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136<h1>Ports in Nodes</h1>
138Although you have some control over where links will connect at a node (at a particular spot, along one or
139more sides, or at the intersection with the edge), there are times when you want to have different logical
140and graphical places at which links should connect. The elements at which a link may connect are called
141<i>ports</i>. There may be any number of ports in a node. By default there is just one port, the whole node,
142which results in the effect of having the whole node act as the port, as you have seen in all of the previous examples.
145To declare that a particular element in a <a>Node</a> is a port, set the <a>GraphObject.portId</a> property to a string.
146Note that the port-or-link-related properties may apply to any element in the visual tree of the node,
147which is why they are properties of <a>GraphObject</a> rather than <a>Node</a>.
150Port-like GraphObjects can only be in <a>Node</a>s or <a>Group</a>s, not in <a>Link</a>s or <a>Adornment</a>s or simple <a>Part</a>s.
151So there is no reason to try to set <a>GraphObject.portId</a> on any object in a Link.
155See samples that make use of ports in the <a href="../samples/index.html#ports">samples index</a>.
159<h2 id="SinglePorts">Single Ports</h2>
161In many situations you want to consider links logically related to the node as a whole but you don't want links
162connecting to the whole node.
163In this case each node has only one port, but you do not want the whole node to act as the one port.
166For example, consider how links connect to the nodes when the whole node is acting as a port in one common manner.
167The <a>GraphObject.fromSpot</a> and <a>GraphObject.toSpot</a> are at the middles of the sides.
168Because the height of the whole node includes the text label,
169the middle of the side is not the middle of the "icon", which in this case is a circle.
171<pre class="lang-js" id="defaultPort"><code>
172 diagram.nodeTemplate =
173 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
174 { fromSpot: go.Spot.Right, toSpot: go.Spot.Left }, // port properties on the node
175 $(go.Shape, "Ellipse",
176 { width: 30, height: 30, fill: "green" }),
177 $(go.TextBlock,
178 { font: "20px sans-serif" },
179 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
180 );
182 var nodeDataArray = [
183 { key: "Alpha" },
184 { key: "Beta" }
185 ];
186 var linkDataArray = [
187 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
188 ];
189 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
191<script>goCode("defaultPort", 600, 100)</script>
193This appearance does not look or behave quite right.
194Really we want links to connect to the circular <a>Shape</a>.
198If you want a particular element to act as the port rather than the whole node,
199just set its <a>GraphObject.portId</a> to the empty string.
200The empty string is the name of the default port.
203In this example, we set <a>GraphObject.portId</a> on the circular shape.
204Note that we move the other port-related properties, such as the port spots, to that object too.
206<pre class="lang-js" id="singlePort"><code>
207 diagram.nodeTemplate =
208 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
209 $(go.Shape, "Ellipse",
210 { width: 30, height: 30, fill: "green",
211 portId: "", // now the Shape is the port, not the whole Node
212 fromSpot: go.Spot.Right, // port properties go on the port!
213 toSpot: go.Spot.Left
214 }),
215 $(go.TextBlock,
216 { font: "20px sans-serif" },
217 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
218 );
220 var nodeDataArray = [
221 { key: "Alpha" },
222 { key: "Beta" }
223 ];
224 var linkDataArray = [
225 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
226 ];
227 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
229<script>goCode("singlePort", 600, 100)</script>
231Notice how the links nicely connect the circular shapes by ignoring the text labels.
234<h2 id="GeneralPorts">General Ports</h2>
236It is also common to have diagrams where you want more than one port in a node.
237The number of ports might even vary dynamically.
240In order for a link data object to distinguish which port the link should connect to,
241the <a>GraphLinksModel</a> supports two additional data properties that identify the names of the ports in the nodes
242at both ends of the link.
243<a>GraphLinksModel.getToKeyForLinkData</a> identifies the node to connect to;
244<a>GraphLinksModel.getToPortIdForLinkData</a> identifies the port within the node.
245Similarly, <a>GraphLinksModel.getFromKeyForLinkData</a> and <a>GraphLinksModel.getFromPortIdForLinkData</a> identify the node and its port.
248Normally a <a>GraphLinksModel</a> assumes that there is no need to recognize port information on link data.
249If you want to support port identifiers on link data, you need to set <a>GraphLinksModel.linkToPortIdProperty</a>
250and <a>GraphLinksModel.linkFromPortIdProperty</a> to be the names of the link data properties.
251If you do not set these properties, all port identifiers are assumed to be the empty string,
252which is the name of the one default port for a node.
254<p class="box bg-danger">
255If you have set or bound <a>GraphObject.portId</a> on any element to be a non-empty string,
256you will need to use a <a>GraphLinksModel</a> and set <a>GraphLinksModel.linkToPortIdProperty</a>
257and <a>GraphLinksModel.linkFromPortIdProperty</a> to be the names of two properties on your link data,
258or you will need to hard code the portId names in the link template(s)
259(i.e. <a>Link.fromPortId</a> and <a>Link.toPortId</a>),
260in order for the user to be able to link with those ports.
