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136<h1>Table Panels</h1>
138The "Table" Panel, <a>Panel,Table</a>, arranges objects in rows and columns.
141See samples that make use of tables in the <a href="../samples/index.html#tables">samples index</a>.
144<h2 id="SimpleTablePanels">Simple Table Panels</h2>
146Each object in a Table Panel is put into the cell indexed by the value of <a>GraphObject.row</a> and <a>GraphObject.column</a>.
147The panel will look at the rows and columns for all of the objects in the panel to determine how many rows and columns the table should have.
149<pre class="lang-js" id="simpleTable"><code>
150 diagram.add(
151 // all Parts are Panels
152 $(go.Part, go.Panel.Table, // or "Table"
153 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0\ncol 0",
154 { row: 0, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
155 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0\ncol 1",
156 { row: 0, column: 1, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
157 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 0",
158 { row: 1, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
159 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 2",
160 { row: 1, column: 2, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" })
161 ));
163<script>goCode("simpleTable", 600, 100)</script>
165Note that not every "cell" of the table needs to have a <a>GraphObject</a> in it.
168If there are multiple objects in a cell, they will probably overlap each other in the cell.
169By default objects are center-aligned in each cell.
171<pre class="lang-js" id="multipleInCell"><code>
172 diagram.add(
173 $(go.Part,
174 $(go.Panel, "Table",
175 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0\ncol 0",
176 { row: 0, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
177 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0 col 1\nyellow background",
178 // first object in the cell (row: 0, col: 1)
179 { row: 0, column: 1, margin: 2,
180 background: "yellow", stroke: "gray" }),
181 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0\ncol 1",
182 // second object in that cell overlaps the first one,
183 // the bigger yellow TextBlock
184 { row: 0, column: 1, margin: 2,
185 background: "transparent", stroke: "blue" }),
186 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 0",
187 { row: 1, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
188 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 2",
189 { row: 1, column: 2, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" })
190 )
191 ));
193<script>goCode("multipleInCell", 600, 100)</script>
196If a column or a row has no objects in it, that column or row is ignored.
198<pre class="lang-js" id="emptyColumns"><code>
199 diagram.add(
200 $(go.Part,
201 $(go.Panel, "Table",
202 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0\ncol 0",
203 { row: 0, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
204 $(go.TextBlock, "row 0\ncol 11", // column 11 -- nothing in columns 1-10
205 { row: 0, column: 11, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
206 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 0",
207 { row: 1, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
208 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 12", // column 12
209 { row: 1, column: 12, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" })
210 )
211 ));
213<script>goCode("emptyColumns", 600, 100)</script>
215<h2 id="SizingOfRowsOrColumns">Sizing of Rows or Columns</h2>
217The height of each row is normally determined by the greatest height of all of the objects in that row.
218Similarly, the width of each column is normally determined by the greatest width of all of the objects in that column.
219However you can provide row height or column width information for any row or column independent of any individual object
220by setting properties of the desired <a>RowColumnDefinition</a> of the Table panel.
223To fix a column width or a row height in code you can call <a>Panel.getColumnDefinition</a>
224or <a>Panel.getRowDefinition</a> and then set <a>RowColumnDefinition.width</a> or <a>RowColumnDefinition.height</a>.
225If you want to limit the width or height to certain ranges, set the <a>RowColumnDefinition.minimum</a> or <a>RowColumnDefinition.maximum</a>.
226If the maximum and the width or height conflict, the maximum takes precedence.
227For example, if the maximum is 70 but the natural value is 80, the actual value is limited to 70.
228If that value conflicts with the minimum, the minimum takes precedence.
229For example, if the minimum is 50 but the natural value is 40, the actual value is 50.
232This example demonstrates how the column width may be controlled.
