12.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2* Copyright (C) 1998-2021 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
4var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
5 var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
6 extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
7 ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
8 function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
9 return extendStatics(d, b);
10 };
11 return function (d, b) {
12 extendStatics(d, b);
13 function __() { this.constructor = d; }
14 d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
15 };
17(function (factory) {
18 if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
19 var v = factory(require, exports);
20 if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
21 }
22 else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
23 define(["require", "exports", "../release/go.js"], factory);
24 }
25})(function (require, exports) {
26 "use strict";
27 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
28 exports.DragCreatingTool = void 0;
29 /*
30 * This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library.
31 * Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases.
32 * If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory.
33 * Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsTS folders.
34 * See the Extensions intro page (https://gojs.net/latest/intro/extensions.html) for more information.
35 */
36 var go = require("../release/go.js");
37 /**
38 * The DragCreatingTool lets the user create a new node by dragging in the background
39 * to indicate its size and position.
40 *
41 * The default drag selection box is a magenta rectangle.
42 * You can modify the {@link #box} to customize its appearance.
43 *
44 * This tool will not be able to start running unless you have set the
45 * {@link #archetypeNodeData} property to an object that can be copied and added to the diagram's model.
46 *
47 * You can use this tool in a modal manner by executing:
48 * ```js
49 * diagram.currentTool = new DragCreatingTool();
50 * ```
51 *
52 * Use this tool in a mode-less manner by executing:
53 * ```js
54 * myDiagram.toolManager.mouseMoveTools.insertAt(2, new DragCreatingTool());
55 * ```
56 *
57 * However when used mode-lessly as a mouse-move tool, in {@link ToolManager#mouseMoveTools},
58 * this cannot start running unless there has been a motionless delay
59 * after the mouse-down event of at least {@link #delay} milliseconds.
60 *
61 * This tool does not utilize any {@link Adornment}s or tool handles,
62 * but it does temporarily add the {@link #box} Part to the diagram.
63 * This tool does conduct a transaction when inserting the new node.
64 *
65 * If you want to experiment with this extension, try the <a href="../../extensionsJSM/DragCreating.html">Drag Creating</a> sample.
66 * @category Tool Extension
67 */
68 var DragCreatingTool = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
69 __extends(DragCreatingTool, _super);
70 /**
71 * Constructs a DragCreatingTool, sets {@link #box} to a magenta rectangle, and sets name of the tool.
72 */
73 function DragCreatingTool() {
74 var _this = _super.call(this) || this;
75 _this._archetypeNodeData = null;
76 _this._delay = 175;
77 var b = new go.Part();
78 var r = new go.Shape();
79 b.layerName = 'Tool';
80 b.selectable = false;
81 r.name = 'SHAPE';
82 r.figure = 'Rectangle';
83 r.fill = null;
84 r.stroke = 'magenta';
85 r.position = new go.Point(0, 0);
86 b.add(r);
87 _this._box = b;
88 _this.name = 'DragCreating';
89 return _this;
90 }
91 Object.defineProperty(DragCreatingTool.prototype, "box", {
92 /**
93 * Gets or sets the {@link Part} used as the "rubber-band box"
94 * that is stretched to follow the mouse, as feedback for what area will
95 * be passed to {@link #insertPart} upon a mouse-up.
96 *
97 * Initially this is a {@link Part} containing only a simple magenta rectangular {@link Shape}.
98 * The object to be resized should be named "SHAPE".
99 * Setting this property does not raise any events.
100 *
101 * Modifying this property while this tool {@link Tool#isActive} might have no effect.
102 */
103 get: function () { return this._box; },
104 set: function (val) { this._box = val; },
105 enumerable: false,
106 configurable: true
107 });
108 Object.defineProperty(DragCreatingTool.prototype, "delay", {
109 /**
110 * Gets or sets the time in milliseconds for which the mouse must be stationary
111 * before this tool can be started.
112 *
113 * The default value is 175 milliseconds.
114 * A value of zero will allow this tool to run without any wait after the mouse down.
115 * Setting this property does not raise any events.
116 */
117 get: function () { return this._delay; },
118 set: function (val) { this._delay = val; },
119 enumerable: false,
120 configurable: true
121 });
122 Object.defineProperty(DragCreatingTool.prototype, "archetypeNodeData", {
123 /**
124 * Gets or sets a data object that will be copied and added to the diagram's model each time this tool executes.
125 *
126 * The default value is null.
127 * The value must be non-null for this tool to be able to run.
128 * Setting this property does not raise any events.
129 */
130 get: function () { return this._archetypeNodeData; },
131 set: function (val) { this._archetypeNodeData = val; },
132 enumerable: false,
133 configurable: true
134 });
135 /**
136 * This tool can run when there has been a mouse-drag, far enough away not to be a click,
137 * and there has been delay of at least {@link #delay} milliseconds
138 * after the mouse-down before a mouse-move.
