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135<a>Tool</a>s handle all of the input events.
136There are many kinds of predefined Tool classes that implement all of the common operations that users do.
139For flexibility and simplicity, all input events are canonicalized as <a>InputEvent</a>s and
140redirected by the diagram to go to the <a>Diagram.currentTool</a>.
141By default the Diagram.currentTool is an instance of <a>ToolManager</a> held as the <a>Diagram.toolManager</a>.
142The ToolManager implements support for all mode-less tools.
143The ToolManager is responsible for finding another tool that is ready to run and then making it the new current tool.
144This causes the new tool to process all of the input events (mouse, keyboard, and touch) until the tool decides that it is finished,
145at which time the diagram's current tool reverts back to the <a>Diagram.defaultTool</a>, which is normally the ToolManager, again.
148Although the terminology includes the word "mouse", often that refers to both mouse events and touch events.
151See samples that make use of <a>Tool</a>s in the <a href="../samples/index.html#tools">samples index</a>.
154<h2 id="PredefinedTools">Predefined Tools</h2>
156Each <a>Diagram</a> has an instance of most of the tool classes, all managed by the diagram's <a>ToolManager</a>.
157If you want to change the interactive behavior, in many common cases you may be able to do so by setting properties
158on the <a>Diagram</a>, on your <a>Part</a>s, or on individual <a>GraphObject</a>s.
159But more generally you may need to modify one or more of the tools, which are accessible as properties of the <a>Diagram.toolManager</a>.
163Some tools want to run when a mouse-down occurs. These tools include:
166 <li><a>ToolManager.actionTool</a>, an <a>ActionTool</a>, for allowing "buttons" and other <a>GraphObject</a>s to grab events from the regular tools</li>
167 <li><a>ToolManager.relinkingTool</a>, a <a>RelinkingTool</a>, for reconnecting an existing <a>Link</a></li>
168 <li><a>ToolManager.linkReshapingTool</a>, a <a>LinkReshapingTool</a>, for changing the route of a <a>Link</a></li>
169 <li><a>ToolManager.resizingTool</a>, a <a>ResizingTool</a>, for changing the <a>GraphObject.desiredSize</a> of a <a>Part</a> or an object within a <a>Part</a></li>
170 <li><a>ToolManager.rotatingTool</a>, a <a>RotatingTool</a>, for changing the <a>GraphObject.angle</a> of a <a>Part</a> or an object within a <a>Part</a></li>
174Some tools want to run when a mouse-move occurs after a mouse-down. These tools include:
177 <li><a>ToolManager.linkingTool</a>, a <a>LinkingTool</a>, for drawing a new <a>Link</a></li>
178 <li><a>ToolManager.draggingTool</a>, a <a>DraggingTool</a>, for moving or copying selected <a>Part</a>s</li>
179 <li><a>ToolManager.dragSelectingTool</a>, a <a>DragSelectingTool</a>, for rubber-band selection of some <a>Part</a>s within a rectangular area</li>
180 <li><a>ToolManager.panningTool</a>, a <a>PanningTool</a>, for panning/scrolling the diagram</li>
184Some tools only want to run upon a mouse-up event after a mouse-down. These tools include:
187 <li><a>ToolManager.contextMenuTool</a>, a <a>ContextMenuTool</a>, for showing a context menu for a <a>GraphObject</a></li>
188 <li><a>ToolManager.textEditingTool</a>, a <a>TextEditingTool</a>, for in-place editing of <a>TextBlock</a>s in selected <a>Part</a>s</li>
189 <li><a>ToolManager.clickCreatingTool</a>, a <a>ClickCreatingTool</a>, for inserting a new <a>Part</a> when the user clicked</li>
190 <li><a>ToolManager.clickSelectingTool</a>, a <a>ClickSelectingTool</a>, for selecting or de-selecting a <a>Part</a></li>
194To change the behavior of a tool, you may be able to set properties on the tool, on the <a>Diagram</a>, on a particular <a>Part</a>,
195or on a particular <a>GraphObject</a>.
198 <li>For example, to disable the rubber-band selection tool (<a>DragSelectingTool</a>), set
199 <code>diagram.toolManager.dragSelectingTool.isEnabled = false;</code>.</li>
200 <li>You can change the appearance of a selected Part (actually its selection Adornment) by setting <a>Part.selectionAdornmentTemplate</a>.
