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136<h1>Legends and Titles</h1>
138Sometimes in addition to the nodes and links that are the subject of a diagram,
139one also wants to display a "legend" or "key" describing the different kinds of nodes or links.
140Perhaps one also wants there to be "title" for the diagram in large letters.
143<h2 id="OutsideOfDiagram">Outside of Diagram</h2>
145First, you must consider whether titles or legends should be part of the diagram or not.
146You can create whatever you want in HTML outside of the diagram.
149function setupForLegend(diagram) {
150 var $ = go.GraphObject.make;
152 diagram.layout = $(go.TreeLayout, { angle: 90 });
154 diagram.nodeTemplate =
155 $(go.Node, "Auto",
156 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
157 { fill: "white" },
158 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
159 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5 },
160 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
161 );
163 diagram.linkTemplate =
164 $(go.Link,
165 { routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, corner: 8 },
166 $(go.Shape, { strokeWidth: 2 }));
168 diagram.model = new go.TreeModel([
169 { key: "Alpha", color: "purple" },
170 { key: "Beta", parent: "Alpha", color: "red" },
171 { key: "Gamma", parent: "Alpha", color: "white" },
172 ]);
175<pre class="lang-js" style="display:none" id="diagramPre"><code>
176 setupForLegend(diagram);
178<div style="width:100%">
179 <span id="diagramSpan" style="display: inline-block">
180 <span style="font: bold 16pt sans-serif; color:green">An HTML Title for a Diagram</span>
181 </span>
182 <div style="display: inline-block; vertical-align: bottom; border: 2px solid green">
183 <b>Color key:</b>
184 <table>
185 <tr><td><span style="color:purple; font-weight:bold">Purple</span> nodes are juicy and sweet</td></tr>
186 <tr><td><span style="color:red; font-weight:bold">Red</span> nodes are very angry</td></tr>
187 <tr><td><span style="color:white;background:gray;font-weight:bold">White</span> nodes sleep well at night</td></tr>
188 </table>
189 </div>
191<script>goCode("diagramPre", 300, 200, "diagramSpan");</script>
193Note that anything in HTML will not automatically scroll and zoom along with the diagram's contents shown in the viewport.
194But HTML elements could be positioned in front of or behind the diagram's DIV element.
197<h2 id="UnmodeledParts">Unmodeled Parts</h2>
199Second, you should consider whether the title or legend should be held in your data model.
200Do you need to save and load that data in your database?
203If you do not want to these objects to be included in your application's data model,
204you can just create them as simple <a>Part</a>s and <a>Diagram.add</a> them to your diagram
205at explicitly defined <a>Part.location</a>s.
207<pre class="lang-js" id="unmodeled"><code>
208 setupForLegend(diagram); // this creates a diagram just like the first example
210 diagram.add(
211 $(go.Part, { location: new go.Point(0, -40) },
212 $(go.TextBlock, "A Title", { font: "bold 24pt sans-serif", stroke: "green" })));
214<script>goCode("unmodeled", 300, 200);</script>
216If you do not assign a location or position for your Parts,
217and if your <a>Diagram.layout</a> (if any) does not assign any <a>Part.location</a>,
218then there might not be a real location for those parts and they might not appear anywhere in the diagram.
220<p class="box bg-info">
221All of the predefined <a>Layout</a>s that make use of <a>LayoutNetwork</a>s, including <a>TreeLayout</a>,
222do not operate on simple <a>Part</a>s but only on <a>Node</a>s and <a>Link</a>s.
223If you had added a <a>Node</a> to the diagram it would have been positioned as part of this diagram's normal tree layout,
224even though you explicitly set its location.
225Alternatively it could still be a Node if you set its <a>Part.isLayoutPositioned</a> property to false.
228You will notice that the title is selectable and movable and copyable and deletable in the diagram above.
229You may want to set properties such as <a>Part.selectable</a> to false.
232For an example showing a legend, see the <a href="../samples/familyTree.html" target="samples">Family Tree</a> sample.
235<h3 id="ModeledParts">Modeled Parts</h3>
237If on the other hand you do want to store your titles or legends in your model, you can do so using the normal mechanisms.
238Typically you will use <a href="templateMaps.html">node categories and template maps</a>.
241If you do not want your users to manipulate those objects, you will want to set <a>Part.selectable</a> to false.
242You may want to set <a>Part.layerName</a> to "Grid", so that it is always in the background behind everything else.
243(All Parts in the "Grid" Layer are automatically not selectable, because <a>Layer.allowSelect</a> is false for that <a>Layer</a>.)
246<h2 id="StaticParts">Static Parts</h2>
248Third, consider whether you want the title or legend to move or scale as the user scrolls or zooms the diagram.
249If you want to keep such a decoration at the same position in the viewport, it might be easiest to do so by implementing
250it as an HTML element that is superimposed with the diagram's DIV element.
253However if you really want to implement it using a <b>GoJS</b> <a>Part</a>, you can do so by implementing a
254"ViewportBoundsChanged" <a>DiagramEvent</a> listener that continually resets the position and scale to values that
255make them appear not to move as the user scrolls or zooms.
257<pre class="lang-js" id="static"><code>
258 setupForLegend(diagram); // this creates a diagram just like the first example
260 diagram.add(
261 $(go.Part,
262 {
263 layerName: "Grid", // this Layer is behind everything and is not interactive
264 _viewPosition: new go.Point(0,0) // some position in the viewport,
265 // not in document coordinates
266 },
267 $(go.TextBlock, "A Title", { font: "bold 24pt sans-serif", stroke: "green" })));
269 // Whenever the Diagram.position or Diagram.scale change,
270 // update the position of all simple Parts that have a _viewPosition property.
271 diagram.addDiagramListener("ViewportBoundsChanged", function(e) {
272 e.diagram.commit(function(dia) {
273 // only iterates through simple Parts in the diagram, not Nodes or Links
274 dia.parts.each(function(part) {
275 // and only on those that have the "_viewPosition" property set to a Point
276 if (part._viewPosition) {
277 part.position = dia.transformViewToDoc(part._viewPosition);
278 part.scale = 1/dia.scale; // counteract any zooming
279 }
280 })
281 }, null); // set skipsUndoManager to true, to avoid recording these changes
282 });
284<script>goCode("static", 300, 200);</script>
286Note that as the user pans or scrolls or zooms the diagram, the title remains at the same viewport position
287at apparently the same effective size.
288This example makes use of the "Grid" <a>Layer</a> (see <a href="layers.html">Intro to Layers</a>), which
289is convenient for making sure the title (or legend) stays in the background and does not participate in
290selection or mouse events or the <a>UndoManager</a>.
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