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64 <a href="index.html">Basics</a>
65 <a href="buildingObjects.html">Building Parts</a>
66 <a href="usingModels.html">Using Models</a>
67 <a href="dataBinding.html">Data Binding</a>
68 <a href="react.html">GoJS with React</a>
69 <a href="angular.html">GoJS with Angular</a>
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136<h1>Using GoJS on Different Platforms</h1>
138 GoJS is intended to run in any environment that executes JavaScript.
139 This includes on browsers and within browser frameworks, and also in headless contexts such as Node.js.
142<h2>React, Angular, Vue</h2>
144 We provide samples and components for common SPA frameworks.
145 GoJS has no dependencies of its own, and it is our expectation that the library should run within any framework.
146 If you are encountering integration issues with an uncommon framework,
147 please <a href="https://www.nwoods.com/contact.html" target="_blank">contact us</a>.
150 We maintain examples for common frameworks:
153 <li>
154 <strong>React:</strong> We provide a <a href="https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/gojs-react" target="_blank">React Component</a>
155 as an <a href="https://npmjs.com/gojs-react" target="_blank">NPM package</a> and
156 a usage <a href="https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/gojs-react-basic" target="_blank">sample</a>.
157 See the intro page <a href="react.html">Using GoJS with React</a> for more information on React integration.
158 </li>
159 <li>
160 <strong>Angular:</strong> We provide an <a href="https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/gojs-angular" target="_blank">Angular Component</a>
161 as an <a href="https://npmjs.com/gojs-angular" target="_blank">NPM package</a> and
162 a usage <a href="https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/gojs-angular-basic" target="_blank">sample</a>.
163 See the intro page <a href="angular.html">Using GoJS with Angular</a> for more information on Angular integration.
164 </li>
165 <li>
166 <strong>Vue:</strong> We provide a <a href="../samples/vue.html">Vue.js Sample</a>.
167 </li>
172 GoJS can be used in Electron apps.
173 We provide a <a href="https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS-projects/tree/master/electron-circuit" target="_blank">sample Electron app using GoJS</a>.
174 Note that an unlimited domains license is required for use when the page is not served from a domain.
177<h2>Node.js and Headless Environments</h2>
179 GoJS can be used in environments that do not have a DOM.
180 This can be useful for server We provide a <a href="https://gojs.net/latest/intro/nodeScript.html">Node.js script example</a>.
181 We also have a Puppeteer example in the <a href="serverSideImages.html">Server-side images intro page</a>.
184<h2>Within iFrames</h2>
186 GoJS can run within iFrames.
187 However, since the library references the global context, such as <code>window</code> on browsers,
188 it is best to invoke GoJS code from within the frame it is used.
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