234<pre class="lang-js" id="columnSizes"><code>
235 diagram.add(
236 $(go.Part,
237 $(go.Panel, "Table",
238 { defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left },
239 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 0, width: 100 }),
240 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 1, width: 100, minimum: 150 }),
241 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 2, width: 100, maximum: 50 }),
242 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 3, width: 100, minimum: 150, maximum: 50 }),
243 $(go.TextBlock, "Text Block",
244 { row: 0, column: 0, background: "green" }),
245 $(go.TextBlock, "Text Block",
246 { row: 0, column: 1, background: "red" }),
247 $(go.TextBlock, "Text Block",
248 { row: 0, column: 2, background: "yellow" }),
249 $(go.TextBlock, "Text Block",
250 { row: 0, column: 3, background: "red" }),
251 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
252 { row: 1, column: 0 },
253 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "green" }),
254 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
255 ),
256 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
257 { row: 1, column: 1 },
258 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "red" }),
259 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
260 ),
261 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
262 { row: 1, column: 2 },
263 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "yellow" }),
264 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
265 ),
266 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
267 { row: 1, column: 3 },
268 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "red" }),
269 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
270 ),
271 $(go.TextBlock, "width: 100", { row: 2, column: 0 }),
272 $(go.TextBlock, "min: 150", { row: 2, column: 1 }),
273 $(go.TextBlock, "max: 50", { row: 2, column: 2 }),
274 $(go.TextBlock, "min & max", { row: 2, column: 3 })
275 )
276 ));
278<script>goCode("columnSizes", 600, 120)</script>
280Note how the column with a minimum of 150 has a lot of extra space in it,
281and how the column with a maximum of 50 results in its elements being clipped.
284<h2 id="StretchAndAlignmente">Stretch and Alignment</h2>
286The size of a GraphObject in a Panel is determined by many factors.
287The <a>GraphObject.stretch</a> property specifies whether the width and/or height should take up all
288of the space given to it by the Panel.
289When the width and/or height is not stretched to fill the given space,
290the <a>GraphObject.alignment</a> property controls where the object is placed if it is smaller than available space.
291One may also stretch the width while aligning vertically, just as one may also
292stretch vertically while aligning along the X axis.
295The alignment value for a GraphObject, if not given by the value of GraphObject.alignment, may be inherited.
296If the object is in a Table Panel, the value may inherit from the <a>RowColumnDefinition.alignment</a>s of
297the row and of the column that the object is in.
298Finally the value may be inherited from the <a>Panel.defaultAlignment</a> property.
301The same inheritance is true for the stretch value for a GraphObject: <a>GraphObject.stretch</a>,
302<a>RowColumnDefinition.stretch</a>, and finally <a>Panel.defaultStretch</a>.
305<h3 id="AlignmentInColumns">Alignment in Columns</h3>
306<pre class="lang-js" id="columns"><code>
307 diagram.add(
308 $(go.Part,
309 $(go.Panel, "Table",
310 { defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left },
311 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 0, width: 200 }),
312 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { column: 1, width: 15 }),
313 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
314 { row: 0, column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Left },
315 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightblue" }),
316 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
317 ),
318 $(go.TextBlock, "alignment: Left", { row: 0, column: 2 }),
319 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
320 { row: 1, column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
321 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightblue" }),
322 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
323 ),
324 $(go.TextBlock, "alignment: Center", { row: 1, column: 2 }),
325 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
326 { row: 2, column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Right },
327 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightblue" }),
328 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
329 ),
330 $(go.TextBlock, "alignment: Right", { row: 2, column: 2 }),
331 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
332 { row: 3, column: 0, stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal },
333 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "yellow" }),
334 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
335 ),
336 $(go.TextBlock, "stretch: Horizontal", { row: 3, column: 2 })
337 )
338 ));
340<script>goCode("columns", 600, 120)</script>
342<h3 id="AlignmentInRows">Alignment in Rows</h3>
343<pre class="lang-js" id="rows"><code>
344 diagram.add(
345 $(go.Part,
346 $(go.Panel, "Table",
347 { defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Top },
348 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { row: 0, height: 50 }),
349 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { row: 1, height: 15 }),
350 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
351 { row: 0, column: 0, alignment: go.Spot.Top },
352 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightblue" }),
353 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
354 ),
355 $(go.TextBlock, "alignment:\nTop", { row: 2, column: 0 }),
356 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
357 { row: 0, column: 1, alignment: go.Spot.Center},
358 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightblue" }),
359 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
360 ),
361 $(go.TextBlock, "alignment:\nCenter", { row: 2, column: 1 }),
362 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
363 { row: 0, column: 2, alignment: go.Spot.Bottom },
364 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightblue" }),
365 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
366 ),
367 $(go.TextBlock, "alignment:\nBottom", { row: 2, column: 2 }),
368 $(go.Panel, "Auto",
369 { row: 0, column: 3, stretch: go.GraphObject.Vertical },
370 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "yellow" }),
371 $(go.TextBlock, "Auto Panel")
372 ),
373 $(go.TextBlock, "stretch:\nVertical", { row: 2, column: 3 })
374 )
375 ));
377<script>goCode("rows", 600, 120)</script>
379<h2 id="SpanningRowsOrColumns">Spanning Rows or Columns</h2>
381An element in a Table Panel cell can cover more than one cell if you set the <a>GraphObject.rowSpan</a>
382or <a>GraphObject.columnSpan</a> properties.
