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136<h1>Data Binding</h1>
138Data binding is a way to extract a value from a source object and set a property on a target object.
139The target objects are normally <a>GraphObject</a>s;
140the source objects are usually JavaScript data objects held in a model.
143You could write code that gets a desired value from the model data,
144searches the <a>Diagram</a> for the appropriate <a>Part</a>, searches for the target <a>GraphObject</a>
145within the visual tree of that Part, and then sets one or more properties on that GraphObject with that value,
146perhaps after modifying or converting the original value in a way appropriate for the individual properties.
147However data binding offers a declarative way to specify such behavior just by supplying a
148<a>Binding</a> that names the properties on the source object and on the target object.
151Trying to bind a non-existent property of a <a>GraphObject</a> will probably result in a warning or error
152that you can see in the console log. Always check the console log for any kinds of potential exceptions that
153are normally suppressed by the binding system.
156Data bindings are used to keep <a>GraphObject</a> properties in sync with their <a>Part</a>'s data's properties.
157They are not used to establish or maintain relationships between Parts. Each kind of <a>Model</a> has its
158own methods for declaring the relationships between parts.
161<h2 id="RelationshipsOfPartsAndDataAndBinding">The Relationships of Parts and Data and Binding</h2>
163 First, look at a diagram that includes comments about the GraphObjects used to build some example nodes and links:
165<pre class="lang-js" id="commented" style="display:none"><code>
166 diagram.nodeTemplate =
167 $(go.Node, "Auto",
168 { scale : 1.6, isShadowed: true },
169 new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse),
170 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, portId: "NODE" },
171 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
172 { fill: "white", portId: "SHAPE" },
173 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
174 $(go.TextBlock,
175 { margin: 4, portId: "TEXTBLOCK" },
176 new go.Binding("text", "txt"))
177 );
179 diagram.linkTemplate =
180 $(go.Link,
181 { isShadowed: true },
182 $(go.Shape,
183 { strokeWidth: 5, stroke: "orange" })
184 );
186 // Represents the nodeDataArray for the two nodes
187 diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("dataNode",
188 $(go.Node, "Auto",
189 {
190 locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
191 scale: 1.2,
192 selectionAdorned: true,
193 fromSpot: go.Spot.AllSides,
194 toSpot: go.Spot.AllSides,
195 shadowColor: "#C5C1AA"
196 },
197 new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse),
198 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle",
199 { fill: "lightgray" }),
200 $(go.Panel, "Vertical",
201 { defaultStretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal },
202 $(go.TextBlock, headerStyle(), // Header:
203 { portId: "HEADER" },
204 new go.Binding("text", "head")),
205 $(go.Shape, "LineH", { height: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill }),
206 $(go.TextBlock, textStyle(), // Location:
207 { portId: "LOCATION" },
208 new go.Binding("text", "loc")),
209 $(go.Shape, "LineH", { height: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill }),
210 $(go.TextBlock, textStyle(), // Fill:
211 { portId: "FILL" },
212 new go.Binding("text", "color")),
213 $(go.Shape, "LineH", { height: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill }),
214 $(go.TextBlock, textStyle(), // Text:
215 { portId: "TEXT" },
216 new go.Binding("text", "txt")),
217 $(go.Shape, "LineH", { height: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill }),
218 $(go.TextBlock, textStyle(), // Text:
219 { portId: "PARENT" },
220 new go.Binding("text", "parent"))
221 )
222 )
223 );
225 diagram.linkTemplateMap.add("dataNode", // Links from dataNode to Nodes
226 $(go.Link,
227 { routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, corner: 5 },
228 $(go.Shape, { stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 2 }),
229 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard", stroke: "gray", fill: "gray" })