201 (See <a href="selection.html">Selection</a> for more discussion.)</li>
202 <li>You can enable users to draw new links interactively (<a>LinkingTool</a>) by
203setting <a>GraphObject.fromLinkable</a> and <a>GraphObject.toLinkable</a> on the port objects of your nodes.</li>
204 <li>You can disable the movement of a Part (<a>DraggingTool</a>), including Nodes and Groups, by setting <a>Part.movable</a> to false.</li>
205 <li>You can limit the movement of a Part by setting <a>Part.minLocation</a> and/or <a>Part.maxLocation</a>.
206 For more general limitations, set <a>Part.dragComputation</a> to a function that computes the desired new location.</li>
207 <li>You can disable resizing any part (<a>ResizingTool</a>) by setting <a>Diagram.allowResize</a> to false.</li>
208 <li>Tooltips, implemented by the <a>ToolManager</a>, are discussed in <a href="toolTips.html">ToolTips</a>.</li>
209 <li>Context menus, implemented by the <a>ContextMenuTool</a>, are discussed in <a href="contextMenus.html">Context Menus</a>.</li>
212More detail is available in the section about <a href="permissions.html">Permissions</a>.
215Some commonly set properties include:
218 <li>Enable inserting parts via double-clicking by the <a>ClickCreatingTool</a> by setting <a>ClickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData</a> to a node data object.</li>
219 <li>Control what parts become selected by <a>DragSelectingTool</a> by setting <a>DragSelectingTool.isPartialInclusion</a>.</li>
220 <li>Customize the link data that is copied when a new link is drawn by <a>LinkingTool</a> by setting <a>LinkingTool.archetypeLinkData</a>.</li>
221 <li>Limit how parts are resized by the <a>ResizingTool</a> by setting <a>ResizingTool.cellSize</a>,
222 <a>ResizingTool.maxSize</a>, or <a>ResizingTool.minSize</a>.</li>
223 <li>Limit how parts are rotated by the <a>RotatingTool</a> by setting <a>RotatingTool.snapAngleEpsilon</a> or
224 <a>RotatingTool.snapAngleMultiple</a>.</li>
227Remember that all of the individual tools are available via the <a>Diagram.toolManager</a>.
228For example, to enable the <a>ClickCreatingTool</a>:
230<pre class="lang-js"><code>
231 myDiagram.toolManager.clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData =
232 { key: "Node", text: "some description", color: "green" };
235You can also set tool properties when using <a>GraphObject,make</a> to define your <a>Diagram</a>:
237<pre class="lang-js"><code>
238 var diagram =
239 $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
240 {
241 allowCopy: false,
242 "grid.visible": true,
243 "grid.gridCellSize": new go.Size(30, 20),
244 "clickCreatingTool.archetypeNodeData": // a node data JavaScript object
245 { key: "Node", text: "some description", color: "green" },
246 "dragSelectingTool.box": // an unbound Part
247 $(go.Part, { layerName: "Tool" },
248 $(go.Shape, { name: "SHAPE", fill: null, stroke: "blue", strokeWidth: 3 }) ),
249 "draggingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,
250 "linkReshapingTool.handleArchetype": // a GraphObject that is copied for each handle
251 $(go.Shape, { width: 10, height: 10, fill: "yellow" }),
252 "resizingTool.isGridSnapEnabled": true,
253 "rotatingTool.snapAngleMultiple": 90,
254 "rotatingTool.snapAngleEpsilon": 45
255 }
256 );
259At this time the syntax for setting properties on predefined subobjects only works for the <a>Diagram</a> class.
262<h2 id="ToolLifecycle">The Tool Lifecycle</h2>
263<p>While each prebuilt tool in GoJS is used for a different purpose, all Tools are guaranteed to share some functions and properties.
264 All tools share a general "lifecycle" -- that is, the order in which these common functions are called. One can think of this
265 cycle as "starting" when the ToolManager is alerted of some input event and begins searching through the pertinent list of tools (i.e.,
266 if the mouse-down event is registered, ToolManager starts searching its <a>ToolManager.mouseDownTools</a> list). Below is a diagram
267 representing the general lifecycle of a tool.
