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13 window.diagrams = [];
14 window.goCode = function(pre, w, h, parentid, animation) {
15 window.diagrams.push([pre, w, h, parentid, animation]);
16 }
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65 <a href="buildingObjects.html">Building Parts</a>
66 <a href="usingModels.html">Using Models</a>
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88 <a href="debugging.html">Debugging</a>
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93 <a href="subgraphs.html">SubGraphs</a>
94 <a href="sizedGroups.html">Sized Groups</a>
95 <a href="selection.html">Selection</a>
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98 <a href="toolTips.html">ToolTips</a>
99 <a href="contextmenus.html">Context Menus</a>
100 <a href="events.html">Diagram Events</a>
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102 <a href="commands.html">Commands</a>
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105 <a href="HTMLInteraction.html">HTML Interaction</a>
106 <a href="layers.html">Layers &amp; Z-ordering</a>
107 <a href="palette.html">Palette</a>
108 <a href="overview.html">Overview</a>
109 <a href="resizing.html">Resizing Diagrams</a>
110 <a href="replacingDeleting.html">Replacing and Deleting</a>
111 <a href="buttons.html">Buttons</a>
112 <a href="templateMaps.html">Template Maps</a>
113 <a href="legends.html">Legends and Titles</a>
114 <a href="extensions.html">Extensions</a>
115 <a href="geometry.html">Geometry Strings</a>
116 <a href="grids.html">Grid Patterns</a>
117 <a href="graduatedPanels.html">Graduated Panels</a>
118 <a href="makingImages.html">Diagram Images</a>
119 <a href="makingSVG.html">Diagram SVG</a>
120 <a href="printing.html">Printing</a>
121 <a href="serverSideImages.html">Server-side Images</a>
122 <a href="nodeScript.html">GoJS in Node.js</a>
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131 <div class="pt-4 px-2 md:px-0 lg:px-4 pb-16 w-full overflow-hidden">
134 <style type="text/css">
135 @media screen {
136 img {
137 border: 1px solid rgba(255,0,0,.4);
138 }
139 }
141 /* @media print specifies CSS rules that only apply when printing */
142 @media print {
143 /* CSS reset to clear styles for printing */
144 html, body, div {
145 margin: 0;
146 padding: 0;
147 border: 0;
148 font-size: 100%;
149 font: inherit;
150 vertical-align: baseline;
151 }
153 /* Hide everything on the page */
154 body * {
155 display: none;
156 }
158 #container, #content, #myImages, #myImages * {
159 /* Only display the images we want printed */
160 /* all of the image's parent divs
161 leading up to the body must be un-hidden (displayed) too
162 */
163 display: block;
164 /* CSS reset to clear the specific visible divs for printing */
165 margin: 0;
166 padding: 0;
167 border: 0;
168 font-size: 100%;
169 font: inherit;
170 vertical-align: baseline;
171 }
173 /* We have line breaks in the DIV
174 to separate the images in the browser,
175 but do not want those line breaks when printing
176 */
177 #myImages br {
178 display: none;
179 }
181 #manyImgCode {
182 display: none;
183 }
185 #mycss {
186 display: none;
187 }
189 img {
190 /* Only some browsers respect this rule: */
191 page-break-inside: avoid;
192 /* Almost all browsers respect this rule: */
193 page-break-after:always;
194 }
195 }
197 /* The @page rules specify additional printing directives that browsers may respect
198 Here we suggest printing in landscape (instead of portrait) with a small margin.
199 Browsers, however, are free to ignore or override these suggestions.
200 See also:
201 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/@page
202 https://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-page/#at-page-rule
203 */
204 @page {
205 /* Some browsers respect rules such as size: landscape */
206 margin: 1cm;
207 }
208 </style>
215Printing a Diagram is typically accomplished by making several images of the Diagram and either saving them, inserting them into a PDF or other document, or printing them directly from the browser. On this page we will create several images out of a large Diagram and prepare some CSS so that printing this page prints only those images.
