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1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { URL } from 'url';
3import { CancelError } from 'p-cancelable';
4import { CancelableRequest, Response, Options, NormalizedOptions, Defaults as DefaultOptions, PaginationOptions, ParseError, RequestError, CacheError, ReadError, HTTPError, MaxRedirectsError, TimeoutError, UnsupportedProtocolError, UploadError } from './as-promise';
5import Request from './core';
6declare type Except<ObjectType, KeysType extends keyof ObjectType> = Pick<ObjectType, Exclude<keyof ObjectType, KeysType>>;
7declare type Merge<FirstType, SecondType> = Except<FirstType, Extract<keyof FirstType, keyof SecondType>> & SecondType;
9Defaults for each Got instance.
11export interface InstanceDefaults {
12 /**
13 An object containing the default options of Got.
14 */
15 options: DefaultOptions;
16 /**
17 An array of functions. You execute them directly by calling `got()`.
18 They are some sort of "global hooks" - these functions are called first.
19 The last handler (*it's hidden*) is either `asPromise` or `asStream`, depending on the `options.isStream` property.
21 @default []
22 */
23 handlers: HandlerFunction[];
24 /**
25 A read-only boolean describing whether the defaults are mutable or not.
26 If set to `true`, you can update headers over time, for example, update an access token when it expires.
28 @default false
29 */
30 mutableDefaults: boolean;
31 _rawHandlers?: HandlerFunction[];
34A Request object returned by calling Got, or any of the Got HTTP alias request functions.
36export declare type GotReturn = Request | CancelableRequest;
38A function to handle options and returns a Request object.
39It acts sort of like a "global hook", and will be called before any actual request is made.
41export declare type HandlerFunction = <T extends GotReturn>(options: NormalizedOptions, next: (options: NormalizedOptions) => T) => T | Promise<T>;
43The options available for `got.extend()`.
45export interface ExtendOptions extends Options {
46 /**
47 An array of functions. You execute them directly by calling `got()`.
48 They are some sort of "global hooks" - these functions are called first.
49 The last handler (*it's hidden*) is either `asPromise` or `asStream`, depending on the `options.isStream` property.
51 @default []
52 */
53 handlers?: HandlerFunction[];
54 /**
55 A read-only boolean describing whether the defaults are mutable or not.
56 If set to `true`, you can update headers over time, for example, update an access token when it expires.
58 @default false
59 */
60 mutableDefaults?: boolean;
62export declare type OptionsOfTextResponseBody = Merge<Options, {
63 isStream?: false;
64 resolveBodyOnly?: false;
65 responseType?: 'text';
67export declare type OptionsOfJSONResponseBody = Merge<Options, {
68 isStream?: false;
69 resolveBodyOnly?: false;
70 responseType?: 'json';
72export declare type OptionsOfBufferResponseBody = Merge<Options, {
73 isStream?: false;
74 resolveBodyOnly?: false;
75 responseType: 'buffer';
77export declare type OptionsOfUnknownResponseBody = Merge<Options, {
78 isStream?: false;
79 resolveBodyOnly?: false;
81export declare type StrictOptions = Except<Options, 'isStream' | 'responseType' | 'resolveBodyOnly'>;
82export declare type StreamOptions = Merge<Options, {
83 isStream?: true;
85declare type ResponseBodyOnly = {
86 resolveBodyOnly: true;
88export declare type OptionsWithPagination<T = unknown, R = unknown> = Merge<Options, PaginationOptions<T, R>>;
90An instance of `got.paginate`.
92export interface GotPaginate {
93 /**
94 Returns an async iterator.
96 See pagination.options for more pagination options.
98 @example
99 ```
100 (async () => {
101 const countLimit = 10;
103 const pagination = got.paginate('https://api.github.com/repos/sindresorhus/got/commits', {
104 pagination: {countLimit}
105 });
107 console.log(`Printing latest ${countLimit} Got commits (newest to oldest):`);
109 for await (const commitData of pagination) {
110 console.log(commitData.commit.message);
111 }
112 })();
113 ```
114 */
115 each: (<T, R = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => AsyncIterableIterator<T>) & (<T, R = unknown>(options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => AsyncIterableIterator<T>);
