1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 | var which = require('which'),
12 | spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
13 | exec = require('child_process').exec,
14 | chalk = require('chalk'),
15 | https = require('https'),
16 | prompt = require('prompt'),
17 | Travis = require('travis-ci'),
18 | travis,
19 | good = chalk.green("✔"),
20 | bad = chalk.red("✖"),
21 | progress = chalk.yellow("♢");
22 |
23 | if (process.platform === 'win32') {
24 | good = chalk.green('OK');
25 | bad = chalk.red('X');
26 | progress = chalk.yellow('O');
27 | }
28 |
29 | exports.good = good;
30 | exports.bad = bad;
31 |
32 | var getInfo = function(callback) {
33 | which('git', function(err, git) {
34 | if (err) {
35 | console.error(err);
36 | process.exit(1);
37 | }
38 | var child = spawn(git, ['remote', '-v']),
39 | user, repo;
40 | child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
41 | data = data.toString().split('\n');
42 | data.forEach(function(line) {
43 | if (line.indexOf('origin') === 0 && !user && !repo) {
44 | line = line.replace(' (fetch)', '').replace(' (push)', '');
45 | var origin = line.split('\t')[1];
46 | if (origin.indexOf('git@') === 0) {
47 |
48 | origin = origin.replace('git@github.com:', '').replace('.git', '').split('/');
49 | } else if (origin.indexOf('git://') === 0) {
50 | origin = origin.replace('git://github.com/', '').replace('.git', '').split('/');
51 | } else if (origin.indexOf('https://') === 0) {
52 | origin = origin.replace('https://github.com/', '').replace('.git', '').split('/');
53 | }
54 | if (origin && origin.length) {
55 | user = origin[0].trim();
56 | repo = origin[1].trim();
57 | if (!user || !repo) {
58 | throw('failed to parse git remote');
59 | }
60 | exec(git + ' status', {
61 | cwd: process.cwd()
62 | }, function(err, stdout) {
63 | var branch = stdout.trim().split('\n')[0];
64 | branch = branch.replace('# On branch ', '').replace('On branch ', '') || 'master';
65 | callback(user, repo, branch);
66 | });
67 | }
68 | }
69 | });
70 | });
71 | });
72 | };
73 |
74 | exports.info = getInfo;
75 |
76 | var fetch = function(user, repo, branch, callback) {
77 | travis.repos(user, repo).builds().get(function(err, res) {
78 | if (err) {
79 | return callback(err);
80 | }
81 | var build = res.builds || res,
82 | item, other, commit, msg = null;
83 |
84 | if (build && !build.hasOwnProperty('length')) {
85 | callback('failed to fetch info for ' +user + '/' + repo);
86 | return;
87 | }
88 |
89 | if (Array.isArray(res)) {
90 | res.some(function(i) {
91 | var ret = (i.branch === branch);
92 | if (ret) {
93 | item = i;
94 | }
95 | return ret;
96 | });
97 | other = res[0];
98 | } else {
99 | res.commits.some(function(i) {
100 | var ret = (i.branch === branch);
101 | if (ret) {
102 | commit = i;
103 | }
104 | return ret;
105 | });
106 |
107 | res.builds.some(function(i) {
108 | var ret = (i.commit_id === commit.id);
109 | if (ret) {
110 | item = i;
111 | }
112 | return ret;
113 | });
114 |
115 | other = res.builds[0];
116 | commit = res.commits[0];
117 | }
118 |
119 | if (!item) {
120 | msg = 'no recent builds on ' + branch + ' showing latest';
121 | item = other;
122 | }
123 |
124 | if (!item) {
125 | return callback('no item found');
126 | }
127 |
128 | callback(null, {
129 | msg: msg,
130 | item: item,
131 | commit: commit
132 | });
133 | });
134 |
135 | };
136 |
137 | exports.fetch = fetch;
138 |
139 | var isPublicRepository = function (user, repo, callback) {
140 | https.request({
141 | method: 'HEAD',
142 | host: 'api.github.com',
143 | path: '/repos/' + user + '/' + repo,
144 | headers: {
145 | 'user-agent': 'git-travis cli tool'
146 | }
147 | }, function (res) {
148 |
149 | res.on('data', function() { });
150 | if (res.statusCode === 200) {
