull(this.tail_8be2vx$);
3750 SharedForwardList.prototype.iterator = function() {
3751 return new ForwardListIterator(ensureNotNull(this.head_8be2vx$));
3753 SharedForwardList.$metadata$ = {
3754 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3755 simpleName: 'SharedForwardList',
3756 interfaces: [MutableIterable]};
3757 function SharedList(size) {
3758 this.size_4if4fg$_0 = size;
3759 this.data_0 = Array(this.size);
3760 makeShared(this);
3761 }
3762 Object.defineProperty(SharedList.prototype, 'size', {
3763 get: function() {
3764 return this.size_4if4fg$_0;
3766 SharedList.prototype.set_wxm5ur$ = function(index, value) {
3767 this.data_0[index] = value;
3769 SharedList.prototype.contains_11rb$ = function(element) {
3770 var tmp$;
3771 tmp$ = this.size;
3772 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
3773 if (equals(this.data_0[index], element)) {
3774 return true;
3775 }
3776 }
3777 return false;
3779 SharedList.prototype.containsAll_brywnq$ = function(elements) {
3780 var all$result;
3781 all$break:
3782 do {
3783 var tmp$;
3784 if (Kotlin.isType(elements, Collection) && elements.isEmpty()) {
3785 all$result = true;
3786 break all$break;
3787 }
3788 tmp$ = elements.iterator();
3789 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
3790 var element = tmp$.next();
3791 if (!this.contains_11rb$(element)) {
3792 all$result = false;
3793 break all$break;
3794 }
3795 }
3796 all$result = true;
3797 } while (false);
3798 return all$result;
3800 SharedList.prototype.get_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
3801 return this.data_0[index];
3803 SharedList.prototype.indexOf_11rb$ = function(element) {
3804 var tmp$;
3805 tmp$ = this.size;
3806 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
3807 if (equals(this.data_0[index], element)) {
3808 return index;
3809 }
3810 }
3811 return -1;
3813 SharedList.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
3814 return this.size === 0;
3816 SharedList.prototype.iterator = function() {
3817 return this.listIterator_za3lpa$(0);
3819 SharedList.prototype.lastIndexOf_11rb$ = function(element) {
3820 return asReversed(this).indexOf_11rb$(element);
3822 SharedList.prototype.listIterator = function() {
3823 return this.listIterator_za3lpa$(0);
3825 function SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral(this$SharedList, closure$index) {
3826 this.this$SharedList = this$SharedList;
3827 this.currentIndex_0 = closure$index;
3828 makeShared(this);
3829 }
3830 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasNext = function() {
3831 return this.currentIndex_0 < this.this$SharedList.size;
3833 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.hasPrevious = function() {
3834 return this.currentIndex_0 > 0;
3836 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.next = function() {
3837 if (!this.hasNext()) {
3838 var message = 'Check failed.';
3839 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
3840 }
3841 var current = (function(scope) {
3842 return scope.currentIndex_0++;
3844 return this.this$SharedList.data_0[current];
3846 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.nextIndex = function() {
3847 if (!this.hasNext()) {
3848 var message = 'Check failed.';
3849 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
3850 }
3851 return this.currentIndex_0 + 1 | 0;
3853 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.previous = function() {
3854 if (!this.hasPrevious()) {
3855 var message = 'Check failed.';
3856 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
3857 }
3858 var current = (function(scope) {
3859 return scope.currentIndex_0--;
3861 return this.this$SharedList.data_0[current];
3863 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.prototype.previousIndex = function() {
3864 if (!this.hasPrevious()) {
3865 var message = 'Check failed.';
3866 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
3867 }
3868 return this.currentIndex_0 - 1 | 0;
3870 SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
3871 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3872 interfaces: [ListIterator]};
3873 SharedList.prototype.listIterator_za3lpa$ = function(index) {
3874 return new SharedList$listIterator$ObjectLiteral(this, index);
3876 SharedList.prototype.subList_vux9f0$ = function(fromIndex, toIndex) {
3877 var result = new SharedList(toIndex - fromIndex | 0);
3878 for (var index = fromIndex; index < toIndex; index++) {
3879 result.set_wxm5ur$(index - fromIndex | 0, this.data_0[index]);
3880 }
3881 return result;
3883 SharedList.$metadata$ = {
3884 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3885 simpleName: 'SharedList',
3886 interfaces: [List]};
3887 function WeekDay(name, ordinal, value) {
3888 Enum.call(this);
3889 this.value = value;
3890 this.name$ = name;
3891 this.ordinal$ = ordinal;
3892 }
3893 function WeekDay_initFields() {
3894 WeekDay_initFields = function() {
3896 WeekDay$MONDAY_instance = new WeekDay('MONDAY', 0, 'Mon');
3897 WeekDay$TUESDAY_instance = new WeekDay('TUESDAY', 1, 'Tue');
3898 WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_instance = new WeekDay('WEDNESDAY', 2, 'Wed');
3899 WeekDay$THURSDAY_instance = new WeekDay('THURSDAY', 3, 'Thu');
3900 WeekDay$FRIDAY_instance = new WeekDay('FRIDAY', 4, 'Fri');
3901 WeekDay$SATURDAY_instance = new WeekDay('SATURDAY', 5, 'Sat');
3902 WeekDay$SUNDAY_instance = new WeekDay('SUNDAY', 6, 'Sun');
3903 WeekDay$Companion_getInstance();
3904 }
3905 var WeekDay$MONDAY_instance;
3906 function WeekDay$MONDAY_getInstance() {
3907 WeekDay_initFields();
3908 return WeekDay$MONDAY_instance;
3909 }
3910 var WeekDay$TUESDAY_instance;
3911 function WeekDay$TUESDAY_getInstance() {
3912 WeekDay_initFields();
3913 return WeekDay$TUESDAY_instance;
3914 }
3915 var WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_instance;
3916 function WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_getInstance() {
3917 WeekDay_initFields();
3918 return WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_instance;
3919 }
3920 var WeekDay$THURSDAY_instance;
3921 function WeekDay$THURSDAY_getInstance() {
3922 WeekDay_initFields();
3923 return WeekDay$THURSDAY_instance;
3924 }
3925 var WeekDay$FRIDAY_instance;
3926 function WeekDay$FRIDAY_getInstance() {
3927 WeekDay_initFields();
3928 return WeekDay$FRIDAY_instance;
3929 }
3930 var WeekDay$SATURDAY_instance;
3931 function WeekDay$SATURDAY_getInstance() {
3932 WeekDay_initFields();
3933 return WeekDay$SATURDAY_instance;
3934 }
3935 var WeekDay$SUNDAY_instance;
3936 function WeekDay$SUNDAY_getInstance() {
3937 WeekDay_initFields();
3938 return WeekDay$SUNDAY_instance;
3939 }
3940 function WeekDay$Companion() {
3941 WeekDay$Companion_instance = this;
3942 }
3943 WeekDay$Companion.prototype.from_za3lpa$ = function(ordinal) {
3944 return WeekDay$values()[ordinal];
3946 WeekDay$Companion.prototype.from_61zpoe$ = function(value) {
3947 var tmp$;
3948 var tmp$_0;
3949 var $receiver = WeekDay$values();
3950 var firstOrNull$result;
3951 firstOrNull$break:
3952 do {
3953 var tmp$_1;
3954 for (tmp$_1 = 0; tmp$_1 !== $receiver.length; ++tmp$_1) {
3955 var element = $receiver[tmp$_1];
3956 if (equals(element.value, value)) {
3957 firstOrNull$result = element;
3958 break firstOrNull$break;
3959 }
3960 }
3961 firstOrNull$result = null;
3962 } while (false);
3963 if ((tmp$ = firstOrNull$result) != null)
3964 tmp$_0 = tmp$;
3965 else {
3966 throw IllegalStateException_init(('Invalid day of week: ' + value).toString());
3967 }
3968 return tmp$_0;
3970 WeekDay$Companion.$metadata$ = {
3971 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
3972 simpleName: 'Companion',
3973 interfaces: []};
3974 var WeekDay$Companion_instance = null;
3975 function WeekDay$Companion_getInstance() {
3976 WeekDay_initFields();
3977 if (WeekDay$Companion_instance === null) {
3978 new WeekDay$Companion();
3979 }
3980 return WeekDay$Companion_instance;
3981 }
3982 WeekDay.$metadata$ = {
3983 kind: Kind_CLASS,
3984 simpleName: 'WeekDay',
3985 interfaces: [Enum]};
3986 function WeekDay$values() {
3987 return [WeekDay$MONDAY_getInstance(), WeekDay$TUESDAY_getInstance(), WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_getInstance(), WeekDay$THURSDAY_getInstance(), WeekDay$FRIDAY_getInstance(), WeekDay$SATURDAY_getInstance(), WeekDay$SUNDAY_getInstance()];
3988 }
3989 WeekDay.values = WeekDay$values;
3990 function WeekDay$valueOf(name) {
3991 switch (name) {
3992 case 'MONDAY':
3993 return WeekDay$MONDAY_getInstance();
3994 case 'TUESDAY':
3995 return WeekDay$TUESDAY_getInstance();
3996 case 'WEDNESDAY':
3997 return WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_getInstance();
3998 case 'THURSDAY':
3999 return WeekDay$THURSDAY_getInstance();
4000 case 'FRIDAY':
4001 return WeekDay$FRIDAY_getInstance();
4002 case 'SATURDAY':
4003 return WeekDay$SATURDAY_getInstance();
4004 case 'SUNDAY':
4005 return WeekDay$SUNDAY_getInstance();
4006 default:
4007 throwISE('No enum constant io.ktor.util.date.WeekDay.' + name);
4008 }
4009 }
4010 WeekDay.valueOf_61zpoe$ = WeekDay$valueOf;
4011 function Month(name, ordinal, value) {
4012 Enum.call(this);
4013 this.value = value;
4014 this.name$ = name;
4015 this.ordinal$ = ordinal;
4016 }
4017 function Month_initFields() {
4018 Month_initFields = function() {
4020 Month$JANUARY_instance = new Month('JANUARY', 0, 'Jan');
4021 Month$FEBRUARY_instance = new Month('FEBRUARY', 1, 'Feb');
4022 Month$MARCH_instance = new Month('MARCH', 2, 'Mar');
4023 Month$APRIL_instance = new Month('APRIL', 3, 'Apr');
4024 Month$MAY_instance = new Month('MAY', 4, 'May');
4025 Month$JUNE_instance = new Month('JUNE', 5, 'Jun');
4026 Month$JULY_instance = new Month('JULY', 6, 'Jul');
4027 Month$AUGUST_instance = new Month('AUGUST', 7, 'Aug');
4028 Month$SEPTEMBER_instance = new Month('SEPTEMBER', 8, 'Sep');
4029 Month$OCTOBER_instance = new Month('OCTOBER', 9, 'Oct');
4030 Month$NOVEMBER_instance = new Month('NOVEMBER', 10, 'Nov');
4031 Month$DECEMBER_instance = new Month('DECEMBER', 11, 'Dec');
4032 Month$Companion_getInstance();
4033 }
4034 var Month$JANUARY_instance;
4035 function Month$JANUARY_getInstance() {
4036 Month_initFields();
4037 return Month$JANUARY_instance;
4038 }
4039 var Month$FEBRUARY_instance;
4040 function Month$FEBRUARY_getInstance() {
4041 Month_initFields();
4042 return Month$FEBRUARY_instance;
4043 }
4044 var Month$MARCH_instance;
4045 function Month$MARCH_getInstance() {
4046 Month_initFields();
4047 return Month$MARCH_instance;
4048 }
4049 var Month$APRIL_instance;
4050 function Month$APRIL_getInstance() {
4051 Month_initFields();
4052 return Month$APRIL_instance;
4053 }
4054 var Month$MAY_instance;
4055 function Month$MAY_getInstance() {
4056 Month_initFields();
4057 return Month$MAY_instance;
4058 }
4059 var Month$JUNE_instance;
4060 function Month$JUNE_getInstance() {
4061 Month_initFields();
4062 return Month$JUNE_instance;
4063 }
4064 var Month$JULY_instance;
4065 function Month$JULY_getInstance() {
4066 Month_initFields();
4067 return Month$JULY_instance;
4068 }
4069 var Month$AUGUST_instance;
4070 function Month$AUGUST_getInstance() {
4071 Month_initFields();
4072 return Month$AUGUST_instance;
4073 }
4074 var Month$SEPTEMBER_instance;
4075 function Month$SEPTEMBER_getInstance() {
4076 Month_initFields();
4077 return Month$SEPTEMBER_instance;
4078 }
4079 var Month$OCTOBER_instance;
4080 function Month$OCTOBER_getInstance() {