383For example, if the value of GraphObject.columnSpan is greater than one, it specifies how many columns
384that object may cover, starting with the value of <a>GraphObject.column</a>, but excluding the column
385indexed by column + columnSpan.
387<pre class="lang-js" id="columnSpan"><code>
388 diagram.add(
389 $(go.Part,
390 $(go.Panel, "Table",
391 $(go.TextBlock, "Three Col Header", // spans all three columns
392 { row: 0, column: 0, columnSpan: 3, stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal,
393 margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
394 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 0",
395 { row: 1, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
396 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 1",
397 { row: 1, column: 1, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
398 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2\ncol 0",
399 { row: 2, column: 0, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
400 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2\ncol 2",
401 { row: 2, column: 2, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" })
402 )
403 ));
405<script>goCode("columnSpan", 600, 120)</script>
408Here is an example that includes both column spanning and row spanning.
410<pre class="lang-js" id="columnSpan2"><code>
411 diagram.add(
412 $(go.Part,
413 $(go.Panel, "Table",
414 $(go.TextBlock, "Greetings",
415 { row: 0, column: 0, columnSpan: 3, stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal,
416 margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
417 $(go.TextBlock, "numbers",
418 { row: 1, column: 0, rowSpan: 2, stretch: go.GraphObject.Vertical,
419 margin: 2, background: "lightgray", angle: 270 }),
420 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 1",
421 { row: 1, column: 1, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
422 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1\ncol 2",
423 { row: 1, column: 2, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
424 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2\ncol 1",
425 { row: 2, column: 1, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
426 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2\ncol 3",
427 { row: 2, column: 3, margin: 2, background: "lightgray" }),
428 $(go.TextBlock, "Signature",
429 { row: 3, column: 2, columnSpan: 2, stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal,
430 margin: 2, background: "lightgray" })
431 )
432 ));
434<script>goCode("columnSpan2", 600, 120)</script>
436<h2 id="SeparatorsAndRowColumnPadding">Separators and Row/Column Padding</h2>
438Table Panels also support the optional drawing of lines between rows or columns.
439The <a>RowColumnDefinition.separatorStrokeWidth</a> property controls the extra space that comes before a particular row or column.
440The <a>RowColumnDefinition.separatorStroke</a> and <a>RowColumnDefinition.separatorDashArray</a> control if and how a line is drawn.
443For example, if you want to treat the first row and the first column as "headers",
444you can separate them from the rest of the table by drawing a black line before row 1 and column 1.
446<pre class="lang-js" id="spacing"><code>
447 diagram.add(
448 $(go.Part, "Auto",
449 $(go.Shape, { fill: "white", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3 }),
450 $(go.Panel, "Table",
451 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 1",
452 { row: 0, column: 1, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
453 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 2",
454 { row: 0, column: 2, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
456 // drawn before row 1:
457 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
458 { row: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
459 // drawn before column 1:
460 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
461 { column: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
463 $(go.TextBlock, "One", { row: 1, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
464 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 1", { row: 1, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
465 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 2", { row: 1, column: 2, margin: 2 }),
466 $(go.TextBlock, "Two", { row: 2, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
467 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 1", { row: 2, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
468 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 2", { row: 2, column: 2, margin: 2 }),
469 $(go.TextBlock, "Three", { row: 3, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
470 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 1", { row: 3, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
471 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 2", { row: 3, column: 2, margin: 2 })
472 )
473 ));
475<script>goCode("spacing", 600, 150)</script>
478If you want to have a default separator between each row, set the default separator properties of the <a>Panel</a>. These properties are:
481 <li><a>Panel.defaultSeparatorPadding</a>
482 <li><a>Panel.defaultRowSeparatorStrokeWidth</a>
483 <li><a>Panel.defaultRowSeparatorStroke</a>
484 <li><a>Panel.defaultRowSeparatorDashArray</a>
485 <li><a>Panel.defaultColumnSeparatorStrokeWidth</a>
486 <li><a>Panel.defaultColumnSeparatorStroke</a>
487 <li><a>Panel.defaultColumnSeparatorDashArray</a>
490Any separator properties set on a particular RowColumnDefinition will take precedence over the default values provided on the Panel.
