5.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
5 trees - a module for trees in gramene
7 */
8var TreeModel = require('tree-model');
9var FlatToNested = require('flat-to-nested');
10var _ = require('lodash');
11var treemodelExtensions = require('./treemodelExtensions');
13module.exports = {
14 tree: function (taxonomy) {
15 function cleanUpProperties(taxonomy) {
16 return taxonomy.map(function (taxon) {
17 if (!taxon.is_a) {
18 if (taxon._id !== 1) {
19 throw new Error('unrooted node!');
20 }
21 }
22 if (taxon.hasOwnProperty('property_value')) {
23 taxon.rank = taxon.property_value.replace(/has_rank NCBITaxon:/,'');
24 }
25 return {
26 id: taxon._id,
27 parent: taxon.is_a ? taxon.is_a[0] : undefined,
28 rank: taxon.rank,
29 name: taxon.name,
30 synonyms: taxon.synonym || [],
31 geneCount: taxon.num_genes,
32 reactomePrefix: taxon.reactomePrefix
33 };
34 });
35 }
37 function createTree(nestedTaxa) {
38 function childNodeNameLexComparator(a, b) {
39 return a.name > b.name ? 1 : -1;
40 }
41 function childNodeGeneCountComparator(a, b) {
42 return a.geneCount < b.geneCount ? 1 : -1;
43 }
45 return new TreeModel({modelComparatorFn: childNodeGeneCountComparator}).parse(nestedTaxa);
46 }
48 function compressTreePaths(tree) {
49 tree.all(function (node) {
50 return !node.isRoot() && node.children.length === 1;
51 }).forEach(function (node) {
52 var parent = node.parent
53 , child = node.children[0];
55 parent.addChild(child);
56 node.drop();
58 // maintain the link from the compressed node to the parent
59 // (this is deleted in call to node.drop())
60 node.parent = parent;
61 node.compressed = true;
63 // Add compressed nodes to child and not parent
64 if (!child.compressedNodes) {
65 child.compressedNodes = [];
66 }
67 child.compressedNodes.push(node);
68 if (node.compressedNodes) {
69 child.compressedNodes = node.compressedNodes.concat(child.compressedNodes);
70 delete node.compressedNodes;
71 }
72 });
73 }
75 //function decorateTree(tree) {
76 // tree.lca = function lowestCommonAncestor(nodes) {
77 // var parentNodesInCommon = _.chain(nodes)
78 // .map(function (node) {
79 // return node.getPath();
80 // })
81 // .reduce(function (acc, nextPath) {
82 // return _.intersection(acc, nextPath)
83 // })
84 // .value();
85 // return parentNodesInCommon.pop();
86 // };
87 //
88 // tree.pathBetween = function pathBetweenNodes(from, to) {
89 //
90 // var lca, fromPath, toPath, fromLcaIdx, toLcaIdx, pathBetween;
91 //
92 // // find the lowest commen ancestor
93 // lca = tree.lca([from, to]);
94 //
95 // // get the full path from -> root, and reverse it
96 // fromPath = _(from.getPath().reverse());
97 //
98 // // get the full path to -> root
99 // toPath = _(to.getPath());
100 //
101 // // find the index of lca in fromPath and toPath
102 // fromLcaIdx = fromPath.findIndex(lca);
103 // toLcaIdx = toPath.findIndex(lca);
104 //
105 // // slice and combine the arrays to get the path between
106 // pathBetween = fromPath.slice(0, fromLcaIdx).concat(toPath.slice(toLcaIdx).value());
107 //
108 // return pathBetween.value();
109 // };
110 //}
111 //
112 //function addPrototypeDecorations(tree) {
113 // var prototree = Object.getPrototypeOf(tree);
114 //
115 // prototree.depth = function calculateEffectiveNodeDepth(includeCompressedNodes) {
116 // var path = this.getPath()
117 // , depth = path.length - 1
118 // , compressedDepth;
119 //
120 // if(includeCompressedNodes) {
121 // compressedDepth = _.reduce(path, function (acc, n) {
122 // return acc + (n.compressedNodes ? n.compressedNodes.length : 0);
123 // }, 0);
124 // depth += compressedDepth;
125 // }
126 //
127 // return depth;
128 // };
129 //
130 // prototree.pathTo = function(to) {
131 // return tree.pathBetween(this, to);
132 // };
133 //
134 // prototree.leafNodes = function findAllLeafNodes() {
135 // return this.all(function (node) { return !node.hasChildren(); });
136 // };
137 //
138 // prototree.lcaWith = function(otherNodes) {
139 // var nodes = _.clone(otherNodes);
140 // nodes.push(this);
141 // return tree.lca(nodes);
142 // }
143 //}
144 //
145 //function indexTree(tree, attrs) {
146 // tree.indices = _.chain(attrs)
147 // .map(function (attr) {
148 // var result = {_attr: attr};
149 // tree.walk(function (node) {
150 // result[node.model[attr]] = node;
151 // });
152 // return result;
153 // })
154 // .indexBy('_attr')
155 // .value();
156 //}
158 var taxa
159 , nestedTaxa
160 , tree;
162 taxa = cleanUpProperties(taxonomy);
163 nestedTaxa = new FlatToNested().convert(taxa);
164 tree = createTree(nestedTaxa);
165 treemodelExtensions.indexTree(tree, ['id', 'name']);
166 compressTreePaths(tree);
167 treemodelExtensions.decorateTree(tree);
168 treemodelExtensions.addPrototypeDecorations(tree);
170 return tree;
171 }
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