268 <pre class="lang-js" id="toolLifecycle" style="display: none"><code>
269 diagram.nodeTemplate =
270 $(go.Node, "Auto", { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
271 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
272 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "lightgreen", stroke: "lightgray" },
273 new go.Binding("fill", "color")),
274 $(go.TextBlock,
275 {
276 margin: 8,
277 wrap: go.TextBlock.WrapFit,
278 width: 170,
279 font: "bold 10pt sans-serif",
280 textAlign: "center"
281 },
282 new go.Binding("text"))
283 );
285 diagram.linkTemplate =
286 $(go.Link,
287 new go.Binding("curve"),
288 $(go.Shape),
289 $(go.Shape, // the arrowhead
290 { toArrow: "OpenTriangle", fill: null }),
291 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 1, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,0) },
292 new go.Binding("text"),
293 new go.Binding("segmentOffset"),
294 new go.Binding("segmentOrientation"))
295 );
297 diagram.model =
298 $(go.GraphLinksModel,
299 {
300 nodeDataArray:
301 [
302 { key: 1, text: "ToolManager receives mouse event and searches a tool list such as mouseDownTools", loc: "50 0" },
303 { key: 2, text: "tool.canStart()", loc: "50 100", color: "lightyellow" },
304 { key: 3, text: "toolManager.currentTool = the chosen tool", loc: "50 200" },
305 { key: 4, text: "tool.doStart()", loc: "50 275", color: "lightyellow" },
306 { key: 5, text: "tool.doActivate()", loc: "50 350", color: "lightyellow" },
307 { key: 6, text: "isActive === true", loc: "50 425" },
308 { key: 7, text: "tool.doMouseDown() or\ntool.doMouseMove() or\ntool.doMouseUp() or\ntool.doMouseWheel() or\ntool.doKeyDown() or\ntool.doKeyUp()",
309 loc: "-200 500", color: "lightyellow" },
310 { key: 8, text: "tool.doCancel()", loc: "250 500", color: "lightyellow" },
311 { key: 9, text: "tool.stopTool()", loc: "50 575", color: "lightyellow" },
312 { key: 10, text: "toolManager.currentTool = toolManager.defaultTool", loc: "50 650" },
313 { key: 11, text: "tool.doDeactivate()", loc: "50 725", color: "lightyellow" },
314 { key: 12, text: "tool.doStop()", loc: "50 800", color: "lightyellow" }
315 ],
316 linkDataArray:
317 [
318 { from: 1, to: 2, text: "on each tool call", segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,-50) },
319 { from: 2, to: 3, text: "if it returns true", segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,-50) },
320 { from: 3, to: 4 },
321 { from: 4, to: 5 },
322 { from: 5, to: 6 },
323 { from: 6, to: 7, text: "Receives input", curve: go.Link.Bezier, segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientOpposite, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,10) },
324 { from: 7, to: 6, text: "Input is not terminal", curve: go.Link.Bezier, segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,10) },
325 { from: 7, to: 9, text: "Input is terminal", segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,10) },
326 { from: 6, to: 8, text: "User cancels tool", segmentOrientation: go.Link.OrientAlong, segmentOffset: new go.Point(0,-10)},
327 { from: 8, to: 9 },
328 { from: 9, to: 10 },
329 { from: 10, to: 11 },
330 { from: 11, to: 12 },
331 ]
332 }
333 );
335<script>goCode("toolLifecycle", 700, 900)</script>
337 For more information on how these specific functions work, see the <a>Tool</a> documentation.
341<h2 id="ToolsAndAdornments">Tools and Adornments</h2>
343<a>Adornment</a>s are used for more than indicating that a <a>Part</a> is selected.
344Each <a>Tool</a> that is in the <a>ToolManager.mouseDownTools</a> list
345(in other words, any mode-less tool that is started with a mouse-down or finger-down event)
346gets the opportunity to add its own Adornments for its own purposes when a Part is selected.
349<h3 id="ResizingTool">ResizingTool</h3>
351When a <a>Part</a> is resizable, the <a>ResizingTool</a> adds an <a>Adornment</a> containing eight
352resize handles, four at the corners and four at the middles of the sides.
355If you want to let the user resize the whole node, just set <a>Part.resizable</a> to true.
356In this case resizing will set the Node's <a>GraphObject.desiredSize</a>.
