6.67 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
15Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
16exports.InvalidSubjectTokenError = exports.InvalidMessageFieldError = exports.InvalidCodeFieldError = exports.InvalidTokenTypeFieldError = exports.InvalidExpirationTimeFieldError = exports.InvalidSuccessFieldError = exports.InvalidVersionFieldError = exports.ExecutableResponseError = exports.ExecutableResponse = void 0;
17const SAML_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2';
18const OIDC_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE1 = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token';
19const OIDC_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE2 = 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt';
21 * Defines the response of a 3rd party executable run by the pluggable auth client.
22 */
23class ExecutableResponse {
24 /**
25 * Instantiates an ExecutableResponse instance using the provided JSON object
26 * from the output of the executable.
27 * @param responseJson Response from a 3rd party executable, loaded from a
28 * run of the executable or a cached output file.
29 */
30 constructor(responseJson) {
31 // Check that the required fields exist in the json response.
32 if (!responseJson.version) {
33 throw new InvalidVersionFieldError("Executable response must contain a 'version' field.");
34 }
35 if (responseJson.success === undefined) {
36 throw new InvalidSuccessFieldError("Executable response must contain a 'success' field.");
37 }
38 this.version = responseJson.version;
39 this.success = responseJson.success;
40 // Validate required fields for a successful response.
41 if (this.success) {
42 this.expirationTime = responseJson.expiration_time;
43 this.tokenType = responseJson.token_type;
44 // Validate token type field.
45 if (this.tokenType !== SAML_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE &&
46 this.tokenType !== OIDC_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE1 &&
47 this.tokenType !== OIDC_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE2) {
48 throw new InvalidTokenTypeFieldError("Executable response must contain a 'token_type' field when successful " +
50 }
51 // Validate subject token.
52 if (this.tokenType === SAML_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE) {
53 if (!responseJson.saml_response) {
54 throw new InvalidSubjectTokenError(`Executable response must contain a 'saml_response' field when token_type=${SAML_SUBJECT_TOKEN_TYPE}.`);
55 }
56 this.subjectToken = responseJson.saml_response;
57 }
58 else {
59 if (!responseJson.id_token) {
60 throw new InvalidSubjectTokenError("Executable response must contain a 'id_token' field when " +
62 }
63 this.subjectToken = responseJson.id_token;
64 }
65 }
66 else {
67 // Both code and message must be provided for unsuccessful responses.
68 if (!responseJson.code) {
69 throw new InvalidCodeFieldError("Executable response must contain a 'code' field when unsuccessful.");
70 }
71 if (!responseJson.message) {
72 throw new InvalidMessageFieldError("Executable response must contain a 'message' field when unsuccessful.");
73 }
74 this.errorCode = responseJson.code;
75 this.errorMessage = responseJson.message;
76 }
77 }
78 /**
79 * @return A boolean representing if the response has a valid token. Returns
80 * true when the response was successful and the token is not expired.
81 */
82 isValid() {
83 return !this.isExpired() && this.success;
84 }
85 /**
86 * @return A boolean representing if the response is expired. Returns true if the
87 * provided timeout has passed.
88 */
89 isExpired() {
90 return (this.expirationTime !== undefined &&
91 this.expirationTime < Math.round(Date.now() / 1000));
92 }
94exports.ExecutableResponse = ExecutableResponse;
96 * An error thrown by the ExecutableResponse class.
97 */
98class ExecutableResponseError extends Error {
99 constructor(message) {
100 super(message);
101 Object.setPrototypeOf(this, new.target.prototype);
102 }
104exports.ExecutableResponseError = ExecutableResponseError;
106 * An error thrown when the 'version' field in an executable response is missing or invalid.
107 */
108class InvalidVersionFieldError extends ExecutableResponseError {
110exports.InvalidVersionFieldError = InvalidVersionFieldError;
112 * An error thrown when the 'success' field in an executable response is missing or invalid.
113 */
114class InvalidSuccessFieldError extends ExecutableResponseError {
116exports.InvalidSuccessFieldError = InvalidSuccessFieldError;
118 * An error thrown when the 'expiration_time' field in an executable response is missing or invalid.
119 */
120class InvalidExpirationTimeFieldError extends ExecutableResponseError {
122exports.InvalidExpirationTimeFieldError = InvalidExpirationTimeFieldError;
124 * An error thrown when the 'token_type' field in an executable response is missing or invalid.
125 */
126class InvalidTokenTypeFieldError extends ExecutableResponseError {
128exports.InvalidTokenTypeFieldError = InvalidTokenTypeFieldError;
130 * An error thrown when the 'code' field in an executable response is missing or invalid.
131 */
132class InvalidCodeFieldError extends ExecutableResponseError {
134exports.InvalidCodeFieldError = InvalidCodeFieldError;
136 * An error thrown when the 'message' field in an executable response is missing or invalid.
137 */
138class InvalidMessageFieldError extends ExecutableResponseError {
140exports.InvalidMessageFieldError = InvalidMessageFieldError;
142 * An error thrown when the subject token in an executable response is missing or invalid.
143 */
144class InvalidSubjectTokenError extends ExecutableResponseError {
146exports.InvalidSubjectTokenError = InvalidSubjectTokenError;