491This permits keeping the special black line separating the header row and header column from the rest.
493<pre class="lang-js" id="spacing2"><code>
494 diagram.add(
495 $(go.Part, "Auto",
496 $(go.Shape, { fill: "white", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3 }),
497 $(go.Panel, "Table",
498 // Set defaults for all rows and columns:
499 { defaultRowSeparatorStroke: "gray",
500 defaultColumnSeparatorStroke: "gray" },
502 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 1",
503 { row: 0, column: 1, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
504 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 2",
505 { row: 0, column: 2, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
507 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
508 { row: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
509 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
510 { column: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
512 $(go.TextBlock, "One", { row: 1, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
513 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 1", { row: 1, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
514 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 2", { row: 1, column: 2, margin: 2 }),
515 $(go.TextBlock, "Two", { row: 2, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
516 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 1", { row: 2, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
517 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 2", { row: 2, column: 2, margin: 2 }),
518 $(go.TextBlock, "Three", { row: 3, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
519 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 1", { row: 3, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
520 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 2", { row: 3, column: 2, margin: 2 })
521 )
522 ));
524<script>goCode("spacing2", 600, 150)</script>
527RowColumnDefinitions also have a <a>RowColumnDefinition.separatorPadding</a> property,
528which can be used to add extra space to rows or columns.
529When a <a>RowColumnDefinition.background</a> is set, it includes the padding in its area.
531<pre class="lang-js" id="padding"><code>
532 diagram.add(
533 $(go.Part, "Auto",
534 $(go.Shape, { fill: "white", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3 }),
535 $(go.Panel, "Table",
536 // Set defaults for all rows and columns:
537 { padding: 1.5,
538 defaultRowSeparatorStroke: "gray",
539 defaultColumnSeparatorStroke: "gray",
540 defaultSeparatorPadding: new go.Margin(18, 0, 8, 0) },
542 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 1",
543 { row: 0, column: 1, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
544 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 2",
545 { row: 0, column: 2, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
547 // Override the panel's default padding on the first row
548 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { row: 0, separatorPadding: 0 }),
550 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
551 { row: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
552 $(go.RowColumnDefinition, { row: 2, background: 'lightblue' }),
554 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
555 { column: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
556 $(go.TextBlock, "One", { row: 1, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
557 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 1", { row: 1, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
558 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 2", { row: 1, column: 2, margin: 2 }),
559 $(go.TextBlock, "Two", { row: 2, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
560 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 1", { row: 2, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
561 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 2", { row: 2, column: 2, margin: 2 }),
562 $(go.TextBlock, "Three", { row: 3, column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
563 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 1", { row: 3, column: 1, margin: 2 }),
564 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 2", { row: 3, column: 2, margin: 2 })
565 )
566 ));
568<script>goCode("padding", 600, 200)</script>
570<h2 id="TableRowsAndTableColumns">TableRows and TableColumns</h2>
572To avoid having to specify the row for each object, you can make use of a special Panel that can only be used in Table Panels,
573the <a>Panel,TableRow</a> panel type. Put all of the objects for each row into a TableRow Panel.
574You will still need to specify the column for each object in each row.