116 /**
117 Returns a Promise for an array of all results.
119 See pagination.options for more pagination options.
121 @example
122 ```
123 (async () => {
124 const countLimit = 10;
126 const results = await got.paginate.all('https://api.github.com/repos/sindresorhus/got/commits', {
127 pagination: {countLimit}
128 });
130 console.log(`Printing latest ${countLimit} Got commits (newest to oldest):`);
131 console.log(results);
132 })();
133 ```
134 */
135 all: (<T, R = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => Promise<T[]>) & (<T, R = unknown>(options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>) => Promise<T[]>);
136 /**
137 Same as `GotPaginate.each`.
138 */
139 <T, R = unknown>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>): AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
140 /**
141 Same as `GotPaginate.each`.
142 */
143 <T, R = unknown>(options?: OptionsWithPagination<T, R>): AsyncIterableIterator<T>;
145export interface GotRequestFunction {
146 (url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfTextResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<string>>;
147 <T>(url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<T>>;
148 (url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfBufferResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<Buffer>>;
149 (url: string | URL, options?: OptionsOfUnknownResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response>;
150 (options: OptionsOfTextResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<string>>;
151 <T>(options: OptionsOfJSONResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<T>>;
152 (options: OptionsOfBufferResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response<Buffer>>;
153 (options: OptionsOfUnknownResponseBody): CancelableRequest<Response>;
154 (url: string | URL, options?: (Merge<OptionsOfTextResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<string>;
155 <T>(url: string | URL, options?: (Merge<OptionsOfJSONResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<T>;
156 (url: string | URL, options?: (Merge<OptionsOfBufferResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<Buffer>;
157 (options: (Merge<OptionsOfTextResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<string>;
158 <T>(options: (Merge<OptionsOfJSONResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<T>;
159 (options: (Merge<OptionsOfBufferResponseBody, ResponseBodyOnly>)): CancelableRequest<Buffer>;
160 (url: string | URL, options?: Merge<Options, {
161 isStream: true;
162 }>): Request;
163 (options: Merge<Options, {
164 isStream: true;
165 }>): Request;
166 (url: string | URL, options?: Options): CancelableRequest | Request;
167 (options: Options): CancelableRequest | Request;
170All available HTTP request methods provided by Got.
172export declare type HTTPAlias = 'get' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch' | 'head' | 'delete';
173interface GotStreamFunction {
174 (url: string | URL, options?: Merge<Options, {
175 isStream?: true;
176 }>): Request;
177 (options?: Merge<Options, {
178 isStream?: true;
179 }>): Request;
182An instance of `got.stream()`.
184export declare type GotStream = GotStreamFunction & Record<HTTPAlias, GotStreamFunction>;
186An instance of `got`.
188export interface Got extends Record<HTTPAlias, GotRequestFunction>, GotRequestFunction {
189 /**
190 Sets `options.isStream` to `true`.
192 Returns a [duplex stream](https://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_duplex) with additional events:
193 - request
194 - response
195 - redirect
196 - uploadProgress
197 - downloadProgress
198 - error
199 */
200 stream: GotStream;
201 /**
202 Returns an async iterator.
204 See pagination.options for more pagination options.
206 @example
207 ```
208 (async () => {
209 const countLimit = 10;
211 const pagination = got.paginate('https://api.github.com/repos/sindresorhus/got/commits', {
212 pagination: {countLimit}
213 });
215 console.log(`Printing latest ${countLimit} Got commits (newest to oldest):`);
217 for await (const commitData of pagination) {
218 console.log(commitData.commit.message);
219 }
220 })();
221 ```
222 */
223 paginate: GotPaginate;
224 /**
225 The Got defaults used in that instance.
226 */
227 defaults: InstanceDefaults;
228 /**
229 An error to be thrown when a cache method fails.
230 For example, if the database goes down or there's a filesystem error.
231 */
232 CacheError: typeof CacheError;
233 /**
234 An error to be thrown when a request fails.
235 Contains a `code` property with error class code, like `ECONNREFUSED`.
236 */
237 RequestError: typeof RequestError;
238 /**
239 An error to be thrown when reading from response stream fails.
240 */
241 ReadError: typeof ReadError;
242 /**
243 An error to be thrown when server response code is 2xx, and parsing body fails.
244 Includes a `response` property.
245 */
246 ParseError: typeof ParseError;
247 /**
248 An error to be thrown when the server response code is not 2xx nor 3xx if `options.followRedirect` is `true`, but always except for 304.
