3.13 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Example to test the React Reconciler. This example
2// is 100x faster in development mode,
3// and 1.5-2x faster with NODE_ENV==='production'
5// The idea was to not draw map children on hovers, but subscribe inside children on hover change
6// see ./markers/ReactiveMarker source
7import React from 'react';
8import {
9 compose,
10 defaultProps,
11 withHandlers,
12 withState,
13 withProps,
14 withPropsOnChange,
15} from 'recompose';
16import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
18import { susolvkaCoords, generateMarkers } from './data/fakeData';
20import GoogleMapReact from '../src';
21// import SimpleMarker from './markers/SimpleMarker';
22import ReactiveMarker from './markers/ReactiveMarker';
24import ptInBounds from './utils/ptInBounds';
25import props2Stream from './utils/props2Stream';
26import withStateSelector from './utils/withStateSelector';
28export const gMap = (
29 {
30 style,
31 hoverDistance,
32 options,
33 mapParams: { center, zoom },
34 onChange,
35 onChildMouseEnter,
36 onChildMouseLeave,
37 markers,
38 draggable,
39 }
40) => (
41 <GoogleMapReact
42 bootstrapURLKeys={{
43 key: 'AIzaSyBMqz4ueWMfGGqdXlvwE_cIVfar60GROi8',
44 }}
45 style={style}
46 options={options}
47 draggable={draggable}
48 hoverDistance={hoverDistance}
49 zoom={zoom}
50 center={center}
51 onChange={onChange}
52 onChildMouseEnter={onChildMouseEnter}
53 onChildMouseLeave={onChildMouseLeave}
54 experimental
55 >
56 {markers}
57 </GoogleMapReact>
60export const gMapHOC = compose(
61 defaultProps({
62 clusterRadius: 60,
63 hoverDistance: 30,
64 options: {
65 minZoom: 3,
66 maxZoom: 15,
67 },
68 style: {
69 position: 'relative',
70 margin: 0,
71 padding: 0,
72 flex: 1,
73 },
74 }),
75 // withState so you could change markers if you want
76 withStateSelector('markers', 'setMarkers', () =>
77 createSelector(
78 ({ route: { markersCount = 20 } }) => markersCount,
79 markersCount => generateMarkers(markersCount)
80 )),
81 withState('hoveredMarkerId', 'setHoveredMarkerId', -1),
82 withState('mapParams', 'setMapParams', { center: susolvkaCoords, zoom: 6 }),
83 // describe events
84 withHandlers({
85 onChange: ({ setMapParams }) =>
86 ({ center, zoom, bounds }) => {
87 setMapParams({ center, zoom, bounds });
88 },
89 onChildMouseEnter: ({ setHoveredMarkerId }) =>
90 (hoverKey, { id }) => {
91 setHoveredMarkerId(id);
92 },
93 onChildMouseLeave: ({ setHoveredMarkerId }) =>
94 () => {
95 setHoveredMarkerId(-1);
96 },
97 }),
98 withPropsOnChange(['markers', 'mapParams'], ({
99 markers,
100 mapParams: { bounds },
101 }) => ({
102 markers: bounds ? markers.filter(m => ptInBounds(bounds, m)) : [],
103 })),
104 withProps(({ hoveredMarkerId }) => ({
105 draggable: hoveredMarkerId === -1,
106 })),
107 props2Stream('hoveredMarkerId'),
108 withPropsOnChange(['markers', 'hoveredMarkerId$'], ({
109 markers,
110 hoveredMarkerId$,
111 }) => ({
112 markers: markers.map(({ ...markerProps, id }) => (
113 <ReactiveMarker
114 key={id}
115 id={id}
116 hoveredMarkerId$={hoveredMarkerId$}
117 {...markerProps}
118 />
119 )),
120 }))
123export default gMapHOC(gMap);