230 ));
232 diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("title",
233 $(go.Node, "Auto",
234 new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse),
235 $(go.TextBlock,
236 { font: "bold 25pt sans-serif", textAlign: "center"},
237 new go.Binding("text", "txt"))
238 ));
240 diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("nodeDataArray",
241 $(go.Node, "Auto",
242 {
243 locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
244 scale: 1.2,
245 selectionAdorned: true,
246 fromSpot: go.Spot.AllSides,
247 toSpot: go.Spot.AllSides,
248 shadowColor: "#C5C1AA"
249 },
250 new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse),
251 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
252 $(go.Panel, "Vertical",
253 { defaultStretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal },
254 $(go.TextBlock, headerStyle(),
255 { portId: "HEADER", text: "nodeDataArray" }),
256 $(go.Shape, "LineH", { height: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill }),
257 $(go.TextBlock, textStyle(),
258 { portId: "dataNode1", desiredSize: new go.Size(NaN,16) }),
259 $(go.Shape, "LineH", { height: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill }),
260 $(go.TextBlock, textStyle(),
261 { portId: "dataNode2", desiredSize: new go.Size(NaN,16) })
262 )
263 ));
265 // Comments
266 diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("Comment", // Template for comment node
267 $(go.Node,
268 new go.Binding("location", "pos", go.Point.parse),
269 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center},
270 $(go.TextBlock,
271 { stroke: "brown", textAlign: "center" },
272 new go.Binding("text", "txt"),
273 new go.Binding("font", "bold", function(b) { return b ? "bold 10pt sans-serif" : "10pt sans-serif"; }))
274 ));
276 diagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("LinkLabel", // Template for comments on links
277 $(go.Node,
278 new go.Binding("segmentIndex"),
279 new go.Binding("segmentOffset")
280 ));
282 diagram.linkTemplateMap.add("Comment", // Template for links from comments
283 $(go.Link,
284 { curve: go.Link.Bezier },
285 new go.Binding("curviness"),
286 $(go.Shape, { stroke: "brown" }),
287 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "OpenTriangle", stroke: "brown" })
288 ));
290 diagram.linkTemplateMap.add("Binding",
291 $(go.Link,
292 { curve: go.Link.Bezier },
293 new go.Binding("curviness"),
294 $(go.Shape, { stroke: "green" , strokeWidth: 2, strokeDashArray: [10, 10] }),
295 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "OpenTriangle", stroke: "green", strokeWidth: 2 })
296 ));
298 diagram.linkTemplateMap.add("Data",
299 $(go.Link,
300 { curve: go.Link.Bezier },
301 new go.Binding("curviness"),
302 $(go.Shape, { stroke: "gray" , strokeWidth: 2 }),
303 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard", fill: "gray", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 2 }),
304 $(go.TextBlock, ".data", { font: "bold 12pt Courier", segmentOffset: new go.Point(0, -10) })
305 ));
307 var model = new go.GraphLinksModel();
308 model.linkFromPortIdProperty = "fPID";
309 model.linkToPortIdProperty = "tPID"
310 model.linkLabelKeysProperty = "labels";
312 model.nodeDataArray = [
313 { key: 1, txt: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", pos: "50 20"},
314 { key: 2, txt: "Beta", color: "lightgreen", pos: "50 270"},
315 { key: 3, category: "dataNode", pos: "300 66", head: "key: 1", txt: "text: Alpha", color: "color: lightblue", loc: "location: 50 0", parent: "parent: null"},
316 { key: 4, category: "dataNode", pos: "300 316", head: "key: 2", txt: "text: Beta", color: "color: lightgreen", loc: "location: 50 250", parent: "parent: 1"},
317 { key: 5, category: "nodeDataArray", pos: "500 125"},
318 { key: 6, category: "title", pos: "320 -100", txt: "TreeModel,\n data"},
319 { key: 7, category: "title", pos: "-50 -100", txt: "Diagram,\nNodes, Links"},
320 { key: -1, category: "Comment", pos: "310 190", txt: "These two\ndata Objects are\nare held in the\nnodeDataArray."},
321 { key: -2, category: "Comment", pos: "100 100", txt: "a Link", bold: true},
322 { key: -21, category: "LinkLabel"},