358<pre class="lang-js" id="resizing"><code>
359 diagram.add(
360 $(go.Node, "Auto",
361 { resizable: true },
362 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "orange" }),
363 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 5 })
364 ));
365 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
367<script>goCode("resizing", 600, 100)</script>
370If you want the user to resize a particular object within the node,
371you need to name that object and assign <a>Part.resizeObjectName</a>.
372Resizing will set the <a>Part.resizeObject</a>'s <a>GraphObject.desiredSize</a>,
373in this case the Shape's desiredSize.
375<pre class="lang-js" id="resizingObject"><code>
376 diagram.add(
377 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
378 { resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE", // resize the Shape, not the Node
379 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
380 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
381 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30 }),
382 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
383 ));
384 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
386<script>goCode("resizingObject", 600, 100)</script>
389You can limit the minimum and maximum size for the resized object by setting
390<a>GraphObject.maxSize</a> and <a>GraphObject.minSize</a>.
391Note that these GraphObject properties are set on the <a>Part.resizeObject</a>, not on the <a>Part</a> itself.
393<pre class="lang-js" id="resizingMaxMin"><code>
394 diagram.add(
395 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
396 { resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE",
397 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
398 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
399 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30,
400 // limit size by setting or binding maxSize and/or minSize
401 maxSize: new go.Size(100, 40), minSize: new go.Size(20, 20) }),
402 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
403 ));
404 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
406<script>goCode("resizingMaxMin", 600, 100)</script>
409You can also cause resizing to be multiples of a given size by setting <a>Part.resizeCellSize</a>.
411<pre class="lang-js" id="resizingCellSize"><code>
412 diagram.add(
413 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
414 { resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE",
415 resizeCellSize: new go.Size(10, 10), // new size will be multiples of resizeCellSize
416 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
417 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
418 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30,
419 maxSize: new go.Size(100, 40), minSize: new go.Size(20, 20) }),
420 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
421 ));
422 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
424<script>goCode("resizingCellSize", 600, 100)</script>
427When an object is resizable, it is commonplace to try to remember the new size by updating the model data, so that it can be saved and loaded later.
428This can be accomplished with a TwoWay <a>Binding</a> on the <a>GraphObject.desiredSize</a> property.
429But note that the binding needs to be on the actual GraphObject that is resized, not on the whole Node.
430In this case, because the <a>Part.resizeObjectName</a> is referring to a Shape, that means the binding needs to be on the Shape.
432<pre class="lang-js" id="resizingObjectBinding"><code>
433 diagram.add(
434 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
435 { resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE",
436 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
437 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
438 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30 },
439 // TwoWay Binding of the desiredSize
440 new go.Binding("desiredSize", "size", go.Size.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Size.stringify)),
441 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
442 ));
443 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
445<script>goCode("resizingObjectBinding", 600, 100)</script>
448You can customize the resize handles by setting <a>Part.resizeAdornmentTemplate</a>.
449For example, to allow the user to only change the width of a Shape in a Node,
450the <a>Adornment</a> should have only two resize handles: one at the left and one at the right.
451The Adornment is implemented as a Spot Panel that surrounds a <a>Placeholder</a>,
452representing the adorned Shape, with two rectangular blue Shapes, each representing a handle.
453There is also a TextBlock placed above the adorned shape showing the shape's current width.
455<pre class="lang-js" id="resizingTemplate"><code>
456 diagram.add(
457 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
458 { resizable: true, resizeObjectName: "SHAPE",
459 resizeAdornmentTemplate: // specify what resize handles there are and how they look
460 $(go.Adornment, "Spot",
461 $(go.Placeholder), // takes size and position of adorned object
462 $(go.Shape, "Circle", // left resize handle
463 { alignment: go.Spot.Left, cursor: "col-resize",
464 desiredSize: new go.Size(9, 9), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "dodgerblue" }),
465 $(go.Shape, "Circle", // right resize handle
466 { alignment: go.Spot.Right, cursor: "col-resize",
467 desiredSize: new go.Size(9, 9), fill: "lightblue", stroke: "dodgerblue" }),
468 $(go.TextBlock, // show the width as text
469 { alignment: go.Spot.Top, alignmentFocus: new go.Spot(0.5, 1, 0, -2),
470 stroke: "dodgerblue" },
471 new go.Binding("text", "adornedObject",
472 function(shp) { return shp.naturalBounds.width.toFixed(0); })
473 .ofObject())
474 ),
475 selectionAdorned: false }, // don't show selection Adornment, a rectangle
476 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
477 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30,
478 maxSize: new go.Size(100, 40), minSize: new go.Size(20, 20) }),
479 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
480 ));
481 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
483<script>goCode("resizingTemplate", 600, 100)</script>
485Note also that because <a>Part.selectionAdorned</a> is false, there is no blue rectangle default selection adornment.
