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134<h1>Link Connection Points on Nodes</h1>
136There is flexibility in controlling exactly how and where a link connects to a node.
137In the previous examples the link has always ended at the edge of the node.
138But you can specify the <a>Spot</a> on a node at which a link terminates.
141<h2 id="NonRectangularNodes">Non-rectangular Nodes</h2>
143When a <a>Node</a> does not have a rectangular shape, by default links will end
144where the line toward the center of the node intersects with the edge of the node.
147Here is a demonstration of that -- drag one of the nodes around and watch how the link always
148connects to the nearest intersection or to the center of the node.
149This example includes arrowheads at both ends of the link, to make it clear that the link route
150really ends right at the edge of the node.
152<pre class="lang-js" id="nonRectangular"><code>
153 diagram.nodeTemplate =
154 $(go.Node, "Auto",
155 { width: 90, height: 90,
156 selectionAdorned: false },
157 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
158 $(go.Shape, "FivePointedStar", { fill: "lightgray" }),
159 $(go.TextBlock,
160 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
161 );
163 diagram.linkTemplate =
164 $(go.Link,
165 $(go.Shape),
166 $(go.Shape, // the "from" end arrowhead
167 { fromArrow: "Chevron" }),
168 $(go.Shape, // the "to" end arrowhead
169 { toArrow: "StretchedDiamond", fill: "red" })
170 );
172 var nodeDataArray = [
173 { key: "Alpha", loc: "0 0" },
174 { key: "Beta", loc: "100 50" }
175 ];
176 var linkDataArray = [
177 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
178 ];
179 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
181<script>goCode("nonRectangular", 600, 150)</script>
183<h2 id="ToSpotAndFromSpot">ToSpot and FromSpot</h2>
185You can easily require links to end at a particular point within the bounds of the node,
186rather than at the nearest edge intersection.
187Set the <a>GraphObject.toSpot</a> to a <a>Spot</a> value other than <a>Spot,None</a>
188to cause links coming into the node to end at that spot within the node, with a direction
189that is appropriate for the side that the spot is at.
190Similarly, set the <a>GraphObject.fromSpot</a> for the ends of links coming out of the node.
194The following examples all display the same graph but use different templates
195to demonstrate how links can connect to nodes.
196They all call this common function to define some nodes and links.
198<pre class="lang-js" id="makeGraph"><code>
199function makeGraph(diagram) {
200 var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
202 diagram.layout =
203 $(go.LayeredDigraphLayout, // this will be discussed in a later section
204 { columnSpacing: 5,
205 setsPortSpots: false });
207 var nodeDataArray = [
208 { key: "Alpha" }, { key: "Beta" }, { key: "Gamma" }, { key: "Delta" },
209 { key: "Epsilon" }, { key: "Zeta" }, { key: "Eta" }, { key: "Theta" }
210 ];
211 var linkDataArray = [
212 { from: "Beta", to: "Alpha" },
213 { from: "Gamma", to: "Alpha" },
214 { from: "Delta", to: "Alpha" },
215 { from: "Alpha", to: "Epsilon" },
216 { from: "Alpha", to: "Zeta" },
217 { from: "Alpha", to: "Eta" },
218 { from: "Alpha", to: "Theta" }
219 ];
220 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
226Let us specify that links coming into a node connect at the middle of the left side, and that links going out
227of a node connect at the middle of the right side. Such a convention is appropriate for diagrams that have
228a general sense of direction to them, such as the following one which goes from left to right.
230<pre class="lang-js" id="leftright"><code>
231 diagram.nodeTemplate =
232 $(go.Node, "Auto",
233 { fromSpot: go.Spot.Right, // coming out from middle-right
234 toSpot: go.Spot.Left }, // going into at middle-left
235 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
236 $(go.TextBlock,
237 { margin: 5},
238 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
239 );
241 diagram.linkTemplate =
242 $(go.Link,
243 $(go.Shape),
244 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
245 );
247 makeGraph(diagram);
249<script>goCode("leftright", 600, 150)</script>
252You can also specify that the links go into a node not at a single spot but spread out along one side.
253Instead of <a>Spot,Right</a> use <a>Spot,RightSide</a>, and similarly for the left side.
255<pre class="lang-js" id="leftrightSides"><code>
256 diagram.nodeTemplate =
257 $(go.Node, "Auto",
258 { fromSpot: go.Spot.RightSide, // coming out from right side
259 toSpot: go.Spot.LeftSide }, // going into at left side
260 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
261 $(go.TextBlock,
262 { margin: 5},
263 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
264 );
266 diagram.linkTemplate =
267 $(go.Link,
268 $(go.Shape),
269 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
270 );
272 makeGraph(diagram);
274<script>goCode("leftrightSides", 600, 150)</script>
276Of course this only looks good when the nodes are basically rectangular.