323 { key: -3, category: "Comment", pos: "0 130", txt: "two Nodes", bold: true},
324 { key: -4, category: "Comment", pos: "190 180", txt: "data binding", bold: true},
325 { key: -41, category: "LinkLabel", segmentOffset: new go.Point(45, 0)},
326 { key: -42, category: "LinkLabel", segmentOffset: new go.Point(20, 0)},
327 { key: -43, category: "LinkLabel", segmentOffset: new go.Point(-10, 0)},
328 { key: -44, category: "LinkLabel", segmentOffset: new go.Point(25, 0)},
329 { key: -45, category: "LinkLabel", segmentOffset: new go.Point(20, 0)},
330 { key: -46, category: "LinkLabel", segmentOffset: new go.Point(-10, 0)}
331 ];
332 model.linkDataArray = [
333 { from: 1, to: 2, labels: [-21] },
334 { from: 1, tPID: "HEADER", to: 3, category: "Data", curviness: 0},
335 { from: 2, tPID: "HEADER", to: 4, category: "Data", curviness: 0},
336 { from: -21, tPID: "HEADER", to: 4, category: "Data", curviness: -50},
337 { from: 5, fPID: "dataNode1", to: 3, tPID: "HEADER", category: "dataNode"},
338 { from: 5, fPID: "dataNode2", to: 4, tPID: "HEADER", category: "dataNode"},
340 { from: -1, to: 3, category: "Comment"},
341 { from: -1, to: 4, category: "Comment"},
342 { from: -2, to: -21, category: "Comment", curviness: 10},
343 { from: -3, to: 1, category: "Comment", curviness: 10},
344 { from: -3, to: 2, category: "Comment", curviness: -10},
345 { from: -4, to: -41, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
346 { from: -4, to: -42, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
347 { from: -4, to: -43, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
348 { from: -4, to: -44, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
349 { from: -4, to: -45, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
350 { from: -4, to: -46, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
351 { from: -4, to: -47, category: "Comment", curviness: 5},
353 { from: 3, fPID: "LOCATION", to: 1, tPID: "NODE", category: "Binding", curviness: 10, labels: [-41]},
354 { from: 3, fPID: "FILL", to: 1, tPID: "SHAPE" , category: "Binding", curviness: 30, labels: [-42]},
355 { from: 3, fPID: "TEXT", to: 1, tPID: "TEXTBLOCK", category: "Binding", curviness: 50, labels: [-43]},
356 { from: 4, fPID: "LOCATION", to: 2, tPID: "NODE", category: "Binding", curviness: 10, labels: [-44]},
357 { from: 4, fPID: "FILL", to: 2, tPID: "SHAPE" , category: "Binding", curviness: 30, labels: [-45]},
358 { from: 4, fPID: "TEXT", to: 2, tPID: "TEXTBLOCK", category: "Binding", curviness: 50, labels: [-46]}
359 ];
361 diagram.model = model;
363 // Formatting
364 function headerStyle() {
365 return {
366 margin: 3,
367 font: "bold 12pt sans-serif",
368 minSize: new go.Size(16, 16),
369 maxSize: new go.Size(120, NaN),
370 textAlign: "center"
371 };
372 }
373 function textStyle() {
374 return {
375 margin: 2,
376 font: "10pt sans-serif",
377 minSize: new go.Size(16, 16),
378 maxSize: new go.Size(120, NaN),
379 textAlign: "center"
380 };
381 }
383<script>goCode("commented", 650, 550)</script>
385The two <a>Node</a>s and one <a>Link</a> belong to the <a>Diagram</a> and are on the left side, with shadows.
386The <a>TreeModel</a> and the two data objects in its <a>Model.nodeDataArray</a> are on the right side, in gray.
389Each <a>Node</a> and <a>Link</a> has a <a>Panel.data</a> property that references the data object in the model.
390Thus it is easy, given a Node, to refer to all of the data properties that you have put on the data in the model.
391These references are drawn as gray links.
394Each <a>Node</a> also has three <a>Binding</a>s, drawn with dashed green lines:
397 <li>to the <a>Part.location</a> property from the <code>data.location</code> property</li>
398 <li>to the <a>Shape.fill</a> property from the <code>data.color</code> property</li>
399 <li>to the <a>TextBlock.text</a> property from the <code>data.text</code> property</li>
402The use of templates and data binding greatly simplify the information that must be stored in model data,
403and allow great flexibility in representing nodes and links in various manners independent of the model data.
404But not all data properties need to be used in Bindings in the template.
407Note that <a>Binding</a>s are <em>not</em> references from the data to any <a>Part</a>.
