13.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Gaxios, GaxiosOptions, GaxiosPromise, GaxiosResponse } from 'gaxios';
2import { Credentials } from './credentials';
3import { AuthClient, AuthClientOptions } from './authclient';
4import { BodyResponseCallback, Transporter } from '../transporters';
5import { GetAccessTokenResponse, Headers } from './oauth2client';
6import { SnakeToCamelObject } from '../util';
8 * Offset to take into account network delays and server clock skews.
9 */
10export declare const EXPIRATION_TIME_OFFSET: number;
12 * The credentials JSON file type for external account clients.
13 * There are 3 types of JSON configs:
14 * 1. authorized_user => Google end user credential
15 * 2. service_account => Google service account credential
16 * 3. external_Account => non-GCP service (eg. AWS, Azure, K8s)
17 */
18export declare const EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE = "external_account";
20 * Cloud resource manager URL used to retrieve project information.
21 *
22 * @deprecated use {@link BaseExternalAccountClient.cloudResourceManagerURL} instead
23 **/
24export declare const CLOUD_RESOURCE_MANAGER = "https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/";
26 * For backwards compatibility.
27 */
28export { DEFAULT_UNIVERSE } from './authclient';
30 * Shared options used to build {@link ExternalAccountClient} and
31 * {@link ExternalAccountAuthorizedUserClient}.
32 */
33export interface SharedExternalAccountClientOptions extends AuthClientOptions {
34 /**
35 * The Security Token Service audience, which is usually the fully specified
36 * resource name of the workload or workforce pool provider.
37 */
38 audience: string;
39 /**
40 * The Security Token Service token URL used to exchange the third party token
41 * for a GCP access token. If not provided, will default to
42 * 'https://sts.googleapis.com/v1/token'
43 */
44 token_url?: string;
47 * Interface containing context about the requested external identity. This is
48 * passed on all requests from external account clients to external identity suppliers.
49 */
50export interface ExternalAccountSupplierContext {
51 /**
52 * The requested external account audience. For example:
53 * * "//iam.googleapis.com/locations/global/workforcePools/$WORKFORCE_POOL_ID/providers/$PROVIDER_ID"
54 * * "//iam.googleapis.com/projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/locations/global/workloadIdentityPools/POOL_ID/providers/PROVIDER_ID"
55 */
56 audience: string;
57 /**
58 * The requested subject token type. Expected values include:
59 * * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"
60 * * "urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request"
61 * * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2"
62 * * "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token"
63 */
64 subjectTokenType: string;
65 /** The {@link Gaxios} or {@link Transporter} instance from
66 * the calling external account to use for requests.
67 */
68 transporter: Transporter | Gaxios;
71 * Base external account credentials json interface.
72 */
73export interface BaseExternalAccountClientOptions extends SharedExternalAccountClientOptions {
74 /**
75 * Credential type, should always be 'external_account'.
76 */
77 type?: string;
78 /**
79 * The Security Token Service subject token type based on the OAuth 2.0
80 * token exchange spec. Expected values include:
81 * * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt'
82 * * 'urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request'
83 * * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2'
84 * * 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token'
85 */
86 subject_token_type: string;
87 /**
88 * The URL for the service account impersonation request. This URL is required
89 * for some APIs. If this URL is not available, the access token from the
90 * Security Token Service is used directly.
91 */
92 service_account_impersonation_url?: string;
93 /**
94 * Object containing additional options for service account impersonation.
95 */
96 service_account_impersonation?: {
97 /**
98 * The desired lifetime of the impersonated service account access token.
99 * If not provided, the default lifetime will be 3600 seconds.
100 */
101 token_lifetime_seconds?: number;
102 };
103 /**
104 * The endpoint used to retrieve account related information.
105 */
106 token_info_url?: string;
107 /**
108 * Client ID of the service account from the console.
109 */
110 client_id?: string;
111 /**
112 * Client secret of the service account from the console.