488There are examples custom resizing tools defined in the samples and extensions directories:
489<a href="../extensions/FloorPlanEditor.html">Resize Multiple Tool (in Floor Plan Editor)</a>,
490<a href="../samples/swimLanes.html">Lane Resizing Tool (in Swim Lanes)</a>, and
491<a href="../samples/swimLanesVertical.html">Lane Resizing Tool (in Swim Lanes Vertical)</a>.
494<h3 id="RotatingTool">RotatingTool</h3>
496When a <a>Part</a> is rotatable, the <a>RotatingTool</a> adds an <a>Adornment</a> containing one
497rotate handle a short distance from the object at the object's angle.
498Since the default <a>GraphObject.angle</a> is zero, the rotate handle typically starts to the right of the object.
501If you want to let the user rotate the whole node, just set <a>Part.rotatable</a> to true.
502Rotating will set the Node's <a>GraphObject.angle</a>.
504<pre class="lang-js" id="rotating"><code>
505 diagram.add(
506 $(go.Node, "Auto",
507 { rotatable: true, locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
508 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "orange" }),
509 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 5 })
510 ));
511 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
513<script>goCode("rotating", 600, 150)</script>
516If you want the user to rotate a particular object within the node,
517you need to name that object and assign <a>Part.rotateObjectName</a>.
518Rotating will set the <a>Part.rotateObject</a>'s <a>GraphObject.angle</a>,
519in this case the Shape's angle.
521<pre class="lang-js" id="rotatingObject"><code>
522 diagram.add(
523 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
524 { rotatable: true, rotateObjectName: "SHAPE", // rotate the Shape, not the Node
525 locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "SHAPE",
526 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
527 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
528 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30 }),
529 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
530 ));
531 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
533<script>goCode("rotatingObject", 600, 150)</script>
536When an object is rotatable, it is commonplace to try to remember the new angle by updating the model data, so that it can be saved and loaded later.
537This can be accomplished with a TwoWay <a>Binding</a> on the <a>GraphObject.angle</a> property.
538But note that the binding needs to be on the actual GraphObject that is rotated, not on the whole Node.
539In this case, because the <a>Part.rotateObjectName</a> is referring to a Shape, that means the binding needs to be on the Shape.
541<pre class="lang-js" id="rotatingObjectBinding"><code>
542 diagram.add(
543 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
544 { rotatable: true, rotateObjectName: "SHAPE",
545 locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "SHAPE",
546 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
547 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
548 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30 },
549 new go.Binding("angle").makeTwoWay()), // TwoWay Binding of angle
550 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
551 ));
552 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
554<script>goCode("rotatingObjectBinding", 600, 150)</script>
557Another common customization is to position the rotate handle above the object when it is not rotated,
558i.e. when its <a>GraphObject.angle</a> is zero.
559This is accomplished by setting <a>RotatingTool.handleAngle</a> to 270.
561<pre class="lang-js" id="rotatingToolAngle"><code>
562 diagram.add(
563 $(go.Node, "Auto",
564 { rotatable: true, locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
565 new go.Binding("angle").makeTwoWay(), // TwoWay Binding of Node.angle
566 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "orange" }),
567 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 5 })
568 ));
569 diagram.toolManager.rotatingTool.handleAngle = 270;
570 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
572<script>goCode("rotatingToolAngle", 600, 150)</script>
575You can customize the rotate handle by setting <a>Part.rotateAdornmentTemplate</a>.