408The whole point of separating models from diagrams is to avoid references from data to Diagrams or Nodes or Links or Tools.
409The only references from diagram to model are the <a>Diagram.model</a> property and each node or link's <a>Panel.data</a> property.
412<h2 id="BindingStringAndNumberProperties">Binding string and number properties</h2>
414It is easy to data bind <a>GraphObject</a> properties to data properties.
415In this example we not only data bind <a>TextBlock.text</a> and <a>Shape.fill</a> in nodes to property values of node data,
416but for thicker colored lines we also bind <a>Shape.stroke</a> and <a>Shape.strokeWidth</a> in links to property values of link data.
419All you need to do is add to the target <a>GraphObject</a> a new <a>Binding</a> that
420names the target property on the visual object and the source property on the data object.
421Of course the target property must be a settable property; some GraphObject properties are not settable.
422If you specify a target property name that does not exist you will get warning messages in the console.
423If the source property value is undefined, the binding is not evaluated.
425<pre class="lang-js" id="simpleModelWithBind"><code>
426 diagram.nodeTemplate =
427 $(go.Node, "Auto",
428 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
429 { fill: "white" },
430 new go.Binding("fill", "color")), // shape.fill = data.color
431 $(go.TextBlock,
432 { margin: 5 },
433 new go.Binding("text", "key")) // textblock.text = data.key
434 );
436 diagram.linkTemplate =
437 $(go.Link,
438 $(go.Shape,
439 new go.Binding("stroke", "color"), // shape.stroke = data.color
440 new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "thick")), // shape.strokeWidth = data.thick
441 $(go.Shape,
442 { toArrow: "OpenTriangle", fill: null },
443 new go.Binding("stroke", "color"), // shape.stroke = data.color
444 new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "thick")) // shape.strokeWidth = data.thick
445 );
447 var nodeDataArray = [
448 { key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue" },
449 { key: "Beta", color: "pink" }
450 ];
451 var linkDataArray = [
452 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta", color: "blue", thick: 2 }
453 ];
454 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
456<script>goCode("simpleModelWithBind", 250, 150)</script>
458Note that there are two bindings using the "color" property of the source link data.
459There is one for each target <a>Shape</a> in the <a>Link</a> template;
460each binds the <a>Shape.stroke</a> property.
463<h2 id="BindingObjectPropertiesSuchAsLocation">Binding object properties such as <b>Part.location</b></h2>
465You can also data bind properties that have values that are objects.
466For example it is common to data bind the <a>Part.location</a> property.
469The value of Part.location is a <a>Point</a>, so in this example the data property must be a Point.
471<pre class="lang-js" id="bindLocationPoint"><code>
472 diagram.nodeTemplate =
473 $(go.Node, "Auto",
474 new go.Binding("location", "loc"), // get the Node.location from the data.loc value
475 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
476 { fill: "white" },
477 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
478 $(go.TextBlock,
479 { margin: 5 },
480 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
481 );
483 var nodeDataArray = [
484 // for each node specify the location using Point values
485 { key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: new go.Point(0, 0) },
486 { key: "Beta", color: "pink", loc: new go.Point(100, 50) }
487 ];
488 var linkDataArray = [
489 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
490 ];
491 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
493<script>goCode("bindLocationPoint", 250, 150)</script>
495For conciseness the rest of these examples make use of the default <a>Diagram.linkTemplate</a>.
498<h2 id="ConversionFunctions">Conversion functions</h2>
500But what if you want the data property value for the location to be something other than a <a>Point</a>?
501You can provide a conversion function that converts the actual data property value to the needed value type or format.
504For situations like this example, the <a>Point</a> class includes a static function,
505<a>Point,parse</a>, that you can use to convert a string into a Point object.
506It expects two numbers to be in the input string, representing the <a>Point.x</a> and <a>Point.y</a> values.
507It returns a Point object with those values.
510You can pass a conversion function as the third argument to the <a>Binding</a> constructor.
511In this case it is <a>Point,parse</a>.
512This allows the location to be specified in the form of a string ("100 50") rather than as an expression that returns a <a>Point</a>.
