1.64 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "gojs",
3 "version": "2.1.54",
4 "description": "Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams",
5 "keywords": [ "diagram", "chart", "tree", "flowchart", "orgchart", "uml", "bpmn", "graph", "editor", "drawing", "canvas", "svg", "hierarchy", "family-tree", "decision-tree", "mindmap", "treeview", "genogram", "ivr-tree", "parse-tree", "concept-map", "visualization", "entity-relationship", "er-diagram", "radial", "sankey", "pert", "gantt", "timeline", "swimlane", "workflow", "flow", "process", "state", "sequential-function", "grafcet", "sequence", "circuit", "dataflow", "data-flow", "planogram", "floorplan", "seating", "pipes", "layout", "tree-layout", "force-directed", "layered", "hierarchical", "circular", "fishbone", "ishikawa", "treemap", "tree-map", "subgraph", "network", "library", "javascript", "js", "typescript", "html", "html5" ],
6 "homepage": "https://gojs.net",
7 "bugs": {
8 "url": "https://forum.nwoods.com/c/gojs",
9 "email": "gojs@nwoods.com"
10 },
11 "license": "SEE LICENSE IN license.html",
12 "author": "Northwoods Software",
13 "files": [
14 "package.json",
15 "index.html",
16 "README.md",
17 "api",
18 "assets",
19 "changelog.html",
20 "download.html",
21 "license.html",
22 "extensions",
23 "extensionsJSM",
24 "extensionsTS",
25 "intro",
26 "learn",
27 "projects",
28 "release",
29 "samples",
30 "samplesTS"
31 ],
32 "main": "release/go.js",
33 "typings": "release/go.d.ts",
34 "repository": {
35 "type": "git",
36 "url": "https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS"
37 }
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