577<pre class="lang-js" id="rotatingTemplate"><code>
578 diagram.add(
579 $(go.Node, "Vertical",
580 { rotatable: true, rotateObjectName: "SHAPE",
581 locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "SHAPE",
582 rotateAdornmentTemplate: // specify appearance of rotation handle
583 $(go.Adornment,
584 { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center },
585 $(go.Shape, "BpmnActivityLoop",
586 { width: 12, height: 12, cursor: "pointer",
587 background: "transparent", stroke: "dodgerblue", strokeWidth: 2 })),
588 selectionObjectName: "SHAPE" },
589 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
590 { name: "SHAPE", fill: "orange", width: 50, height: 30 }),
591 $(go.TextBlock, "Hello!", { margin: 3 })
592 ));
593 diagram.commandHandler.selectAll();
595<script>goCode("rotatingTemplate", 600, 150)</script>
597There are example custom rotating tools defined in the samples and extensions directories:
598<a href="../extensions/FloorPlanEditor.html">Rotate Multiple Tool (in Floor Plan Editor)</a> and
599<a href="../samples/seatingChart.html">Horizontal Text Rotating Tool (in Seating Chart)</a>.
602<h3 id="RelinkingTool">RelinkingTool</h3>
604When a <a>Link</a> is <a>Link.relinkableFrom</a> and/or <a>Link.relinkableTo</a>,
605the <a>RelinkingTool</a> adds one or two <a>Adornment</a>s,
606a diamond at each relinkable end of a selected link.
607The user can drag a relinking handle to reconnect that end of the link to another port.
610The <a>RelinkingTool</a> will automatically update the relationships between the nodes/ports,
611both in the diagram and in the model. No <a>Binding</a>s are needed for such model updates.
613<pre class="lang-js" id="relinking"><code>
614 diagram.nodeTemplate =
615 $(go.Node, "Auto",
616 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle",
617 { fill: "lightgray", portId: "", fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true }),
618 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5},
619 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
620 );
622 diagram.linkTemplate =
623 $(go.Link,
624 { relinkableFrom: true, relinkableTo: true },
625 $(go.Shape),
626 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
627 );
629 var nodeDataArray = [
630 { key: "Alpha" }, { key: "Beta" }, { key: "Gamma" }, { key: "Delta" }
631 ];
632 var linkDataArray = [
633 { from: "Alpha", to: "Delta" }
634 ];
635 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel(nodeDataArray, linkDataArray);
637 diagram.select(diagram.findLinkForData(linkDataArray[0]));
639<script>goCode("relinking", 600, 150)</script>
641The relinking handles can be customized by setting <a>RelinkingTool.fromHandleArchetype</a>
642and <a>RelinkingTool.toHandleArchetype</a>.
643At the current time they cannot be customized by setting a property on the Link.
646You can limit which pairs of ports between which the user may draw new links or reconnect existing links.
647This topic is covered by <a href="validation.html">Link Validation</a>.
650<h3 id="LinkReshapingTool">LinkReshapingTool</h3>
652When a <a>Link</a> is <a>Part.reshapable</a>, the <a>LinkReshapingTool</a> adds an <a>Adornment</a>
653with several reshape handles at the interior points of a selected link's route.
654When the user drags a reshape handle, the route of the Link, held by <a>Link.points</a>, is modified.
657When a link is reshapable, it is commonplace to try to remember the new route by updating the link data
658in the <a>GraphLinksModel</a>, so that it can be saved and loaded later.
659This can be accomplished with a TwoWay <a>Binding</a> on the <a>Link.points</a> property.
660If one also uses the property name "points" on the link data, <a>Model.toJson</a> will
661automatically convert the <a>List</a> of <a>Point</a>s into an Array of numbers and vice-versa.
663<pre class="lang-js" id="linkReshaping"><code>
664 diagram.nodeTemplate =
665 $(go.Node, "Auto",
666 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
667 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
668 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5},
669 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
670 );
672 diagram.linkTemplate =
673 $(go.Link,
674 { reshapable: true, routing: go.Link.Orthogonal },
675 new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(), // TwoWay Binding of Link.points
676 $(go.Shape),
677 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
678 );
680 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel([
681 { key: "Alpha", loc: "0 0" },
682 { key: "Beta", loc: "200 50" }
683 ], [
684 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
685 ]);
687 diagram.select(diagram.findLinkForData(diagram.model.linkDataArray[0]));
689<script>goCode("linkReshaping", 600, 150)</script>
691The reshape handles are small blue squares.
692The reshape handles can be customized by setting <a>LinkReshapingTool.handleArchetype</a>.
693At the current time they cannot be customized by setting a property on the Link.
696By setting <a>Link.resegmentable</a> to true, users can add or remove segments from links.
697The resegmenting handles are even smaller blue diamonds at the middle of each segment.
698When the user drags a resegmenting handle, a new segment is inserted into the link's route.