218This page uses <a>Diagram.makeImage</a>, which has its own introduction page: <a href="makingImages.html">Making Images with GoJS</a>.
221<p class="box bg-info">
222Depending on your situation, you may want to use SVG to print instead, and there is also a page on <a href="makingSVG.html">Making SVG with GoJS</a>, which is nearly identical to making images. In this page's examples you could substitute <a>Diagram.makeSvg</a> for the same result.
226 Below is the Diagram we are going to prepare for print.
228<!-- Don't bother showing this source -->
229<pre class="lang-js" id="diag" style="display: none;"><code>
230 window.myDiagram = diagram;
231 myDiagram.autoScale = go.Diagram.Uniform;
233 // define the Node template
234 myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
235 $(go.Node, "Spot",
236 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
237 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle",
238 { fill: "lightgray", // the initial value, but data-binding may provide different value
239 stroke: "black",
240 desiredSize: new go.Size(30, 30) },
241 new go.Binding("fill", "fill")),
242 $(go.TextBlock,
243 new go.Binding("text", "text"))
244 );
246 // define the Link template to be minimal
247 myDiagram.linkTemplate =
248 $(go.Link,
249 { selectable: false },
250 $(go.Shape));
252 myDiagram.layout = new go.LayeredDigraphLayout();
254 var minNodes = 125, maxNodes = 125;
255 myDiagram.startTransaction("generateDigraph");
256 // replace the diagram's model's nodeDataArray
257 var nodeArray = [];
258 // get the values from the fields and create a random number of nodes within the range
259 var min = parseInt(minNodes, 10);
260 var max = parseInt(maxNodes, 10);
261 if (isNaN(min)) min = 0;
262 if (isNaN(max) || max &lt; min) max = min;
263 var numNodes = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
264 var i;
265 for (i = 0; i &lt; numNodes; i++) {
266 nodeArray.push({
267 key: i,
268 text: i.toString(),
269 fill: go.Brush.randomColor()
270 });
271 }
273 // randomize the node data
274 for (i = 0; i &lt; nodeArray.length; i++) {
275 var swap = Math.floor(Math.random() * nodeArray.length);
276 var temp = nodeArray[swap];
277 nodeArray[swap] = nodeArray[i];
278 nodeArray[i] = temp;
279 }
281 // set the nodeDataArray to this array of objects
282 myDiagram.model.nodeDataArray = nodeArray;
283 // replace the diagram's model's linkDataArray
284 var linkArray = [];
285 var nit = myDiagram.nodes;
286 var nodes = new go.List();
287 nodes.addAll(nit);
288 for (var i = 0; i &lt; nodes.count - 1; i++) {
289 var from = nodes.elt(i);
290 var numto = Math.floor(1 + (Math.random() * 3) / 2);
291 for (var j = 0; j &lt; numto; j++) {
292 var idx = Math.floor(i + 5 + Math.random() * 10);
293 if (idx &gt;= nodes.count) idx = i + (Math.random() * (nodes.count - i)) | 0;
294 var to = nodes.elt(idx);
295 linkArray.push({ from: from.data.key, to: to.data.key });
296 }
297 }
298 myDiagram.model.linkDataArray = linkArray;
299 myDiagram.commitTransaction("generateDigraph");
302<script>goCode("diag", 500, 500)</script>
304 window.extras = [];
305 window.goCode3 = function(pre) {
306 extras.push(pre);
307 }
309 window.extra = function() {
310 for (var i = 0; i < extras.length; i++) {
311 var ex = extras[i];
312 var pre = document.getElementById(ex);
313 var f = eval("(function () {" + pre.textContent + "\n})");
314 f();
315 }
316 }
319 Our code for print preparation contains a <code>generateImages</code> function that cuts the Diagram into several images of a given width and height. On this page it is called by default with (700, 960), but the width and height can be modified dynamically with HTML inputs below.