513For data properties on model objects, you will often want to use strings as the representation of
514<a>Point</a>s, <a>Size</a>s, <a>Rect</a>s, <a>Margin</a>s, and <a>Spot</a>s, rather than references to objects of those classes.
515Strings are easily read and written in JSON and XML.
516Trying to read/write classes of objects would take extra space and would require additional cooperation on the part of both the writer and the reader.
518<pre class="lang-js" id="bindLocationString"><code>
519 diagram.nodeTemplate =
520 $(go.Node, "Auto",
521 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse), // convert string into a Point value
522 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
523 { fill: "white" },
524 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
525 $(go.TextBlock,
526 { margin: 5 },
527 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
528 );
530 var nodeDataArray = [
531 { key: "Alpha", color: "lightblue", loc: "0 0" }, // note string values for location
532 { key: "Beta", color: "pink", loc: "100 50" }
533 ];
534 var linkDataArray = [
535 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
536 ];
537 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
539<script>goCode("bindLocationString", 250, 150)</script>
542Conversion functions can be named or anonymous functions.
543They take a data property value and return a value suitable for the property that is being set.
544They should not have any side-effects.
545They may get called any number of times in any order.
548Here is an example that has several <a>Shape</a> properties data-bound to the same boolean data property named "highlight".
549Each conversion function takes the boolean value and returns the appropriate value for the property that is data-bound.
550This makes it trivial to control the appearance of each node from the data by setting the "highlight" data property to be either false or true.
552<pre class="lang-js" id="bindHighlight"><code>
553 diagram.nodeTemplate =
554 $(go.Node, "Auto",
555 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
556 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
557 { // default values if the data.highlight is undefined:
558 fill: "yellow", stroke: "orange", strokeWidth: 2 },
559 new go.Binding("fill", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? "pink" : "lightblue"; }),
560 new go.Binding("stroke", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? "red" : "blue"; }),
561 new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? 3 : 1; })),
562 $(go.TextBlock,
563 { margin: 5 },
564 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
565 );
567 var nodeDataArray = [
568 { key: "Alpha", loc: "0 0", highlight: false },
569 { key: "Beta", loc: "100 50", highlight: true },
570 { key: "Gamma", loc: "0 100" } // highlight property undefined: use defaults
571 ];
572 var linkDataArray = [
573 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
574 ];
575 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
577<script>goCode("bindHighlight", 250, 150)</script>
579<p class="box bg-danger">
580Note that a conversion function can only return property values.
581You cannot return GraphObjects to replace objects in the visual tree of the Part.
582If you need to show different GraphObjects based on bound data,
583you can bind the <a>GraphObject.visible</a> or the <a>GraphObject.opacity</a> property.
584If you really want different visual structures
585you can use multiple templates (<a href="templateMaps.html">Template Maps</a>).
588<h2 id="ChangingDataValues">Changing data values</h2>
590The examples above all depend on the data bindings being evaluated when the <a>Part</a>
591has been created and its <a>Panel.data</a> property is set to refer to the corresponding
592node or link data.
593These actions occur automatically when the <a>Diagram</a> creates diagram parts
594for the data in the model upon setting <a>Diagram.model</a>.
597However, <b>GoJS</b> cannot know when the data property of an arbitrary JavaScript object has been modified.
598If you want to change some data object in a model and have the diagram be automatically updated,
599what you should do depends on the nature of the property that you are changing.
602For most data properties, ones that the model does not treat specially but are data-bound,
603you can just call <a>Model.setDataProperty</a>.
604In this example we modify the value of "highlight" on a node data object.
605For fun, this modification occurs about twice a second.