113 */
114 client_secret?: string;
115 /**
116 * The workforce pool user project. Required when using a workforce identity
117 * pool.
118 */
119 workforce_pool_user_project?: string;
120 /**
121 * The scopes to request during the authorization grant.
122 */
123 scopes?: string[];
124 /**
125 * @example
126 * https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/
127 **/
128 cloud_resource_manager_url?: string | URL;
131 * Interface defining the successful response for iamcredentials
132 * generateAccessToken API.
133 * https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/reference/credentials/rest/v1/projects.serviceAccounts/generateAccessToken
134 */
135export interface IamGenerateAccessTokenResponse {
136 accessToken: string;
137 /**
138 * ISO format used for expiration time.
139 *
140 * @example
141 * '2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z'
142 */
143 expireTime: string;
146 * Interface defining the project information response returned by the cloud
147 * resource manager.
148 * https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/reference/rest/v1/projects#Project
149 */
150export interface ProjectInfo {
151 projectNumber: string;
152 projectId: string;
153 lifecycleState: string;
154 name: string;
155 createTime?: string;
156 parent: {
157 [key: string]: any;
158 };
161 * Internal interface for tracking the access token expiration time.
162 */
163interface CredentialsWithResponse extends Credentials {
164 res?: GaxiosResponse | null;
167 * Base external account client. This is used to instantiate AuthClients for
168 * exchanging external account credentials for GCP access token and authorizing
169 * requests to GCP APIs.
170 * The base class implements common logic for exchanging various type of
171 * external credentials for GCP access token. The logic of determining and
172 * retrieving the external credential based on the environment and
173 * credential_source will be left for the subclasses.
174 */
175export declare abstract class BaseExternalAccountClient extends AuthClient {
176 #private;
177 /**
178 * OAuth scopes for the GCP access token to use. When not provided,
179 * the default https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform is
180 * used.
181 */
182 scopes?: string | string[];
183 private cachedAccessToken;
184 protected readonly audience: string;
185 protected readonly subjectTokenType: string;
186 private readonly serviceAccountImpersonationUrl?;
187 private readonly serviceAccountImpersonationLifetime?;
188 private readonly stsCredential;
189 private readonly clientAuth?;
190 private readonly workforcePoolUserProject?;
191 projectNumber: string | null;
192 private readonly configLifetimeRequested;
193 protected credentialSourceType?: string;
194 /**
195 * @example
196 * ```ts
197 * new URL('https://cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/');
198 * ```
199 */
200 protected cloudResourceManagerURL: URL | string;
201 protected supplierContext: ExternalAccountSupplierContext;
202 /**
203 * Instantiate a BaseExternalAccountClient instance using the provided JSON
204 * object loaded from an external account credentials file.
205 * @param options The external account options object typically loaded
206 * from the external account JSON credential file. The camelCased options
207 * are aliases for the snake_cased options.
208 * @param additionalOptions **DEPRECATED, all options are available in the
209 * `options` parameter.** Optional additional behavior customization options.
210 * These currently customize expiration threshold time and whether to retry
211 * on 401/403 API request errors.
212 */
213 constructor(options: BaseExternalAccountClientOptions | SnakeToCamelObject<BaseExternalAccountClientOptions>, additionalOptions?: AuthClientOptions);
214 /** The service account email to be impersonated, if available. */
215 getServiceAccountEmail(): string | null;
216 /**
217 * Provides a mechanism to inject GCP access tokens directly.
218 * When the provided credential expires, a new credential, using the
219 * external account options, is retrieved.
220 * @param credentials The Credentials object to set on the current client.
221 */
222 setCredentials(credentials: Credentials): void;
223 /**
224 * Triggered when a external subject token is needed to be exchanged for a GCP
225 * access token via GCP STS endpoint.
226 * This abstract method needs to be implemented by subclasses depending on
227 * the type of external credential used.