249 Includes a `response` property.
250 */
251 HTTPError: typeof HTTPError;
252 /**
253 An error to be thrown when the server redirects you more than ten times.
254 Includes a `response` property.
255 */
256 MaxRedirectsError: typeof MaxRedirectsError;
257 /**
258 An error to be thrown when given an unsupported protocol.
259 */
260 UnsupportedProtocolError: typeof UnsupportedProtocolError;
261 /**
262 An error to be thrown when the request is aborted due to a timeout.
263 Includes an `event` and `timings` property.
264 */
265 TimeoutError: typeof TimeoutError;
266 /**
267 An error to be thrown when the request body is a stream and an error occurs while reading from that stream.
268 */
269 UploadError: typeof UploadError;
270 /**
271 An error to be thrown when the request is aborted with `.cancel()`.
272 */
273 CancelError: typeof CancelError;
274 /**
275 Configure a new `got` instance with default `options`.
276 The `options` are merged with the parent instance's `defaults.options` using `got.mergeOptions`.
277 You can access the resolved options with the `.defaults` property on the instance.
279 Additionally, `got.extend()` accepts two properties from the `defaults` object: `mutableDefaults` and `handlers`.
281 It is also possible to merges many instances into a single one:
282 - options are merged using `got.mergeOptions()` (including hooks),
283 - handlers are stored in an array (you can access them through `instance.defaults.handlers`).
285 @example
286 ```js
287 const client = got.extend({
288 prefixUrl: 'https://example.com',
289 headers: {
290 'x-unicorn': 'rainbow'
291 }
292 });
294 client.get('demo');
296 // HTTP Request =>
297 // GET /demo HTTP/1.1
298 // Host: example.com
299 // x-unicorn: rainbow
300 ```
301 */
302 extend: (...instancesOrOptions: Array<Got | ExtendOptions>) => Got;
303 /**
304 Merges multiple `got` instances into the parent.
305 */
306 mergeInstances: (parent: Got, ...instances: Got[]) => Got;
307 /**
308 Extends parent options.
309 Avoid using [object spread](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax#Spread_in_object_literals) as it doesn't work recursively.
311 Options are deeply merged to a new object. The value of each key is determined as follows:
313 - If the new property is not defined, the old value is used.
314 - If the new property is explicitly set to `undefined`:
315 - If the parent property is a plain `object`, the parent value is deeply cloned.
316 - Otherwise, `undefined` is used.
317 - If the parent value is an instance of `URLSearchParams`:
318 - If the new value is a `string`, an `object` or an instance of `URLSearchParams`, a new `URLSearchParams` instance is created.
319 The values are merged using [`urlSearchParams.append(key, value)`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/URLSearchParams/append).
320 The keys defined in the new value override the keys defined in the parent value.
321 - Otherwise, the only available value is `undefined`.
322 - If the new property is a plain `object`:
323 - If the parent property is a plain `object` too, both values are merged recursively into a new `object`.
324 - Otherwise, only the new value is deeply cloned.
325 - If the new property is an `Array`, it overwrites the old one with a deep clone of the new property.
326 - Properties that are not enumerable, such as `context`, `body`, `json`, and `form`, will not be merged.
327 - Otherwise, the new value is assigned to the key.
329 **Note:** Only Got options are merged! Custom user options should be defined via [`options.context`](#context).
331 @example
332 ```
333 const a = {headers: {cat: 'meow', wolf: ['bark', 'wrrr']}};
334 const b = {headers: {cow: 'moo', wolf: ['auuu']}};
336 {...a, ...b} // => {headers: {cow: 'moo', wolf: ['auuu']}}
337 got.mergeOptions(a, b) // => {headers: {cat: 'meow', cow: 'moo', wolf: ['auuu']}}
338 ```
339 */
340 mergeOptions: (...sources: Options[]) => NormalizedOptions;
342export {};
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