607<pre class="lang-js" id="changeBoundValue"><code>
608 diagram.nodeTemplate =
609 $(go.Node, "Auto",
610 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
611 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
612 { // default values if the data.highlight is undefined:
613 fill: "yellow", stroke: "orange", strokeWidth: 2 },
614 new go.Binding("fill", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? "pink" : "lightblue"; }),
615 new go.Binding("stroke", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? "red" : "blue"; }),
616 new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "highlight", function(v) { return v ? 3 : 1; })),
617 $(go.TextBlock,
618 { margin: 5 },
619 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
620 );
622 diagram.model.nodeDataArray = [
623 { key: "Alpha", highlight: false } // just one node, and no links
624 ];
626 function flash() {
627 // all model changes should happen in a transaction
628 diagram.model.commit(function(m) {
629 var data = m.nodeDataArray[0]; // get the first node data
630 m.set(data, "highlight", !data.highlight);
631 }, "flash");
632 }
633 function loop() {
634 setTimeout(function() { flash(); loop(); }, 500);
635 }
636 loop();
638<script>goCode("changeBoundValue", 250, 150)</script>
640<h2 id="ChangingGraphStructure">Changing graph structure</h2>
642Data binding is not used to establish relationships between parts.
643For data properties that a particular model knows about,
644such as "to" or "from" for link data in a <a>GraphLinksModel</a>,
645you must call the appropriate model methods in order to modify the data property.
646Modifying a data property directly without calling the appropriate model method
647may cause inconsistencies or undefined behavior.
650For node data, the model methods are
654<a>TreeModel.setParentKeyForNodeData</a>, and
656For link data, the model methods are
661<a>GraphLinksModel.setToPortIdForLinkData</a>, and
665This example changes the "to" property of a link data, causing the link to
666connect to a different node.
667This example uses the default Link template, which does not have any
668data bindings.
669The change in the link relationship is accomplished by calling a model method,
670not via a data binding.
672<pre class="lang-js" id="changeLinkTo"><code>
673 diagram.nodeTemplate =
674 $(go.Node, "Auto",
675 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
676 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
677 { fill: "yellow", stroke: "orange", strokeWidth: 2 }),
678 $(go.TextBlock,
679 { margin: 5 },
680 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
681 );
683 var nodeDataArray = [
684 { key: "Alpha" },
685 { key: "Beta" },
686 { key: "Gamma" }
687 ];
688 var linkDataArray = [
689 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
690 ];
691 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
693 function switchTo() {
694 // all model changes should happen in a transaction
695 diagram.model.commit(function(m) {
696 var data = m.linkDataArray[0]; // get the first link data
697 if (m.getToKeyForLinkData(data) === "Beta")
698 m.setToKeyForLinkData(data, "Gamma");
699 else
700 m.setToKeyForLinkData(data, "Beta");
701 }, "reconnect link");
702 }
703 function loop() {
704 setTimeout(function() { switchTo(); loop(); }, 1000);
705 }
706 loop();
708<script>goCode("changeLinkTo", 250, 150)</script>
710<h2 id="BindingToGraphObjectSources">Binding to <b>GraphObject</b> sources</h2>
712The binding source object need not be a plain JavaScript data object held in the diagram's model.
713The source object may instead be a named <a>GraphObject</a> in the same <a>Part</a>.
714The source property must be a settable property of the class.
715The binding is evaluated when the property is set to a new value.
718One common use of such a binding is to change the appearance of a Part when the <a>Part.isSelected</a>.
719Call <a>Binding.ofObject</a> to cause the Binding to use the object whose <a>GraphObject.name</a> is the given name.
720Use the empty string, "", or no argument, to refer to the whole Part itself.
721This is a convenience so that you do not need to name the whole Part.
722"ofObject" really means "of the GraphObject named ...", as found by <a>Panel.findObject</a> when there is a string argument.
725In the example below, the <a>Shape.fill</a> is bound to the <a>Part.isSelected</a> property.
726When the node is selected or de-selected, the <a>Part.isSelected</a> property changes value, so the binding is evaluated.
727The conversion function gets a boolean value and returns the desired brush color to be used as the shape's fill.
728This example also turns off selection adornments, so that the only visual way to tell that a node is selected is by the shape's fill color.
730<pre class="lang-js" id="bindingElements"><code>
731 diagram.nodeTemplate =
732 $(go.Node, "Auto",
733 { selectionAdorned: false }, // no blue selection handle!
734 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
735 // bind Shape.fill to Node.isSelected converted to a color
736 new go.Binding("fill", "isSelected", function(sel) {
737 return sel ? "dodgerblue" : "lightgray";
738 }).ofObject()), // no name means bind to the whole Part
739 $(go.TextBlock,
740 { margin: 5 },
741 new go.Binding("text", "descr"))
742 );
744 diagram.model.nodeDataArray = [
745 { descr: "Select me!" },
746 { descr: "I turn blue when selected." }
747 ];
749<script>goCode("bindingElements", 450, 100)</script>
752Caution: do not declare cycles of binding dependencies -- that will result in undefined behavior.
