4.91 kBPlain TextView Raw
2* Copyright (C) 1998-2021 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
6* This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library.
7* Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases.
8* If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory.
9* Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsTS folders.
10* See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information.
13import * as go from '../release/go-module.js';
15// HTML + JavaScript text editor menu, using HTML radio inputs and HTMLInfo.
16// This file exposes one instance of HTMLInfo, window.TextEditorRadioButtons
17// see /samples/customTextEditingTool.html
18// see also textEditorSelectBox.js for another custom editor
19// see also textEditor.html for a re-implementation of the default text editor
20((window: any) => {
21 // Use the following HTML:
22 const customText = document.createElement('div');
23 customText.id = 'customTextEditor';
24 customText.style.cssText = 'border: 1px solid black; background-color: white;';
25 customText.innerHTML =
26 ' <label for="One">One</label> <input type="radio" name="group1" id="One" value="One"> <br/>' +
27 ' <label for="Two">Two</label> <input type="radio" name="group1" id="Two" value="Two"> <br/>' +
28 ' <label for="Three">Three</label> <input type="radio" name="group1" id="Three" value="Three"> <br/>' +
29 ' <label for="Four">Four</label> <input type="radio" name="group1" id="Four" value="Four">';
31 const customEditor = new go.HTMLInfo();
33 customEditor.show = (textBlock, diagram, tool) => {
34 if (!(textBlock instanceof go.TextBlock)) return;
35 const startingValue = textBlock.text;
37 // Populate the select box:
38 customText.innerHTML = '';
40 let list = textBlock.choices;
41 // Perhaps give some default choices if textBlock.choices is null
42 if (list === null) list = ['Default A', 'Default B', 'Default C'];
43 let l = list.length;
44 for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
45 const value = list[i];
46 const label = document.createElement('label');
47 const input = document.createElement('input');
48 label.htmlFor = value;
49 label.textContent = value;
50 input.type = 'radio';
51 input.name = 'group1';
52 input.id = value;
53 input.value = value;
54 customText.appendChild(label);
55 customText.appendChild(input);
56 if (i !== l - 1) customText.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
57 }
59 // consider also adding the current value, if it is not in the choices list
61 const children = customText.children;
62 l = children.length;
63 for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
64 const child = children[i];
65 if (!(child instanceof HTMLInputElement)) continue;
66 // Make sure the radio button that equals the text is checked
67 if (child.value === startingValue) {
68 child.checked = true;
69 }
71 // Finish immediately when a radio button is pressed
72 customText.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
73 (tool as any).acceptText(go.TextEditingTool.Tab);
74 }, false);
76 }
78 // Do a few different things when a user presses a key
79 customText.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
80 const key = e.key;
81 if (key === "Enter") { // Accept on Enter
82 (tool as any).acceptText(go.TextEditingTool.Enter);
83 return;
84 } else if (key === "Tab") { // Accept on Tab
85 (tool as any).acceptText(go.TextEditingTool.Tab);
86 e.preventDefault();
87 return false;
88 } else if (key === "Escape") { // Cancel on Esc
89 tool.doCancel();
90 if (tool.diagram) tool.diagram.focus();
91 }
92 }, false);
94 const loc = textBlock.getDocumentPoint(go.Spot.TopLeft);
95 const pos = diagram.transformDocToView(loc);
96 customText.style.left = pos.x + 'px';
97 customText.style.top = pos.y + 'px';
98 customText.style.position = 'absolute';
99 customText.style.zIndex = (100).toString(); // place it in front of the Diagram
100 if (diagram.div !== null) diagram.div.appendChild(customText);
101 };
103 customEditor.hide = (diagram, tool) => {
104 if (diagram.div !== null) diagram.div.removeChild(customText);
105 };
107 // customText is a div and doesn't have a "value" field
108 // So we will make value into a function that will return
109 // the "value" of the checked radio button
110 customEditor.valueFunction = () => {
111 const children = customText.children;
112 const l = children.length;
113 for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) {
114 const child = children[i];
115 if (!(child instanceof HTMLInputElement)) continue;
116 if (child.checked) {
117 return child.value;
118 }
119 }
120 return '';
121 };
123 window.TextEditorRadioButtons = customEditor;