4081 Month_initFields();
4082 return Month$OCTOBER_instance;
4083 }
4084 var Month$NOVEMBER_instance;
4085 function Month$NOVEMBER_getInstance() {
4086 Month_initFields();
4087 return Month$NOVEMBER_instance;
4088 }
4089 var Month$DECEMBER_instance;
4090 function Month$DECEMBER_getInstance() {
4091 Month_initFields();
4092 return Month$DECEMBER_instance;
4093 }
4094 function Month$Companion() {
4095 Month$Companion_instance = this;
4096 }
4097 Month$Companion.prototype.from_za3lpa$ = function(ordinal) {
4098 return Month$values()[ordinal];
4100 Month$Companion.prototype.from_61zpoe$ = function(value) {
4101 var tmp$;
4102 var tmp$_0;
4103 var $receiver = Month$values();
4104 var firstOrNull$result;
4105 firstOrNull$break:
4106 do {
4107 var tmp$_1;
4108 for (tmp$_1 = 0; tmp$_1 !== $receiver.length; ++tmp$_1) {
4109 var element = $receiver[tmp$_1];
4110 if (equals(element.value, value)) {
4111 firstOrNull$result = element;
4112 break firstOrNull$break;
4113 }
4114 }
4115 firstOrNull$result = null;
4116 } while (false);
4117 if ((tmp$ = firstOrNull$result) != null)
4118 tmp$_0 = tmp$;
4119 else {
4120 throw IllegalStateException_init(('Invalid month: ' + value).toString());
4121 }
4122 return tmp$_0;
4124 Month$Companion.$metadata$ = {
4125 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
4126 simpleName: 'Companion',
4127 interfaces: []};
4128 var Month$Companion_instance = null;
4129 function Month$Companion_getInstance() {
4130 Month_initFields();
4131 if (Month$Companion_instance === null) {
4132 new Month$Companion();
4133 }
4134 return Month$Companion_instance;
4135 }
4136 Month.$metadata$ = {
4137 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4138 simpleName: 'Month',
4139 interfaces: [Enum]};
4140 function Month$values() {
4141 return [Month$JANUARY_getInstance(), Month$FEBRUARY_getInstance(), Month$MARCH_getInstance(), Month$APRIL_getInstance(), Month$MAY_getInstance(), Month$JUNE_getInstance(), Month$JULY_getInstance(), Month$AUGUST_getInstance(), Month$SEPTEMBER_getInstance(), Month$OCTOBER_getInstance(), Month$NOVEMBER_getInstance(), Month$DECEMBER_getInstance()];
4142 }
4143 Month.values = Month$values;
4144 function Month$valueOf(name) {
4145 switch (name) {
4146 case 'JANUARY':
4147 return Month$JANUARY_getInstance();
4148 case 'FEBRUARY':
4149 return Month$FEBRUARY_getInstance();
4150 case 'MARCH':
4151 return Month$MARCH_getInstance();
4152 case 'APRIL':
4153 return Month$APRIL_getInstance();
4154 case 'MAY':
4155 return Month$MAY_getInstance();
4156 case 'JUNE':
4157 return Month$JUNE_getInstance();
4158 case 'JULY':
4159 return Month$JULY_getInstance();
4160 case 'AUGUST':
4161 return Month$AUGUST_getInstance();
4162 case 'SEPTEMBER':
4163 return Month$SEPTEMBER_getInstance();
4164 case 'OCTOBER':
4165 return Month$OCTOBER_getInstance();
4166 case 'NOVEMBER':
4167 return Month$NOVEMBER_getInstance();
4168 case 'DECEMBER':
4169 return Month$DECEMBER_getInstance();
4170 default:
4171 throwISE('No enum constant io.ktor.util.date.Month.' + name);
4172 }
4173 }
4174 Month.valueOf_61zpoe$ = Month$valueOf;
4175 function GMTDate(seconds, minutes, hours, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, dayOfYear, month, year, timestamp) {
4176 GMTDate$Companion_getInstance();
4177 this.seconds = seconds;
4178 this.minutes = minutes;
4179 this.hours = hours;
4180 this.dayOfWeek = dayOfWeek;
4181 this.dayOfMonth = dayOfMonth;
4182 this.dayOfYear = dayOfYear;
4183 this.month = month;
4184 this.year = year;
4185 this.timestamp = timestamp;
4186 }
4187 GMTDate.prototype.compareTo_11rb$ = function(other) {
4188 return this.timestamp.compareTo_11rb$(other.timestamp);
4190 function GMTDate$Companion() {
4191 GMTDate$Companion_instance = this;
4192 this.START = GMTDate_0(L0);
4193 }
4194 GMTDate$Companion.$metadata$ = {
4195 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
4196 simpleName: 'Companion',
4197 interfaces: []};
4198 var GMTDate$Companion_instance = null;
4199 function GMTDate$Companion_getInstance() {
4200 if (GMTDate$Companion_instance === null) {
4201 new GMTDate$Companion();
4202 }
4203 return GMTDate$Companion_instance;
4204 }
4205 GMTDate.$metadata$ = {
4206 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4207 simpleName: 'GMTDate',
4208 interfaces: [Comparable]};
4209 GMTDate.prototype.component1 = function() {
4210 return this.seconds;
4212 GMTDate.prototype.component2 = function() {
4213 return this.minutes;
4215 GMTDate.prototype.component3 = function() {
4216 return this.hours;
4218 GMTDate.prototype.component4 = function() {
4219 return this.dayOfWeek;
4221 GMTDate.prototype.component5 = function() {
4222 return this.dayOfMonth;
4224 GMTDate.prototype.component6 = function() {
4225 return this.dayOfYear;
4227 GMTDate.prototype.component7 = function() {
4228 return this.month;
4230 GMTDate.prototype.component8 = function() {
4231 return this.year;
4233 GMTDate.prototype.component9 = function() {
4234 return this.timestamp;
4236 GMTDate.prototype.copy_j9f46j$ = function(seconds, minutes, hours, dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth, dayOfYear, month, year, timestamp) {
4237 return new GMTDate(seconds === void 0 ? this.seconds : seconds, minutes === void 0 ? this.minutes : minutes, hours === void 0 ? this.hours : hours, dayOfWeek === void 0 ? this.dayOfWeek : dayOfWeek, dayOfMonth === void 0 ? this.dayOfMonth : dayOfMonth, dayOfYear === void 0 ? this.dayOfYear : dayOfYear, month === void 0 ? this.month : month, year === void 0 ? this.year : year, timestamp === void 0 ? this.timestamp : timestamp);
4239 GMTDate.prototype.toString = function() {
4240 return 'GMTDate(seconds=' + Kotlin.toString(this.seconds) + (', minutes=' + Kotlin.toString(this.minutes)) + (', hours=' + Kotlin.toString(this.hours)) + (', dayOfWeek=' + Kotlin.toString(this.dayOfWeek)) + (', dayOfMonth=' + Kotlin.toString(this.dayOfMonth)) + (', dayOfYear=' + Kotlin.toString(this.dayOfYear)) + (', month=' + Kotlin.toString(this.month)) + (', year=' + Kotlin.toString(this.year)) + (', timestamp=' + Kotlin.toString(this.timestamp)) + ')';
4242 GMTDate.prototype.hashCode = function() {
4243 var result = 0;
4244 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.seconds) | 0;
4245 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.minutes) | 0;
4246 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.hours) | 0;
4247 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.dayOfWeek) | 0;
4248 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.dayOfMonth) | 0;
4249 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.dayOfYear) | 0;
4250 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.month) | 0;
4251 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.year) | 0;
4252 result = result * 31 + Kotlin.hashCode(this.timestamp) | 0;
4253 return result;
4255 GMTDate.prototype.equals = function(other) {
4256 return this === other || (other !== null && (typeof other === 'object' && (Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === Object.getPrototypeOf(other) && (Kotlin.equals(this.seconds, other.seconds) && Kotlin.equals(this.minutes, other.minutes) && Kotlin.equals(this.hours, other.hours) && Kotlin.equals(this.dayOfWeek, other.dayOfWeek) && Kotlin.equals(this.dayOfMonth, other.dayOfMonth) && Kotlin.equals(this.dayOfYear, other.dayOfYear) && Kotlin.equals(this.month, other.month) && Kotlin.equals(this.year, other.year) && Kotlin.equals(this.timestamp, other.timestamp)))));
4258 function plus($receiver, milliseconds) {
4259 return GMTDate_0($receiver.timestamp.add(milliseconds));
4260 }
4261 function minus($receiver, milliseconds) {
4262 return GMTDate_0($receiver.timestamp.subtract(milliseconds));
4263 }
4264 function truncateToSeconds($receiver) {
4265 return GMTDate_1($receiver.seconds, $receiver.minutes, $receiver.hours, $receiver.dayOfMonth, $receiver.month, $receiver.year);
4266 }
4267 function GMTDateParser(pattern) {
4268 GMTDateParser$Companion_getInstance();
4269 this.pattern_0 = pattern;
4270 if (!(this.pattern_0.length > 0)) {
4271 var message = "Date parser pattern shouldn't be empty.";
4272 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
4273 }
4274 }
4275 GMTDateParser.prototype.parse_61zpoe$ = function(dateString) {
4276 var builder = new GMTDateBuilder();
4277 var start = 0;
4278 var current = this.pattern_0.charCodeAt(start);
4279 var chunkStart = 0;
4280 var index = 1;
4281 try {
4282 while (index < this.pattern_0.length) {
4283 if (this.pattern_0.charCodeAt(index) === current) {
4284 index = index + 1 | 0;
4285 continue;
4286 }
4287 var chunkEnd = chunkStart + index - start | 0;
4288 var tmp$ = current;
4289 var startIndex = chunkStart;
4290 this.handleToken_0(builder, tmp$, dateString.substring(startIndex, chunkEnd));
4291 chunkStart = chunkEnd;
4292 start = index;
4293 current = this.pattern_0.charCodeAt(index);
4294 index = index + 1 | 0;
4295 }
4296 if (chunkStart < dateString.length) {
4297 var tmp$_0 = current;
4298 var startIndex_0 = chunkStart;
4299 this.handleToken_0(builder, tmp$_0, dateString.substring(startIndex_0));
4300 }
4301 } catch (_) {
4302 if (Kotlin.isType(_, Throwable)) {
4303 throw new InvalidDateStringException(dateString, chunkStart, this.pattern_0);
4304 } else
4305 throw _;
4307 return builder.build();
4309 GMTDateParser.prototype.handleToken_0 = function($receiver, type, chunk) {
4310 loop_label:
4311 switch (type) {
4312 case 115:
4313 $receiver.seconds = toInt_0(chunk);
4314 break loop_label;
4315 case 109:
4316 $receiver.minutes = toInt_0(chunk);
4317 break loop_label;
4318 case 104:
4319 $receiver.hours = toInt_0(chunk);
4320 break loop_label;
4321 case 100:
4322 $receiver.dayOfMonth = toInt_0(chunk);
4323 break loop_label;
4324 case 77:
4325 $receiver.month = Month$Companion_getInstance().from_61zpoe$(chunk);
4326 break loop_label;
4327 case 89:
4328 $receiver.year = toInt_0(chunk);
4329 break loop_label;
4330 case 122:
4331 if (!equals(chunk, 'GMT')) {
4332 var message = 'Check failed.';
4333 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
4334 }
4335 break loop_label;
4336 case 42:
4337 break loop_label;
4338 default:
4339 var all$result;
4340 all$break:
4341 do {
4342 var tmp$;
4343 tmp$ = iterator(chunk);
4344 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
4345 var element = unboxChar(tmp$.next());
4346 if (!(unboxChar(toBoxedChar(element)) === type)) {
4347 all$result = false;
4348 break all$break;
4349 }
4350 }
4351 all$result = true;
4352 } while (false);
4353 if (!all$result) {
4354 var message_0 = 'Check failed.';
4355 throw IllegalStateException_init(message_0.toString());
4356 }
4357 break loop_label;
4358 }
4360 function GMTDateParser$Companion() {
4361 GMTDateParser$Companion_instance = this;
4362 this.SECONDS = toBoxedChar(115);
4363 this.MINUTES = toBoxedChar(109);
4364 this.HOURS = toBoxedChar(104);
4365 this.DAY_OF_MONTH = toBoxedChar(100);
4366 this.MONTH = toBoxedChar(77);
4367 this.YEAR = toBoxedChar(89);
4368 this.ZONE = toBoxedChar(122);
4369 this.ANY = toBoxedChar(42);
4370 }
4371 GMTDateParser$Companion.$metadata$ = {
4372 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
4373 simpleName: 'Companion',
4374 interfaces: []};
4375 var GMTDateParser$Companion_instance = null;
4376 function GMTDateParser$Companion_getInstance() {
4377 if (GMTDateParser$Companion_instance === null) {