699For orthogonal links, two new segments are introduced in order to maintain orthogonality.
700When the user reshapes the link so that adjacent segments are co-linear (or nearly so),
701the segment(s) are removed from the route.
703<pre class="lang-js" id="linkResegmenting"><code>
704 diagram.nodeTemplate =
705 $(go.Node, "Auto",
706 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
707 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
708 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5},
709 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
710 );
712 diagram.linkTemplate =
713 $(go.Link,
714 { reshapable: true, resegmentable: true, routing: go.Link.Orthogonal },
715 new go.Binding("points").makeTwoWay(), // TwoWay Binding of Link.points
716 $(go.Shape),
717 $(go.Shape, { toArrow: "Standard" })
718 );
720 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel([
721 { key: "Alpha", loc: "0 0" },
722 { key: "Beta", loc: "200 50" }
723 ], [
724 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
725 ]);
727 diagram.select(diagram.findLinkForData(diagram.model.linkDataArray[0]));
729<script>goCode("linkResegmenting", 600, 150)</script>
731The resegmenting handles can be customized by setting <a>LinkReshapingTool.midHandleArchetype</a>.
732At the current time they cannot be customized by setting a property on the Link.
733Also at the current time resegmenting is not supported on Bezier-curved links.
736If you want your users to be able to reshape Shape geometries that are not Link paths,
737there is the <a href="../extensions/GeometryReshapingTool.js">Geometry Reshaping Tool</a>
738used by the <a href="../extensions/PolygonDrawing.html">Polygon Drawing</a> and
739<a href="../extensions/FreehandDrawing.html">Freehand Drawing</a> samples in the extensions directory.
740It is defined in a separate JS file that you can load into your app.
744<h2 id="ToolsAndToolParts">Tools and Tool Parts</h2>
746Some tools make use of special <a>Part</a>s that they add to the "Tool" <a>Layer</a> as feedback during the tool's operation.
749<h3 id="DragSelectingTool">DragSelectingTool</h3>
751The <a>DragSelectingTool</a> uses the <a>DragSelectingTool.box</a> to show the area in which it will select Parts.
752Normally this is a simple magenta rectangular shape. You can change it. For example here is a drag-selecting box
753that is in the shape of a blue-outlined cloud.
755<pre class="lang-js" id="dragSelecting"><code>
756 diagram.nodeTemplate =
757 $(go.Node, "Auto",
758 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
759 $(go.Shape, "Rectangle", { fill: "lightgray" }),
760 $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 5},
761 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
762 );
764 diagram.toolManager.dragSelectingTool.isPartialInclusion = true;
765 diagram.toolManager.dragSelectingTool.box =
766 $(go.Part,
767 { layerName: "Tool" },
768 $(go.Shape, "Cloud",
769 { name: "SHAPE", fill: null, stroke: "dodgerblue", strokeWidth: 2 })
770 );
772 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel([
773 { key: "Alpha", loc: "0 0" },
774 { key: "Beta", loc: "200 50" }
775 ], [
776 { from: "Alpha", to: "Beta" }
777 ]);
779<script>goCode("dragSelecting", 600, 200)</script>
781Note that the <a>DragSelectingTool</a> expects that the object in the "box" to be resized is named "SHAPE".
782The object should be rectangular too, or else the user might be misled by the area in which parts will be selected.
783Finally note also that the box is not an Adornment because it does not "adorn" any Part.
784It is just an unbound Part that is used temporarily by the DragSelectingTool.
787There are examples of in-the-background-dragging tools defined in the extensions directory:
788<a href="../extensions/RealtimeDragSelecting.html">Realtime Drag Selecting Tool</a>,
789<a href="../extensions/DragCreating.html">Drag Creating Tool</a>, and
790<a href="../extensions/DragZooming.html">Drag Zooming Tool</a>.
791Each is defined in a separate JS file that you can load into your app.
794<h3 id="LinkingToolAndRelinkingTool">LinkingTool and RelinkingTool</h3>
796The linking tools, <a>LinkingTool</a> and <a>RelinkingTool</a>, inherit from a base class, <a>LinkingBaseTool</a>,
797that uses several Parts: a temporary Link and temporary "to" and "from" Nodes.
800To customize the appearance and behavior of the temporary Link that is shown during a linking operation,
801you need to modify or replace the <a>LinkingBaseTool.temporaryLink</a>.
