7.55 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () {
3 __assign = Object.assign || function(t) {
4 for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
5 s = arguments[i];
6 for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p))
7 t[p] = s[p];
8 }
9 return t;
10 };
11 return __assign.apply(this, arguments);
13Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
14var commander = require("commander");
15var graphql_config_1 = require("graphql-config");
16var fs_1 = require("fs");
17var path_1 = require("path");
18var cli_error_1 = require("./utils/cli-error");
19var YAML = require("json-to-pretty-yaml");
20function collect(val, memo) {
21 memo.push(val);
22 return memo;
24exports.initCLI = function (args) {
25 commander
26 .usage('gql-gen [options]')
27 .option('-s, --schema <path>', 'Path to GraphQL schema: local JSON file, GraphQL endpoint, local file that exports GraphQLSchema/AST/JSON')
28 .option('-cs, --clientSchema <path>', 'Path to GraphQL client schema: local JSON file, local file that exports GraphQLSchema/AST/JSON')
29 .option('-h, --header [header]', 'Header to add to the introspection HTTP request when using --url/--schema with url', collect, [])
30 .option('-t, --template <template-name>', 'Language/platform name templates, or a name of NPM modules that `export default` GqlGenConfig object')
31 .option('-p, --project <project-path>', 'Project path(s) to scan for custom template files')
32 .option('--config <json-file>', 'Codegen configuration file, defaults to: ./gql-gen.json')
33 .option('-m, --skip-schema', 'Generates only client side documents, without server side schema types')
34 .option('-c, --skip-documents', 'Generates only server side schema types, without client side documents')
35 .option('-o, --out <path>', 'Output file(s) path', String, './')
36 .option('-r, --require [require]', 'module to preload (option can be repeated)', collect, [])
37 .option('-ow, --no-overwrite', 'Skip file writing if the output file(s) already exists in path')
38 .option('-w, --watch', 'Watch for changes and execute generation automatically')
39 .option('--silent', 'Does not print anything to the console')
40 .option('-ms, --merge-schema <merge-logic>', 'Merge schemas with custom logic')
41 .arguments('<options> [documents...]')
42 .parse(args);
43 return commander;
45exports.validateCliOptions = function (options) {
46 var schema = options.schema;
47 var template = options.template;
48 var project = options.project;
49 if (!schema) {
50 try {
51 var graphqlProjectConfig = graphql_config_1.getGraphQLProjectConfig(project);
52 options.schema = graphqlProjectConfig.schemaPath;
53 }
54 catch (e) {
55 if (e instanceof graphql_config_1.ConfigNotFoundError) {
56 cli_error_1.cliError('Flag --schema is missing!');
57 }
58 }
59 }
60 if (!template && !project) {
61 cli_error_1.cliError('Please specify language/platform, using --template flag!');
62 }
64function transformTemplatesToPlugins(options, templateSpecificConfig) {
65 if (templateSpecificConfig === void 0) { templateSpecificConfig = {}; }
66 if (options.template === 'ts' ||
67 options.template === 'typescript' ||
68 options.template === 'graphql-codegen-typescript-template') {
69 return {
70 config: templateSpecificConfig,
71 plugins: [
72 templateSpecificConfig.printTime ? 'time' : null,
73 'typescript-common',
74 options.skipDocuments ? null : 'typescript-client',
75 options.skipSchema ? null : 'typescript-server'
76 ].filter(function (s) { return s; })
77 };
78 }
79 else if (options.template === 'typescript-resolvers' ||
80 options.template === 'graphql-codegen-typescript-resolvers-template') {
81 return {
82 config: templateSpecificConfig,
83 plugins: [templateSpecificConfig.printTime ? 'time' : null, 'typescript-common', 'typescript-resolvers'].filter(function (s) { return s; })
84 };
85 }
86 else if (options.template === 'typescript-mongodb' ||
87 options.template === 'graphql-codegen-typescript-mongodb-template') {
88 return {
89 config: templateSpecificConfig,
90 plugins: [
91 templateSpecificConfig.printTime ? 'time' : null,
92 'typescript-common',
93 'typescript-server',
94 'typescript-mongodb'
95 ].filter(function (s) { return s; })
96 };
97 }
98 else if (options.template === 'apollo-angular' || options.template === 'graphql-codegen-apollo-angular-template') {
99 return {
100 config: templateSpecificConfig,
101 plugins: [
102 templateSpecificConfig.printTime ? 'time' : null,
103 'typescript-common',
104 'typescript-client',
105 'typescript-apollo-angular'
106 ].filter(function (s) { return s; })
107 };
108 }
109 else if (options.template === 'react-apollo' ||
110 options.template === 'graphql-codegen-typescript-react-apollo-template') {
111 return {
112 config: templateSpecificConfig,
113 plugins: [
114 templateSpecificConfig.printTime ? 'time' : null,
115 'typescript-common',
116 'typescript-client',
117 'typescript-react-apollo'
118 ].filter(function (s) { return s; })
119 };
120 }
121 else if (options.template === 'introspection' || options.template === 'graphql-codegen-introspection-template') {
122 return {
123 config: templateSpecificConfig,
124 plugins: ['introspection'].filter(function (s) { return s; })
125 };
126 }
127 else if (options.template === 'graphql-files-typescript' ||
128 options.template === 'graphql-codegen-graphql-files-typescript-modules') {
129 return {
130 config: templateSpecificConfig,
131 plugins: ['typescript-graphql-files-modules'].filter(function (s) { return s; })
132 };
133 }
134 return { plugins: [] };
136function createConfigFromOldCli(options) {
137 var _a;
138 exports.validateCliOptions(options);
139 var rootConfig = {};
140 var configPath = options.config ? options.config : fs_1.existsSync(path_1.join(process.cwd(), './gql-gen.json'));
141 if (configPath && typeof configPath === 'string') {
142 var rawObj = JSON.parse(fs_1.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf-8'));
143 rootConfig = (rawObj || {}).generatorConfig || {};
144 }
145 var configObject = {
146 schema: [options.schema, options.clientSchema].filter(function (s) { return s; }),
147 documents: options.args || [],
148 config: rootConfig,
149 generates: (_a = {},
150 _a[options.out] = transformTemplatesToPlugins(options, __assign({}, rootConfig, (options.templateConfig || {}))),
151 _a),
152 silent: options.silent,
153 watch: options.watch,
154 require: options.require
155 };
156 console['warn']("\n Note: You are using the old API of graphql-code-generator. You can easily migrate by creating \"codegen.yml\" file in your project with the following content:\n \n" + YAML.stringify(configObject) + "\n\n Then, make sure that your script is executing just \"gql-gen\" (without any cli flags).\n ");
157 return configObject;
159exports.createConfigFromOldCli = createConfigFromOldCli;
160//# sourceMappingURL=old-cli-config.js.map
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