262<pre class="lang-js" id="ports"><code>
263 diagram.nodeTemplate =
264 $(go.Node, "Auto",
265 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
266 $(go.Panel, "Table",
267 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
268 { column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Left}),
269 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
270 { column: 2, alignment: go.Spot.Right }),
271 $(go.TextBlock, // the node title
272 { column: 0, row: 0, columnSpan: 3, alignment: go.Spot.Center,
273 font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: new go.Margin(4, 2) },
274 new go.Binding("text", "key")),
275 $(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
276 { column: 0, row: 1 },
277 $(go.Shape, // the "A" port
278 { width: 6, height: 6, portId: "A", toSpot: go.Spot.Left }),
279 $(go.TextBlock, "A") // "A" port label
280 ),
281 $(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
282 { column: 0, row: 2 },
283 $(go.Shape, // the "B" port
284 { width: 6, height: 6, portId: "B", toSpot: go.Spot.Left }),
285 $(go.TextBlock, "B") // "B" port label
286 ),
287 $(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
288 { column: 2, row: 1, rowSpan: 2 },
289 $(go.TextBlock, "Out"), // "Out" port label
290 $(go.Shape, // the "Out" port
291 { width: 6, height: 6, portId: "Out", fromSpot: go.Spot.Right })
292 )
293 )
294 );
296 diagram.linkTemplate =
297 $(go.Link,
298 { routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, corner: 3 },
299 $(go.Shape),
300 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
301 );
303 diagram.layout = $(go.LayeredDigraphLayout, { columnSpacing: 10 });
305 diagram.model =
306 $(go.GraphLinksModel,
307 { linkFromPortIdProperty: "fromPort", // required information:
308 linkToPortIdProperty: "toPort", // identifies data property names
309 nodeDataArray: [
310 { key: "Add1" },
311 { key: "Add2" },
312 { key: "Subtract1" }
313 ],
314 linkDataArray: [
315 { from: "Add1", fromPort: "Out", to: "Subtract1", toPort: "A" },
316 { from: "Add2", fromPort: "Out", to: "Subtract1", toPort: "B" }
317 ] });
319<script>goCode("ports", 600, 150)</script>
321<h2 id="DrawingNewLinks">Drawing new Links</h2>
323Setting either or both of the <a>GraphObject.fromLinkable</a> and <a>GraphObject.toLinkable</a>
324properties to true allows users to interactively draw new links between ports.
327To draw a new link, mouse down on an "Out" port, move (drag) to nearby an input port,
328and then mouse-up to complete the link.
330<pre class="lang-js" id="linkablePorts"><code>
331 diagram.nodeTemplate =
332 $(go.Node, "Auto",
333 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
334 $(go.Panel, "Table",
335 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
336 { column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Left}),
337 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
338 { column: 2, alignment: go.Spot.Right }),
339 $(go.TextBlock, // the node title
340 { column: 0, row: 0, columnSpan: 3, alignment: go.Spot.Center,
341 font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: new go.Margin(4, 2) },
342 new go.Binding("text", "key")),
343 $(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
344 { column: 0, row: 1 },
345 $(go.Shape, // the "A" port
346 { width: 6, height: 6, portId: "A", toSpot: go.Spot.Left,
347 toLinkable: true, toMaxLinks: 1 }), // allow user-drawn links from here
348 $(go.TextBlock, "A") // "A" port label
349 ),
350 $(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
351 { column: 0, row: 2 },
352 $(go.Shape, // the "B" port
353 { width: 6, height: 6, portId: "B", toSpot: go.Spot.Left,
354 toLinkable: true, toMaxLinks: 1 }), // allow user-drawn links from here
355 $(go.TextBlock, "B") // "B" port label
356 ),
357 $(go.Panel, "Horizontal",
358 { column: 2, row: 1, rowSpan: 2 },
359 $(go.TextBlock, "Out"), // "Out" port label
360 $(go.Shape, // the "Out" port
361 { width: 6, height: 6, portId: "Out", fromSpot: go.Spot.Right,
362 fromLinkable: true }) // allow user-drawn links to here
363 )
364 )
365 );
367 diagram.linkTemplate =
368 $(go.Link,
369 { routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, corner: 3 },
370 $(go.Shape),
371 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
372 );
374 diagram.layout = $(go.LayeredDigraphLayout, { columnSpacing: 10 });
376 diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.temporaryLink.routing = go.Link.Orthogonal;
378 diagram.model =
379 $(go.GraphLinksModel,
380 { linkFromPortIdProperty: "fromPort", // required information:
381 linkToPortIdProperty: "toPort", // identifies data property names
382 nodeDataArray: [
383 { key: "Add1" },
384 { key: "Add2" },
385 { key: "Subtract1" }
386 ],
387 linkDataArray: [
388 // no predeclared links
389 ] });
391<script>goCode("linkablePorts", 600, 250)</script>
393By default the user may not draw more than one link in the same direction between any pair of ports,
394nor may the user draw a link connecting a node with itself.
395Please read a general discussion of <a href="validation.html">Linking Validation</a>.
398By setting <a>GraphObject.toMaxLinks</a> to 1, as shown in this example, the user may draw at most one link going into that port.
399And because <a>GraphObject.fromLinkable</a> is false for that port element, the user will not be able to connect any links coming out of that port.
402 If you want to prevent the user from connecting any more than one Link with a Node, regardless of direction,
403 you will need to implement a <a>LinkingBaseTool.linkValidation</a> or a <a>Node.linkValidation</a> predicate.
404 See the discussion about <a href="validation.html#GeneralLinkingValidation">General Linking Validation</a>
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