576<pre class="lang-js" id="spacing3"><code>
577 diagram.add(
578 $(go.Part, "Auto",
579 $(go.Shape, { fill: "white", stroke: "gray", strokeWidth: 3 }),
580 $(go.Panel, "Table",
581 // Set defaults for all rows and columns:
582 { defaultRowSeparatorStroke: "gray",
583 defaultColumnSeparatorStroke: "gray" },
584 $(go.Panel, "TableRow", { row: 0 },
585 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 1",
586 { column: 1, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 }),
587 $(go.TextBlock, "Header 2",
588 { column: 2, font: "bold 10pt sans-serif", margin: 2 })),
589 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
590 { row: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
591 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
592 { column: 1, separatorStrokeWidth: 1.5, separatorStroke: "black" }),
593 $(go.Panel, "TableRow", { row: 1 },
594 $(go.TextBlock, "One", { column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
595 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 1", { column: 1, margin: 2 }),
596 $(go.TextBlock, "row 1 col 2", { column: 2, margin: 2 })
597 ),
598 $(go.Panel, "TableRow", { row: 2 },
599 $(go.TextBlock, "Two", { column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
600 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 1", { column: 1, margin: 2 }),
601 $(go.TextBlock, "row 2 col 2", { column: 2, margin: 2 })
602 ),
603 $(go.Panel, "TableRow", { row: 3 },
604 $(go.TextBlock, "Three", { column: 0, stroke: "green", margin: 2 }),
605 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 1", { column: 1, margin: 2 }),
606 $(go.TextBlock, "row 3 col 2", { column: 2, margin: 2 })
607 )
608 )
609 ));
611<script>goCode("spacing3", 600, 150)</script>
613The same kind of organization is also possible with columns by using <a>Panel,TableColumn</a> Panels.
616<h2 id="Examples">Examples</h2>
618 In this example the first column spans two rows, because <a>GraphObject.rowSpan</a> is 2 on the <a>Picture</a>.
621 The second column (column #1) has a <a>RowColumnDefinition.minimum</a> width of 100,
622 so that column is at least that wide even if the elements in that column's cells are narrower.
625 The first column only takes as much width as it naturally needs and any excess width is given to the second column.
626 This occurs because the <a>RowColumnDefinition</a> for column #0 has <a>RowColumnDefinition.sizing</a> set to None.
627 The same is true for the first row -- any extra height is given to the second row.
630 There is a column separator line just before the second column, and there is a row separator just before
631 the second row because the respective <a>RowColumnDefinition.separatorStroke</a> properties have been set
632 to a color. But the row separator is not visible in the first column because that column's definition
633 sets <a>RowColumnDefinition.background</a> to "white" and sets <a>RowColumnDefinition.coversSeparators</a> to true.
635<pre class="lang-js" id="example1"><code>
636 diagram.nodeTemplate =
637 $(go.Node, "Auto",
638 { resizable: true, minSize: new go.Size(162, 62) },
639 $(go.Shape, { fill: "white" }),
640 $(go.Panel, "Table",
641 { stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill, margin: 0.5 },
643 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
644 { column: 0, sizing: go.RowColumnDefinition.None, background: "white", coversSeparators: true }),
645 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
646 { column: 1, minimum: 100, background: "white", separatorStroke: "black" }),
647 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
648 { row: 0, sizing: go.RowColumnDefinition.None }),
649 $(go.RowColumnDefinition,
650 { row: 1, separatorStroke: "black" }),
652 $(go.Picture,
653 { row: 0, column: 0, rowSpan: 2, width: 48, height: 48, margin: 6 },
654 new go.Binding("source", "pic")),
655 $(go.TextBlock,
656 { row: 0, column: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Horizontal, margin: 2, textAlign: "center" },
657 new go.Binding("text", "text1")),
658 $(go.TextBlock,
659 { row: 1, column: 1, stretch: go.GraphObject.Fill, margin: 2, textAlign: "center" },
660 new go.Binding("text", "text2"))
661 ),
662 );
664 diagram.model.nodeDataArray = [
665 {
666 pic: "../samples/images/hs1.jpg",
667 text1: "top",
668 text2: "bottom gets extra space"
669 },
670 {
671 pic: "../samples/images/hs2.jpg",
672 text1: "top has more description that wraps",
673 text2: "node is taller due to more text"
674 }
675 ]
677<script>goCode("example1", 600, 200)</script>
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