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52 <div class="p-4 w-full">
53 <div id="sample">
54 <div id="myDiagramDiv" style="height:550px;width:100%;border:1px solid black;"></div>
55 <div id="buttons">
56 <label>Layout:</label>
57 <button id="fishbone">Fishbone</button>
58 <button id="branching">Branching</button>
59 <button id="normal">Normal</button>
60 </div>
61 <p>
62 This sample shows a "fishbone" layout of a tree model of cause-and-effect relationships. This type of layout is often seen
63 in root cause analysis, or RCA. The layout is defined in its own file, as <a href="FishboneLayout.ts">FishboneLayout.ts</a>.
64 When using FishboneLayout the diagram uses FishboneLink in order to get custom routing for the links.
65 </p>
66 <p>
67 The buttons each set the <a>Diagram.layout</a> within a transaction.
68 </p>
69 </div>
71 <script type="module" id="code">
72 import * as go from "../release/go-module.js";
73 import { FishboneLayout, FishboneLink } from './FishboneLayout.js';
75 if (window.goSamples) window.goSamples(); // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
76 const $ = go.GraphObject.make; // for conciseness in defining templates
78 const myDiagram =
79 $(go.Diagram, 'myDiagramDiv', // refers to its DIV HTML element by id
80 { isReadOnly: true }); // do not allow the user to modify the diagram
82 // define the normal node template, just some text
83 myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
84 $(go.Node,
85 $(go.TextBlock,
86 new go.Binding('text'),
87 new go.Binding('font', '', convertFont))
88 );
90 function convertFont(data) {
91 let size = data.size;
92 if (size === undefined)
93 size = 13;
94 let weight = data.weight;
95 if (weight === undefined)
96 weight = '';
97 return weight + ' ' + size + 'px sans-serif';
98 }
100 // This demo switches the Diagram.linkTemplate between the "normal" and the "fishbone" templates.
101 // If you are only doing a FishboneLayout, you could just set Diagram.linkTemplate
102 // to the template named "fishbone" here, and not switch templates dynamically.
103 // define the non-fishbone link template
104 myDiagram.linkTemplateMap.add('normal',
105 $(go.Link,
106 { routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, corner: 4 },
107 $(go.Shape)
108 ));
110 // use this link template for fishbone layouts
111 myDiagram.linkTemplateMap.add('fishbone',
112 $(FishboneLink, // defined above
113 $(go.Shape)
114 ));
116 // here is the structured data used to build the model
117 const json = {
118 'text': 'Incorrect Deliveries', 'size': 18, 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
119 {
120 'text': 'Skills', 'size': 14, 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
121 {
122 'text': 'knowledge', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
123 {
124 'text': 'procedures', 'causes': [
125 { 'text': 'documentation' }
126 ]
127 },
128 { 'text': 'products' }
129 ]
130 },
131 { 'text': 'literacy', 'weight': 'Bold' }
132 ]
133 },
134 {
135 'text': 'Procedures', 'size': 14, 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
136 {
137 'text': 'manual', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
138 { 'text': 'consistency' }
139 ]
140 },
141 {
142 'text': 'automated', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
143 { 'text': 'correctness' },
144 { 'text': 'reliability' }
145 ]
146 }
147 ]
148 },
149 {
150 'text': 'Communication', 'size': 14, 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
151 { 'text': 'ambiguity', 'weight': 'Bold' },
152 {
153 'text': 'sales staff', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
154 {
155 'text': 'order details', 'causes': [
156 { 'text': 'lack of knowledge' }
157 ]
158 }
159 ]
160 },
161 {
162 'text': 'telephone orders', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
163 { 'text': 'lack of information' }
164 ]
165 },
166 {
167 'text': 'picking slips', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
168 { 'text': 'details' },
169 { 'text': 'legibility' }
170 ]
171 }
172 ]
173 },
174 {
175 'text': 'Transport', 'size': 14, 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
176 {
177 'text': 'information', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
178 { 'text': 'incorrect person' },
179 {
180 'text': 'incorrect addresses', 'causes': [
181 {
182 'text': 'customer data base', 'causes': [
183 { 'text': 'not up-to-date' },
184 { 'text': 'incorrect program' }
185 ]
186 }
187 ]
188 },
189 { 'text': 'incorrect dept' }
190 ]
191 },
192 {
193 'text': 'carriers', 'weight': 'Bold', 'causes': [
194 { 'text': 'efficiency' },
195 { 'text': 'methods' }
196 ]
197 }
198 ]
199 }
200 ]
201 };
203 function walkJson(obj, arr) {
204 const key = arr.length;
205 obj.key = key;
206 arr.push(obj);
207 const children = obj.causes;
208 if (children) {
209 for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
210 const o = children[i];
211 o.parent = key; // reference to parent node data
212 walkJson(o, arr);
213 }
214 }
215 }
217 // build the tree model
218 const nodeDataArray = [];
219 walkJson(json, nodeDataArray);
220 myDiagram.model = new go.TreeModel(nodeDataArray);
221 layoutFishbone();
223 window.myDiagram = myDiagram; // Attach to the window for console debugging
225 // use FishboneLayout and FishboneLink
226 function layoutFishbone() {
227 myDiagram.startTransaction('fishbone layout');
228 myDiagram.linkTemplate = myDiagram.linkTemplateMap.getValue('fishbone');
229 myDiagram.layout = go.GraphObject.make(FishboneLayout, {
230 angle: 180,
231 layerSpacing: 10,
232 nodeSpacing: 20,
233 rowSpacing: 10
234 });
235 myDiagram.commitTransaction('fishbone layout');
236 }
237 // make the layout a branching tree layout and use a normal link template
238 function layoutBranching() {
239 myDiagram.startTransaction('branching layout');
240 myDiagram.linkTemplate = myDiagram.linkTemplateMap.getValue('normal');
241 myDiagram.layout = go.GraphObject.make(go.TreeLayout, {
242 angle: 180,
243 layerSpacing: 20,
244 alignment: go.TreeLayout.AlignmentBusBranching
245 });
246 myDiagram.commitTransaction('branching layout');
247 }
248 // make the layout a basic tree layout and use a normal link template
249 function layoutNormal() {
250 myDiagram.startTransaction('normal layout');
251 myDiagram.linkTemplate = myDiagram.linkTemplateMap.getValue('normal');
252 myDiagram.layout = go.GraphObject.make(go.TreeLayout, {
253 angle: 180,
254 breadthLimit: 1000,
255 alignment: go.TreeLayout.AlignmentStart
256 });
257 myDiagram.commitTransaction('normal layout');
258 }
260 document.getElementById("fishbone").onclick = layoutFishbone;
261 document.getElementById("branching").onclick = layoutBranching;
262 document.getElementById("normal").onclick = layoutNormal;
263 </script>
264 </div>
265 <!-- * * * * * * * * * * * * * -->
266 <!-- End of GoJS sample code -->
267 </div>
269<!-- This script is part of the gojs.net website, and is not needed to run the sample -->
270<script src="../assets/js/goSamples.js"></script>