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136<h1>Initial, Automatic, and Programmatic Viewport Management</h1>
138Once you have created and assigned a model to cause some Parts to appear in your Diagram,
139you can control where your parts initially appear in the viewport, and you can control
140where they are shown after the diagram has been modified.
143<h2 id="InitialViewport">Initial viewport</h2>
145You can very easily set the <a>Diagram.initialPosition</a> and/or <a>Diagram.initialScale</a> properties
146at any time, even before assigning the model. This will cause the <a>Diagram.position</a> and/or <a>Diagram.scale</a>
147properties to be set to the specified initial value(s) once all of the Parts have been created and any initial layout has been performed.
150But what if you do not know how big your diagram document will be?
151If you want to show a particular area of the document, you will not know what position to set.
152If you want to show a big document at the largest scale that shows all of it, you will not know what scale to set.
155One solution to this problem is to set the <a>Diagram.initialDocumentSpot</a> and <a>Diagram.initialViewportSpot</a> properties
156to particular <a>Spot</a> values.
157For example, if you are showing a tree-like diagram and you want tree to be centered horizontally but positioned vertically at the top,
158you can do something like this when you create the Diagram:
160<pre class="lang-js"><code>
161 $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
162 {
163 initialDocumentSpot: go.Spot.Top,
164 initialViewportSpot: go.Spot.Top
165 })
168This makes sure that after the initial layout of your diagram the middle top point of the diagram contents
169is positioned to be at the middle top point of the viewport.
172Another solution to this problem is to set the <a>Diagram.initialContentAlignment</a> or <a>Diagram.initialAutoScale</a> properties.
173For example it is fairly common to want to make sure that small documents appear top-centered within the diagram window --
174just set <a>Diagram.initialContentAlignment</a> to <a>Spot,Top</a>.
175Or if you want to "zoom-to-fit" the diagram, just set <a>Diagram.initialAutoScale</a> to <a>Diagram,Uniform</a>.
177<pre class="lang-js"><code>
178 $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
179 {
180 initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.Uniform
181 })
184More generally, you may want to try to center a particular <a>Node</a>.
185Here is how you can do that:
187<pre class="lang-js" id="centernode"><code>
188 diagram.nodeTemplate =
189 $(go.Node, "Auto",
190 new go.Binding("location", "loc"),
191 $(go.Shape, { fill: "lightyellow" }),
192 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5 },
193 // show the location as text in the node
194 new go.Binding("text", "loc",
195 function (p) { return p.x.toFixed() + ", " + p.y.toFixed(); }))
196 );
198 // initialize the model with random nodes:
199 var nodeDataArray = [];
200 for (var i = 0; i &lt; 20; i++ ) {
201 nodeDataArray.push({ loc: new go.Point(Math.random() * 600, Math.random() * 300) });
202 }
203 diagram.model.nodeDataArray = nodeDataArray;
205 // this event handler is called when the diagram is first ready
206 diagram.addDiagramListener("InitialLayoutCompleted", function(e) {
207 // pick a random node data
208 var data = nodeDataArray[Math.floor(Math.random()*nodeDataArray.length)];
209 // find the corresponding Node
210 var node = diagram.findNodeForData(data);
211 // and center it and select it
212 diagram.centerRect(node.actualBounds);
213 diagram.select(node);
214 });
216<script>goCode("centernode", 300, 150)</script>
218Note: because by default one cannot scroll past any edge of the document plus any <a>Diagram.scrollMargin</a>,
219if the selected node happens to be at or near an edge, the node cannot actually be centered in the viewport.
222<h2 id="AutomaticViewportManagement">Automatic viewport management</h2>
224There are also times when you will want to control the viewport (i.e. the <a>Diagram.position</a> and <a>Diagram.scale</a>)
225after every change to the diagram.
226For example, if you always want to keep the document centered after the user has moved or deleted or inserted nodes,
227set <a>Diagram.contentAlignment</a> (rather than <a>Diagram.initialContentAlignment</a>) to <a>Spot.Center</a>.
230Or if you always want to keep the document "zoomed-to-fit", set <a>Diagram.autoScale</a>
231(rather than <a>Diagram.initialAutoScale</a>) to <a>Diagram,Uniform</a>.
232As an example, the <a>Overview</a> diagram does this.
235<h2 id="ProgrammaticViewportManagement">Programmatic viewport management</h2>
237If you do not want continual repositioning or rescaling of the diagram, but you do sometimes want to change
238the <a>Diagram.position</a> and/or the <a>Diagram.scale</a>, you can set those properties to whatever values you like.
239However, please note that the ultimate value for <a>Diagram.position</a> is normally limited by the <a>Diagram.documentBounds</a>
240and the size of the viewport and the scale of the diagram.
241The <a>Diagram.scale</a> is limited by <a>Diagram.minScale</a> and <a>Diagram.maxScale</a>.
244But it is more common to call a method on Diagram to achieve the results that you want.
245For example, to get the effect of the <a>Diagram.initialDocumentSpot</a> and <a>Diagram.initialViewportSpot</a> properties
246that are used when the "InitialLayoutCompleted" DiagramEvent occurs, call
247<a>Diagram.alignDocument</a> with the two desired Spots that you want to have coincide.
250As already demonstrated above, if you want to try to center a particular node in the viewport,
251you can call <a>Diagram.centerRect</a> with the node's <a>GraphObject.actualBounds</a>.
254If you want to make sure that a particular node is within the viewport, but not necessarily centered,
255call <a>Diagram.scrollToRect</a>.
258If you just want to scroll the diagram, in the same manners as the user might via a scrollbar or the mouse wheel,
259call <a>Diagram.scroll</a> with arguments that specify how much to scroll and in which direction.
263The just-mentioned Diagram methods do not change the <a>Diagram.scale</a>.
264If you want to rescale the diagram so that the whole document bounds are shown, call <a>Diagram.zoomToFit</a>.
265More generally, if you want a particular area of your diagram to be shown at whatever scale will make it fit in the viewport, call <a>Diagram.zoomToRect</a>.
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