280You can use a different kind of <a>Link.routing</a>:
282<pre class="lang-js" id="leftrightSidesOrthogonal"><code>
283 diagram.nodeTemplate =
284 $(go.Node, "Auto",
285 { fromSpot: go.Spot.RightSide, // coming out from right side
286 toSpot: go.Spot.LeftSide }, // going into at left side
287 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
288 $(go.TextBlock,
289 { margin: 5},
290 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
291 );
293 diagram.linkTemplate =
294 $(go.Link,
295 { routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, // Orthogonal routing
296 corner: 10 }, // with rounded corners
297 $(go.Shape),
298 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
299 );
301 makeGraph(diagram);
303<script>goCode("leftrightSidesOrthogonal", 600, 150)</script>
306Or you can use a different kind of <a>Link.curve</a>:
308<pre class="lang-js" id="leftrightSidesBezier"><code>
309 diagram.nodeTemplate =
310 $(go.Node, "Auto",
311 { fromSpot: go.Spot.RightSide, // coming out from right side
312 toSpot: go.Spot.LeftSide }, // going into at left side
313 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
314 $(go.TextBlock,
315 { margin: 5},
316 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
317 );
319 diagram.linkTemplate =
320 $(go.Link,
321 { curve: go.Link.Bezier }, // Bezier curve
322 $(go.Shape),
323 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
324 );
326 makeGraph(diagram);
328<script> goCode("leftrightSidesBezier", 600, 150)</script>
331But you need to be careful to specify sensible spots for how the graph is arranged.
333<pre class="lang-js" id="leftrightSidesBad"><code>
334 diagram.nodeTemplate =
335 $(go.Node, "Auto",
336 { fromSpot: go.Spot.TopSide, // coming out from top side -- BAD!
337 toSpot: go.Spot.RightSide }, // going into at right side -- BAD!
338 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
339 $(go.TextBlock,
340 { margin: 5},
341 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
342 );
344 diagram.linkTemplate =
345 $(go.Link,
346 $(go.Shape),
347 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
348 );
350 makeGraph(diagram);
352 diagram.add($(go.Part, // this is just a comment
353 { location: new go.Point(300, 50) },
354 $(go.TextBlock, "Bad Spots",
355 { font: "16pt bold", stroke: "red" })
356 ));
358<script>goCode("leftrightSidesBad", 600, 150)</script>
360<h3 id="UndirectedSpots">Undirected Spots</h3>
362 When no spot is specified for the <a>GraphObject.fromSpot</a> or <a>GraphObject.toSpot</a>,
363 the route computation will compute the furthest point on the route of the link from the center of the port to the other port
364 that is an intersection of an edge of the port.
365 This was demonstrated above in <a href="#NonRectangularNodes">Non-rectangular Nodes</a> and is again demonstrated here.
367<pre class="lang-js" id="noSpotFocus0"><code>
368 diagram.nodeTemplate =
369 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
370 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
371 $(go.Shape, "YinYang",
372 {
373 fill: "white", portId: ""
374 },
375 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
376 $(go.TextBlock,
377 { margin: 8 },
378 new go.Binding("text"))
379 );
381 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(
382 [
383 { key: 1, text: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: "0 50" },
384 { key: 2, text: "Beta", color: "orange", loc: "150 0" },
385 { key: 3, text: "Gamma", color: "lightgreen", loc: "300 50" }
386 ],
387 [
388 { from: 1, to: 2 },
389 { from: 2, to: 3 }
390 ]);
392<script>goCode("noSpotFocus0", 600, 250)</script>
395 However it is possible to specify a focus point that is different from the center of the port.
396 Use a <a>Spot</a> value that has <a>Spot.x</a> and <a>Spot.y</a> equal to 0.5 but with <a>Spot.offsetX</a> and <a>Spot.offsetY</a>
397 values that specify where you want links to focus towards, relative to the center of the port.
399<pre class="lang-js" id="noSpotFocus1"><code>
400 diagram.nodeTemplate =
401 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
402 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
403 $(go.Shape, "YinYang",
404 {
405 fill: "white", portId: "",
406 fromSpot: new go.Spot(0.5, 0.5, 0, -25), toSpot: new go.Spot(0.5, 0.5, 0, 25)
407 },
408 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
409 $(go.TextBlock,
410 { margin: 8 },
411 new go.Binding("text"))
412 );
414 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(
415 [
416 { key: 1, text: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: "0 50" },
417 { key: 2, text: "Beta", color: "orange", loc: "150 0" },
418 { key: 3, text: "Gamma", color: "lightgreen", loc: "300 50" }
419 ],
420 [
421 { from: 1, to: 2 },
422 { from: 2, to: 3 }
423 ]);
425<script>goCode("noSpotFocus1", 600, 250)</script>
427 In this example, links always appear to be coming from the hole near the top of the "YinYang" figure
428 towards the dot near the bottom of the figure.
