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1const assert = require('assert');
2let object = require('../namespace/object');
3let {
4 hasPath, set, get,
5 extend, clone,
6 arrayToObject, invert, createShallowInvertedClone,
7 select, drop, selectCombination, format, explode
8} = object;
10describe("Object Methods", function () {
12 it("atPath:: Should be able to pick the value of an object", function () {
13 let o = {foo: {bar : 'foobar' }};
14 assert.equal(get(o, 'foo.bar'), 'foobar');
15 });
17 it("atPath:: Should not blow up when the path requires traversal of undefined", function () {
18 let o = {foo: {bar : 'foobar' }};
19 assert.equal(get('foo.bar.baz.boze.ok', o), undefined);
20 });
22 it("extend:: should extend the src object", function () {
23 let src = {one: 1};
24 let ext = {two: 2};
25 assert.deepEqual(extend(src, ext), {one: 1, two: 2});
26 });
28 it("extend:: should extend the src object with many objects", function () {
29 let src = {one: 1};
30 let ext = {two: 2};
31 let ext2 = {three: 3};
32 assert.deepEqual(extend(src, ext, ext2), {one: 1, two: 2, three: 3});
33 });
35 it("extend:: should overwrite src when keys are same", function () {
36 let src = {one: 1};
37 let ext = {one: 2};
38 let ext2 = {three: 3};
39 assert.deepEqual(extend(src, ext, ext2), {one: 2, three: 3});
40 });
42 it("extend:: should overwrite keys in order of args when keys are same", function () {
43 let src = {one: 1};
44 let ext = {two: 2};
45 let ext2 = {two: 3};
46 let ext3 = {two: 4};
47 assert.deepEqual(extend(src, ext, ext2, ext3), {one: 1, two: 4});
48 });
50 it("hasPath:: should return a boolean value if an object contains a path", function () {
51 let src = {one: 1};
52 assert.equal(hasPath(src, 'one'), true);
53 assert.equal(hasPath(src, 'one.value.at.nowhere'), false);
54 });
56 it("clone:: should return a new object", function () {
57 let src = {one: 1, two: {a: 1}};
58 assert.deepEqual(clone(src), {one: 1, two: {a: 1}});
59 });
61 it("clone:: new object should not be passed by reference", function () {
62 let src = {one: 1, two: {a: 1} };
63 let src2 = clone(src);
64 src2.two.a = 3;
65 assert.equal(src.two.a, 1);
66 assert.equal(src2.two.a, 3);
67 });
69 it("set:: should set a value at the given path", function () {
70 let src = {};
71 set(src, 'foo', 1);
72 assert.equal(src.foo, 1);
73 });
75 it("set:: should create the path if it does not exist, and set the value", function () {
76 let src = {};
77 set(src, 'foo.bar.baz.x', 1);
78 assert.equal(src.foo.bar.baz.x, 1);
79 });
81 it("arrayToObject:: should convert an array of arrays to an object", function () {
82 let arr = [['a', 1], ['b', 2]];
83 let o = arrayToObject(arr);
84 assert.equal(o.a, 1);
85 assert.equal(o.b, 2);
86 });
88 it("invert:: should invert an object", function () {
89 let o = {a: 'A', b: 'B'};
90 invert(o);
91 assert.deepEqual(o, {A: 'a', B: 'b'});
92 assert.equal(o.a, undefined);
93 });
95 it("createShallowInvertedClone:: should create a shallow inverted clone", function () {
96 let o = {a: 'A', b: 'B'};
97 let x = createShallowInvertedClone(o);
98 assert.deepEqual(x, {A: 'a', B: 'b'});
99 assert.equal(x.a, undefined); // Non-inverted keys should not be present
100 assert.deepEqual(o, {a: 'A', b: 'B'}); // Original should be non-inverted
101 });
103 it("select:: should select keys from an object", function () {
104 let o = {name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', password: 'secretSquirrel'};
105 let fields = select(o, 'name', 'email');
106 assert.deepEqual(fields, {name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com'});
107 });
109 it("select:: should select keys from an object via Array", function () {
110 let o = {name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', password: 'secretSquirrel'};
111 let fields = select(o, ['name', 'email']);
112 assert.deepEqual(fields, {name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com'});
113 });
115 it("drop:: should drop keys from an object", function () {
116 let o = { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', password: 'secretSquirrel' };
117 drop(o, 'password');
118 assert.deepEqual(o, {name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com'});
119 });
121 it("drop:: should drop keys from an object via Array", function () {
122 let o = { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', password: 'secretSquirrel' };
123 drop(o, ['password']);
124 assert.deepEqual(o, {name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com'});
125 });
127 it("selectCombination:: should select values from multiple objects and create a new one", function () {
128 let a = { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', password: 'secretSquirrel' };
129 let b = { sid: '8372487234', last_visit: new Date()};
130 let c = { likes : 'stuff', knows: 'things'};
131 let o = selectCombination([a, b, c], 'name', 'email', 'last_visit', 'likes', 'knows');
132 assert.deepEqual(o, { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', last_visit: b.last_visit, likes : 'stuff', knows: 'things'});
133 });
135 it("format:: should format values properly (1)", function () {
136 let a = { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', data: { stuff: { a: 'a', b: 'b'}, more : { c: 'value'} } };
137 let o = format(a, 'name', 'email', ['stuff', 'data.stuff.a' ], ['value', 'data.more.c']);
138 assert.deepEqual(o, { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', stuff: 'a', value : 'value'});
139 });
141 it("format:: should format values properly (2 - array)", function () {
142 let a = { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', data: { stuff: { a: 'a', b: 'b'}, more : { c: 'value'} } };
143 let o = format(a, ['name', 'email', ['stuff', 'data.stuff.a' ], ['value', 'data.more.c']]);
144 assert.deepEqual(o, { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', stuff: 'a', value : 'value'});
145 });
147 it("format:: should format values properly (3)", function () {
148 let a = { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', data: { stuff: { a: 'a', b: 'b'}, more : { c: 'value'} } };
149 let o = format(a, 'name', 'email', 'data.stuff.a', ['value', 'data.more.c']);
150 assert.deepEqual(o, { name: 'fred', email: 'me@mail.com', data: { stuff: { a: 'a'}}, value : 'value'});
151 });
153 it("explode:: should explode an object", function () {
154 var row = {
155 'id': 2,
156 'contact.name.first': 'John',
157 'contact.name.last': 'Doe',
158 'contact.email': 'example@gmail.com',
159 'contact.info.about.me': 'classified',
160 'devices.0': 'mobile',
161 'devices.1': 'laptop',
162 'some.other.things.0': 'this',
163 'some.other.things.1': 'that',
164 'some.other.stuff.0.key': 'stuff'
165 };
167 object.explode(row);
169 assert.deepEqual(row, {
170 "id": 2,
171 "contact": {
172 "name": {
173 "first": "John",
174 "last": "Doe"
175 },
176 "email": "example@gmail.com",
177 "info": {
178 "about": {
179 "me": "classified"
180 }
181 }
182 },
183 "devices": [
184 "mobile",
185 "laptop"
186 ],
187 "some": {
188 "other": {
189 "things": [
190 "this",
191 "that"
192 ],
193 stuff : [{
194 key : "stuff"
195 }]
196 }
197 }
198 });
199 });