802The default temporary link is a blue line with a standard arrowhead.
803The originating port and the potential target port are shown by the <a>LinkingBaseTool.temporaryFromNode</a>
804and <a>LinkingBaseTool.temporaryToNode</a>.
805The default temporary ports are magenta rectangles.
807<pre class="lang-js" id="linkingTools"><code>
809 diagram.nodeTemplate =
810 $(go.Node, "Spot",
811 new go.Binding("location", "loc", go.Point.parse),
812 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
813 { width: 100, height: 40, fill: "lightyellow",
814 portId: "", fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true, cursor: "pointer" }),
815 $(go.TextBlock,
816 new go.Binding("text", "key"))
817 );
819 diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.temporaryLink =
820 $(go.Link,
821 { layerName: "Tool" },
822 $(go.Shape,
823 { stroke: "red", strokeWidth: 2, strokeDashArray: [4, 2] })
824 );
826 var tempfromnode =
827 $(go.Node,
828 { layerName: "Tool" },
829 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
830 { stroke: "chartreuse", strokeWidth: 3, fill: null,
831 portId: "", width: 1, height: 1 })
832 );
833 diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.temporaryFromNode = tempfromnode;
834 diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.temporaryFromPort = tempfromnode.port;
836 var temptonode =
837 $(go.Node,
838 { layerName: "Tool" },
839 $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
840 { stroke: "cyan", strokeWidth: 3, fill: null,
841 portId: "", width: 1, height: 1 })
842 );
843 diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.temporaryToNode = temptonode;
844 diagram.toolManager.linkingTool.temporaryToPort = temptonode.port;
846 diagram.model = new go.GraphLinksModel([
847 { key: "Alpha", loc: "0 0" },
848 { key: "Beta", loc: "200 50" },
849 { key: "Gamma", loc: "400 0" }
850 ]); // start off with no links
852<script>goCode("linkingTools", 600, 150)</script>
854Try drawing a link from one node to the other.
855You will notice that the nodes (actually the ports) are highlighted by the temporary nodes in chartreuse and cyan.
856The temporary link is a dashed red line without an arrowhead.
859If your app also supports relinking you will probably want to do the same customizations on the <a>RelinkingTool</a>.
862There are examples of linking tools defined in the samples and extensions directories:
863<a href="../extensions/PolylineLinking.html">Polyline Linking Tool</a>,
864<a href="../samples/sequenceDiagram.html">Messaging Tool (in Sequence Diagram)</a>, and
865<a href="../samples/sequenceDiagram.html">Custom Linking Tool (in Grafcet Diagram)</a>
868<h2 id="CustomTools">Custom Tools</h2>
870 The GoJS samples and extensions demonstrate a number of custom tools, including:
871 <ul style="margin-bottom: 70px;">
872 <li><a href="../extensions/FloorPlanEditor.html">Resize Multiple Tool (in Floor Plan Editor)</a>
873 <li><a href="../samples/swimLanes.html">Lane Resizing Tool (in Swim Lanes)</a>
874 <li><a href="../samples/swimLanesVertical.html">Lane Resizing Tool (in Swim Lanes Vertical)</a>
875 <li><a href="../extensions/FloorPlanEditor.html">Rotate Multiple Tool (in Floor Plan Editor)</a>
876 <li><a href="../samples/seatingChart.html">Horizontal Text Rotating Tool (in Seating Chart)</a>
877 <li><a href="../extensions/GeometryReshapingTool.js">Geometry Reshaping Tool</a>
878 used by the <a href="../extensions/PolygonDrawing.html">Polygon Drawing</a> <a href="../extensions/FreehandDrawing.html">Freehand Drawing</a>
879 <li><a href="../extensions/RealtimeDragSelecting.html">Realtime Drag Selecting Tool</a>
880 <li><a href="../extensions/DragCreating.html">Drag Creating Tool</a>
881 <li><a href="../extensions/DragZooming.html">Drag Zooming Tool</a>
882 <li><a href="../extensions/PolylineLinking.html">Polyline Linking Tool</a>
883 <li><a href="../samples/sequenceDiagram.html">Messaging Tool (in Sequence Diagram)</a>
884 <li><a href="../samples/sequenceDiagram.html">Custom Linking Tool (in Grafcet Diagram)</a>
885 </ul>
888 </div>
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