753<a>GraphObject</a> binding sources also require the <a>Part</a> to be bound to data (i.e. <a>Part.data</a> must be non-null).
754The property on the GraphObject must be settable, so it does not work on read-only properties
755such as ones that return computed values (e.g. <a>Part.isTopLevel</a>) or Iterators (e.g. <a>Node.linksConnected</a>).
758<h2 id="BindingToSharedModelDataSource">Binding to the shared <b>Model.modelData</b> source</h2>
760 The binding source object may be a third kind of source, besides the <a>Panel.data</a> or some <a>GraphObject</a> within the panel.
761 It can also be the JavaScript Object that is the shared <a>Model.modelData</a> object.
762 This permits binding of Node or Link element properties to shared properties in the model
763 that will exist and may be modified even though no nodes or links exist in the model.
766 In the example below, the <a>Shape.fill</a> is bound to the "color" property on the <a>Model.modelData</a> object.
767 As you click the button the <code>changeColor</code> function modifies the <code>modelData</code> object
768 by calling <a>Model.setDataProperty</a>.
770<pre class="lang-js" id="bindingModel"><code>
771diagram.nodeTemplate =
772 $(go.Node, "Auto",
773 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
774 { fill: "white" }, // the default value if there is no modelData.color property
775 new go.Binding("fill", "color").ofModel()), // meaning a property of Model.modelData
776 $(go.TextBlock,
777 { margin: 5 },
778 new go.Binding("text"))
779 );
781// start all nodes yellow
782diagram.model.modelData.color = "yellow";
784diagram.model.nodeDataArray = [
785 { text: "Alpha" },
786 { text: "Beta" }
789diagram.undoManager.isEnabled = true;
791changeColor = function() { // define a function named "changeColor" callable by button.onclick
792 diagram.model.commit(function(m) {
793 // alternate between lightblue and lightgreen colors
794 var oldcolor = m.modelData.color;
795 var newcolor = (oldcolor === "lightblue" ? "lightgreen" : "lightblue");
796 m.set(m.modelData, "color", newcolor);
797 }, "changed shared color");
800<script>goCode("bindingModel", 450, 100)</script>
801<button id="changeColorButton" onclick="changeColor()">Change shared color</button>
803<h2 id="TwoWayDataBinding">Two-way data binding</h2>
805All of the bindings above only transfer values from the source data to target properties.
806But sometimes you would like to be able to transfer values from <a>GraphObject</a>s back to the model data,
807to keep the model data up-to-date with the diagram.
808This is possible by using a TwoWay <a>Binding</a>, which can pass values not only from source to target,
809but also from the target object back to the source data.
811<pre class="lang-js" id="bindTwoWay"><code>
812 diagram.nodeTemplate =
813 $(go.Node, "Auto",
814 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
815 new go.Binding("location", "loc").makeTwoWay(), // TwoWay Binding
816 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
817 { fill: "lightblue", stroke: "blue", strokeWidth: 2 }),
818 $(go.TextBlock,
819 { margin: 5 },
820 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
821 );
823 var nodeDataArray = [
824 { key: "Alpha", loc: new go.Point(0, 0) }
825 ];
826 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray);
828 window.shiftNode = (function() { // define a function named "shiftNode" callable by button.onclick
829 // all model changes should happen in a transaction
830 diagram.commit(function(d) {
831 var data = d.model.nodeDataArray[0]; // get the first node data
832 var node = d.findNodeForData(data); // find the corresponding Node
833 var p = node.location.copy(); // make a copy of the location, a Point
834 p.x += 10;
835 if (p.x > 200) p.x = 0;
836 // changing the Node.location also changes the data.loc property due to TwoWay binding
837 node.location = p;
838 // show the updated location held by the "loc" property of the node data
839 document.getElementById("bindTwoWayData").textContent = data.loc.toString();
840 }, "shift node");
841 });
842 window.shiftNode();
846Click on the button to move the <a>Node</a>.
