The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
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# graphql-config
[]( [](
> The README reflects the new [graphql-config protocol](
> Old graphql-config-parser documentation [can be found here](
The easiest way to configure your development environment with your GraphQL schema (supported by most tools, editors & IDEs)
## Supported by...
### Language Services
* [graphql-language-service]( - An interface for building GraphQL language services for IDEs (_pending_)
### Editors
* [js-graphql-intellij-plugin]( - GraphQL language support for IntelliJ IDEA and WebStorm, including Relay.QL tagged templates in JavaScript and TypeScript (_pending_)
* [atom-language-graphql]( - GraphQL support for Atom text editor (_pending_)
* [vscode-graphql]( - GraphQL support for VSCode text editor
### Tools
* [babel-plugin-react-relay]( - Babel compile step to process your `Relay.QL` queries (_pending_)
* [babel-plugin-transform-relay-hot]( - Wrapper under BabelRelayPlugin with hot reload (_pending_)
* [eslint-plugin-graphql]( - An ESLint plugin that checks tagged template strings against a GraphQL schema (_pending_)
* [webpack-plugin-graphql-schema-hot]( - Webpack plugin which tracks changes in your schema and generates its introspection in `json` and `txt` formats (_pending_)
> Did we forget a tool/editor? Please [add it here](
**[Go to `graphql-config` library docs](#graphql-config-api)**
## Usage
Install [`graphql-cli`]( and run `graphql init`. Answer a few simple questions and you are set up!
You can either configure your GraphQL endpoint via a configuration file `.graphqlconfig`
(or `.graphqlconfig.yaml`) which should be put into the root of your project
### Simplest use case
The simplest config specifies only `schemaPath` which is path to the file with introspection
results or corresponding SDL document
"schemaPath": "schema.graphql"
"schemaPath": "schema.json"
### Specifying includes/excludes files
You can specify which files are included/excluded using the corresponding options:
"schemaPath": "schema.graphql",
"includes": ["*.graphql"],
"excludes": ["temp/**"]
> Note: `excludes` and `includes` fields are globs that should match filename.
> So, just `temp` or `temp/` won't match all files inside the directory.
> That's why the example uses `temp/**`
#### Specifying endpoint info
You may specify your endpoints info in `.graphqlconfig` which may be used by some tools.
The simplest case:
"schemaPath": "schema.graphql",
"extensions": {
"endpoints": {
"dev": ""
In case you need provide additional information, for example headers to authenticate your GraphQL endpoint or
an endpoint for subscription, you can use expanded version:
"schemaPath": "schema.graphql",
"extensions": {
"endpoints": {
"dev": {
"url": "",
"headers": {
"Authorization": "Bearer ${env:AUTH_TOKEN_ENV}"
"subscription": {
"url": "ws://",
"connectionParams": {
"Token": "${env:YOUR_APP_TOKEN}"
> Note: do not save secure information in .graphqlconfig file. Use [Environment variables]( for that like in the example above.
In case if you have multiple endpoints use the following syntax:
"schemaPath": "schema.graphql",
"extensions": {
"endpoints": {
"prod": {
"url": "",
"subscription": {
"url": "wss://"
"dev": {
"url": "http://localhost:3000/graphql",
"subscription": {
"url": "ws://localhost:3001"
### Multi-project configuration (advanced)
__Refer to [specification use-cases]( for details__
## How it works
This project aims to be provide a unifying configuration file format to configure your GraphQL schema in your development environment.
Additional to the format specification, it provides the [`graphql-config`](#graphql-config-api) library, which is used by [all supported tools and editor plugins](#supported-by). The library reads your provided configuration and passes the actual GraphQL schema along to the tool which called it.
## `graphql-config` API
Here are very basic examples of how to use `graphql-config` library.
You can find **[the detailed documentation here](docs/)**
### getGraphQLProjectConfig
**NOTE:** if your tool works on per-file basis (e.g. editor plugin, linter, etc) use
[`getGraphQLConfig`](#getGraphQLConfig) function
`getGraphQLProjectConfig` should be used by tools that do not work on per-file basis
import { getGraphQLProjectConfig } from 'graphql-config'
const config = getGraphQLProjectConfig('./optionalProjectDir', 'optionalProjectName')
const schema = config.getSchema()
// use schema for your tool/plugin
### getGraphQLConfig
`getGraphQLConfig` should be used by tools that work on per-file basis (editor plugins,
linters, etc.)
import { getGraphQLConfig } from 'graphql-config'
const config = getGraphQLConfig('./optionalProjectDir')
const schema = config.getConfigForFile(filename).getSchema()
// use schema for your tool/plugin
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