139 */
140 DragCreatingTool.prototype.canStart = function () {
141 if (!this.isEnabled)
142 return false;
143 // gotta have some node data that can be copied
144 if (this.archetypeNodeData === null)
145 return false;
146 var diagram = this.diagram;
147 // heed IsReadOnly & AllowInsert
148 if (diagram.isReadOnly || diagram.isModelReadOnly)
149 return false;
150 if (!diagram.allowInsert)
151 return false;
152 var e = diagram.lastInput;
153 // require left button & that it has moved far enough away from the mouse down point, so it isn't a click
154 if (!e.left)
155 return false;
156 // don't include the following checks when this tool is running modally
157 if (diagram.currentTool !== this) {
158 if (!this.isBeyondDragSize())
159 return false;
160 // must wait for "delay" milliseconds before that tool can run
161 if (e.timestamp - diagram.firstInput.timestamp < this.delay)
162 return false;
163 }
164 return true;
165 };
166 /**
167 * Capture the mouse and show the {@link #box}.
168 */
169 DragCreatingTool.prototype.doActivate = function () {
170 var diagram = this.diagram;
171 this.isActive = true;
172 diagram.isMouseCaptured = true;
173 diagram.add(this.box);
174 this.doMouseMove();
175 };
176 /**
177 * Release the mouse and remove any {@link #box}.
178 */
179 DragCreatingTool.prototype.doDeactivate = function () {
180 var diagram = this.diagram;
181 diagram.remove(this.box);
182 diagram.isMouseCaptured = false;
183 this.isActive = false;
184 };
185 /**
186 * Update the {@link #box}'s position and size according to the value
187 * of {@link #computeBoxBounds}.
188 */
189 DragCreatingTool.prototype.doMouseMove = function () {
190 if (this.isActive && this.box !== null) {
191 var r = this.computeBoxBounds();
192 var shape = this.box.findObject('SHAPE');
193 if (shape === null)
194 shape = this.box.findMainElement();
195 if (shape !== null)
196 shape.desiredSize = r.size;
197 this.box.position = r.position;
198 }
199 };
200 /**
201 * Call {@link #insertPart} with the value of a call to {@link #computeBoxBounds}.
202 */
203 DragCreatingTool.prototype.doMouseUp = function () {
204 if (this.isActive) {
205 var diagram = this.diagram;
206 diagram.remove(this.box);
207 try {
208 diagram.currentCursor = 'wait';
209 this.insertPart(this.computeBoxBounds());
210 }
211 finally {
212 diagram.currentCursor = '';
213 }
214 }
215 this.stopTool();
216 };
217 /**
218 * This just returns a {@link Rect} stretching from the mouse-down point to the current mouse point.
219 * @return {Rect} a {@link Rect} in document coordinates.
220 */
221 DragCreatingTool.prototype.computeBoxBounds = function () {
222 var diagram = this.diagram;
223 var start = diagram.firstInput.documentPoint;
224 var latest = diagram.lastInput.documentPoint;
225 return new go.Rect(start, latest);
226 };
227 /**
228 * Create a node by adding a copy of the {@link #archetypeNodeData} object
229 * to the diagram's model, assign its {@link GraphObject#position} and {@link GraphObject#desiredSize}
230 * according to the given bounds, and select the new part.
231 *
232 * The actual part that is added to the diagram may be a {@link Part}, a {@link Node},
233 * or even a {@link Group}, depending on the properties of the {@link #archetypeNodeData}
234 * and the type of the template that is copied to create the part.
235 * @param {Rect} bounds a Point in document coordinates.
236 * @return {Part} the newly created Part, or null if it failed.
237 */
238 DragCreatingTool.prototype.insertPart = function (bounds) {
239 var diagram = this.diagram;
240 var arch = this.archetypeNodeData;
241 if (arch === null)
242 return null;
243 diagram.raiseDiagramEvent('ChangingSelection', diagram.selection);
244 this.startTransaction(this.name);
245 var part = null;
246 if (arch !== null) {
247 var data = diagram.model.copyNodeData(arch);
248 if (data) {
249 diagram.model.addNodeData(data);
250 part = diagram.findPartForData(data);
251 }
252 }
253 if (part !== null) {
254 part.position = bounds.position;
255 part.resizeObject.desiredSize = bounds.size;
256 if (diagram.allowSelect) {
257 diagram.clearSelection();
258 part.isSelected = true;
259 }
260 }
261 // set the TransactionResult before raising event, in case it changes the result or cancels the tool
262 this.transactionResult = this.name;
263 this.stopTransaction();
264 diagram.raiseDiagramEvent('ChangedSelection', diagram.selection);
265 return part;
266 };
267 return DragCreatingTool;
268 }(go.Tool));
269 exports.DragCreatingTool = DragCreatingTool;