847The effect is basically what happens when the user drags the node.
848In this example, the TwoWay <a>Binding</a> on <a>Node.location</a> will update the
849"loc" property of the node data that is the Node's <a>Part.data</a>.
851<button onclick="shiftNode()">shiftNode()</button>
852nodedata.loc: <code id="bindTwoWayData"></code>
853<script>goCode("bindTwoWay", 250, 150)</script>
855Just as you can use a conversion function when going from source to target,
856you can supply a conversion function to <a>Binding.makeTwoWay</a> for going from target to source.
857For example, to represent the location as a string in the model data instead of as a <a>Point</a>:
859<pre class="lang-js"><code>
860// storage representation of Points/Sizes/Rects/Margins/Spots is as strings, not objects:
861new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify)
864However, you must not have a TwoWay binding on the node data property that is the "key" property.
865(That defaults to the name "key" but is actually the value of <a>Model.nodeKeyProperty</a>.)
866That property value must always be unique among all node data within the model and is known by the Model.
867A TwoWay binding might change the value, causing a multitude of problems.
868Similarly, the <a>Node.key</a> property is read-only, to prevent accidental changes of the key value.
871<h2 id="ReasonsForTwoWayBindings">Reasons for TwoWay Bindings</h2>
873The basic reason for using a TwoWay <a>Binding</a> on a settable property is to make sure that any changes to that property
874will be copied to the corresponding model data.
875By making sure that the <a>Model</a> is up-to-date, you can easily "save the diagram" just by saving the model
876and "loading a diagram" is just a matter of loading a model into memory and setting <a>Diagram.model</a>.
877If you are careful to only hold JSON-serializable data in the model data, you can just use the <a>Model.toJson</a>
878and <a>Model,fromJson</a> methods for converting a model to and from a textual representation.
881<em>Most bindings do not need to be TwoWay.</em>
882For performance reasons you should not make a Binding be TwoWay unless you actually need to propagate changes back to the data.
883Most settable properties are only set on initialization and then never change.
886Settable properties only change value when some code sets them.
887That code might be in code that you write as part of your app.
888Or it might be in a command (see <a href="commands.html">Commands</a>) or a tool (see <a href="tools.html">Tools</a>).
889Here is a list of properties for which a TwoWay Binding is plausible because one of the predefined commands or tools modify them:
892<li><a>Part.location</a>, by <a>DraggingTool</a> if it is enabled</li>
893<li><a>Link.points</a>, by <a>LinkReshapingTool</a> if it is enabled</li>
894<li><a>GraphObject.desiredSize</a>, by <a>ResizingTool</a> if it is enabled</li>
895<li><a>GraphObject.angle</a>, by <a>RotatingTool</a> if it is enabled</li>
896<li><a>TextBlock.text</a>, by <a>TextEditingTool</a> if it is enabled</li>
897<li><a>Part.isSelected</a>, by many tools and commands</li>
898<li><a>Node.isTreeExpanded</a> and <a>Node.wasTreeExpanded</a>, by <a>CommandHandler.collapseTree</a> and <a>CommandHandler.expandTree</a>, called by a "TreeExpanderButton"</li>
899<li><a>Group.isSubGraphExpanded</a> and <a>Group.wasSubGraphExpanded</a>, by <a>CommandHandler.collapseSubGraph</a> and <a>CommandHandler.expandSubGraph</a>, called by a "SubGraphExpanderButton"</li>
902You will not need to use a TwoWay binding on a property if the Tool that modifies it cannot run,
903or if the command that modifies it cannot be invoked.
904You probably will not need a TwoWay binding on any other properties unless you write code to modify them.
905And even then it is sometimes better to write the code to modify the model data directly by calling <a>Model.setDataProperty</a>,
906depending on a OneWay Binding to update the GraphObject property.
909It is also possible to use TwoWay Bindings where the source is a GraphObject rather than model data.
910This is needed less frequently, when you do <em>not</em> want to have the state stored in the model,
911but you do want to synchronize properties of GraphObjects within the same Part.
912<em>Use TwoWay Bindings sparingly.</em>
915 </div>
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