4378 new GMTDateParser$Companion();
4379 }
4380 return GMTDateParser$Companion_instance;
4381 }
4382 GMTDateParser.$metadata$ = {
4383 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4384 simpleName: 'GMTDateParser',
4385 interfaces: []};
4386 function GMTDateBuilder() {
4387 this.seconds = null;
4388 this.minutes = null;
4389 this.hours = null;
4390 this.dayOfMonth = null;
4391 this.month_i1app7$_0 = this.month_i1app7$_0;
4392 this.year = null;
4393 }
4394 Object.defineProperty(GMTDateBuilder.prototype, 'month', {
4395 configurable: true,
4396 get: function() {
4397 if (this.month_i1app7$_0 == null)
4398 return throwUPAE('month');
4399 return this.month_i1app7$_0;
4401 set: function(month) {
4402 this.month_i1app7$_0 = month;
4404 GMTDateBuilder.prototype.build = function() {
4405 return GMTDate_1(ensureNotNull(this.seconds), ensureNotNull(this.minutes), ensureNotNull(this.hours), ensureNotNull(this.dayOfMonth), this.month, ensureNotNull(this.year));
4407 GMTDateBuilder.$metadata$ = {
4408 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4409 simpleName: 'GMTDateBuilder',
4410 interfaces: []};
4411 function InvalidDateStringException(data, at, pattern) {
4412 IllegalStateException_init('Failed to parse date string: ' + '"' + data + '"' + ' at index ' + at + '. Pattern: ' + '"' + pattern + '"', this);
4413 this.name = 'InvalidDateStringException';
4414 }
4415 InvalidDateStringException.$metadata$ = {
4416 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4417 simpleName: 'InvalidDateStringException',
4418 interfaces: [IllegalStateException]};
4419 function ContextDsl() {
4420 }
4421 ContextDsl.$metadata$ = {
4422 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4423 simpleName: 'ContextDsl',
4424 interfaces: [Annotation]};
4425 function shared$ObjectLiteral_5(closure$value) {
4426 this.value_0 = closure$value;
4427 }
4428 shared$ObjectLiteral_5.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
4429 return this.value_0;
4431 shared$ObjectLiteral_5.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
4432 this.value_0 = value;
4434 shared$ObjectLiteral_5.$metadata$ = {
4435 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4436 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
4437 function PhaseContent(phase, relation, interceptors) {
4438 PhaseContent$Companion_getInstance();
4439 this.phase = phase;
4440 this.relation = relation;
4441 this.interceptors_7b9p4m$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_5(interceptors);
4442 this.shared_t2yicf$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_5(true);
4443 }
4444 var PhaseContent$interceptors_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('interceptors');
4445 Object.defineProperty(PhaseContent.prototype, 'interceptors_0', {
4446 configurable: true,
4447 get: function() {
4448 return this.interceptors_7b9p4m$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, PhaseContent$interceptors_metadata);
4450 set: function(interceptors) {
4451 this.interceptors_7b9p4m$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, PhaseContent$interceptors_metadata, interceptors);
4453 var PhaseContent$shared_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('shared');
4454 Object.defineProperty(PhaseContent.prototype, 'shared', {
4455 configurable: true,
4456 get: function() {
4457 return this.shared_t2yicf$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, PhaseContent$shared_metadata);
4459 set: function(shared) {
4460 this.shared_t2yicf$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, PhaseContent$shared_metadata, shared);
4462 Object.defineProperty(PhaseContent.prototype, 'isEmpty', {
4463 configurable: true,
4464 get: function() {
4465 return this.interceptors_0.isEmpty();
4467 Object.defineProperty(PhaseContent.prototype, 'size', {
4468 configurable: true,
4469 get: function() {
4470 return this.interceptors_0.size;
4472 PhaseContent.prototype.addInterceptor_mx8w25$ = function(interceptor) {
4473 if (this.shared) {
4474 this.copyInterceptors_0();
4475 }
4476 this.interceptors_0.add_11rb$(interceptor);
4478 PhaseContent.prototype.addTo_m9oilt$ = function(destination) {
4479 var tmp$;
4480 var interceptors = this.interceptors_0;
4481 if (Kotlin.isType(destination, ArrayList)) {
4482 destination.ensureCapacity_za3lpa$(destination.size + interceptors.size | 0);
4483 }
4484 tmp$ = interceptors.size;
4485 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
4486 destination.add_11rb$(interceptors.get_za3lpa$(index));
4487 }
4489 PhaseContent.prototype.addTo_659igw$ = function(destination) {
4490 if (this.isEmpty)
4491 return;
4492 if (destination.isEmpty) {
4493 destination.interceptors_0 = this.sharedInterceptors();
4494 destination.shared = true;
4495 return;
4496 }
4497 if (destination.shared) {
4498 destination.copyInterceptors_0();
4499 }
4500 this.addTo_m9oilt$(destination.interceptors_0);
4502 PhaseContent.prototype.sharedInterceptors = function() {
4503 this.shared = true;
4504 return this.interceptors_0;
4506 PhaseContent.prototype.copiedInterceptors = function() {
4507 var $receiver = sharedListOf([]);
4508 $receiver.addAll_brywnq$(this.interceptors_0);
4509 return $receiver;
4511 PhaseContent.prototype.toString = function() {
4512 return 'Phase `' + this.phase.name + '`, ' + this.size + ' handlers';
4514 PhaseContent.prototype.copyInterceptors_0 = function() {
4515 this.interceptors_0 = this.copiedInterceptors();
4516 this.shared = false;
4518 function PhaseContent$Companion() {
4519 PhaseContent$Companion_instance = this;
4520 this.SharedArrayList = sharedListOf([]);
4521 }
4522 PhaseContent$Companion.$metadata$ = {
4523 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
4524 simpleName: 'Companion',
4525 interfaces: []};
4526 var PhaseContent$Companion_instance = null;
4527 function PhaseContent$Companion_getInstance() {
4528 if (PhaseContent$Companion_instance === null) {
4529 new PhaseContent$Companion();
4530 }
4531 return PhaseContent$Companion_instance;
4532 }
4533 PhaseContent.$metadata$ = {
4534 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4535 simpleName: 'PhaseContent',
4536 interfaces: []};
4537 function PhaseContent_init(phase, relation, $this) {
4538 $this = $this || Object.create(PhaseContent.prototype);
4539 var tmp$;
4540 PhaseContent.call($this, phase, relation, Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = PhaseContent$Companion_getInstance().SharedArrayList, MutableList) ? tmp$ : throwCCE());
4541 if (!PhaseContent$Companion_getInstance().SharedArrayList.isEmpty()) {
4542 var message = 'The shared empty array list has been modified';
4543 throw IllegalStateException_init(message.toString());
4544 }
4545 return $this;
4546 }
4547 function shared$ObjectLiteral_6(closure$value) {
4548 this.value_0 = closure$value;
4549 }
4550 shared$ObjectLiteral_6.prototype.getValue_lrcp0p$ = function(thisRef, property) {
4551 return this.value_0;
4553 shared$ObjectLiteral_6.prototype.setValue_9rddgb$ = function(thisRef, property, value) {
4554 this.value_0 = value;
4556 shared$ObjectLiteral_6.$metadata$ = {
4557 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4558 interfaces: [ReadWriteProperty]};
4559 function Pipeline(phases) {
4560 this.attributes = Attributes_0(true);
4561 this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0 = sharedListOf(phases.slice());
4562 this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_d17244$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_6(0);
4563 this._interceptors_8zww1r$_0 = null;
4564 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_jb8sx0$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_6(false);
4565 this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_5x4v0o$_0 = new shared$ObjectLiteral_6(null);
4566 makeShared(this);
4567 }
4568 var Pipeline$interceptorsQuantity_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('interceptorsQuantity');
4569 Object.defineProperty(Pipeline.prototype, 'interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0', {
4570 configurable: true,
4571 get: function() {
4572 return this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_d17244$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, Pipeline$interceptorsQuantity_metadata);
4574 set: function(interceptorsQuantity) {
4575 this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_d17244$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, Pipeline$interceptorsQuantity_metadata, interceptorsQuantity);
4577 Object.defineProperty(Pipeline.prototype, 'items', {
4578 configurable: true,
4579 get: function() {
4580 var $receiver = this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4581 var destination = ArrayList_init(collectionSizeOrDefault($receiver, 10));
4582 var tmp$;
4583 tmp$ = $receiver.iterator();
4584 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
4585 var item = tmp$.next();
4586 var tmp$_0, tmp$_1, tmp$_2, tmp$_3;
4587 destination.add_11rb$((tmp$_3 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = item, PipelinePhase) ? tmp$_0 : null) != null ? tmp$_3 : ensureNotNull((tmp$_2 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$_1 = item, PhaseContent) ? tmp$_1 : null) != null ? tmp$_2.phase : null));
4588 }
4589 return destination;
4591 Object.defineProperty(Pipeline.prototype, 'isEmpty', {
4592 configurable: true,
4593 get: function() {
4594 return this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 === 0;
4596 Object.defineProperty(Pipeline.prototype, 'interceptors_dzu4x2$_0', {
4597 configurable: true,
4598 get: function() {
4599 return this._interceptors_8zww1r$_0;
4601 set: function(value) {
4602 this._interceptors_8zww1r$_0 = value;
4604 var Pipeline$interceptorsListShared_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('interceptorsListShared');
4605 Object.defineProperty(Pipeline.prototype, 'interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0', {
4606 configurable: true,
4607 get: function() {
4608 return this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_jb8sx0$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, Pipeline$interceptorsListShared_metadata);
4610 set: function(interceptorsListShared) {
4611 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_jb8sx0$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, Pipeline$interceptorsListShared_metadata, interceptorsListShared);
4613 var Pipeline$interceptorsListSharedPhase_metadata = new PropertyMetadata('interceptorsListSharedPhase');
4614 Object.defineProperty(Pipeline.prototype, 'interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_0', {
4615 configurable: true,
4616 get: function() {
4617 return this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_5x4v0o$_0.getValue_lrcp0p$(this, Pipeline$interceptorsListSharedPhase_metadata);
4619 set: function(interceptorsListSharedPhase) {
4620 this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_5x4v0o$_0.setValue_9rddgb$(this, Pipeline$interceptorsListSharedPhase_metadata, interceptorsListSharedPhase);
4622 Pipeline.prototype.execute_8pmvt0$ = function(context, subject, continuation) {
4623 return this.createContext_arhz8r$_0(context, subject).execute_11rb$(subject, continuation);
4625 Pipeline.prototype.addPhase_cwbx9d$ = function(phase) {
4626 if (this.hasPhase_ee29uw$_0(phase)) {
4627 return;
4628 }
4629 this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.add_11rb$(phase);