321<pre class="lang-js" id="manyImgCode"><code>
322 // if width or height are below 50, they are set to 50
323 function generateImages(width, height) {
324 // sanitize input
325 width = parseInt(width);
326 height = parseInt(height);
327 if (isNaN(width)) width = 100;
328 if (isNaN(height)) height = 100;
329 // Give a minimum size of 50x50
330 width = Math.max(width, 50);
331 height = Math.max(height, 50);
333 var imgDiv = document.getElementById('myImages');
334 imgDiv.innerHTML = ''; // clear out the old images, if any
335 var db = myDiagram.documentBounds;
336 var boundswidth = db.width;
337 var boundsheight = db.height;
338 var imgWidth = width;
339 var imgHeight = height;
340 var p = db.position;
341 for (var i = 0; i &lt; boundsheight; i += imgHeight) {
342 for (var j = 0; j &lt; boundswidth; j += imgWidth) {
343 var img = myDiagram.makeImage({
344 scale: 1,
345 position: new go.Point(p.x + j, p.y + i),
346 size: new go.Size(imgWidth, imgHeight)
347 });
348 // Append the new HTMLImageElement to the #myImages div
349 img.className = 'images';
350 imgDiv.appendChild(img);
351 imgDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
352 }
353 }
354 }
356 var button = document.getElementById('makeImages');
357 button.addEventListener('click', function() {
358 var width = parseInt(document.getElementById('widthInput').value);
359 var height = parseInt(document.getElementById('heightInput').value);
360 generateImages(width, height);
361 }, false);
363 // Call it with some default values
364 generateImages(700, 960);
368 We want to show nothing but the images when this HTML page is printed, so we must use CSS rules to hide all page elements except the images themselves and the DOM parents of the images leading up to the body (#content, #myImages).
371 With the CSS below, printing this page will give yield nothing but the generated images that have been added to the end of this page. Typically the image or images used for printing may be hidden from the user completely, except when printing, or else added to a separate page in a new window.
373<pre class="lang-css" id="mycss"><code>
374/* @media print specifies CSS rules that only apply when printing */
375@media print {
376 /* CSS reset to clear styles for printing */
377 html, body, div {
378 margin: 0;
379 padding: 0;
380 border: 0;
381 font-size: 100%;
382 font: inherit;
383 vertical-align: baseline;
384 }
386 /* Hide everything on the page */
387 body * {
388 display: none;
389 }
391 #content, #myImages, #myImages * {
392 /* Only display the images we want printed */
393 /* all of the image's parent divs
394 leading up to the body must be un-hidden (displayed) too
395 */
396 display: block;
397 /* CSS reset to clear the specific visible divs for printing */
398 margin: 0;
399 padding: 0;
400 border: 0;
401 font-size: 100%;
402 font: inherit;
403 vertical-align: baseline;
404 }
406 /* We have line breaks in the DIV
407 to separate the images in the browser,
408 but do not want those line breaks when printing
409 */
410 #myImages br {
411 display: none;
412 }
414 img {
415 /* Only some browsers respect this rule: */
416 page-break-inside: avoid;
417 /* Almost all browsers respect this rule: */
418 page-break-after:always;
419 }
422/* The @page rules specify additional printing directives that browsers may respect
423 Here we suggest printing in landscape (instead of portrait) with a small margin.
424 Browsers, however, are free to ignore or override these suggestions.
425 See also:
426 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/CSS/@page
427 https://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-page/#at-page-rule
429@page {
430 /* Some browsers respect rules such as size: landscape */
431 margin: 1cm;
435 The images at the end of this page are generated by calling <code>generateImages(700, 960)</code>. Using the inputs below the images can be replaced with those of a different size. Different papers, page orientations, and margins will require different sized images if they are to fill the paper, and (700, 960) is a suggested size for 8.5 inch by 11 paper in portrait orientation, with minimal margins.
437<div style="border: 1px solid gray; padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px;">
438Width: <input id="widthInput" value="700" />
439Height: <input id="heightInput" value="960" />
440<button id="makeImages">Generate images for printing</button>
442<div id="myImages">
446 </div>
447 </div>
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563 for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) {
564 var dargs = d[i];
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566 }
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