1 | # `graphql-codegen-core`
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3 | This package is in charge of converting `GraphQLSchema` and GraphQL client-side operations (query/mutation/subscription/fragment) into a template consumable JSON structure.
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5 | The entry points of this package are:
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7 | * `schemaToTemplateContext` - transforms `GraphQLSchema` into [`SchemaTemplateContext`](./src/types.ts#L78-L94) object.
8 | * `transformDocument` - transforms GraphQL `DocumentNode` (object that can contains multiple GraphQL operations and fragments) to [`Document`](./src/types.ts#L195-L200).
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10 | The purpose of the transformation is to simplify the links and connections between the GraphQL entities, and to add template indicators (`has...`, `is...`, `uses...`) to the context.
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12 | ## Build process
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14 | The build process of this package is based on TypeScript and compiled with `typescript` compiler.
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16 | To build this package, start by installing the package dependencies:
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18 | ```
19 | $ npm install
20 | // Or, with Yarn
21 | $ yarn
22 | ```
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24 | Then, you can use the existing NPM scripts to build the package:
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26 | ```
27 | $ npm build
28 | // Or, with Yarn
29 | $ yarn build
30 | ```