4631 Pipeline.prototype.insertPhaseAfter_b9zzbm$ = function(reference, phase) {
4632 if (this.hasPhase_ee29uw$_0(phase))
4633 return;
4634 var index = this.findPhaseIndex_e6azsp$_0(reference);
4635 if (index === -1) {
4636 throw new InvalidPhaseException('Phase ' + reference + ' was not registered for this pipeline');
4637 }
4638 this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.add_wxm5ur$(index + 1 | 0, PhaseContent_init(phase, new PipelinePhaseRelation$After(reference)));
4640 Pipeline.prototype.insertPhaseBefore_b9zzbm$ = function(reference, phase) {
4641 if (this.hasPhase_ee29uw$_0(phase))
4642 return;
4643 var index = this.findPhaseIndex_e6azsp$_0(reference);
4644 if (index === -1) {
4645 throw new InvalidPhaseException('Phase ' + reference + ' was not registered for this pipeline');
4646 }
4647 this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.add_wxm5ur$(index, PhaseContent_init(phase, new PipelinePhaseRelation$Before(reference)));
4649 Pipeline.prototype.intercept_h71y74$ = function(phase, block) {
4650 var tmp$;
4651 tmp$ = this.findPhase_ckbt4l$_0(phase);
4652 if (tmp$ == null) {
4653 throw new InvalidPhaseException('Phase ' + phase + ' was not registered for this pipeline');
4654 }
4655 var phaseContent = tmp$;
4656 if (this.tryAddToPhaseFastPath_8roaa7$_0(phase, block)) {
4657 this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 = this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 + 1 | 0;
4658 return;
4659 }
4660 phaseContent.addInterceptor_mx8w25$(block);
4661 this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 = this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 + 1 | 0;
4662 this.resetInterceptorsList_f35ip$_0();
4663 this.afterIntercepted();
4665 Pipeline.prototype.afterIntercepted = function() {
4667 Pipeline.prototype.merge_p814o4$ = function(from) {
4668 var tmp$, tmp$_0, tmp$_1, tmp$_2, tmp$_3, tmp$_4, tmp$_5;
4669 if (this.fastPathMerge_p3ex3$_0(from)) {
4670 return;
4671 }
4672 if (this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 === 0) {
4673 this.setInterceptorsListFromAnotherPipeline_5wxuo1$_0(from);
4674 } else {
4675 this.resetInterceptorsList_f35ip$_0();
4676 }
4677 var fromPhases = from.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4678 tmp$ = get_lastIndex_0(fromPhases);
4679 for (var index = 0; index <= tmp$; index++) {
4680 var fromPhaseOrContent = fromPhases.get_za3lpa$(index);
4681 var fromPhase = (tmp$_2 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = fromPhaseOrContent, PipelinePhase) ? tmp$_0 : null) != null ? tmp$_2 : (Kotlin.isType(tmp$_1 = fromPhaseOrContent, PhaseContent) ? tmp$_1 : throwCCE()).phase;
4682 if (!this.hasPhase_ee29uw$_0(fromPhase)) {
4683 if (fromPhaseOrContent === fromPhase)
4684 tmp$_4 = PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_getInstance();
4685 else
4686 tmp$_4 = (Kotlin.isType(tmp$_3 = fromPhaseOrContent, PhaseContent) ? tmp$_3 : throwCCE()).relation;
4687 var fromPhaseRelation = tmp$_4;
4688 if (Kotlin.isType(fromPhaseRelation, PipelinePhaseRelation$Last))
4689 this.addPhase_cwbx9d$(fromPhase);
4690 else if (Kotlin.isType(fromPhaseRelation, PipelinePhaseRelation$Before))
4691 this.insertPhaseBefore_b9zzbm$(fromPhaseRelation.relativeTo, fromPhase);
4692 else if (Kotlin.isType(fromPhaseRelation, PipelinePhaseRelation$After))
4693 this.insertPhaseAfter_b9zzbm$(fromPhaseRelation.relativeTo, fromPhase);
4694 }
4695 if (Kotlin.isType(fromPhaseOrContent, PhaseContent) && !fromPhaseOrContent.isEmpty) {
4696 Kotlin.isType(tmp$_5 = fromPhaseOrContent, PhaseContent) ? tmp$_5 : throwCCE();
4697 fromPhaseOrContent.addTo_659igw$(ensureNotNull(this.findPhase_ckbt4l$_0(fromPhase)));
4698 this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 = this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 + fromPhaseOrContent.size | 0;
4699 }
4700 }
4702 Pipeline.prototype.phaseInterceptors_fv4x26$ = function(phase) {
4703 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
4704 return (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = this.findPhase_ckbt4l$_0(phase)) != null ? tmp$.sharedInterceptors() : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : emptyList();
4706 Pipeline.prototype.interceptorsForTests_8be2vx$ = function() {
4707 var tmp$;
4708 return (tmp$ = this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0) != null ? tmp$ : this.cacheInterceptors_dmwwd8$_0();
4710 Pipeline.prototype.createContext_arhz8r$_0 = function(context, subject) {
4711 return pipelineExecutorFor(context, this.sharedInterceptorsList_8aep55$_0(), subject);
4713 Pipeline.prototype.findPhase_ckbt4l$_0 = function(phase) {
4714 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
4715 var phasesList = this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4716 tmp$ = phasesList.size;
4717 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
4718 var current = phasesList.get_za3lpa$(index);
4719 if (current === phase) {
4720 var content = PhaseContent_init(phase, PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_getInstance());
4721 phasesList.set_wxm5ur$(index, content);
4722 return content;
4723 }
4724 if (Kotlin.isType(current, PhaseContent) && current.phase === phase) {
4725 return Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = current, PhaseContent) ? tmp$_0 : throwCCE();
4726 }
4727 }
4728 return null;
4730 Pipeline.prototype.findPhaseIndex_e6azsp$_0 = function(phase) {
4731 var tmp$;
4732 var phasesList = this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4733 tmp$ = phasesList.size;
4734 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
4735 var current = phasesList.get_za3lpa$(index);
4736 if (current === phase || (Kotlin.isType(current, PhaseContent) && current.phase === phase)) {
4737 return index;
4738 }
4739 }
4740 return -1;
4742 Pipeline.prototype.hasPhase_ee29uw$_0 = function(phase) {
4743 var tmp$;
4744 var phasesList = this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4745 tmp$ = phasesList.size;
4746 for (var index = 0; index < tmp$; index++) {
4747 var current = phasesList.get_za3lpa$(index);
4748 if (current === phase || (Kotlin.isType(current, PhaseContent) && current.phase === phase)) {
4749 return true;
4750 }
4751 }
4752 return false;
4754 Pipeline.prototype.cacheInterceptors_dmwwd8$_0 = function() {
4755 var tmp$, tmp$_0, tmp$_1, tmp$_2, tmp$_3, tmp$_4;
4756 var interceptorsQuantity = this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0;
4757 if (interceptorsQuantity === 0) {
4758 this.notSharedInterceptorsList_hhkjgi$_0(emptyList());
4759 return emptyList();
4760 }
4761 var phases = this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4762 if (interceptorsQuantity === 1) {
4763 tmp$ = get_lastIndex_0(phases);
4764 for (var phaseIndex = 0; phaseIndex <= tmp$; phaseIndex++) {
4765 tmp$_1 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = phases.get_za3lpa$(phaseIndex), PhaseContent) ? tmp$_0 : null;
4766 if (tmp$_1 == null) {
4767 continue;
4768 }
4769 var phaseContent = tmp$_1;
4770 if (!phaseContent.isEmpty) {
4771 var interceptors = phaseContent.sharedInterceptors();
4772 this.setInterceptorsListFromPhase_j6c7c5$_0(phaseContent);
4773 return interceptors;
4774 }
4775 }
4776 }
4777 var destination = sharedListOf([]);
4778 tmp$_2 = get_lastIndex_0(phases);
4779 for (var phaseIndex_0 = 0; phaseIndex_0 <= tmp$_2; phaseIndex_0++) {
4780 tmp$_4 = Kotlin.isType(tmp$_3 = phases.get_za3lpa$(phaseIndex_0), PhaseContent) ? tmp$_3 : null;
4781 if (tmp$_4 == null) {
4782 continue;
4783 }
4784 var phase = tmp$_4;
4785 phase.addTo_m9oilt$(destination);
4786 }
4787 this.notSharedInterceptorsList_hhkjgi$_0(destination);
4788 return destination;
4790 Pipeline.prototype.fastPathMerge_p3ex3$_0 = function(from) {
4791 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
4792 if (from.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.isEmpty()) {
4793 return true;
4794 }
4795 if (!this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.isEmpty()) {
4796 return false;
4797 }
4798 var fromPhases = from.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0;
4799 tmp$ = get_lastIndex_0(fromPhases);
4800 for (var index = 0; index <= tmp$; index++) {
4801 var fromPhaseOrContent = fromPhases.get_za3lpa$(index);
4802 if (Kotlin.isType(fromPhaseOrContent, PipelinePhase)) {
4803 this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.add_11rb$(fromPhaseOrContent);
4804 continue;
4805 }
4806 if (Kotlin.isType(fromPhaseOrContent, PhaseContent)) {
4807 Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = fromPhaseOrContent, PhaseContent) ? tmp$_0 : throwCCE();
4808 this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.add_11rb$(new PhaseContent(fromPhaseOrContent.phase, fromPhaseOrContent.relation, fromPhaseOrContent.sharedInterceptors()));
4809 continue;
4810 }
4811 }
4812 this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 = this.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 + from.interceptorsQuantity_zh48jz$_0 | 0;
4813 this.setInterceptorsListFromAnotherPipeline_5wxuo1$_0(from);
4814 return true;
4816 Pipeline.prototype.sharedInterceptorsList_8aep55$_0 = function() {
4817 if (this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0 == null) {
4818 this.cacheInterceptors_dmwwd8$_0();
4819 }
4820 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0 = true;
4821 return ensureNotNull(this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0);
4823 Pipeline.prototype.resetInterceptorsList_f35ip$_0 = function() {
4824 this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0 = null;
4825 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0 = false;
4826 this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_0 = null;
4828 Pipeline.prototype.notSharedInterceptorsList_hhkjgi$_0 = function(list) {
4829 this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0 = list;
4830 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0 = false;
4831 this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_0 = null;
4833 Pipeline.prototype.setInterceptorsListFromPhase_j6c7c5$_0 = function(phaseContent) {
4834 this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0 = phaseContent.sharedInterceptors();
4835 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0 = false;
4836 this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_0 = phaseContent.phase;
4838 Pipeline.prototype.setInterceptorsListFromAnotherPipeline_5wxuo1$_0 = function(pipeline) {
4839 this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0 = pipeline.sharedInterceptorsList_8aep55$_0();
4840 this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0 = true;
4841 this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_0 = null;
4843 Pipeline.prototype.tryAddToPhaseFastPath_8roaa7$_0 = function(phase, block) {
4844 var currentInterceptors = this.interceptors_dzu4x2$_0;
4845 if (this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0.isEmpty() || currentInterceptors == null) {
4846 return false;
4847 }
4848 if (this.interceptorsListShared_q9lih5$_0 || !Kotlin.isType(currentInterceptors, MutableList)) {
4849 return false;
4850 }
4851 if (equals(this.interceptorsListSharedPhase_9t9y1q$_0, phase)) {
4852 currentInterceptors.add_11rb$(block);
4853 return true;
4854 }
4855 if (equals(phase, last(this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0)) || this.findPhaseIndex_e6azsp$_0(phase) === get_lastIndex_0(this.phasesRaw_hnbfpg$_0)) {