151 | return callback(null, true);
152 | } else if (res.statusCode === 404) {
153 | return callback(null, false);
154 | } else {
155 | return callback('unknown');
156 | }
157 | }).end();
158 | };
159 |
160 | exports.print = function(user, repo, branch, callback) {
161 | console.log('Fetching build status for', user + '/' + repo + ':' + branch);
162 |
163 | var onFetch = function(err, data) {
164 | var status, commit, item;
165 |
166 | if (err) {
167 | if (callback) {
168 | return callback(err);
169 | } else {
170 | throw err;
171 | }
172 | }
173 |
174 | if (data.msg) {
175 | console.log(' ', data.msg);
176 | }
177 |
178 | commit = data.commit;
179 | item = data.item;
180 |
181 | status = (item.result ? bad : good);
182 |
183 | if (item.status === null) {
184 | status = progress;
185 | }
186 |
187 | console.log(' ', status, user + '/' + repo);
188 | travis.repos(user, repo).builds(item.id).get(function(err, res) {
189 | if (err) {
190 | console.log(' ', bad, 'failed to fetch info for', user + '/' + repo);
191 | if (callback) {
192 | callback();
193 | }
194 | return;
195 | }
196 | var json = res,
197 | message = json.message || json.commit.message,
198 | sha = json.commit.sha || json.commit,
199 | url = json.commit.compare_url || json.compare_url,
200 | branch = json.branch || json.commit.branch,
201 | name = json.author_name || json.commit.author_name,
202 | email = json.author_email || json.commit.author_email,
203 | state = json.state || json.build.state,
204 | jobs = json.matrix || json.jobs;
205 |
206 | message = message.split('\n')[0];
207 | sha = sha.substring(0, 7);
208 |
209 | console.log(' ', 'Compare: ', url);
210 | console.log(' ', ((state === 'failed') ? bad : ((state === 'passed') ? good: progress)), sha, '(' + branch + ')',
211 | message, '(' + name + ' <' + email + '>)', chalk.white('(' + state + ')'));
212 |
213 | jobs.forEach(function(m) {
214 | var lang = m.config.language;
215 | console.log(' ', ((m.state === 'failed') ? bad : ((m.finished_at === null) ? progress : good)),
216 | m.number, lang, m.config[lang], chalk.white('(' + m.state + ')'));
217 | });
218 | if (callback) {
219 | callback();
220 | }
221 | });
222 | },
223 | travisAuthWithUsernamePassword = function (callback) {
224 | prompt.start();
225 | prompt.get({
226 | properties: {
227 | username: {
228 | required: true
229 | },
230 | password: {
231 | required: true,
232 | hidden: true
233 | }
234 | }
235 | }, function (err, result) {
236 | if (err) {
237 | return callback(err);
238 | }
239 |
240 | var auth = {
241 | username: result.username,
242 | password: result.password
243 | };
244 | callback(null, auth);
245 | });
246 | },
247 | getGHToken = function () {
248 | return process.env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN;
249 | },
250 | travisAuthWithToken = function (callback) {
251 |
252 | var auth = {
253 | github_token: getGHToken()
254 | };
255 | callback(null, auth);
256 | },
257 | hasToken = !!getGHToken();
258 |
259 | isPublicRepository(user, repo, function (err, repositoryIsPublic) {
260 | if (err) {
261 | return callback(err);
262 | }
263 |
264 | travis = new Travis({
265 | version: '2.0.0',
266 | pro: !repositoryIsPublic
267 | });
268 |
269 | if (repositoryIsPublic) {
270 | fetch(user, repo, branch, onFetch);
271 | } else {
272 | var travisAuthMethod = hasToken ?
273 | travisAuthWithToken :
274 | travisAuthWithUsernamePassword;
275 |
276 | travisAuthMethod(function (err, authMethod) {
277 | if (err) {
278 | return callback(err);
279 | }
280 |
281 | travis.authenticate(authMethod, function (err) {
282 | if (err) {
283 | return callback(err);
284 | }
285 |
286 | console.log();
287 | fetch(user, repo, branch, onFetch);
288 | });
289 | });
290 | }
291 | });
292 | };
293 |