228 * @return A promise that resolves with the external subject token.
229 */
230 abstract retrieveSubjectToken(): Promise<string>;
231 /**
232 * @return A promise that resolves with the current GCP access token
233 * response. If the current credential is expired, a new one is retrieved.
234 */
235 getAccessToken(): Promise<GetAccessTokenResponse>;
236 /**
237 * The main authentication interface. It takes an optional url which when
238 * present is the endpoint being accessed, and returns a Promise which
239 * resolves with authorization header fields.
240 *
241 * The result has the form:
242 * { Authorization: 'Bearer <access_token_value>' }
243 */
244 getRequestHeaders(): Promise<Headers>;
245 /**
246 * Provides a request implementation with OAuth 2.0 flow. In cases of
247 * HTTP 401 and 403 responses, it automatically asks for a new access token
248 * and replays the unsuccessful request.
249 * @param opts Request options.
250 * @param callback callback.
251 * @return A promise that resolves with the HTTP response when no callback is
252 * provided.
253 */
254 request<T>(opts: GaxiosOptions): GaxiosPromise<T>;
255 request<T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, callback: BodyResponseCallback<T>): void;
256 /**
257 * @return A promise that resolves with the project ID corresponding to the
258 * current workload identity pool or current workforce pool if
259 * determinable. For workforce pool credential, it returns the project ID
260 * corresponding to the workforcePoolUserProject.
261 * This is introduced to match the current pattern of using the Auth
262 * library:
263 * const projectId = await auth.getProjectId();
264 * const url = `https://dns.googleapis.com/dns/v1/projects/${projectId}`;
265 * const res = await client.request({ url });
266 * The resource may not have permission
267 * (resourcemanager.projects.get) to call this API or the required
268 * scopes may not be selected:
269 * https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/reference/rest/v1/projects/get#authorization-scopes
270 */
271 getProjectId(): Promise<string | null>;
272 /**
273 * Authenticates the provided HTTP request, processes it and resolves with the
274 * returned response.
275 * @param opts The HTTP request options.
276 * @param reAuthRetried Whether the current attempt is a retry after a failed attempt due to an auth failure.
277 * @return A promise that resolves with the successful response.
278 */
279 protected requestAsync<T>(opts: GaxiosOptions, reAuthRetried?: boolean): Promise<GaxiosResponse<T>>;
280 /**
281 * Forces token refresh, even if unexpired tokens are currently cached.
282 * External credentials are exchanged for GCP access tokens via the token
283 * exchange endpoint and other settings provided in the client options
284 * object.
285 * If the service_account_impersonation_url is provided, an additional
286 * step to exchange the external account GCP access token for a service
287 * account impersonated token is performed.
288 * @return A promise that resolves with the fresh GCP access tokens.
289 */
290 protected refreshAccessTokenAsync(): Promise<CredentialsWithResponse>;
291 /**
292 * Returns the workload identity pool project number if it is determinable
293 * from the audience resource name.
294 * @param audience The STS audience used to determine the project number.
295 * @return The project number associated with the workload identity pool, if
296 * this can be determined from the STS audience field. Otherwise, null is
297 * returned.
298 */
299 private getProjectNumber;
300 /**
301 * Exchanges an external account GCP access token for a service
302 * account impersonated access token using iamcredentials
303 * GenerateAccessToken API.
304 * @param token The access token to exchange for a service account access
305 * token.
306 * @return A promise that resolves with the service account impersonated
307 * credentials response.
308 */
309 private getImpersonatedAccessToken;
310 /**
311 * Returns whether the provided credentials are expired or not.
312 * If there is no expiry time, assumes the token is not expired or expiring.
313 * @param accessToken The credentials to check for expiration.
314 * @return Whether the credentials are expired or not.
315 */
316 private isExpired;
317 /**
318 * @return The list of scopes for the requested GCP access token.
319 */
320 private getScopesArray;
321 private getMetricsHeaderValue;