4856 ensureNotNull(this.findPhase_ckbt4l$_0(phase)).addInterceptor_mx8w25$(block);
4857 currentInterceptors.add_11rb$(block);
4858 return true;
4859 }
4860 return false;
4862 Pipeline.$metadata$ = {
4863 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4864 simpleName: 'Pipeline',
4865 interfaces: []};
4866 function Pipeline_init(phase, interceptors, $this) {
4867 $this = $this || Object.create(Pipeline.prototype);
4868 Pipeline.call($this, [phase]);
4869 var tmp$;
4870 tmp$ = interceptors.iterator();
4871 while (tmp$.hasNext()) {
4872 var element = tmp$.next();
4873 $this.intercept_h71y74$(phase, element);
4874 }
4875 return $this;
4876 }
4877 function execute($receiver, context, continuation) {
4878 return $receiver.execute_8pmvt0$(context, Unit, continuation);
4879 }
4880 defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.pipeline.execute_8vjjyp$', wrapFunction(function() {
4881 var Unit = Kotlin.kotlin.Unit;
4882 return function($receiver, context, continuation) {
4883 Kotlin.suspendCall($receiver.execute_8pmvt0$(context, Unit, Kotlin.coroutineReceiver()));
4884 return Kotlin.coroutineResult(Kotlin.coroutineReceiver());
4887 var intercept = defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.pipeline.intercept_1vle7l$', wrapFunction(function() {
4888 var PipelineContext = _.io.ktor.util.pipeline.PipelineContext;
4889 var COROUTINE_SUSPENDED = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
4890 var CoroutineImpl = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineImpl;
4891 function Coroutine$intercept$lambda(typeClosure$TSubject_0, isTSubject_0, closure$block_0, $receiver_0, subject_0, controller, continuation_0) {
4892 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
4893 this.$controller = controller;
4894 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
4895 this.local$isTSubject = isTSubject_0;
4896 this.local$closure$block = closure$block_0;
4897 this.local$$receiver = $receiver_0;
4898 this.local$subject = subject_0;
4899 }
4900 Coroutine$intercept$lambda.$metadata$ = {
4901 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
4902 simpleName: null,
4903 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
4904 Coroutine$intercept$lambda.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
4905 Coroutine$intercept$lambda.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$intercept$lambda;
4906 Coroutine$intercept$lambda.prototype.doResume = function() {
4907 do try {
4908 switch (this.state_0) {
4909 case 0:
4910 var tmp$;
4911 if (!this.local$isTSubject(this.local$subject)) {
4912 return;
4913 } else {
4914 this.state_0 = 2;
4915 continue;
4916 }
4917 case 1:
4918 throw this.exception_0;
4919 case 2:
4920 var reinterpret = Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = this.local$$receiver, PipelineContext) ? tmp$ : null;
4921 if (reinterpret != null) {
4922 this.state_0 = 3;
4923 this.result_0 = this.local$closure$block(reinterpret, this.local$subject, this);
4924 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
4926 continue;
4927 } else {
4928 this.result_0 = null;
4929 this.state_0 = 4;
4930 continue;
4931 }
4932 case 3:
4933 this.state_0 = 4;
4934 continue;
4935 case 4:
4936 return this.result_0;
4937 default:
4938 this.state_0 = 1;
4939 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
4940 }
4941 } catch (e) {
4942 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
4943 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
4944 throw e;
4945 } else {
4946 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
4947 this.exception_0 = e;
4948 }
4949} while (true);
4951 function intercept$lambda(typeClosure$TSubject_0, isTSubject_0, closure$block_0) {
4952 return function($receiver_0, subject_0, continuation_0, suspended) {
4953 var instance = new Coroutine$intercept$lambda(typeClosure$TSubject_0, isTSubject_0, closure$block_0, $receiver_0, subject_0, this, continuation_0);
4954 if (suspended)
4955 return instance;
4956 else
4957 return instance.doResume(null);
4959 }
4960 return function(TSubject_0, isTSubject, $receiver, phase, block) {
4961 $receiver.intercept_h71y74$(phase, intercept$lambda(TSubject_0, isTSubject, block));
4964 function PipelineContext() {
4965 }
4966 PipelineContext.$metadata$ = {
4967 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
4968 simpleName: 'PipelineContext',
4969 interfaces: [CoroutineScope]};
4970 function PipelineExecutor() {
4971 }
4972 PipelineExecutor.$metadata$ = {
4973 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
4974 simpleName: 'PipelineExecutor',
4975 interfaces: []};
4976 function pipelineExecutorFor(context, interceptors, subject) {
4977 return new SuspendFunctionGun(subject, context, interceptors);
4978 }
4979 function PipelinePhase(name) {
4980 this.name = name;
4981 }
4982 PipelinePhase.prototype.toString = function() {
4983 return "Phase('" + this.name + "')";
4985 PipelinePhase.$metadata$ = {
4986 kind: Kind_CLASS,
4987 simpleName: 'PipelinePhase',
4988 interfaces: []};
4989 function InvalidPhaseException(message) {
4990 Throwable.call(this);
4991 this.message_qcnek0$_0 = message;
4992 this.cause_hz8mdu$_0 = null;
4993 Kotlin.captureStack(Throwable, this);
4994 this.name = 'InvalidPhaseException';
4995 }
4996 Object.defineProperty(InvalidPhaseException.prototype, 'message', {
4997 get: function() {
4998 return this.message_qcnek0$_0;
5000 Object.defineProperty(InvalidPhaseException.prototype, 'cause', {
5001 get: function() {
5002 return this.cause_hz8mdu$_0;
5004 InvalidPhaseException.$metadata$ = {
5005 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5006 simpleName: 'InvalidPhaseException',
5007 interfaces: [Throwable]};
5008 function PipelinePhaseRelation() {
5009 }
5010 function PipelinePhaseRelation$After(relativeTo) {
5011 PipelinePhaseRelation.call(this);
5012 this.relativeTo = relativeTo;
5013 }
5014 PipelinePhaseRelation$After.$metadata$ = {
5015 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5016 simpleName: 'After',
5017 interfaces: [PipelinePhaseRelation]};
5018 function PipelinePhaseRelation$Before(relativeTo) {
5019 PipelinePhaseRelation.call(this);
5020 this.relativeTo = relativeTo;
5021 }
5022 PipelinePhaseRelation$Before.$metadata$ = {
5023 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5024 simpleName: 'Before',
5025 interfaces: [PipelinePhaseRelation]};
5026 function PipelinePhaseRelation$Last() {
5027 PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_instance = this;
5028 PipelinePhaseRelation.call(this);
5029 }
5030 PipelinePhaseRelation$Last.$metadata$ = {
5031 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
5032 simpleName: 'Last',
5033 interfaces: [PipelinePhaseRelation]};
5034 var PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_instance = null;
5035 function PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_getInstance() {
5036 if (PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_instance === null) {
5037 new PipelinePhaseRelation$Last();
5038 }
5039 return PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_instance;
5040 }
5041 PipelinePhaseRelation.$metadata$ = {
5042 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5043 simpleName: 'PipelinePhaseRelation',
5044 interfaces: []};
5045 function recoverStackTraceBridge(exception, continuation) {
5046 try {
5047 return withCause(recoverStackTrace(exception, continuation), exception.cause);
5048 } catch (_) {
5049 if (Kotlin.isType(_, Throwable)) {
5050 return exception;
5051 } else
5052 throw _;
5054 }
5055 function StackWalkingFailed() {
5056 StackWalkingFailed_instance = this;
5057 }
5058 StackWalkingFailed.prototype.failedToCaptureStackFrame = function() {
5059 throw IllegalStateException_init(('Failed to capture stack frame. This is usually happens when a coroutine is running so' + ' the frame stack is changing quickly ' + 'and the coroutine debug agent is unable to capture it concurrently.' + ' You may retry running your test to see this particular trace.').toString());
5061 StackWalkingFailed.$metadata$ = {
5062 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
5063 simpleName: 'StackWalkingFailed',
5064 interfaces: []};
5065 var StackWalkingFailed_instance = null;
5066 function StackWalkingFailed_getInstance() {
5067 if (StackWalkingFailed_instance === null) {
5068 new StackWalkingFailed();
5069 }
5070 return StackWalkingFailed_instance;
5071 }
5072 function StackWalkingFailedFrame() {
5073 StackWalkingFailedFrame_instance = this;
5074 }
5075 Object.defineProperty(StackWalkingFailedFrame.prototype, 'callerFrame', {
5076 configurable: true,
5077 get: function() {
5078 return null;
5080 StackWalkingFailedFrame.prototype.getStackTraceElement = function() {
5081 return createStackTraceElement(getKClass(StackWalkingFailed), getCallableRef('failedToCaptureStackFrame', function($receiver) {
5082 return $receiver.failedToCaptureStackFrame() , Unit;
5083}.bind(null, StackWalkingFailed_getInstance())).callableName, 'StackWalkingFailed.kt', 8);
5085 Object.defineProperty(StackWalkingFailedFrame.prototype, 'context', {
5086 configurable: true,
5087 get: function() {
5088 return coroutines_0.EmptyCoroutineContext;
5090 StackWalkingFailedFrame.prototype.resumeWith_tl1gpc$ = function(result) {
5091 StackWalkingFailed_getInstance().failedToCaptureStackFrame();
5093 StackWalkingFailedFrame.$metadata$ = {
5094 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
5095 simpleName: 'StackWalkingFailedFrame',
5096 interfaces: [Continuation, CoroutineStackFrame]};
5097 var StackWalkingFailedFrame_instance = null;
5098 function StackWalkingFailedFrame_getInstance() {
5099 if (StackWalkingFailedFrame_instance === null) {
5100 new StackWalkingFailedFrame();
5101 }
5102 return StackWalkingFailedFrame_instance;
5103 }
5104 function Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0, closure$receiver_0, closure$arg_0, continuation_0) {
5105 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
5106 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
5107 this.local$this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3 = this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0;
5108 this.local$closure$receiver = closure$receiver_0;
5109 this.local$closure$arg = closure$arg_0;
5110 }
5111 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.$metadata$ = {
5112 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
5113 simpleName: null,
5114 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
5115 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
5116 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda;
5117 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.prototype.doResume = function() {
5118 do try {
5119 switch (this.state_0) {
5120 case 0:
5121 this.state_0 = 2;
5122 this.result_0 = this.local$this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3(this.local$closure$receiver, this.local$closure$arg, this);
5123 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
5125 continue;
5126 case 1:
5127 throw this.exception_0;
5128 case 2:
5129 return this.result_0;
5130 default:
5131 this.state_0 = 1;
5132 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
5133 }
5134 } catch (e) {
5135 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
5136 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
5137 throw e;
5138 } else {