429 Try moving the nodes to see this behavior.
430 Note that the <a>Spot.x</a> and <a>Spot.y</a> values are both 0.5, with fixed offsets from the center of the port.
434 It is also possible to have links go directly to particular spots within a port.
435 Use regular <a>Spot</a> values, but set the Link's end segment length to zero,
436 <a>Link.fromEndSegmentLength</a> or <a>Link.toEndSegmentLength</a>.
438<pre class="lang-js" id="noSpotFocus2"><code>
439 diagram.nodeTemplate =
440 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
441 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
442 $(go.Shape, "YinYang",
443 {
444 fill: "white", portId: "",
445 fromSpot: new go.Spot(0.5, 0.25), toSpot: new go.Spot(0.5, 0.75),
446 fromEndSegmentLength: 0, toEndSegmentLength: 0
447 },
448 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
449 $(go.TextBlock,
450 { margin: 8 },
451 new go.Binding("text"))
452 );
454 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(
455 [
456 { key: 1, text: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: "0 50" },
457 { key: 2, text: "Beta", color: "orange", loc: "150 0" },
458 { key: 3, text: "Gamma", color: "lightgreen", loc: "300 50" }
459 ],
460 [
461 { from: 1, to: 2 },
462 { from: 2, to: 3 }
463 ]);
465<script>goCode("noSpotFocus2", 600, 250)</script>
467 Again, links always appear to be coming from the hole near the top of the "YinYang" figure
468 towards the dot near the bottom of the figure, but now they go all the way rather than stop at the edge.
469 Note that the <a>Spot.x</a> and <a>Spot.y</a> values are <i>not</i> both 0.5,
470 and that the Link end segment lengths are zero.
473<h2 id="SpotsForIndividualLinks">Spots for Individual Links</h2>
475Setting the <a>GraphObject.fromSpot</a> and <a>GraphObject.toSpot</a> properties specifies
476the default link connection point for all links connected to the node.
477What if you want some links to go to the middle-top spot but some other links to go to the middle-left spot of the same node?
478You can achieve this by setting the <a>Link.fromSpot</a> and <a>Link.toSpot</a> properties,
479which take precedence over the correspondingly named properties of what the link connects with.
481<pre class="lang-js" id="customSpots"><code>
482 diagram.nodeTemplate =
483 $(go.Node, "Auto",
484 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
485 $(go.TextBlock,
486 { margin: 5},
487 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
488 );
490 diagram.linkTemplate =
491 $(go.Link,
492 // get the link spots from the link data
493 new go.Binding("fromSpot", "fromSpot", go.Spot.parse),
494 new go.Binding("toSpot", "toSpot", go.Spot.parse),
495 $(go.Shape),
496 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
497 );
499 var nodeDataArray = [
500 { key: "Alpha" }, { key: "Beta" }, { key: "Gamma" }, { key: "Delta" }
501 ];
502 var linkDataArray = [
503 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta", fromSpot: "TopRight", toSpot: "Left" },
504 { from: "Alpha", to: "Gamma", fromSpot: "Left", toSpot: "Left" },
505 { from: "Alpha", to: "Delta", fromSpot: "None", toSpot: "Top" }
506 ];
507 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
509<script>goCode("customSpots", 600, 150)</script>
511<h3 id="SomeLayoutsSetLinkSpots">Some Layouts set Link Spots</h3>
513Some of the predefined <a>Layout</a>s automatically set <a>Link.fromSpot</a> and <a>Link.toSpot</a>
514when the nature of the layout implies a natural direction.
515So, for example, a <a>TreeLayout</a> with a <a>TreeLayout.angle</a> <code>== 90</code> will set each Link's
516fromSpot to be <a>Spot,Bottom</a> and each Link's toSpot to be <a>Spot,Top</a>.
519You can disable the setting of Link spots for TreeLayout by setting <a>TreeLayout.setsPortSpot</a> and/or <a>TreeLayout.setsChildPortSpot</a> to false.
520For LayeredDigraphLayout, set <a>LayeredDigraphLayout.setsPortSpots</a> to false.
521For ForceDirectedLayout, set <a>ForceDirectedLayout.setsPortSpots</a> to false, although this is rarely needed.
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