5139 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
5140 this.exception_0 = e;
5141 }
5142} while (true);
5144 function startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0, closure$receiver_0, closure$arg_0) {
5145 return function(continuation_0, suspended) {
5146 var instance = new Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0, closure$receiver_0, closure$arg_0, continuation_0);
5147 if (suspended)
5148 return instance;
5149 else
5150 return instance.doResume(null);
5152 }
5153 function SuspendFunctionGun(initial, context, blocks) {
5154 this.context_elhkod$_0 = context;
5155 this.blocks_0 = blocks;
5156 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = -1;
5157 this.continuation_0 = new SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral(this);
5158 this.subject_vl1hkm$_0 = initial;
5159 this.rootContinuation_0 = null;
5160 this.index_0 = 0;
5161 preventFreeze(this);
5162 }
5163 Object.defineProperty(SuspendFunctionGun.prototype, 'context', {
5164 get: function() {
5165 return this.context_elhkod$_0;
5167 Object.defineProperty(SuspendFunctionGun.prototype, 'coroutineContext', {
5168 configurable: true,
5169 get: function() {
5170 return this.continuation_0.context;
5172 Object.defineProperty(SuspendFunctionGun.prototype, 'subject', {
5173 configurable: true,
5174 get: function() {
5175 return this.subject_vl1hkm$_0;
5177 set: function(subject) {
5178 this.subject_vl1hkm$_0 = subject;
5180 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.finish = function() {
5181 this.index_0 = this.blocks_0.size;
5183 function SuspendFunctionGun$proceed$lambda(this$SuspendFunctionGun) {
5184 return function(continuation) {
5185 if (this$SuspendFunctionGun.index_0 === this$SuspendFunctionGun.blocks_0.size)
5186 return this$SuspendFunctionGun.subject;
5187 this$SuspendFunctionGun.addContinuation_0(continuation);
5188 if (this$SuspendFunctionGun.loop_0(true)) {
5189 this$SuspendFunctionGun.discardLastRootContinuation_0();
5190 return this$SuspendFunctionGun.subject;
5191 }
5194 }
5195 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.proceed = function(continuation) {
5196 return SuspendFunctionGun$proceed$lambda(this)(continuation);
5198 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.proceedWith_trkh7z$ = function(subject, continuation) {
5199 this.subject = subject;
5200 return this.proceed(continuation);
5202 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.execute_11rb$ = function(initial, continuation) {
5203 this.index_0 = 0;
5204 if (this.index_0 === this.blocks_0.size)
5205 return initial;
5206 this.subject = initial;
5207 if (this.rootContinuation_0 != null)
5208 throw IllegalStateException_init('Already started');
5209 return this.proceed(continuation);
5211 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.loop_0 = function(direct) {
5212 do {
5213 var index = this.index_0;
5214 if (index === this.blocks_0.size) {
5215 if (!direct) {
5216 this.resumeRootWith_0(new Result(this.subject));
5217 return false;
5218 }
5219 return true;
5220 }
5221 this.index_0 = index + 1 | 0;
5222 var next = this.blocks_0.get_za3lpa$(index);
5223 try {
5224 var me = this;
5225 var block = startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(next, me, me.subject);
5226 var rc = block(me.continuation_0, false);
5227 if (rc === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) {
5228 return false;
5229 }
5230 } catch (cause) {
5231 if (Kotlin.isType(cause, Throwable)) {
5232 this.resumeRootWith_0(new Result(createFailure(cause)));
5233 return false;
5234 } else
5235 throw cause;
5237 } while (true);
5239 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.resumeRootWith_0 = function(result) {
5240 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
5241 var rootContinuation = this.rootContinuation_0;
5242 if (rootContinuation == null)
5243 throw IllegalStateException_init('No more continuations to resume');
5244 else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, Continuation)) {
5245 this.rootContinuation_0 = null;
5246 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = -1;
5247 tmp$ = rootContinuation;
5248 } else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, ArrayList)) {
5249 if (rootContinuation.isEmpty())
5250 throw IllegalStateException_init('No more continuations to resume');
5251 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = get_lastIndex_0(rootContinuation) - 1 | 0;
5252 tmp$ = rootContinuation.removeAt_za3lpa$(get_lastIndex_0(rootContinuation));
5253 } else
5254 tmp$ = this.unexpectedRootContinuationValue_0(rootContinuation);
5255 var next = Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = tmp$, Continuation) ? tmp$_0 : throwCCE();
5256 if (!result.isFailure) {
5257 next.resumeWith_tl1gpc$(result);
5258 } else {
5259 var exception = recoverStackTraceBridge(ensureNotNull(result.exceptionOrNull()), next);
5260 next.resumeWith_tl1gpc$(new Result(createFailure(exception)));
5261 }
5263 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.discardLastRootContinuation_0 = function() {
5264 var rootContinuation = this.rootContinuation_0;
5265 if (rootContinuation == null)
5266 throw IllegalStateException_init('No more continuations to resume');
5267 else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, Continuation)) {
5268 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = -1;
5269 this.rootContinuation_0 = null;
5270 } else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, ArrayList)) {
5271 if (rootContinuation.isEmpty())
5272 throw IllegalStateException_init('No more continuations to resume');
5273 rootContinuation.removeAt_za3lpa$(get_lastIndex_0(rootContinuation));
5274 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = get_lastIndex_0(rootContinuation);
5275 } else
5276 this.unexpectedRootContinuationValue_0(rootContinuation);
5278 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.addContinuation_0 = function(continuation) {
5279 var tmp$;
5280 var rootContinuation = this.rootContinuation_0;
5281 if (rootContinuation == null) {
5282 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = 0;
5283 this.rootContinuation_0 = continuation;
5284 } else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, Continuation)) {
5285 var $receiver = ArrayList_init(this.blocks_0.size);
5286 $receiver.add_11rb$(rootContinuation);
5287 $receiver.add_11rb$(continuation);
5288 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = 1;
5289 this.rootContinuation_0 = $receiver;
5290 } else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, ArrayList)) {
5291 Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = rootContinuation, ArrayList) ? tmp$ : throwCCE();
5292 rootContinuation.add_11rb$(continuation);
5293 this.lastPeekedIndex_0 = get_lastIndex_0(rootContinuation);
5294 } else
5295 this.unexpectedRootContinuationValue_0(rootContinuation);
5297 SuspendFunctionGun.prototype.unexpectedRootContinuationValue_0 = function(rootContinuation) {
5298 throw IllegalStateException_init('Unexpected rootContinuation content: ' + toString(rootContinuation));
5300 function SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral(this$SuspendFunctionGun) {
5301 this.this$SuspendFunctionGun = this$SuspendFunctionGun;
5302 }
5303 Object.defineProperty(SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'callerFrame', {
5304 configurable: true,
5305 get: function() {
5306 var tmp$;
5307 return Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = this.peekContinuation_0(), CoroutineStackFrame) ? tmp$ : null;
5309 SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.prototype.getStackTraceElement = function() {
5310 return null;
5312 SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.prototype.peekContinuation_0 = function() {
5313 var tmp$;
5314 if (this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.lastPeekedIndex_0 < 0)
5315 return null;
5316 var rootContinuation = this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.rootContinuation_0;
5317 if (rootContinuation == null)
5318 return null;
5319 else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, Continuation)) {
5320 this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.lastPeekedIndex_0 = this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.lastPeekedIndex_0 - 1 | 0;
5321 this.this$SuspendFunctionGun;
5322 return rootContinuation;
5323 } else if (Kotlin.isType(rootContinuation, ArrayList)) {
5324 if (rootContinuation.isEmpty()) {
5325 return StackWalkingFailedFrame_getInstance();
5326 }
5327 return this.peekContinuationFromList_0(Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = rootContinuation, List) ? tmp$ : throwCCE());
5328 } else
5329 return null;
5331 SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.prototype.peekContinuationFromList_0 = function(list) {
5332 var tmp$;
5333 try {
5334 var index = this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.lastPeekedIndex_0;
5335 tmp$ = getOrNull(list, index);
5336 if (tmp$ == null) {
5337 return StackWalkingFailedFrame_getInstance();
5338 }
5339 var result = tmp$;
5340 this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.lastPeekedIndex_0 = index - 1 | 0;
5341 return result;
5342 } catch (_) {
5343 if (Kotlin.isType(_, Throwable)) {
5344 return StackWalkingFailedFrame_getInstance();
5345 } else
5346 throw _;
5349 Object.defineProperty(SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.prototype, 'context', {
5350 configurable: true,
5351 get: function() {
5352 var tmp$;
5353 var cont = this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.rootContinuation_0;
5354 if (cont == null)
5355 throw IllegalStateException_init('Not started');
5356 else if (Kotlin.isType(cont, Continuation))
5357 return cont.context;
5358 else if (Kotlin.isType(cont, List))
5359 return last(Kotlin.isType(tmp$ = cont, List) ? tmp$ : throwCCE()).context;
5360 else
5361 throw IllegalStateException_init('Unexpected rootContinuation value');
5363 SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.prototype.resumeWith_tl1gpc$ = function(result) {
5364 if (result.isFailure) {
5365 this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.resumeRootWith_0(new Result(createFailure(ensureNotNull(result.exceptionOrNull()))));
5366 return;
5367 }
5368 this.this$SuspendFunctionGun.loop_0(false);
5370 SuspendFunctionGun$continuation$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
5371 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5372 interfaces: [CoroutineStackFrame, Continuation]};
5373 SuspendFunctionGun.$metadata$ = {
5374 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5375 simpleName: 'SuspendFunctionGun',
5376 interfaces: [PipelineExecutor, PipelineContext, CoroutineScope]};
5377 function Attributes_0(concurrent) {
5378 if (concurrent === void 0)
5379 concurrent = false;
5380 return new AttributesJs();
5381 }
5382 function AttributesJs() {
5383 this.map_0 = LinkedHashMap_init();
5384 }
5385 AttributesJs.prototype.getOrNull_yzaw86$ = function(key) {
5386 var tmp$;
5387 return (tmp$ = this.map_0.get_11rb$(key)) == null || Kotlin.isType(tmp$, Any) ? tmp$ : throwCCE();
5389 AttributesJs.prototype.contains_w48dwb$ = function(key) {
5390 return this.map_0.containsKey_11rb$(key);
5392 AttributesJs.prototype.put_uuntuo$ = function(key, value) {
5393 this.map_0.put_xwzc9p$(key, value);
5395 AttributesJs.prototype.remove_yzaw86$ = function(key) {
5396 this.map_0.remove_11rb$(key);
5398 AttributesJs.prototype.computeIfAbsent_u4q9l2$ = function(key, block) {
5399 var tmp$;
5400 if ((tmp$ = this.map_0.get_11rb$(key)) != null) {
5401 var tmp$_0;
5402 return Kotlin.isType(tmp$_0 = tmp$, Any) ? tmp$_0 : throwCCE();
5403 }
5404 var $receiver = block();
5405 this.map_0.put_xwzc9p$(key, $receiver);
5406 return $receiver;
5408 Object.defineProperty(AttributesJs.prototype, 'allKeys', {
5409 configurable: true,
5410 get: function() {
5411 return toList_0(this.map_0.keys);
5413 AttributesJs.$metadata$ = {
5414 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5415 simpleName: 'AttributesJs',
5416 interfaces: [Attributes]};
5417 function unmodifiable($receiver) {
5418 return $receiver;
5419 }
5420 var startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3 = defineInlineFunction('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy.io.ktor.util.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_jwwvsf$', wrapFunction(function() {
5421 var COROUTINE_SUSPENDED = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED;
5422 var CoroutineImpl = Kotlin.kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineImpl;
5423 function Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0, closure$receiver_0, closure$arg_0, continuation_0) {
5424 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
5425 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
5426 this.local$this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3 = this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0;
5427 this.local$closure$receiver = closure$receiver_0;
5428 this.local$closure$arg = closure$arg_0;
5429 }
5430 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.$metadata$ = {
5431 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
5432 simpleName: null,
5433 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
5434 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
5435 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda;
5436 Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda.prototype.doResume = function() {
5437 do try {
5438 switch (this.state_0) {
5439 case 0:
5440 this.state_0 = 2;
5441 this.result_0 = this.local$this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3(this.local$closure$receiver, this.local$closure$arg, this);
5442 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
5444 continue;
5445 case 1:
5446 throw this.exception_0;
5447 case 2:
5448 return this.result_0;
5449 default:
5450 this.state_0 = 1;
5451 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
5452 }
5453 } catch (e) {
5454 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
5455 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
5456 throw e;
5457 } else {
5458 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
5459 this.exception_0 = e;
5460 }
5461} while (true);
5463 function startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0, closure$receiver_0, closure$arg_0) {
5464 return function(continuation_0, suspended) {
5465 var instance = new Coroutine$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda(this$startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_0, closure$receiver_0, closure$arg_0, continuation_0);
5466 if (suspended)
5467 return instance;
5468 else
5469 return instance.doResume(null);
5471 }
5472 return function($receiver, receiver, arg, continuation) {
5473 var block = startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3$lambda($receiver, receiver, arg);
5474 return block(continuation, false);
5478 function generateNonce_0() {
5479 var buffer = new Int8Array(8);
5480 if (PlatformUtils_getInstance().IS_NODE) {
5481 _crypto.randomFillSync(buffer);
5482 } else {
5483 _crypto.getRandomValues(buffer);
5484 }
5485 return hex(buffer);
5486 }
5487 function Digest$ObjectLiteral(closure$name) {
5488 this.closure$name = closure$name;
5489 this.state_0 = ArrayList_init_0();
5490 }
5491 Digest$ObjectLiteral.prototype.plusAssign_fqrh44$ = function(bytes) {
5492 this.state_0.add_11rb$(bytes);
5494 Digest$ObjectLiteral.prototype.reset = function() {
5495 this.state_0.clear();
5497 function Coroutine$build($this, continuation_0) {
5498 CoroutineImpl.call(this, continuation_0);
5499 this.exceptionState_0 = 1;
5500 this.$this = $this;
5501 }
5502 Coroutine$build.$metadata$ = {
5503 kind: Kotlin.Kind.CLASS,
5504 simpleName: null,
5505 interfaces: [CoroutineImpl]};
5506 Coroutine$build.prototype = Object.create(CoroutineImpl.prototype);
5507 Coroutine$build.prototype.constructor = Coroutine$build;
5508 Coroutine$build.prototype.doResume = function() {
5509 do try {
5510 switch (this.state_0) {
5511 case 0:
5512 var iterator = this.$this.state_0.iterator();
5513 if (!iterator.hasNext())
5514 throw UnsupportedOperationException_init("Empty collection can't be reduced.");
5515 var accumulator = iterator.next();
5516 while (iterator.hasNext()) {
5517 accumulator = primitiveArrayConcat(accumulator, iterator.next());
5518 }
5519 var snapshot = accumulator;
5520 this.state_0 = 2;
5521 this.result_0 = asDeferred(_crypto.subtle.digest(this.$this.closure$name, snapshot)).await(this);
5522 if (this.result_0 === COROUTINE_SUSPENDED)
5524 continue;
5525 case 1:
5526 throw this.exception_0;
5527 case 2:
5528 var digestBuffer = this.result_0;
5529 var digestView = new DataView(digestBuffer);
5530 var array = new Int8Array(digestView.byteLength);
5531 var tmp$;
5532 tmp$ = array.length - 1 | 0;
5533 for (var i = 0; i <= tmp$; i++) {
5534 array[i] = digestView.getUint8(i);
5535 }
5536 return array;
5537 default:
5538 this.state_0 = 1;
5539 throw new Error('State Machine Unreachable execution');
5540 }
5541 } catch (e) {
5542 if (this.state_0 === 1) {
5543 this.exceptionState_0 = this.state_0;
5544 throw e;
5545 } else {
5546 this.state_0 = this.exceptionState_0;
5547 this.exception_0 = e;
5548 }
5549} while (true);
5551 Digest$ObjectLiteral.prototype.build = function(continuation_0, suspended) {
5552 var instance = new Coroutine$build(this, continuation_0);
5553 if (suspended)
5554 return instance;
5555 else
5556 return instance.doResume(null);
5558 Digest$ObjectLiteral.$metadata$ = {
5559 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5560 interfaces: [Digest]};
5561 function Digest_0(name) {
5562 return new Digest$ObjectLiteral(name);
5563 }
5564 var _crypto;
5565 function sha1(bytes) {
5566 throw IllegalStateException_init('sha1 currently is not supported in ktor-js'.toString());
5567 }
5568 function Lock() {
5569 }
5570 Lock.prototype.lock = function() {
5572 Lock.prototype.unlock = function() {
5574 Lock.prototype.close = function() {
5576 Lock.$metadata$ = {
5577 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5578 simpleName: 'Lock',
5579 interfaces: []};
5580 function PlatformUtils() {
5581 PlatformUtils_instance = this;
5582 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
5583 this.IS_BROWSER = typeof (tmp$ = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined')) === 'boolean' ? tmp$ : throwCCE();
5584 this.IS_NODE = typeof (tmp$_0 = (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.versions != null && process.versions.node != null)) === 'boolean' ? tmp$_0 : throwCCE();
5585 this.IS_JVM = false;
5586 this.IS_NATIVE = false;
5587 }
5588 PlatformUtils.$metadata$ = {
5589 kind: Kind_OBJECT,
5590 simpleName: 'PlatformUtils',
5591 interfaces: []};
5592 var PlatformUtils_instance = null;
5593 function PlatformUtils_getInstance() {
5594 if (PlatformUtils_instance === null) {
5595 new PlatformUtils();
5596 }
5597 return PlatformUtils_instance;
5598 }
5599 function CoroutineStackFrame() {
5600 }
5601 CoroutineStackFrame.$metadata$ = {
5602 kind: Kind_INTERFACE,
5603 simpleName: 'CoroutineStackFrame',
5604 interfaces: []};
5605 function createStackTraceElement(kClass, methodName, fileName, lineNumber) {
5606 return new Any();
5607 }
5608 function GMTDate_0(timestamp) {
5609 if (timestamp === void 0)
5610 timestamp = null;
5611 var tmp$, tmp$_0;
5612 var date = (tmp$_0 = (tmp$ = timestamp != null ? timestamp.toNumber() : null) != null ? new Date(tmp$) : null) != null ? tmp$_0 : new Date();
5613 if (isNaN_0(date.getTime()))
5614 throw new InvalidTimestampException(ensureNotNull(timestamp));
5615 var dayOfWeek = WeekDay$Companion_getInstance().from_za3lpa$((date.getUTCDay() + 6 | 0) % 7);
5616 var month = Month$Companion_getInstance().from_za3lpa$(date.getUTCMonth());
5617 return new GMTDate(date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCHours(), dayOfWeek, date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCFullYear(), month, date.getUTCFullYear(), Kotlin.Long.fromNumber(date.getTime()));
5618 }
5619 function GMTDate_1(seconds, minutes, hours, dayOfMonth, month, year) {
5620 var timestamp = Kotlin.Long.fromNumber(Date.UTC(year, month.ordinal, dayOfMonth, hours, minutes, seconds));
5621 return GMTDate_0(timestamp);
5622 }
5623 function InvalidTimestampException(timestamp) {
5624 IllegalStateException_init('Invalid date timestamp exception: ' + timestamp.toString(), this);
5625 this.name = 'InvalidTimestampException';
5626 }
5627 InvalidTimestampException.$metadata$ = {
5628 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5629 simpleName: 'InvalidTimestampException',
5630 interfaces: [IllegalStateException]};
5631 function getTimeMillis() {
5632 return Kotlin.Long.fromNumber((new Date()).getTime());
5633 }
5634 function NetworkAddress(hostname, port, address) {
5635 this.hostname_8be2vx$ = hostname;
5636 this.port_8be2vx$ = port;
5637 this.address_8be2vx$ = address;
5638 }
5639 NetworkAddress.$metadata$ = {
5640 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5641 simpleName: 'NetworkAddress',
5642 interfaces: []};
5643 function get_hostname($receiver) {
5644 return $receiver.hostname_8be2vx$;
5645 }
5646 function get_port($receiver) {
5647 return $receiver.port_8be2vx$;
5648 }
5649 function NetworkAddress_0(hostname, port) {
5650 return new NetworkAddress(hostname, port, hostname);
5651 }
5652 function UnresolvedAddressException() {
5653 IllegalArgumentException_init_0(this);
5654 this.name = 'UnresolvedAddressException';
5655 }
5656 UnresolvedAddressException.$metadata$ = {
5657 kind: Kind_CLASS,
5658 simpleName: 'UnresolvedAddressException',
5659 interfaces: [IllegalArgumentException]};
5660 function withCause($receiver, cause) {
5661 return $receiver;
5662 }
5663 var package$io = _.io || (_.io = {});
5664 var package$ktor = package$io.ktor || (package$io.ktor = {});
5665 var package$util = package$ktor.util || (package$ktor.util = {});
5666 package$util.InternalAPI = InternalAPI;
5667 package$util.KtorExperimentalAPI = KtorExperimentalAPI;
5668 package$util.AttributeKey = AttributeKey;
5669 package$util.Attributes = Attributes;
5670 $$importsForInline$$['ktor-ktor-io-jsLegacy'] = $module$ktor_ktor_io_jsLegacy;
5671 package$util.encodeBase64_pdl1vz$ = encodeBase64;
5672 package$util.encodeBase64_964n91$ = encodeBase64_0;
5673 package$util.encodeBase64_mlrm9h$ = encodeBase64_1;
5674 package$util.decodeBase64String_pdl1vz$ = decodeBase64String;
5675 package$util.decodeBase64Bytes_pdl1vz$ = decodeBase64Bytes;
5676 package$util.decodeBase64Bytes_mlrm9h$ = decodeBase64Bytes_0;
5677 package$util.decodeBase64_pdl1vz$ = decodeBase64;
5678 package$util.decodeBase64_mlrm9h$ = decodeBase64_0;
5679 package$util.clearFrom_767k4w$ = clearFrom;
5680 package$util.toBase64_8e50z4$ = toBase64;
5681 package$util.fromBase64_nugvp3$ = fromBase64;
5682 package$util.split_o3z30d$ = split;
5683 package$util.copyToBoth_xeww6r$ = copyToBoth;
5684 package$util.toByteArray_3dmw3p$ = toByteArray;
5685 package$util.readShort_mrm5p$ = readShort;
5686 package$util.CaseInsensitiveMap = CaseInsensitiveMap;
5687 package$util.CaseInsensitiveSet_init_upaayv$ = CaseInsensitiveSet_init;
5688 package$util.CaseInsensitiveSet = CaseInsensitiveSet;
5689 package$util.isLowerCase_myv2d0$ = isLowerCase;
5690 package$util.toCharArray_pdl1vz$ = toCharArray;
5691 package$util.caseInsensitiveMap_287e2$ = caseInsensitiveMap;
5692 package$util.printDebugTree_7ru2wg$ = printDebugTree;
5693 $$importsForInline$$['kotlinx-coroutines-core'] = $module$kotlinx_coroutines_core;
5694 package$util.SilentSupervisor_5dx9e$ = SilentSupervisor;
5695 package$util.hex_fqrh44$ = hex;
5696 package$util.hex_61zpoe$ = hex_0;
5697 package$util.generateNonce_za3lpa$ = generateNonce;
5698 package$util.Digest = Digest;
5699 package$util.build_1mpr19$ = build;
5700 package$util.build_v179cf$ = build_0;
5701 package$util.DelegatingMutableSet = DelegatingMutableSet;
5702 Object.defineProperty(package$util, 'Identity', {
5703 get: Identity_getInstance});
5704 package$util.Encoder = Encoder;
5705 Object.defineProperty(package$util, 'Hash', {
5706 get: Hash_getInstance});
5707 package$util.withLock_mfy7iq$ = withLock;
5708 package$util.NonceManager = NonceManager;
5709 Object.defineProperty(package$util, 'GenerateOnlyNonceManager', {
5710 get: GenerateOnlyNonceManager_getInstance});
5711 Object.defineProperty(package$util, 'AlwaysFailNonceManager', {
5712 get: AlwaysFailNonceManager_getInstance});
5713 package$util.get_length_37ivyf$ = get_length;
5714 package$util.contains_9p7nab$ = contains;
5715 Object.defineProperty(StringValues, 'Companion', {
5716 get: StringValues$Companion_getInstance});
5717 package$util.StringValues = StringValues;
5718 package$util.StringValuesSingleImpl = StringValuesSingleImpl;
5719 package$util.StringValuesImpl = StringValuesImpl;
5720 package$util.StringValuesBuilder = StringValuesBuilder;
5721 package$util.valuesOf_4scrhc$ = valuesOf;
5722 package$util.valuesOf_qz9155$ = valuesOf_0;
5723 package$util.valuesOf_shkbj6$ = valuesOf_1;
5724 package$util.valuesOf = valuesOf_2;
5725 package$util.valuesOf_bntsah$ = valuesOf_3;
5726 package$util.toMap_vr6bp2$ = toMap_1;
5727 package$util.flattenEntries_vr6bp2$ = flattenEntries;
5728 package$util.flattenForEach_vel9bh$ = flattenForEach;
5729 package$util.filter_ksha00$ = filter;
5730 package$util.appendFiltered_af8oy2$ = appendFiltered;
5731 package$util.appendAll_k10e8h$ = appendAll;
5732 package$util.escapeHTML_pdl1vz$ = escapeHTML;
5733 $$importsForInline$$['ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy'] = _;
5734 package$util.chomp_xxkbvm$ = chomp;
5735 package$util.toLowerCasePreservingASCIIRules_pdl1vz$ = toLowerCasePreservingASCIIRules;
5736 package$util.toUpperCasePreservingASCIIRules_pdl1vz$ = toUpperCasePreservingASCIIRules;
5737 package$util.caseInsensitive_7efafi$ = caseInsensitive;
5738 package$util.CaseInsensitiveString = CaseInsensitiveString;
5739 package$util.get_rootCause_dbl4o4$ = get_rootCause;
5740 var package$cio = package$util.cio || (package$util.cio = {});
5741 package$cio.ChannelIOException = ChannelIOException;
5742 package$cio.ChannelWriteException = ChannelWriteException;
5743 package$cio.ChannelReadException = ChannelReadException;
5744 package$cio.toByteArray_78elpf$ = toByteArray_0;
5745 package$cio.use_wxabi2$ = use;
5746 var package$collections = package$util.collections || (package$util.collections = {});
5747 package$collections.sharedListOf_9fxoq2$ = sharedListOf;
5748 package$collections.ConcurrentCollection = ConcurrentCollection;
5750 package$collections.ConcurrentList = ConcurrentList;
5751 package$collections.ConcurrentMap_init_bnlk2s$ = ConcurrentMap_init;
5752 package$collections.ConcurrentMap = ConcurrentMap;
5753 package$collections.ConcurrentSet = ConcurrentSet;
5754 var package$internal = package$collections.internal || (package$collections.internal = {});
5755 package$internal.ConcurrentListSlice = ConcurrentListSlice;
5756 package$internal.ConcurrentMapKeys = ConcurrentMapKeys;
5757 package$internal.ConcurrentMapValues = ConcurrentMapValues;
5758 package$internal.ForwardListIterator = ForwardListIterator;
5759 package$internal.ForwardListNode = ForwardListNode;
5760 package$internal.MapNode = MapNode;
5761 package$internal.MutableMapEntries = MutableMapEntries;
5762 package$internal.SharedForwardList = SharedForwardList;
5763 package$internal.SharedList = SharedList;
5764 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'MONDAY', {
5765 get: WeekDay$MONDAY_getInstance});
5766 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'TUESDAY', {
5767 get: WeekDay$TUESDAY_getInstance});
5768 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'WEDNESDAY', {
5769 get: WeekDay$WEDNESDAY_getInstance});
5770 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'THURSDAY', {
5771 get: WeekDay$THURSDAY_getInstance});
5772 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'FRIDAY', {
5773 get: WeekDay$FRIDAY_getInstance});
5774 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'SATURDAY', {
5775 get: WeekDay$SATURDAY_getInstance});
5776 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'SUNDAY', {
5777 get: WeekDay$SUNDAY_getInstance});
5778 Object.defineProperty(WeekDay, 'Companion', {
5779 get: WeekDay$Companion_getInstance});
5780 var package$date = package$util.date || (package$util.date = {});
5781 package$date.WeekDay = WeekDay;
5782 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'JANUARY', {
5783 get: Month$JANUARY_getInstance});
5784 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'FEBRUARY', {
5785 get: Month$FEBRUARY_getInstance});
5786 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'MARCH', {
5787 get: Month$MARCH_getInstance});
5788 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'APRIL', {
5789 get: Month$APRIL_getInstance});
5790 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'MAY', {
5791 get: Month$MAY_getInstance});
5792 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'JUNE', {
5793 get: Month$JUNE_getInstance});
5794 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'JULY', {
5795 get: Month$JULY_getInstance});
5796 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'AUGUST', {
5797 get: Month$AUGUST_getInstance});
5798 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'SEPTEMBER', {
5799 get: Month$SEPTEMBER_getInstance});
5800 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'OCTOBER', {
5801 get: Month$OCTOBER_getInstance});
5802 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'NOVEMBER', {
5803 get: Month$NOVEMBER_getInstance});
5804 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'DECEMBER', {
5805 get: Month$DECEMBER_getInstance});
5806 Object.defineProperty(Month, 'Companion', {
5807 get: Month$Companion_getInstance});
5808 package$date.Month = Month;
5809 Object.defineProperty(GMTDate, 'Companion', {
5810 get: GMTDate$Companion_getInstance});
5811 package$date.GMTDate = GMTDate;
5812 package$date.plus_e4j7mw$ = plus;
5813 package$date.minus_e4j7mw$ = minus;
5814 package$date.truncateToSeconds_bcxie9$ = truncateToSeconds;
5815 Object.defineProperty(GMTDateParser, 'Companion', {
5816 get: GMTDateParser$Companion_getInstance});
5817 package$date.GMTDateParser = GMTDateParser;
5818 package$date.GMTDateBuilder = GMTDateBuilder;
5819 package$date.InvalidDateStringException = InvalidDateStringException;
5820 var package$pipeline = package$util.pipeline || (package$util.pipeline = {});
5821 package$pipeline.ContextDsl = ContextDsl;
5822 Object.defineProperty(PhaseContent, 'Companion', {
5823 get: PhaseContent$Companion_getInstance});
5824 package$pipeline.PhaseContent_init_ctf2er$ = PhaseContent_init;
5825 package$pipeline.PhaseContent = PhaseContent;
5826 package$pipeline.Pipeline_init_phk9fc$ = Pipeline_init;
5827 package$pipeline.Pipeline = Pipeline;
5828 package$pipeline.execute_8vjjyp$ = execute;
5829 package$pipeline.PipelineContext = PipelineContext;
5830 package$pipeline.PipelineExecutor = PipelineExecutor;
5831 package$pipeline.pipelineExecutorFor_uvswee$ = pipelineExecutorFor;
5832 package$pipeline.PipelinePhase = PipelinePhase;
5833 package$pipeline.InvalidPhaseException = InvalidPhaseException;
5834 PipelinePhaseRelation.After = PipelinePhaseRelation$After;
5835 PipelinePhaseRelation.Before = PipelinePhaseRelation$Before;
5836 Object.defineProperty(PipelinePhaseRelation, 'Last', {
5837 get: PipelinePhaseRelation$Last_getInstance});
5838 package$pipeline.PipelinePhaseRelation = PipelinePhaseRelation;
5839 package$pipeline.recoverStackTraceBridge_5yr8tz$ = recoverStackTraceBridge;
5840 Object.defineProperty(package$pipeline, 'StackWalkingFailed', {
5841 get: StackWalkingFailed_getInstance});
5842 Object.defineProperty(package$pipeline, 'StackWalkingFailedFrame', {
5843 get: StackWalkingFailedFrame_getInstance});
5844 package$pipeline.SuspendFunctionGun = SuspendFunctionGun;
5845 package$util.AttributesJsFn = Attributes_0;
5846 package$util.AttributesJs = AttributesJs;
5847 package$util.unmodifiable_cgavii$ = unmodifiable;
5848 package$util.startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3_jwwvsf$ = startCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn3;
5849 package$util.generateNonce = generateNonce_0;
5850 package$util.Digest_61zpoe$ = Digest_0;
5851 package$util.sha1_fqrh44$ = sha1;
5852 package$util.Lock = Lock;
5853 Object.defineProperty(package$util, 'PlatformUtils', {
5854 get: PlatformUtils_getInstance});
5855 package$util.CoroutineStackFrame = CoroutineStackFrame;
5856 package$util.createStackTraceElement_svyzhk$ = createStackTraceElement;
5857 package$date.GMTDate_mts6q2$ = GMTDate_0;
5858 package$date.GMTDate_qlqxlw$ = GMTDate_1;
5859 package$date.InvalidTimestampException = InvalidTimestampException;
5860 package$date.getTimeMillis = getTimeMillis;
5861 var package$network = package$util.network || (package$util.network = {});
5862 package$network.NetworkAddress = NetworkAddress;
5863 package$network.get_hostname_n5o44p$ = get_hostname;
5864 package$network.get_port_n5o44p$ = get_port;
5865 package$network.NetworkAddress_bm4lxs$ = NetworkAddress_0;
5866 package$network.UnresolvedAddressException = UnresolvedAddressException;
5867 package$pipeline.withCause_6zzckt$ = withCause;
5868 AttributesJs.prototype.get_yzaw86$ = Attributes.prototype.get_yzaw86$;
5869 AttributesJs.prototype.take_yzaw86$ = Attributes.prototype.take_yzaw86$;
5870 AttributesJs.prototype.takeOrNull_yzaw86$ = Attributes.prototype.takeOrNull_yzaw86$;
5871 BASE64_ALPHABET = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
5872 BASE64_MASK = 63;
5873 BASE64_PAD = 61;
5874 var array = new Int32Array(256);
5875 var tmp$;
5876 tmp$ = array.length - 1 | 0;
5877 for (var i = 0; i <= tmp$; i++) {
5878 array[i] = indexOf(BASE64_ALPHABET, toChar(i));
5879 }
5882 digits = toCharArray('0123456789abcdef');
5885 MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = 0.5;
5886 UPSIZE_RATIO = 2;
5888 _crypto = PlatformUtils_getInstance().IS_NODE ? require('crypto') : crypto ? crypto : msCrypto;
5889 Kotlin.defineModule('ktor-ktor-utils-jsLegacy', _);
5890 return _;